frifap , Thursday , March 4. 1886. Indicates thiit your subscription to thiK paper HAS K.p-niKii , and Unit ti coiillal invitation is extended to callund renew the same. Subscription. $2 per year. Local Intelligence. Immigration is on the wing. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. K. 31. Brickcy & Co. for clothing. City Drug Store. Cliencry & Stiles. Xow does March ( not ) come in like a lamh. to \ \ . W. Palmer for your harness. Scale books for sale and in stock at this office. K. M. Brickcy & Co. are sacrificing overcoats. If yon want a superior letter file. call at this office. Dr. Collins , the dentist , 'guarantees satisfaction. The largest line of fine cigars at the City Drug Store. Xew curtain scrim and new ironds at Wileox & Fowler's. A full line of hardware , stoves and tinware at C. D. Palmer's. SFiMnody& Winter. City Dairy , for pure and wholesome milk. Baled hay at Fry & Snow's Hour and feed store on Main Avenue. Go to E. M. Brickcy & Co. for hon est goods and lowest prices. The Metropolitan drugstore keeps a full line of fancy box papers. Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed steers. No cows or langc cattle. [ tlF'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. The Travelers paid over & 5.000 a daj in 1884 for accident losses alone. White llussian or White Prussian soap only ac.a bar at Wileox & Fowler's. Men of national reputation are Dr. Collin's endorse. See his smnll bills. A nice line of hanging and stand lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store. Do 3'ou want nice gold fillings in your teethif so. ' patronize the "Capital City Dentist. " The latest and most important inven tion for machinists and railroad men at McCracken's. Two pounds of Arbuckle'sDilworth's or XXXX for 25 cents atVilcox & Fowler's. Fry & Snow cany the largest line of flour and feed in the city , and their pri ces as low as the lowest. G. W. Bcde has some special bar gains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of Main and Dennison streets. Bemembcr this office when you want a well-disclayed dodger. We have the only large wood type in the city. Our county-seat department is an in teresting and news } ' feature. "Nonde script" ' is a pert local rustler to be sure. Fine note paper , legal and congress cap , linen and news paper in tablets , calling and regret cards , etc. , at this office. The Riverside Dairy of C. E. Ilinman & Co. sports a fine new dairy wagon , which makes a very creditable appear ance. Dr. Collins carries the most complete traveling outfit in the U. S. , and is as well prepared to do first-class work as any city dentist. A large stock of goods will be closed out , at Indianola. Store fixtures , crock ery and a car-load of salt will be closed out regardless of cost. Xo other accident company in Amer- ca could meet the payments which The Travelers has daily to make for death or injury to its policy-holders. FOR , SAM Lindner & Ernian have work oxen , steers , cows and heifers for for sale at their barn , one block west of the Commercial House , NcCook , Xeb. A first-class dentist cannot afford to locate permanently in a small town. Take advantage of this short visit of a first-class workman and have your bad teeth repaired. Xo more trouble with watches. A medium priced uiovenvent as good as the finest for correct time if protected with one of those Anti-Magnetic Shields. Drop in and see them at McCracken's. B. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail or , has constantly on hand as fine a class of goods as can be procured. Suits made j up In the latest style , and perfect : fits .ruarantcd. Prices reasonable. Shop two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc- Cook , Nebraska. E. M. Brickoy. & Co. the clothiers. Pure Drugs and Chemicals , at City Drug Store. Day board at tho McKntee'House is $5.00 por week. * Beautiful and wellfitting artificia teeth made by Dr. Collins. Fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. Call at Fry & Snow's flour and feet" store for seeds of all kinds. Don't delay ; Dr. Collins , the Dentist , will remain but a short time. All kinds of shcc-t-iron , tin and cop per work done at C. D. Palmer's. Fresh oysters , fresh fish and chick ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. Prescriptions accurately compounded daor night. City Drug Store. Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom mus lin 10 cents a yard at Wileox & Fowler's. Best brands of flour in the city at Fry & Snow's. Also , bran , chop , etc. Dr. Collins , theCapital City Dentist" will he here March Sth and remain three days. 23 ? " W. W. Palmer is closing out horse blankets and robes. Xow is the time to buy. 3(5-4 ( ts. Tho Metropolitan Drug Store is in re ceipt of a fine assortment of wall papers. Call and examine them. Over 1.000.000 policies have been written by The Travelers , or more than any other company in the world. Land and legal blanks in stock at this office. A full line at State Journal prices , constantly on hand. Dr. Collins gives the best possible references that ran he furnished in re gard to both integrity and ability , in his profession. Twenty-three car-loads of immigrants and "movables" went through this sta toin for points west of here , last Thurs day evening. The redoubtable and veracious Eli Perkins will likely philosophize on wit to the edification of our people , about the 2Gth of April. Norman Forbes , brother .of our J. F. Forbesis expected , to-night on No. 39 , from Park Hill , Canada. He will take a position on the B. & M. Remember 3011 can never have a re liable time keeper , unless it is protect ed with one of those Anti-Magnetic Shields. For sale by F. L. McCracken. Under the new arrangement C. H. Meeker becomes Superintendent of the McCook WaterWorks , vice Fred Harris who has been acting in that capacity heretofore. Insure in The Travelers , not in irre sponsible hat-passers with empty treas uries , which guarantee nothing except the privilege of paying your own losses. II. S. COOLEV , Agent. The family of W. M. Sanderson was augmented , last Saturday morning , by the arrival of a boy of tcnderycars , who just now is demanding considerable at tention at the hands of the family. Xow that the fire hydrants are being rapidly as may be placed in position , would it not be pertinent for the Hock- nell Hose Co. to re-organize and get down to business. Episcop'al sei vices will be conducted by Bev. C. L. Fulforth of Bed Cloud , at the Opera Hall , next Sunday at 10:30 : A. M. , and G0 P. M. , mountain time. Everybody is cordially invited to these services. Dr. Collins says he believes he can afford relief to a greater number of the human family who have bad teeth by travelling , and will give the people of McCook an opportunity to get first-class work done right here at home by a short visit. Friday evening , March 12th , wiil be the time of holding the next Social un der the management of the Congrega tional Sunday School. The residence of T. S. Bosley will be the scene of the festivities. Preaching at the Methodist church , next Sunday , by pastor , Ke.v. W. S. Wheeler , at 10:30 A. M' Subject : "Christ and the Commercial Spirit"also , at 7 o'clock , P. M. SubjectThe Min istry of Nature. " We are informed that the railroad compntry has put its foot down , so to speak , on the R. R. B. business. If the report is correct , it will be advanta geous to home merchants , as the pay ment of cxpressage will make it unprofit able to send elsewhere for merchandise. We call your attention to the adver tisement of C. P. Rinker. which appears in another column. He is again hold ing forth at his old stand on the corner of .Main and Railroad streets , and will be pleased to see his old customers , and new ones as well. Remember him when in need of anything in his line. CARPETS AND MEN'S CLOTHING AT COST ! EXAMINE THEM WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ? THE EARTH ? HAYDEN & CO. A.liberal . application of the shot-gun policy in the case of some rogues , who are contesting claims and filing infor mation against parties who have made proof , would be seemly , and perchance , efficacious. If any of our subscribers fail to get their paper , this week , they may do well to rummage around the debris in the rear of the postoffice. Tjiat's were Christian Blacholder's TaiiiUN'n was carefully deposited in the filth and mud , last week , and you may be similarly successful. The first of the week , Frank Harris let the contract for the erection of a residence on his fine lots on North Main to J. F. Collins. The house is to be one and a half stories high , 20x28 feet in dimension , with a kitchen addition. Will be complete with bay window , porches , etc. , and will make a cosycom fortable home. * The Ladies oilthe M. E. Mite Society hold another of their pleasant socials at the residence of W. W. Palmer , to-mor- mor ( Friday evening. An entertaining program is being prepared for the oc casion , refreshments will be served and an enjoyable time is assured. The la dies will also make a display of fancy and useful articles. CUAXGE OP MANAGEMENT The first of the week , W. C. Furst , who has been in charge of the B & M. Eating House at this place for a number of months , left for Denver , where he has secured an interest in the management of the celebrated Windsor House , We wish him success in his new venture. The Euting House is at present under the personal supervision of Mrs. Joe Swan , and that things are in apple-pie order , goes without the saying. There is nothing new quite recent under the sun. The popular , glove-fit ting , but