The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 25, 1886, Image 7

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XOroup ,
tbf CKNT 1JOTTLFS are pup up for tho
_ accommodation ofulf who desire a
W Good , and Low 1'rlcod .
honld Secure the Large ttl.OO Bottles.
_ _ . Directions accompany Kacli Hottlc.
The Tiest and surest Remedy for Cure of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
tho Taver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Bilious Complaints and Malaria of nil kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It Is pleasant to the taste , tones up the
system , restores and preserves health.
It Is purely Vegetable , and cannot fail to
iroro beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle.
It wiH cure any case of Iilver and Kidnoy
troubles\vhenpropsilytaUcn. It Is a perfect
renovator-and inriporator. It cleanses the sys
tem of the poisoiiotiB humors that develop in
I.lvor , Kiduoy and Urinary diseases , car
rying : away all polsouous matter and re-
Btorlns the Blood ton Iicalthycondition ,
enricliltis it , refreshing and invigorating
BClnd nud Body. It prevents the growth to
iSorlons Illness of a JJaiisoronn Class of
Dlccancs that besin in more trivial ail *
Vments , and we too apt to be neglected as such.
of thoworst forms of these terrible diseases
have been quickly relieved and 'in a short
time perfectly cured by tho uso of Slops &
JUalt Bitters.
Do not get Hops and malt Bitters con *
founded with Inferior preparations of similar
name. Xalco Notltiiiz but Hops & Malt Bit
ters if you want a sure Cure.
GOODMAN DRUG CO , , Wholesale Agents ,
IE A mfiiiIS HUNGRY within
r mfiii
an hour more or
less , after a meal , he is a dyspep
tic. It shows his stomach is not
able to dispose of what he has
eaten. But to eat and thus im
pose more work is an absurdity.
TONIC , which cures Dyspepsia
and all Stomach , Liver , Kidney ,
and Bladder troubles. It is a per
fect tonic , appetizer , blood puri
fier , a sure euro for ague and ma
laria diseases. Price , Fifty Cents.
An invaluable remedy. If persistently'used will ef
feet a cure In a latRis majority of cases , and nffonl
comfort and rcl'ef by soothing and clearing the head
and throat passages in worse one ? . Hns clven satis
faction by whomsoever tried. The ingredients may
be had at any drus store nt a small cost. Make your
own remedy and save money. Hoclpe forwarded by
return mall fr one dollar. This will not appear
apitn. R. MATIIISOX , Granvllle P. O. . British
Columbia , Canada.
; , j'Soj '
Best Cough Syrun. Tastes good. Use
in time. Sold by druggists.
C ON S"U MP T ION , " > >
ANTED Ladles and Gentleincn tc
, take light work at thelt
own homes. SI to 2 a day easily made.
W Work sent by mall. JTo canvassing. We
Lave good demand for our work , and fur
nlsli steady employment. Address , with
stamp , Cr.owx MFG.Co-.2U Vine bt..CI-.O.
Sablt , Qntckly and P I le
lycnrcdathome. CorrespondEnce
OPIUM solicited and free trial of uresent
honcs.tlnvestlgators. TUEIIUXJLNI
T COJIPA Y. Lif ayettc , Ind.
i An active Man or Woman in every
, county to sell our Roods. Salary $75.
per JJo.lh and Expenses. Expense ! in ed-
mm 'ranee. Canvassms outtt FREE ! Fanieulari
free. Standard Silver-wore Co. Boston , Mass.
A Casket of Silver Ware Free
-who will alowlttoticlrrelghbo , i > cta onr agKil
* . Gire TOOT nearest express and Pott Offica addi .
Xy. MA3.TQ. CQ..lIARTFOKI > .COyy.
cnsespald Valuable ontnt and partlculan'
J. F. HILL& CO Augusta. Maine.
aiorphlne Habit CareitlalO
PIUH tosdduy * . NopaytUlOKrail.
UB J. STKPUEXS.lielianon. Uolfc
team here and earn good
TELEGRAPHY pay. Situations furclsacd.
