The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 13, 1886, Image 8

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Ere vet tbc shadowy jnountafn-tops
Were silvered with the light ,
Or off the lilies slipped the drops
Won from the dewy night ;
Ere y-it the moraine's incense curled
O'er glimmering Galilee ,
The grave had yielded to the world
Its awful mystery-
Through all the night the pallid stars
Watched trembling o'er the tomb ,
And Olivet wrapped all its scars
Deep in the fragrant glnom ;
Ilie world one Instant held its breath ,
When from the flushing heaven
God's angel swept , more strong than deathj
And death's dark bonds were riven.
Forth from the sepulchre's embrace
Behold the Conqueror come 1
0 morning sun , unveil thy face I
O earth , no more be dumb I
From century to century
The pzean now shall ring
O grave , where is thy victory !
O death , where is thy sting ?
James B. Kenyan , in the Current.
"Tcrise , did you see anything of it ? "
inquired Mrs. Putney , who was down
on her knees with her hands and head
beneath a carved oak table , under
which she was vainly peering for some
missing article.
Terise did not answer. She was just
then busily engaged brushing the daily
accumulation of dust from the gorgeous
ly painted pots of counterfeit tulips
which adorned the spidery stands be
fore the two windows.
"That fifty dollar bill was in the roll
of money I had when I went down to
pay the gasman , " Mrs. Putney re
peated , just as she luid for each corner
and cranny she had searched. "I
dropped it in this room I dropped it
here and nowhera else ! Are you sure
you didn't see it , Terise ? "
Still the girl made no reply. In the
grounded cheeks the damask crimson
became more vivid ; over the round
black eyes her curling lashes twitched
the least bit irresolutely ; but she main
tained silence.
"You didn't take it , did you , Terise ? "
the elder lady asked , with a sudden cu
rious glance at the down-cast face as
she emerged from under the tasseled
table scarf.
Then the curling lashes flared widely
open , the small head was uplifted fear
lessly , the fairy ligure became erect
with resentful dignity.
"I did not , " she said emphatically
and proudly.
"Well , do you know anything about
it ? " Mrs. Putney demanded impatiently ,
with another curious glance at the
Ktrangely wavering color in the dim
pled cheeks.
But the question was unanswered.
Terise had resumedher busy duster ,
and the silence seemed so oddly con
scious and uneasy.
"You must know something about it
or you would never look like that , "
Mrs. Putney remarked with an irri
tated severity. "The bill never went
out of this room unless it was taken by
the hands of .somebody. There has
been nobody here but you and Soph } ' ,
and you didn't pick it up , did you ? "
she said , as just then a daintily attired
rounglady tripped into the room.
"That is a singular question to ask
me , Susan , " Miss Sophy said , with a
little half-vexed shrug of her graceful
"Well , if neither of you has picked it
ap , it must be on the floor somewhere , "
aid the elder lady , beginning a more
vigorous and extensive search beneath
rugs and ottomans and in every possi
ble and impossible crevice.
Mr * . Putney was a widow with a
modest competence ; and Miss Sophy
was her protegee and only sister a
handsome , indolent , luxurious young
lady , with neither special imperfections
nor special talents !
Little Terise was nobody at least
she had always been regarded as such
until a certain wealthy and agreeable
young gentleman had "appreciated her
sufficiently to select her as his plighted
bride ! And as the promised wife of
Claude Forrester she had become a per
sonage of some condescending distinc
tion in the household.
But she had been an orphaned and
impoverished little waif whom , some
years before , Miss Sophy , in a freak of
philanthropy , had brought home and
commended" the generosity of Mrs.
Putney , who just then chanced to need
the services of a small maid , and who
was inclined to be pleased with the ac
quisition. And so the child had stayed
and had grown to girlhood in the house ,
where she was esteemed a sort of adopt
ed dependent rather than as an alien.
And her dependence had not been al
together oppressive to her ; if they had
given her shelter and raiment they had
given her confidence and some meagre
affections also ; if her tasks had some
times been irksome , her labors had
been lightened by her omnipresent
sense of gratitude for what had been
benign in their consideration for her.
