The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 08, 1886, Image 7

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    Our readers will notice inf tins week's
issue , on this page , a change Irom.the small
advertisement of Le Page's Liquid Glue ,
showing the small can or bottle. Instead
of the simple announcement ol its merits ,
those who use it , amount ol sales , how
sample can bo obtained , &c. , the Russia
Dement Company perform a praiseworthy
net in revealing a fraud which is the more
contemptible , because it affects only the
smallcstsizeforfamily use ( of bottle goods ) ,
and therefore affects those who are obliged ;
to buy in small quantities rather than !
those who arc able to stand the imposition. !
In addition to the statements of the adrer-j
tisement , which we have from good author- :
tyj P exact in details , we have it from !
Boinvl-s unquestioned that various state- '
rnents promulgated through the press , by
show cards. < fcc. , of other glues as receiving
endorsements from high government offi
cials , are entire fabrications with not even
the color truth. In point of fact , the
Smithsonian Institution ( as well as other
Government Departments ) have used , and
still use , LK PAGE'S LIQUID GLUE exclu
sively , reason for which is found in its con
taining no acid , while we ar6 informed all
others have an acid base ; and in its supe
rior strength. At New Orleans , on a Richie
Testing Machine , a block of Georgia pine ,
one inch square , butted , registered 1G12
pounds before parting. LE PAGE'S LIQUID
GLUE does not need ourespecial praise ; the
Tact that such manufacturers as the Pull
man Palace Car Co. have adopted it shows
its worth to every > \ ood worker , and for
every family in thc'land.
Counterfeit coin to the amount of 500- ,
000 has been put in circulation in Egypt.
It Astonished tlio Public
to hear of the resignation of Dr. Pierce as a
Congressman to devote himself solely to
his labors as a physician. It was because
Ins true constituents were the sick and
afflicted everywhere. They will find Dr.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" a
beneficent , use of his scientific knowledge
in their behalf. Consumption , bronchitis ,
cough , heart disease , fever and ague , inter
mittent ; fever , dropsy , neuralgia , goitre or
thick neck , and all diseases of the blood ,
are cured by this world-renowned medicine.
Its properties are wonderful , its action
magical. By druggists.
Nearly § 2,000,000,000 would be duo
were all insured Americans' to die at once.
"Say , why is everything
Either at sixes or at sevens ? "
Probably , my dear nervous sister , be
cause you are suffering from some of tho
diseases peculiar to your sex. You have a
"dragging-down" feeling , the back-ache , you
nre debilitated , you have pains of various
kinds. Take Dr. R , V. Picrco's "Favorite
Prescription" and be cured. Price reduced
to one dollar. By druggists.
A temperance movement turning on tho
Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets" aro
perfect preventives of constipation. In
closed in glass bottles , always fresh. By
all druggists.
It is stated there are nine thin girls in
Washington to one plump one.
EnoEnnd hardware dealers sell Lvon's Heel Stlff-
cners ; Iliey keep boots and shoe * straight
Is R dangerous as well as distressing complaint. If
neglected , it tends , by impairing nutrition , and do-
prc m(5 the tone of tho gystco. to prepare the way
lor Rapid Decline.
-THE g
QutcUy and completely Cores Dyspepsia in all
its forms , Heartburn , Belching ; , Tasting tho
Food. etc. It enriches and purifies tho bkxxMtimn-
lates the appetite , and aids the assimilation of food.
MB. JOHN H. HOBAHT. 602 K.lRh bt..OmahaNeb.
Bays : " I suffered severely for mx months with Indi
gestion. 1 received no benefit from doctors. Brown's
Iron Bitt iB completely cured mo. I recommend it.1'
Miss N. LEWIS , 1318 California St Omaha , Web
says : "Ihave tu dBrown's Iron Bitters forDye-
pop'i * . with excellent results. "
Ma.O.1) . THOMPSON. Drn gist , Norfolk. Neb-
says : " I have been cured of Dyspepsia by the nee of
Brown's Iron Bitters and cheerfully recommend it. "
Genuine has abovoTrado Mark and crossed red lines
on wrapper. Toko no otlicr. Hide only by
Tho "best and surest Remedy for GOTO of
jail diseases caused by any derangement of
I tho Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
I Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds
j yield readily to tho beneficent influence of
It is pleasant to the taste , tones up the
system , restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
prove beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all
I others. Sold everywhere at Sl.OO a bottle.
honest man with alighted lantern ,
and humanity has since been
seeking an honest medicine by
the light of knowledge , it is found
TONIC , which produces the most
favorable results in disorders of
Jfhe Liver , Stomach , and Kidneys ,
C > Td is a valuable remedy in Dys-
p psiaj also , debility arising.from
malaria or other causes. It is a per
fect tonic , appetizer , blood puri
fier , and a sure cure for ague. 50c.
