' " * * * . METROPOLITAN TOR -y i > MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. om * en M. A. SPALDING , PROPRIETOR , i -2. 2.H ° -5 ' \ gans , O 2 5 SEWING MACHINES. j ? Oi i J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist , ] In P Li DEALERS IN Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement. HARD AND SOFT COAL. YARDS AT Berirand , Elwooa.Oxford , Edison. Arapahoe.Cambridge , Indiariola , McCookCulbert- son , Stration. Trenton and Benkelman in Neb. Ytima and Akron in Colo. These Lands were carefully selected , are of an excellent qual ity , and are for sale on easy terms. J. c. McBRIDE , Lincoln , Nebraska. T T T I v /fTT / T M L/L/U I iVllJLJL , C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. CORN SHELLED AND GROUND , BOLTED , ETC. 2 BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL'S BARN , MoOOOK - - NEBRASKA. C. P. RINKER , O O LiI O X , WAGONS , BUGGIES , WIND MILLS AND PUMPS. 2THaving re-opened my astablNInnenl in Mc-Cook , I will be ] > leasecl to > ee all of my old patrons and many new ones "s i i'l ' "iell hotter goods at lower lignres than eer before ottered in 3IcCook. Call and see me. 40 CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STS. MeCOOK , NEB. -THE , McCOQK T A ATTnnT TTOn / / \ AND TRUST CO. OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. OZFZFHICGSS.S : A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT. F. L. BROWN , TREASURER. iLT FOR CATTLE , Rain Does not Affect It. FOR SALE BY & iio&ftiieli Lumber SOLE. AGENTS. THE donioontiupnrty. dnirinjr the fir tvar oi iu ndniiiii tration. lias done little to win poriular confidence , not be cause its President has done * ill , but be- , cause his best views and purposes have received no hearty and unanimous sup port from his party. This is proved not only by the angry tone of a large part of the democratic press but by the de fensive air of the speeches of the Pres ident's party friends. The pan-electric scandal also is a very serious affair for the democrats. The whiskey-ring frauds and the post tradership scandal under a republican administration were held to be evidences of party de-cadence and the results of a too lonsr tenure of pow er by th'e party. But the pan-electric scandal in the first year of democratic restoration is a startling protect. The democratic difference with the President upon the silver question is another sig nificant illustration of the situation. The party is swiftly making its record for the campaign of ' 88. Its sole great advantage , to which it owed its success in 1SS4 , was its candidate , now the President. Its true policy after the election was plain. It was complete identification with the President as its representative leader. But it has thrown away its advantage and discard ed its policy. The President's course has lent , not united his party. The democratic party has not won the con fidence of the friends of sound finances or of civil service reform , while the democratic President is by far the best that the democratic party ever elected. Harpers Weekly. THE Chaplain of the House of Rep resentatives shakes the millionaires of the Senate and monopolists in general up in the following vigorous style : "Give ear. Oh ! God of Jacob , and awaken us to see the danger which threatens the civilized world , a revolu tion more trcmeiuiuous than any of which history tells , in which the scenes of the reign of terror may be enacted in every capital of Europe and America. Foi long the few have mastered the many , because