The manager of tho Fort Wayne , Ind. , Gazette , Mr. B. M. Holmnn , says lie has often read ol the wonderful cures effected by St. Jacobs Oil. Recently he sprained his ankle , and invested in a cano and a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil. The latter proved the better investment , as it entirely cured his ankle. The Field of "Waterloo. On an eminence lookingdown on the duel of nations , astride his war horse , sur rounded by his staff , sits Wellington , field marshal of England. In his hand a glass , with which ho scans tho distant horizon. Now and again ho looks along the carnage wrecked plain , but again turns to tho far distance. Hark ! a bugle ! then a peal ; then ringing over all the field tho notes of the "Advance , " quickening to tho charge. Then , with a shout that fills tho air , with clash of sabro and thunder of horses' hoof , comes sweeping tho imperiallegion. Napol eon's invincibles , held in reserve by that marvelous genius till this hour. See how all melts before there onslaught. The al lied forces are hurled backed as from a re sistless storm of rushingdeath. Tho eagles again sweep tho field. All seems lost. Still the Iron Duko sits thereaud sweeps thedis- tance. Couriers come dashing with dis patches ; only a word for answer wait ! Then the glass sweeps the horizon again and then Wellington throws his hat after it , leaps from his horso and begins to write dispatches. What is it ? Why that cloud J. V yonder , , pufiing now with fire and smoke ; . thafc dark moss , defiling into tho plain at doublo quick , is the Prussian reserve. Bluclier has kept his promise. Waterloo is decided , and Napoleon's eagles go down forever. Col.Wm. Louis Schley , Grand Secretary I. 0. M. Grand Lodge , Maryland , found Red Star Cough Curo'a perfect and certain remedy. Prico , 25 cents a bottle. Mixture or Knees. In lecturing before the Scienco of Life Club , recently , Mr. Leander Thompson spoke of tho beneficial results likely to oc cur in this country from tho mistuic of races. lie said that ho was a great lover of coffee , and that he had found that ho could produce the finest flavor in making up this beverage by combining a little of each of a great variety of tho coffee berries grown in different countries. He said further that some of the bakers had discov ered that they could make very much bet ter bread by mixing different brands of flour. He then went on to say that every country on this planet was contributing to the population of America , and that all we needed was to give duo attention to tho laws governing Heredity , prenatal influ ences , etc. , to produce the most perfect specimens of mankind on tho face of tho globe. [ From Dr. Foote's Health Monthly. WIBERG'S WONDERFUL WINNING. He Xbw Has $3OOOO to His Credit in the First yatioiial Ban ! : of Omaha , Omaha ( Xeb. ) Republican. Apill 17th. It will be remembered that a few days ago we published the fact that Aug. Wiberg. 1431 South Tenth street , this city , held one-fifth of ticket 73,040 , which drew tho capital prize of § 150.000 , in the drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery , which took place at New Orleans , Tuesday , March 16th ; that , through Herman Kountzo , president of the First National Bank of Omaha , he had sent the ticket by tho United States express to the New Orleans National Bank , and through the latter had received a draft on New York for thirty thousand dollars. His draft was made on the Hanover National Bank and was sent to Kountze Bros. , New York city , for col lection. We were informed yesterday afc the First National Bank that the &um of thirty thousand dollars was received at that bank on Thursday from New York , 'and that it now stands to the credit of Mr. \ Wiberg , whom we heartily congratulate on his fortune and the ! great good , receipt o / the money. Needing renewed ntrcngtb , or who suffer Iron Inflrmltleo peculiar to their sex , ahould try THE BEST TONIC. This modicino combines Iron with pure Tegetabla tonics , and is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women , nnd all who lead sedentary lives. It En riches and 1'urifies tho Blond , stimulates the Appetite , strengthens the JHnscles and Nerves in fact , thoroughly Invigorates. Clears the complexion , and makes the