fit- F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers. BOX ELDER BLOSSOMS. Mrs. J. B. Piper has returned from Beatrice , where she has been visitin ° r ' O her daughter , Sirs. Dobbs. A special school m eting was held at 'Box JiJlder on Saturday , and WQ now trust that the educational interests in j * our town will take a boom. It looks as if Tommy Coward was con templating taking a partner for life in the homestead business , the way he is hauling new furniture around. Commissioner Bolles has commenced work on the bridge across lliver Canon , and the road from Box Elder to Mc- Cook will soon be in flne condition. Bos Elder is at present infested with a piece of rotten pus in the shape hu manity ; he claims to hail from Hastings , and is putting in his time trying to frighten timid settlers from their claims. The presence of many kinds of birds warn us that spring is near. The weath er , however , is rather cool yet , notwith standing many farmers are commencing to stir the soil ; and we judge that quite a large acreage of small grain will be sown , this season. Settlers are coming in fast , and it is getting to be a common sight to sec a covered wagon wending its way over the prairie , with a bunch of cattle a head and extra hordes tied behind. We are glad to see that most of the new comers are pretty well fixed. Last September , Ike Johnson raised his derrick for Mr. Piper's well. He was rewarded for his perseverance , a few days agoby finding water at a depth of 160 fret , A wind mill will be put up at once which will add another mark of civilization to the face of the country. The citizens of Box Elder are becom ing noted for their practical Christianity , and the beneficent influences of the same are felt far and wideand , we would say to our friends in the east , who are coming west in quest of homes , that they will do well to locate at-this point , where we have an atmosphere that is healthy spiritually , morally and physically. SEI.OXN. 3DZB3D. NORVAL George Oliver , infant son of W. 0. and Jennie Norvalilied this A. 10 : r 0 o'clock , at the residence of the parents 2 doois east of the Catholic Church. Funer al from the M. E. Church , to-inorrmv ( Fri day ) at 11 o'clock , A. M. , mountain time. 3IINARD At the residence of Jesse D. Welborn , this city , March 28.188G , Mrs. Elsie L. Minard , aged 55 years. Mrs. Minard was a sister of Mrs. Wei- born and the mother of Mrs.Geo.Hock- nell , of McCook. She was one of the early settlers of this county and lived with a daughter there until last fall. About three years ago she was stricken with paralysis , from which she nevei recovered. In the hope that 'change might do her good , she moved to this place where she received the constant care of loving hands until death came to her relief. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon. The sympathies of a host of her old'time friends go out to the bereaved ones ludianola Courier. ANOTHER TREAT FOR THE CITIZENS OF McCOOK. An to be given by Mrs. J. W. 3Iacoy , the distinguished elocutionist and humorous reader , ol Louisville , Kentucky , and Mrs. A. D. Siegle , an elocutionist of ability and .i very pleasing reader , of McCook. Lit tle Jennie Macoy will take a prominent part in the evening's recital. The Mc Cook Orchestra have consented to fur nish the music for the evening. Let i there be a crowded house. At Menard's Opera HouseFriday evening , April 9th , 188Gj doors open at 7 , performance at 8. 'Tickets , 25 and 35 cts. Tickets sold at Mcuard's. Akron'Beetle : A. McCrimmon and family have arrived from McCook , Neb. Mr. McC. is a practical baker , and will open up a bake shop soon , thus adding another success to our business pros pects. * * C. D. Palmer , from Mc- Cookis looking over Akron with a view to locating here and engaging in the hardware trade. Yurna Sun : Mr. Chambers , pf Mc Cook , is here superintending the erec tion of a large store room to be used as ' a general store. We hear the same will be occupied by Messrs. Wilcox & Fow ler of McCook. * * Charles Ash- more , of McCook , is here looking for a .business location. St te Teachers' Association. o EDITOR TRIBUNE : The twentieth annual meeting of the State Teachers' Association is now in progress , the indi cations being that the meeting will be of unusual interest. The session opened on Tuesday even ing "at University hall , by an address of welcome by Rev. E. H.'Chapin of this city. The response was made by Miss Kate D. McChesney , of Fullerton. The efforts of both were highly entertaining , and , as the productions will both appear in print , no synopses will be here at tempted. After the addresses an hour was given for a social , which was a most pleasant occasion. Supt. Jones and Chancellor Munatt are exhibiting their usual en thusiasm and interest in the meeting , and no doubt the present meeting will be the most interesting of any ever held in the state. The program for to-day , ( Wednesday ) is as follows : A plea for the English Language. W. H. Skinner , David City. Some defects in our School System. C. F. Chamberlin , llumboldt. Primary Work. Miss M. J. Burrows. Nor folk. folk.The The Antagonism of Religion and Culture. Fres. RiiiKland , Hastings College. The Nebraska Reading Circle. Prof. G. E. Howard , University. The Practical iu Education. W. C. Kick ing , Red Clbud. 