The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 29, 1886, Image 4

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P. M. A7\I ) E. 31. KlMMELLi
Editors and Publishers.
McCooK , XKK. , March 29. The town of
McCook is located in 1'ed Willow county ,
situated in the Grand llepublican Valley ,
one of the most productive ami beautiful
valleys in the west.
is the third east of the Colorado line in the
.southern tier ; has an area of 720 square miles ,
or 400,800 acres. In 18SO the population was
: ; ,044which since has increased to about 8,000.
The general surface of the country is undu
lating or sloping , and from top to bottom of
the slope it is from one-half to two miles
across. At the tpp of the slope there are
what is called "flats. " ' These Hats are from
two to twenty miles in extent , and almost a
perfect level , with no rock , gravel , stumps ,
or anything of the kind to hinder fanning
operations. As I write I can look out on
this magnificent scenery , where corn rows
can be made on a straight lino live miles
long , and can see the rows nearly the entire
distance. The uplands , or divide-lands , are
considered the best lands andmobt productive.
is a rich , deep alluvial loam , from three to
live feet in depth , very productive , and is
capable of supporting a population as dense
: is any portion of the East. It seems pecu
liarly adapted to this country , absorbing
moisture very rapidly and retaining it with
remarkable tenacity. The subsoil is com
posed of a light yellow clay with some sand ,
and that is underlayed with limestone , and
is especially adapted to drouth , although
there has been sullicient rainfall for hcveral
years past to mature all kinds of crops , and
the rainfall has been visibly increasing , and
appearances indicate an abundance for
growing purposes , lied Willow county is
one of the most productive as well as the
must beautiful in the Republican Valley , and
is capable of sustaining a population five
times greater than it now contains , and it
will not be during our generation that the
West will hold the drawbacks of the over
crowded East. There has been
or other minerals discovered in this county ,
but a fair grade of magnesian limestone is
found , which is used for foundations and
building purposes , and makes a very sub
stantial structure.
The county is watered by the following
Ilepublican river runs through the county
from west to east ; Beaver and Driftwood
creeks on the south , and lied Willow and
Coon creeks on the north , empty into the
Republican river in the county , except the
Beaver. Beaver and lied Aillow creeks
furnish a fair water power , as also does the
Ilepublican river. There is considerable
timber found along these streams , which is
used for posts , corrals , fuel , etc. Posts are
worth eight cents a piece in the timber : wood
s'J per cord in the tree. This is a
and the land is held principally by those who
entered and perfected the titles under Gov
ernment laws. There is no railroad land
here. Land sells at from ? S to $ ] . " > per acre ,
according to location and improvement. Un
cultivated land , .seven or eight miles from
.station , can be had for § 5 or 5(5 ( per acre.
Some relinquLshnieuts to claims can be bought
from § : ] 00to § 800 per claim of ICO acres. Let
me give you an instance or two :
There is one farm of ftiO acres , fine smooth
level land , can cultivate .IS acres , nine miles
from station10 acres in cultivation , can be
bought now at $8 per acre ; one-third caMi ,
balance on time to suit purchaser at 10 per
cent interest 100 acres , three miles from
station , all smooth , can cultivate every fool
of it : house , well , cellar : 20 acres in cultiva
tion ; price ? 10 per acre , one-half rash , time
on balance. Some claims ten miles from
station , with 100 acres tillable land , balance
good pasture land , can be had for § 150 to
§ 200 per claim of 100 acres.
There are CO school districts in the county ,
with school in each. The Kith and JMJth sec
tions in every township in this State are
school sections.
We raise com , wheat ( both winter and
.spring ) , rye , barley , oats , ilax. cane , broom
com , in fact everything that can be raised
in a good agricultural country. The yield of
com is from 40 to ( JO bushels per acre ; rye
about oO : wheat from 20 to 30 bushels per
acre ; sod corn yields 23 to 35 bushels per
acre. By sod corn 1 mean where the s > od is
broken in May or fore part of June , and
com planted on it and not cultivated in any
manner whatever the entire season. Potatoes
yield an abundant crop planted on sod.