skin smooth- . It does not blacken the teeth , cauee headache , or produce constipation alt other iron medictnet do. MBS. ALBERT LEESLET , Greenwood. Neb. , says ; " I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for Nervous De bility and have been creatly benefited. " MES. O. D. NEWELL , Phillips * Station , Neb. , says : " I was so weak and nervous that I could scarcely walk , had no appetite , and passed sleepless nights ; in fact , my life was a burden to me I tried many remedies , but without benefit. Three bottles of Brown's Iron Bitters have cured me. I cheerfully recommend it. " Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by WO\VX CHEMICAL CO. , BAX.TIMOKE , 3ID. MUSTAN Survival of the Fittest ! | A FAMILY MEDICINE TH1T HAS HEAtEDp JIILUOJiS DUKIXG 35 TEARS ! IAIJAUI FOR EVERT TVOUUTD OF ? aiAItl AA1 > BEAST I [ The Oldest & Best LinimentI EVEE 3IADE IN A3IERICA. SALES LATKgRTHANEVEB , . The Mexican Mustang liniment har-l ibeen known for more tlian thirty-flvel I years as the 6est of all liniments , foil I Han and Beast. Its sales to-day arc ! I larger than ever. It cureswhen alii I others fail , and penetrates skin , tendon ] land muscle , to tho very bone. Soldi everywhere. GEMS FROM CONFUCIUS. Soineoftlio Wise and Pithy of the .Famous Philosopher. His discrirainatioa of character is r.niply illustrated inthe * many wise and pithy sayings which he has bequeathed to us a few of which we have grouped together , as combining his ideal of how man should behave indifferent positions of life. Thus , he tells us how "a poor man who does not flatter , and a rich man who is not proud , are passable characters ; but they are not equal to the poor who yet aro cheerful , and the rich who yet love the rules of proprie ty. " "A good man in his conduct of himself is humble , in serving his supe riors he is respectful , in nourishing the people he is kind , in ordering the peo ple he is just. " Again , a man "is to think of virtue , and not of comfort ; of the sanctions of law , not ot gratiiica- tion. " And "what the superior man seeks is in himself ; what the small man thinks is in others. " He was iirmly convinced of its being more or less in the power of every man to acquire knowledge , and thereby wisdom. Hence , as Dr. Legge tells us in his "Life of Confucius" (18G7 ( , p. GO ) , "his house became a resort for young and inquir ing spirits who wished to learn the doc trines of antiquity. However small tho fee his pupils were able to afford , ho never refused his instructions. All that he required was an anlcnt desire for improvement and somi ! degree of capac ity. " Thus , to quote his own words , "i do not open up truth to one who is not eager to get knowledge , nor keep out one who is not anxious to explain himself. " By stimulating youth to study , he endeavored to create an in structed public opinion which should display an admiration for truth and goodness. That the same love of truth pervaded all his sentiments is exempli fied by a remark he one day made. "Shall I teach you what knowledge is ? " said he. ' 'When you know a thing , to hold that you know it , and when you do not know a thing , to allow that you do not know it ; that is knowledge. " His definition of hypocrites reminds us of their comparison to whited sepul- chers in the New Testament namely : "There maybe fair words and an hum ble countenance when there is little vir tue. " But lastly , it has often been urged that Confucius , in spite of his wisdom and the loftiness of his teach ing , had nothing to say about God or a future life. He preferred , however , to speak of heaven as in the following in stances : "He who offends against heaven has none to whom he can pray , " and "Alas ! " said he , "there is no ono that knows me. " But his friends re plied : "What do you mean by thus saying that no one knows you ? " Ho answered : "I do not murmur against heaven. I do not grumble against men. But there is heaven that knows me. " [ ndeed , it has been truly said that he was unreligious rather than irreligious. And if he had not a knowledge of a di vine ruler it was his misfortune , and arose from no desire to disparage relig ious belief of any kind , in short , as Mr. Clodd remarks , his omitting to speak about God "was not because ho was an unbeliever for he , of all men , had reverence for the sacred , unknown power that underlies all things but because his nature was so beauti fully simple and sincere that he would not pretend to knowledge of that which he felt was beyond human reach and thought. " But , nevertheless , one can not but regret that his teaching was not more distinctive in this respect , espe cially as it was destined to be such a mighty motive power in molding the Chinese character of untold generations. 