F. M. & E. M. KIMME Editors and Publishers. THE resignation of Dr. Gerth is prise to most of his friends , been untiring in the discharge duties and has accomplished a gr < of good for the stock interests state. The governor will taki time in finding a man worthy to i him. THE New York aldermen health was of thfct particular sha required a European or Canadi have reason to bless their phj for their "acumen. Those whow sick enough to go to Florida i Jersey have been gobbled by th < lives. DICK : THOMPSON and A. S. d of Hustings and R. B. Wahlquist and infl city , very prominent members of the bung-hole-ocrac t down at Omaha , last Saturday , Dr. Miller and other minor light ical pointers , and helping ou t we dealers. IN the midst of all this tumu a new labor strike every day , al there are said to be a million of idleness because of the ant of : tion to work in , it is inspiriting 1 that Mr. Keeley has not struck a in sixty or ninety days at the his motor will be completed. Keeley should strike , the jig w < UP- = = = = = = = = = = = = = BY act of legislature , Arbor d year occurs on Thursday the 2 : This month will doubtless be pro to tree planting , as the soil is sa with moisture and every tree given half a chance will live and Nebraska is the inventor of Arl and should see to it that it is celt with more and more energy and u ity ever year , as its utility is ienced. Let it be impressed u Nebraskans that it is the bounde of every human being that can T plant at least one tree on the sta id ay. McCOOK CITY SCHOO ! The following is a report i schools for the month ending Ap Xo. of boys enrolled No. of girls enrolled Whole number enrolled Number belonging Average , attendance Cases of tardiness Time lost by tardiness. .1 hr. and 5C Visits of patrons Visits of Board The following pupils were neit sent nor tardy during the month : Chas. Blandiug , Dannie O'Br JohnCordeal , Leniiie Hoge 3Iay Clark , John Sevenk * Lovell Clyde , Florence Tho Elva Hunt/ AVillieTaltei Anna Hunt , Charlie McCc Lee iluddleston , Jessie Bo win ; Gertie Laws , Selma Noren. Edie Minkler , Svlvia Willia Laura Starbuck , Maude Dunb : Blanche Seaman , Emma Plunk Slay Seaman , Grace Hobsoi Louisa Suess , Alice Cochrai Levi Sanderson , Alice Thompi Belle Thompson , Ella William ! Edna Meserve , AlbertViIliai Florence Yarnell , John McGami Slay O'Brien , Hoy Clark ; Archie Mathes , Mitchell Clyd John McMauigal , Chester Wall ; Mary Farley , Clarence Fen ; Frank Hurd , Willie McMat Lcona Smith , JosephVateii La Vaush Phelan , Clara McGam : Kittie Wetherald , Norman Nobl 3Iary Suess , Eliza Olcott. Carl Berry , Mary Ileaffy , Verlie Berry , Collie Hall , , lda Shaffer , Harry Walter : John Shaffer , Floyd Deny , Maude Cordeal , Hattie Stuby. Enghart Sorenson , Neither absent nor tardy durin term : Chas. Blanding , Carl Berry , John Cordeal , Frank Hurd , Anna limit , Mary Sueas , Lee Iluddleston , Kitty Wcthera Louisa Suess , Archie Matthe Florence Yarnell , Grace Hobsou , May O'-Brieu , Neither absent nor tardy durin year to date : Mary Suess , I Chas. Blandim Louisa Suess , | Entitled to a halt holiday : Archie Mathes , Grace Hob on , Clarence Ferguson , Emma Plunkel Mary Suess , Maud Duubar , The school census , recently con ; ed , gives us an enumeration of four dred and fourteen persons of schoc in the district. Of this number , vrc register two hundred and thirty eic the different departments of our sell Of the number not in attendance , are employed as clerks , one in a t one studying telegraphy , one is a ji er , one is a teacher , three are ruai five are employed in stock raising , < a proportion are detained at horn assist their parents , and others ar sent by reason of the indifference of parents. Should all attend who o school accommodai to attend , our would have to be enlarged materi that will realize i \Ye trust parents fully the importance of giving \ children the advantages of a prac education. W. S , WEBSTER , Pri BOX ELDER BLOSSO Grass has made its appearance uplands , and the hungry bovin fresh hope. J. B. Piper has gone to Alma a car-load of corn and househoh to McCook. Miss Lou Chrysler has retunic Alma and for the next 3 tnonl try to teach the young Bos E how to shoot. Mat. Stuart realizes that the the benighted settler is hard , again been lost , but we presume ing ushered in enough light to sli his way out of the canon. Bet to you Mat