I valentine liros. , OanesviUe. Wls.
i Pictures and 50 Fancy Cards ( new )
LOc.Es8EX.CAKD WORKS , lvoryton.Cc
mo Gold Scrap , loop Frince&c. Cards sent post
rorec. Conn-Steam CardWfcs. Uartfonl.Coau
Pictures tnd 43 New Chroma
TrfeA Scrap
12O and Gold Scrip Cards scntpostpaldfor 10 cts.
_ - CESTIBBOOK CACP Co .CectcroooK ; Conn.
" , , n..iSTUDY. . Secure a BusInsssEdncation bj
HOME mill , irom UKTAJJT-S COI.LIOB Buflalo i
OMAHA. 303 13.
Haoits of Literary lien.
The editor ofan eastern health maga
zine , having asked for information rela
tive to the habits , hours of work and
style and frequency of feed adopted by
literary men , and several parties having
responded who were no more essential
ly saturated with literature than I am ,
E now take my pen in hand to reveal
the true inwardness of my literary life ,
so that boys who may yearn to follow
in my footsteps and wear a laurel
wreath tho year round in place of a
hat , may know what the personal
habits of a literary party arc.
I rise from bed the lirst thing in the
morning , leaving my couch not be
cause I am dissatisfied with it , but be
cause I cannot carry it with me during
the day.
I then seat myself on the edge of the
bad and devote a few moments to
thought. Literary men who have
never set aside a few moments on ris
ing on thought will do well to try it.
1 then insert myself into a pair of
middle-aged pantaloons. It is need
less to say that girls who may have a
literary tendency will iiud little to in
terest them here.
Other clothing is added to the above
from time to time. I then bathe my-
self. . Still this is not absolutely essen
tial to a literary life. Others who do
aot do so have been equally successful.
Sonic literary people bathe before
I then go down stairs and out to tho
barn , where I feed thehorse. . Some
literary men feel above taking care of
a horse , because there is really nothing
in common between the care of a horse
and literature , but simplicity is my
watchword. T. Jefferson would have
to rise early in the day to eclipse me
in simplicity. I wish I had as many
dollars as 1 have got simplicity.
I then go into breakfast. This meal
consists almost wholly of food. 1 am
passionately fond > of food , and I may
truly say , with my hand on my heart ,
that I owe much of my great success in
life to this inward craving , this con
stant yearning for something better.
During this meal I frequently con
verse with my family. I do not feel
above my family , at least if I do , I
strive to conceal it as much as possible.
Buckwheat pancakes in a heated state ,
with maple syrup on the upper side ,
are extremely conducive to literature.
Nothing jerks the mental faculties
around with greater rapidity than
buckwheat pancakes.
After breakfast , the time is put in to
good advantage looking forward to the
time when dinner will be ready. From
eight to ten a. m. , however , I frequently
retire to my private literary hot-bed in
Hie hay mow and write 1.200 words in
my forthcoming book , the price of
which will be 82.50 in cloth and § 4 with
Russia back.
I then play Copenhagen with some
little girls twenty-one years of age , who
live near by , and of whom I am pas
sionately fond.
After that I dig some worms , with a
view to angling. I then angle. After
this I return home , waiting until dusk ,
liowever , as I do not like to attract at
tention. , Nothing is more distasteful to
a truly good man of wonderfully liter
ary acquirements , and yet with singular
modesty , than the coarse and rude
scrutiny of the vulgar herd.
In winter I do not angle. I read
"The Pirate Prince" or "The Missouri-
an's Mash , " or some other work , not so
much for the plot as the style , that I
may get my mind into correct channels
of thought.
I then play "old sledge" in a ram
bling sort of manner. I sometimes
spend an evening at home , in order to
excite remark and draw attention to my
wonderful eccentricity.
I do not use alcohol in any form , if I
know it , though sometimes I am basely
deceived by those who know of my pe
culiar prejudice , and who do it. too ,
because they enjoy watching my odd
and amusing antics at the time.
Alcohol should be avoided entirely
by literary workers , especially young
women. There can be no more pitiful
sight lo the tenderhearted than a young
woman of marked ability writing an
obituary poem while under the influ
ence of liquor.
I knew a young man who was a good
writer. His 7 > enmanship was very
good indeed. He once wrote an article
for the press while under the influence
of liquor. He sent it to the editor , who
returned it at once with a cold and cruel
letter , every line of which was a stab.