2' Q. Tliisellon Dyer in The Quiver. The Clutch of ITonopoly. Do you know I never until recently felt the iron hand of a gigantic mono poly close on my throat , and so real ized how slowl ' but it } surely was tight ening its constricting folds , like the deadening upas tree , over whose blight ed valley there flies no living bird and comparatively few dead ones , as it were , upon the life of the nation ? [ Applause and loud cries of "Go on ! " ] Needless is it to say that I refer to the railroad. I live in a small village on the line of the Pennsylvania railway. \Ve have no competing line. We lie at the feet of the monopoly that hauls us in and out of town ; we are passive and helpless. The other day I had two boxes of freight to send west bj * this monopoly. I went crouching into the office of the freight agent. When I told him I had two boxes of stuff to send to Chicago , a distance of about eight hundred miles , I saw his eyes light up with the keen glare of savage greed. He said he would ask Harris- burg for rates , which I knew was a mere subterfuge to gain time while he could guess how much money I could raise this side of the grave , and then the grasping tool of a soulless corpora tion charged me 69 cents for carrying two big boxes eight hundred miles. What's more , he made me pay it. It1s no wonder that shippers kick. I am only surprised that they don't boycott the railroads. Let us return to the days and quiet ways of our good old fathers , when , by paying only one-half of the price of the boat , I could have sent my boxes to Buffalo by canal and the rest of the way by lake boat and got them through to Chicago or the bottom the same year. Burdette. Stumped at "Whereas. " I recently came across an anecdote of John C. Calhoun , which will be as new to your readers , perhaps , as it was to me. It appears that a lady friend once importuned him to write an origin al poem in her album. Strange to say , he consented. After many attempts to fashion his thought fancifully , he wrote the word "whereas , " but to save his life he could go no further. Having selected the unpoetical word in the language to start with , the muse fled from him in horror and affright , leaving the stern logician-completely baffled. Despairing of the performance of his promise , he wrote to the lady frankly admitting his plight She asked tha't the album be returned just as it stood. Washington Correspondent Augusta Chronicle. frrr * * , * LIFE STUDIES. Every woman loves her glass. The late worm escapes the earl } ' bird. The inventor of the coal-oil stove was a bachelor , but a close observer. 1 Nothing but time can keep up with the indicator on a gas meter. The man who loved tho watch dog's honest bark was not a tramp. | The American public is fast coming to know a communist by his breath. It would bo proper , we suppose , to call a sign-painter a melancholy artist. "Evaporate" is the latest slang for "cheese it" It is equivalent to "dry up. " The Chinese have a sure way of re moving dandruff ! They do it with sandpaper. One of our exchanges has a column headed "Wise and Otherwise. " It is mostly otherwise. A man is obliged to die before his will amounts to anything , but that of a woman is always in force. In the pursuit of knowledge man never gets on the right track until he iinds out that he doesn't know enough to brag about. Now rhubarb cometh tenderly To help convulse seclety , And every little boy Is famed In spring time for his pe-eaty. ! The man who said that "hope is brighter when it follows fear , " has just finished occupying a chair in com pany with his wife's bonnet The papers are searching for tho man who is always ready for an emer gency. The woman always in waiting for an offer will be found first A woman may not be very far-sight ed in business