The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 06, 1886, Image 7

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    FOOD makes Blood nnd Blood makes
Ucuuty. Improper digeation ol food neces
sarily produces bad blood , resulting in n
iceling of fullnesa in the stonmcli , acidity ,
heartburn. Bick-headache , nnd other dys
peptic Bymptoms. A closely confined life
causes indigestion , constipation , bilious
ness and loss of appetite. To remove these
troubles there is no remedy equal to Prickly
rv A th Bitters. It has been tried and proven
v VQ be a specific.
At the drum tap nino million drilled sol-
aiers would take arms in Europe.
OUTERS for liver and kidney complaints ,
scrofula , rheumatism , worms , fever , skin
eruptions , headaches , and all disorders
irifling from bad blood. That remarkable
regetuble preparaL lias never failed to
Jffecfc a speedy euro in any instance. Many
thousands of persons testify to its wonder
ful effects.
fThe French find that tho colored troopn
.ought nobly in Scncgambia.
The worst Scald or Burn can l > cured without
a scar if Colo'w Cnrboll < silve is promptly
used. It hibtantly stops the pum. Sold by Drug-
gluts at 25 atid D'J cents.
When thedear little school-girls get
ready to strike , they will hit real hard.
"When Baby TTM sicTt , tre Ravo her Castoria ,
"When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
t When she became Misa , she clung to Castoria ,
sho had Children , slio gave thorn Castoria ,
5 queen's birthday will be celebrated
in London this year on May 22.
merciful to dumb animals. Heal
/pen sores and cuts with Stewart's
Baling Powder , 15 and 50 cents a box.
Statistics show that in the whole of Eu
rope the women have a majority of 4.571)-
, . A luxuriant head of hnir adds to beauty
\nd comeliness. Use Hall's Hair Ilencwer.
Remember ! Ayer's Ague Cure is war-
ranfed to euro fever and ague. It never
When yon liear a bee buzzing on the tvin-
\ 3oupane , let it bee.
I was taken with rheumatism and suf
fered intense pain whether I sat up or lay
3own. After taking half a bottle of Athlo-
phoros the swelling is all reduced and I
have had no pain. Jed Grigware , mate ot
steamer W. 11. IJurt , East Stiginaw , Mich.
No , it is not proper to speak 01 the
judiciary as a bench show.
iet the Best
\ * * a RDoJ motto to follow In buying a spring medicine ,
as well as in everything else. By the universal sat-
Isfactlor It has given , and by the many remarkable
cures ll jas accomplished. Hood's Sarsaparilla ha3
proven K blf unequalled for building tip and strength
ening thJ gj stem , and for all diseases arising from
yor promoted by Impure blood. Do not experiment
ivltli any unheard of and untried article which you
ere told isjust as goot1 , " but bo sure to get only
llood's Sar-apnriila.
"I consider Hood's Enrsnpirilla the best medicine
lever used. It gives me an appetite and refreshing
sleep , and keeps the cold out. " JOHN S. FOGG , 11W
Spruce Street , Portland. Maine.
"I find Hood's Sarsaparilla the best remedy for Im
pure blood I ever used. " SI. H. BAXTER , ticket
tgcnt , P. & R. lid. , llound Brook , X. J.
Hood's Sarsaparilla takca less time and quantity to
* * Show Its effect than any preparation I ever heard of. "
lies. C. A. HUBBAKD , X. Chill. X. Y.
Hood's SarsapariHa
if I i ' od by all druggists. Jl ; six for * > . Prepared by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
( OO Doses One Dollar.
iaa stood the Test of Years ,
. Curing all Diseases of tho
ELS , &c. It Purifies tho
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses the System.
disappear at once under
KIBHEYS its teaeficial influence.
STOMACH It is purely a Hcdicine
as its cathartic proper
AND ties forbids its use as a
beverage. It is pleas
' ant to taa taste , and as
easily taken by child
ren as adults.
