The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 08, 1886, Image 5

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Thursday , April 8th , i860.
Indicates that your subscription to this
X paper HAS E : MIIKI > . and that a cordial
invitation is extended to cnlland renew
I the same. Subscription , ? 2 per year.
LOG & 1 In telligen c e.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
M. Brickey & Co. for clothing. J
Blizzard seems to be a generic term.
City Drug Store. Chenery & Stiles.
Cultivators below cost at Lytlc Bro ?
o to W.V. . Palmer for your
harness. 32-tf.
Scale books for sale and in stock ai
this ofiice.
.The best watch on oarth for sale by
For ladies' fine slippers go to J. F
If you want a superior letter filecal ,
at this office.
The largest line of fine cigars at the
City Drug Store.
If you want a first-class wagon cheap
go to Lytlc Bros.
New curtain scrim and new goods at
Wilcox & Fowler's. '
Doing business on another man's cap
ital is a great scheme.
A full line of hardware , stoves and
tinware at G. D. Palmer's.
& Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
Numbered blue lined legal cap at this
office. Finest in the market.
The finest stock of groceries in tile
city at Wilcox & Fowler's.
The Metropolitan drug store keeps a
full line of fancy box papers.
Don't fail to sec this spring goods at
Ganschow's before purchasing.
Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. No cows or lansre cattle.
Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
They have the purest , kettle-rendered
lard in the city at Brewer Bros.
Buy one of those new watches of Mc
Cracken before they are all gone.
. The Jay Simms Comedy Co. at the
Opera Hall , next Monday evening.
White Bussian or White Prussian
soap only 5c.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's.
A' nice line of hanging and stand
lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store.
New dress goods , prints , ginghams ,
etc.Just opened at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Remember the Macoy-Scigle enter
tainment , Friday evening. You will
enjoy it.
LOST A Masonic pin , at the social ,
Tuesday night. Finder please return to
J. F. Ganschow.
The Metropolitan Drug Store is in re
ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers.
Call and examine them.
Cr. W. Bedc & Co. have some special
bar-rains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf.
Land and legal blanks in stock at this
office. A full line at State Journal
prices , constantly on hand.
The choicest meats at the Central
Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of
Main and Dennison streets.
Just received , the largest stock of
shoes and slippers ever brought to Mc-
Cook , at J. F. Ganschow's.
Remember this office when you want
a well-disrlayed dodger. We have the
only large wood type in the city.
Lytle Bros , are closing out their
stirring plows at greatly reduced prices.
See them before buying elsewhere.
The Jay Simms Comedy Co. will oc
cupy the boards at the Opera Hall , Mon
day , Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Fine note paper , legal and congress
cap. linen and news paper in tablets ,
calling and regret cards , etc. , at this
One of the best business locations in
the city for sale. Enquire at this office.
Good store room , with lot. Must be
sold soon.
Flowering plants , bulbs , lawn seed ,
sprinklers , new garden seeds , seed po
tatocs , corn , oats , alfalfa , etc. . gold at
r ( lowest rates by Vaughan's seed store ,
42 LaSalle st , Chicago. Write for
Crete Nurseries , with seventy hands.
about car-load oi
e now shipping a -
crees each da } ' to their numerous custo
mers. Haying am pie stock on their own
ground they can give their customers
the advantage of early shipments thus
enabling them to plant while the ground
is moist and the air cool. Those who
have not yet placed their orders should
send at once to E. F. Stephens , super
intendent , for catalogue of rates and
su eestions on planting. The nurser
ies also offer time O4u certain classes of
stock. The advantages of purchasing
near home will be apparent to anyone ,
Tin horns arc on the increase.
; Prairie schooners still-continue to be
i the rage.
' Bead the now advs. of Ludwick &
j Trowbridgc and John Fitzgerald in this
; issue.