Themoit Wonderful Agricultural Park In America.
preemption * homeete , L r for , l8 to -
settlers ft * 3- < " P r creII' ; * * * TIIE , :
or Immense omUa. C ap railroad
attention Uxown wrtUor * . lor m p ,
Hou Block , Denrer , Colo Box IMS.
. ii"frtfi''rlJaBrTi n 111 "
Sailors Say They Have a Perfect
Method > 'ow of Battlingwitli
a Storm.
The use of oil to lessen the danger
ous effects of heavy seas has been ap
proved by a few seamen , while the
majority ridicule the theory. A report
er who called at the hydrographic office
recently received data that would set
the matter at rest. One of tho officers
in discussing the question said :
"The evidence of the value of oil in
appeasing an angry sea increases daily ,
and justifies the hydrographic office in
obtaining all the facts on the subject.
Mineral oil is not recommended , while
tho importance of carrying a supply ol
animal or vegetable oil , to be used in
an emergency , can not be overrated.
Here are some cases that will be of in
terest to the shipping community , Capt.
Hill , of tho bark I eptime , en route
from Cicnfucgos to Boston , experienced
a heavy gale. The seas were tumbling
over the ship and cargo. To try whal
effect oil would have on the-seas the
captain caused two hempen burlap bags
made three feet long and ten inches
wide and roped with ratline stuff to be
filled half full of oakum , and poured
two quarts of pine or wood oil in each
one. The bags were hung from the
catheads just Tow enough to be a-wash.
The effect was simp'ry marvelous.
Scarcely a drop of water came on board
after putting the bags out. The reef
was shaken out and the vessel made
two hundred and eighty miles in twen
ty-four hours. This was Jan. 29 , 1886 ,
in latitude 50 degrees north , longitude
74 west. The bags were put out at 8
a. m. and kept out for sixteen hours , in
that 'lime using about six quarts of
oil. During the same voyage on Feb.
4 , 1885 , while in latitude 41 north ,
longitude G8:25 west , a terrible gale
from the northeast caused tho waters
to sweep the deck fore and aft , and it
was freezing at a great rate. The ship
was lying to under lower maiutopsail.
In this instance four bags were used ,
two forward at each cathead and two
aft at each bumpkin. It had precisely
the same effect as in the previous case ,
and in my opinion , the bark and all
on board were saved from total de
struction by the use of oil.
"Capt. William Peake , master of the
schooner J. F. Krantz , was making a
passage from Port Spain , Trinidad , to
Boston. When fifteen miles east of
Cape Hatteras , he experienced a terri
fic gale from the north-northeast. The
sails were blown away , men were wash
ed away from the pumps , boats and
other utensils on the deck were totally
wrecked by the heavy seas. The cap-
lain used two common wooden kegs
filled with eight gallons of linseed oil.
A small hole for a vent was bored in
the bottom and top of the kegs , so as to
permit the oil to gradually ooze out ,
The kegs were lashed to the quarters of
the vessel. The oil vent was just large
enough to allow not much more than a
di'op at a time to ooze out. The effect
was all that could be desired. Scarcely
a drop of water came on board , the
men were enabled to return to the
pumps and succeeded in pumping'out
the vessel and clearing the decks of the
debris. The oil was used for sixteen
hours , from 2 A. M. to 6 P. SI. , and in
that time about eight gallons , all told ,
were expended. The same captain also
reports that during another voyage he
was caught in a hurricane. He got a
common canvas bag , made a small hole
in the bottom , filled the bag with
oakum , and then poured in a quantity
of common deck varnish. This bag
was suspended from tho martin
gale and allowed tojust clear
the water. Ho ordered the
bag to be kept in position for twenty-
four llours , and used in time about four
gallons of the varnish. From the posi
tion of the bag the varnish had but very
little time to act on the combers before
tho seas reached tho bows. Still it had
a marked effect on them , so much so
that tho vessel was no longer boarded
by the heavy sois , although they were
running just as high. The crew were
able to return to the pumps and other
work without risk to life or limb. There
are many other cases where the use of
oil is credited with having saved vessels ,
but what I have told you ought to be
sufficient to satisfy the most incredu
lous of its efficacy , We are endeavor
ing to impress upon all seamen the im
portance of its use , and before long
those who ridiculed the idea will be in
duced to believe in it" New York
Mail and Express.
Still Another Chinese Yice.
