f - /I. / & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers. OUR FIRST CITY ELECTION. The first municipal election of JMe- Cook. a a city of the second class , oc curred ort/ruesdayand passed off quietly , although considerable drunkenness pre vailed during the day. The only issue was between T. M. Helm and I. J. Star- buck for the mayoralty , resulting in the election of I\Ir. \ Starbuck by a majority of 54.And in this connection , THE TlUBCNE has this simply to say , that , while we did not favor Mr. Star-buck's election , if he comes reasonably near making good his word given in the fol lowing proclamation , he has our warmest support , but on the contrary a failure so to perform his duty will find us just as warmly sustaining the right. We un derstand however the difficult ' of , , } serv ing two masters , but will waive the well known circumstances of Mr. Starbuck's election upon his approximate compli ance with this statement : VOTERS OP McCooK ! As the unanimous choice of the Citi zen's Mass Convention , Lam a candidate for the office of Mayor. If elected , it shall be my earnest endeavor to dis charge my duty fearlessly , and to the best interest of our young city , with which 1 have been identified since its birth. My policr will be conservative , and favorable to the building up of every business interest of the city. I am in i'avor of high license and a rigid enforce ment of law and order. As the choice of your convention , I ask your votes to morrow , and if elected , will shirk no duty you may thus impose upon me. Very Respectfully , Your Obedient Servant , I. J. STAUBUCK. Below we give the official vote of Tuesday's election : FIRST WARD VOTE. FOU MAYOK , j. T.M.Helin 58 . ' - J. J. Starbuck U8 ' FOR CITY CLKUK , J. E. Kclley 123 FOK C1TT TKEASUHER , F. L. McCrncfcen . 124 Fon i-OLict : JUDGK , .W. W. Fisher 100 T IJ..T.Hyan ' > -OU CITV W. E. Capp \ . . . . . . . . S'J C.H.Mceker a > FOK COCXCILMKX 1ST WAIU ) , F. D. Hess. . . . . ' . 07 W.\V. Pnhner 10S It. R. Woods 11 .I.S. LoHew l FOR MEMBERS OB BOARD OF EDUCATION , J.ll. Phelan : 01 G. L Laws 00 C. T. Brewer. . . . . . . 41 J. E. Cochran S3 H. Trowbridge . " sc T. M. Helm 44 \V. E. Dauchy 50 S.D. Hunt - 33 .l.F. Collins 10- T.O.Hces 1 J.B. Mcscrvo 1 SECOND WARD VOTE. FOR MAYOR , ' l.J. Starbuck 104 T.M. Helm ' . CO FOR CITY CLERK , .T. E. Kclley ICC FOK CITY TREASURER , F. L. McCracken 105 FOR POLICE JUDGE , f W.W. Fisher 139 B.J Ryan 24 J.S. LeHew l FOR CITY ENGINEER , W. . Capps 14S O. H. Meeker. 18 KOK COUNCILMEN M WARD. S. W. Huddlcston 150 James Mr.Emee 12fl J. H. McManigal ' . . 23 H.F.Olcott 1 FOR MEMBERS OF HOARD OF EDUCATION , J. E. Cochraji 54 . , H. Trowbridse 53 S.D. Hunt 20 O.L. Laws 41 J. K.Phclan . ' . . . . 43 Tuos Colfer 1 C.T. Brewer 22 T.M. Helm . " 27 W. E. Dauchy 20 J.F.Collins 2 In the hands of Messrs. H. Trow- bridge , J. E. Cochran , G. Lv Laws , J. R. Phelan , W. Ji Dauchy and T.M.Helm the public school interests of our city cannot fail of being thoroughly sustain ed and warmly supported. All these gentlemen have the cause of education at heart , and our people can expect good work. While the welfare and vital interests of this city , now in its infancy and con sequently requiring the greater care and vigilance in the administration of its affairs , will no doubt engage the best efforts of the followingcouncilmen elect : W. W. Palmer and F. D. Hess in the first ward , and S. W. Huddleston and 7auies McEntee in the second ward. The books and archives of the city will be taken in charge by J. E. Kelley. oc of Boyle & Kelley , and his reputation SIw as a pains-taking clerk is such as to 51C I C ( guarantee effective , careful work in that department of the city's service. ' Wi < 0ur present Treasurer , F. L. Ms- : Cracken , continues in that important -office , the duties of which he has care- Jully and satisfactorily performed in the i past , winch is the surest guarantee for the future. . ! We have reason toexpect that the l office of Police Judge will be filled by [ Squire Fisher with firmness , and