; Bemcmbcr the Congregational servi
ces next Sunday evening at the usual
Tree planting and lawn seeding are
fashionable kinks , nowadays. Every
body should follow it.
Tim Hoover Implement Co. arc hav
ing the front of , their business house
lettered up in fine shape.
Temperance carried the dav at.indi-
anola , and the public school fund mills
will have to go. Evo.n'so.
The D. Kendall residence on Madison
Avenue has been purchased by Lewis
Hill , our West Dennison street grocer.
See resolution elsewhere in this issue
ordering the construction of sidewalks
on Main Avenue and Macl'arland street.
Th'c county fair will be held at this
place on October 4th , uth. 6th and 7th.
Spec'd programs will be printed and dis
tributed in a few days.
It is currently reported , says the
Beaver City Times , that W. S. Morlan
has been employed by the B. & M. as
their attorney , and will locate at Mc
Great activity is noticeable all over
the city in the planting of trees , seed
ing down of lawns , and cleaning up gen
From Tuesday's battle of the ballots
comes cheering news for''God and Home
and Native Land. " Kearney , Liberty.
Harvard , Exeter and other towns vote
no saloons.
Two new residences are under way ,
this week : One by G. B. Nettleton on
the east side , 26 ft. square , with a kitch
en addition , and one on McDowell street
by Mr. Wai roth.
The M. E. social which was to have
taken place at Mrs ; C. N. Batchelor's
residence , to-morrow evening , has been
postponed until Friday two weeks. JRe-
member the change.
The special car of General Siiperinten
dent T. C. Calvcrt passed through the
city , Tuesday , from the west , attached
to No. 40. Superintendent Campbell
joined the party at this station.
The rooms over the First National
aank , some time since occupied by Dr.
Shawhave been leased by H. T. Ander-
son , our genial loan broker and accountf f
int , who has had his office over the Par-
icon dnm ; store heretofore.
Sidewalks are being laid along the
south front'of their handsome properties
jy Messrs. Hoc.knell and Phelan. It is
expected soon to have the walk on Da
cota street extended from the school
louse to the Catholic church.
Haigler Reporter : Shelving rock in
a canyon near the head of the North
fork fell on a bunch of cattle the other
c >
day , killing all that were under it. Thir-
; een dead cattle were in sightand there
were probably more under the rock.
Now that our city has been supplied :
with r. sufficient number of fire plugs ,
the various insurance agents of this )
ilace should make a concerted move to
ward having the insurance rate adjusted
and lowered in proportion to the de
crease in fire risk.
The business card of Messrs. G. W.
Bede & Co. , real estate and land agents ,
appears in this issue. They respect
fully solicit a share of patronage. Also ,
note the advertisement of L. Bernheim-
cr. tailor , who has something to say to
our readers in this week's paper. ,
A complete plat of the city , giving
due prominence to churches , school
building , public park , etc. , and contain
ing names of lot owners thereon , is be li
ing prepared for Thos. Golfer , the Lin
coln Land Co.'s agent , by E. J. Hall , >
who is executing creditable work with
the material at hand.
It is to be hoped that our friends of
'the great unwashed" will not be dis
couraged from the performance of their
customary , annual ablutionsin the sweet
subsequently , the late bath room explos )
ion notwithstanding. The sanitary con
dition of our new-fledged city should
not f-uffer thereby .
The basement of the Pate brick has I
been ceiled , plastered and otherwise im
proved and is now occupied by Messrs.
Lowman & Son as a trunk and carpet
room. It gives them commodious and r
. c
convenient quarters for that purpose ,
also for storing surplus stock. A stair
way provides communication with their
main store.
Our Superintendent of Public In
struction infVyiim us that the number
of children of school age will reach
2,000 in this county.
The Crete Nurseries' agent here re
ceived a car-load of trees , yesterday ,
which he is planting.temporarily on H.
C. Rider's lot , , north of E. M. Brickey
& Co.'s clothing store.
The McCook Implement Co. . C. P.