It is a pity to turn the Chinaman out
just when he's beginning to benefit by
American civilization and shows signs
of grasping the full value of American
productsincluding metaphor. The
Chinaman has picked up a great many
American habits , mainly the inexpen
sive ones , and he is perhaps as cheap in
copying' American vices as anything
else. There is one crying evil about
the Chinese that has not been fully
availed of. He drinks poor whisky
when he invests money. A liquor-
dealer down-town was called upon by a
Chinaman who proposed to purchase a
small stock of whisky. Whether the
merchant was especially honest or the
Chinaman was an expert this story does
not state. But , any way , the liquor
merchant gave him some whisky to
taste. "Jfo , no ; me no likee , " said the
Chinaman. "Wanee some that other
whisky , strong ; bitee allee same flea go
down throat. San Francisco Chron
A BoardingHouse Episode.
"I think , " said the landlady , "that
Col. Witherspoon must be getting along
pretty well in tbis "world. He is now
building an octagon. "
"Building an octagon ! " exclaimed
Whackup ; "I heard he was building a
house. "
Then round the festive banquet board
did silence reign supreme. Texas Sift-
The works of art which Mrs. Morgan gath
ered about her brought during the entire sale
the sum of $1,205,400. It will be remembered
one of the most extensive sales of the kind
ever known.
A Popular Ex-Iffayor.
Ex-Mayor Newton , of Des Moines , Ia. , is
deservedly popular in the city over whose
destines he presided , by reason of the many
Rood deeds and the unostentatious acts ol
charity which'he is constantly doing. Sue-
cessful ns a politician , he has also recently
been playing the part of a good Samaritan
with a success equal to his triumphs in poli-
tics. The fainting traveler by tho wayside ,
whom ho lias raised up and refreshed by
good counsel in the last instance , is Mr.
Georgo A. Crandale , the manager for
Oberne , Hosick & Co. , Second and Walnut
streets. Mr. Crandale , who naturally feels
under many obligations to tho Ex-Mayor
tells as follows how he came into such a
wretched plight as to need help and how
it was cheerfully given :
"I have never had an ache or pain of
rheumatism , " he said , since I used Athlo
phoros ; and the medicine cost mo only § 3.
If any one had guaranteed to cure me I
would willingly have paid him 550 , yes
§ 100. My rheumatism was inflammatory ,
mostly in my ankles , but a little in the
wrist. I could manage to hobble around
by the use of canes , but I felt as if I wero
walking on the bare bones , or in other
words as if my feet were off and I was walk
ing on the stumps. Tho pain was terrible
to bear , yet I managed to be about and to
attend to my business.
"One day , during the time I was suffering
so much , I hobbled to the Court House to
look after some matter. As I was struggle-
ing to get up the steps I met ox-Mayor
Newton , who asked mo what the trouble
was. I told him thab it was rheumatism ,
whereupon he advised mo to get a bottle
of Athlophoros. I did not get ifc then ,
.as I had 110 faith in patent medicines and
did not want to take any. A short time j I
after this I wrote to an old friend , Charles
'P. Griffin , of Sluarfc , to inquire what had
cured him. I knew that he had been con- (
fined to his bed with rheumatism of the
worst kind , His answer was : 'Get Athlo-
phoros. That is what cured me. ' I then
got some , but really had no faith in its cur
ing me. I began to get relief from it in
twenty-four hours. I continued taking it
until I had used three dollars worth , when
my rheumatism , both the pain and the
swelling , was gone , and I have not had any
return since. That is now overayearago. "
Ex-Mayor Newton based his recommen
dation of Athlophoros to Mr. Crandale
upon the very remarkable cure it had ef
fected in the case of his wife. That lady
thus tells all about it :
"I'have been comparatively free from
rheumatism for tho past year and a half.
Previous to that I had been a great sufferer
for years and had resorted to many reme-
, dies , but nothing would do what Athlo
phoros did for me. I have had a few
twinges of late , but I attribute that to my
self and not to the medicine , as I have not
'been so careful as I should have been.
Athlophoros took the stiffness out of the
joints of my fingers and gave me the use o !
my hands , in which I had so long had trou
ble. I have recommended it in many cases
and in every instance that I know of the
results have been very satisfactory. I do
not hesitate in the least inrecommcndingil
most heartily to every rheumatic sufferer.1
If yon cannot get ATHLOPIIOHOS of your
druggist , we will send it , express paid , on re
ceipt of regular price one dollarperbottle.
We prefer that you buy it from your drug
'gist , but if he hasn't it , do not bepersuadec
.to try something else , but order at once
from us , as directed. ATHLOPIIOKOS Co. ,
112 Wall Street , New York.
Persecuting : an Editor.
