F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers. PEOPLE'S CAUCUS. A People's caucus of the electors of McCook , Neb. , is hereby called by the undersigned for the purpose of putting in nomination a candidate for Mayor and the other city officers necessary to be elected at the election to be held April Gth188G. , . Said caucus to be held at Menard's Opera Hall , Saturday even ing-March 27th , 18SG. J. 11. Phelan. C. F. Babcock , T. G. Rees , F. S. Wilcox. Geo. Hocknell , John Farley , Thos. rolfer , H. H. Berry. A. Campbell , Jos. Menard , "W. M. Lewis , A. C. Clyde , C. S. McCamrnon , S. H. Colvin , W O Saylor , J.Byron Jennings , A. E. Lytlc. R. S. Cooloy , H. Trowbridge , P.Walsh. S L. Green , C. E. Boyd , AV. W. Palmer , J. A. Wilcox , E. M. Brickey , A. P.robst. T. M. Helm , L. L. Hulburd , J. E. Cochran , J.F. GanBchow , G. L. Laws , W. S. Wheeler , K. B. Wahlqulst. E. S. Welch , J. E. Berger , James McEntce. S. Strusscr. THE Haigler Reporter by E.S. Waite is the latest candidate for journalistic honors. The Reporter is neat and newsy , and merits success. BROS. ASIIWILL nnd Downer of the Stratton papers will say something about one another if they continue their present spat. Better let up , boys. THE great railroad strike is having a serious effect on the trade of St. Louis According to the clearinghouse reports the trade of the city has been damaged to the extent of $4.000,000 , and the St. Louis Republican charges it up mostly to the bull-headedness of Rail- Manager Hoxie. THE Yuma Sun by Fred C. Probst is among the late visitors to this office. The Sun carries that time-worn "gag , " ' ; Tell the truth , " at its mast-head , and we will watch with considerable interest Fred's futile attenips at practicing the virtue thus promulgated. It has come to bu regarded as an impossible demo cratic achievement. THE last act in the Oakland tragedy was ended on Sunday night by the firing of the barn in which the murderer An derson , alias Wright , had taken refuge and the destruction of the building and its contents with several head of horses as well "as of the desperado. The citi zens that pursued the murderer seems to hare been lacking a cool headed leader. There was apparently no necessity for the sacrifice of the two lives that the siege cost , nor the roasting of the horses by the burning of a valuable barn. Pickets could have been stationed out of the range of the murderer and the watch kept up until he appeared. He would have been forced out of his hid ing place at a smaller expense to the proprietor of the premises and the pub lic and probably without the loss of life. It would have been merely a question of time and-the exercise of some patience on the part of the citizens in pursuit. DRIFTWOOD DRIFTINGS. The spring time has comegentle An nie , and the husbandman goeth forth to sow. Mrs. Robinson's house is finished and will be a cozy home for the lady and her family. Mr. Palmer is moving into his new house. In this case McCook's loss will be our gain. The road commissioner has commen ced work on the bridge icross Driftwood at the centre of section 16 , township 2 , range 30 , which will fill a long-felt want. Rev. Geo. Dungan pr ached at Vail- ton , last Sunday , administering tho sac rament of the Lord's Supper , and re ceiving nine new members into the church. The delegation from Ohio received an addition to their number by the ar rival of Mr. Alum and family , and Miss Doll , whose mother is homcsteading in this vicinity. A young homesteader put * in his ap pearance at the residence of Daniel Clements , a few days ago , and was im mediately adopted by the whole family , and Daniel bought another farm , on the the strength thereof. MAX. In view of the increasing number of trains on the B. & M. in Nebraska and the corresponding increase of danger of accidents , the officials have promul gated an order that all engineers , fire men , brakemen and conductors must be examined for color blindness. Those who are unable to pass will be asked to resign. Exchange. COUNTY-SEAT ITEMS. , Sam Askmoreof ilcCoqk was in onrplace Sunday. Sheriff Welbom Is building n fence aroum the jail. E. Kendall of McCook was a visitor in oui place , Friday. EditorVahlquistof theifcCook Democra was in our town , Tuesday. Col. R. M. Suavely of Indianola was amonj the callers at McCook , Tuesday. Maj.R.H.Criswell of Indianola was amonj the visitors to McCook , Tuesday. Hon. C. F. Babcock , Receiver of the Lane Office at McCook , was in this place , Sunday W. II. McCartney has rented his house fa Mrs. Aiken , who intends nmning a first-clas : private boarding house. Rev. James Leonard moved his family t < Curtis , last Wednesday , where they are nov located on his