Toward the dainty and lazily amiable
Miss Sophy her girlish admiration was
enthusiastic , her girlish gratitude im
measurable. Andwith all her scruples
and sweet humility she had vague mis
givings that in appropriating the de
votion of Claud Forrester she might
somehow have wronged a young lady
so much more elegant and desirable
than her own humble self.
Mrs. Putney was certainly inclined
to deem her handsome sister grievous
ly slighted. She could not understand
how any sensible young gentleman
could ignore such superior attractions ,
nor how he could be allured and capti
vated by an inferior ami unaccomplish
ed dependent. And perhaps Mrs. Put
ney would not have been mortally sorry
if the too captivating Terise might
eventually become less entirely adora
ble in the sight of the very eligible
Claude Forrester ! And perhaps the
mystery of the missing filty-dollar-bill
might change everything , she medi
tated , with more irritation than malice ,
as she scrambled around the pedals of
the piano and strained a cramped arm
toward the last unexplored niche.
"There is no use searching for is , "
she said , crossly , as she scrambled back
across the overturned piano-stool and
through a shower of dislodgsd musio ;
"it is'gone , and somebody knows where
it is. You are not turning palo and
red like that all about nothing , Terise , "
she added , with sharp significance.
That Tcrise meant neither to admit
nor to deny the accusation was evident ,
and Mrs. Putney felt no less perplexed
than wrathful as the girl quietly and
silently finished her dusting and left the
room. j
"She had taken the bill there is .all
there is about that ! " she observed de
"Oh ; you'll find it , Susan. ]
shouldn't worry about the money if 1
were you , " Jtiss Sophie returned , with
lazy indifference.
"I had intended to buy her bridal
outfit and give her n little dot , too , Mrs.
Putney continued ; "but if she can be
guilty of such dishonesty , I shall do
nothing for her. I think , indeed , I
ought to warn Mr. Forrester against
her. "
"Mr. Forrester might decline the' '
warning as enchanted people always
do"Miss Sophy laughed. "But , then ,
Terise never took the money , Susan ,
she is as innocent as I am , " she said ,
But Mrs. Putney did not concur with
the opinion. That conscious silence ,
those crimsoning blushes , that uneasily
averted face to hur seemed scarcely
emblematic of innocence.
Mrs. Putney , too , was character
istically precipitate in her conclusions ;
she was not slow to credit evi\of anoth-
errand that the girl toward whom she
had been a benefactress would at last
be revealed as adeceptive ingrate seem
ed to her to bo neither improbable nor
preposterous ! And beside , she had an
uncoufesscd apprehension of having
been rather niggardly in small matters
toward the girl she had been chary ol
all little gifts for comfort and ornament
toward Terise and toward her own
young sister no less ! But then girls
were always'so prone to foolish extrav
agances they ought to be restraineo
rather than indulged was her apology
for what she deemed only a prudent
withholding of a few mites from hei
"Terise has wanted some extra
finery now she is to be married , and
she could not resist the chance to take
what she fancied 1 should not miss
until she might be safe out of the
house. Claude Forrester ought to be
undeceived about her I am sure ol
that , " she thought with a speculative
glance toward her handsome sister ,
whose superior attractions Mr. For
rester somehow had failed to appre
ciate.Miss Sophy at the moment turned
from a window where she had been
standing in indolent unconcern.
"That was Mr. Forrester ringing , "
she said. "I shouldn't tell him any
thing about the money , if I were you ,
Susan. "
"I shall do " Mrs.
my duty , Putney
avowed with austere determination as
her sister withdrew.
As Miss Sophy tripped carelessly up
stairs she almost stumbled over a little
figure crouched on the topmost step
the fairy figure of Teriso , "whose cheeks
were colorless enough now , and whos <
attitude expressed a sort of definanl
Miss Sophy started , and then would
have passed on without warning."I
the movement of apathy or avoidance ,
seemed to hurt the girl whose fevered
and tearless eyes were fixed with strang
intentness upon her heedless handsome
"You need never wish to avoid me.
Sophy I shall never betray you , "
Terise faltered in a voice oddly com
mingling pity and disdain and reproach.