intensely unreliable , jersey with which the gentler sex has been wont to adorn themselves of late years , bus been sacredly considered a modern pro duction , exclusively. Ndw comes the startling intelligence that an Egyptian mummy , in the sear and yellow leaf some four thousand years or more , has been unearthed , clad in part , in the iden tical jersey of this year of grace. A large and delighted company par ticipated in the social held at the resi dence of Register Laws , Friday evening. The program of exercises prepared for the occasion was rendered in au accep table manner , and was thoroughly en joyed by the large number present. The iiost and hostess were fully equal to the occasion , and made it pre-eminently what the name implies. The collection taken for the benefit of the Congrega tional Sunday School was encouraging in amount. The editorial staff ( his satanic majesty and all ) of this office enjoyed the hospi tality of The McEntee , last Sunday din ner , and speak advisedly when they aver that this hostelrie is spreading a table that is not excelled in the state , outside of our larger cities. Substantial and delicacies are cooked in a thoroughly palatable manner and served in fine style. Under the management of Mr. McGeethe , MoEutee House will assume its place among the best hotels in the commonwealth. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hocknell were deeply pained to icar of the death of their bright little ) oy babywhich occurred at New Orleans , Lia. , Saturday nightof pneumonia , after a short illness. The bereaved parents arrived home , yesterday noon on 39. with the remains of their loved one. which were tender consigned to mother earth , n Longview Cemetery , on the afternoon of the same day. It is. needless for us to indite that the heart felt sympathy of this entire community goes out to the sorrowing ones in their deep affliction. As will be seen as per ordinance ap- ) earing elsewhere in this issue , a move ment has been inaugurated to incorpor ate this village as a city of the second class. The village has been divided in to two wards , all that portion lying east of the centre of Main .Avenue constitu ting the first ward , and that west of the centre of Main Avenue the second ward. One Mayor , one city clerk , one police udge , one city treasurer , one city en gineer , one city marshal , two councilmen n the first ward , and two councilmen in the second ward , will be elected. Let our citizens look well to the men who fill these positions. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE. This fascinating and absorbing game , which has so long been "the craze" throughout the country , was inaugura ted in our city , last Thursda } * evening , on the occasion of a surprise party hell at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ed llawksworth , in honor of their visiting friend. Miss Vollbchr of Superior , in a most enjoyable and successful manner After playing until a late hour , refresh ments shades of Epicure were serv ed , after which the delighted company retired. The following guests partici pated : Mrs. A. J. UrlRSS , Mrs. H. O. Uroailstonc Mrs. H. C. Vollbchr and Miss Mmnle Vollbcbi of Superior , thisstiUo. .Mrs. L. A. Phillips of Buffalo , N.Y. , nml M r. and Mrs. S. D. Hunt , M r nndMrs.C.G.I'ottor , Mr.and Mrs.Tlios.BIssett Miss Dora Hunt , and Messrs. J. V. ForbesV H. Smith and our "local tlend. " of this city. The first prize , a pretty ambcrinccup fell to 3Irs. A. J. Briggs ; the second , a neat bone paper knife , became J. F Forbes' memento , while the c'booby" prizes , two diminutive vials labeled ' ketch-iip , " are treasured by C. G. Pot ter and 31 rs. Thos. Bissett. NUMBER TWO. On Saturday evening following , the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Potter was the scene of another delightful euchre party , in which the same com pany engaged until the usual hour with great eagerness. Refreshments were then served , after which the guests re tired to their respective places of abode. On this occasion , our reporter secured the first prize a cut glass paper hold er ; Mrs. Ed. llawksworth the second a pair of pretty glass vases , while the "b.ooby" prizes , silvery-toned tin horns , were again secured , after great exer tions , by Mrs. Thos. Bissett and C. G. Potter , who seem to have a corner on the "boob } ' " market. DIRECTOR'S MEETING. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Willow County Agricultural Society is called to meet at Indianola on ' Saturd'ay , March 13thlSSGat , , 1 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of deciding upon the date for holding the 188G meeting of the society and transacting other im portant business. It is earnestly de sired that a full attendance of the Board may be had. D. E. MOORE , Pres. F. M. KIMMELL , Sec. 