The letter came at a time when he was
full of remorse.
He tossed up a cent to 'see whether
he should blow out his brains or go into
the ready-made clothing business. The
coin decided that he should die by his
own hand , but his head ached so that
he didn't feel like shooting into it. So
he went into the ready-made clothing
business , and now pays taxes on § 75-
000 , so he is probably worth § 150,000.
This of course salves over his wounded
heart , but he often says to me that he
might have been in the literary business
to-uay if he had let liquor alone. Bill
Nye , 'in Boston Globe.
' The Czar's Latest Hobby.
There is no need for a Sir John
Millais in Russia ; hardly evenfor a
stereoscopic company. There they do
their portraits for themselves , just as
they want them , or at least they will do
so henceforth. The czar himself hav
ing set the fashion , all the noble fam
ilies and the merely rich ones are sure
to follow in his wake. Br his orders ,
the Russian ambassador in London has
sent the emperor a set of photographic
appliances that must in the immediate
future convert. him into a first-class
photographer. According to report , ho
is infatuated with his apparatus and (
getting on splendidly. His favorite
relative now is the one who gives him
the most sittings , and his patient-wife
is very much tried. With a certain dif
ference , he has become like that black
smith of Gretna Green , who got so used
to marrying that he never saw a young
man and young woman together with
out creeping up behind them and be
ginning the marriage service. When
the czar catches sight of liis aunt , or a
courtier , a fowl , a sentinel , or a baby ,
he has out his photographic apparatus
in a moment. The nihilists will soon
be frightened to come near liim. St. j
lames' * Q&seilc. 1
Sir gold medals Lave been given to St.
Jacobs Oil at World's fairs and expositons ,
for being tho best pain cure. It is , itself ,
better than gold. It cures rheumatism and
every other painful trouble. It never fails.
The true workman is he who loves work ,
and loves to see it rightly-done.
No depressing effects from Red Star Cough
Cure. No nausea , no danger of poison.
Safe , speedy , sure. Only twenty-five cents.
Quail as a Legislator Know * Them.
They were discussing in the Illinois legis
lature a bill to prevent the destruction of
quail for three years. Speeches of various
sorts were made. One farmer advanced
the suggestion that there were too many
quail. If they should be preserved for three
years they would cat up all the crops.
Then up rose an honest granger , with this
valuable contribution to natural history :
"Mr. Cheerman , I've lived in Illinoy'man
and boy , for forty years , enduring all of
which time I've follered agricultooral pur-
soots exceptin" for seven years , when I was
a-runnin' of a saw-mill , and I have ob
sarvcd this about quail , whenever there is
too many quail tho good Lord He freezes
them out. " That settle it.
No man can keep habitual company with
a cock-roach , and be always cheerful.
Many cases of rheumatism which have
resisted the skill of the profession have
promptly yielded to that wonderful remedy ,
Salvation Oil. 25 cents.
O'Donovan Kossa writes poetry. No
wonder ho dreads dynamite.
s * 3 Premature decline of power in
either Bex , however induced , speedily and
permanently ctirpcl. Book for 10 cents in
stamps. World's Dispensary Medical As-
1 sociation , GG3 Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y.
Ben Butler and Prince Bismarck both
use the same kind of hair oil.
Every Woman Knows Them.
The human body is much like a gooc
clock or watch in its movements ; if one
goes too slow or too fast , so follow all the
others , sind bad time results ; if one organ
or set of organs works imperfectly , perver
sion of functional effort of all the organs is
sure to follow. Hence it is that the numer
ous ailments which make woman's life mis
erable are the direct issue of the abnormal
action of the uterine system. For all that
numerous class of symptoms and every
woman knows them there is one un
failing remedy , Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Pre
scription , " the favorite of the sex.
Mr. Neat is a state senator in Kentucky.
Of course he is not gaudy.
A Stroiis Endowment
is conferred upon that magnificent institu
tion , the human system , by Dr. Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery" that fortifies
it against the encroachments of disease. It
is THE great blood purifier and alterative ,
and as a remedy for consumption , bron
chitis , and alj diseases of a wasting nature ,
its influence is rapid , efficacious and per
manent. Sold everywhere.