" 1 shall never forget I must be grate
ful because you have been kind to me
always ; I ahall always remember if you
had not sheltered me * once as you did 1
might have lived to become more mis
erable than I am now. And I am only
mirerablenow because after I had be
lieved you so good and perfect , after J
had loved you so I cannot bear to
think you would do anything so wicked
so despicable ! " she ended with a
pathetic and suppressed sob ,
"What on earth do you mean , child ? "
Miss Sophy queried as she gazed won-
deringly down at the excited and dis
dainful face.
"Oh , how can you pretend not to
know ? " Terise cried piteously "and
when I would die before I would let
anyone blame you , too ! And I can un
derstand just how you were tempted
she was so very , very miserly with yoi
always , and you liked dainty dresses
and everything nice and elegant , and
you thought , perhaps she would never
exactly know where she dropped the
bill. But how could you be so wicked ,
Sophy ? "
For once that younglady was aroused
from her indolent grace of imperturable
"Are you crazy Terise ? I never
touched the money , " she said in down
right and very animate indignation.
"You have no reason to deny any
thing to me , " Terise answered , in that
rebuking voice of hushed intensity.
"They may accuse me all they like
they may condemn me and despise
me , everybody but I shall never tell
them you took it. And I saw you ,
Sophy ! I saw you drop your handker-
cnief over it and then pick up both to
gether , just before you went down to
the dining room. "
For a moment Miss Sophy stood
dumb with her astonished sense of en
"You little goose ; you unmitigated
little goose ! " she exclaimed at length ,
with an amused laugh , which had an
undertone suggestive of woman's swift
tears. "The handkerchief you saw me
pick up was a tattered affair which 3
used polishing the brasses of the grate ,
and which I threw with a lot of paper
rubbish in the ash barrel , when I went
down to the dining-room. The money
is in the ashes , too , very likely. You
silly , rediculous child , come down
stairs with me this instant , " she order
ed , as she unceremoniously dragged the
bewildered Terise down the steps after
The girl was crying softly with mor
tification and relief as M5ssSophy drew
her toward the parlor , where a some
what troubled young gentleman in
stantly arose to meet them , and then
with a manner of tenderest authority ,
led her to a seat beside him.
Mrs. Putney had done what she
deemed her duty , no doubt ; but all the
same Claude Forrester had declined her ,
prompt and disinterested warning.
"I shall never believe any wrong of
you , my dearest. " he said to his be
trothed as her shy embarrassed eyes for
a moment met his own.
"She was ready enough to believe
wrong of me though7 interpolated
Miss Sophv , looking half injured and
wholly amused , "and then she purposed
to make' martyr of herself rather than
allow me'to bo blamed. But I really
was the culprit , Susan ; nnd I daresay
you will find your lost bill somewhere
among the ashes. "
"Dear me ! Terise , why didn't you tel [
me ? " stammered Mrs. Putney , looking
exceedingly uncomfortable , and hurry
ing speedily after her property , which
she finally recovered , all crumpled and
grimed , somewhere in the depths of
the cinders and rubbish.
"Why did you not tell her ? " Claude
Forrester inquired wonderingly.
"She wanted to shield me , " Miss
Sophy explained , as with a new gentle
ness she impulsively kissed the con
fused and charming 'face. "What a
crucial time you must have had , you
absurd ' little "thing , between the grati
tude 'and the accusations , and your
wicked convictions , and all that. "
"I am disposed to regard my little
bride as a heroine. " Mr. Forrester
smiled as he glanced with tender pride
at the happy child whose sense of grat
itude had been indeed heroic , although
the heroism had terminated in a prosy
little comedy.
"When anything is missed so mys
teriously , everybody is always apt to
suspect everybody "else , " Mrs. Putney
said afterward to her sister. "But.
after all , I shall always regret accusing
Terise as I did ; and I tnmk I'll just
double the little dot I intended for the
dear child. "
Stenographic Experts.
