The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 15, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday , April th , 1886.
Indicates that your subscription to this
x paper HAS EXPIRED , and that a cordial
invitation is extended to call and renew
the same. Subscription , ? 2 per year.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
'E. ' M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
CityJrug Store. Chenery & Stiles.
tf" Cultivators below cost at Lytle Bros.
rST'Go to W. W. Palmer for your
harness. 32-tf.
Scale books lor sale and in stock at
this office.
The best watch on earth for sale by
If you want a superior letter file , call
at this office.
The largest line of fine cigars at the
City Drug Store.
If you want a first-class wagon cheap
go to Lytle Bros.
New curtain scrim and new coods at
Wilcox & Fowler's.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at C. D. Palmer's.
F"Moody& Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
Numbered blue lined legal cap a.t this
office. Finest in the n.iarket
The finest stock of groceries in the
city at Wilcox & Fowler's.
The Metropolitan drug store keeps a
full line of fancy box papers.
Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. Ko cows or lange cattle.
{ IPSweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
They have the purest , kettle-rendered ,
Jard in the city at Brewer Bros.
Buy one of those new watches of Mc-
Crackep before they are all gone.
* L $16.00 buys a first-class cultivator at
the McCook Implement Emporium.
White Russian or White Prussian
soap only oc.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's.
A pice line of hanging qnd stand
lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store.
New drees goods , prints , ginghams ,
etc.just opened at Wiloox & Fowler's.
Sewing machines at the McCook Im
plement Emporium. C. P. Binker ,
Agent. _
FOUND Monday , at nver bridge , a
pcarf. Owner can have same by calling
at this office.
WANTED 75 head of stock to pas
ture on my placeone mile east ' of " town. .
Inq uire of S.H. ' Colvin :
; . < J : _ ' '
TJie Mptrppoljtan prusr Store . re-
ppipt of a fine assortment of wall papers.
apd examine them.
GW. . Bede & Co. have some special
bargains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf.
Land and legal blanks in stock at this
office. A full line at State Journal
prices , constantly on hand.
The choicest meats at the Central
ea Market of B/rewer Brps. corner of
and"Dennison streets.
Just received , the largest stock of
ghoes and slippers ever brought to Mo-
Cook , at J. F. Ganschow's.
Kemember this office when you want
a well-disrlayed dodger. We have the
onlv large wood type in the city.
Lytle Bros , are closing out their
stirring plows af greatly reduced prices.
Jjee them' before buying elsewHere ; .
Paul E. Wirt Fountain Pens for sale
by F. L. McCracken. Give absolute sat-
isfaotion on any work , and in any hand.
Fine note paper , legal and congress
cap , linen and news paper in tablets ,
calling and regret cards , etc. , at this
office. _ _ _ _ _
One of the best business locations in
the citv for sale. Enquire at this office
good store rooni , with lot. Must' be
sqld soon.
- o -
On Tuesday , the 20th inst , I wil
dre'f-s establisbmen
open up a - making ,
in the Probst Bros. ' ice preatn parlor in
West Dennison. I am prepared to dc
everything in the dress making line ir
a first-class and satisfactory manner
Give me a call. Miss MARY MOORE.
- o -
Deeded quarter on Brush creek , (
miles from McCook. Wood andtimber
Good well , stable , sheds , corral , etc
< J Young orchard. Inq uire at this office
A dwelling house' "foi sale. Inquirf
at Lindner & Erman's barn , west o :
Comniercial House ,
/i /
On Macfarland street for sale. In
quire of F. PAllen or at this office.
Parties owing me are respectfully re
quested to call and settle at once.
J 29tf. M. A. SPALDIXG.
Bluff is a fine old game , but don't
reckon without your host.
Congregational services next Sunday
morning and evening at usual hours.
The creditors of Messrs. Lawler &
Magner have selected Fowler S. Wilcox
for assignee.
Lutheran services at the Congrega-
ional church on Friday evening , April
23d , at S o'clock.
We understand that the new city
ouncil will have a meeting , next
Wednesday evening.
Observe change in time of holding
M. E. services in the evening. The hour
s 7:30 : , mountain time.
The Windsor House is being treated
o a coat of paint , which will brighten
nd improve its exterior greatly.
We notice that J. 11. Ludwick and
others are planting trees around their
iremises and improving things generally.
We have the report from Prof. Web
ster , who has taken the school census ,
hat there are 414 persons in the city
of school age.