pre-emption. J. S. Phillips , our hardware man , is enlarg ing his hardware store by building a largi addition on the rear of his present quarters C. G. Eustis , brother of General Passenge Agent Enstis of the TJ. & M. , stopped here Sunday , on his way to Curtis , where he in tends starting a bank. The ball given by W. H. McCartney , St Patrick's eve , was a grand success. Then was a good crowd out and everyone who ex pressed an opinion seemed perfectly satisfied Indianola is taking the boom early , am building is commencing In full blast. Mr Smith's residence , Mr. Powell's new brick and a large carpenter shop in the east part o the city. So much for the boom. March 24,1880. NONDESCRIPT. Commissioners' Proceedings. o OFFICE OF COITNTY CLF.RK. > Indianola , Neb. , March 16,1880. f The board of County Commissioners me pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 11 , 1886 Present , Chairman S. L. Green , Commissiono Crabtrce , and County Clerk C. D. Cramer Minutes of the last meetingwore road and ap proved. On motion the followingprecinct officer were appointed : E. Oxley , justice of the peace , North Vallo ; precinct. R. C. Catlett , justice of the peace , Nortl Valley precinct. A. H. Bowdish , justice of the peace , Eas Valley precinct. William Ford , constable , Gerver precinct. Robert Ackermanconstable , Grant precinct George Bentley , constable , .North Valiej precinct. F. A. Leap , assessor. North Valley precinct Howe Smith , assessor , Grant precinct. Milton R. Coulton , assessor. Beaver precinct S. H. Colvinassessor , WillowGrove precinct The resignation of J. E. Berger , of the office ofassessor of Willow Grove precinct , was ac cepted. J. H. Everist , overseer road district No. 17. Joseph Downs , ovarseor road district No. 15 AugustKuhlman.overseer road district No.l George Burt , overseer road district No. 11. Stephen Bolles. overseer road district No. 7 On motion the official bonds of precinct offi cere were approved as follows : ASSESSORS. S. H Colvin Willow Grove precinct E.C.Bartholomew Lebanon precinct CONSTABLE. George Bentley North Valley precinct OVERSEERS. August Kuhlman road district No. J C.C-Smith road district No. K Robert Moore road district No. H J.H. Everist road district No. l'i Win. H. Smith road district No. If Joseph A. Carter road district No. 2 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. R. C Catlett North Valley precinct E. Oxley North Valley precinct On motion anew road district was establish edembracing all of town. 3 , range 30 , except that part of section 36 which lies south of the Republican river , to be known as road district No. 20. On motion road district No. 17 was divided , and ail the territory embracing the north hall of town. 1 , range 28 , established as road dis trict No. 27 ; and all the territory embraced in the south half of town. 1 , range28 , to be known OB road district No. I" . On motion Edmund Wyckoff wns appointed road overseer of road district No. 27. On motion George White was appointed road overseer of road district No. 26. On motion the following claims were audited and allowed , and the clerk was directed to draw warrants on the 1885 levy general fund : Frank T. Moore , ballot box. $1.50. Robert Ackerman , judge of election , claim § 3.00. allowed $2.00. H. H. Horton , judge of election and return of poll books , $5.80. J. W. Daniels , clerk of election and return poll books , $5.30. W. B. Spain , judge of election and return of poll books , $5.80. Thomas E. Brown , judge of election $2.00. Joseph B. Teas. 3 ballot boxes , ? 3.50. Lathrop & Watkins.supplies for clerk's office , S1.50. G. H. Purdum , supplies for county offices , * S.20. G. H. Purdum , supplies for county offices , § 4.00. Mrs. L. T. Baker , board and care of paupers , § 25.20. J. W. Welborn , sheriff , boarding Andrew Murphy , ? 225. Robert Welborn , court house janitor , $7.50. Hal lack & Howard , coal for court house and jail. 57.91. Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , jail material , E3.12. J. H. Bennett , deputy sheriff , fees in case State vs. Andrew Murphy , $1.70. Hallack & Howard , coal for destitute , $10.67. On motion adjourned. S. L. GREEN , Chairman. 