the ) understood the open secret of tools to them that can use them. But now the many have learned the secret of organization , drill and dy namite. Rouse the rich of the world to understand that the time has come for grinding , selfish monopoly to cease ; that corporations may get souls in them , with justice , honor , conscience , and human kindness. Teach the rich men of th:3 country that great fortunes are lent them by Thee for other purposes than to build and decorate palaces , to found private collections of art , to stock wine cellars , to keep racing studs and yacht" , and to find better company than h.ist- lers , grooms and jockeys , pool sellers and book makers. Teach them.oh ! God , that it is Thee who has given them pow er to get these fortunes ; that it is to prove them to know what is in their hearts , whether they will keep Thy com mandments or no , and that those com mandments are thon shall love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart , and thy neighbor as thyself , that if the rich men of this land keep these command ments the poor will follow the example , and we at le'tst will be saved from the days of tribulation that are fast coming on all the world. Help usoh , ! God , and save us.1 GENERAL CROOK has been relieved from service in Arizona and ordered back to the command of the depaitment of the PJatte , a position he has held be fore to the eminent satisfaction of all concerned. General Howard has been as-signed to the command of the Pacific division. General Terry goes to Chicago and General'Schofiold to Governor's Is land to take command of the division of ihe Atlantic. THE Blue Valley Blade puts this co nundrum out , to its readers : "If the saloon business is a legitimate one , and is right , it is wrong to make a man pay $1.000 or an ) ' other sum to engage in ir. If it is wrong , the payment of § 1,000 or any other sum in the school fund will not make it right. Have you ever thought of the matter in that light , and how an : you going to get around so plain and just a proposition ? Don't all speak at once. ' ' IF Yan Wyckdesires to retuin to the Senate he should apply to those whose interests he has attempted best to sub serve during his present term of office Democrats , roorbacks , fusionists , et al. lie ha * no valid claim on the Republi cans of Nebraska , and will make none anless he is possessed of gall passing all inders lauding. LABOR and capital ought to go hrnd n hand. Artificial obstructions to such n-ogress must be removed. Capital rannot oppress labor withont injuring tself , and labor in turn cannot antago- lize capital without loss and damage to ts own interests. St. Patrick's Pills correct bilious disorders 1 nil prevent all diseases arising from them ] iold by M. A. Spacing and Willey & Walker. TUB FnrV Jemnernt ) of the 1st. cop. t'litiitiir a resume of York county and city , is a mo. < t creditable production. MORGAX of Kearney finally received the g. b. Egbert R. Watson has been appointed his successor by the president. Our day of deliverance has"not yet come , however. "OljR VAN''IS evidently a' maverick" from the Republican herd , and we sug gest that Rosewater place the ancient brand of ' 'innocuous desuetude" upon him , and give him the "ear marks" of a mu'jrwumpian hero. THE Republican Valley Echo is of the opinion that the valley contains a number of miserable excuses of paper.