There are some marvels of steno
graphic reporting performed in the
senate and house each day , and about
the most fascinating sight in congress
is to see these men covering page after
page with curious characters almost as
fast as the eye can follow. Each day
The Congressional Itecord comes out
with a verbatim report of the proceed
ings of the last session. Not unfre-
quuntly The Hccord readies the size of
a good-sized book , and to the un
initiated the wonder is how the tea re
porters succeed in preparing such a
mass of matter in so short a time. It
is all the result ot a system which has
grown up with years , and which is
well-nigh perfect. There are five
stenographers in each branch , and they
hold their offices year after year irre
spective of the rise and fall of political
dynasties. The senate pays for its re
porting with the lump sum of $25,000
for each year. The contract is made
with Mr. J. D. Murphy , who is ac
knowledged to stand at the head of the
profession in this country. Mr. Mur
phy is a short , stout man , with iron-
gniy hair and full beard. He has a
little desk in front of the clerk's stand ,
and does the greater part of the senate
reporting himself. Mr. Murphy does
his work easily and without any ap
parent trouble. No matter whether
Mr. Beck or Mr. lluwloy , or some of
the other lightning talkers are going
ahead under lull pressure , or the slow-
spoken and ponderous Evarts is plow
ing along in debate , it is all the same to
Mr. Murphy , lie gets all there is said.
The reporters in the senate sit at
their desks , because the chamber is a
small one and there is usually perfect
quiet. In the house , however , the five
reporters Hit here and there with their
note-books , following this or that
speaker. The chief of the house corps
is J. J. .McElhone. He made his repu
tation in the famous tlebate upon the
electoral-count bill. At the climax of
the debate , when there were fully a
dozen men speaking at once , Mr. Mc-
ELioue jumped to his feet , note-book
and pencil in Hand. He did not take
his eye from the paper , but when the
scene had passed he had every word of
it. The report in the next day's Record
was absolutely correct ; indeed , not an
actor in that famous scene ever com
plained that he had been misquoted.
Mr. McEllione is a tall man , witn a de-
cidedly Hibernian cast of features.
His head is small and round , and his
gray hair stands straight up all over it.
He is regarded as thoswiltest and most
accurate of all the house reporters.
None of the stenographers write out
their notes. In the house the men take
"tricks" ' of ten or fifteen minutes each ,
at the expiration of which they rush
down-stairs , where there are a dozen
or more stenographers in waiting.
They read the debate as they have taken
it , and these assistants in turn take it
in shorthand and subsequently reduce it
in writing for the printers. The house
reporters are paid § 5,000 a year. Xeu >
York Telegram.
Dr. Osgood's Tenant
A well-to-do old man was Dr. Os-
good , parson of the First Church. In
his time Springfield was a mere village
and Indian Orchard a sheep pasture.
The parson owned the main portion of
that ward , conducting it as a farm and
sheep ranch , and employed John Corey
and his wife to run it. The parson
drove cut there to view his possessions
one day and found old Corey drunk ,
beating his wife.Well , well , Mr.
Corev " , ' said the parson , "a man whip
ping"his wife ! " "Yes. " "Mr. Corey ,
recollect that a woman is the weaker
vessel. " "Well , let her carry less sail
then1 ! Dr. Osgood used to tell this
story often , and never omitted a word
of old Cory's reply. Springjldd Home
The Photographer's Habit.
"The force of habit is a wonderful
thing , " said the philosophizing passen-
o-er wno expectorated upon the floor ;
"now , just to show you. I'm a photo
grapher out in the country here a piece ,
and the other day I was called out to
take a negative of a dead man. At my
suggestion his relatives propped him up
onTorne chairs so that his position
would be somewhere near natural , and
then stood back while I took him.
After focusing the lens I stepped out ,
looked to see that everything was all
right , said 'now , hold a moment ,
please , ' and made the exposure. Right
there was the first laughter that had
been heard in that house for two weeks. "
Chicago News.
Eow the Famous Millionaires of
the Pacific Coast Made
Their Money.
Beginning Life as Day Laborers and Sa-
loon-Keepers Opportunities
Tlio Fortunes Tlicy Have Amassed.