This is a wonderfully delightful country
and extremely healthful. Ague is unknown
here , the atmosphere being dry , bracing and
salubrious days warm , nights in summer
cool and invigorating. There are twice the
number of fair days here to any other place
I have ever lived. There was not one really
disagreable day in the month of February
just past. The farmers were busy on their
farms , most of the time the ground was in a
condition to plow and sow , during my seven
veal's' residence here there has not been a
February that the ground was not in a condi
tion to receive cultivation , at least during a
v portion of the month. January is the only
* - ' month in the year that will not admit of the
cultivation of the soil. There is very little
* . mud here , and there has not been a time in
the past seven years that the roads have
been muddy over three or four days at a
time. They are now dry and solid , and when
much travelled they are dusty.
is the commercial metropolis of the county ,
and is a phenomenal town. There was good
judgment exercised in locating the site in
proximity to the railroad , with a beautiful
slope , sightly and attractive for residences ,
, from which a grand view appears before the
enraptured vision ; the beautiful , broad , level
valley dotted with farms ; the railroad , with
its long trains carrying commerce from ocean
V . ' to ocean , may be seen for miles up and down
f * the valley. It is a wohderf ully grand , beau-
\ ' . tiful sight 4
! are of a good , solid , .substantial character ,
f' . ' and there are some very line brick business
j . houses , noticeable among which is the First
Rational Bank building. This is an exquis *
itely finished building , very commodious ,
aud all its appointments complete. There
are live hotels , two banks , three church build
ings , throe weekly"papers , three lumbei
yards , three agricultural implement dealers ,
four hardware stores ; one hall,50x100 feet ,
with stage and accessories ; eight general
merchandise stores , and the usual numbei
of other stores to be found in a western town
of its size.
have not been overlooked , but amid all the
din and clatter of rapid improvement has re-
ceived-a fair share of attention , and a good
graded school of four departments is well
supported. The school building is a large
structure , costing many thousand of dollars.
The Holly water .system has been in opera
tion for some tiuiej and tire town enjoys the
benefit to be derived from one of the best
systems. There are now 12 miles of pipe
laid down.
for this district is located here. What the
town needs is a good llouring mill. There
are good water privileges , an abundant sup
ply of grain , and a good home demand for
both Hour and feed. McCoolv has a large
trade from a distance , many ranchmen com
ing seventy-live miles to this place for sup
plies. McCooic is not for a day , but for all
time. Its citizens are of that class of men
who believe in energy and-rapid advance
ment , and will keep abreast of the times.
This city is connected with the outside world
by the
which has made this a division point for
terminal service , disbursing .3 : > T,000 monthly
to its employes. They have erected a two-
story depot , and tho .superintendent , train
master , train dispatcher and road masters
have ollices in the building. There is a round
house and repair shops alt > o located here.
The Burlington owns :5,000 : miles of well-
ballasted road , and operates , with leased
lines , over 5,000 miles. Business men have
come to this point simply on the strength of
the low freight rates , as compared with other
If on business you will save time by taking
the Burlington route ; if shipping the Bur
lington route is the quickest.
For the season of 18SG has been located at
McCook. § 3,000 in premiums will be offered ,
open to the entire McCook land district , and
Decatur and llawlins county , Kas. Liberal
premiums for the products of the farm.
While stock and speed have been remember
ed. The best half-mile track in the west.
One of the best fairs in the state of Nebraska
is assurred.
I located seven miles north-west of ilcCook
seven years ago this spring. After making
a tree claim entry , 1 had . * 4.r : left 1 used
a tent 4 by 10 feet for my house , and lived
alone the first summer. There was not a
house in sight , not a furrow broken , not a
wagon track across this vast expanse of
prairie except as 1 made it. It was over
100 miles to the nearest station on the Bur
lington road. Am now comfortably situated
with my family on 40 acres of land ; school
house a half-mile distance , where we have
regular church service every two weeks , Sab
bath school every Sunday , and day school
half the year.
I am a fanner have worked and lived on
a farm all my life. I write this let ter for the
purpose of giving information to parties who
would like to come west and have not yet
concluded where to locate.
If you are a renter and have a ( earn and
farm implements , come west and have a farm
of your own. If yon are the owner of 40
acres , sell that and come west and get UK )
acres. If you are a carpenter , come to Mc-
Cook where you can get work at from § 2.00
to ? 2.r 0 per day. 1 have been informed that
there are nearly fifty houses under contract
already to be erected this summer. If you
are a capitalist , come west and invest in land
in 1'ed Willow county , and the rise will bring
from ten to twenty per cent , per annum.
Parties wishing further information please
address me , enclosing 2-cent stamp for reply
Q . . .ITT
Hayes Centre , it appears , is becom
ing a far-famed place. It has not only
attained an altitude of importance , but
some of its people have assumed defi
ance. Two of McCook's citizens have
recently been threatened with mob law ,
if the } * should return to that place.