matters , but she can diagnose the trimming of a bonnet as far as a man can smell fried onions. "Conscience makes cowards of us all , " wrote the immortal bard , but the man with a stomach full of boiled cab bage has his own private opinion on the subject A foreigner at once understands how it happens that the United States is al ways prepared for war when he learns that there are upward of four hundred colleges in this country. It is said that the ratio of marriage is declining , but if so , statistics are sometimes contradictory. Over six million bottles of hair restorative were sold in this country last year. A Michigan man by feeding a tramp found a long lost brother of his wife. We suppose this ought to be taken as a solemn warning against something or other , because he has had to keep on feeding him ever since. Prometheus was chained and tortured to have his picture taken , but no mas ter of the brush has ever had the fore thought to cut "across lots" to immor tality by embalming on canvas the suf ferings of a man in a barber's chair. When placed under a microscope the sting of a bee presents a polish of daz zling beauty ; but when placed in the end of a man's nose the polish is miss ing , and the appearance more like that of a rat-tail file dipped in vitriol. This is official. In jogging through life you often shake hands with a college graduate of brilliant talents in whose pockets silver seldom jingles , while Cincinnati , it is said , has a newsboy worth twenty thou sand dollars. It don't make much dif ference in this country who a man is or what he makes ; it is what he salts down that counts. Ligc Brown , in Chicago Ledger. Buvines vs. Equines. The differences anatomically and physiologically between the cattle tribe ( Bos ) and the horse family ( Equus ) is an interesting study. In parallel tables these can be seen at a glance. CATTLE. HOUSES. Have two toes. Have one toe. Horned. Without horns. Have no mane. Have flow ing mane. Lone ; hair in a tuft at Tail covered with long end o tail. , hair. Pawing with fore-feet Pawing with fore-feet denotes anner. denotes hanger. Seize forage with the Gather food with the tongue. lips. Lips slightly movable. Lips very movable. Have no upper incisor Have upper and lower teeth. incisors. Lie down fore parts Lie down hind parts first first. Else on hind legs first. Rise on fore legs first Short mouth. ! No space Mouth long. Space be between incisor and tween front and back molar teeth. teeth. Four stomachs. One stomach. They chew the cud. Do not chew the cud. Intestines small 120 [ ntestines large 60 feet long. feet long. Have gall bladder. Have no gall bladder. Slay vomit Do not vomit. May breathe through Don't breathe through the mouth. the mouth. Mouth generally open Mouth never open when wearied. from exhaustion. Defense by goring. Defense by kicking. Bellow or moo. Neigh or whinney. Do not sweat Perspire easilv. Have dewlap. Have no dewlap. No Marts on inside of Hard , oval warts In hind legs. side hind legs. Never lose teeth In Use the teeth in fight fighting. j ing. Do not retract the ears. Retract the ears when angry. Very rough tongue. Soft , smooth tongue. Short , broad head. Long , narrow head. Wide , drooping cars. Erect , narrow ears. Limbs formed for Limbs formed for strength. speed. Live twelve or eighteen Live thirty or forty years. years. Do not roll in the dust Do roll in the dust Sleep with both ears Sleep with one ear alike. forward. Lie down to sleep. Often sleep standing. Eat and lie down to Never ruminate. Eat ruminate. little and often. Shoulders straight Shoulders sloping. What is au Editorial ? Country Editor ( to new assistant "Mr. Smith , you write , 'An explosion in an English coal mine last week- caused the death of one hundred and thirty-seven men. ' That is not an editorial paragraph , it is simply a statement of news. " New Assistant "Yes , sir. " Country Editor "Such shipshod journalism won't do. You should have added : 'The sympathy of the whole world will be extended to the families of these unfortunate men , ' or some thing of that sort Matter to be of an editorial nature must voice an opinion. . New York Times. Spiders. A spider , ns shown by nn estimate by menus o. actually weighing it and then con fining in i cage , ate four times