Tbe pay car made its monthly pilgriui-
ige over the B. & M. , Monday , replen-
shing the boys' exchequer at this place
on that evening.
A new law firm has been formed , com-
> osed of the following talented trio :
Major Williams , Judge Lucas and
Squire Hulburd.
We are requested to announce Epis
copal services at Menard's Opera Hall.
by Rev. C. L. Ful forth of Red Cloud.
A general invitation is extended.
Gilman (111. ( , ) Star , Miss Effie Bar-
num left Qua.rgalast week , for Nebras-
ca. She has been employed to teach a
school about thirty miles from McCook.
Neat picket fences aro being put
around their propertied by Messrs J. II.
Ludwick , A. C. Ebert and Conductor
Coy. All are materially improved
This is fine weather for the thousands
of trees recently planted in this city and
neighborhood. Cool , damp weather is
ust what they want to make them start
a booming.
Twenty-three travelling men made
the McEntee House headquarters , Sun
day. While the old reliable Commer
cial and other hotels were taxed to their
utmost capacity.
Tho. Democrat does not s.eem to be
satisfied with the gm.ou.n.t of land notices
; t i § receiving isansequen.tly cuts ya.tes
and Barters its already badly smirched
reputation for veracity.
WILL DRUM Ed. F. Ryan is dispos
ing of his goods and material and we
are informed proposes doing the com
mercial tourist's act for a New York
jewelry establishment.
McCook Lodge No. 137 I. O. . Q. F.
will work in he Rebecca Degree on Fri
day evening. All members arc urgently
requested to attend , and all visiting
brothers cordiallywelcome. .
Now doth the busy , bustling assessor
rustle around to ascertain how much
property the coy and shy citizens do not
possess. Assessor Colvin is doing the
act in Willow Grove precinct.
. .
, , .t : : ' .t j " * *
has moved } r4 ° tpwnt and will hereafter
bp found at his residence , first door east
of Receiver Babcock , at night His
patrons will observe the change.
Yesterday , a young fellow by the
name of William Haskins was sentenced
to the county jail for ten days for petty
larceny stealing a pair of "chaps" be
longing to F. D. Hess , and selling vh im.
Pur rustling little county capital
comes to the front , this week , with a
National Bank. Indianola is to be con
gratulated upon her laudable endeavors
to keep well in. sight of this metropolis.
McCook is the rnost popular Sunday
resort for commercial tourists in the
Republican Valley. Our hotels make
it so. Superior accommodations and
general excellence is thus recognized ,
THIRTY DAYS Tim Murphy , who
has become "a familiar land-mark on our
streets , as a disgusting , dissipated olc
loafer , was sent to the county jail , Mon
day , for stealing some pipes , tobacco ,
etc. , from the Kuesterrestaurant , the
first of the w'eek.
With this issue we send out over 30C
copies of the Chicago Weekly Intei
j Ocean , the best weekly newspaper ir
j the west , which we are offering in cop
' nection with THE TRIBUNE for $2.5 (
in advance. This is a fine opportunit ;
to secure cheap reading.
The Indianola Times has been taken
poi ( > e.-sion of by tbe firm of Manlor.
Luse & Co. of Chicago , to satisfy un
unpaid mortgage of over $1,200 , which
they held against the office. Again have
we a demonstration of the fact that you
can't conduct a bona fide newspaper
very long on wind , although the article
is bountifully supplied in this country
by nature. It takes some means and
ability to successfully sail over the
tempestuous sea of journalism. We
understand that Bishop of the Courier
proposes replenishing his depleted office
by purchasing the material , excepting
the second-hand Proutv.
As our readers will observe per card
in this issue , Prof. Webbter is arranging
to have Eli Perkins , the celebrated hu
morist , lecture in our city , April 2 ( > th ,
Monday a week , provided a sufficient
number of tickets can bo sold. Eli Per
kins' reputation is national and he needs
no commendation at our hands. We
hope our citizens , who have liberally
> atronized far less meritorious enter-
uents than Mr. Perkins will give , will
crowd the Opera Hall and thus in a
Measure reimburse Prof. Webster for
lis heavy losses heretofore. Tickets will
> e on sale at once.
cated , Gene Hall became engaged in a
ittle racket at Clyde's saloon , Monday ,
n which he was severely used up by the
) ar-tender. Taylor , who afterwards had
jene arrested for assault and battery.
3ene thinks it pretty hard luck to be
cnocked around like an old shoe , and
hen arrested for assault and battery.