The offence , it is alleged , has been the
contesting of some of "Uncle Sam's
domainTs it not about time for an
other of Hayes Centre's "most promi
nent" to visit McCook ? Of the party
that left here , recently , it is reported ,
that a couple of the land agents and
attorneys composing the part } ' were so
'top heavy , " in their homeward trip , as
to fall from a loaded wagon , one of them
into a canyon and another under the
horses' feet , the latter being severely
kicked. Humor has it that one ot' the
aforesaid land agents and attorneys has
been doing some "peculiar" business in
the way of locating. Also that two men
with "blood in their eyes , " wanted to
interview this land man , who hied him
self away to the protection of a shelter
ing barn. It seems to me that there are
some brave aud irrepressible men about
Hayes Centre , hut it is not definitely
known where they bury their dead.
200 head of cattle and horses , for
cash , or land in Nebraska or Kansas.
Some choice quarters of land on line
of proposed railroad from Oberlin to
Bird City , Kas.
A splendid stock ranch of 1.280 acres ,
it a bargain , on the Beaver Creek.
A business house in McCook , Neb. ,
in a choice location. J. P. MATHES.
45 A twood , Kas. or McCook. Neb.
I am furnishing good , liberal loans
) n fanning lands. Straight ten per
jent. interest. No delay in getting
i"unds. You do not have to wait to send
) ff application. Money paid over as
ioon as papers can be completed. Call
> n or address , S. H. COLVIX ,
4a-tf. McCook , Nob.
Sum Ashmorc hiss been at homo for several
E. .1. Aliinjfton of Beaverprcclnot was in our
city , Friday lost.
B. F. Sibbcttof Curtis hns been in our burg ,
for several days.
w" . H. Lannlng of Hastings was in Inilianoia ,
Monday , on business.
A. A , Prelim of Danbury was seen in our
model village , Tuesday.
H. IJ. Wnhlnuistof the McCook Democrat was
in our village , Saturday.
W. H. McCartney and family arc expected
home on IK ) , Wednesday.
.Take Shearer , the Pioneer Vulcan of Curtis ,
is in onr city on a short stay.
C. C.Tyler left , Wednesday , for Curtis , where
lie will locnto for the present.
IJ. B. Duckworth of Danbury was in Indian-
oln , Tuesday and Wednesday on business.
E. C.BaHew leturned , Monday evening , from
his regular weekly trip to bis Colorado ranch.
Rev. W. S. Wheeler , our County Superinten
dent of Public Instruction , spent Tuesday in
Alex. Walmrosc was in our place , the ilrst
of this week. lip intends platting a part of
his farm as a'u addition to Indianola.
Goo. Hunter has returned from a trip in Ne-
Imislca and Kansas , and signified his intention
of staying with us. We need many such.
Messrs. Oman & Hutchinson are to be com
plimented on having the finest little otHce in
the Ilepublican Valley. Wo need more just
like them.
V. M. Smith , one of our nice young men ,
spent Sunday , down at Arapahoe , where lie
mis "engaged" inbusiness of the greatest im
portance to him.
Sheriir Wclborn started , Sunday , on rather
an enviable official trip in which he takes in
Chicago , St. Louis , Kansas City , lUirlington ,
St. Joe , Omaha , Lincoln , etc.
Our Congregational pastor. Rev. Taylor , lias
bought the lots on Main St. , adjoining the
church , and may bo seen in his shirt sleeves ,
setting out trees and otherwise improving his
new possessions.
The Easter exorcises at the M. E. church ,
Sunday , drew out a fair crowd in spite of the
miserable weather. The exercises were splen
did , and the music by the choir was worthy of
special mention.
The village of Indianola is on the boom in
earnest. New houses are springing up like
mushrooms , and everyone is setting out trees
and making every show of improvements ,
which we like to see.
Rev. Allen Hartley of York is in our place.
He , together with the delegation , ate locating
their M. E. University town some , seven or
eight miles east of here on land donated to
them by Mr. Hartley.
The Dunbar Comedy Co. on their return trip
played to small , poor-paying houses "My
Partner1 wad thu only good play of the season.
They promise to return soon and give us
"Comedy under Canvas. "
Tho painters arc having a harvest in our
city jnst now. D. It. White's drug store has
been thoroughly "daubed" inside and Powell
Bros. ' front is also changing color ; and men
of every business are torching up. They de
serve it.
The reception of the Republican Valley
Ministerial Association at the M. E. church ,
Tuesday evening , was a grand success. The
room was crowded and with excellent music
and deli cacies for the "inner man" the even
ing was very happily spent.