its weight for bre.nhfust , nearlv nine times its weight for dinner , thirteen times its weight for supper , finishing up with an ounce , and at S o'clock p. in. when ho was released , ran off in search of food. At this rato a man weighing 1GO pounds would require tho whole of a fat steer for his breakfast , the dose repeated with the addition of a half- dozen well-fattened sheep for dinner and two bullocks , eight sheep and four hogs for supper , and thru , as a lunch before going to his club banquet , ho would indulge in about four barrels of fresh fish. [ Christian Union. An OiTciiKlvo Breath is most distressing , not only to tho person afflicted if ho havu any pride , but to those with whom he comes in contract. It is a delicate matter to speak of , but it has parted not only friends but lovers. Hnd breath and catarrh are inseparable. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures tho worst cases as thousands can tct-tify. Mrs. Buckingham is the richest woman fruit farmer in California. Especially to Women. "Sweet is revenge , especially to women , " said the gifted , but naughty , Lord Byron. Surely he was in bad humor when ho wrote such words. Bat there are complaints that only women suffer , that are carrying numbers of them down to early graves. There is hope for those who suffer , no matter how sorely , or severely , in Dr. II. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription. " Safe in its action , it is a blessinp , ESPECIALLY TO WOMEN and to men , too , for when women suffer , the household is askew. Imprisonment for debt has been abol ished in New York state. * * * * Organic weakness or los1 ? of power in either sex , however induced , speedily and permanently cured. Enclose 10 cents in stamps for books of particu lars. World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion , Buffalo , N. Y. A baby born in New York during a terri ble storm hns been called Cyclonia. EX KCttlns your boot or shoe straightened use Lyoii's Ilcel Stlircncns ; they Keep them straight. Cabs in London carry two persons a mile for twelve cents. FOOD makes Blood and Blood makes Beauty. Improper digestion of food ncces- hariiy produces bad blood , resulting in a feeling of fullness in the stomach , acidity , heartburn , sick-headache , and oi her dys peptic symptoms. A closely confined lifo causes indigestion , constipation , bilious ness and loss of appetite. To remove these troubles there is no remedy equal to Prickly Ash Bitters. It has been tried and proven to be a specific. Ex-Queen Isabella still hopes to bo re stored to the throne of Spain. Every nervous person should Carter's Little NERVE Pills , They are made spe cially for nervous and dyspeptic men and women , and aie just the medicine needed by all poisons who , from any cause , do not sleep well , or who fail to get proper stiength from their food. Cases of weak stomach , indigestion , dyspepsia , nervous and sick headache , itc. , readily yield to the use of the Little Nerve Pills , particularly if combined with Carter's Little Liver Pills. In vials at 25 cents. The big gun recently cast in Boston is re ported perfect. Xo OPIUM In n o's Cure for Consumption. Cures where otherreini dies fall. 23c. Sam Jones has life insurance in various companies to the extent of § 12,000. For Cuts , Galls , Old Sores , Scratch es , Thrush , etc. , use Stewart's Heal ing Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box. The agricultural department is sending out large quantities of the eggs of the silk worms. ITCH INC and irritations of tho skin and iralp , burns , scalds , piles , ulcers , poisons , sites of insects and all skin diseases , quickly Mired by Colo' * CnrboliMtilva , tho great ikln remedy. 25 and 50c cents , at Druggists. Only 019,000 pianos have been made in the United States since 17SO. "Wicn Baby TTM side , ire gvre her Castorla , Vten she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , \7Len she bccamo Miss , sho citing to Caatoria , TThon aho had Children , ahe gave them Castoria , When prohibition prohibits it is likely that girls won't flirt. THE BUREAU OP VITAL STATISTICS makes no return of the mortality caused by over- drugging the sick. Hundreds of patients are killed in this way , ninety-nine per cent , of whom might have been saved by the use of that simple vegetable antidote , Du. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS , rapid in its action , and without alcohol. Senator Allison is about to marry a beautiful young lady of Washington. W. L. Douglas , the great shoe manufac turer of Brocton , and all of his help , have Coined the Knights of Labor. The health of Hon. E. B. "Washburn la much impaired. IT is so EVERYWHERE. E. B. Rail , drug gist at Hiattsville , Kan. , has this to write about Allen's Lung Balsam : "It is the best selling throat and lung remedy , and gives general satisfaction. I cheerfully recom mend it. " Buy tho large § 1.00 bottle for Lung Diseases. Queen Victoria opened the Indian and colonial exhibition in person. "Your medicine has cured me of rheuma tism. I consider Athlophoros an IXL for rheumatism , " tersely but forcibly expresses the approval of John T. Kennedy , of Spear- ville , Kan. , of the healing powers of the great remedy he mentions. Mrs. Phillips left no children and the family of Wendell Phillips is extinct. THE CAMPAIGN IN NEBRASKA. We desire to place a copy of THE OMAHA. WEEKLY BEE into every farm house in Nebraska during the coming campaign. The regular subscription price is $1.25 a year or 75 cents for six months. We will furnish the pa per from June to Decemoer ( six monts ) for 35 cents , or in dubs of five for $1.50 for five copies. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY , Omaha , Nebraska. A fret saw "It's a poor heart that never mourns. " The best preparation for coloring the beard is Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. To strengthen and invicorate the stomach , and to stimulate the appetite , take Ayer's Pills. Princess Victoria of Wales will make her debut in society next month. If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It. 2oo It is said that a comet is coming this way with a tail 12,000,000 miles long. This is file Season "When a Rood mcJIclne Is n neccfslty. The Imjmro gMtr of the Iiluotl. the dcninccd dictation , tho wcaS eoiilltliin of tl.e body , nil call for the purifying , rep- ulntlnAsnastrenstlionlnslmluensaj so It tppfly. " " ! effectively couiMiu d In II > i > J * < Sarsapsrllta. It over come" tli.U tired ft. ell lie , or-a headache nml dys pepsia , and exj o s every ta.n. of scrofula from tho blood , ( ilvolt a tral. "I commcnc j 1 ta Ins HooJ's SarsaptrlHa 03 an ex periment , ns I h-id no appetite or strength , and felt tired nil the time. I attributed my condition to scrcfulwis humor. I had tried several different klndB of medic ne. without recchln ; ; any benefit. But 04 soon as I had taken half a bottle of Hood's Earsaparlila , my appctlto wai rcitorcd , anJ my stomach felt belter. I have now taken nearly threa bottles , and I never wai so welL" Mas. JESSI : F. DOLKEAKK , PdSC03K , II. I. HfivInebcenaflUotcd with a compllcatljn of dis orders , the result of Impure blood. I took Hood's SampM-Illa. and tha result vrw perfectly satisfac tory. " MES. J. IUCTO.V. Now Haven , CL Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by drnsrslats. II ; six for SV. Prepare I only by C.J. HOOD & Apothecaries , Lowell. Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. IT 15 A PUHEtTVEGETABLE PREPARATION - PRICKS A 5ENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU AND OTHER EO.UAUY EFFICIENT REMEDIES It has stood the Test of Years , Coring all Diseases of the BLOOD , HVEE , STOM ACH , KIDNEYS.BOW- EIS.&o. ItPnrifiosthe Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the System. BITTERS DYSPEPSIA.CONSTI- CURES PATION , JAUNDICE , ALLD1SEUESOFTHE SICKHEADACHEBH- IIVER IOUS COMPLAINTS&c disappear at once under KIDNEYS it3 beneficial influence. STOMACH It is purely a Medicine AND as its cathartic proper ties foroids its uso as a BOWELS. beverage. It is pleas ant to tne taste , and as easily taken by cbild- rea as adults. AILDRUGGISTS PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO iPRICElDOLLAR Sole Proprietors. ST.LOUIS and KANSAS CITY BITTERS , If j-ouTTlsb. to be relieved of those terrible Sick Koadaclics nnd that miserable Sour Stom- acli. It TvUl , vrhen taken according to direc tions , cure any cnso of Sick Blcntlaclio or Sour Stomach. It cleans tho lining of stomach , and bowels , promotes healthy action nnd