2. D. CRAMER , County Clerk. The informal meeting held at Red Willow , last Thursday , to canvas the idvisability of voting precinct bonds to auild a bridge over the Republican , in ihe vicinity of the mouth of the Willow , vas not a succes. No one seemed to enow for what purpose the meeting was jailed , nor who called it. R. Black Forest Seedling Trees. ° 100,000 Black Walnut Seedling Trees , 2 years old , 12 to 18 inches high , incc transplanted. In nice condition o plant-out. ROBT. W. FURNAS , 43-2ts. Brownville , Nebraska. FOR SALE. Early Beauty of Hebron , Mammoth 'earl and White Star seed potatoes. J. F. BLACK , ,2-5ts. Red Willow , Nebraska. NOTICE. A. L. Lytie of Quincy , Michigan , father of Lytle Bros. , has associated with them a stock of hard ware , hetween their stores at McCook and Benkelman , which stores will from this date he con ducted under the firm name of Lytle Bros. & Co. This addition makes theiu the largest and best selected stock of hardware in western Nebraska. The old firm most respectfully thanks the public for their liberal patronage in the past , and hopes by-square dealing , good goodsand low prices , to merit a liberal share in the future. Respectfully , 43-2ts. LYTLE BROS. & Co. FARM LOANS. Cash Down. No Delay. No need of waiting to send of ? appli cations. Money paid over as soon as papers are completed. Call on or ad dress , RED WILLOW Co. BANK , 43-tf Indianola , Neb. IMPROVING Mr. and Mrs. Franklin's little daughter , who has been seriously ill for. some time past , and upon whom an operation was performed , Monday , we are pleased to report , is now improving. Blood poisoning is the cause of the sickness. Dr. Stutzman has the case in charge. - tv- A number of our people , among them Register Laws and family , Mrs. Bosley , and Receiver and Mrs. Babcock , have gone or are going to Denver , this week , to hear Mary Anderson , who appears at Tabor Grand , Thursday , Friday and Saturday. ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT. This agreement entered into this First day of March , 18SC , by nnd between the Lincoln Lund Company of the first part and the town of McCook , party of the second part. WITNKSSETH. That the party of the first part hereby agrees to place in the town of McCook ten fire hydrants , connected with their water mains , and supplied with water through three- inch pipe , and to keep the same in pood work ing order to be located as follows : One at the corner of Dennison and Macfarland. one at the corner of Dennison and Main , one at the cor ner of Dennison and Madison , one at the cor ner of Douglass and Macfarland , one at the corner of Douglass and Main , one at the corner of Douplass and Madison , one at the corner of Douglass and Monmouth , one at the corner of Dakota and Manchester , one at the corner of Dakota and Marshall , and one at the corner of Dakota and Monroe Streets. IN CossiDEiiATiox' WHCIIEOF , The party of the second part agrees to pay to the party of the first part , Sl. > 0 April 1st , 1SSC , and SloO the first of each succeeding quarter , for a term of live years ; being an annual rental of § i00 ! for the use of said hydrants. The said hydrants to be used by the party of the second part for fire purposes only : to supply water to tho fire company in time of confiagration or for prac- tice.which practice shall not exceed one stream of water & hour , or two streams J-i hour , each four times during each of tho months of No vember. De'cember. January. February , March and April ; not to exceed Ji hour twice during each of the months of May , June..Tuly.August , September and October : each occasion to use hydrants in case of conflagration to take tho place of one practice. The party of the first part shall have full control and supervision of said hydrants , except in time of conflagration , at which time the party of the second part shall have full control of the hydrants and water mains. If hydrants are used in excess of specillcations , the party of the second part will pay to tho party of tho first part twice the barrel or meter rates of said Company for amounts used , which shall be determined by the superintendent of works. AttestV. . C. LATomiETTE. Chairman. F. M. KIMXIEM , , Village Clerk. Dated , McCook , Neb. , March 1.1888 , AN ORDINANCE To provide for tho organization and incorpor ation of a city of the second class. BE IT OKDAINEDBy the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the village of McCook , Neb. : SECTION 1. 'Ihe Village of McCook , Hed Willow County , Nebraska , organized on tho 27th day of November , A D. , 18S3 , under the statutes of tho State of Nebraska , hereby in corporates itself under the provisions of Chap ter 14 of the Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska , asatnended-March 5th. 1K > 5 , entitled "Cities of the second class and Villages , " to bo called the city of McCook. and said village is hereby declared to be a city of the second class. SECTION 2. Tho city of McCook shall be di vided into two wards , to bo bounded , limited and numbered as follows , to-wit : AH of the territory lying east of thocentro of Main Ave nue , within Unincorporated limits of McCook , shall constitute and comprise the first ward ; and all of the territory lying