3ut that's what whiskey does for a man
every time. It knocks a man down and
hen kicks him for falling , and the best
way to keep out of trouble , the surest
ueans of avoiding such treatment , is to
ot liquor and saloons severely alone.
To-day , the First National Bank of
! ndianola commences operations with a
capital of $50,000. The First Nat-onal
succeeds to the banking business of the
lied Willow County Bank , while the
latter bank will deal hereafter exclu
sively in farm loan ? , school district.
municipal and cotintybotjds. The First
National will be under the management
of Senator Dolan , one of the ablest
financiers of the Valley , and this assures
an ably conducted banking institutiDn , a
credit to the town of Indianola and Red
Willow County.
WAgee. of Aurora was jn the city ,
Monday and Tuesday , arranging for the
establishment of a branch law office at
this place. He has secured rooms over
the Paragon drug store , which he will
return in a week or so and fit up for
that purpose. Mr. Agee is a lawyer of
twelve years' experience , with a wide ac
quaintance with men and afl'airs in this ,
state , and he will doubtless yjouf-e his
share of the lebusiness of the com-
The Governor has issued a proclama
tion organizing Chase county. . Ilamlin
ft. Witham , John MoLellau and Alfred
S. Allen are appointed special commis
sioners , and John C. Hayes , special
county clerk. The temporary county-
seat is located on the N. W. 4 ; of section
4 , township G , north of range 38 , wes
of Gth P. M. . and the S. ' } of section
33 , township 7 , n.arth o.f range 3Sj west
This week , Contractor Collins com
menced the manufacture of bricks at
his yard on the east side of town. His
machine has a capacity of 20,000 per
day , by the wet process. The yard is
complete with drying sheds of about
30.000 capacity , well , tank , wind , mill ,
and all the necessary appliances for
turning out first-class bricks rapidly.
He will have a ready sale for all lie
can manufacture.
Upon all three appearances of tha
Jay Sirarns Combination in our city , the
first of this week , the Opera Hall was
well filled , and the various plays present
ed enjoyed and appreciated. The com
bination is composed in the main of fair
talent , and the success with which they
have met and the impressions they have
made will insure them a favorable recep
tion should they ever return to this city.
having a dwelling hlouisp erected o.n Mact
farlapd street , immediately north.of
Mrs. Hamin's new house. Another is in
course of construction In West MoCook.
While all over tha city are residences in
various stages of completion , which will
be hurried along with all expedition
during this fine weather.
Arapahoe PioneerDe ; Luce Bur
gess has accepted a position in McCook
at his trade as machinistand pipefitter.
He is a first class workman , and a good
{ .
this head we would foe plensod to
have our friends throughout the city acquaint
us of the arrival and departu re of their visitors.
, Sheriff Welbom visited the oity , Tuesday.
Itojzer ? ; , the Texas broncho dealer , Is in the
city again.
Eisley of the Culbertsou Kcveille was in
town , Sunday. .
Senator Dolan was a business visitor at the
metropolis , Saturday.
Mrs. T. S. Bosley went down to lied Cloud ,
Friday , on a short visit to friends.
J. T.Vray and wife of Culbertson , wore
guests at the Commercial , Tuesday.
.1. E. Cochran. Ksq. , has been at Benkel-
uian. most of the week , on a contest case.
J. B. Jennings has been admitted to prac
tice before the Supreme Court of the State.
31. L. Sproat , travelling agent forJIaIlack fc
Howard , was in town on business , Tuesday.
I. J. Starbtick and Major Williams went
down to Alma , Friday evening , on legal busi
Frank McGee of the McEntee House went
down to Hastings , last Thursday , on a short
Benj. Bird of Benkehnan was in from the
wast , last Friday and Saturday on land busi
Mack Campbell , one of Trenton's stock
men , spent yesterday and to-day in town on
John Doiier of the P. O. news .stand is hold
ing down and improving his homestead near
Hayes Centre.
Col. E. J ) . Webster , the Stratton
ranch man , made a business excursion to the
city , Tuesday.
E. S. Foose , E. 11. Cortuey , M. Bobo , all
of IlarrNburs. Pa. , were guests at the Mc-
Eiitee. Monday.
Mrs. John Dwyer and Mrs. S. II. Colvin
were visitors at Arapahoe , Sunday. They
returned home on No. 1.
Fred. II. Lytle came down from Benkel-
maii , Saturday evening , spending Sunday in
the metropolis among old-time friends.