- , which are edited by men having no more fitness for the profession than a cholera- stricken hog for heaven. Correct. Palisade Journal : Judge Ashrnore , of Indianola , father of our ranchmen , Chas. and Sam Ashmore , was in town the first of the week. He is thinking of building a residence in or near I'ali- sade. TnEV don't hold a man's life very high down in old Johnson county. § 250.00 is the judgment awarded Widow Smty against the saloon keepeis of Te- cumseh for causing the death of her husband. $250 00 may pacify outrag ed jut-tice in this world , but on the Great Assize , an immortal soul's des truction will come immeasurably higher. Anna Draper , of Ileiiburn , Iowa , briellx states her opinion of Ghainberlain'.s Cough licmedy. fciie says it is far superior to an\ medicine she ever used for cioup. Sold by L A. Spalcling awl Willey & Walker. CITY - BAKERY. 3 - PRO PRIETORS. "WE KEEP ON HAKD BREAD , PiES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order , ROOM In connection where you cnn get colfee. sand wiches. pies. etc. . nt all hours. HESS & GOODENBEltGEU , CONTRACTORS -AND- BUILDERS , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Material furnished if desireu. THE RED WILLOW MILL Is noiv in operation and will do General Custom Work. The Mill is complete and we Guarantee Good Work , . o J. W. PICKLE & CO. The Fine Clydesdale and Sweet Briar , BIRD OF THE WEST , BONNIE SCOTLAND , , Will commence the season the 1st of April. \ iVill he found at my barn south of the Hadtrer ' iiUinher Yard. McCook. on Monday * . Tuesdays ind Wednesdays. At W. K. Lynch's burn , In- lianola. on Thursdajs , Fridays and nturdu\ . ee bills. 42 A. J. PATH , Pi-op" . HURT LCFKIN , Groom. Send 10 eent postage , and wi > , will mail you rune a royal.val uable , sample box ot c ood * _ that will put jou inthuwavof j naklri ; * more money at once , than anything \ Ise in America. Both se.\es of all njres can \ I ve at home and work in spare tune , or all the * ira * . Capital not required. We will start you. tn.iiense puy su-e for those who start atonce.1 t-25-lyr. STINSOS & Co. , Portland , Maine , SOCIETY DIRECTORY CONG KKOA'l'lUNAL. Sunday School at 10 A. M. every week. Pruachinp services everj Sunday nijrht at 7:00 M. T. Also , every alter nate Sunday morning" at U. M. T. Exceptions to the nbovo will be noticed in locals. GKOIIGI : DUNGAN , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at Hi : IK ) A. M. and 7 P. 31. . mountain time. Sunday School at ! ! P. M. The services and Sunday school will beheld for the future in the new church. Allure cordially invited. Scuta free. W. \Vmir iit , Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Services in the Opera Hall the first anil third Sundays , mnrninjrand oveiilnjr , of each month. J. A. FIIJFOIITII , Hector. OATHOUC.-Serviwjs will be held in tho church once every four weeks. THOMAS CITI.LEN , Pastor. W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. will meet In the Heading Hoom uverj'Vcdne davafternoon at 2 o'clock. M. T. Tho Band of Hope will meet in tho Hoadinjr Itoom every Saturday utter- noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. A. O. U W. Mcfook r.odjre No.Ol. wiU meet thotlrstand third Mondays of each month In the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. Dit. It. It. DAVIS , M. W. W. H. DVVJS , Recorder. McCOOIC f.DGK ( A. F. Jc A. M. Uc riilur meetings , Tuesday nit lit on , or before full moon of overt inoiuii. " \ S. L. G KEC.YV. . M. F. L. MCCKACKKX. Secretary. WILMIW Guovn LoriGE K. OF P. , No. a 12. .Meets ex cry Wednesday ovening- ' -'nt Masonic Hull" J. W. ( . 