Kinkor , agent , is improving the appear
ance of things by the liberal use of paint
-r-put in attractive signs. Mr. H. re
ports an increasing business.
The C. L. S. C. held a very enjoya
ble meeting , Tuesday evening , as is
their wont. Among other memorable
resolutions passed was one changing th
name of the circle once more , and this
time to , "The Old Maid's Circle. "
The nineteenth annual convention o
the Nebraska Sunday School Associa
tion meets at Central City , Mcrrick
county , commencing Tuesday evening.
June 1st , and continuing until Thurs
day. The basis of representation will
be three from each county associatior
and two from local schools.
A project is on foot to build a side
walk from West McCook along Denni
son street to-connect with the walk at
Seaman's grocery. The idea is a gond
one and we hope it will succeed. It
will be a great convenience to the deni
zens of West McCook , and will raise
the value of property as well.
On next Friday evening , Mrs. Macoy
and daughter and Mrs. Seigle will again
give one of their entertainments at the
Opera Hall. Those who have had the
pleasure of hearing them in their pre
vious recitations have given very favora
ble reports of the same , and the ladies
should by all means have a good house ,
to-morrow evening. The Musical Union
will play on the occasion , which prom
ises to be a pleasant feature thereof.
A number of horsemen , including
Brown of Lincoln. Chamberlain of
Arapahoe , and a Guide Hock gentle
man will train their horses for the fall
speed season on the Republican Yalley
Horse Breeders' Association's suberb
lialf-mile track at this place. These ,
with the ten or twelve colts.oxvned in
this oity , which will be handled on the
association's track by J. S. McCoy , will
make things interesting on the grounds.
The people of West McCook are pre
paring a petition to the Water Works
Co. for an-extension of the service to
their section of the city. Wo are in
formed that there are some thirty resi-
lents there who will take out privileges
it once. And as the citizens of that
rart of the city , arc to be taxed to pay
for fire privileges , they are entitlled to
the benefits , and will doubtless succeed
n having the mains extended to their
It is a humiliating and disgraceful
ondition of affairs indeed when an ecli-
or allows his office to be converted into
i saloon a veritable hole in the wall
n election day , a day when legalized
um shops are closed by authority.
SVhile whiskey flowed free as water ,
Tom various sources , on Tuesday , it is
o be regreted and condemned thatsnch
inholy use be made of a newspaper
ffice as , we arc credibly informed , was
he case with our bung-hole contemp.
m Main Avenue. ;
The firm of Lindner & Erman have
loth their barns full of horses , which
hey arc disposing of with flattering
uccess. '
-o M
llev. J. W. Kimmel , Missionary for
he Lutheran church in the Republican >
falley has now permanently located
t McCook , and will hold services at'll
Jenard's Opera Hall , next Sabbath , .at
1 A. M. and 7:30 J' . M.Eastern
ime. " All services will be in theEng-
ish language. All Lutherans are earn-
stly requested to be present , and evcry-
ody will be cordially welcomed.
McCook. Neb. , April 7 , 1SSG.
The members of Willow Grove Lodge ,
\To.42 , Knights of Pythiasextend heart-
2St thanks to Mrs. Carl Clark and fam-
ly for the kindly care taken of Brother' ' °
has. Dietrick during Iris recent illness.
Parties wishing to rent dwelling' '
louses should enquire at the Citizens
Jank of McCook.
A "Gold Coin. " six-hole cooking
ange almost new. Will be sold very
heap. Inquire at Commercial Hotel. 1 ]
On good personal or chattel security. n
J. B. .MEBERVE. " a c i
JSTTndei this head we would bo plcnpcd to
hnvo our trionds throughout the city acquaint
us of the arrival and departure of their visitors. *
John A. Walters was registered at the
Tremont , Lincoln , last Thursday.
Jerome Lewis camp out from Jowa , the
first of the week , on a short vI : H.