Made by the MeCook Loan and
Trust Co. on deeded landor , on final re
ceipts , when proof is unquestionable ,
without sending east for funds. No in
terest is payable in advance , but ten
per cent , straight. Money paid a ? soon
as abstract can be obtained. Office in
First National Bank.
R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor.
To THE PEOPLE : I have received ,
complete in every linemy new spring
stock , and assure to all who call upon
me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea
sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc
ed. 11. A. Colo , three doors west of
Citizens Bank , Dcnuison street.
Cash Down. No Delay.
* °
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress , EED WILLOW Co. BANK.
-13-tf Indianola , Neb.
B. F. Olcott has two second hand top
buggies and two second hand lumber
wagons for sale , or will trade for horses.
Also remember that Olcott has the fin
est road stallion in the west , and farm
ers and stockmen should see him before
Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.5O.
For the next 30 days all new subscrib
ers who will square their subscription to
date and one year in advance will receive
THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter
Ocean for § 2.50.
Parties wishing to rent dwelling
houses should enquire at the Citizens
Bank of McCook.
On Macfarland street for sale. In
quire of F. P. Allen or at this office.
Cambridge Kaleidoscope : Sol. Smith ,
i B. & M. passenger engineer , running
between McCook and Akron , was in
town the fore end of the week , looking
ifter his interests.
Arbor Day was observed in a practical
tvay by the planting ef trees all over
, he city.
Rinker sells theDcering Binders and
SUM 111 ! Oil YoarFioeGlotliing !
Attorneys at Law , Land. Loan
\Vill practice in the State and United State
Courts , and be-fore the 1T. S. Land Oliiccs.
Careful attention jriven to Collections. OHico
over Green's Brus Store , ilain St. , McCook.
01' THE
For j-ear cnditifr April 1st , ISefl.
Total amount received ? ( JT."i5 SJ'i
Total amount paid out OOS1 4f
Amount on hand ? ( iTl 07'
Amount roc'd from licences.5.VJJ- > 0
Amount ree'd from lines 2Uo STi
Total. . S5SE Si
Paid to school dist. Xo. I' . . . 407:2 : 01
Haluncc ? : . { 24
Amount ree'd from taxes.121 ! ) Itf'j
Warrants paid 1111 &
Halance J107 S ! ' .
Total amount on hand 071 07 : ;
The above , I swear to be correct.
F. I , . McCitACKKX , Village Treasurer.
LYDIA J. DUVAM. , Plaintiff , ) In Dist. Court
vs. J-of Ued Willow
AI-ON7.O DUVAI.I , , Defendant. J county , Neb.
I AXT : You arc hereby notitled that on the
liith day of April. 18N5 , Lydia J. Dunill hied a
petition against you in the District Court of
lied Willow county , Nebraska , the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from
you on the ground that you have willfully
abandoned the plaintilf without ood ciuc
for-the term of two years lust.past. You are
hereby required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the U'4th day ofMay , ISM ; .
LYDIA J. DuvAi.r , ,
4G by .It E. Cochran , her attorney.
Notice is hereby jfivcn that A.H. Davis hav-
inj ? purchased the interest in The Trumpet of
Frank Israel , all accounts due the lirm ol How-
man is Israel are payable to A. II. Davis , who
assumes the indebtedness of the old lirin.
Si-ned ' AH - I > AVIS ,
& 1
° nUIf
McCook , Neb. , April Slth , 1SSO.
IJAND OFFICE AT McCooK , Nii : . , I
April 2 th , ! Nti. f
Notice is hereby jriven that the following-
named settler has liled notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before KofrN-
ter or Kcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
June oth. ISHi. viz : Michael C. Kider , Home
stead Entry101 , for the northwest quarter of
section IJJ , township 4 north , range 3 < i , westlith
1 * . M. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : William S. Pate.
KadTute , James Doyle and Hiram Hixier , all
ol' McCook , Nebraska.
48 G. L. LAWS , Kcgistcr.
April'Cth. . 18SJ. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settlor has liled notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Hegis-
teror Heceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
.Mine 5th. ISWi , viz : James C. Drury , Homestead
Kntryr > ( J.VJ , for the northwest quurtcrof section
. - > . township r north , range 29 , west tith P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his ;
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viJohn W. liciuiett , Coibcin P.
Yiland , Enoch E. Osvog and Nels. C. Dueland ,
all of McCook , Nebraska.