Editor ( shivering in his night garments
and peering over the banisters into the
gloom below ) "Who's there ? "
Voice below "A burglar. "
Editor ( with his teeth chattering ) lc.
thought so. Did you shut tho door behint
you when you came in ? "
Burglar "I did u'fc , "
Editor "I was sure you didn't. The
, blast coming up stairs is half freezing me.
Is it not enough that I am made the victim
of such neglect all day at my office , with'
out having you come around here in the
dead of night and adding to my misery ?
Go back and shut the door. "
The conscious stricken burglar at once
retraced his steps , and shut the door from
the outside , leaving the editor's vaults un-
rifled. [ Boston Courier.
Tlio Sunday Newspaper.
Gentlemen , there is a good deal of talk aa
to the propriety or necessity of abolishing
tho Sunday newspaper. Now the good
newspaper is a good thing , on Sunday as
on other days. The bad newspaper is
known at a glance ; and it will be admitted
to the house of no gentleman who manages
the literature which ought to be under his
charge on Saturdays orf Wednesdays or
Sundays. Suppose , because there are bad
clergymen , wo should propose to abolish
the pulpit ? That would not be reasonable ;
but in all this discussion about the Sunday
journal there has been no one to suggest a
proper selection of Sunday periodical liter
ature , the question being the very broad
one whether to have Sunday newspapers or
to abolish them.
Tlic Burglar and the Casliler.
A New York bank cashier , who was
making preparations to go to Canada , hav
ing occasion to return to the bank after
night , found that a burglar had opened the
safe , and was extracting the contents.
"Now I've got you. Throw , up your
hands ! " exclaimed the cashier , drawing a
"Bah ! " replied tho burglar , contemptu
ously. "You keep quiet or I'll tell tho
directors how much money I din't find in
the safe. " Thecashierrecoiled with horror
nnd dismay at the suggestion. "You had
a mighty narrow escape from catching a
burglar , " continued the night of the jimmy.
"Next time I come , if thero ain't more cash
in the safe I'll land you in Sing Sing , " and
after obtaining a contribution from tho
cashier , the burglar withdrew , smfling.
Texas Sittings.
Salvation Oil , the greatest cure on earth
for pain , has made a most brilliant debut.
All druggists and dealers in medicine sell it
at 25 cents a bottle.
Snoeses are like misfortunes. They sel
dom come singly.
In another column of this issue will be
found an entirely new and novel specimen
of attractive advertising. It is one of the
neatest we have ever seen , and we think
anyone will be well repaid for examining the
supposed display letters in the advertise
ment of Prickly Ash Bitters.
The most obnoxious formol "light litera
ture" ia a gas bill. '
Tho color produced by Buckingham's
Dye lor tho Whiskers always gives satisfac
The dangers of Whooping Cough are
averted by the uae ot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Poor liquor is often a "drug" on the mar
ket , nowadays.
J The new combination of.Sra.irt Weed nnd
' Belladonna , ns used in Carter's IJackache
Plasters lias proved to be one ol the best
that could be made. Try one of these
popular plasters in any case cf weak or
lame back , backache , rheumatism , ncu-
j ralgia , soreness of the chest or lungn , itc. ,
' nnd you will IMJ surprised and pleas d by
, the prompt relief. In bad cases of chronic
j dyspepsia , a plaster over the pit of the
I I stomach stops the pain at once. Ask for
( Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back
ache Plasters. Price 25 cents.
Bn'chani Young's shosb is said to be
skirmishing around the streets of Salt Lake.
TETTER. A member of tlic Fioncer Press
staff , tronblett for eleven years with obstinate
Tetter on his hands , has complftely . cured it in
less than n month , by the use of Cole's Carbol-
fcalve. [ Pioneer Press , St. Paul.
Almost time to hear of the first base ball
game of the season. _
Bronchitis la cured by frequent small doses of
Plto's Cure for Consuminion.
"Sparrow pics" are a popular delicacy at
( Philadelphia.
WHY CONTINUE the use of irritatinc pow
ders , snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm ,
pleasant of application and a sure cure for
Catarrh , and cold in head , can be had for
50 cents , at druggists It is easily applied
with tho finder , is safe and pleasant and ia
curing the most obstinate cases. It gives
relief at once. We will mail it at GO cents.
Ely Bros. , Owego , N. Y.
I HAVE been troubled with catarrh from
boyhood and had considered my case
chronic until about three years ago I pro
cured one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm , and
I count myself sound to-day , all from the
use of one bottle. J. K. Cooley , Hardware
Merchant , Montrose , Pa.
Mn. A. NICHOLS suffered from Catarrh for
yearHe purchased a bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm of us. He is now almost
cured , and says you cannot recommend it
too highly. Evers Bros. , Druggists , Inde
pendence , Iowa.