Sheriff Welborn , Clark Ward and other In-
ilianolaites sojourned in the chief city , Friday.
3L J. Abbott of thellaj'es Centre News was
a business visitor in town , Sunday and .Mon
Dr. JJ. B. Davis was called 1"miles south
ofStratton , last Friday , on a professional
Miss Xcllie Stockton is abM inj ? in the U.
S.'Land Ollice during theabsenco of HetNter
was "under the weather"
a ootinl < > days of last week , but is at his desk
Charlie Corn well came down from Cnlbeit-
son. Tuesday evening , on a business trip of a
few hours.
Cashier F. L. Thrown of the First National ,
spent Sunday with his family on the claim
near Yinna.
Host Johnston of the Commercial went up
to Akron , Simdaj night , returning on Tues
day morning.
Bert Cromwell came up from Red Cloud ,
Tuesday noon , and passed a few days in town
with old friends.
Mrs. T. S. Bo ley went down to Fairmont ,
Wednesday of last week , on a short visit
home , reluming on Monday.
A. .1. Johnson , one of the comuyeats
stalwait disciples of Blackstone , was a so-
journer in this city , Tuesday.
Fred Weed , manager for the Frees & Hock-
nell Lumber Co. at Ynma , Colo. , spent Sun
day in this burg , amonghis old acquaintances.
I. Hoover , of Cooley & Hoover , implement
dealers , McCook , is spending a few days In
town , on business for his firm. Ilaigler Rc-
Judge Ashmore of Indianola. had business
in the metropolis , Monday. The Judge's
health is somewhat improved but is still not
Leonard Meierve went up to Benkclman.
Saturday night , on a short visit to a "very
dear friend , " returning to the ranch , Tuesday
\V. P. Saiimlers , special agent mercantile
department of the. Nebraska and Iowa Insur
ance Co. , spent the first of the week in town
on business.
W. E. Fry went down the road , Tuesday ,
after feed and hay. He will visit Riverton ,
Sutton and Hastings during his absence , re
turning to-day.
Bro. Lindsey of the Oxford Standard was
in the city , Saturday , on business , and made
these headquarters a pleasant call , as is the
fraternal wont.
A. D. Seigle went over to Oberlin , Monday ,
to sign contracts for the brick work on two
large brick buildings to be erected in Ober
lin , this spring.
Begihter Laws is absent visiting at his old
home In Michigan at Richland Centre. He is
greatly in need of rest , and will remain away
a coiij ile of weeks.
Geo. 1' . Coburn of Lincoln , special agent
of the Land Department of the government ,
was here , the first of the week , in the dis
charge of his olHcial duties.
Miss Nellie Stockton of Shenandoah , Iowa ,
sister of Miss Lillian Stockton of this place ,
arrived in the city on Wednesday noon of
la > t week , and will spend the summer here.
Editor Morgan and wife of York were in
town , yesterday afternoon , en route for the
pre-emption at Ilaigler. Bro. M. peeped in
it these headquarters a few minutes , while
Lew. Armacofrt came down from Hayes
jounty , Tuesday evening , on his way to
Beatrice , from the ranch on the Frenchman.
He reports the loss on the range as very se
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter and daughter ,
Miss Bernice , who have been visiting in the
jity , for some days , the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Hocknell , returned to Indianola on
10 , Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Adelia Lee moved on to her honie-
tead near Hyde , Colo. , the llrst of this week.
Her residence has been rented and is now
occupied by Rev. J. W. Kimmel , Lutheran
Missionary for the Yalley.
Bro. A. E. Powers of the Stockville Faber
nade us a Hying call , Tuesday , while en route
'or Hyde , Colo. , whence he expects , in a
veek or two , to issue , in connection with E.
M. Foibes. the Colorado Topics.
II. C. Rider , who has been absent in the
astcrn states for some months past , on a
jleasure trip , returned to this city on Monday
light and may again be seen on our streets
is big as life , and quite as natural.