sweet secretions. It makes pure blood and gives it free flow , thus sending nutriment to every part. It i * tho safest , spcodlcNt nnd Hiirost Vegetable Remedy ever invented for all diseases of the stomach andliver. J. 31. Moore , of Farminc'on. Mich. . Fays : My unflcrliis from Sick Mcndaclie nnd Sour StomacH was terrible. Ouo bottle of Hopu and Malt Bitters cured me. Do not ret Hops and I7Tnlt _ Bitters con foundedila inferior preparations of similar name. For sale by all drusgibts , GOODMAN DRUS GO , , VHsais Agents OKI AIIA NI2IS. AHOLD PH1LOS- ophersoughtan honest man with a lighted lantern , and humanity has since been seeking an honest medicine by the light of know I edge. It is found in DR. JONES' RED CLOVER TONIC , which produces the most favorable results in disorders of the Liver , Stomach , and Kidneys , and is a valuable remedy in Dys pepsia ; also , debility arising from malaria or other causes. It is a per fect tonic , appetizer , blood puri fier , and a sure cure forague. 50c. . IH SAN LUIS. The most VTonilerful Agricultural Park in America. SjrroumleJ by prompt rous mining anJ manufacturing town' , . F.VIOIEK'S 1'AJtAIHSK ! Maffnill- cent crops raised in HS5. TMIOlf.SA"I > S OF ACRES OF OVJGKX3IE > 'i' T AXIf , subject to preemption anil homestead. Lands for sale to ac tual settlers nt S300 per acre. Il > \ TIME. Park Irrigated by Immense c-tnals. Cheap railroad rot"s. hrery attonm n rhuwn fcttlers. r'or r&npbleU , etc , address COLO1LADO LAXD it UO , Opera House Block , Denver , Colo , Box 1'JCK ) . conld cipr-si tie aoDy I endured from Rheumatlici , nd Itwxs ill I cocld do to endure it. Cripplenot able to walk or sleep. I took two-thirds of a bottle of ATHLO- PHOROSandinafewdajs wu well. " T E.Cnatfiild. Cb llth Areaue , Milwaukee , TVis. Athlophoros is the 0017 ml cure for Rheumatism eier ducorered. Ask jour drug gist for Athlophoros. If joucannotgctltofhim donottry ooeihin ? else , but order at once from us. We will wnd It irref s paid on receipt of price. SI 00 per bottle. ATHLOPHOROS CO. , 112 Wall St. , Hew York. FACE , HANDS , FEET , and nil their Imperfections , incluj.rc Fadil , DeTelopeirwnt , Superflaoiu H&ir. Binn 31arks , MolnVtrn , Jlotb , Fr kltt , K 4 Noie. Acne , Blitk llevh. Scars , Pittlns and their Dr. H. WOODBURY , tVd U7U. henJ 10c.ortuok. 6 Panic Tor SI New Chromo. Scrap & Gold-Edge USII Id canla. ESSEX CARDVonKS , Koryton. Conn gnfl N'civ Scrap Picture ? anilA-jt's Album of Card tUU fcamplesfor 1 Oc. Steam Card Wks. Hartford , Ct QAyP ! P Rfini' contalnlDBjl samples of anil OflWrLt UUU forG ts.topaypo tase. CEKTEIt FKEE ! BKOOKCAKD CO. Centerbroot.Uoau W. N. U. , Omaha. 310-20 VIncsrar Hitters , a per rntlve and tonic , purittea ttu blood , strengthens tho live atd kidneys , and will restore health , howcrtr lost. Viucenr Blltcrv Is tho best remedy discovered for promoting digestion , caring headache and increasing tho vital powers. VIno rar Hitters assim ilates tha food , regulates tho stomach aud bow els , string healthy and natural sleep. Vinegar Bitters Is tho great disease pre venter , nnd stands at tho Lead of all family rem edies. No house should over bo without it. Vinegar BHtcr * cures Malarial , Bilious and other fevers , diseases of the Heart , Liver and Kidneys , and a hundred other painful disorders. Send for either o our valuable reference books for ladies , for farmers , for merchants , our Medical Treatise on Diseases , or pur Catechism on Intemperance and Tobacco , which last should bo in tho hands of every child and youth in tho country. Any tvro of tho above books mailed free on receipt of four cents for registration fees. K.H. McDonald Drug Co. , 632 Washington St. . N. Y. EIHAUSTELJITALITY. ILLUSTKATEO SAMPLE FltCE. I mm THYSELF , A Grt at W rS on Maihoo-i , Xervotin and JOeblliijr. rrvmilurc llrcllre InMan. . Kt- bnu > tod Vitality. Ac. . A.C. . nml the unlolt ! miseries resti ting from In ll crutiun or cxcraics ; OOU pnse * . substantially btaii < l In gilt , nuiMfn. Contains mure than 1J5 IntMiiHuic prescription' , embracing e\ery vegetable remedy In the nliannacrcpla for ail acute anil chronic tllse.isej. It U emphatically a l olcfor every man. Trice ouly $1 by mall postpaid , concealed In plain wrapper. ILLUSTRATIVESAMri-KFUEE TO Alii. rouns and middle