1his , evening an address will be given hy Supt. Fitzpatrick , of Leaven worth. Kan. Subject , Punishment ; its relation to the development of individual respon sibility. The following educators are present . from Kansas and our own state : Dr. ' Lippincott of Kan. University , Supt. Fitzpatrick , Leavenworth , Pres. Farn- ham , Peru Normal ; Supt. MonluxHas tings ; Prof , flubbell , Fairfield : Supt. French , Friend ; Supt. C. T. Chamber lin , lluuib"Idt ; Supt. Skinner , David City , Supt. Valentine , Neb. City ; Supt. llcllman. Geneva ; Supt. Rakestraw , Neb. City ; Supt. B. B. Cowies , Fair- bury ; Supt. True , Crete. There are al so several prominent educators who are expected to-day. Very resp'y , W. S. WEBSTER. COUNTY-SEAT ITEMS. J. W. Aiken of Omaha spent Sunday in this place. Sam Ashmore was down visiting his par ents , Monday. Eli Allington of the "Beaver Country" was in this place , Monday. L. C. Stephenson went up to Akron , Sun day , to look after his extensive business in terests there. Assignee Welborn of Indianola , of the Lawler & Magner failure , left for McCook on 39 , Tuesday. Mrs. Goodrich and Miss Osborn of Hope- ville were in our place over Sunday and dur ing the theatrical season. The Rev. Allen Hartley of York spent Sun day in Indianola and occupied the pulpit of our M. E. church , Sunday evening. A new sidewalk is being put down in front of the court house , which will add greatly to the navigation in the upper part of our city Jacob Schercr , the ' 'pioneer" blacksmith o Curtis , came to Indianola , Saturday , and i spending a few pleasant days with his family Michael Moms of our place spent Sunday on his claim near Benkehuan. He reports tin snow and storm much worse there than here Messrs. Johnson & Berge have moved thei law office across the street to the room for merly occupied as a millinery store. "It was a trade I guess. " C. T. Blackmail of Lebanon was in this place , Tuesday. He took out a load of brick for his residence on his place , which is to one of the finest on the Beaver. Gco. Papin , of the firm of McCartney Papin , was in McCook , Friday and Saturday of last week , assisting in the invoicing of th Lawler & Magner stock. He returned Sat unlay evening. DIED On Sunday morning , at the resi dence of her sister , Mrs. Jesse Welborn , Mrs Minard , who has for some time past been ai invalid. The funeral occurred Monday P. M , and was largely attended. We learn , this week , of a change in the management of the Indianola Times. Geo , Watkins , late local editor , having leased the interest of Mr. Lathrop. The Times will here after be run by G. M. Watkins. Quite a large sized row occurred on our streets , Friday evening , between a saloon keeper of our place and one of our rising amateilr actors. Moral : Be sure and size your man up well before calling him "a liar. " Ryan & Turner's Directory of the "Land District of McCook" conies to our view , this week. It is a veritable encyclopedia , and the neatness of the work speaks well for Ryan& Turner and the Indianola Times job office , who printed the same. E. C. Ballew , our deputy county treasurer , spent Sunday and Monday with his family "at home. " near Akron , Colo. He reports the country booming in spite of the late storm , which is much worse there than here. His duties were attended to , during lis absence , by J. Floyd Welborn. Mrs. Humphreys , one of our most respect ed ladies , met with quite a severe accident. While going out to the pump she slipped and fell , and being a very heavy woman , the fall resulted in a painful fracture of one of her limbs. At last accounts she was resting as easy'as could be expected. The music furnished by the new orchestra , Thursday and Friday nights , was quite an improvement on the bald headed old "see saw" to which theatre-goers have been sub jected to for an indefinite space of time. Un der the management of Mr. DeChant they promise great things iu the future. The Indianola Dramatic Co. filled a very