48. G. L. JAWS , Register.
OFFICE AT McCooic , Niit. : , i
AprilJth ( , 1SSC. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has lllcd notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Kcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
June 14th , 18Sti , viz : John G. Winspr , D. S. * 'IM' ,
for the northwest quarter of section 211. town
ship 1 north , ranged , west fith P.M. Renames
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : John Goodenberger , John W. Uelph ,
Sidney Dodge and Amos Goodenberger , all of
McCook , Nebraska.
48 G. L. LAWS , Register.
April llitli , ISbO. ) '
Notice is hereby given that the follouing-
named settler has filed notice ot his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Kcceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
May 'd. 15 > 8i ( , viz : Thomas II. Fowler , Home
stead Entry 1. > 7 , for the northeast quarter of
section ( > , township 1 north , range US west Cth
P. M. He names ttie following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz : William F. Thorp ,
Eugene Dunham , William IJ. Kennedy and
Thomas II. Catt.all of Lanbury..Neb.
4l > G. L. LANVS , Register.
LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , Nini. , i
April l th , 18b . f
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim , '
and that said proof will be made before Itcg- )
ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on i
Friday , May 21stlSMi , viz : Charles Weintz , Jr. ,
D. S. No. iJ O , for the E. y2 S. W. i N.V. . } 4 S.
W. } , section li and N. E. U S. E. ? .i section 11 ,
township north , range Si west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz. Henry Yogcs , Harry Meyers , Char
les Ebert and Fred. Wagoner , all of McCooK ,
Neb. 4 G.L. LAWS , Register.
April 3rd , IbeO. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has liled notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be maJe before Reg
ister or ReeeiveratMcC'ookNeb.on Thursday ,
May 'utli , ISSti , viz : James M. McKelvey ,
homestead entry 401 ? ) for the E.l,2 S. E. J.j , sec
tion 11 and E.J2 N. E. h section J I , township
1 north , range : iU west U P.M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Henry Gale , William A. Gold , Fcrniun
A. Gold and Frank Albreight all of McCook ,
Neb. 45 G. L. LAWS , Register.
March JMtii , 18M3. (
Notice is hereby given that the foliowing-
uamcd settler has filed notice of his intention
to make tinal proof in support ot his claim ,
find that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , !
May 18th. 1SS , viz : Smith Gordon , D. S. ISSii ,
for the southeast quarter of section o , town
ship 3 north , range "M west 6th P. M. He names
the following witnesses to prove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
and , viz : Charles E. Fox , Edward F. Couse ,
L'liomas Buggies and Charles Christ , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. 44 G. L. LAWS , Kegister.
March liOth , lfcS . f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make flnal proof in support of his claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Reg- ! '
ster or Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Tuesday.
Hay 4,1880 , viz : Lewis B. March , Homestead j
2ntry 704 , for the southeast quarter section I , J
ownship 2 north , range 9 west Cth P. M. He i
mines the following witnesses to prove his
ontiniious residence upon , and cultivation
> fsaidlandviz : D.H.UobbittRichard John-
on , Henry Yogas and W. W. Fisher , all of Mc-
; ook , Neb. 43 G. L , LAWS , Register.
ic Sale ,
LN !
Young Marys , Panseys , Desdamonias , lanthas and other fancy families.
About 50 head in all will be offered , consisting of a fine lot of young Bulls.
Cows and heifers. Terms reasonable.
Ajiply for catalogues to either of the
F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer. O. M. DHUSE , Manager.
Paid up Capital , $50OOO.OO ,
- - - - . - = DOES
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming
land's village and personal property. Fire insurance a specially.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe ,
First National Hank , Lincoln , Nebraska. ( - JOHN It. Cr-AUK , Vicc-Presldeut.
The Chemical National : Hank , New York. J A. C. EBEICT , Cashier.
Roofing and Spouting Given Prompt Attention ,
MeCOOK , Manchester Avenue , NEBRASKA.
i ! ! offer for 60 DAYS ONLY , the entire stock of
0'J. I !
U J. .
The Stock is all New and Bright and
of the Latest Styles.
Dress Goods , Cashmeres , Etc. , Dress Flan-
lel , Basket , Shaker and Twilled Flannel ,
Underwear , Muslin , Calico , Laces , Kid Gloves ,
Handkerchiefs , Gents's Furnishing Goods ,
Valises , Trunks Hats and Caps , Notions and / '
J L i the
Groceries ! ; 1 L *
If you buy these goods you can save money.
In Overcoats , New Markets , Etc. , I can
save you 25 to SO per cent.
F. S. WILCOX , Assignee ,
econd Door West of the McEntee Hotel.