< , it - M-iO S-TO'RPI U VJ O - 1 w IV L/11 F ! I < i McCOOK , NEBRASKA. I rn 5 : , A , SPALDING , PROPRIETOR , jl V O 00 zj > < w J ; Tgans , 2.O H C E S O SEWING MACHINES. D. 00 J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. DEALERS IN A _ J j Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lirne , Cement , .N -YARDS AT- Bertrand , Elwooa.Oxford , Edison , Arapahoe , Cambridge. Indianola. WcCookCuIbei't- son. Stratton. Trenton and Benkelman in Neb. Yuma and Akron in Colo. These Lands were carefully selected , are of an excellent qual ity , and are for sale on easy terms. " - J. C. McBRIDE , Lincoln , Nebraska. 0HBAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. Estimates made of 3II11 and Pump complete upon application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. - THE WOODMAMSE This mill Is a "solid wheel" and the best self-regulator made. The AVoodman c Xo. G. Pump Is the best single acting force pump in the iimrkot Will woik In wells from 10 to 200 feet iu depth , and has back attachments to force water into delated tanks. Can be used by hand or windmill. Parties contemplating the erection of a Windmill will consult their best Interests by calling at my Homestead , 1J miles X. W. of JleCook. or at 15. OnhnstonS. 5 miles S. K. . and at Hewitt Market Garden , S. E. of Mc < ook. and examine the working of the Woodmanae. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse "Windmill Co. , Freeport , 111. C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. CORN SHELLED AND GROUND , BOLTED , ETC. 2. BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL-S EARN , MeCOOK - - . NEBRASKA. C. P. RINKER , -AGENT FOR- WIND MILLS AND PUMPS. ving re-opened my establishment in McCook , I will be pleased to see all of ray old patrons ami many new ones , as I will ell better goods at lower figures than ever before offered in IcCoolc. Call and see me. 40 CORNER MAIN AND RAILROAD STS. MeCOOK , NEB. THE RED WILLOW RS1LL Is now in operation and will do v , General Custom Work , The Mill Is complete ami we Guarantee Good Work. J. W. PICKLE & CO. STANTON ROJLLA , -THE- Old Reliable Shoemaker , VTILL MOVE INTO HIS New Quarters , Qpp. McCook Hotel , Fslonday , March 15 , Where lie will be pleased to serve his custo mers , old and new , ns usual. Best of material and workmanship guaranteed. 41.4 SOUTHWESTERH NEBRASKA. MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. O \V - i-iijiy ' .in i' ! lu ' .iiL' fri'in Oreor - ' / oi' Wiliiain Colt-mat ! , tifje of our old settlers , to the Muscatitie , llowa. Unilv iTounial. It contniiis inucb i of interest , anil is temperate and rclia- ! Lie in its statements concerning our town aud country : Having located here several years ago , I propose to give information that may he of benefit to some of the readers of the Journal. The land here , gener ally , is sloping ; enough so as to lead the water off , but no sloughs or ponds , yet with "draws" ' and canyons. The soil is dark and rich , from three to five feet deep , and very productive. Then there arc what they call "flat" . ' ' Tljeso flats are from five to thirty miles across , al most level , t have seen on these flats , where corn rows were ten to twelve miles long without a break. There are no course sandgravel or red roots in the soil here , and any kind of a common steel plow will scour. All kinds of veg etables grow one-third larger here than in Iowa. Small grain , including fall wheat. , do well. My corn crop in 1584 yielded about sixty bushels per acre ; in 1885 not quite so much. The winters are not so long 01 so se vere as in Towa. Take this winter for instance. T do not know how low the mercury has been , butain informed that it was as low as 22 once during the win ter ; at any rate , it has not been