The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 11, 1886, Image 7

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    J There a Curefor Coiiauikptlon ?
We answer unreservedlv , yes ! If thepa
tient commences in time the use ol Dr.
Pierce'a-"Golden Medical Discovery , " and
cxercisesjiroper care. If allowed to run its
course too long nil medicine is powerless to
stay it. Dr. Pierce never deceives a patient
by holding out a false liope for the sake of
pecuniary gain. The "Golden Medical Dis-
cpYBgy lias cured thousands of patients
wuelrnotlrirr else seemed to avail. Your
f. druggist has it. Send two stamps for Dr.
Pierce's complete treatise on consumption
with numerous testimonials. Address
World's Dispensary Medical Association.
Buffalo , N.Y.
-Electrician Edison runs no risks in getting
married again. lie is very deaf.
Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" the original "Lit-
tie Liver Pills" ( sugar-coated ) cure sick
and bilious headache , sour stomach , and
bilious attacks. By druggists.
Minnie Maddcrn , the charming actress , is
a poetess , but never writes topical songs.
Thousands of women bless the day on
which Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription"
was made known to them. In all those de
rangements causing backache , dragging
down sensations , nervous and general de
bility , it is a sovereign remedy. Its sooth
ing anil healing properties render it of tho
utmost "value to ladies suffering from "in
ternal fever , " congestion , inflammation , or
ulccration. By druggists.
Photographs of Mrs. Logan nre said to
be more in demand than those of her hus
A Nnw IDEA embraced in Ely's Cream
Balm. Catarrh is cured by cleansing and
healing , not by drying _ up. It is not a
liquid or snuff , but is easily applied > vith
the finger. Its effect Is magical and a thor
ough treatment will cure the worst cases.
Price 50 cents. At druggists. GO cents by
mail. Ely Bros. , Owego , N. Y.
. I HAVE JJPE > ArFLirrno with catarrh for
20 years. Ifc had become chronic , and
there was a constant dropping of mucous
matter from the roof of my mouth. It ex
tended to my throat , causing hoarseness
and great difficulty in speaking ; indeed for
years I was nob able to speak more than
thirty minutes , and often this with great
lifliculty. I also to a great extent , lost
the sense of hearing in the left ear. and of
taste. By the use of Ely's Cream Balm I
have received more relief than from all
otherremedies beside. All dropping of mu
cous has ceased and my voice and hearing
are greatly improved. [ Jas. "W. Davidson ,
Attorney at Law , Monmouth , Warren Co. ,
Ben Butler's favorite bonk is the Bible.
He often commits whole chapters to
PATEIVTSobtHined l > y I .onis Jt.icgrr & Co. , At-
- torneys , "WashingtonD.C.Eal'J 1864. Adice free.
People call you dear , only when thej
would fawn upun you.
BURNS and Scalds are instantly rendered
painlcee , and invariably cnrcd without a scar , by
. the nse of Carbollsalve , the great skin remedy.
IS and50 cent * , at Drtipcists or by mail. Cole < fc
Co. , Black Bh cr Falls , Wis.
Flowers That Bloom
In the Sprlns , will be here before yon .know It , and
you should be jrepared to enjoy the most delightful
tcasqn of the year. To escape the depressing ,
debilitating effects of the changing season you should
purify your blood , and keep up a good appetite and
good digestion by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. A single
dollar for this reliable medicine now may save 3 ou
agoTd deal of money laterin the jear. " Talfc Know.
When 1 bought Boors Sarsaparilla I made a good
Imestment of one dollar in medicine for the fint
time. It has driven off rheumatism and improved
my appetite * d much that my boarding mis
tress Bays I must keep It locked up or Mis will be
obliged to raise my Inard with every other boarder
that takes Hood sSarsiparllla. " TuoiiiS BCBBEIL ,
SDTillary Sx , Brooklyn , 2f. Y.
"Hood's Sarfcaparllla was a God-send to me , for it
cured me of dyspepsia and Ucr complaint with which
I had suffered 30 years. " J. B. HOBXEKCK , South
Falliburg , JT. Y.
'Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by nil druggists. : six fortt. Prepared by
C. J.HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
JOO Doses One Dollar.
M you wish to be relieTed of those terrible Sick
Headaches and that miserable Sour Stom
ach. It willwhen taken according to direc
tions , cure any case of SIclc Headache
or Sour Stomacli. It cleans the lining of
stomach , and lioiveln , promotes healthy
Action and sweet secretions. It makes pure
felood and gives It free flow , thus sending
nutriment to every part. Jt is the safest ,
spcedlcMt and surest Veeetable Remedy
efer invented for all diseases of the stomach
and liver.