next time. Tree planting is occupying thi tion of the farmer to a great ext we are glad to see that quite ! number are setting out small o as an experiment. And we exr. experiment will be a success. Among the late arrivals at Bo : are Thos.Pinkerton and son , froi gheny City , Penn'a. + Mr. P. once erect a house on his fine j land near here ; and his family i low him as soon as the house i for occupancy. We give Mr. Pii and family a cordial welcome midst. * D. E. Moore is in Iowa purcli car-load of horses , which will be Cook about the 18th inst. A wishing to purchase horses of a eription will do well to give bin : Mr. Moore has also on his farm t ent some 20 head of horses , s them as fine stock as we have the west. SEL DRIFTWOOD DRIFTII o "It rains and the wind is never' The farmers are very busy pui jrops. The bridge over Driftwood on IG will be completed in a few da .vill be a great benefit to those w south of Driftwood , and go to IV .0 trade. We hear that some of the crei jhers have lost quite a number , lc this winter. They should lear , his to propjde more feed and ) efore another winter. "H. R. N. " must have lean ipell the name of TRIBUNE as w < nore regularly than formerly. 1 vays welcome and should be sup > y every one who favors the suppi if wrong and upholding the righ Last Sunday , G. B. Nettlet Sgned the office of Superintem he Vailton sunday school on asci uoving to town. Mr. Nettleton hi > upt. of this S. S. every since it' ; anized , some three years ago , ai very efficient worker whose pla ie hard to fill. A meeting ivas held atYailtc "hursday , to see what could be < Bgard to building a bridge noro tepublican river west of Me hort speeches were made by a n f gentlemen and a committee aj i to canvass and see how much e raised by subscription and ase ic most practical site for the id report at a meeting to be h "ailton on the 22nd inst. April 12th , 1886. .M A MOVEMENT is on foot in ( re ; i improve the present system oi lucation , and to adopt one sirn : lat in vogue in Great Britain. ir movement ought to be started nited States. At present the ofessiou is the easiest to enter , quirements amount to nothing e applicants for admission to tl ; e generally whitewashed in th lied examination. This conditi "airs accounts for the numerous rs and blockheads that are cro\ jo the ranks of the legal profes lieh , . it has been alleged , is the norable and most learned of all it sions. Bee. NEAVSPAPER and political sag ashington now augur that the > use of Representatives will b < blican , perforce of the present bed condition of politics throug \ nation , and the general dissatii n of the party , ( especially thosi office , ) with the administration , lugh a republican House is a con ! tion devoutly to be wished foi uld be sorry to see the old relic- nocratic House laid on the s s have kept the curiosity so long > w , without knowing just why , nor Jispose of it. Internal dissens I throttle the grandest party r existed. COUNTY-SEAT ITEM - o - of McCook vrna In on J. E. Cochran Monday , ou legal business. Sheriff Welborn was one of the "i who went to McCook , Tuesday. S. "W. Stilgebouer of the Beaver c was in our place , last Thursday. William Fruin of the metropolis wa county-seat , Tuesday , on business. It. B. Wahlqtiist , editor of the J Democrat , was in our city , Tuesday. W. F. Stockton.the merchant of the district , was seen on our streets , Tu Messrs. Lawler & Manner of McCoc seen arm in arm promenading our Monday. left Monday , to drive 1 C. C. Tyler , to Akron , Colo. , where his family ari steading. Fred Brown of the r. O. departi McCook , has been making quite an e : visit among his old chums here. Hiram C. Eider , one of the most e > real estate men in western Nebrasli here on a business excursion , Tuesda ; Albert llammerslaugh , late with holm , has accepted a position in tl moth new store of Beardslee & Stelle The music on our streets the last thn by a band of foreign.and home talent. to make things lively for the time beii Dr. Shaw is beautifying his reside turning the soil and planting nice t around , which will shade his grand c no doubt. Mr. Smith's new residence on the 1 "Nobs Hill" is fast nearing com When finished it will be one of the nit sightliest places in our city. W. AV. McCollister , one of our ablt yers , went up to Akron , Colo. , Satui search of a location. lie returned , I ! P. M. , and