cold enough to kill my peach trees , as they are green to the points of the limbs. There has been but one day this winter , ( Jan. S ) but what teams have gone from ten to twelve miles to town. The snow has not been over six inches deep this winter , and has not impeded travel in the least , and only blockaded the rail road a day or two , between here and and Denver. But the snow is all gone now and has been gone for three weeks , and the roads are dry and solid , and in places where there is much travel , it is quite dusty. During my seven years residence here , I have seen very little mud. On Feb. 23d I drove about thirty miles and did not see any mud. There has not been a day since I came here but what a good learn could draw a ton to market , ten miles. I know this sounds strange to Towa people , but it is. nevertheless , a fact. fact.The The season for fanning operations is much earlier here than in Towa. Teams have been out breaking prairie here , since the lath of this monthand farm ing operations have commenced. There has not been a season since I came.here that we could not sow wheat in Feb ruary. The ground is ROW in good con dition for seeding nr plowingand farm ers are improving these nice , warm days. As to kind of crops , we raise wheat , both winter and spring : rye , oats and corn , cane , millet , potatoes , both Irish and sweet , melons of all kinds , and all kinds of garden vegetables. Land within four miles of McCook worth from $8 to $15 per acre , accord ing to location and improvements From 4 to 10 or 12 miles outit is wortl from $4 to $10 per acre. Some good claims can be had at from $400 to $ SOi per claim of 1 GO acres. Posts are wortl 8 cents a piece in the timber ; wood ii the tree $2 per cord , cut and coided $2.50 to $2.75. Wire $4.90 to $5.25 per cwt. for 4-point barbpainted. McCook is a division station on th B. & M. railroadabout midway betweei Omaha and Denver. The town was laid out a little over three years agoand now has a population of about 2,000. Th railroad company has a large two-story depot , and a large hotel , and a round house with stalls for 15 engines. Then are five hotels , besides a large numbe of restaurants , three lumberyards , two banks First National Bank of McCook with a capital of $50,000 , Citizens Bank of McCook with a capital of $50 , 000 , and the McCook Loan and Trus Co. , capital , $50.000. Also , the usua number of stores of different kinds to be found in a western town of its size , The United States land office is located here. Three newspapers , three churches and one of the handsomest shool build ings in the state. McCook has the best system of water worksTarn , informed , of any town in the State , except Omaha. There are now about twelve miles of pipe laid down There are three wells , twenty feet in di ameter , with about twenty feet of water in each well , that furnishes the supply of water. Parties wanting further information , please address me by'letter. T will an swer all letters asking for further infor mation. WM. COLEMAX. McCook , Neb. , Feb. 27,1SSG. PERCY PEPOOX of the Falls City Journal was in the city , last week , in the interests of the Falls City News paper Union , which commences opera tion at the above-named place on the irst of April. Tie reports flattering success , and hopes to have all the papers > n his list that the company will be able o handle. Their plan is . uch as com- uends it to every publisher , who will b jreatly benefited thereby. VAN WYCK clubs are being organized 11 over the state. Van is preparing to lie hard , next fall , and with the assist- nce of bourbons , roorbacks , antis , and he like , will make a warm canvas. St. Patrick's Tills correct bilioin disorders nd prevent all diseases arising from them old by M. A. Spalding