We suppose a firm of proof-readers could
be pronerly called "The house of correc-
It is a pleasure and satisfaction to many
to learn that Allen's Lung Balsam , that
standard family medicine for coughs , croup
and all lung diseases , can r.ow be procured
at 25c. , 50c. , and § 1.00 a bottle at any
drug store.
It is not considered necessary , in society
to return a bill-collector's call.
"Your medicine , Athlophoros , has done
wonders for my wife and is helping othern , "
writes James Book , from Smithton. Mis
souri , in ordering threedozen bottles of the
great neuralgia and rheumatism cure to sell
to his customers.
La X is the way a lazy man wrote La
Crosse , Wis. , in the address of a letter.
BUY SALZER'S ( L.CroueWls. ) SEEDS. CitiuFrNw
"Thelotterymustgo" remarked therural
editor , as he thrust his last-$2 bill into an
< > crimn A thina Cure never fail * to give
iMinritiate rche/iu tho worst cites , insures com
fortable tlccp ; effects cure * where all others fall. A
( riol convince * rAc moxt tLtt > tcat. 1'ricc * > t > el * , and
! il.OO , of Drafts orb/mail. Sample FKKK for
S stamp. PIS. It. feCllHTPMAX. t > t. 1'aul. Minn.
, fr sy
A Life Experience. Remarkable and
quick cures. Trial Packages. Send
stamp for sealed particulars. Address
Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana , Mo.
You are aiiou eil a free trial of thirty days of tho
wseofDr. Dye's Celebrated VoltalcBelt with Electric
Suspensory Appliauces , for the speedy relief andper-
mancnt cure ot AeruousDebility , loss of Vitality , and
Slanhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for many
other diseases. Complutu restoration to Health , Vigor
and Manhood guaranteed. No risk Is Incurred. Illus
trated pamphltt in sealed envelope mailed free , bj
addressing Voltaic Belt Co. . Marthall , Xich.
DlKndvantagc * .
Talk aboub equality of sexes ! A man
was clubbed in a N'o\r York theater for
keeping his imt on , and it was in evidence
that he sat in the back row. Itwas not a
very high hat cither. In court the man was
fined $50 costs , in spito of his testimony
that the hat YVIIS a protection from a cold
draught. And yet lovely women , can sit in
the front row of the pit with all the hair
which art and nature have given her and a
three-decker hat on top of it all , and enjoy
absolute immunity. [ Boston Post.
Timo is too valuable to bo wasted in
credulously experimenting with various
remedies when a 25 cent bottle of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup will at once euro your cold.
Miss Susan B. Anthony is said to bo as
energetic as ever for wouian's-suffrago.
knowing that Da. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA.
VINEGAR Brrrnns acts us an irrcsistiblo
specific in dyspepsia , liver complaints , kid
ney diseases , rheumatism , gout and all dis
orders proceeding from a depraved condi
tion of the animal fluids. To decline tak
ing a sure remedy when sick , is to court
suffering and invite death.
Another month , and then the cows can
be turned out to pasture.
J > ATElVTSobtaiiiC'll > jr Louis Iraejcr&Co. , At-
torueys , WashingtonD.C. Eit'd 1861. Advice free.
All men are liars. Even the father of his
country wan no exception to this rule.
This Spring , C3 you may h nre been before , with yonr
blood full of Impuritiesyour dlsetlon Impaired-
appetite poor , kidneys nnd lier torpid , and whole
system Ha'de to be prost-.itcd by disease but set
yourself Into g ol cmditlos. aid ready for the
ciianslnc andwarmer weather , by taking Hool's
EarsiimriUiv. It ttnnd * unequalled for purifying the
blood , ElTlng nn of pctUc , anil f Jr a rexnlalng and
KenTal spring medicine. IJo sure to Ket IIooJ'3
"My wife had rcry poor health for a lone time ,
suffering from IndlfCstlon. poor nprctlte , and con
stant headache. SUe tried everything we could
hear of. but found no relief till shetried Hood'i
Sarsftparllla. She IB now talcing the third bottle , and
never felt better In hsr life. We leel It our duty to
recommend It to every one we know. " Gco. Son-
EKTIX.I.IC , SloreUnd , Cook Co , 111.
I twk Hood's Sarsaparllla for general debility.
ndTra5T.-oa < Ierfnly bcucatted by It. " J.P. Joiix
SOX. Martin's Ferry. O.
Hood's SarsapariHa
by ell drucc' t . $1 : six for S3. Prepared
HOOD & CO. , ApstUecarlei , Lowell , Mass.