west of the cen tre of said Main Avenue within the limits of McCook. to comprise tho second ward. SECTION 3. There shall be hold on Tuesday , 6th day of April , 1880. an election , at which election the followingollicers shall bo elected , to-wit : One Mayor , one Police Judge , one City Clerk , one City Engineer , one City Treasurer , two Councilman in the first ward , and two Councilman in the second. Also , a Board of Education , consisting of six (6) ( ) members. Two of said board to serve for 3 years , two for 2 years , and two for 1 year. SECTION 4. The poll or voting place in the first ward shall be at the office ot Cooley &Col- vin , in said ward , and W. W. Fisher , A. J. Pate and H.M.Kced shall act as Judges of Election , and f. S Wilcox and J.I * . Israel shall act as clerks of said election , in said ward. The poll or voting place in the second ward shall be at the Hocknell Hoso Cart building on Dennison street in said ward , and B. F. Olcott. K. S. Cooley and W. H. Uea shall act as Judges of said electiouand Pat Walsh and A.H.Steadman shall act as Clerks of the election in said ward. All votes shall be cast between the hours of 8 o'clock , A. M. and 6 o'clock , P. M. . in said wards.mountaintJme. PROVIDED , Thatif the Judges and t lerks do not appear at the time and place herein mentioned and enter upon the duties of said offices , their places suall bp filed by consent of those residents of said ward present at said ward poll , as soon as may be after said hour of 8 A. M. SECTION 5. The said JutJgns and Clerks pro vlded for in section 4 , shall make tally lists of all votes coet as near as may be in the manner provided by law for such offices at state elec tions , and shall return thp same certified to be correct and true , to tho city clerk within two days after said election day. SECTION 6. The clerk shall file and preserve such tally lists , trom which the council shall ascertain the name of officers elected , at their next meeting after said election , which meet ing shall be held ou the evening of the second day after said election. &ECTIOS7. Thisordinanceshallbopublished in THE McConif WEEKLY TRIBUNE , for three consecutive weeks , commencing' March 4,1886. Passed and approved this "firstday qf March , 1886. w. C. LATouiiETTE , i bafrmaii. Attest : F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk. ELECTION NOTICE. Pursuant to an Ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees of the Village tit McCook , Neb. , on tho 1st day of March , 1888 , incorpora ting tho said Village as a city of tho second class , notice is hereby given that on Tuesday , April 6th , A. D. , 1886 , the first annual election of said city will be held for the election of the following officers : One city mayor. One city clerk , One police judge. One city treasurer , One city engineer , Two councilman in the first ward. Two councilmen in the second ward , 6 Members Board of Education. The office of Cooley & Colvin on East Den nison street in said ward is hereby designated as the polling place of the first ward. The voting place of the second ward shall be at the Hocknell Hose Cart building on West Dennison street in said ward. Polls will open at 8 o'clock , A. M. , mountain time , and close at G o'clock , p. M. , mountain time , in both wards. W. C. LaTOURETTE. Chairman. Attest : F. M. KIMKELL , Village Clerk. Dated , JUroh 4th , 1833. ROOMS FOR RENT. o Suite of unfurnished rooms , in cen tral location. Inquire at this office. ' RESOLUTION. RESOLVED , That tho Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCook be au thorized and empowered , and he is hereby in structed to enter Into a contract with the Lin coln Land Company , agreeing to pay to tho Lincoln Land Company 600 per annum , paya ble quarterly in advance ; quarterly payments of $150 to be paid by the Town of McCook to the Lincoln Land Company on the first day of April , I860 , and SISOon the first of each suc ceeding quarter Thereafter , fora term of live years , for the use of ten fire hydrants for the fire department of the Village of McCook. Said hydrants to be used for the purpose of supplying water to said village in time of con flagration , or for practice of said lire depart ment , which practice shall not exceed one stream of watei JJ hour , or two streams of water J4 hour , four times during each of the months of November December , January , February. March and April ; and nottoexcced U hour twiceduring tho months of May , June , July , August. September and October : each occasion to use hydrants in case of conflagra tion to take the place of one practice. The Lincoln Land Company is to have full control and supervision of said hydrants , except in time of conflagration , at