Mrs. F. L. Clark of Hastings and Mrs. B.
F. Lehman and Mrs. C. Claycouib of Seward
were registered at the McEntee , Tuesday.
Will A. Clute , formerly of this place , but
for some time a resident of Yunia , where he
is engaged in the land business , is in the city.
Fred M. Snow , who is managing the affairs
of Fry & Snow at Yiiuia , Colo. , sojourned in
the city over Sunday , and part of tins week.
F. L. McCntcken and the senior editor paid
a Hying visit to the state metropolis , the lat
ter part of last week , returning home , Sun
day evening.
Dr. Graham of Trenton visited in these
parts , the close of last week. The doctor is
interested in stock , in which he reports quite
a heavy loss.
Rpv. W. S. Wheeler went down to Alma ,
Tuesday , to attend a district conference of
M , E , Sunday school workers. He will be
absent until Saturday.
Squire Colvin went down to Arapahoe ,
last Thursday evening , to witness the mar
riage of a niece , at that place. He returned
home the following noon.
Miss Nellie Fisher and Me. > srs. Ed. Lay-
cock and Sam Ashiuore passed a few hours
at the county-seat , Sunday , visiting relatives
and ftiends , returning home on No. 1.
W. E. Cron\w.e } } , > vho has been clerking at
the E.3y 2 House for a number of months ,
upturned to his home at Red Cloud. Friday
o.veiiing , having resigned his position at this
Mis.s Mary Moore ia one of the recent ar
rivals iu our elty from Illinois. She opens
a UreAs making establishment in Probst Bros. '
Ice cream parlor , next week. See local else
A. A. Hatch , clerk of Hayes county v teufr
business here yesterday. He.rei * > rts that
county as rapidly settings ujj , and the work
in his ofiice increasmg , so as to require his
entire attention.
X. L. Woodward , representing Marder ,
Luse A : Co. , type founders of Chicago , has
been in town a few days of this week. The
object ot" Ills vl-ilt was the closing out of the
Times at Indianola.
Thos. Pinkerton , late of Allegheny City ,
Pa. , who is now residing on his claim on the
I Willow , made us a pleasant call , last Friday ,
j He expects his family from the old Keystone
state early in the spring.
Mrs. It. F. W'ittrams , who has been quite
illc&l ir ihe time since her arrival from
Fort Collins , Colo. , a few weeks since , we
are pleased to announce , is much improved ,
and able to be about'again.
A. E. Powers of the Stockville Faber , one
of the squarest knUjhisof the quill in the
| state , niaiie this office a short call , yesterday
I evening , while homeward bound from Hyde ,
Colo , , where he has some interests.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kuester went down to
Omaha , Friday last , to take charge of a new
hotel just opened up in that city. Mr. K.
will dispose of his goods here and rent his
building for the present. Attorney Colfer
has his business affairs in charge.
At the bridge meeting held at Vailtan
school house , last v.eek , the following
gentlemen were appointed as a commit
tee on location and finance : C. E.Boyd ,
J. A. Brewer , J. P. Squire , A. C. Gus-
tin and Carson. There will be another
meeting to receive report of the com
mittee next Thursday , the 22d.
An individual Joe Butler received
a merited thumping at the hands of Mike
Sullivan , this noon. Butler made use
oi roost offensive language toward Sul
livan and a handsomely decorated "phiz"
is his reward.
The Gleasons will hold forth at the
Opera Hall , the first of nest week.
Our Spring Styles are all in
&Tl/Ye have some cheap pants of special merit ,
for working men. They are the best ever offered at
the price. Everybody fs invited to call and examine
goods and get prices.
& FfLJl § 3F * ffc %
Please state through your columns
that Eli Perkins will appear here April
2Gth , provided that a sufficient number
of tickets can be sold to insure it a suc
cess financially. Tickets will be sent
out this week , the price of which will
je 50 cts. , which secures reserved scats ,
[ n view of the fact that I have tried to
secure only Mich talent as will be a credit
to our city , I think I should be well
sustained by our citizens in this case , to
reimburse me for my heavy loss on the
course. W. S. WEBSTER.
I am slowly recovering from a relapse f
of lun < r fever , and hope , ere long to bet
with my patronsagain at work.and will j
: each in McCook on Mondays , Thursj j
days and Saturdays. I desire to thank j
the friends for the many favors and
cindnesses received during my illness.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals , ut City
Drug Store.