expressed himself please the country. L. C. Stephenson , one of the pion Akron , Colo. , came down , Saturday called here on account of the sickness little boy. It is understood that whei turns his family will accompany him The barber shop of our place has c its quarters. Messrs. Kirkman & Fit having moved to the "Maiken Block' room formerly occupied by Mr. Hal They now have as neat a little shop will find in the Valley. The Gleason Theatre Co. played 3 and Tuesday at the Olympic. Owiui bad weather , Monday evening , the atte ivas small. Tuesday was their spc Phoenix. The house was crowded f play good. To-night they play "Onlj mer's Daughter. " "Olympic Theatre" under the n ue t .of yVH , McCartney has been 3led , by moving the stage 12 ft. forwai uaking more s.tage room and .spaciou : ng rooms in the rear of .tjie sjlajje , ; reat improvement. We would uldition , a coat of calciminlng. April 14th , 1SS6. SCHOOL DIRECTORS County Supt. WhacJer has ju : eived a supply of director's re measurer's records and order bool TCC distribution among the scln ectors of the county. Sch ol c : an get them by calling at his ol UcCook. TREASURER'S REPOF THE - = - OF TILLAGE 0F lcCQQK , N For year ending April ' 1st , I - ! i8. - - o - rr 'otal amount receH'Cd.C7rw 'otal amount paid out , , , , , , , C084 4/5 imountonhand . S 071 imountrec'd from licences.f > 332 SO imount rec'd from lines _ 203 35 Total S5535 85 'aid to ficnopl vdjst. No. I' . . . 4972 61 Balance. . . , , , , . . . , ? 5 .mount rec'd from taxes..iH2W < 53l,4 rarrants paid llli C ' Balance , $1 Total amount on hand SG The aboyp , I .gwear to be correct. F. L. SlcGttACUjEX , Village Trea LEGAL NOTICE. Office of the Village Clci McCook , Neb. , March 31,18SC Notice is hereby given that on the 31s : March. 18SO , Willey & ; Walker lllcd jnd ami potion at this office. The pra lid petition befog1 fhat the Council of th f McCook grant tneaj ft druggist's pen ill malt , spiritous and vliioas Jinuors as sts in the second ward in said reity , a < g to law in such cases made and provii [ SEAL. ] F. M. KI.MMELD , I NOTICE. Oflli 5 pf the Village Cler McCook , Neb. , AprJJ otli " , 18SG. NTotico is hereby given that on"he ' 5t April , 1880 , William Lewis filed b > s' boij itition at this office. The prayer of sai ion being that the Council of the Ci 2Cook grant him license to soil malt , E IUB and vinous liquors , in the second said city , according to iaw in such ade and provided. F. M. KIMMEL " Village Clc .SEAL. ] LEGAL NOTICE. o QSttpa of the Village Clerl McCook , Neb. , April 6th , 1880. Notice is hereby given that on the 5th d > ril , 1BS(5. Messrs. Walsh \ & Boy.d fllod nd and petition at this office. The pi said petition being that the Council o y of McCook grant them license to sell i rituous and vinous liquors , in the se rd in said city , according to law in ; es made and provided. SEAL. ] F. M. KIMMELI Village Cle { .EGAL NOTICE. Om'cobf th.e Village Clerk McCook , Nob . ApH { 6fh , 18SS. otice is hereby given that on tub 6th dt ril , 1886 , Allen C. Clyde filed his bom } ition at this office. The prayer of said on being that the Council of the City of ik grant him license to sell malt.spiriti I vinous liquors , in the second ward in r , according to law in such cases made vided. F. M. KIMJIELI. ibAL. ] Village Clot LEGAL NOTICE. Office of the Village Clerk , McCook , Neb. , April 7th , 18SG. otice is hereby given that on the7th da il , IbSG. Suylor is O'Donnell flled their b petition at this office. The prayer of i tion being that the Council of the Cit. Jook grant them license to sell malt , sp s and vinous liquors , in the first wan city , according to law in such cases m provided. F. M. KiMHELt , VJUago dor : I istern Cities for Your Fine Mine ! 