J. 31. Moore , of Farmine'on. Mich. , says : My
nu0erlns from Sick Hcadaclic and Sour
StomucU was terrible. Olio bottle of Hoj > s
and Molt Bitters cured mo.
Do not ret.Hops and ITIalt Bitters con
founded with inferior preparations of similar
name. For sale by all druggists.
GOODMAN DRUB CO , , Wholesala Agents ,
fNURE Biliousness , Sick Headache In Four Hours.
16) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and
prevent Chills < * Fever , Sour Stomach and Bad
Breath.Clear the Skin , Tone the Nerves , and giva
Ufa-nnd Vigor to the system. Dose : O3fK BEAK.
Try them once and YOU will never be without than.
Price , 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and
Hedlclne Dealers generally. Sent on receipt Of prfct
In sUusps , postpaid , to sny address ,
"fr 3. F. SMITH & CO. ,
MaapTa'ctnrers and Sola Prone > $ T. LOUIS. HCi
IK ohersoughtan
honest man with a lighted lantern ,
and humanity has since been
seeking an honest medicine by
the light of knowledge. It is found
TONIC , which produces the most
favorable results in disorders of
the Liver , Stomach , and Kidneys ,
and is a valuable remedy in Dys-
pepsiaj.also , debility arising from
malaria or other causes. It is a per
fect tonic , appetizer , blood puri
fier , and a sure cure for ague. 50c.
_ L
' \ " " T ' t.
T2xperlmcntinc Vltli a View to Sup
plying Tlorlda. ITlaliermen
AVlth Bait.
. A Grcon Cove Springs , Ha. , corre
spondent of The New York Sun writes :
The 'St. John's river is fairly alive with
fishes. "Teeming with fish and fishing
with teams , " is the way a newspaper ol
the river region headed an itsm about
carting away loads of fish to be used
' - * Bufthere
for-fertilizlng' ofaitge-tfces :
is a great scarcity of bait throughout
this region. To the majority of men
and boys who come down here from
the north bait means angleworms , fish-
worms , earth-worms that species ol
the genus lumbricus which can bn found
anywhere in the north in sizes to fit
any kind of hook by simply going
around behind the barn and turning up
the mold with a spade. But you could
turn up a million acres in Florida with
out unearthing a solitary angleworm.
The lumbricus doesn't know anything
about subsisting on canned provisions
from Chicago and Xew York , and so he
hasn't tried to live in Florida.
Various substitutes for the angle
worm 'are used by the native Florida
anglers such as fragments of disinem-
beiyd crabs , cut-bait , cotton rolled in
dough , chunks of canned ueef , and
bonnet-worms. To get crabs for bait
you must have a string with a piece oi
meat on the end of it and a scoop net ,
and lots of time and patience. To pro
cure a supply of cut-bait you must hire
a darky to go ; out with a cast net and
get so.iic shiners or hook you a catfish
and cut some strips from along his
ba''k-bone. Th's latter scheme for get
ting cut-bait is pursued to such an ex-
, tent that you can hardly find a big cat
fish that hasn't scars on his back where
strips of bait have been taken oft' Cot
ton"and dough make an easy bait to
get , but a hard one to catch fish with ,
and the same is true of Chicago'canned
bait. Bonnet-worms are by far the
most alluring bait procurable , but they
are hard to get. It is necessary to go
to the mouth of some creek whore there
are lily-pads , and hunt among them for
pads that have a hole running down in
to the stem. At the bottom of this
hole the bonnet-worm is found some
times. But he is made of stuft'very
closely resembling that of which the
jelly-fish is composed , and therefore is
not durable enough for the ordinary
wear and tear to which bait , even in
good fishing water , is subjected.
In view of the scarcity of bait and of
the demand for the alwa\s reliable an
gleworm a lady of this town lias started
an angleworm nursery. The worms
for making this interes'ting experiment
were procured in the north last fall and
brought in a small wooden pail filled
with rich mold. Upon arriving here
the pail of worms was buried in a cor
ner of the door-yard , half the mold hav
ing been taken out and an equal quan
tity of Florida soil or sand put in , and
holes having been cut in the sides
of the pail to admit of the worms going
out and returning in case they might be
disposed to explore the new elements
by which they were lo be surrounded ,
Recognizing the fact that if angleworm
culture was to bs made a success in
Florida it must bs through the worms
adapting themselves to the soil , and not
by fitting the sand for the worms , the
lady has done nothing to improve the
quality of the soil surrounding her in
teresting brood , but has simply made
their native mold half sand , as 'stated ,
and is anxiously noting the results of
this dilution.