MisMollie ( Twilegar of Greenwood , this
tate , arrived in town , the close of last week.
She has taken rooms in the J. W. Palmer
esidence on Marshall street , and advertises ,
ilsewhere'in this issue , for music scholars.
Geo. P. Cramer and 3Irs. Thos. 1) . Lock-
nan , ( wife of Cashier Lockman of the First Is
National bank , of Albia , Iowa , ) father and
ister of Mrs. John Doner , arrived in the cityS s
ast Saturday , and will make a-visit of some
lays in our midst. si
Miss AnnaM. Sannders of Lincoln was in
own , Monday and Tuesday , in the interest
if the cause of temperance , but did not speak
in account of the failure to properly adver-
ise the fact , and make arrangements for hall ,
itc. She regreted the failure greatly.
Presiding Elder Johnson preached two
uost excellent sermons in the M. E. pulpit ,
ast Sunday. Thft Elder is one of the most
orcible practical and eloquent speakers in
he Valley , and i always heard with inter-
st anil pleasure by our people , who always
avor him with a good house.
11. W. Pike of the Colorado Beetle was
icre. on a short visit , Sunday. II. \\r. Is
uaking arrangements to issue his rustling
Potato Bug" from his home onice in the
tear future. lie reports Akron as enjoying
substantial boom and the surrounding
iQiuitry as rapidly filling up with settlers.
Our Spring Styles are all in1
ySrV/e have some cheap pants of special merit ,
for working men. They are the best ever offered at ?
the price. Everybody ts invited to call and examine 'j '
goods and get prices.
B ri
W. M. Irwin received a telegram.'nesday ,
informing him of the death of his brother in
Iowa who has been sick fora long time.
This is the brother whom Mr. Irwin was
called to Iowa to see a couple weeks ago.
Charlie Dietrick of the B. & . M.'s locomo
tive engineer corps , who ha been quite seri
ously ill at the residence of Carl Clark for a
number of days pat , we aie pleaded to an
nounce , is much improved and convalescing
rapidly , thanks to careful professional atten
tion , and the kindly ministrations of friends.
IIKNT CDWELL At the Commercial Ho
tel parlors on Saturday evening , April Srd ,
1SST. , Stephen W. Hunt to Efiie L. Cowell ,
both of Frontier county. Rov. W. S.
Wheeler ofliciating.
Water tax for second quarter is now
due , anil , according to rules and regula
tions , if not paid within 15 days , ten per
cent , will be added to cover expenses
of collecting. C. H. MEEKER ,
Sup't McCook Water Works Co
For shoes and slippers ito to J. F.
Pure Drugs and Chemicals , at City
Drug Store.
Freh and salt meats of the choicest
quality at Brewer Bros.
A car load of choice potatoes just re-
jeived by Wilcox & Fowler.
All kinds of sheet-iron , tin and cop-
jcr work done at C. D. Palmer's.
Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick-
; ns at Brewer Bro ? . ' meat market.
Prescriptions accurately compounded ,
lay or night. City Drug Store.
Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom mus-
in 10 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Oh ! What a nice line of women's ,
nisses' and children's slippers at J. F.
Have you seen the new all-over em-
iroideries , laces and niching at Wilcox
t Fowler's.
"Won't you buy me those pretty
ihoes at Mr. Ganschou's" a little
uiss to her mamma , the other da- .
Foil SALE 50 head oi'young marcs
md 20 head of mules. Lindner & Kr-
nan , McCook , Neb. Barn west , of Com-
nercial Hotel.
Novel tie ? in garden , field and flower
eeds , corn , potatoes and all garden im-
ilcuients. Write for Vaughan's. new il-
ustrated catalogue , 42 LaSailc st. ,
. Mailed free.