Solo Proprietors ,
yiyg-w rysr ' ' '
Jtras cured before
the second bottle of
Cream JJalm
troubled with chro7iu
catarrh , galJteriiiff in
Jicad , difficulty iit
breathing and dis
charges from my ears.
C. J. Corbin , 923
Chestnut St. ,
A particle Is applied into each nostril and is au. - -
- > Wc 10 use. Price 0 cts. bvmair ! at druggists ,
lend for Circular. ELr BBOTHEUS. Druggists ,
Owcco. X.Y.
feel well and en-
Joy life when you go about with a
hacking cough ? More substan-
. < * ial benefits can be obtained from
* > " 7a fifty-cent bottle of DR. BQE- !
'dollar bottle of any other cough
remedy. It is a prompt , safe , and
pleasant cure for all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Sold and in-
dorsed by Druggists.
, -mma * a B IgaPfiK _ - S VX X f
In America.
Agricultural Park
SfesBS" ! 55SKSiSSllwK
' . OP
Dre-Snptlon and homestead. Lands for sale to ac-
; . - ' ' .
.pre-ciuH .
S1W ) per aanf i.oTiG 1'IME.
ated br Immense canals. 'Cheap railroad
ery attention * hown tcStiers. Jt or map | .
. .address , COLORAnO LAXD Jt LOAM
i ' * W
The FItHcsn Cyclone.
Whence it comuth or whither it goctli no
man cnn tell. It lurks in no particular
latitude or longitwle ; it is partial "to no
section or season ; itiegards neither station
nor condition ; it respects neither morals
nor manners ; it swoops without warning ,
and its path is marked by desolation and
drnth. No man is strong enough or swift
enough to escape its Jury ; no mother may
supplicate its mercy ; no babe so innocent
or helpless that it can command from
heaven or earth protection from its re
lentless and indiscriminate wrath. Tem
ples ol worship , places of vice , haunts of
misery ; nnd asylums for tho sick are
leveled alike ; and among the dead the
strongest and the weak , the old and tho
young , the sinful and sainted lie side by
sitle. All the signs by which human mind
is capable of judging all tho indications
of the doom-swept waste point to tho
potency of God , bub to the temper ol
fiend. The pitiless cyclone ! Whence
cometh it ? Whither goeth it ? Hath it a
purpose as tho expression of Almighty
Power ? Who can interpret it ? Who can
make it seem consistent with the idea of
omniscience and love ? Who can reconcile
mankind to its visitations ? Who can for-
tell its approach ? Who can provide safe
refuge from its ravages ? Who ? [ St. Louis
the Cruel War Begun.
A gentleman who had carefully trained
up a servant in the way he should go , eo
that when his wife was present ho might
not depart from it , sent him with a box
ticket for the theater to the house of a
young lady. Tho servant returned when
tho gentleman and wife were at dinner. Ho
had , of course , been told in giving answers
in certain cases to substitute the mascu
line for the feminine pronoun. "Did yotf
see him ? " asked the master. "Yes sir , " re
plied tho servant. "He said that he'd go
with pleasure , and that he'd wait for you ,
sir. " "What was he doing ? " asked the
wife carelessly. "Putting oil his bonnet ,
ma'am , " said the idiot.
Circumstances Alter Cases. ,
A little girl who lives in tho Highlands
went up to Vermont one summer a few
years ago. Contrary to their expectations
when they left home , her father and mother
took and occupied asmall and very scantily
furnished farm house during the summer.
One - the child rebuked
dajthe 5-year-old was
for some misdemeanor , whereupon she put
on hrr most philosophical manner and
astonished her elders by remarking : "Well ,
mamma , I don't know how anybody can
live religion in such a horrid old house ! "
Circumstances do have something t do
with the case , after all. Uoston Gazette.
Ulcn All Alike.
"It is very seldom , " said the waitress ,
"that you meet one man different from the
rest. They are all tuned to the same key ,
and that key is conceit. There isn't a man
who comes in here regularly but believes
that all us girls arc 'dead gone' on him.