that his effortswill be on the side of law and I j order , which will be seconded by every law-abiding citizen in the city. Although unsuccessful , Mr. Helm can feel proud , and .justly so , of. the sup port he received , coming as it did spon taneously from the best clement of the city's population. THE effort of the department of agri culture to protect the farmers from swindlers and frauds may be commenda ble , but it strikes us that it is entirely a superfluous work on the part of the department in view of the fact that newspapers are the first agents to ex pose frauds of all kinds. The intelli gent farmer generally takes three or four good newspapers , and therefore keeps himself posted en all the news of the day , including the latest tricks of tho swindlers who make a speciality of attempting to defraud farmers. The ignorant farmer , however , will continue to be swindled notwithstanding the ef forts of the newspapers and the depart ment of agriculture in his behalf. AMONG the officers soon to be retired is ; Capt. J Scott Payne , Fifth cavalry , "the hero of Milk River. " Gapt. Payne had the distinguished good fortune to escape from the Utcs through the assist ance of Capt. Dodge's colored troops , 'who with their glittering sabres carved a way out from the hole in which he was caged. Capt. Payne has been more suc cessful as a politician in Washington , where his record has been "revised" several times by act of congress , always to the detriment of brother officers , than he has been as a soldier. He ought to have been retired on general principles some years ago Bee. ' SECRETARY EXDICOTT and General Sheridan both endorse General Mander- son's bill for the removal and rebuild ing of Fort Omaha. There is nothing .surprising in this. The move is a good one and cdmmends itself to every one. The only question is one of appropria tions. Can they be secured from a democratic house ? While bills of ur gent necessity for rebuilding and strengthening our frontier posts are de layed in their course , the prospects for the Fort Omaha measure do Hot seem of the most flattering nature. , COUNTY-SEAT ITEMS. Tlios. Colfer , Esq. , of McCook , was in our town , Monday. The ( Jleason Dramatic Co. is billed for 3 nights in our place next week. Chas. Ashmore took a run down , Wednes day , lie reports things as flourishing out west. Mr. Lawler , of the firm of LawlerandMag- ner of McCook , was seen on our street , last Thursday. Miss Carrie Aslnnore , who has been em ployed in the County Treasurer's oflice , has accepted a position in C. S. Quick's banking house. Mr. George Papin having disposed of his interest in the business of the former firm of McCartney & Papin is now engaged in the County Clerk's office. Ex-Judge Aslnnore and family are making preparations for their move to the ranch , they will go about May 1. During their ab sence their house will be occupied by G. W. Hunter and family. The regular village election took place here at the Court House in Judge Baxter's room , according to programme. The temperance ticket composing Messrs. Crabtree , I.J.Boyer , Eskey , J. D. Welhoni and Iletherington was elected by 13 to 15 majority. A very interesting temperance meeting was held in the 31. E. Church , Sunday evening. The audience which completely packed the room was addressed by Miss Saunders , and all of the persons called on for their senti ments expressed themselves in favor of tem perance. A movement to organize a good iemplars lodge secured 87 names for a starter , rhey meet at the Congregational Church , Wednesday evening , to organize. SIXTEENTH YEAR. -THE KANSAS CITY TIMES. C BRIGHTEST AND BEST. A ai aiS Our 14th premiumlist , comprising over $32- 30 worth of presents. Is now ready. Every u < ubscriber to the Weekly Timcsat $2.00 a year , SI ) rhen order is received before April SO. 1S86 , at rill receive a premium worth , at retail , from 00 to Sl.OOO. Full particulars and specimen opies free to any address. - PRICES FOR SUBSCRIPTION : 'coil ? , Tita jresfca. per year . 