Dr. F. L. Browne , dentist , of Hast- ,
ngs , Neb. , will be at the Commercial I
Intel. McCookon Monday. April 12th. -
nd will remain three clays Will lie
irepared to perform all operation-
cntistry. Parties wishing dental work
one. will please call early , as my time
rill be limited.
THE TRAAT.LERS IxsinAsci : C < r-
'A.w began business in April , 1864. and
> still managed by the men who started
t. It is riot only the oldest , largest and
trongest Accident Company in Ampiica
ut the only one of any considerable i
i/.e. Its Cash Assets have steadily in- }
reaped year by year , and now reach j
7,826,000 , the liabilities being $ fS70 , j
00 , leaving a surplus to polic3--holdcrs
f $1,5)47,000. ) It has written nearly
,100.000 General Accident Policies ,
nd paid cash benefits to over orte in nine
f the insured , amounting to over ;
7,300,000. No better or surer invest-
icnt of the small sum required can be
iad e than in a Yearly Accident Policy
i THE TRAVELERS , which secures the
rincipal sum in event of accidental
eathjor a weekly indemnity for injury
ausing-total disability and loss of' '
ime. Any agent will write a policy at ;
hort notice. Pi. S. COOLE.V , Agent , I
McCook , Neb. |
Wilcox & Fowler are in receipt of !
ome extra fine Valencia Sweet Oranges.
Money Saved.
Owing to the small amount of room
and inconvenience of being crowded ,
I have conc/uifad to close out my
SEWING MAGHIHES. : - : I have only
three left. Remember the ROYAL
ST. JOHN is the best machine made.
Just now , and at no other time ,
will you have a chance to buy a good
machine so cheap.
F. 5 , . MeCKACKEX.
200 head of cattle and horbcs. for
cash , or land in Nebraska or Kansas.
Some choice quarters of land on line
of proposed railroad from Oberlin to
Bird City , Kas.
A splendid stock ranch of 1.280 acres ,
at a bargain , on the Beavbr Creek.
A businos house in McCook , Neb. ,
in a choice location. J. P. MATHES.
45 Alwood. Kas. or McCookNeb.
I am furnishing good , liberal loans
on farming lands. Straight ten per
cent , interest. No delay in getting
funds. You do not have to wait to send
off application. .Money paid over as
soon as papers can be completed. Call
on or address. S. II. Couvix.
4"j-tf. McCook , Neb.
Cash Down. No Delay.
No need of waiting to send off appli
cations. Money paid over as soon as
papers arc completed. ' Call on or ad
dress , RED Wrt.uuv Co. BANK ,
43-tf Indianola. Neb.
R. A. Cole , Merchant Tailor.
To THE I'Eoi'U : : I have received ,
complete in every line , my new spring
stock , and assure to all who call upon
me , fine goods , elegant fits , at very rea
sonable prices. Drop in and be convinc
ed. H. A. Coif , threedoors we t of
Citiz ns Bank. Dennison street.
B. F. Olcott has two second hand top
buggies and two second baud lumber
wagons for salo. or will trade for horses.
Also remember that Olcott has the fin
est mad stallion in the west , and farm
ersand stockmen should see him before
T shall be pleased to have all persons
desirous of taking mu 5c lessons call at
my rooms in theJ. . W. Palmer residence
on Marshall street. Will guarantee sat
isfaction. MOLT.IB T\VII.E < : AK.
McCook. Neb. , Apiil Sth.
fiarly Beauty of Hebron , Mammoth
Pearl and White Star ? ced potatoes.
.J. F. BLACK ,
l2-.rte. ) Hod Willow. Nebraska.
On Macfarland street for sale. In
quire of F. I' . Allen or at this office.
Parties owing me -respectfully re-
quested to call and settle at once. f
20 tf. M. A. SpAL ! ia.
Two Norman and one thorongh-broiL
trotting stallions. Inquire of
F. S. Wn.cox.
Suite of unfurnished mom. ? , in location. Inquire at this oBLco.