Doesn't matter how old , how poor , or ho v
homely the man is , he still thinks that
wherever he goes he leaves behind him
broken-hearted women. I 'sposeyou think
men come here just to eat. Well , they do ,
but anybody to look at them would think
that their chief purpose was to whisper
chitchat to the waitress and look killingly
every time she passes. And they are all
alike , married or single. If they only knew
how tired it makes us , perhaps they would
quit. I tell you it is refreshing when , once
in a long time , a man comes in who really
appears to have come in for the purpose of
having a meal who piles into the grub and
seems not to mind us any more than if we
were men. When that sort of a man strikes
the place and leaves it without any of the
little flirty tricks of the general run we girls
just do admire him , and wouldn't mind if
he was a littlo more sociable. " [ Toronto
In every land and clime , tho merits of St.
Jacobs Oil ns the only conqueror of pain ,
are being acknowledged by the press and
A. True Philanthropist.
In an editorial on the late John Welsh ,
the Philadelphia Ledger tells the following
anecdotes of him : "On the eve of one ot
his tours of 'Europe and the Holy Land he
made a visit to the Episcopal hospital ,
and , casually looking over the books , noted
to himself the amount of the hospital's un
liquidated debt. It was about § 18,000 ,
and two days afterward , when he was on
the sea , the hospital received his check for
the full amount. He was then out of reach
of praise for his thoughtful care of the in
stitution. Altogether ho contributed there
§ 41,000. "
Three members of my family , says Llr.
James A. Sample , Cash lloom , oflice of tho
Treasurer , D. S. , who were suffering from
aggravating coughs , have been much bene-
lited by taking Red Star Cough Cure. None
of the 511 effects so noticeable in other cough
remedies , have followed the use of this.
After Them.
Burdette reports the following entry in
"the captain's log-book" : "August 1C ,
1925 About 3:15 this afternoon , after
three years of incredible toil , hardships
and labor , we reached that spot which has
filled the ice fields of the north with graves
and wrecks. We stood at last at the
North Pole. Of the 100 men who sailed
from New York harbor I was the only one
living , and my only companions were the
two Esquimaux. A moment wo stood in
solemn silence , the savage and Christian
alike awed by the thought that we liad
crowned with success the superhuman ef
forts of centuries , when , otepping briskly
around from the other side of the pole , a
woman came , holding out her autograph
album , while a few paces behind her walked
a man from the Redpath Lyceum Bureau ,
who wanted to know what I would take to
lecture through New England and the Mid
dle states. "
Common sense will indicate the certain
tendency of a neglected cold to the lungs ;
prevent such a termination by using Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup for that cough. Price
25 cents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Truth is flighty and don't prevail.
Where there is shame there may yet be
virtue. Dr. Samuel Johnson.
"I am a merchant and planter , " writes
Mr. T. N. Humphrey , of Tenn. , "and it
gives me great pleasure to say that f orsevere
coughs and colds Allen's Lung Balsam is
the best remedy now offered for sale. 1
have induced many to try it , with the beat
of results. " At druggists , 25c , 50c , and
§ 1.00 a bottle.
The most profane animal is tho bearer.
He is always damming.
Like the fearful shapes tliat throng
lonely roads on moonlight nights ter
rible at a distance , but only harmless
shrubs or stumps when we come up to
them so , nearly every trouble we see
on ahead will disappear before we reach
it , if we simply go bravely on our way
and do not notice it. Antl most of the
serious entanglements of life will clear
up and satisfactorily arrange them
selves if we will only do our duty and
refuse to worry over them.
The angler's instinct : The eagle's
spirit when soaring over mountain crag
and the lion-like ambition to
sea , - over
come , the exultation that must iill tho
spider's heart when a lly struggles in
his web , the emotion the rattlesnake
knows when he throws his deadly length
at tho careless foot treading too near.
I know all these ! And in these only I
know life as worth living.