The empress of Japan speaks English with
a sort of pigeon-toed accent.
The new combination of Smart Weed and
Belladonna , as used in Carter's Backache
Plasters has proved to be one of the best
that could be made. Try one of these
popular plasters in any case of weak or
lame back , backache , rheumatism , neu
ralgia , soreness of the chest or lungs , etc. ,
and you will be surprised and pleas d by
the prompt relief. In bad cases of chroniu
dyspepsia , a plaster over tho pit of tho
stomach stops the pain at once. Ask for
Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Back
ache Plasters. Price 25 cents.
Who says March is the pleasantest
month in the year ?
Gen. John A. Logan
Will begin a series of reminiscences of the
war in the National Tribune , Washington ,
D. C. , with the issue of April 2. Subscrip
tions should be sent in at once to secure
the first number. Price , § 1.00 per annum.
If you try to step on the corn of p > <
gress , yon uill get knocked down.
After being a victim of severe rheu
matism for three years , I was induced to
try Athlophoros , and am now glad to
state that I am free from pain. Mary I.
Whiting , 810 University avenue , Madison ,
Wis. , one of the oldest residents.
Judge Totirgee likes to read the love let
ters of school girls.
Can Bo Had If Wanted.
"Have you any malaria here ? " asked a
iady who was looking at a boarding-
place for her family. ' 'Well , " said the land
lady , "we hain't got none jist now ; folks
haven't asked for it ; but we'll get it for
your family il you want it. " Most folks get
malaria without wanting it. To get rid of
itsnoxious effects , use Brown's Iron Bitters.
Mrs. S. R. MacDonald , New Haven , Conn. ,
says , "I suffered from malaria for nearly
six years. Brown's Iron Bitters cured me
completely. "
Mrs. Hancock's friends in Washington
are talking of presenting her a house.
Branching Out.
The Sioux City Nursery and Seed com
pany purchased the 2-10-acre farm of Henry
Fachman. two .and a Imlf miles north of
the city , for § 12.000. It will be devoted
to the growing of nursery stock and seeds.
This , with the 225 acres already under cm
tivation , will make the largest acreage con
trolled by any company west of the Missis
sippi river. The company will build a largo
house for offices and warerooms this sum
mer. [ Sioux City Journal.
Physicians may be even-tempered men ,
but yet they frequently get out of patients.
Tnn habit of running over hoots or shoes cor
rected Hlth Lynn's i'atcnt Heel StllTenere.
The cater-piller The quack doctor. He
makes the butterfly , too.
A CENTURY or PKOGRESS has not pro
duced a remedy equal to Ely'sCream Balm
for Catarrh , Cold in the Head and Hay
Fever. It is not a liquid or a snuff , but is
perfectly safe and easily applied with tho
finger. It gives immediate relief and cures
the worst cases. Price 50 cents. At drug
gists. 60 cents by mail. Ely Bros. , Oweso ,
A COLD of unusual severity which I took
last autumn developed into a difficulty de
cidedly catarrhal in all its characteristics , '
threatening a return of my old chronic
malady , catarrh. One bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm completely eradicated every
symptom of that painful and prevailing
disorder. E. W. Warner , 1G5 Hudson
Street , Rochester , N. Y.
ELY BROS. , OWEGO , N. Y. : Please send
me two bottles of Cream Balm. I can't do
without it. It is the best medicine for
Catarrh in tho world. J. C. Edmonson ,
Loup City , Neb.
Women who vote in Washington territory
are called ballot-girls. .
As a toilet luxury , Hall's Hair Renewer
never fails to give satisfaction.
Sufferers from Bronchitis will find speedy
relief by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Ex-Senator Tabor , of Colorado , is a man
of many mines.
H. C. Mooney , of Astoria , 111. , writes us
that Allen's Lung Balsam , which he Las
sold for fifteen years , sells better than any
other cough remedy , and gives general sat-
isfaction. 'Tis frequently recommended
Tiy the medical profession here.
The Iiant Effort the Best.
"This is a world of effort , wo know ,
Fanny , and wo must never yield when so
much depends upon us , " Mrs. Chick said to
Mrs. Dombey as the latter lay dying soon
after little Paul had been ushered into tho
world. But Mrs. Domboy could not make
an effort and "drifted out upon the dark
and unknown sea that rolls round all tho
world. " Mrs. Chick was not an agreeable
character and no words of hers could rouse
tho gentle mother's spirit.