The four bonanza kings were Fair ,
Flood , Mackav , and O'Brien , all Irish
men and all Catholics , writes Riche
lieu in The Brooklyn Eagle. James
Graham Fair. United States senator
from Nevada , whose residence is given
as Virginia City , was born Dec. 3,1831 ,
at Cloghcr , in the county , of Tyrone ,
[ relnnd , near the birthplace of Arch
bishop Hughes. When 12 years of age
he came to this country with his par-
3nts and settled in Illinois , where he
received his education at Geneva and
Chicago , lie paid attention more par
ticularly to scientific pursuits , which
served him well in his after life of
miniiiiT. He quite naturally took the
t old fever , and in 1849 , at the age of
18 , he wont to California , overland ,
where he engaged in mining for ten
or eleven years. He went to Nevada
in I860 , and has since had his residence
there , engaging in mining and con
structing water-works and immense
quartz-mills. Nevada was then a por
tion of Utah , and was not organized as
a separate territory till March 2 , 1SG1.
It then had a population of forty thou
sand , not one-third of the population of
Diir present congressional districts , and
had not perceptibly increased when it
was admitted as a state March 25,18G1.
Tames W. Nye was appointed by Presi
dent Lincoln governor of the new ter
ritory , and continued as such till 1861 ,
when it was admitted as one of the
states and he became one of its first
senators , with William M. Stewart as
bis colleagues. John C. Cradlebaugh ,
of Carson City , was its first delegate ,
whose successors were Gordon N. Mott
and Henry G. Worthington , the latter
becoming its first representative on its
first admission as a state , Delos R.
Ashley succeeding him in that capacity.
In 1867 Mr. Fair fornu'd a partner
ship with John W. Maclcay. James C.
Flood , and William S. O'Brien. This
linn purchased the control of the bonan
zas and other mines , which under the
superintendcncj- Mr. Fair yielded
teOO.000,000 of gold and silver. He
ivas also largety interested in real es
tate and buildings in San Francisco
and in manufactures on the Pacific
coast. He was elected as a senator
from Nevada for a term of six years ,
commencing March 4 , 1881 , to succeed
William Sharon , republican. He is
said to be worth over10,000,000 in
personal property.
When Mr. Fair first arrived in Cali
fornia he went to mining , with the sim
plest machinery , on Ft-ather river , and
in various parts of California met such
success in a moderate way as to keep
him intent on larger projects. Mr.
Flood was his first partner in success
ful mining business. It is said he own
ed about seventy acres of land in the
citof San Francisco , and has been
building in the most costly part of the
citr a princely residence to cost a mil
lion dollars. He also had an elegant
rural residence at Menlo park.
Mr. Fair is quick to perceive the val-
ne of new mechanical appliances , and
ingenious in putting them to their best
use. He is skillful in detecting and
following up the indications of ore.
Old miners used te say Fair "had a fine
nose for ore. " The dark galleries of
the mines are open books to him. In
his superintenduncy hewas in all parts
of the mines day and night , and no
shirking of labor was possible under
him. He was an autocratic master ,
ind as many desperate characters as
were collected around him from all
parts of the world he governed with a
lirm hand and unrelenting purpose.
Many were the fears expressed for his
personal safety , but he was a just em
ployer , and for honest work there was
prompt and liberal pay.
It was on Jan. 11 , 1871 , that the
four kings mounted the throne of the
Big Bonanza. Mr. Fair took a prom
inent part in the direction. The work
of sinking a prospectho shaft was pro
jected , and rapidly pushed. A thin
seam of ore was detected , and Mr. Fail-
traced ; t foot by foot through more than
a hundred feet , as a thread leading to
a clew. Sometimes it narrowed to a
mere film of clay , but it was never lost
to the keen eye of Mr. Fair. Many
thought it a will o' the wisp. Mr. Fair
was taken sick and retired for a'month.