ased men for the ncxt ninety ilays. Brnd now. or cut this out , a * yon may nrver sec U agiln. Address DC. IV. 11. PAiKEK.4 Iluinnch St , bust on. N. 15. Dr. Parker can be conndt-ntlally consulted on all diseases of man , hla specialties ASK FOR THE Best material , perfect fit. equals any 85 or 36 Bhoe , every pairwarranted. . Take nouu unlefca btatuueu "W. L. Douglas * S.UU fahoe. warranted. " Congress , Button and lace. If you cannot set thews Hlioca from dealers. send addressed postal card to W. L. Douglas. Brockton. Alcsa. Knights of Labor Made. i STEEL . . . * * * * > * -.j"j i c.j > n-ro t .ui ti't Leading Nos. : 14,048,130 , 135 , 333,161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTEREROCXC STEEL PEN CO. , Works : Camden , N. J. 26 John St. , New York. PAYSthc FREIGHT 5 Ton Wagon Scalrs * Iron LeTtM , hirel hearing. Crui Tare Lena and Bram Box for ErerrtlzeS'-ale. For fire pritellsl mention thi pip'r anil aMreu JONES OF BIHGHAMTOH , BINOIIAJITOX. > . V. UEAK5ESS A5D DECAY. A lafo Eipcrienco. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Cousulta- tiou and Books by Mail S"KKE. Address Dr. WARD & Co. , Louisiana , Mo. You are .mowed n free trial of thirty rfaj/sof the useof Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Bcltwith Electric Suspensory Appliances , for the speedy relief antlper- inanrnt cure of Xervma Debility , Ios of Vitaltt y , and Manhood , ami all kindred troubles. A ! < o for many other diseases. CompIeterestoraUontoIIealtn.Vigor and Manhood cuaranteed. No rltlc I * incurred. Illus trated pamphlet In sealed enitloitc mailed free , bj addressing Voltaic Celt Co. , Marshall , illch. ZINC COLLAR PAD. zr&I " inot roll ble n I dura bV I AD f..r Sore neck. horior mules \W thcr or wear ha * ni effect on their ciiratlvt properties Our ne K > o | * ith strip * mjikt them Mf ! .uljUbliu W < Solicit a trial. Foi fftle br all Saddlerr Jobber * . Ask your liarnes * maker tor them ZIZVC CO L. LA It IA1 > CO. , Kuclianan. Mich. iUCKEYE FOLDIHB BINDER : runmnprelarato-blnclcrm the worM I Tiic ll-'htcst Koldsioas to pa--stiroun'htirm ! jrUts. K-quire < TornKcroom. kevenni , . a bundle M * > Tlof : send for Catalogue Tills PAPER lien you our Aultman. Miller > fc Co. . AUron. Ohio. _ . 1 caye a positiro remedy lortue abore 6sa : by lei u * tbot'ands of cases of tho front klud an 1 of lone etindlng have btncureil. Indeed , so utrnnr li my faith In Ha cQracj , that I will tend TWO BOTTLKS FEEE , tose'her with a TAL- TJABLK THCATI K on tbU itl eas .ta anr uffercr GIveE.- press and P.O. address. DK.T.A.SLOCCiI.let Pearl St. , 11.1. CURES 'WHERE Att EISE FAIIS. Best Couuh Syrup. Tastes goo.1. TJse In time , bold by drupgtsU. IE DEAF ! A treatise on thn causes and euro of deafness , br on who has made this infirmity a life etudv , sent FHfiE br 11. Jou.soCo . to .VatxileonStreet. Newark. X jT D Habit , Qnlrkly tnd Fntale - fs ly cured at home CorrtHpoadence solicited and free ( rial of cure sent honesUnrcBfgators. TiizUcmxa EIIEDT COSIPAJ , v. Lafayette , lad. _ _ FREE SAMPLE. To Introduce the reat household remedy. GOK- DON'S KING OF PAIN" Into every family. I will send a sample free to any one sending addrei * . Mentloa thla paper and fcldreaj E. U. IIICHAUOS. ToloJo. O. A p ItiTe curo Knife. , No Planter So Fain. "VV.C. IB Payu r. llarshaUtoirn.lOTra. "Morphine Habit Cured la 10 to XJO < l.iy * . No p.iy till CuroO. Uu J. Lelunuu. ouio. At Seven ! asljklssissosreet , To steal onenoT then'satreat This represents a healthy life , Throughout its various scenes. At Seventeen ! theyr'cnicer still Tfcere'sawayTrheretliere'satfill Just such a life as they enjoy. Who use the Smith's Bile Beans H At Seventy ! it's jest tha sase , Tceystillkaep cp tea old , old gams. The original Fhotojraph. panel size , ot this Picture sent on receipt of ten c-nts la Itimpi. Address. Bile Ceans. SL Lom , Xo. Is TUB Best Waterproof Goat Eer Hade , ' None gennloe unless Don't mxsteyonr mnner on a pnm or rubber coat. The FISH RRAXD FLICITEF aped with the . abort isabsolnteIy n//ran < ltrn/i-FBOor.ancl will keep you drv lit the hinlt't jtorm TE1DE HARE. Askfortlie"FISII BRAND" siJCKEBnnd Ukenoo'.her. If jotir storekeeper dw ot have th "n n BKIJTO" . send fnr de criptive catalogue to A J. TO\VEK. 3) Simmo ! ' < St. . 1'tntpn. Mi <