5 2.00 'QBkrwitkcst jresSnis. per year . , 1.C3 of r : ai7 Sisus , par year . _ . 2.00 ai : iii753j5cFsrj8ir . 10.00 pcMi Mi Address allcrders to uc THE TIMES , Kansas City , Mo. sa an to Agents. COMING ! COMING ! o At Opera Hall , 3 nights , commenc ing Monday , April 12. the people's pop ular comedian , Mr. Jay Simms , and his popular company , numbering 14 artists , in three grand plays , opening in their great comedy in four acts , entitled , ' ' the World. " with . 'Upon . special scenery. Fine orchestra and suberb wardrobe. Admission , BO cents. No extra charge for reserved seats , now on sale at Men- ard's store. Tribune and Inter Ocean $2.5O. For the next 30 days all new subscrib ers who will square their subscription to date and one year in advance will receive THE TRIBUNE and the Chicago Inter Ocean for SK.5Q. FOR SALE. A nicely located lot in West McOook , very cheap. Inquire at this office. New Edition-Settlers Guide. Henry X. Copp , the land-lawyer of Wash ington , lias just issued the tenth edition of his Settler's ( iuide. It is an indispensable book , for all who are , or expect to be , inter ested in public .land. Settlers will save money by purchasing it , and all who expect to take up land should pet posted on the sev eral laws under which land can be entered. A chapter , illustrated with numerous outs , shows how to tell township , section , and quarter-section corners , and explains the sys tem of surveys. It gives Commissioner Spark's orders and several late decisions and instructions , and full information about the homestead , pre-emption , timber culture , desert land , and other laws. The price of the book is only 25 cents. TREASURER'S REPORT OF THU VILLAGE OF McCOOK , NEB. , For year ending April 1st , 1886. Total amount received ? G755 63JJ Total amount paid out 0084 40 Amountonhand $ 671 07- ! $ Amount rec'il from liconces. $ . > StJ 50 Amount r.ec'd from tines 203 35 Total ยง 5535 85 Paiil to school dist. No. 1' . . . 4072 Gl Balance SM3 24 Amount rec'd from taxes.121 ! ) HSU Warrants paid 1111 85 Halance * 107 83' ( Total amount on hand ? C71 07-- ! The above , 1 swear to be correct. F. L. McCRACKEX , Village Treasurer. RESOLUTION. Ordering the construction of a sidewalk along the cast side of blocks 19 p.nd 10 in 1st addi tion and blocks 9 and 4 in the original town of M cfook. By the Chairman and Hoard of Trustees of the Village of McCook , Nob. RESOLVED , That the prayer of the petition of H. Tro wbridgo and others , u majority of tho property owners in said blocks , for the con struction of a sidewalk along the cast sido of blocks 19 and 10 in theflrstadditlon and blocks 9 and 4 in the original town of McCook , Neb. , of the following description : Said walk to be of 2-inch pine material , 10 feet long , to be laid on 4 stringers , 'xO inches , and to be spiked thereto with not less than 8 spikes. No. 20 , to each plank , alongblocks 9 and 4. Same to be ofinch pine material. 8 feet long , to be laid with ends to the street , on 3 stringers , 2x4 inches , and to be spiked thereto with G spikes. No. 2.to ( each plank , along blocks 19 and 10 , bo granted and the same is hereby ordered built. RESOLVED. Thatthis resolution be published in THE Me1 OOK WEKKLV TKIBUNK for one week , tho same to be good and suUicicnt noti fication to such property owners. Attest : W. C. L.ATOUHETTK , Chairman. F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk. RESOLUTION. Ordering the construction of a sidewalk along the east sido of blocks 19 , 18.7 and 6. and south side of lot 7 in block 20 , all la original town of McCook , Neb. By the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of McCook , Neb. RESOLVED , That tho petition of J H. Lud- wick and others , a majority of the property owners in said blocks , for a sidewalk alongthe cast sido of blocks 19 , IB , 7 and 6 , andulongthc south side of lot 7 In block 20 , all in the orig inal town of McCook , Neb. , of the following description : Said walk to be of 2-inch pine material , G feet long , to belaid with ends to the street , on 3 stringers , 2x4 