With his first laste of human blood
the tiger's fear of man vanishes for
ever. He becomes a , and
his fangs revel in human ilesh. It is
just so with the man-tiger the desper
ado. Reared , perhaps ti'ulcr the re
straining power of a gentle1
teaching , and surrounded by kindly in-
lluences , the lire in his blood cools his
veins for years , but some day the
change comes. It may bo a wicked
book , or a wicked companion. It may
be the one deadly ingredient that lurks
in the bottom of every social glass , and
so often combines with the latent nihil
istic spirit , in perhaps every man's
breast , that starts him upon his wicked
way. He soon finds himself at war
with all law , and , after awhile , the un-
traruelled life acquires an irresistible
fascination. Ho becomes a man-tiger ,
and , like his brother brute , dies at the
hands of the world he hates.
It is better to be well-dead than ill-
married. A man can , and generally
docs , make a fool of himself when he
marries ; but once dead he issafe un
less they go behind the returns on tho
poor fellow. At least , he can commit
no new mistakes. If a man must mar
ry , however , it is well to marry for
money , then , like the clown , he can
console himself with the thought that
he is a fool for pay.
The contempt of the world is nothing
to the terrible heart sickness a man
knows who feels a sincere , inexpressi
ble contempt for himself. A false step ,
the work of a rash , unreasoning mo
ment , may place him where it is his
seeming duty to tread a lowly path ;
must grovel where once he soared ; must
know that every eye is bent upon him
in utter contempt. If a truly brave
man at heart , or a hypocrite , he can
assure himself that it is simply right to
go uncomplainingly on , as ho becomes
day by da } ' mru surely the thing iie
once despised and it may be. Bnt , < ! ay
and niglit , hid self-contempt inflicts
munted'punishmont. Duty sinks out of
sight , and he can only writhe in impo
tent anguish , while he'fritters his igno
ble life away on unworthy objects ,
among unworthy companions. Thomas
Colquitt , in Pecfcs & .
How Rachel Came to Harry Jacol ) .
This true story comes from an old
seaboard town in Maine :
Jacob loved llaciiel , but Rachel
wouldn't have him. Jacob labored on ,
pressing his suit at intervals , and after
each rebuff telling her he was bound to
win her yet and convince everyone she
cared for him as much as he believed
in his heart she did.
"Very well , " cried the indignant
Rachel , with a toss of her head , "keep
right on till 3011 make folks believe
that , and when you do I'll marry you ? "
Jacob did persevere but with "wnall
success , and at hist began to lose cour
age. About this time another suitor of
Rachel's arrived home from sea , bria < - -
ing with him. among other exotics ,
parrot of gorgeous hue , which he pre
sented to Rachel , who forthwith had
the. bird suspended from tiie sitting-
room window whence she looked oiit
afternoons when her work was done.
For a dav or two after his elevation to
his dignity the parrot remained mar-
vclously quiet , only casting an eye about
as if taking in his new situation. On
the third .morning , however , no sooner
did the neighbors begin to stir than he
electrified each passer-by with the an
nouncement :
"Rachel's gone on Jacob ; no chance
for John ! "
Of courso the more laughter this
raised the more vociferously the bird
proclaimed the news. It spread like
wildfire , and the parrot's audience
steadily increased. Rachel meanwhile
went into hysterics , but however mnen
this incommoded the family it made no
impression on the parrot , who , al
though threatened and beaten and
relegated to darkness , waxed more and
more furious with the desire to spread
his knowledge.
Jacob kept or.t of the way for a while ,
but there was no lack of couriers to
bring him information of the oilier fel
low's discomfiture and the parrot's
heroic defence of his cause. At last
Rachel's father appeared wearing on
his weathcrbeaten face an odd mixture
of frown and grin.
"Look a-here. " he said , "between
that denied bird's screcchm1 an' folks
a cacklin' , that gal's a'most out o' her
head. There's nothin1 for you to do
but go over there and try "to fix .up
tilings as well's ye'can. I guess most
likfiv she'll see ve Ido'uo , folks can't
alvays toil. "
The upshot was Rachel married Ja
cob , who sticks to it that it was the"
penetrative wisdom of his rival's parrot
thai did the business , and denies to this
day all knowledge of the way tho par
rot came by his speech. Boston
ITass. liccor'd.