As the worms were fortunately
transplanted deep enough to make them
below the "frost line. " they were not
injured by the recent freeze. In the
two months that have elapsed since they
were introduced into Florida soil they
have not perceptibly fallen away in
size , but they have lost much of their
conspicuous and alluring pink color ,
and have taken on a yellowish tinge.
Whether this is due to making the mold
half sand , or is a symptom of bilious
ness , has not been ascertained. A few
grains of quinine have been stirred into
the pail , and if the worms resume their
original color it will be reasonable to
infer that their off-color appearance was
due to malarious intluences. Much de
pends upon the settlement of this point ,
for , even if they should grow beyond
all expectation in their new element and
yet take on the color of the sand , they
would be almost invisible in water , and
consequently of no practical value as
bait. Thus far they have seemed to bo
shy of the unfertilized sand outside , and
have kfpt knotted together near the
center of their pail.
What tfars Wants.
They say the planet Jfars ,
The slyest of the stars ,
Is fairly tilled with hciugs who have cut their
optic teeth ;
And comet-catchers swear
That far above the air
They're trying to communicate with worlds
which roll beneath.
What can the creatures want ?
" \Vc wonder if they're traunt
And famishing for lodder , or are sufPring
from a drought ?
Perhaps , deprived of drink ,
They're criving us the wink ,
In Lopes we'll shoot some spirits thro' the sky
into each mouth.
Ah. no ! they are too fly
For earthly things to sigh.
The reason they are signaling they have an
cud in view ;
The frigid sky they scan ,
For they would find the man
Who never asked the question , "Is it cold
enough for you ?
"Jfrj/s" in''eto York ATorning Journal ,
Evidence That It Moves.
Surely the world moves. To-day
there are 75,000 women in Massachu-
seetts alone who are self-supporting.
Two generations ago no preparation
was made for women's education , a lit
tle reading , a little writing and arith
metic , a little music and dancing. Not
one college for women and not one co-
educattonal college in the world. In
the United States to-day there are 159
co-educational institutions. In 1841
women were permitted to engage in but
beven occupations , to-day 289 distinct
trades and professions are open to
them. . Let it be the credit ol
women that it is largely through their
own efforts that these changes have
been brought about Worcester (1/oss. )
BiblicalExampl en.
A bright five-year-old at < ! ' Highlands ,
who , it will be needless to Buy , is an inter
ested member of Ilia Sundny school , was
watching the moving of a family of boys
across the street with great anticipalion
written in his face. His mother , noticing
it , told him she didn't want him to play
with those boys because they were Jews.
"Well , mamma , " snid the bright little
fellow , after a moment's reflection , "wasn't
Jesus Christ a Jew ? "
Logical inference , surely. The same boy
- - -
for his unruly behavior.
"Why , " said his grandmother with a
sigh. "I don't know what will become of
you if you are such a bad boy. "
"Grandmn , " said he , his bright black
eyes twinkling and his voice full of hope lor
his own future , "wasn't St. Paul a bad
man once ? and he turned out well. "
If that boy keeps on we shall see him at
the bar or in the pulpit before many years.
[ Profotu.d Theologian * : in the Boston
Alonzo E. Stoddanl , the well-known bar
itone , never laughs at his own jokes.
It is said that Washington girls arc not
plump , but they are very pretty.
It is reported that Christiue Nillson will
retire from public life next year.
James Russell Lowell is the finest Spanish
scholar in the United Statca.
A woman at Augusta , Me. , has ordered a
set of teeth for her a ed pet pony.
Prof. C. A.Donaldson , of Louisville , Ky. ,
the well-known pioneer , in eighteen years
spent § 10,000 in trying to get rid of his
rheumatism , and failed. As last lie used
St. .Jacobs Oil , was cured and sold his
A little boy who had heard a good deal
about the work of the Home Missionary
Society in the territories , was seen putting
away carefully a cent which had b en given
him to spoiul. -
"What are you saving your money for ? "
he was asked.