inches , and to be spiked thereto with not less than 6 pikes. No. 20 , to each plank , be granted and the same is hereby ordered built. RESOLVED. That this resolution be publish ed in THE MCCOOK WEEKLV TRIBUNE , a news paper of general circulation in s = aid Village , for one week , and the same to bo good and snllicieut notification to said propertj-owneis. Atttest : W. C. LATUUKKTTE , Chairman. F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk. 1 LEGAL NOTICE. o Office of the Village Clerk , i McCook , Neb. , April oth , 18M5. f Notice is hereby given that on the fith day of April , 18SG , William Lewis filed his bond and petition at this ollice. The prayer of said pe tition being that the Council of the City of McCook grant him license to sell malt , spirit uous and vinous liquors , In the second ward in said city , according to iaw in such pases made and provided. ' F. M. KIMMKLL. [ SEAL. ] Village Clerk. ' LEGAL NOTICE. -o- Offlcn of the Village Clerk , ' McCook , Neb. . April Cth , 18SG. \ . Notice is hereby given that on theuthday of April , 1SSG. Messrs. Walsh & Boyd filed their bond and petition at this olHce. The prayer 3f said petition being that the Council of tho Jity of M cCook grant them license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors , in the second ward-in said city , according to law in such jases made and provided. [ SEAL. ] F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. Office of the Village Clerk , McCook , Neb . April 6th , 18KU. . Notice is hereby given that on tho 5th day of Vpril , ISSO , Allen C. Clyde filed his bond and etition at this oflice. The prayer of said po- ition being that the Council of the City of vc- look grant him license to soli malt , spirituous ind vinous liquors , in the second ward in said ilty , according to law in such cases made and irovidcd. F. M. KIMMKLL , m [ ShAL. ] Village Clerk. to > or LEGAL NOTICE. teA Office of the Village Clerk , si McCook , Neb. , April 7th , 1KSH. . scp. Notice is hereby given that on the7th day of p.pr iprll. 1888. Saylor & O'Donnell filed their bond pr nd petition at this office The prayer of said tii etition being that the Council of the City of Jo IcCook grant them licenso to sell malt , apirit- al ous and vinous liquors , in tho first ward in lid citv , according to law in such cases made nd provided. F. M. KIMMKLL , Village Clerk. LEGALJNOTICE. to nn Office of tb'e Villape Clerk , f an McCook , Neb , March HI , 1SSG. f tei r Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day A | t March. ISM , Samuel Stras" er.flled his bond 242 ad petition at this plfice. The prayer of said tsc etitiou being that the Council of the City of 1' . cCook grant him license to sell malt , spirit- pr < 3us and vinous liquors , in the first ward in tiv ild city , according to luw in such cases made N. id provided , F. M. KIMMEI.L. N.No IHEAL. ] Village clerk. , No Need of Going to Eastern Cities for Your Fine Clothing ! L. BERNHEIMER , LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR OF IWcCOOK , HAS JUST OPENED UP A . ' Fine Line of Spring and Summer Suitings and Pants Patterns. . . HE GUARANTEES A STYLISH FIT EQUAL TO ANY EASTERN HOUSE. , < DENNISON STREET , WEST OF CITIZENS BANK , McCOOK. LEGAL NOTICE. Office of tho Villa-re Clerk. ( McCook.'Nob. . March 81 , ISKfi. l Notice is hereby { riven tlmt on tho 31st day of March. 18S1 , Willey A : Walker filed then- bond and petition nt this oflice. The prayer of said petition being that the Council of tho City of McCook grant them a druggist's permit to sell malt , spiritous and vinous liquors ns drug gists in the second ward in said city , accord ing1 to law in such cases made and provided. [ SKAI..I F. M. KI.MMEI.L , Clerk. FISTAI , PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NKB. , ( April 3nl , 18W5. I Notice Is hereby Riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Ueg- ister or KeceiveratMcCookN"eb..on Thursday. May tiOth. 