Work was continued in ! iis absence but
without success. In February , 1873 , a
vein of ore seven feet in width was cut
widening to twelve feet. The shaft was
then 710 feet deep. The air was foul and
hot for lack of a ventilating draft , al
though fresh air was forced in by pow
erful blowers. The lid of the Big Bon
anza was taken off. Never in the his
tory of time was such a treasure un
covered. The bonanza was cut at a
point 1,167 feet below the surface , and
pierced again as the shaft went down at
the 1,200-foot level. Another and an
other hundred feet deeper , and at 1,500
feet ore richer than ever before discov
ered was revealed to view. What the
extent of the great bonanza was none
could tell. Cross-cuts showed that its
width was from 150 to 220 feet. Cribs
of timber were constructed from base
ment to dome. A writer thus describes
the scene : "Everywhere men were at
work in changing shifts , descending
and ascending in the crowded cages ,
clambering up to their stopes with
swinging lanterns or flickering candles ,
picking and drilling thecrumblingore.or
pushing lines of loaded cars to the sta
tions at the shafts. Flashes of exploding
powder were blazing from the rent
faces of the stopes ; blasts of gas and
smoke filled the connecting drifts : muf
fled oars echoed along the dark galler
ies , and at all hours a hail of rock frag
ments might be heard rattling on. the
floor , and massive lumps of ore failing
heavily on the slanting pile at the foot
of the breast. Half-naked men could
be seen rushing back throujrh the hang
ing smoke to the stopes to examine the
result of tho blast and to shovel tho
fallen mass into cars or wheelbarrows.
While some were shoveling ore others
standing on the slippery piles were
fuiding the power drills , which churned
dies in the ore with incessant thumps ,
or cleaving the softer sulphurets with
steel picks swung lightly by muscular
arms. "
On the 19th of March , 1875 , 461 tons
of ore were hoisted through the Con
solidated Virginia mine shaft alone , and
in March of the following year 908 tons
were taken through the same shaft in a
single day. In November , 1877 , over a
thousand tons were quarried and
brought up in a single day * . The miners
were mostly young men of great vigor ,
living on the choisest food and paid the
highest wages given to any miners in
the world commonly clothed in rough
circular jackets , stained with cla } * : loose
woolen shirts , blue overalls , heavy
brogaus , and coarse felt hats , through
which the hair protruded. In the hot
levels all clothes were laid aside , except
a simple waist cloth , and shoes to pro-
.eet their feet against the hot rocks.
Muscles swelling like flesh waves at
every swing of the pick ridges of
sweat on their broad backs.
It was calculated that the bonanza
would yield $31,000,000 a year for ten
years. A director of the United States
mint calculated that the ore bodin
sight in 1875 would yield $300,000,000.
Other estimates quintupled that sum.
Shares of the consolidated Virginia
mine that sold in July , 1870 , at $1 ,
rose in December , 1874 , to $610 a share ,
aud in January , 1875 , were sold at
Mr. Fair was married in 1862 to a
worthy wife , and they were blessed with
four children two sons and two daugh
ters. Two or three years ago , for some
reason , a divorce was obtained by Sirs.
Fair , and they separated. To Mrs. Fail-
was .decreed the family residence in
San Francisco , and four and a quarter
millions in cash and United States
bonds. The older son , now of ag
went with the father. The younger
son , nearly of age , and the two daugh
ters , both now under age , went with the
mother. Their friends hope to see the
family reunited , and it is said Mr. Fair
is anxious for that consummation so
devoutly to be wished. Mr. Fair has
traveled all around the world , and the
more he travels the more he loves his
adopted country , but does not forget
the loved island of his birth , to which
he is a loyal and dutiful son.