"We will make one more effort , " said
Mrs. 0. Thornton , of Stjuart , la. , to her
husband when he was utterly discouraged
by sickness. Mr. Thornton made the effort ,
and why it was necessary for him to make
it he tells as follows :
"I had been subject to the rheumatism
for several years , it often confining me to
the house for two or three months at a
time. During my last attack I was entirely
helpless and could not do so much as to
feed myself. I had been in this condition
for six weeks and was getting very much
discouraged , as nothing I had already done
had even given me relief. My wife noticed
the advertisement of Athlophoros about
tho first time it appeared in our papers.
She said to me :
' "Well , here is another remedy for rheu
matism. We will make one more effort. '
"I took my first dose about G o'clock and
almost directly went to sleep. Not having
had any sleep for three or four nights the
relief was gladly received. I slept soundly
until 9 o'clock , when my wife awoke me to
take another do&e. I had been for several
weeks lying on a lounge. When I awoke to
take my second dose I found that I could
move without pain. I said to my wife :
" 'I guess I w ill get up and go to bed , and
I did , getting a good sound sleep. Thenext
day I was up and could walk around. I
co tinned with the medicine until I had
used three bottles. In five days after Iliad
taken my first dose of Athlophoros I went
to work and I haveneverlost a day's work
from rheumatism since. That was over a
year ago. "
"You probably spent considerable money
before that in doctoring yourself with dif
ferent kinds of medicines , Mr. Thornton ? "
"Yes , I did. If I had known of Athlo
phoros four years ago it would have saved
mo much suffering and money for medicine ,
as well as the time I lost in not being able
to woik. "
"Don't you think you ran a risk in going
to work bo soon after suchalong&ickneas ? "
"I did , no doubt , but I felt assured that
I now had a remedy thatwould soon knock
the rheumatism out of mo if I had it again.
I felt anxious to goto work afterbeingkept
from it so long. Athlophoros has done for
me what nothing else could do , and I take
pleasure in iccommending it to others. It
has proved itself in my case to be all that
it is claimed to be. "
Mr. Thornton is employed in theChicago ,
Rock Island and Pacific Railway shops at
Stuart , and is well known as a hard-work
ing and industrious citizen. Hetakesgreat
pleasure in telling the story of his cure and
often says that that "one more effort" was
the best he ever made , and that he owes
life probably to Athlophoros.
If you cannot get ATHLOPHOROS of your
druggist , we will send it , express paid , on re
ceipt jof regular price one dollar per bottle.
We prefer that you buy it from your drug
gist , but if he hasn't it , do not be persuaded
to try something else , but order at once
from us , as directed. ATHLOPHOROS Co. ,
112 Wall Street , New York.
A candied girl never "sours on us , " she
always has a Mvect disposition.
Vton Babynras sicVwe g vo her Castorla ,
"Wton aho was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she bcramo Misi , she clung to Castoria ,
TVtan she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
Three things to contend for Honor ,
country , friends.
BUY SALZER'St ( Croi clTlfc ) SEEDS. C.IS.FW.
Eve was the first woman to gatherleaves
in the "Fall/ ;
I A.TKA"TSobt.iiiic < l by fouisIrejerS : Co. , At
torney * , WashiiujtoiijD.C.Eat l 18G-L Advice free. is in of quest game , a point
er , furnished by a friend , is always welcome.
In another column of this issue will bo
found an entirely new and novel specimen
of attractive advertising. It is one of the
neatest we have ever seen , and we think
anyone will be well repaidforexaminingthe
htipposed display letters in the advertise
ment of Prickly Ash Bitters.
Are the months In which to purify your blooJ , and
for this rurposu I here is no medicine equal to Hood's
Sarsnp.irilla. It purifiesltallzes. . and enriches the
blood , removing all traces of scrofula or other ills-
case. It creates an appetite and Imparts new-
strength and visor to the wioe ! ! body. H is the Ideal
spring med'cinc. Try It this tca on.