18HU , viz : James M. Mcuelvey , homestead entry 40U3 for the R. Vi S E.i sec tion 11 and E. ; * N. E. H section 14 , township 1 north. raiurcSJ west u P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Henry Gale. William A. Gold , Fcnnan A. Gold and Frank Albreiuht all of McCook , Neb. 45 G. L. LAWS , lleffister. LAND OFFICK ATMcCooic , NKB. , ( March 3Utb , IS&i. ) Notice is hereby ri\-en that the followinjr- nained settler has filed notice of his intention to make Until proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made befonHfij'is - ter or Kecelver at McCook , Neb.on Tuesday , May 18th. lbS , viz : Smith Gordon. D. S. 1S.VJ , forthe southeast quarter of sections , town ship 3 north , rangezU west Cth P.M. He names the followingwitnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Charles E. Fox. Edward F. Couse , Thomas Ittigpies and Charles Christ , all of MeI Cook , Neb. 44 G. L. LAWS , Kejristcr. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , Xiii. : . ( March 20th , ISSti. ( Notice is hereby Riven that the following- named sertler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Ue > r- ister or Receiver at MeCook. Neb. , on Tm-sday. May 4 , lt > M5. viz : Lewis R. March , Homestead Entry 2704 , for the southeast quarter section 1 , township 2 north , range riii west Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ofsaid land , viz : D. H. Hobbitt. Kictmrd John son. Henrv Vojias andv. . W. Fisher , all of Me Cook , Neb. 43 G. L. LAWS , Ke-rister. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . I March 12th. l&MJ. t" Notice is hereb3given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Hejris- ter or Receiver at.McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. May 1st , 1SSO. viz : William P. Fritts , D. S. 1530 , for the south Vi nortueast } j section : 5 , town ship 4 north , range 2 ! ) west Gtli P.M. He names the following witnesses to pro-'o his continu ous residence upoif , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Jacob Long , Jnsinh E. Moore. Ira J. Miller and Alex. W.Campbell , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. KJ. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. Neb. , i March 12th. ISSti. f Notice Is hereby given time tho following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receh'er at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , May 1st , 1880. viz : Alexander W. Campbell , homestead entry JMi. ! ( ! for the southeast northeast ; .i , south ij southeast H. northeast1 ! southeast of section 15 , township 4 north , range 29 west. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Steph en T. Holies. iosi..h E. Moore. William T. Ham ilton and Jacob Long all of Hox Elder. Neb. 42 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic , NEIL , i March 8th , ISSti. f Notice Is hereby given that tho following- named settler has flicd notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that eaid proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , April 10th. 1KSI5. viz : William H. Allington , Homestead Entry ilJ ( , for the W. H N. W. ; 4 of 3ection4 and E. } j N. E. } section "i , township north , range2S westtith P.M. Henamesthe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : F. W. Weaver , J. C. Lalfeity , J. C. Fontz ind F. M. Graham , all of Daubury. Nob. G. L. LAWS. Kegister. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. Neb. , i March 8th. 18e . f Notice is hereby given that the following- Mimed settler has hied notice of his intention o make flnal proof in support , of his claim , mil that said proof will be made before Reg- ster or Receiver at McCook. Neu.on Saturday , Ipril 17th. 188 , viz : Joseph Driscoll , U. S. 2511 , 'or the northwest H eectiun T.townsbip > north , iingo 29 west 1 ! P. M. He names' the follow Ing vitnesses to prove his continuous residence ipon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John 'oley , Nels Uonland , James Foley , and Peter .arson , all of Uox Elder , Neb. 41 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE ATMCCOOK , NEK. , i . \iarch situ , IbbO. f Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention 0 mauu mint proof m support of his claim , ud that suid proof will be made before Regis- cr or Receiver at McCook , Aeb. , on Friday , ipril Kith. IbSU.viz : Herman Thole , homestead ntryU70 ; , for the northeast } \ northwest ? j , ud lots 1.2 and : > section 28 , township ; i north , unge : < u west. He names the following wit- esses to prove his continuous residence upon , nd cultivation of. said land , viz : Jacob H. Ivans. Adolph Hhcischick. Charley liergstcr nd Charles Vollbrecht , all of McCook , Neb. 41 G. L. LAWS , Kegister. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEB. , \ . \iarch 1st , 18t 0. ) Notice is hereby given tiiat the followinir- amed settler has tiled notice of his intention make Until proof in support of his claim , nd that said proof will be made before Regi - sror Receiver at McCqoK , Neb. , on Friday , pril Hth , IhNi , viz : y.MelititiB { , . JCny , Home- cad Entry 772 , for the south Jj northwest ! 4 ictiou 17 , township 3 north , ranjjo siwcstttt'h .M. He names the following witnesses to rove his continuous residence upon , and cul- vation of , said land , viz : John Henderson , ihn Smith. Altred Carter and..irum 1C. Uixler 1 of McCook , Neb. 40. G. L. LAWS , Uegistor. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , i Marched , IbMJ. f Notice is hereby given that the following- lined settler has Hied notice of his intention make final proof in support of his claim , id that said proof will be made before Regis- or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Fridav , > rilOth. 18W5 , viz : Edward F. IMilTey. U.S. i5.for the southwest Ji southeast J-i of sec- an 25 , township 2 , north of range IJO wcht , (5 ( M. He names the following witnesses to ove his continuous ation of , said land Benjamin and Fred ib. , and F.D. Smith. < ,0 G.L. LAWS , Register. Fitz ic Sale , -AT- LINCOLN ! WEDNESDA T MAY 19,1886. Young Marys , Panseys , Desdamonias , lanthas and other fancy families. About 50 head in all will be offered , consisting of a fine lot of young Bulls. Cows and Heifers. Terms reasonable. Apply lor catnloKUus to either of the undersigned. JOHN .FITZGERALD. - F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer. O. M. DRUSE , Manager. I I t OK ( INCORPORATED UNDEP STATE LAWS. I I Paid up Capital , $50OOO.OO , : DOES A- General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal fitit-s of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Ksidents. .Money to loan on fanning lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance u specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : , V. FltANKMN , President. First National Hank , Lincoln. Nebraska. ( . JOHN R. CI.AUK. Vice-President. The Chemical National Bank , New York , j A. C. EnniiT , Cashier. ALLACK f HOWARD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath , Shingles , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Cedar Posts , Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Paris. Also Hard and Soft Coal. MeCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. C. E. MePHERSON & CO. IB Us And Real Estate Brokers. OFFICE : West Dennison Street , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Superior to any on the tnnrtcM.cIiu ; Hcatier. Ptronccr fln'lt. nn < l tiirrcforo a inorp Onrnble Mill. It Is tliconly al olutely safe Mm built : and out Of Thousands Erected During 12 ( f Years past , not one ba ever blown away and left the Tower < tnn.lln ? . A record no other Mill . . can show. ive offer to put. up ny of our PCMPIXO MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL * > And If they , l.m-t rfvc satNfaction. will , remrnc Mill at our . - Also Manufacturer * of the Celebrated - Feed MI1U. Corn . . " Sheller * Iron Pump. , , x-v xMi l.rasa cylinder ? . Iron Pipe. Tanks. ft For esMmntcs catnlozocB and prices , apply to KV" " > - . G. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb- , * ' ' * 5v ' @ t i''i ? , . Kn M. " tSTQZa isi Gae : : : : = i : tic ZzZx'z Sszi Iffil , 2aLii St. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TRIBUNE.