5 L. BERNHEIMER , LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR OF McCOOK , HAS JUS.T OPENED UP A Fine Line of Spring and Sooner Suitings and Pants Patterns. . HOUSE. EASTERN ANY GUARANTEES A STYLISH FIT EQUAL TO HE . . BANK , McCOOK. DENNISON STREET , WEST OF. CITIZENS LEGAL NOTICE. LYDIA J. DUVAIA , Plaintiff , ) InDis Ued vs. J-of ALONXO DOVAI-TJ , Defendant. ) county To ALONZO DDVAI.I. , SON-HKSIDENT notitled that hereby You are DANT : 12th dny of April , 1881 ! , Lyula .J. Duvnl petition against you in the District C Ked Willow county , Nebraska , the obj prayer of which arc to obtain a divon that have w you on the ground yon abandoned the plaintiff without ROOI " for the term of two years last past , "i hereby required to answer said petitio before Monday the 24th day of May , 18 ; LYDIA J. Duv ; 10 by J. E. Cochrnu , her at FINAL PROOF NOTICES . " ' " ' ' "V " " > ' ' % ' ' > > V > * > \X " V \ " " X - * -yX"W"-XpN LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , N April lath , 1880. Notice is hcreb3given that the foil named settler has filed notice of his in in support of his to make tlnul proof will bo made befon and that stiitl proof Receiver at Me' ook. Nob. , on Sa tor or H. Fowler , May 22d , ISJsB. vU : Thomas stead Entry :5157 , for the northeast qn : section C , township I north , range ZS v witiu P. M. He names tiio folloiyins . rfdideiicoujiou.r his continuous tivation prove of , said land , viz : William F- Dunham , William B. Kenno Eugene Thomas H.Catt.all of Daubury , Neb. 40 G. L. LAWS , LAND OFFICE AT McCuoK , X. April 12th , IbSG. Notice is hereby given that the foil named hettler lias ille.d notice of his in in support of hi ; to make liual proof will be made bo To and that said proof ister or Receiver at McCook , Nebr.is Friday , May 21st , ISfcO , viz : Charles Well D. S. No. 2. > 20 , for the E. ' , * S. W. > 4 N. ' W. Ksection 12 and N. a Hi S E. H sec township 2 north , range 5:9 west. He the lollowinpr witnesses to prove his d and cultivation i ous residence upon , land , viz. Henry Vojjcs. Harry Meyers les Ebert and Fred. Wagoner , all ot M Neb. 4 G. L. LAWS , Keg LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , Xi April 3nl , ISbO. Notice is hereby given tlmt the foil named settler has Hied notice of his inl to make linal proof in support of life and that said proof will be maJe befoi ister or Receiver at McJooK'.Neb..on Tin May 2Uth , 18bO , viz : James M. Mcr homestead entrv 1U03 for the E. , i S E. tion 11 and E. Ji N. E. } . . section 14 , to' 1 north , range 'M west li P. M. He nair following witnesses to prove his cont residence upon , and cultivation of , sai viz : Henry Gale , William A. Gold , 1 A. Gold and Frank Albruigut all of M A'Db. . _ 45 G. L. LAWS. Reg LAND OFFICE AT McCooi : . Ni March :5Uth : , IbWi. Notice is hereby given that the foll < named settler has tiled notice of his inj to make tinal proof in support of his and that said proof will be made beforo tor or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tn May 18th. 1S8U , viz : Smith Gordon , It. : of section 3 , for the southeast quarter ship ; { north , range rf ) west Oth P. M. He the lollowing witnesses to prove his cc residence upon , and cultivation o ous land vU : Charles E. Fox , Edward F. TJibmaa , Itugglcs and Charles Christ , all Cbbjf'"N # ) . fe 0. L. LAWS , Regi LAND Om.ce AS SJcCooi.NE March 20tlj , 1 30 Notice is hereby given that the folk named settler has tiled notice of his int to make final proof in support of his and that said proof will be made bcton ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tu May 4 , 186(5 ( , viz : Lewis 15. March , Horn jEntry STfJI , for thp southeast quarter sec township' : : north , ruiiirc da west < Hh J' . 3 names' the fo'llbw'injj' witnesses to pro continuous residence upon , and culti' of , said land , viz : D. H.Uobbitt , Richard , Henry Vogas and W. W. Fisher , all < SOU L'oolc. KoU , ft 0. L. LAW : ? ' , Regu LAND OFFICE AT MeCoas , NE March 17th , 1BSU. Notice is hereby given that the folio named settler has Hied notice ot his inn to make llual proof in support of his i and that said proof will be made befon ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on F ' May 14th , 183(5 , viz : James W. McCarthy , . 3iiii"l tifitvy 2104 , for the southeast quar section' ; } ! ; t6 > vnplp ) 1 north , range 'M we P M. He mimes thfi joHcjy-ng witnes Ui3 contrriuous residence upon , en prpve ' tivation of , said' laria , viz : Jo'siah A. Fi ui H.Ucujatnin , Sidney Uodguund 3 pswortJi , all of M'cCook , Neb. ' ' -Q , 'L. IrtVWS , ucgte LAND OFFICB A-i' Jlc March isth , Notice is hereby given that the folio' mined settler has liled notice of his inte o make linal proof in support of his c ind that said proof will be made belore H . or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satu hip 4 north , „ . ' . . . . . he following witnesses to prove' hig con nis residence upon , and cultivation of , and , viz : Jacob Long , .losiah E. Moore. . Miller