"I take HooJ's S maparllla for a spring medicine ,
and I find It Just the thins. It tones up my sj stem
and makes me feel like a diire-ent ma-i .My wife
takes It for dyspepsia and she derives Krcat .beneilt
from It. She says It Is the best mcdlelnc she ever
took. " FIA.VIC C. TL-RN-ER , Hook & Ladder Xo. 1.
Fr'en I S rect , Doston. Mass.
"When I began taking llool's Sarsaparllla I was ;
illzzy In the morning , had a headache , anj no appc- :
tite ; but now I can hardly get enough cooked to eat. "
EMJIA SIIKPAF.D , 1 Coral tt-cct , Woiccsler , Mass.
"I have used HooJ's Scrsaparllla In my family and
consider It a splendid blood purifier. " * J. P. WILD
Himr. Xorth Tin Street , Brooklyn , X.T.
Hood's Sarsapanlla
Sold by all druggists. ! ; six for . . Prepared by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
JOO Doses One Dollar
n ttl-nPr SAT.T'Or'nX , Tmvclfnjjanil E
WANTeW , Local , to s-cllLuLncatinsOils. |
C. F. DlKTEItlCIlS , Cleveland Ohio. Send ?
StamD for reply. P
Regards to Esteemed Contemporaries.
We have sent tli3 Adviser to a number of
papers in this state , asking an exchange ,
but as yet very few have responded. If
this is tho way the editors in this region aro
in the habit of doing , we hope every one of
them will sometime find themselves start-
ins * a new paper in the same kind' of a coun
try. [ Voltaire ( Kas. ) Adviser.
"I always let a cold go as it comes" one
says ; which means that he overworks tho
system in getting rid of a cold rather than
assiht it by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
25 cents.
Arabi Pasha is as homesick aa a boy at
boarding school.
f ARBOLISALVEcures itchings and Irrt-
\ _ ftations of tho Skin and Scalp , Poisons ,
Piles and Ulcers. Cures Bunisnml S
outaScar. 23 and 50 eta. at Druggists.
When railroad fare goes down the hopes
of the people go up.
DURING ONK-THIRD of our time tho"pro
cesses of digestion must goon in ourbodies ,
and if the stomach and bowels are not well ,
nothing is well. To be dyspeptic is to be
miserable ; dyspepsia is the foundation of
fevers and diseases of the blood , liver , skin
and kidneys. Dyspepsia invariably yields
to "the virtues of Du. WALKIII'S CALIFORNIA
Mark Twain is growing gray , but not
grave , so far as his funny business goes.
Rao's Remedy for Citnrrh is agreeable to use. It
is not a liquid or a Euulf. JUc.
This medicine , combining' Iron with pure
Vegetable tonics , quickly and completely
Cures Dyspepsia , IndigestionVen.uiienM ,
Impure Hlaod KIaluriajChillsaiidFevcrs ,
and Neuralgia.
Itis an unfailing remedy for Diseases of tha
Kidneys mid l.ivcr.
It is invaluable for Diser es peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produce constipation other Jr < m medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy. &c. , it has no equal.
JJ3The genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
OF SMAIjIj MEANS inihp New lucrative busi
ness ot * noaiE PHOTOGRAPHY. "
Uy the New 1)RV ( Gelatine ) Process Men or Women with
no experience make Jlrst-clasa Photographs of Per
sons , Groups Buildings , or Animals. Material" cost 50c.
for 1 duzen laree Pholrw. ihat sell for S4 to 86. Affords
Steady Worte and Big Profits operated with other
buxinew , oral home , or ironi fiouie to house. ( It's no
pcdJlincrilclusniii ) . It's a regular trade , wnrthyattentioiil
Apparatus i * portahle * cheap , set up mdiiors or outdoors.
To EARNEST applicants ( one copv ) nf process Illustrated
FREE. Sample Photos lOcts. FRANKLIN PUTNAM.
M-'fr & Dealer Photo. Apparatus. 483. 483 CanalSLN.Y
1,001 Impnrtantthinps yon novcr kncwor thought
of aliont tho human body anil ita cnrioun organ * .
Jowlifeisperpetuatedthealtlisaied , < lisease induced
Jfoia to avoid pitfalls of ignorance and indiscretion ,
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