'A.Ml > UKr.U C. C. C. H. ItOYM * , K. ! ! . S. I. O. O. K McCook Lodjro No. 137 , T. O. O. P. , meets every Friday ovpinnjr. tit 7 o'clock , in Masonic Hull. All visiting brothers me invit ed to { fleet witn us. H. H. IJKKKY. N. O. H. Tmiwiiiuiu ; * : , Pormunent Sccietury. HoricNKi.r. HOM : COMIANV. HOJJ- nlnr nu'ctirifrson thetirst Wednesday hsveniii'-r ol'cach month. K IJ. AUCHIHAI.D , Chief. It. OK L. E. Itinthorhood of Locomotive En- finper-5. Moot tliPt nnrl tonrth Saturdays of each month. S. K. HOOK , Chief. J. C. AM > KISOX. F. A. E. J. K. U\HNK < * I'O T G. A. K. Kejrular meet in s j-rcoiul and loiirth Monday evenings o each month at Masonic Hall. .1. A. Wn.cox , Commander. .1. II. YAHOEIC , Adjutant. POST-OFFICE HOURS. Opon from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. , M. T. Offlci will be closed thirty minutes before arrival am ' doparlureot mails' . SrNnAY.oflicewillbeoper troml2 to 2 P. M. mountain time. B. & M. TIME TABLE. o i ; \ST LEvr.s : EAST LEAVES : No.- 0:10. A.M. No. 40 . . . .5:2.- , P.M WKST I.E WES : WEST LEAVES : i KM. i : M. Xo.l 5"i. P. M ; 3y Eastl > ound trains run on Central Time and wct-thnnnd trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers U. K. WOODS , Ajrent. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL ( .JKO. B. Joiix.vrox , PKOI- . AltCOOK , : : XEBIJAhKA. This > hone has been completely iono\atei nnil tt-riirni-Ued throughout , nnd is tirfrt-class in every respect. Hates reasonable. l-'Jf 8WITS & STUISOX. I-'ASIIIONAIILK BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS Opposite Clilcn o Lumber Yard , MAIX STUF.ET. - McCOOK. NEBRASKA ROBERT'DRYSIALE , MERCHANT TAILOR XAIX STREET , JlcCOOK NEIIltASKA. W. .M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER McCooK , - XKBRASICA. J2 ? A11 work guaranteed Oive me a cull. WILLIAM MclNTYRE. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CULBERTSON. NEBRASKA. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work doiif * on short notice. LAND OFFICE BLANKS. In oiderinfr , Rivo olliec number and title of blank , with ijtiantny of each blank wanted. I'nt only our blank on n line to avoid mistakes. Money mu t iinuriulilj accompany the Older. AIUWCSS THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. OScslJo. Citlc : J Shsi. Per Per 3 : : : : . Eszirei. APPLICATIONS TO ENTER. 4-007 Homestead Law 1.1 Cts. , 4-OH9 Timber-Culture- 1.1 ' J'iS Soldier's Homestead 1.1 " l.lHi 4vi.l Declaratory ttatemont. . I.lCtSl.tK ) Soldier'-U. S i.'i " l.lXi AFFIDAVITS. 4-OfE Non-Mineral . " . - - ! O , 4-0 : Timber Culture Entry. . . 1.1 " 4-WK ! Homestead Kntry 1.1 " l ( Ml 1-OC9 Cnininututinn. Hd 1.1 " i-070 Final. Homestead 1.1 I.Oj 4-072 Contest. Homcsre.Kl il " L'.Oii 4-0H ) ContestTiinborCnltuif. il " 2.XJ l-USi Homesfd.underScc.iii'J ' 15 " 1.00 Service Letter 10 " .7.1 Service Notice 10 " .7.1 NOTICES. I-4H7 For I'nblication 1.1 Cte. , Sl.OO t-i(8 ; ( Hd Int. 1 Prove Up 15 " 1.00 t-4n : ! Pre-K ll " l.oo I JUG Tiinber-Cultuie.eonte t. 1.1 " 1.00 PROOFS. l- % ii Homestead Final .1 Ctb. , > " : ! ( X ) t-I74a.Pre-Eiuptioii ! Final. . . . r ) " : t.txi MISCELLANEOUS. Kelinquislnncnts. O LEGAL BLANKS. CONVEYANCING. fll Warranty Deed ( half-sheet ) F fl.1 Special Warranty Deed F 0' ' } Bond for Deed K 0 ! ) Quit Claim Deed F 11 Morrsrajre Deed ( short forini F ! 15 Moitjraj-'eDeeddvith Interest and In surance Clause n i8 Release of Mortage ( short , form i IJ L"0 Assignment of .MortKUjrc . ( Short form ) . IJ JJI .Lea = e y LSJ .Mechanic's Lien F MISCELLANEOUS. 