It "Will Take Time.
"Has your father got his affairs
wound up yet ? " said a Cleveland man
to young Mr. Flatt , whose paternal par
ent , Platt , the jeweler , recently made
an assignment. "No , " answered the
youth , "in'he ain't likely to get 'eui
wound up inside of twenty years. "
"How so : " ' cried the astonished citizen.
'Why , his assets arc mostly in Waler-
burv watches. " Cleveland Sun.
Above all other earthly ills ,
, I hate the bi , old-fashioned pills ;
' By Blow degreed they downward wend ,
j And often pause , or upward tend ;
With such discomfort arc Uie.v fraught ,
' Their good effects amount to naught.
I Now , Dr. Pierce pri-pares a pill
That just exactb fills the bill
A Pellut , rather , that is all
A Pleasant Purgative , and small ; try them us you feel their need ,
You'll lind that I speak truth , indeed.
It takes 14'i.OOO watch-screws to weigh
a pound.
'I'lio HloriilMU lrc .s.
It is said that a lady's standing in so
ciety can eat.ily be determined by her dress
lit the breakfast-table ; an expensive , showy
costume indicating that the wearer haw not
yet learned the proprieties. But no one
need bu afraid of being called "shoddy" if
her loveliness is as apparent bydaylightas
at the hops. Ported beauty is never the
attendant of disease ; above all , of those
diseases peculiar to women , and which find
a ready cure in Dr. Pierco's "Favorite Pros
cription. Price reduced to one dollar. By
In London there arc 21)1 ) shorthand
writers and ncwspajMir reporters.
The "old reliable" Dr. Sage's Catarrh
_ _ _ _
Growth of ivy over a house renders tho
interior entirely free from moisture.
PATJCIVTScibtuiiieil by Louis Ira gjjer&Co..JVt-
toriicyt , AVushiuyton.lXC. EstM 1864. Advicefree.
Mnlrihoodle is more popular amongEng-
lish lords this spring than ever.
Hest. easiest to use and cheapest. PIso's Remedy
for Catarrh. Uy Urusgists. OOc ,
One must needs go to the cea-shoro to
Combining IRON irith POKE TECETA15LE
TOXICS , qnicHf and completely CLEANSES
the sctien of the Liver and Kidneys. Clears tho
complexion , mates the skiu smooth. It doesnot
injure the teeth , cause headache , or produce con
Flivsicians and DrugRistB everywhere recommend it.
MISG EMMA L BETCIIER , 1517 Cummins St. ,
Omaha , Neb. , says : " Three bottles of Itrown's Iron
Bitters cared mo of a very eevcro caso of Blood I'oi-
HALI.IC SoWtES , Falls City , K < * b. , says : "I need
Brown's Iron Bitters fur Impute Blood and it en-
JlnjSSwi ! * I" VESS. witli B. & M. R. R. . Omahn ,
Kcb.says : "Ihave used Brown's Iron Bittern for
iny blood vnth tho most satisfactory results. I would
not be without it"
Mns. XAKGT Sia-m , Jumata , Npb. , says : " I nsed
Brown's Iron Bitters for Impure Blood with much
benefit. " _ . , , .
Slit. J. N. BAKnn. Avilli. Kan. , says : "His blood
was in suclua bad conditioa that eveiy little scratch
or bretk of tho hkin caused a verjpainful sore. Ho
used Bro > vn'B Iron Bitters with tho best of results. "
Genuino his above Trada Mark and crossed red liaea
on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
llr. R. Foster , 320 Jfsla street , Terre Hnnte , Indiana , snf-
fercd from Nenralfiz tnd found no relief till he n3e < J
ATHIiOPHOROS. then in one day's time the pain VM
all gone. It will give prompt relief in all cases of Neural
gia. A k your drussis : for AtLlophoros. If jon cannot
get it of him do not try something rise.but oricrat onca
from us. We Trill tend it express paid on receipt of price ,
SI.00 per bottle.