Fresh and salt meats of the choicest
quality at Brewer Bros.
A car load of choice potatoes just re
ceived by Wilcox & Fowler.
All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop
per work done at C. D. Palmer's.
Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick
ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market.
Prescriptions accurately compounded ,
day or night. City Drug Store.
Best organs in the market for sale at
the McCook Implement Emporium.
Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom mus
lin 10 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Have you seen the new all-over em
broideries , laces and ruching at Wilcox
& Fowler's.
FOR SALE 50 head of young marcs
and 20 head of mules. Lindner & Er-
man , McCook , Xeh. Barn west of Com
mercial Hotel.
PANY began business in April , 1864. and
is still managed by the men who started
it. It is not only the oldest , largest and
strongest Accident .Company in America
but the only one of any considerable
size. Its Cash Assets have steadily in
creased year by year , and now reach
$7.82G,000the liabilities being $5,879 ,
000leaving a surplus ta policy-holders
of $1,947,000. It ha ? written nearly
1,100OOQ General Accident Policies ,
and paid cash benefits to over one in nine
of the insured , amounting to over
$7,300,000. No better or surer invest
ment of the small sum required ean be
made than in a Yearly Accident Policy
in THE TRAVELERS , which secures the
principal sum event of accidental
deathor- weekly indemnity for injury
causing total disability and loss of
time. Any agent will write a policy at
short notice. R. S. COOLEY , Acent ,
McCook , Neb.
The fact tlrat tbe devil himself once
displayed great aptitude for scriptural
quotation , is perhaps not more remark
able for sublime gall , than the prating
of the prohibito-republican editor of the
Democrat about political honor , con
sistency , etc. , ad naufeum. Does it
sound wanly for an alleged republican ,
who is running a so-called bourbon sheet
to harp about political honor ? How
much confidence does an individual ,
pompous and important though he may
be in carriage and demeanor , inspire
who once run a prohibUioa paper in
bleeding Kansas , hut who now edits ,
with the liberal use of scissors and the
resurrection of ancient chestnuts and
dressing them in an ostensible garb of
originality , a saloon dodger , with spec
ial departments for the rest of the trio
women and cards. To thoughtful ,
honest people such a character for po
litical integrity must appear noble in
deed. Or is the real elegant , display of
cheek most to be admired ?
Money Saved.
Owing to the small amount of .room
and inconvenience of being crowded ,
I have concluded to close out my
SEVANG MACHINES. : - : I have only
three left. Remember the ROYAL
ST. JOHN is the best machine made.
Just now , and at no other time ,
will you have a chance to buy a good
machine so cheap.
200 head of cattle and horses , for
cash , or land in Nebraska or Kansas.
Some choice quarters of land on line
of proposed railroad from Oberlin to
Bird City , Kas.
A splendid stock ranch of 1,280 acres ,
at a bargain , on the Beaver Creek.
A business house in McCook , Neb. ,
in a choice location. J. P. MATHES.
45 Atwood , Kas. or McCookNeb.
I am furnishing good , liberal loans
on farming lands. Straight ten per
cent , interest. No delay in getting
funds. You do not have to wait to send
off application. Money paid over as
soon as papers can be completed. Call
on or address , S. II. COLVIN ,
45-tf. McCook , Neb.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers are completed. Call on or ad
dress. RED WILLOW Co. BANK ,
4o-tf Indianola , Neb.
R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor.
To THE PEOPLE : I have received ,
complete in every line , my new spring
stock , and assure to all who call upon
me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea
sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc
ed. R. A. Coh % three doors west of
Citizens Bank , Dennion street.
B. F. Olcott has two second hand top
buggies and two second hand lumber
wagons for sale , or will trade for horses.
Also remember that Olcott has the fin
est road stallion in the westand farm
ers and stockmen should see him before
I shall be pleased to have all persons
desirous of taking music lessons call at
my rooms in the .J. W. Palmer residence
on Marshall street. Will guarantee sat
McCook. Neb. . April Sth.
Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.3O.
For the next 30 days all new subscrib
ers who will square their subscription to
date and one year in advance will receive
THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter
Ocean for $ i.50. !
Parties 'wishing to rent dwelling
houses should enquire at the Citizens
Bank of McCook.
On good personal or chattel security.
A nicely located lot in West McCook ,
very cheap. Inquire at this office.
Wileox & Fowler are in receipt of
some extra fine Valencia Sweet Oranges.