"Oh , " was the reply , "I'm going to keep
.all my pennies till I get a lot. and then I'm
going to send 'cm all out West to Jesus ! "
[ Sunday School 'Visitor in Boston Record.
* The late State Chemist of Delaware , Prof.
Chas. P. Williams , says that Red Star
Cough Cure is safe and valuable and con-
tains neither morphia , opium norany other
narcotic poison. The price is only 25
Sam Jo IICH oil Orthodoxy.
God knocked the orthodoxy out of Peter
1,800 years ago. Then the Jews couldn't
see how God could save a gentile , and now ,
nflfcr 1,800 years , we are here and cannot
see how God can save a Jew. "What is
man's orthodoxy ? Nothing else but a fish
ing pole and line. If a fellow is eternally
fixing on his tackle , how's he overgoing to
catch fish ? The trouble with the preachers
in Chicago is that they think God loves a
Christian better than a sinner , a church-
member better than a bar-keeper. If we
put the thing in the right light we could un
derstand Hint Christ died because God
loved us. Whatever man may have , if the
spirit of love is wanting , he misses every
thing. _
OhI ye who teach the ingenius youth of
our great and growinging nation , let them
1 arn the noble act of self-defense , as Salva
tion Oil is THE specific for hurts.
It is estimated that the average girl can
consume three poundspf candy daily.
BUY SALZER'S ( laCmtM.wjs. ) SEEDS. C u.F e.
Senator Logan is as reluctant to tell his
age as women usually are. _
A MAN ix Ruixs. One of the most mel
ancholy spectacles in the wprld is a human
being shattered and .broken down by the
use of ardcntspirits and tobacco. But the
dilapidation may be repaired , the ruin re
stored to perfect soundness by. a course of
that most powerful of all vegetable invig-
S.nator Vance has sixteen relatives on
the government pay-roll. _
GErLyon's Heel Stiffcncrs applied to your boats
and shoes before you run them over.
Erast'is Corning has a collection of 50- ,
000 butterflies.
To Get Rid of Miner } ' .
What is the use of suffering from dyspep
sia , nervous prostration or debility , when
Brown's Iron Bitters will tone you up and
cast these horrors out ? There is joy in
every bottle of this valuable tonic. It
makes bad blood good , and bids dismal
people be cheerful. It brings good cheer to
the dinner table , and makes the family
happy. It drives away the blues , and
helps you to enjoy a hearty laugh. And
all the respectable druggists keep it.
SaraBcrnhardt will come to this country
with the flowers that bloom in the Spring.
We cannot renew youth , but we can
prevent gray hair by using Hall's Hair
Aycr's Pills are a never-failing remedy
for headaches , caused by a disordered
The King of Sweden , drinks nothing
stronger than coffee , and wears a blue rib
My wife was seriously afllicted with rheu
matism in her arms. She has now used
two bottles of Athlophoros and is well and
free from pain. I cheerfully recommend it
to my friends and the public. T. R. Lut-
zow , 121 North Butler street , Madison ,
Henry Irving prefers the bible and Shake
speare to all other books.
for Infants a
"Caaioria is so well adapted to childrea that I
t recommend i t as superior to any prescription
kaovmtome. " H.A. AacHEE,3LD. ,
HI Bo , OztordSfc , Brooklyn , N.T.
Ccrrauu COCTANT , 183 Fulton Street , N. T.
XVlien Does Old Age Begin ?
When does old age begin ? At forty-five ,
it is said , the amount of combustian which
keeps the furnace of the human body in
blast commences to decrease and dimin
ishes until three-score years and len ,
more or less , when the fires are
drawn and the flickering "flame dies
out. That is the physiological way of
looking at it. But sonic men are old before
they are out of their teens , while others ap
parently never grow old , though they live
to be centenarians. The poet's way' of it is the best :
"Call him not old hose visionary brain
Holds o'er the past its undivided reign.
For him in vain the envious seasons roll
Who bears eternal summer in his soul. "
This at least seems to be the way in
which David Littell , of Sumner , In. , looks
at life , for though now in his eightieth year
he has taken a new lease on life and is
apparently determined to hold on to it.
Athlophoros did ifc for him and he ac-
knowledges'his debt to it in terms of en
thusiasm. Mr. Littell tells his own story :
"I was past seventy-seven and had been
afllicted with rheumatism three years and
eight months. I had lost one third of my
weight and * could not walk , but shuffled
along with crutches. Sleep had desertel ,
me , my nerves were all shattered , and there
wfis no strength in my hands , wrists , knees
or feet. I could not stt'down or get up out
of a chair without help , and oh ! such pain ,
worse at night than in the day. There was
neither sleep nor rest , nnd the outlook was
painful in tho extreme.