( OO Doses One Dollar
Best CotiKh Syrup. Tastes good. Use
In time. Sold by druggists.
1.001 Importantthinps you novcr kncir or thoncht
or about tho human body nud its curious or an * .
Jlowlife is perpetuated , healtha.teilflitease induct A
Mow to avoid pitfalls of ignorance and indiscretion ,
jrnw to appliJloiAeCurc to all forms of ditease ,
jrovito cure Croup.Old Eiics , Rupture , Pliitnoxi * , etc. .
How to 7i appij in inarriagc&l'Ri'eprize babies
Hurray E1I1 Pub. Co. , 120 E. 2Sti St. . Kcw Yori.
Ail People Appreciate Hongs ! Goods
Always look well and clve long service. Coats of tha
genuine urticlo have on a silk hanser. "Only
garments made from Middlesex Fian ic-ls bear this
hanger. WKNDEbl. . . PAY & CO. . Agents.
MIDDLESEX CO. " Boston. New York. Phila
eonUini 300 Xcw nnd Original
1'orforntc * ! Sturuplncrl'uttcrna
on tinittt Ilond 1'archmeut l' [ * r , 1 Itor
ISlno btumpluir Powder forligUi
fibrin. 1 ItuxVJittc btamplns
I'owdcr lor d rk fabrki , ! ! Aew
Stylo 1'onnetR , 1 New Mnnuul
orHcnolngtun nntl I'nncr Work
libUOO UrlclnnlJIlu.tratlon. .
1 h patterns in this outl are nude by
ovrselvej by t&e ir.eit improred ma-
cLIncry , acd tre tia finest patKmi rr ° -
daceJ. Among the ICO new am ] a.uortt < I
desfna ftreNeir des'pi for Uork la Crazy
worl , 9l3 In. , BirJ and Nes : in hol-
lysprl.9:3iQ.Swans In water IIT ! lola
5x31n. , Golden KoJ and Thistle. 9JS In. ,
Squirrel fating nati in branch of tree , 9x3
in. . While I ) i y ni Buttercup comuma-
tion.Sli 1m. . liuncll of 1'anile * . 9l8 In. ,
Mou KOKI for Ribbon WurV , U II.I Krar.
Lily of the Valley , Coxcomb , Gcldea RuJ
and other bandmme detfcns for Ther
mometers , Spider's Web. Pond Lilr ( Tn-
lipOwls , anil other def-ipn * for Banners
and Stool Corers , all 6x7 inches in size.
Golden Rod. 4 IIn. . , liancL.t of Fa
sclil-u , J 1-2 in. . Clusters ot Jrorcet-uie-uuls. ; m. , Loir-lin ble.dmir , 4 In.Batchelor'i linttom.i In. , Rirlerry. Sin. . Su berry
S | .Jin.V Roses 3 l-l ia. , Daliiet 2 l-t in. , CalU Ijliat 4 m. , To d Lily 4 in. , Tnl-p 4 in. . MOM R e , 3 in. . Cat Tails 3 in. , Dvsy
jrjet-me not borders5 In. . Scollops for Jlirts4 lin. . ( ntir dwijnil. Sprin of Ferni S In. , 10 a-sortnt Crystal Etchings ( new ) Hat
CrewnU tsni , r ihVprOT7Bieei FWfTn . "L
Corer Corners , Love in the-nilat , Xzalias , Cvpm Vines. Table Mat design. . Fruit desij-ni , Umbrella Case der icn . Ac. . n * n
Klaborat * Kincy Alphabet , and a new Skeleton Alphabet , both desijned eipressly for tills outfit. 1'HK FANCYVOtIC
MANUAL is a ue r book by a well-known aathonty on Krnsmjrton an J fancy wort , and rontiini fall Initractlon. anil dtrrctuni for
all Llndi of Kenvin to Stitni > ing , Kinbroideryand Pajitlnr , Metallic Flitter , Irri.lfwcnl and Lustre Pahtinir , Ribbon Embroidery , War
M'ork , &c. , and is the best and most complete b v.k of its kind ev r published. Thin outfit is not midenp of small worthleH ifijns ! , tut
I * meritorious nnd reliable , and wo will cheirfull ; refund tha money paid for it , if any on receiving It 1 > dUsatisfinl.