ATHLOPHOROS CO. , 112 Wall St. New York.
oldest medicine In the world Is probaWyrjrsi
OThc Dr. Isaac Thompson's [ tg
This article Is a carefully prepared Physinlaa'a pre
scription , nnd has been in constant use nearly a centu
ry , mid notwithstanding the manv other prepa"atlons
that ha\obeen Introduced Into the market , the sale
of this srt' < le Isconstsip.tly Increasing. If tiiedlrec-
tlcn artfallowed It will never fail. We particularly
Invite the atli ntion of physu-ians to Itsmerlts.
_ . _ DECAY ,
A Iiife Experience. Ilemarliablo and
quick cures. Trial Packages. Consulta
tion and Boolcs by Mail 3TKEE. Address
Dr. WARD & Co. , Louisiana , &lo.
You are .tlioxveci a free trial of thirty days of tho
usoof Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric
Suspensory Appliances , for the speedy relief andncr-
manens cure or Atrrous Debility , loss of FifaJifjr.and
Hanlwod , and all kindred troubles. Also for many-
other diseases. Complete restoration to HealthVi or
and Manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illus
trated pamphlet in scaled enrelot > e mailed free , bv
addressing Voltaic Jiclt Co. , ilarshall , illch. '
TVortli of a
There is great rejoicing amons the people
when the price of a great paper is reduced
from five to four , from four to three , and
from three to two cents , or from two to
one cent , antl there are no doubt men who
would like the price to go tlown to one-half
cent. I never rejoice at such a time , he-
cause it means penury , domestic privation ,
starvation ! No newspaper in the land can
afford to l > s published for lerfd than five
cents a sheet. [ Ilev. Dr. Tiilmnge.
Salvation Oil , the celebrated American
remedy , is guaranteed to cure rheumatism.
Bore throat , swellings , bruises , burns and
frost-bites Price only twenty-five cents a
Blood-poisoning i.s really what has been
ailing the Princess of AVailes.
GcrLyon's Patent Heel StIIIeners applied to new
boots and thsy will never run over.
Agnyapi hmiyanna takn waskuyccacgna-
kapi is the the Sioux for pic.
Every nervous person should try Carter's
Little NtiliVE Pills , They are made * pe-
cially for nervous and dyspeptic men and
women , and ate just the medicine needed
by all persons who , from niiy cause , do
not sleep \ > ull , or who fail to gut proper
strength from their food. Cases of weak
stomach , indigestion , dyspupsiii , nervous
and sick hendnche , Ac. , readily yield to the
use of the Little Nerve Pills , particularly if
combined with Carter's Little Liver Pills.
In vials at 25 cents.
In China the fee for medcal attendance
is from five to ten cents a visit.
and mechanics in the world.
Pallman 1'alace CarCo..Ma on
& llamlin Orpan & Piano Co. .
At tho New Orleans Exposi
tion , joints made tvith it en
dured a testing strain of over
i.600 Pounds
Protiottncnl strnng&'t rf e/i0rn
Imulon.lSSS. A'ac ( Mean * . 18S5.
Send hicard and lie. ro taie for "samplec-i'i. ! REE.
BDSSIA CEJIEXT CO. , Gloacesisr , Maaa.
When i say euro t uo nut mean merely to stop ttiem lot
otlmo and then have them return tRaln. 1 [ moan a rartl-
cal cure. I havo m.ula tho Ulscnso of KITS. EflLErSY
or FALLIKG SICKNESS a llfo-loui ; study. I warrant my
remedy to ccro tho7ortt c.-isos Eecaoso others liavo
failed U no roaion for nut now receiving n euro. fce" ? '
German Aothmu Cnrc never fail * to give
iinm-iliatt relief in the worst c.isci. insures com-
Kso' Remedy for Catarrh b the
Best , Easiest to Us > e , nnd Cbeapcat.
Also good for Cold in the Head ,
lieadache. Hay Fever , < tc. 50 cents.