"But thanks be to God and Brother In-
skip for sending me a paper containing a
notice of the cures made by Athlophoros
and thanks be to you forscnding me a. bot
tle. It appears to me the hand of God is
in it all the way , and if you did not hear
me shout , why then I did not shout loud
enough , that is all. The medicine arrived
oneSaturday night after I had gone to bed.
In the morning my son prepared me a dose
of two teaspoonfttls in milk. I took it and
felt it at once all over. After that I took
but one teaspoonful at a time until I had
finished the bottle. How did it act ? Why ,
like a charm. On Monday morning I rose,1
dressed , and walked out into tiie kitchen
without crutclies or cane and wished them
all a happy New Year.
"My pain is all gone and I rest well. My
son , seeing such a great change in me , wrote
for ten bottles in order , as he says , to make
a permanent cure of it. It is all more like
a dream than reality. I have written to
four of my friends who are afllicted with
rheumatism about the great medicine and
I shall write to others , and in this way try
to pay the debt.of gratitude.
"Some fourteen months ago , " says A.
Ilayward. of Burlington , la. , "I was at
tacked with inilamatory rheumatism. I
tried a dozen different kinds of medicine
said to cure rheumatism , but to no pur
pose. Finally , I procured a bottle of
Athlophoros. After using the bottle it did
me so much good that I bought another ,
but did not have to use more than a thirtl
of the second bottle before I was entirely
cured. From that time up to the present
I have never had anything like rheumatic
pains , and I thank Athlophoros for the
cure. "
Thomas McCue , Bush's block , Dulmque ,
Iowa , whose wife was cured l > 3 * Athlophoros
of a terrible case of rheumatism , declares it
was "truly a miracle in my wife's case. "
If you cannot get ATIILOPHOUOS of your
druggist , we will send it express paid , on re
ceipt of regular price one dollarperbottle.
We prefer that yon buy it from your drug
gist , but if he hasn't it , do not be persuaded
; to try something else , but order at once
from us , as directed. ATIH.OPHOKOS Co. ,
112 Wall Street , New York.
Sunset Cox spells his name "Kox" in Con
Short Hand taught bv mail. Address ,
S. E. Parker. Box 787. Omaha , Neb. '
25 25
for for
Cough. Croup.
CKNT VOTT1VFS are pup up for the
25 accommodation otall who desire a
Good ami Low JLriced
should Secure the Iv.irgo Ml.00 Uottles.
Directions accompany Knelt Bottle.
AltlllU Morphine Ilnbit Cured la 10
UK III HI'-to 0'lays. .No imy till Cure 4.
VI Van Uu J. SreiMiEXS , I.euanoa. Olilo.
ICCXew Scrap Pictures and X > Fancy Cards ( new )
lUUmalledforlOe. ESSEX CAKD WOIK > , lvorytonCt
CnChromo.-Gold Scrap , loop Frlnge.Ac-Canls sent post
OUpaid forCc , Conn.Stcam CardVks , HartfordConn
Xew Scrap Pictures and 43 XewChromo
and Gold Strap Cards sent postpaid fur 1O eta.
CENTEEUOOK CARD Co. . Centeruook , Conn.
STUDY. Secure a Business Education b
HOME ir-alU irom UKYAXT'S COLLEGE ButfaIo.X.
"V7. N. U. . OMAHA. 301 11.
nd Children.
Castorl& cures Colic , Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation.
K > ig Worms , gives Bleep , and promotes dl-
Without injuriocs medicatkin.
Be Best
SLICKE Waterproof Coat ,
The V1SO. BRAND SUCKER It ircrnntcd fntrnntof andwill ke p yon dry
in the hudeit storm.The new POMMEL 6LICJCEII It * . perfect riding coat ,
ted coren the entire fr 'llfBewue of Imitation * . None ttenmnt without tbe
* JTithBrand"trade-mirk. lUaitrttedCataloEQe&M. AJ.Tower , BotfnnM n.j
"Be candid , doctor , " said tho patient ,
when found with a bottle of Dr. Biill'n
Cough Syrup. "You know it is good medi
cine , " and the M. D. left in disgust.
Lord Salisbury has declined a dukedom.
Why not give Jake Sharp a chance ?