EachOatatispukedlnanic * Sitchel , with hiniIeai ! thown In this
allloslration. whkh serves to carry the pitlerni In when doIrpsMmpin ;
Bfor yturnetchbor ? , or ns a receptacle for the outCt nthime. At rxcH-
llnr retail price * the pattern * alone woulu nmount to at
Qlenot 4 > 4.0O. Ladle * enn make tliclrun n Hi Inc uth this
Ritvnpinffontfit , ( Joins work for their neirhSors. bwKies U utifvinj ; the
J/homc and ornatrf mine their own and children's clolliinc. Therexson
we can fell thi * outfit for so little monev u that we manufacture them
allonrselm and pay no second profits to anyone. Many ladies ara them elv to-day doingslampin ? , and the "craze"'is beerm-
_ injmore prerilent every dav. Our immrrse factory fronts o\cr 300
feet on the line of the .New York.N'ewlhren and lUrtford Rallroail. and Is the most eitentlreof iu kind In the world. The IV-
master General h\vme recently located a p tolire In our buildin ; exprcstl for our mull business , we ha * enow complete facilities for
filling all order * promptly and tr > the entire sat' factiin of our cn t mer. . We rhall be pleased t * eanr of our customers in person , or
anvoneinhsec , , < , nofie , car-TuC '
R L SPENCER CO , . WalHngford'Conn.
and see which you had rather have the big " 10-cent bottle" with 5 cents' worth
of giue , or the honest bottle v/ith
This is an exact reproduction of a bottle of This cut shov/s the smallest size of
5 ltie extensively advertised &s a
" 10-ccnt article. " IT IS
DECEIVED LePACE'S. bottle , outside and inside.
Culsldo Shra b-
HighScuncSi sold during the past five
years in all parts of the world
fiamss. amounted to over
Dottles. Everybody wants it.
find it a good thing to Jiandlc.
Jt brings new customers , and
makes the old ones STICK. WHEN YOU BUY
London , 1883 ; Nctr Orleans , 1885.
At tho New Orleans Exposition
joints made tvith it endured a
testing strain of over
Pronounced the Strongest Glue Known.
Wood , Leather , Paper , Ivory , Glass ,
China , Fnrniture , Bric-a-Brac , etc.
ata BH B MM HM r Indispensable ia every household , sal BKBIHHH B v
If your dealer does not keep it , send his card with five 2-cent stamps for sample
by mail. RUSSIA CEMENT CO. . Gloucester , Masa.
If you wish to bo relieved of thoso terrible SIcl
Headache-sand that miserable ) Sour Stom
ach. Ic will , when takrn according to dlreo
tlons , euro any of SIclc Headache
or Sour Stomach. It cleans tbo lining of
stomach and boircln , promotes healthy
action and street secretions. It mnlce < ? pure
blood and Rives It free iloir , thus sending
nutriment , to every part. It is the safest ,
Bpcodlcat end surest Vegetable Remedy
ever invented for all diseases of the stomach
and liver.
J. JI. Jfooro. of Farmine'nn. Mich. , sava : My
snfTcrlntj from Sick Hcndachennd Sour
Stomach was terrible. Oiiu ixntlo of Hops
and Malt Hitters cured me.
Do not eat Elnps and ITTalt Blttors con
founded with inferior preparations of. similar
name. For salo by all
GOODMAN DRU8 GO , , Wiioesa2 ! ! Agents
ICC New Scrap TlcSurcs nn-1 50 Fancy Cards ( new )
luUmallfilforlOc.K s2JcCAiD WORK'S , Ixoryton.Ct.
CnCliroino.GoIJEcrnti , loop FrinBc.&c.Canls sent poi ;
JUpaid for Ge , Coim.Stcam UanlVks , Hurfora.Cjiia
S2CT Now Scrap J'loture * nnil 4S New Chrome
ami Uoltl Scrap Curds sent postpaid mrlO cts.
CLNTEKKOOK CARD Co. ccnter ) > ooc. ! Conn.
UflUC STUDY. Secure : t Itualtuss Kducutlon l
111) ML. njall , from liKYAXT'b CULLKUK ll
IMor | > hlno Ilul > it CurodlulO
tu uitayrf. No i .iy till CuroJ.
Uu J. brifiit.X3. Lc.i.iuuu. ( JIUO.
TTT1T TJ1VAXTKD. > ? CO A AVJ2KK and ex-
HN I ri-enscs pain Valuable outlltmiuiartlciilii
Jljulll irce. J. F. II1LL& CO. , Au uatu , Main- : .
\ aleutluu llroa. JauesvlllcV1 > .
A Casket of Silver Ware Free
To any person who will show It to their neighbor : , act a < our lurea I
wd senu order * . Giva your nearest expresa ami Post O' co a ldrrvs.
AJdreM CONN. 3IANFC. CO..irAUTi'Oi > .CON"X.
Kahtt , Qnlcklyaad P.itnteii.
ly cured at borne. Currespoadencs
solicited and frte trial of cure sent
ji honcotlutciitcators. TiuHfMAX
J IICIISOT Com-jJi y , Lafayette. InO.
j An ectlrc Mm or Womiii in every
_ 'county to icllourxcxxli h t rj f7i.
