VOLUME IV. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY 2O , 1886. NUMBER 51. DRY AND CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY ! We Have the Largest Assortment and will Guarantee Prices to be as Low as those at the Missouri River. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. MAIL ORDERS FILLED THE SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. W. C. LaTOURETTE & CO. iDEALERS INEE SHELF AN EAVY i i E- o CD C5 1 = ) HAR ARE ! STOVES AND TINWARE , BAR WIRE , STUDEBAKER WAGON , PLOWS , Etc. MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. P. L. McCRAQKElM , t Watchmaker and Jeweler v = | l l McCOOK , THR ONLY J00MPLETE ST00K i j IN THE WEST , AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES ! PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO THE OF FINE AND COMPLI- ! GATED WATCHES. ! ENGRAVING FREE. NRBRASKA. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S. L. LAWS , Eerier. C. F. BABCOCH , Sector. OFFICE HOUKS : Prom 9 A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. COCHRAN & HELM , Attorneys-at-Law& Gen'l Agents , McCOOK , : NEBRASKA. Prompt and careful attention Riven to Law Cases In all the Courts of the State and all classes of U. S. Land Business transacted before the local office at McCool : , Nebraska , and the Interior Department at Washington , D. C. Contests a specialty. Will pros ecute claims for Tensions and claims for Increase of Pensions. Notarial business done and lands bought and sold on reasonable terms. { 2 ? Office. 3d door south of the U. S. Land Office. 3.29 THOS. COLFCIt. J. A. COHDEAL. GOLFER & COIIDEAL , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , AND NOTARIES PUBLIC. Heal Estate nought and Sold and Collections Made. Thos. Golfer ngent Lincoln Land Co. Office , Opp. Chicago Lumber Yard , McCook. SNAYELY & STARR , ATTORNEYS : AT : LAW , -TNDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Office at MeCook and the department at Washington. HUGH VT. COLE. LEOX F. .MOSS. COLE & MOSS , LAWYERS , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts of Nebraska , Kansas and Colorado , and in the Federal Courts of the Eighth Circuit. Careful atten tion given to contest sand land business before theU. S. Land Oflices at MeCook. Oberlin and Denver , and the Interior Department at Wash ington. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Itooms 4 and 5 , First National Hank Building. H. F. WILLIAMS. L. L. HULBURO. J. N. LUCAS. WILLIAMS , HULBURD & LUCAS , LAWYERS , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. A.T. . AGEE. JOHN WILEY. AQEE & WILEY , Attorneys at Law , Land , Loan AND INSURANCE AGENTS. Will practice in the State and United State Courts , and before the U. S. Land Oflices. Careful attention given to Collections. Office over Green's Drug Store. Main St. , MeCook. H. T. ANDERSON , Loan Broker and Accountant , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Books opened , written up andadjusted. Of fice over First National Bank. 32-6mos. J. D. TURNER , LAND AND LOAN BROKER AXD NOTARY PUBLIC. "Special attention given to collections. Insurance in reliable companies. MONEY TO LOAN Os JJeeici Lazd asd Plaal Besslpts. UeCOOZ , MSB. GEO. VT. BEDE. K. JI. TAYLOH. G. W. BEDE & CO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS , U. S. LAND ATTORNEYS. t Claim relinqulshments for sale. Contest cases attended and a general land business transacted. Office , one block north of Post Office , McCook , Neb. 4.VOm DR. 2. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. "Office : Room No. 1. McCook Banking Company's BuildingResidence , 1st door east of Receiver Babcock's residence. DR. A. J. WILL BY , SURGEON B. & M. RAILROAD. [ OFFICE AT B. & JI. PHARMACY , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AIO ) AUEIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA ZSrOBice in Pnte's Brick. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Chenery & Stiles druu store. A KANSAS man , arrested for burgla ry , who attempted to prove an alibi by declaring that he had been out fish ing , failed because he could not produce the fish caught. Where did the Kansas court find a precedent for ruling that a man must produce a string of fish to prove he had been fishing. HERR , MOST , the "king of the anarch ists , " has eluded the clutches of the po lice for some time but was finally cap tured. When found he was hiding un der a bed in a house of prostitution. When the officer dragged him from him ignoble place of concealment he com menced his usual harangue about "lib erty. " lie is now enjoying the liberty of a prison cell. IT sometimes happens that the shear er returneth home shorn. An associa tion of eastern capitalists went into Kan sas and bought a lot of land right in the center of the state. They laid off a town and called it Kanapolis. They ad vertised it far and wide and whooped up things , to the enlivenment of local busi ness and the replenishment of the cof fers of divers newspapers. A great free excursion and free lunch were announc ed on the day of the grand sale of lots. The future metropolis of the west lay smiling and basking in the rays of the May sun. The crowd came and enjoyed the excursion and the lunch , and didn't buy a lot. One lot was knocked off to the capper who started it. THE problem of immigration has not been wisely or prudently treated by us. We have been too sentimental , too boast ful , too truthful. We have held that as a nation of freemen we ought to let the enslaved come tous , without hind rance , regardless of their character or purposes. We have believed that our undoubtedly glorious institutions would take care of themselves , and that our country was big enough for everybody. And we have cherished the foolish delu sion that the mere process of naturali zation would transform the worst that Europe could send us into material fit for our electorate. It is time to dismiss these childish notions and treat the question more rationally and sensibly. MR. HOSEFELD'S drugs and chemic als have proved more deadly and cer tainly more unerring in ttoeir aim than the bullets of the police. Nobody drank them who was an "innocent spectator * ' Every man who took poison in that apothecary shop stole it , and presuma bly those who emptied the bottles down their throats were foremost among the anarchists in the work of gutting the building. No sympathy need be wasted , therefore , on the dead and dying who fell in that engagement. They wanted nihilism and they found it labeled under strange names in bottles. They took it and it knocked them out. There are more things in chemistry than the pe- troleumite ; who prides himself on his knowledge of deadly compounds , ever dreamt of in his philosophy. Chicago Herald. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is without an equal for the cure of rheumatism , neuralgia , lame back , sprains and swellings. It is oulv f 0 cents per bottle. This medicine is a house- , hold favorite wherever known , and has often saved more than ten times its cost besides much pain and suffering. When yon want the best Liniment you have ever had in the house call at your dnig store for Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Sold by if. A. Spalding and WiUey & Walker. j LYTLE BROS. & CO , DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE. MARSNALLTOWN - : - BARBED - : - WIRE. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , ETC. , McCOOK AND BENKELMAN , NEBRASKA. Lndwick & Trowforidge , -PROPRIETORS OF THE- RURNFT.UR.R Of all descriptions. We have the best assortment in Western Nebraska , consisting of Fin ? Parlor Furniture , Mich as Lounges. Easy Chairs , Cockers , Window Chairs , Croups , Ottomans , etc. We offer .special indiiceiiK'iits in style , quality and prices of CHAMBER SUITES , In Walnut , Maple , Ash , Cherry and Imitation Mahogaiu. A No. Hedsteads , Bureaus , Side boards , Extension Tables Library Cases. .Secretaries. Ollice Desks. Tables and Stands. Also , full equipments for Homesteaders , at such prices as will be in reach of all ; Single Cot Beds ( Wire and Cotton Top ) , Pillows , Blankets and Quilts Chairs and Common Tables. Hotel and Public House Furniture a Specialty. Pier and .Mantel .Mirrors Window Shades and Cornices : i Specialty. Vctor springs adapted to the trade. UNDERTAKING In all its brancheWe handle Wood IJurial Caxoaud Caskets. Fine Cloth Covered Cases. Telegraph orders prompt ! } attended to. "ZST'Call on us. We guarantee low prices and a positive bargain. No. 25 South Main Ave , - McCOOK , NEB. The First National Bank ! OP McGOOK , NRBRASKA. 'PAID ' UP CAPITAL , - - $50,000.00. DOES A GENERAL - : - - : - BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the pricipal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GZ0203 SOIS1T2L , ErssiJsJt. A. CiiCBSLL , ? . L. B307aT , Cssiicr. 3. JI. FS22S. Tie-ediito. ) ( Of Freei & Hoctnell. ) ( AsiUtant Supt. B. 4 M. ) ( Of Klrby Carpenter Co. , Cblc g