We think we ran cure a bad case of head
ache quicker with one of. Carter's Smart
Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters ,
than by any other application , and after
the Backache is cured , you can still wear
the plaster without discomfort for two or
three weeks or longer. This combination
of Smart Weed ami Belladonna is a great
hit , and hard to find any pain'or ache
that w 11 not yield to it. Price 25 cents.
Sold by Druggists everywhere.
"Let us have peace" said the boy , as he
saw fresh apple pic come from the oven.
'fTion Baby traa sick , iro K TO her Caatorla ,
" \7hen she was a Child , aha sried for Caaloria ,
When , sue became Hiss , she clang to Caatoria ,
T7t3n she had Children , she gars them Costoria ,
Rosecoc Conkling is a whole team at un
earthing railroad frauds.
CONSUMPTION. For the cure of. this dis
tressingdisease there has been no medicine
yet discovered that can show more evi
dence of real merit than Allen's Lung
Balsam. 2oc , iiOe , and $1.00 a bottle.
Ashrewd observe-her says the nicest thing
in furs is a pretty woman.
Hal for il Sauce. TrIt on your beans. It is
delicious. Sold everywhere.
Arabi Pasha receives all visitors who call ,
I but he will not talk politics.
j Xo OPIUM in Plgo's Cure for Consumption. Cures
where other remedies full. 25c.
It is quite natural for a ifhin's eyes to be
watery when he has a cataract in them.
Needing renewed utreugtli , or who nutTcr Iron
InQrmltlcs peculiar to their acx. akould try
This medicine combines Iron with pare vegetable
tonics , and is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women , and all who lend sedentary lives. It En
riches and Purifies the Blood , MhnuluteM
the Appetite , Strengthens the illr.Hclcs and
Nerves in fact , thoroughly Invigorates.
Clears the complexion , and makes tho skin smooth.
It does not blacken the teeth , cause headache , or
produce constipation all othtr Iron mtdic\ntt do.
MBS. ALBERT LEESIXT. Greenwood. Neb. , Bays ;
" I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for Kervous De
bility and have been greatly benefited. "
MBS. C. D. NEWEUU Phillips' Station , Neb. , says :
" I was so weak and nervous that I could scarcely
walk , had no appetite , and passed sleepless nighti ;
in fact , my life was a burden to me. I tried many
remedies , but without benefit. Three bottles of
Brown's Iron Bittera have cared me. I cheerfully
recommend it. "
Genuine his above Trade Mark and crossed red lines
oil wrapper. TuUc no other. Made only by
If a chlM Is properly nourished. qui-H nluhts and .1
< oyoiis happy cluldlioo 1 is the result. Tlioutnnds of
inl.uus are and fre fill beausc they urc
i'eln slowly stirved. ow ng lo the Inability of
mo'hers t < i siippy tliepr per nourishment. Kldce's
Food will supply the detliclency better in i any
other : Indeed , iliousr.iul.-i have been successfully
reared on IMdcrV Food alone.
OP saiAIr. 3IK VNS In the w lucratUe husi-
ly the XKXvDuv ( Gelatine ) 1'rocess Men or Women
With no exi > ru'iicimake Mrst-elass Hiotozra In
orPersuiis. CJruiip . llii 1 i ips.or Animals. MatcilHis
vu5Oc. . for I tl"7en l-irgu Photos , that sell for S I
M SO. AffordsStpi < ly Work and Itifj Profit *
epcirt ed with Other Business. ori home , or fnnii
IIoUMto House. ( It's no peddling delu on ) . It's a
regular T ride , worthy attention. Apparatus is port-
: it > le and cheap , set up Indoors or outdoor' . To
KAUXKbT applicants ( one cupt ) of 1'roress lllus.
tiated Kr.EK. Sample Pl.otf s. In iti. FIIAXKUX
Pt'T.VAJI. M'fr & l-ciler Photo Apparatus , 483.
48. Canal bU N. Y.
l'rrttie- II last rated
tever printwl. Cheapest
J&be > t SEEDS grown.
Gardeners tiid > : a spc-
iciatty. 1'ackctt only 3c.
Cheap as dirt by oz. & Ib ,
I'ostise or Exp. paid.
, Send Yours A Nciehbors address for J'.OOIC
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A Life Experience. Remarkable and
quick cures. Trial Packages. Send
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You arc ai. < . < tl a free trial of thirty days of the
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tree. J. K. II1LL& CO. , AuKUsta , Maim.21
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