aud Willey & Walker , A UNIQUE CYCLOPEDIA. An extremely valuable Cycloj/edla , and of very fir * at popular interest is.licns Cyclo pedia of Univn- Litir.Mi.o , Volume II.of which i < ju t inulNKu. Novi 1 in plan , anil novel in ionn , at onct btautirul and conven ient , and at a price low even compared with } [ r. Alden's always low prices , this volume Kivcs in its nearly 500 pages biographical sketches of one hundred and eleven promi nent author ; ! , with characteristic selections from their writings. Thofollowhuraiiklinrs. among others , appear in this volumu : Amlii- bonSt. Augustine , D'Auvergne , Bacon , Bal zac , Bancroft , JJanim , Uarbauld , Beaumont , Beecher ( .several of the name ) . Bentlmin , .Bion. JJjornson , 13Iack\ViIIiam ( ) , Blackstone , I5Ie.sington ( Countess of ) , and Boccaccio ; thus representing nearly all ages and all na tions even in this volume American , Eng lish , French , German , Italian , Greek , Latin , Swedish , Portugese , Scotch. Dutch. Irish. Norwegian , and Dankh authors from the period 230 it. r. to A. n. 1SS ( > . The literary and mechanical workmanship aie both of a high order. The work is really one that ought to find a place in every home library : it otters a fund of entcitainment and instruc tion that will piove well-nigh inexhaustible. The price , only CJO cents a volume , makes its possession possible to nearly overy school boy. Tho work is published also in Parts of 1C. pages each ( exchangeable at any time for bound volumes ) , which arc sent post-paid for 15 cents each. Every reader of this notice ought to get at least a specimen Part for ex amination. John B. Aldvn. Publisher , Xew York. Anna Draper , of Hepburn , Iowa , briefly states her opinion of Chamberlain' Cough Ii'emedy. bhe > ays it is far superior to any medicine she ever used for croup. Sold by M. A. Spalding and Willey & Walker. CITY : - : BAKERY. T PROPRIETORS , KEEP OX. HAND BREAD , PiES & CAKES , f ! RAH AM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. LUNGH ROOM In connection where you can sret colleoaiul - wiches. pies. etc..at all hours. CATTLE ! Rain Does Not Affect It. FOR SALE BY FREES & HOCKNELL , SOLE AGENTS. F . D. HESS , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. JS"Jlateriiil fumished ifdcsirca. The Fine Clydesdale and Sweet Briar , BIRD OF THE WEST , 30NNIE SCOTLAND , Will commence the season the 1st of April , fill be fnn nd at my Imrn south of the Badger .timber Yard. McUook. on Holidays. TuL-sdays nd NVcdncsdnys. AtV. . K. l < yneb's barn. In- ianola. on Thursdays , Fridays and Satunlaj- . . ee bills. 4J A. J. PATE , Prop. JOHN F. BLACK. Breeder of IMPROVED SHEEP Delano , Jleri no and Soutb- dowu. Pei on- al inspection and corres pondence so licited. Addiess him at Ked Nebraska. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. \T1 sNAL. Siiiuho School at 10 \ . \J. every week. Preachiucr services overy Sunday ntelit at 7 , Oil M T. Alto , everv alter nate Sunday morninjr at 11. M. T. Exceptions to the above will be noticed in locals. DU.VGAX , Pastor. M OTHODIST. Service" ! every Sunday at 10 : ' : W A. 31. anil 7 P. M. . mountain'time. . Sunday School at ' > P. M. The services and Sunday school will lie hold for the future in tho new church. All tiro cordially invited. Seats , free. AV. S. Wnr.Ei.Kit , Pastor. nPlSCOPAL. Services in the Opera Hall the llrst and third Sundays , moriuiifrand eveninjr. of each month. .1. A. VrhFOKTii , Hector. CATHOLIC. Services will be hold in tho church once every four weeks. THOMAS Cri.r.EX. Pastor. W. C. T. I * . The W. C. T. U. will meet in the Keailinir Kooin overy Wednesdav afternoon at : . ' o'clock. 31. T. Tho Htmil of Hope will meet in the Heiidinsc Kooin overy Saturday after noon at - o'clock , mountain time. A. O. I * W. McCook Lodjre No. 01. will meet the tlrst and third .Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordiallr invited. Iu. 15. . DAVIS. 31. W. W. H. DAVJS , Keeordor. McCOOK LODGB A. F. tc A. .M. Kejrular meetings. Tuesday nijrht on s or before lull moon-of everv month. \ S. I. . ( JUBBX.'W. .M. F. Ij..MfCi ACKi.v. Secretary. Wir.i.uw ( iituvi : I.oiun : 1C. OK V. , No. 12. Meets every Wednesday evening ' Masonic Hall. .1. \ \ ' . CAMI-UKU. . C. C. C. H. I'.ovi.i : . K. U. S. I. O. O. K. .McCook Lodae No. KIT. I. O. O. P. , meets everv Friday cicniiur , at 7 o'clock , in .Masonic Hall. All visiting brothers are invit ed to moot witn us. H. H. HEltUV. N. ( .5. H. TiiitwimiiKu : . Permanent Secretary. HOCIvNKI.l , HOSK CuMl'ASY. KejT- ular nipotliitrson tin'first Wednesday jr of each month. u H. AitcmiiAU ) , Chief. n. OF L. K. Brotherhood of LoeomotiveEn- trincers.Meet llrst and fourth Saturdays of each month. S. K. HOCK , Chief. .1. C. ANDEKSO.V. F. A. E. .1. K. HAUXKS POST ( ! . A. H. Regular meet ings hocond and fourth Monday evenings of each month itt Masonic Hall. .1. A. Wn.cox. Commander. .1. H. YAICK , Adjutant. * " POST-OFFICE HOURS. o Open from 7 A. M. to S P. M. , M. T. Office will bo closed thirty minutes before arrival ami dcpiirtiiicof maiK SUNOAV. office will be open from 1to 2 I' . .M. mountain time. 1. & MTrTMETABllET EAST MAVKS : V\ST LEAVES : No. 2 li:10.A.3I. Xo. 10 . " , : : . . > , P. 31. WEST LEAVES : WKST LEAVES : Xo.Sil UJo < ) . P.M. Xo.l SriM , P. M. f Eastbound trains run on Central Timo , and westbound trains on Mountain Timo. Freight trains do not carry passengers. i . K. WOODS , Afjent. fifl 'COMMERCIAL : HOTEL. , Gr.o. E. JOHNSTON. PROP. JIcCOOK , : : NKRUASKA. Tliis hou u bus been completely renovated pfil r'-lnriii-ho'l throughout , and is Hrst-eltiM in every rcspett. Kates reasonable. 1S FASHIONABLE BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Oppose Cliicngo Lumber i'anl , MAIN' STREET. - McCOOR. NEBRASKA. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAIN STREET. 3IcCOOK NEBRASKA. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AXD SIGN PAINTER , * McCoorc , - NEBRASKA J3T"A11 work fruarantecd Give mo a call. LAND OFFCE _ BLANKS. In ordering. iiive ollicu number and titleof I blank , with quantity of each blank wanted 1'iit only one blank on a line to avoid mistake * Money must invariably accompany the order. ' THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. o r-sK. Eusisi APPLICATIONS TO ENTER. 4-C07 Homestead Law 1. . Cts. . § 1.2. ' 4-WHi Timber-Culture I.uw 15 ' l.i" 4-27U Soldier's Home-toad 15 " l.OC 4-.VC TH'elariitory .Statement. . 15 Cts. . $ UH. Soldier'-j ) . s 15 J.OQ AFFIDAVITS. 4 Ofti Xon-Mineral 15 Cts. , Sl.OO WITIJ Timber Culture Bntrv. . . 15 " 1.1)0 ) 1 OtJ Homestead Butrv 15 1.00 4-OUIi Commutation. Hit 15 " 1.00 4-070 Final , Homestead 15 - 1.00 4-07 Contest. Huiiie < t > ad i"i " 2.00 4-0 ! > 0 Contest. Timber Culture. 25 " 2.00 4-O.V.t Homi-sfd. under See. 22UJ 15 I.IK Service Letter 10 " .75 Service Notice 10 " .75 NOTICES. 1-17 For Publication 15 Ct . , -1 4-JMS Hd Int. to Prove Up. . . . 15 " 1.66 1-IJ49 Pre-E. 15 " 1.00 I 34G Timber-Culture.contest. 15 " 1.00 PROOFS. J- ii ! Hometeud Final : jfCts. \ . , . * : ; .00 t-374a.Pre-Euiption Final 50 " 15.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Heliiiquishments. 0 LEGAL BLANKS. CONVEYANCING. ? 01 Warranty Deed ( half-sheet ) F 505 Special Warranty Deed F sOO Hond tor Deed F M Quit Claim Deed F i2 ! Mortfrfiia Deed ( short form ) F ! 15 31ortgii > : e Deed ( with Interest und In surance Clause D * \S \ Release of Mortruge-It ( > rt form ) II < 2U Asei > nment of .Mortj'afe ( short form ) . H 21 Lease F IJ2 Mechanic's Lieu F MISCELLANEOUS. XH Chattel Mortise-ilonjlorm ) F iKG Chattel Morttrajre F 10:1 : Chattel Mortifa e ( short lormj F < Chattel Mortfiajre F Nti HillofSalu K KJ7 Articles of Agreement F Township Plats , 17.