successful , two nights , engagement at the "Olympic , " last Thursday and Friday. In "Among the. Breakers. " Thursday evening , Messrs. Eskey , Day , Berge , Smith and Teas , shared the honors. Among the ladies , MLss Keyes and Mrs. Crumbaugh deserve special mention. Dr. Eskey , the star of the second night , was fully equal to his part. Being for the benefit of the bridge so much talked of , it was treated to a crowded house each night : Some of the hoodlums who stood up and stamped and talked during the most interest ing part of the play should be "spotted" by the management and refused admission to any respectable show in the future. They occupied the back part of the house. JLuaianoIu , Jiarch 31 , CHRISTIANITY AND POPU LAR EDUCATION. o Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden , In an arti cle in the April Century with the above cap tion , says : "I have not mentioned this de mand for the entire secularization of our schools for the sake of opposing it at this point in the argument , but rather for the sake of calling attention to a manifest deter- ioraticm of public morals which has kept even pace with this secular tendency in education. Twenty-five or thirty years ago most of our public school were under Christian influen ces. No attempt was made to inculcate the dogmas of the Christian religion , but the teachers were free to commend the precepts of the New Testament , in a direct practical way , to the consciences of their pupils ; and some of us remember , not without gratitude , the impressions made upon our lives in the Bchool-r&oiii by the instructors of our early days. All this has been rapidly changing ; and , contemporaneously , it is discovered that something is wrong with society. Grave dangers menace its peace ; ugly evils infest its teeming populations. Pauperism is in creasing. The number of those who lack either the power or the will to maintain them selves , and who are therefore thrown upon the care of the state , is growing faster than the population. The cure of this alarming evil is engaging the study of philanthropists ; in all our cities. Crime is increasing. The only State in the Union that carefully collects its moral statistics brings to light some start ling facts respecting the increase of crime within the past thirty years. In 1850 there was one prisoner in Massachusetts to every eight hundred and four of the population ; in 18SO there was one to every four hundred and eighty-seven. The. ratio of the prisoners to the whole population nearly doubled in thirty years. But it may be said that this increase , is due to the rapid growth of the foreign pop- ' illation in Massachusetts. There would be I small comfort in this explanation if it were i the true one ; but it is not the true one. The native criminals are increasing faster than the foreign-born criminals. In 1850 there was ! one native prisoner to every one thousand | two hundred and sixty-seven native citizens ; iu 1880 there was one native prisoner to every six hundred and fifteen native citizens. The ratio of native prisoners to the native popu lation more than doubled in thirty years. " NOTICE ] A. L. Lytle of Quincy , Michigan , father of Lytle Bros. , has associated with them a stock of hard ware , between their stares at McCook and Benkelman , which stores will from this date be con ducted under the firm name of Lytle Bros. & Co. This addition makes them the largest and best selected stock of hardware in western Nebraska. The old firm most respectfully thanks the public for their liberal patronage in the past , and hopes by square dealing , good goodsand low prices , to merit a liberal share in the future. Respectfully , 43-2ts. LYTLE BROS. & Co. FOR SALE. Early Beauty of Hebron , Mammoth Pearl and White Star seed potatoes. - J.-F. BLACK , ' 42-5ts. Eed Willow , Nebraska , AN ORDINANCE To provide for the organization and incorpor ation of a city of the second class. BEiTOiiUAiNED , By the Chairman uml Board of Trustees of the villngo of McCookcb. . : SECTION 1. 