which time the Vil lage of McCook shall have full control of tho hydrants and water mains If hydrants are used in excess of specification in contract , the Village of McCook is to pay to the party of tho . .first putt twice tho barrel or meter rates for the amount used which shall lie determined by the superintendent of the works. Attest : W. C. LATOUKKTTE. Chairman. F. M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk. Dated , McCook , Neb. . March 1,188U FINAL PROOF NOTICES. _ _ _ "WN y-Vy-l "sVX - ' -s/- < * ---t > * / - * N- LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. . ) March 20th. ISSIi. j Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be imule before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook Neb. , on Tuesday , , May 4 , ISSO.viz : Lewis B. March. Homestead I Eutry 2764 , for tho southeast quarter section 1 , township 2 north , range 2 ! ) west ( ! th P. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ! of.said land , viz : D. H. Babbitt , Richard John- ' son. Henry Vogas and W. W. Fisher , all of Mc Cook. Neb. 42 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OPKICC AT MCCOOK. NEB" , I March 17th , ISSrt. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday. May 1 Ith. 1S86. vL : : James W. McCarthy , home stead entry 2164 , for the southeast quarter of section 34 , township 1 north , range : > 0 west 6th P M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous rcsidonceupon , ami cul tivation of. said land , viz : Josiah A. Frciiph , William H.Honjamin. Sidney Dodgennd James B. Farusworth , all of McCook. Neb. 42 G. L. LAWS. Itegistcr. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEB. , i March 12th , ISMi. f Notice i ? hereby given that the following- named bottler has filed notice of his intention i to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made betore Regis ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Snturditv , May 1st , 188fi. viz : William P. Fritts , D. S. i.50 , for tho south H northeast f4 section 2 ; ! . town ship 4 north , range 20 west 6th P.M. He names the following witnesses to prq * e his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Jacob Long , Josiah E. .Moore. Ira J. Miller and Alex. W.Campbell , all of Rox , Elder , Nebraska. 42. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , Neb. , i March 12th , 18SC. ) Notice is hereby given that the lollowiug- i named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made beiore Regis- teror Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday , May 1st. 1S86. viz : Alexander W. Campbell , homestead entry 2649. for the southeast northeast4. south't southeast > * . northeast u southeast bi of section 15 , township 4 north , range 29 west. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said hind , viz : Steph en T. Bolles , Josi..h E. Moore. William T. Ham ilton and Jacob Long all of Rox Elder. Neb. 42 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAXD OFFICE AT McCooK. NEB. , / March 8th. KS80. J Notice is hereby given that tho follou-inir- muncd settler hag filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Fridav , April 10th. 1880. viWilliam H. Alliiigtoh. Homestead Entry 116. lor the W. y. N. W. of section 1 and E. 53 N. E. if section "i , township 1 north , range 28 west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : F. W. Weaver , J. C. Lalferty , J. C. Foutz and P. M. Graham , all of Daubury , Neb. G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , Neb. , i March 8th. 18e6. f Notice is Ijereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his cltum , and thattraid ptool'will be made boture Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Nob.on Saturday , April 17th. IbSU.viz : Joseph Dnscoll , D. S. 2511 , for the north west H section 7touuship.j north , range 29 westii P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John Foley , NelsDonlaud , James Foley , and Peter Larson , all of Box Elder , Nob. 41 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , t .March'Jth , IbbU. \ Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proot in support of his claim , and that said proof will bu iiutdc before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Iscb. , on Friday , April I6th , K&tS.viz : Herman Thole , homestead entry 3170 , lor the northeast } * northwest H , and lots 1,2 and 3 section 28 , township : j north , range 30 west. He names tho following wit- nes es to prove his continuous resilience upon , and cultivation of. said hind , viz : Jacob H. Evans , Adolph Rheischick. Charley Burster and Charles Vollbrecht , all of AlcL'ook , Neb. 41 G. L. LAWti. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i .March 1st , li6. f Notice is hereby given that the lollowing- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Recpjver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , April 9th , IbSU. v\t \ : Zacljeus L. Kay , Home stead Entry 772 , for the south & northwest & section 17 , township 3 north , range 29 west 6th P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cul tivation of , said land , viJohn Henderson , John Smith , Altred Carter and niraiuK. Bixler all of McCook , Neb. 40. G. L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICK AT MCCOOK , NEB. , t March2d , IhsG. f Notice is hereby given that the following- nHined settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday , April 9th. Ibb6 , viz : Edward F. Duffey , D. S. ! 425 , for the southwest H southeast Ji of gec- tson 23. township 2 , north of range 30 west. 6 [ ' . MHe names the following witnesses to srovo his continuous residence upon , stud cul- : ivution of , said land. viz. NWickwiro. . E. tf. Benjamin and Fred Benjamin , of McCook , tfeb. , and F. D. Smith , of Cedar Bluffs , Has. 40 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooic. NEB. , f February 24th , 18bG. f Notice is hereby giveu that the following- lamed settler qus filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , ind that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCook. Neb.on Thursday , ipril 8th. 18SO , viz : Francis M. Kennedy , H. 3. 1161 , for the northeast quarter of section 26 , ownship 2 north , range 'M west 6th P. M. Ho lames the following witnesses to prove his ontinuouc residence upon , and cultivation if. said land , viz : John Gillespio , William P. Cennedy , William Vincent and William Smith , II of McCook , Neb. 39 G L. LAWS. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i February 24th. 180. f Notice is hereby given that the following- iamed settler has filed notice of her intention B make final proof in support of her claim , nd that said proof will be made before Regis- sror Rcceivcrat McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , ipril 3d , 1880 , viz : Nettie E. Parks. D. S. 141S , or tho west Y southeast H of section 20. towuz hip 2 north , rango 30 west 6th P.M. She name- lie following witnesses to prove her continu- us residence upon , and cultivation of. said ind. viz : John P. Swanson. D A. Clements , ewls F. Fauss and E.M. Matson. all of McCook , leb. 8a G. L. LAWS , Holster. Twenty-Five Imported : " - * % J y T3 * i" i"\ STALLIONS ! Clydes , Normans , Engish-Shire and Cleveland Bays. Also a choice lot of lilph jjrade Draft Stallions and Carriage Horses , at LINCOLN , NEBRASKA , MARCH 25 , 1886. It Is a well known fact that horses do not thrive or breed well tho flrst year after Importa tion , or change of climate. None of my horses have heen in the state less than ono year , ihey are superior animals of their respective breeds , sound , healthy and thoroughly acclimated , and warranted sure breeders. Terms to suit purchaser with approved security. Sena lor catalogues to J. W. SMALL , Fairtlold , Neb. FRED. M. WOODS , O. M DHUSE. Alanaxer. UO Auctioneer. Lincoln , J eb. TH iOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , S50OOO.OO , : DOES A : siaess , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities f Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on farming lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : V. FJUNKMN , President. , First National Bunk , Lincoln , Nebraska. JOHN R. Cr.Aiuc , Vice-President. * 1h > Chemical National Hank , New York. A. C. EIJEIIT. Cashier. --S D WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Lath , Shinyles , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Cedar Posts , Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Paris. Also Hard and Soft Coal. MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. C. E. MePHERSON & CO , And Real Estate Brokers. OFFICE : West Dennison Street , McCOQK , NEBRASKA. nd Mill , Superior to any on the market , being Heavier. Stronger Built. and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower ftandlnp. A record no other Mill can show.Ve offer to put up any of ourTUMPIXO MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't jrlre satisfaction , will remove Milt at oar own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challense Feed Mills. Corn Shelters. Iron Pumps nith brass cylinders. Iron ripe. Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to THE ! MeCOOK OAN AND TRUST CO. , : - OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. lakes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. ' B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT EO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PBES.DENT , I F. L BROWN , TREASURER.