In February , 1844 , a young man
named James C. Flood , then about IS
\ears of age , bound himself for five
\ ears as an apprentice to Col. Church , of
Fort Hamilton , father of our present
Judge Charles W. Church , to learn the
trade of a whcel-wright. Some of his
biographers state that he was born in
the city of New York. I think he is ,
like his three other bonanza partners , a
native of Ireland. If born in New York ,
he was the sou of an Irish immigrant-
Five months before his time was up he
was taken with the California fever , and
applied to Col. Church to allow him to
depart , to which his employer con
In 1849 he went to California , sailing
round the Horn in the ship Elizabeth
Ellen. He took that long journey to
avoid expense. For some time ho kept
a liquor store in San Francisco , in com
pany with his friend , Mr. O'Brien. In
1854 he became known to the financial
world as the leading partner in the firm
of Flood & O'Brien" in connection with
the Comstock and afterward with the
Hale and Norcross mines. Flood &
O'Brien were the first bonanza kings
and Flood first projected the Nevada
bank , in San Francisco , with a paid up
capital of $10,000.000 in sold and $3-
000,000 or $4JOO,009 in United
States bonds. Among its directors were
Flood , Fair and Mackay. Mr. Flood's
name has been prominently connected
with the Nevada bank , Pacific Mail and
mining company , Pacific Wood , Lum
ber and Flume company. San Francisco
Gas-Light company. Golden City Chem
ical works , Virginia and Gold Hill
Water company. Giant Powder com
pany , Ophir Mine company , and with
Yellow Jacket , Union Consolidated ,
Scorpion , Savage , Ophir , Occidental ,
Hale and Norcross , Gould and Curry ,
Consolidated Virginia , California , and
Best and Belcher mining compa
nies. He has had a larger income
than any of the Rothschilds. Five
millions a month from the bonanza
mines have been divided among four
partners of whom ho was one. He has
been"assessed at $31,000,000. personal
propertv. lie has been building a
house on Nob hill to cost $5,000,000 ,
and has been collecting immense treas
ures in works of art. One of his great
est treasures is his daughter Jennie ;
one of his presents to her was the sum
of $2,500,000 in United States 4 per
cents. She has been several times dis
posed of. At one time she was to be
given to the church as a nun , at an
other time to Lord Beaumont , and at a
third time Ulysses , son of Gen. Grant.
The last seemed to bo the most serious ,
for report , seemingly well founded , had
her engaged to him , but he is other
wise provided for in the family of the
recently-deceased Jerome B. Chaficc ,
formerly speaker of the house in the
legislature of Colorado and delegate to
congress from Colorado territory , and
chosen its representative in the United
States senate. Miss Jennie , I presume ,
cau easily hnd a husband whenever she
wishes. Mr. Flood has a son also , who
is with him. I believe his wife is liv
When Flood & O'Brien kept their sa
loon in San Francisco they had a horse
which was taken care of by a man
named Finnegan. He was a faithful
man. Flood took a fancy to him and
him a hint in bonanza times which
fave shrewd enough to take , and ho
became another of the millionaire Irish
men of the Pacific coast.
John W. Mackay was born in Novem
ber , 1835 , in the city of Dublin , Ireland.
He came in his minority to New York.
Was for a time in the employ of Wil
liam H. Webb , shipbuilder. In the
autumn of 1852 he went in one of
Webb's vessels round the Horn to Cali
fornia : went to Sierra county and com
menced placer mining. His first for
tunate employment was on the Ken-
tuck mine , in the town of Gold Hill ,
NevadaIn 1863 he formed a partner-
ship with J. M. Walker , of Virginia ,
which tho next year took in Messrs.
Flood and O'Brien. Mr. Fair after
ward took Walker's place. They suc-
sceded in opening up the Consolidated
Virginia and California , since known as
he Bi ° - Bonanza On the 25th of
November , 1867 , Mr. 'Mackay married.
the daughter of Col. Daniel E. Hunger- .
ford , of tho United States army , and
widow of Dr. Thompson , a partner of
Mackay , who had been killed by the
falling of a rock , and adopted Thomp
son's daughter as his own child , for ho
had promised Thompson , at his death ,
to see that his wife and child were not
neglected in that wild region. This1
daughter has recently married an Italian
with a title older than any of the mush
rooms of England. His wife , who re
sides mostly in Europe , was recently
presented at the English court , with
Jiamonds. pearls , and other trash suf
ficient to break a .donkey's back. She
ought to be able to hire"a servant to
3arry them around for her at royal re
ceptions. Her husband might lend her
Dne of his old pack-mules for the ser
vice.Mr. . Mackay now owns , with Mr.
lames Gordon Bennett , a telegraph
lable of his own.
This day laborer became in succes
sion the superintendent of the Caledon-
; an Tunnel aud Mining company , next
a large owner of the Kontuck mine , and
associating himself with James G. Fair
they got control of the Hale and Nor
cross mine. In the California an-l-
Nevada records his name is spelled
Maeke } ' , now it is given as Mackay.
The fourth of the bonanza kin < rs was
William S. O'Brien , and the only one
of them who has died. He was a na
tive of Ireland. He had a sister mar
ried to a Mr. Coleman , who lived at
Bay Ridge , near Fort Hamilton. Mr.