'Ihe Village of McCook , Hed Willow County , Nebraska , organized on the 27th day of November. A D. , 18SJ , under the statutes of the State of Nebraska , hereby in corporated itself under the provisionsof Chap ter 14 of the Compiled Statutes of the Stfite of Nebraska , as amended March 5th , Ib85 , entitled "Cities of the second class and Villages , ' ' to bo called the city of MeCook , and said village is hereby declared to be a city of the second class. SECTION 2. The city of McCook shull be di vided into two wards , to be bounded , limited and numbered as follows , to-wit : All of the territory lying east of the centre of Main Ave nue , within the incorporated limits of McCook , shall constitute and comprise the first ward ; and all of the territory lying west of Ihe cen tre of said Main Avenue within the limits of McCook , to comprise the second ward. SECTION 3. There shall be held on Tuesday , 6th day of April , 1SSG , an election , at which election the followingroificers shall be elected , to-wit : One Mayor , one Police Judge , one City Clerk , one City Engineer , one City Treasurer , two Couneiluien in the first ward , and two Councilmen in the second. Also , a Board of Education , consisting of six (6) ( ) members. Two of said board to serve for 3 years , two for 2 years , and two for 1 year. SECTION 4. The poll or voting place in the first xvard shall be at the office of Cooley A ; Col- vin. in said ward , andV. . \V. Fisher , A. J. Pate and H.M.Reed shall act as Judges of Election , iindr.S Wilcox and J. P. Israel shall act as clerks of said election , in said ward. The poll or voting place in the second ward shall be at ibe Hocknell Hos' ! Cart building on Dennisoti street in said ward , and B. F. Olcott. 11. S. Couleyand W. H. Hca shall act as Judges of said election and Pat Walsh and A.H.Stcadman shall act as Clerks of the election in said ward. All votes shull be cast between the hours of 8 o'clock. A. M. and 6 o'clock , P. M. . in said wards , mountain time. PROVIDED , That if the Judges and rierks do not appear at the time and place ha rein mentioned and enter upon the duties of said oflices , their places shall be tiled by consent of those residents of said ward present at said ward poll , as soon as may be after said hour of 8 A. M. SECTION 5. The said Judges and Clerks pro vided for in section 4 , shall make tally lists of all votes castas near as may be in the manner provided by law for such oliices at state elec tions , and shall return the same certified to be correct and true , to the city clerk within two days after said election day. SECTION 6. The clerk shall file and preserve such tally lists , from which the council shall ascertain the name of officers elected , at their next meeting after said election , which meet ing shall be held on the evening of the second day after said election. SECTION7. Thisordinanceshallbepublishcd iu THE MCCOOK WEEKLY TIUBUNE , for three consecutive weeks , commencing March 4,1BSG. Passed and approved this flrstday of March , 1880. W. C. LATOUKETTE. ' halrmiin. Attest : F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk. ELECTION NOTICE. Pursuant to an Ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees of the Villajre of McCook , Neb. , on the 1st day of March , 1880 , incorpora ting the said Village as a city of the second class , notice is hereby given that on Tuesday , April 6th , A. D. , 1886 , the first annual flection of said city will be held for the election of the followingofficers : One city mayor , One city clerk , One police Judge , One city treasurer. One city engineer. Two councilmen In the first ward , Twojcouncilmen in the socond ward , 0 Members Board of Education. The office of Cooley i Colvln on East Don- nison street in said ward is hereby designated is the polling place of the first ward. The rating place of the second ward shull be at the Hocknell Hose Cart building on West Dennison street in said ward. Polls will open at 8 o'clock , A. M. , mountain : ime , and close at 6 o'clock , p. M. , mountain : inie , in both wards. W. C. LaTOUKETTE. Chairman. Attest : F. M. KIMKELL , Village Clerk. Dated , March 4th , 18&J. LEGAL NOTICE. Office of the Vlllngo Clerk , I McCook. Neb . March : il , I Ii i Notice Is hereby given that on thr ? 31st dar of March. 1883 , Willoy Is Walker Hied their bond and petition at this office. The prayer of said petition being that thcConncilof the City of McCook grant them a druggist's permit to sell malt , spiritous and vinous liquors as drug gists in the second ward in said city , Record ing to law in such cases made and provided. [ SEAL. ! F. M. KIMMEI.I. , Clerk. LEGALJNIOTICE. Office of the Village Clerk , \ McCook. Neb . March III , 18 % . l Notice ishcreby given that on the Hist day of March. J8S6. Samuel Strasser filed his bond and petition at this office The prayer of said petition being that the Council of the City of McCook grant him license to sell mult , spirit uous and vinous liquors , in the llrst ward in said city , according to law in such cases made and provided , F. M. KIMMELL , [ SEAL. ] Village Clerk. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. . .x-wv Vrf < > > - > i * xv > 'xy * - sx > - LAND OFFICE AT McCoou , NEB. , I March 30th , 188ti. f I Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Xis claim , and that said proof will be made before * Regis ter or Heceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , May 18th. 188i ( , viz : Smith Gordon , D. S. 185U , for the southeast quarter of section 8. town ship 3 north , range 2 ! ) west 6th P.M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. paid land , viz : Charles E. Fox. Edward F. Couse , Thomas Huggies and Charles Christ , all of Mc Cook , Neb. 44 G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT JIcCooic. NEU. . i March 2Uth.188ii. ) Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Keg- Ister or Hcceivcrut McCook Neb. , on Tuesday , May 4,1886. viz : Lewis B. March. Homestead Entry 2764. for thp southeast quarter section 1 , township2 north , range 20 west titu V. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon , and cultivation of.said land viz : D. H. llobbitt , Kichurd John son. Henry Vogas and W. W. Fisher , all of Mc Cook , Neb. 43 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Nr.u. . i March 17tb. JSbfi. i" Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Ueg- i ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , j May 14th. 1880. viz : James W. McCarthy , homl- 1 stead entry 21t4. ! for the southeast quarter of section 34. township 1 north , range 30 west Oth. P M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viz : Josiah A. Fretu-h , William H.llenjamin. Sidney Dodge and James B. Farnsworth , all of McCook. Neb. 42 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . i March 12th , I860. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Itegis- ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , May 1st. 188C. viz : William P. Fritts , 1) . S. 1550 , for the south northeast J4 section 23. town ship 4 north , range 20 west tith P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. t-aid land , viz : Jacob Long , Josiah E. Moore. Ira J. Miller and Alex. W.Campbell , all of Box Elder , Nebraska. 42. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Neb. , i .March 12th. I8SH. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to mukf final proof in support of hte claim , and thstt said proof will be made before Rcgip- trror Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , May 1st. 1880. viz : Alexander W. Campbell , homestead entry 204'J. for the .southeast northeast U , south ' / southeast 14. northeast ; . } southeast h of section 15 , township 4 north , range 29 west. He names the following wit- j nesses to prove his continuous residence i upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Stenh- ' enT. Bolles. iosi..h E. Moore. William T. Ham- i ilton and Jacob Long all of Box Elder. Neb. 42 G. L. LAWS , Rcgis-tcr. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i March 8th , 18fcO. f Notice is hvreby given that the following- named settler has flied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will he nuide before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , April 16th. ISbO , viz : William H. Ailington , Homestead Entry 110 , lor the XV. ' / N. W. > i of section4 and E. 54 N. E. M .section 5 , township 1 north , range 28 west Oth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : F. W. Weaver , J. C. Lafferty , .1. C. Foutz and F. M. Graham , all of Danbury , Neb. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Neb. , i March hth. 18SO. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice or his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb.on Saturday , April 17th. IWB.VIZ : Joseph Uriscoll , 1) . S. 2511 , for the northwest U section 7towiihhip 5 north , range 2i > west 0 P. M. He names the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said laud , viz : John Foley , Nels Jjonlund , James Foley , and Peter Larson , all of Box Elder , Neb. 41 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE ATMCCOOK , NEB. , i .Marchyth , letti. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settlerlias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , > eb. , on Friday , ' April 10th , IStO.viHerman Thole , homestead entry : H7U , tor the northeast h northwest li , and lots 1,2 and : : section bto\vnsliip ; { north , range 30 we t He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous resilience upon , and cultivation of. said land , viJacob H. Evans , Adolph Rheisehick. Charley Borgster and Charles Vollbreclit , ull ol Ait-Look , iNeu. 41 G. L. LA\\S , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i .uarch 1st , INS ; . ) Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler lias hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hid claim , and that fcuid jiroot will lie made before Rvgisi i tcror Receiver at McCook , .Neb. , on Friday , ' April ! ) th. 1880. viz : Zuchuus L. Kay , Home- ' stead Entry 772 , for the south ys northwest lt , ' section 17 , township 3 north , ran e 2ii west Oth P.M. He names the following witnesses to j prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viz : John Henderson , I John Smith , Alt red Carter and . .iramK.Bixler all of .McCook , Neb. 40. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , , i March 2d , ISfli. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday , April 'Jth. IbHi , viz : Edward F. Uultey , l > . S. ifeij , for the southwest J4 southeast J of sec- tson 25 , township - . north of range ; IO west , G f. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land. viz. N. c. Wickwire. E. N. Benjamin and Fred Benjamin , of McCook , Neb. , and F. D. Smith , of Cedar Bluirs , Kas. 40 G. L LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. . | February 24th , ISfcO. j Notice is hereby given that the foilowing- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof ill support of his claim , ind that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Thursday , April 8th. 180 , viz : Francis M. Kennedy. H. ' B. 1101. for the northeostquarterot section-0 , J ownship 2 north. rangerJ westGth P. M. Ho lames the following witnesses to prove his . . outinuoiis residence upon , and cultivation if , sujd land , viz : John Gillespie , William P. ionnedy , William Vincent and William Smith , ill of McCook , Neb. 39 G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , l February 24th. lbN > . j Notice is hereby given that the followinsr- lanied settler has tiled notice of lior intention o make final proof in support of hor cluiin , ind that said proof will be made before Uccis- er or Ueceiverat McCook , fceb. , or. Saturday , Ipril d , IbSG , viz : Nettie B. Parks. U. S. 1 US , or the west y. southeast ki of section 20 , towns hipznorthranselkwestuth ) 1' . > 1. fchename- hp followingwitnesses to prove hcrcontlnu- > us resilience upon , and cultivation of. said and , viz : John p. Swanson. 1) A. Clements , .ewis F.Fauss and E.M. Matson. all of McCook , feb. W .G. L. LAWS , Kegistsr. waifs Shorthorns at Public Sale , -AT- LINCOLN ! * WEDNESDA Y MAY 19,1886. Young Marys , Panseys , Desdamonias , Janthas and of her fancy families. About 50 head in all will be offered , consisting of a fine lot of young Bulls. Cows and Heifers. Terms reasonable. Apply for catalogues to cither of the undersigned. JOHN FITZGERALD. F. M. WOODS , Auctioneer. O. M. DRUSE , Manager. THE CITIZENS BANK OF McGQOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , $5OrOOO.OO , : DOES A : General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly un tlie principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on fanning lands , village and personal property , Kire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : V. FiiANKM.v , President. First. National Hank , Lincoln , Nebraska. ( j . .Joiix It. Cr.AKK. Vice-President. 1 h , - Chemical National JJank , New Vork. ) A. C. EBKIIT , Cashier. H ALLACK f HOWARD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath , Shingles , Sash , ffoors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Cedar Posts , Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Part's. Also Hard and Soft Coal , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. C. E. McPHERSON & CO. And Real Estate Brokers. OFFICE' West Dennison Street , McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Superior to any ou the tnarkrt. l elnc Heavier , Stroncer Built. and therefore a more Durable Mill. It la the only absolutely safe Ml > ! built ; and out of ThousandsErected During 12 i ! Years pat. not one has ever blown away and left the Tower "tandlnK. A rrcord no other Mill can chow. V.'c offer to put up any of our PUMPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And if they don't Rive satisfaction , will remove Mill at our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challense F-ed Mills. Corn Shelters. Iron Pnmps with brass cylinders. Iron Pipe. Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to G. B. KETTLETON , McCook , X Accntfor Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansai. 'C2s il 5hs i = tic UcCi ? : eJ Mil , 2sLrsd 3t. THE McCOOK LOAN AND TRUST CO : OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. I/lakes / First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. " OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. . CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT , EO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT F. L. BROWN , TREASURER.