\ll 1) ' 14 Soldier's Discharge ( two coloi- B il.j Power of Attorney. I Jeneral F CO A reemeut for Uuildinj , ' D NOTARY. 01 Protect and Original B Notary Public Ke Card COUNTY CLERK. 7 Certificates of Election ( It oolorgi D 7 Petition for License to fcell Liquor . C ! 5 Official Hond c 9 Liquor Licen.-e j. DISTRICT COURT. 04 Summons ( original ) . ' u US Siihio2nalorijrinal : ) " ' c 50 Declaration of Intention . . c 51 Final Papcra ( one color ) K COUNTY COURT. PROBATE. 5 Marriage Certilleate ( three colors ) F Contract lor Sale of Heal Kstate F Send 10 cents pn-tajro. and we will mail you Kit 1:1 : a rojal.vul- uablo , sample bor of oods - that willjiutyou intho\\nyof jnjr mow money at onco , than anything Ise in America. Both sexes of all a es can ve at home and work in spare time , or all the ; in > . Capital .not required. Wewills > myou. tn.nenge pay sure for those who start at once. * -2S-lyr. Sri.ss .v & Co. , Portland , 3l ine. STOCK DIRECTORY " la L PATRICK BROTHERS ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) . Horses l > ramle < l on loft hip or loft shoulder. P. O. undress , Estcllo , Hnycs county , and Heat- rice. Nob. IiiiiRi > . Stink- jjinfr Wntor anil French- f man crocks , Chnsti Co. . I Nebraska. I Rnind as cut on side or some animals , on hip and sides of spine , or any7 where on the animal. STOKES & TROTH. P.O.iid'lress. . Currleo. Haves county. Not ) . ItV.njre : K'lVillov creel ; , above Carrier Stock branded as- above Also run th < lazy CM brand. HENRY T. CHURCH. PostoHice.Osborn. Neb. Banpe : Ked Willow creek , in S. W. corner of Frontier county. Cattle branded 0 L 0 on rijjht side. Also , an over crop on right car and under crop on left. A NoTrim 6 brand on rlf'lit shoulder. Hor es branded 8 ° " riyht shoulder. GKOROE J. FREDERICK. Postollice address , Mt- Took , Nebniska. Uanch : Four miles southwest of 31 eC ook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ on the left hip. PAXTON CATTLE CO. - ,1. B. MnsEitvn , General Manager. Postoflice address. Mc Cook , Ne.b. Kanch : At * prinTCanyon on the 'Frenchman ' KivcrChase enmity. Nebraska. Stock branded as above : ilso 717 on left side ; 7 ? n tlic ri"hth'P ' nn < 1 L on 3 0 -T the rijrtit lotiliicr ; L on left shoulder and X on left jaw. Half under-crop left ear , and square-crop riyrht ear SPKIXG CUKKirCAri'LK CO. .1. D. WKI.KOKX , Vice President and Supt. P. O. address , Indiano- la , Nebraska. J unjc : Republican \ alley , east of Dry | Crcek , and near head of apritiKCreek , in Cha e county , Nebraska. KATOX BKOS. & CO. P. O. address. McCook , Nebraska. Haiifje.south f McCook. Cattle branded on loft hjip. Also , 10 5 nd , , y\ 11 brands on left hip. Horses branded the same on left shoulder. BEAUTIFUL ROOK. Hpvi-stlu-LANGUAGE f lo er and Shrub. : } uOO dlUV-rciit kinds. A No nil the Known RalescJ Flirta tion with Glove , Paratol. Handtcrfcll aod fan. It thetsot ccnptstework of the kmrt ever pub- iHhetl. Send Fifteen Cents In stamps foi a sample copy , al o our price t < > aiit' < . Agents ' ' ' RHERFcAit PU3. CO. . 17 tlerlh Tenth s'lreSf.'VhMa'd . Pa. ' SINGER THIS STYLE DAIS' TllIAL. A Full Set of Attachments. . Sena for Circular. E. C. M'OWS & CO. , > enver to GrJcaso , Denver to Kansas City , Denver to Omaha , CrrsaC-.a to Chicago , Kansas Gty to Cliica o , Gmai-.a to St.ouis BEST LESS F OfrJ TQ EA . SURELOW \ LOW RATES BACGACE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets ever the Curlinfit- m Route are for salo by the Union ac-f = , Denver & R o Crcr.do and II Oihcr principal raihvays , and For further information , apply to J ny agenl , cr to P. S. EUSTI3 , Gen'l T'k't /