01 Chattel Mort rdKu ilontorni ) F \i' ( h.itti I Morta-aire F it > Clitsttel Mortjtasf ( hort form ) ' . F 04 Chattel Mnrt uue " F 05 IJillofSale . . j * 07 Articles of Agreement F Township Plats , 17x11 D 14 Soldier's D.Fcharffe ( two colors ) K 15 Pnuer of Attorney. General F - 0 Agreement for Huildinir n NOTARY. ni Protest and Ori intil Notary Public Fee Can ! COUNTY CLERK. 7 Certificates of KlectIon ( "colors ) 1) [ 7 Petition for L.cen.-e to Si-11 Liquor C t : ? OPjciul Rond c r I' LitjuorLicense Y DISTHiCT COURT. i G M Summons ( original ) j { t J8 SubriBiiaiori iimlt C C VI Df-claration of Intention c > 1 Final Papers ( one color ) E COUNTY COURT. PROBATE. & 5 } Marriage Certificate ( three colors ) F " - . tor Sale of Keul Estato y STOCKDIRECTORY ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) * fSf lt-fcy ' j&CI * A---3 J J y STgyCCiL ? : Horses unwilled on loft hip or left shoulder P. O. address. Estcllo. Hayes county , and Bpat- rico. Neb. Kun e.Stink- e Wnrcr and French- n creeks , Chnso Co. . Nebraska. Ilrutid as cut on side ot some uniinals. on hip and si.les of some , or anjr- whereon the unlnml. Breeder ol iMi'iiovr.n SIIKKI * Delano. Mori no and Sonth- doun-I'orson- al inspection and eorres- ) ondouce 807 licited. Ad'Jic him at Keel Willow Nebraska. HHLYKZ T. cue/Ken. / Postollice.Osborn. Neb. ittifre : IJcd Willow ik , in S. W. corner of J I Cuttle branded OLD Al-o. rrtn o iirand on right shoulder. Horses branded 8 ° " right shoulder. GKORGR J. FREDERICK. Poitollice nddrcss.Mc- fook. Nebraska. Hit n eh : Four miles MMithwrst of 31 cC ook. on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ on the lelthip. 1'AXTOX CATTLK CO. 15. MKSEKVK. Genera' ' llanapcr. 1'ostollice address , 5Ic- Coolc , Xcb. Hunch : At 'prltifr Canyon on the Vciifhinan Itivcr , Chase * 1 ounty. Nebraska. Stock Iiranded as above ; .l o 717 onlcftsido ; 7 ° " . tlle rfeht hip and L on the ii iu fiioiiiiier ; L on leftshoulderand X on lelt jaw. Half nnder-crop left ear , and > ( Itiiue-cro } ) ri 'ht ear TlMliXG"CKKKK CATTLE CO. * .1. 1) . WKI.UOIJS. Vice President and Supt. I * . O. address , Indiano- Jla , Xebraska. K a n e : Repnblfcan i\ alleiease of Dry g Crock , and near head of zrS. 15I rlns freek. in Chase cgi. county , Nebraska. EATON BROS. & CO. P.O. address. McCook. Acbraska. Itunxu.south > f .McCook. Cattle branded on left liip. Albo , 10 5 and , , fr II brands on left hip. ' Horses branded the on left shoulder. STUKKS & TROTH. - 1' . O. address. Carrico. - Hayes county. Neb. * 4 KiuiKc : Ued "Willow S ff f -reek , above Carrico. § fgjs Slock branded as IIUOVB b & * f.rxtijso run tje fojowin. ) , irands : s , J-P , u , X .ioi-se brand , liuyw.L FGR SAMPLE COPY ol THIS BEAUTIFUL 1SOOK. It gives the LANCUAGC nml senjincat ol Everj Flower and Sbrnb , 3UO ( > dillerent kinds. Also all tlie Known Rules ol Flirta tion ulth Clove. Panul. Handkerchlil and Fan. It istlienost complete uorlc or tlie kind ever pub lished. Send Fifteon Ccntu "In stanipi tut a sample copy , also our price to ageuin. PUB. CO. . 17 Hcrth Teilh SB GER TMISSTYiE V = DAYS' TUIAL ; A Full Set of E ? Atlnchmcnta. WARRANTED Circular. E. C. HOWE < fc CO. , ' 121 \ H. 6 tli St. , PUila. . JPa. . , er to Sllnoas Qjty , > er.Yer to - .Iia to Chicago , City to Chicago , Crrc-.a : to St. Louis T f © Ai 3U8SLOla LOlaRATES BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets ovor the Curling- ; n Route afo for cc3 ; by tho Union acific , Denver & Rjo Crcnde and II ocncr prsnc'pal railways , and a ! ! agento of tho "BurHnston For further Enfcrmation , apply to P. .