and Alex. W. Campbell , all ol Ililer , Nebraska. ' 42 , G. L. LAWS. Kegisl OFFICE AT McCnoi : , Neb March 1-th , It&p. Notice is hereby given tfwt thp lollov amcd settler has tiled notice of his intei j make linal proof in support ot his el nd that said proof will be made before R ) ror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satui lay 1st , 18bO , viz : Alexander W. Camp omestead entry 2049. lor the souther vxiheiist J4 , south \ - ' southeast & . northci ) utlieust j , , cf section 13. township 4 IK inge 2'J west. Be names the following esses to prove his continuous rcsid , and cultivation of , said land , viz : St pon iT. Holies , Josu.liE.Moore , William T. 1 ton and Jacob Long all of Uox Elder , N < 42 G. L. LAWS , Kegisti I/Asp OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. Marph 8th , 1880. Notice is huroby given that the foljqw lined settler has thed notice of his inten innkc tlual proof : n support of hig cl , id that Baiil I'root will be made beforo 1 ; er orReceivocutMoCook. Neb. , onFrii ) rillGth , 1SSO , viz : William H. Ailing umestead [ Entry 410 , for the W. \ ' N. W. ; ction4 and E. VN. . E.i section 5 , town ; lorth , range 28 west (5th P. M. He names Mowing witnesses to prove his continu sidence upon , and cultivation of , said It r. : F. W. Weaver , J. C. Lalferty , J. C. Fc .ti F. M. Graham , all of Daubury , Neb. G. L. LAWS. Registc LAND OF.FICK AT MCCOOK , Neb. , March 8th. lbS 5. Notice is hereby given { hat tjie follow ] mcd settler has tiled notice o't'his in'tpnl make flnal proof in support of his cla d that said proof will be made before R lirorRceeiverutMcLooU , Neb.on suture iril 17th , IbSOviz : Joseph Dnscoll.IJ. " S.2 the northwest h section , township "j noi ige 3) west 0 P. M. He names the tollow his continuous residei : ness/S } to prove an , and cultivation ot , said land , viz : Jc ley'Nels Donland , James Foley , and Pe rson , all of Uox Bldoi-rNeb. I G. L. LAWS , Registoi LAND OFFICE ATMCCOOK , NEU. , .March'Jth.lSsO. Toticc is hereby given that the followii ned settler has flled notice of his intent : nake tinal proof in support of his clai 1 that said proof will be made before RCR or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on FriUi ril 10th. IbSU.viz : Herman Thole , homesu ry 3470 , for the northeast } 4 northwest . lots 1,2 and : t section 28 , township : t nor ge 30 west. He names the following w ses to prove his continuous residence up ( cultivation of. said laud , viz : Jacob ins , Adolph Rheischick , Charley Uergsi Charles Vollbrecht , all of McCook , Neb. U. L. LAWS , KojfIster Morns at Public Sale , -AT- LINCOLN ! WSDNSSDA Y , MAY 19,1886. lanihas and other fancy families. Young Marys , Panseys , Desdamon/as , About 50 head in all IP//// be offered , consisting of a fine lot of young Bulls , Cows and heifers. Terms reasonable. Apply for catalogues to either of the undersigned. JOHN FITZGERALD. . O. M. DRUSE , Malinger F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer. ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , $50,000,00 , ; DQES A ; Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on fanning lands , \ iilase and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : j V. F SKMX , President. : National Hank , Lincoln , Nebraska. I JOHN U. CI.AKK. Vice-president , 'he ' Chemical Nat ional Hank. New York. J A , C. EBEBT , Cashier , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath , Shingles , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Gedvn Posts , t Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Panit Also Hard and Soft Coal. MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. . E. nd Real Estate Brokers. OFFICE : West Dennison Street , NEBRASKA. Superior to any ou the market , betnx IIcaMer , Stronger Unlit and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only aMolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. We offer to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And if they dou't give satisfaction , win remove Mill at onr own expense. Also Manufacturers qf the Celebrated ChallenKe Feed Mills. Corn Shellers. Iron Pumps ' i with brass cylinders. Iron Pipe , Tants. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. B. NETTLETOX , ttcCook , Neb. , i Agent for Southwesurn Nebraska and Northwestern Kaniai. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE H TRIBUNE . t- i-