J ThplI"litei trunnInrele ( atO'Mnder in the world
* -1.11-.111- ! as to p.1sthrouli um cites. Kequiroi
jin. Sever mis-ej .1 liuiullu. MESTloS
- _ _ _
< A treatise on the causes and euro ot deafness , bv ona
who has made thislndrinitya hfo study , .sent FIt E by
U. JOILXSO.SCo. . , 10 Napoleon Street , Newark. N. J.
A Casket of Silver Ware Fe-eo
To nay person who will bhoiritto their nrijhborictnsonr s eni
and rend ordffn. GIreypnr n-orest ezprsrs anil Post OfScc a ltlrT * < .
Attjr s coxx. . . , . .
J nnd lorpMnc Habit Cured in 1 0 to
] : : Oila > > . Rffvrtu ; uOOiatienti > riircii
} in all parts. Dr. Harsh , Quincy.Hich.
' ni CJinflSJIY r.earn here and earn goad
§ IlLCUSiWrta I pnv. Situations furnlsheJ.
Q Valentine Uros. Janesvllle. AVis.
ZMorphlno Habit Ctireilin 10
to ' O < liyi. > . " < ) i > : iy till CuroU.
Ui : J. SrEruEXS. Leliiuoa. Ohio.
, \V-VNTED. P5O A V/ERK and OT-
HELPVVNTED. Valuable outfit and p.irtlcuiaH
iree. J. F. UILL& CO. , Augusta , iljln- .
Scrap Pictures nnd S3 Fancy Cards ( new ;
maIIedforlOc.EisEXCAiD U'OP.KS , Ivorytoa.Ct
C RChromo.GoM Scrap , loop Fringe , ite.Cards sent post
oUpaidforGc , Coun.Stcam Card rt'feg , Hartford , Conn
Scrap 1'ictitrcs andIS Xew Chroma
120 nnd G old Scrap Cants seat post paid for 1 ( ) c t-j.
CEXTXCBOOK CAII > Co. . Ceuterlook. Couu.
for infants and
"Castoria 13 so well adapted to children that j Caatorfa cures Colic , Constipation ,
t recommend i t as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation ,
known to me. * ' H. A. ASCHEK , M. D. , Kills "Worms , gives sleep , and promotes di
Ill So. Osford St , Brooklyn , N. T. Without injurious medication.
THE CSHTACB Con-isr , 1S2 Fulton Street , N. Y.
BATHS OF Special atten
EVEKT tion given to Dis
DESCRIPTION eases of the Eye ,
MASSAGE AXD Ear , Throat , Skin
and Lungs.
Accommodations f
for persons injur- , Surgery in all
i'its forms.
ed by accident.
'Foot ' , and all de-
Pleasant rooms fj fortuities.
and Lome com '
Trained Nurses. CURED. _
f St. II. Gains , B. S. . II. D. Diseases of the Eye , Ear. Throat and Che tl
Qf oflp J GIL Snraoxs , L. 31. , M. D. Dis. or the Skin , Gemto-Urinary Organs and Surgery.
oLtlli.'j J. E.REED. M. D. Diseases of Women and the Ncrrous System.
IG. H. SIMMOXS. M. D. , Resident Physician.
All con-contagions diseases admitted. For information address
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Tie Best
Coat ,
The FISH BEAST ) SLICKER la Tr mn ted waterproof , and will Jeff p yon dry In
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If you irlsh A ccrlnlii euro for nil XSlood
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Hops K JIalt Hitters regularly in ray practice.
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A Specialist for ricveti Year * t'a t ,
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CuriM patients pronounced hopeless bytlu beat of
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From UIR first ilose the symptonn rapl'lly Mtaf-
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Some mnv cry humbug without knowing nnythlnji
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A Gr > ct Sin' ' cil W > rS O'5 ? .Iaihco ! ! . \ crouancl
I'lij&.cil Di-hlli.y. Premature Ucrli , c In Ms i. Kx-
ua.-t-d Vitnlltv &c. , & - . . and the u iiol I ii.Ix-rles
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