J ptrBonlliand Expense * . Htpcnie * in ad-
rancr. Cuuvautriz outfit FKKK ! 1'artirulura
irce. atandard Silver-ware Co. Boston. LLoss.
1 have a posltlr * remedy u > r t i itora < U e t Itfttt n
tnon nil3 of casoj of the wortt kind anJ of Imc nijins
b l encare.I. Iniccd. so trenr Is my faith la ! ac e7 ,
that I will Bend TWO HOTTL13 FREE , tose'h-r wltaa VAL-
UAULE TREATISE on tfcl < < ! l cM .to any uir rer. QiTeEi-
fittt and r. O. aidresi. DC. T. A. bljOCUil , 131 Ttarl St. , N.Z.
Ladies and Gentlemen t
. take Hirlit work at their
own hotnesT 31 t ° Sti a 'lay easily made.
Work sent by mall. No cnuvassinp. We
liave good drraand forourv.'ork , and fur
nish steady employment. Address , with
3tamp. Ccowltro.Co. . 35 VineSt..Cin.O.
Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout the World
GoJd Medal Paris Expoaitlon , 187C- .
A Specialist forriovcii Vonr Pa t ,
Has treated Dropsy nnd Its complication with ths
most wonderful sueresj ; tucs veiu iWtremedies ,
entirely liarinl"iIlemuve * all symptoms of dropsy
In elsilitlo twwnty days.
Cures patients pronounce 1 hopeless by the best of
From tho first dose the symptoms rapidly disap
pear , ami In ten days two-thirds of the symp
toms are removed.
Some ma cry humbug without knowing anything
ntioutlt. It-member It docs n-jt cot v m anything
to realize the morlw of my treatment for vournclf
I.-xin constantly curln ? c"ea of loac it-i ? . casea
thath vr been t.ippe-1 a number of tlmei. aaJ tlia
patient declared unable U live a wecV. Olrr fall
history of ca'o Xame s/-r. hiw long afHIctcJ. how
badly swolfn anl where. U Ixmrels o.i ilve. have legs
Jiursted and dripped water. Srnd fr free patipjilct ,
conta'nlng testimonials , que ljus. etc.
JO i-iv s tr atinf nt furnished free by mail.
Epilepsy nts positively cured.
11 order trial. scnJ7ccats In stamps topiy nost jj.
55 Jones Avenue. Atlanta. Uv
Gold & Jewelled
\Vc.s nirartlcd by tho
National lUcdical
( who i tho elilrf Conaultlii Tliysiclna of
the I'mhixly .tledic tl Institute ) .
ItbelnRthc liust Mcdlcnl TrcntNc on Mar.h o I. Ex-
Iinustcd Virality. Xervous and I''n-'Icnl I iiMUr.
PrirnatBre Decline In Man. tlic Errors of Vou h tad
tlie untold inl-ertc < reuUIig from n.dlscir.lons or
execs' ? In rarly ! lfc. which tlis author has proved
tnav lie n'letlatol ' ami pjalllrely cure'I. It ! s a
standard Work on the above , and Is a trPis-
urc to every yoiin and m'rttile-asea man. War
ranted as rcprcii-ntcd or tlie moncv refunded la
every Instance : 3JU emboss-i ! inutlln. full
p'lt ' ; ia > perscrlptio-n for all dlsc.-i-c' . Trite only
8 1 , by mall , scaled , post-pnld. IHustmtl
Irce to all. Send n > w. Tillsarork N un.versali -
rccom'Ticnded l > y tlie press , clenrv preu" nd
teachers , and every one of Its mor < - than a million
readers. Every man. younir or old. sh mid read tnls
bootnnil every u7frer sh > uld cunulc the author.
' There Is a balm In Gilead ; there U a piivMclan
there. " Addrrs *
Dr.1V. II. I'AKKKR. 4 BnlCneh sMtouon. M 3.
OP nrjux FLESH. OP AXIHAI3. , Scratches , |
Earns nnd Scalds , Sores and Galle ,
Stints and Kites , Spaviu , Cracks ,
Cats and Braises , Screw "Worm , Grnb ,
Sprains it Stitches , Foot Kot , Hoof All ,
Contracted 2IuLclca , Lameness ,
StilT Joints , Founders
, , \
Sprains , Strains ,
Eruptions. Sore Feet ,
Frost Bite * , Stiffness ,
and all external diseases , and every hurt or ocddeat
For general use In fasilly , stable and ocl-yard. It Ia
W. N. UM OMAHA 305 15