Coleman was owner or part owner of
a valuable clay bank in New Jersey ,
but had not "made much out of it.
Whether Mr. O'Brien became acquaint
ed with Flood at Bay Ridge or Fort
Hamilton , I cannot tell but at all
events he was an original partner with
him. Flood & O'Brien kept a saloon in
Wellington street , near Sansom , in
San Francisco , called the "Auction
Lunch. " They kept no bar , but drew
their liquors from casks , piled one above
the other. The saloon was much fre
quented by miners , when over their
glasses they had many interesting rem
iniscences of their fortunes and misfor
tunes in the mines. The saloon own
ers soon became thoroughly acquaint
ed with all the details of gold and sil
ver milling , and they stored away their
knowledge for future use.
Mr. O'Brien died in 1879. His neph
ew , a son of Mr. Colemaii. of Bay
Ridge , was with him as a clerk on a
salary of $100 a month. This nephew ,
James Coleman , was graduated at
Georgetown Catholic college. Mr.
O'Brien had presented Mr. Coleman
with half a million in 4 per cent United
States bonds , and made him and Mr.
Flood his executors. It is said that he
contemplates coming to congress , and
I see no reason why he should not suc
Mr. O'Brien's estate was valued at
$10,000,000. To each of his two sisters
he left $3,500,000.and to 7 nephews and
3 neiccs $300,000 each. To the Catholic
and Protestant orphan asylums of San
Francisco he left $30,000 and $20,000.
To the Catholic orphan asylum of San
Rafael he left $ . )0,000. Some litigation
took place in disposing of the estate.
If I remember rightly a brother , who
was supposed to be dead , turned up to
contest the will , but that dispute was
amicably settled. The Consolidated
Virginia company had some litigation
with Mr. O'Brien and his estate , and
Judge Finn ordered $1,000,000 in United
States bonds to be retained to answer
to the issue. But there was money
enough for all , and nis relatives , with
numerous orphans of both religious de
nominations bless his memory. Mrs.
Caleman was a widow atthe"time of
her brother's death , aud still remains
so , living in San Francisco. One of her
daughters was , I think , married recent
ly , or soon after her uncle's death , to a
wealthy gentleman of Baltimore.
Only one of the four bonanza kings
dead ! But other prominent Carson
valley men have crossed the dark river.
I have already mentioned the sad death
of Ilnry Comstock in 1870 Fiuney "old
Virginny , " who gave his name to the
mines and to the largest city of the
state , having sacrificed everything for
drink , fell from his horse and broke
his skull in Juno , 1860. Patrick Mc-
Laughlin , the most honest and hard
working of the early discoverers , died
in 1879 in St. Bernardino hospital with
out money to pay for a pauper's funer
al. Peter O'Riley , after toiling for
years in lonely mountain caves , sur
rounded by unseen spirits whispering
to his crazed brain stories of untold
wealth , retired to an insane asylum in
California , where he died amidthe re
proaches of these spirits for having neg
lected their advice. In 1860 , Finney ,
McLaughlin , and O'Riley were wealth
ier than Fair , Flood and Mackav. The
former fill pauper graves. The latter
are still bonenza kings.
Thus may we see how the world wags.
A Beautiful Custom.
It is said that tlw beautiful custom
prevailed among the ancients of usin -
llowers and fruit to denote each hour
of the day. The first hour , a bouquet
of full-blown roses : the second hour ,
heliotrope ; the third , white roses ; the
fourth , hyacinth : the fifth , some lem
ons ; the sixth , a bouquet of lotos ; the
seventh , lupins ; the eighth , some
oranges ; the ninth , olive leaves ; the
eleventh , a bouquet of marigolds ; the
twelfth , heartsease and violets. And if
they wished to appoint an hour to meet
anyone , they would send the emblem
ot that hour. St. Louis Magazine.
A PuzzlingQnestion. .
A boy listened with keen interest to
the story of the creation.
Said the teacher :
"Once upon a time there was no
world here. No land or water ; nothing
was to be seen anywhere. Then the
Here a boy interrupted :
-Please , mum , what was there here
when there wasn't anything here ? "
Morning Journal.