'JSF'County papers please cop } ' . LIST OP DIRECTORS. Beaver Precinct . S. II. Messner Bondville rrecinct . J. A. Carter Danbury Precinct . S. W. Stilgebouer Driftwood Precinct . J. S. Holmes East Valley Precinct . Samuel Young Gerver Precinct . Jacob ( Server Grant Precinct . to be filled by Board Indianola Precinct . S. J. Stockton Lebanon Precinct . J. B. Ginning Missouri Ilidge Precinct . William Xutt Xorth Valley Precinct . J. W. Daniels lied Willow Precinct . I. F. Helm Tyrone Precinct . J. C. Moore Valley Grange Precinct . II. II. Pickens Willow Grove Precinct. . . . I. J. Starbuck An impromptu meeting of our busi ness men was held in the Opera Hall , last Frida } ' night , for the purpose of raising funds to secure the location of the 1SSG meeting of the county fair in this city. In a very few "minutes the sum of $1 , GOO was raised for that pur pose , and the following gentlemen were named as the committee to appear be fore the meeting of the agricultural so ciety which convened at Indianola on the following morning Saturday and present McCook's bid : J. E. Boj-d , C. J. MuCammon , J. B. Meserve. A. J. Pate and F. M. Kimmell. With what success will appear in the proceedings of that meeting which may be found elsewhere in this issue. Now that we have secured the location of the fair , it only remains for us one and all to lend our endeavors to make it such an exhi bition as the importance of the county domands. It seems to be a dangerous thing to insist upon having one's mail at our postoffice. That office was the scene of a most disgraceful affair , Tuesday afternoon , precipitated , we are inform ed , by the impertinence and insolence of a clerk. We have not the space to enter into a statement of the alleged facts in the matter , had we the inclina tion to do , but if the statements given us approximate the facts , the occur rence was a disgusting , cowardly out rage , entirely in keeping with the char acter of h. r ! n. A CARD OF THANKS. Allow me to return my sincere and lieartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympa thy during the sickness of my mother. That they may escape like trouble , and that heaven's blessings marest upon each of them is my sincere wish. LlLLIE E. M. BRICKEY & CO. , IF YOU WANT AN ELEGANT FITTING SUIT OF CLOTH INGr CUT-IN THE LATEST STYLE , MADE UP EQUAL TO THE BEST CUSTOM WORK , CALL ON E. M. BRICKEY & GO. THIS APPLIES TO OUR CHEAP AS WELL AS TO OUR BEST SUITS. OUR SPECIALTY BEING : PERFECT FITTING AND WELL MADE GOODS. WE HAVE RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING SUITS AND PANTS AND GUARANTEE OUR PRICES LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE VALLEY. 1) ) 1)Jl WE ARE NOW CLOSING OUR HEAVY GOODS RE- - GARDLESS OF FORMER PRICE ? TO MAKE ROOM FOR BALANCE OF OUR SPRING STOCK. IF YOU WANT A SUIT TO WEAR AL THE YEAR ABOUND CALL NOW AND TAKE THE GOODS AWAY. We have all the Latest Styles in Hats , and it will interest you to see our assortment. The ClothinoiHat House ! PERSONALS. Dr. A. J. Shaw of Hyde , Colo. , came in from the west , Sunday , on a .short visit. Clark Ward and W. W. Leonard of the county-scat made this village , Saturday. W. H. Ilaydcn came up to theeity , thclirst of the week , in the interest of his business here. Thos. Golfer went down to Alma , Friday , on a .short business visit , returning home on SO , Saturday. Mrs. Justin A. Wileox has been entertain ing her mother , Mrs. Xesmith of Illinois , for some weeks past. Messrs. Frank Bishop and Powell of the county capital were business tourists in this commercial Meca. Friday. Mr. and Mrs W. 0. Moody of Stration were in town , yesterday , attending the funeral ot Mr. and Mrs Hoeknell's baby. G. L. Watkins of Blue Hill was a guest at [ he McKntee , Tuesday. He went down the Valley , on 40 , the same evening. Benj. Bird of Benkelman , manager of tlu Northwestern Cattle Co. , had business ii. town , Sunday and Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wclbom of Indianola came up to town , Wednesday , to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mi's. llocknell's baby. J. L. Brush of Greeley , Colo. , one of the icaviest stockmen in those parts , made ally ing visit on biisiuos , to this city , Saturday. II. C. Chapman of. the Alma Times passed through this station , Monday evening , return ing home from a Hying visit to Yiniia , Colo. I' . O. Phillips of the Lincoln Land Co. was 'u the city , last Thursday , looking after the company's interests. I le went cast again on Friday morning. Hugh W. Cole left on Saturday for his old iiome in Spring Hill , 111. , to be absenta week ir ten days. He will also visit at Hastings and Chicago en route. Mrs. Lydia Ward , mother of Mrs. I ! . S. Cooley of this city , left on Monday morning , for Grafton , Fillmore county , where > he will spend some time with a son. John Dawson , wife and family of Alma , came up to town , Saturday , spendiugSunday here , the guest of Thos. Colter , and returning home on Xo. 40 , Sunday evening. Mrs. A. J. Briggs , Mrs. H. O. Broadstone and Mrs. II. C. Vollbehr , who have been vis iting Mrs. Ed. llawksworth , returned to Su- > erior , this State , Sunday evening. D. W. Irwiu of the Akron Pioneer Press was' distributing advertising matter around the city , last Thursday. D. W. is doing a rushing land business at that booming divis- on town. W. W. Fisher went up to his Hayes county anch. Friday noon , via Culbcrtsoii. returning ionic on Wednesday on 40. We understand that the Squire contemplates disposing of his property in this city , and moving his family ip on the ranch on the Frenchman. Mrs. S. A. I'owell , Miss Lillie and Elmer left on 40 , Tuesday evening , for their former tome , Mt. Ayr , Iowa , where" they go on ac count of Mrs. llowell's continued ill-health md in the hope that the change may be bene- icial to her. A large number of Miss Lillie's friends accompanied her to the station , and were loth to see her depart. On Tuesday morning , Marshal Ben nett went down to Beatrice after one , J. W. Limming , who is charged with laving stolen a gold watch , a $700 mort gage , two notes , amount unknown to us , ind ยง 105 in cash.Sn. this citylast Satur day night aweck , from the pockets of a young man recently arrived here from [ llinois , while the young "sucker"'was ntoxicated. The Marshal returned , Wednesday , night with the prisoner , who lad a preliminary hearing , this morning when the case was continued until next Monday morning. HOUSES FOR RENT. Parties wishing to rent dwelling louses should enquire at the Citizens 3ank of McCook. HOUSE AND LOT On Macfarland street for sale. In- juire of F. P. Allen or at this office. SQUARE UP. O Parties owing me are respectfully iv- juestod to call and settle at once. 29 tf. M. A. SPAMHXO. Agricultural Society Meeting. The adjourned meeting of the Agri cultural Society was held at Tndianola , last Saturday morning , February 27 , IfiSG. Meeting was presided over by II. M. Ashmorc , pro tern. Chairman. F. M. Kimmoll on motion was made temporary secretary. After a few short .speeches by J. W. Dnlan. .T. B. Mcscrve , I. J. Starbuck and others , in the line of harmony , the matter of'loeating the next county fair came before the meeting for settlement. A resolution was offered by J. W. Dolan , which was amended by I. J. Starbuck. and thesame was adopted as amended. Below we append the KK.S ( I.VJI > . That the County Fair be loca ted for six years as follows : Tin ; town mak ing the best proposition .shall hau : the fair for ISM ! . Pioviiii : > , That the location shall after wards alternate between the two towns. Al. hat the town where the fair is so located hall raise and pay into the treasury of the Society a sum not Ie > s than .SUM ) . Pr.ovu > ii > FriniKir , That in ease the town entitled to the fair fails to raio 81,000. then in that ease , the fair to be. located at the town offering the better inducements. Moved and sustained that the meet" ing proceed to the consideration of bids on the question of location of county fair , said bids to be in writing. The fol lowing propositions were then read : We. the undersigned , on the part of the town of Indianola , make the following proji- osition to the Itcd Willow County Agricul tural Society : In cu : > e said Society agreeto and will hold their annual county fair at Iiidiauola in the fall of 1. 15 , we agree to pay into the treasury of said Society the sum of : > SX ) in ca > li on or before the l t of October , 1SSO. Also , to fur nish water , necessary buildings , grounds , stalls , an amphitheatre of reasonable dimen sions , for the use of said Society for the hold ing of said fair during the fall of 1RS . All of which the undersigned guarantee and respectfully submit to the Bed Willow County Agricultural Society. MANY CITI/.KX.- . jfrooic's inn. We hereby authorize and instruct J. E. Boyd , C. S. McCanmioii , A. J. Pate , J. B. Meserve and F. M. Kimmell , on the behalf of McCook , to offer 51000 in cash to the lied Willow County Fair Association , as an in ducement to said association to locate the 18SG meeting of the association at McCook. Said Mini to be used in the erection of the neces.sary buildings. , the payment of pre miums and expenses. And we further authorize the within nam ed committee to olfer the free use of the 1'e- piiblican Valley Hor e Breeder's As.Mieia- tion's grounds , track , buildings , etcto the fair association for the purpose of holding said meeting. Piovimn , That the Society hold their 1SSO meeting in McCook. And further pro vided , That all buildings erected for use of the Society remain in MeCook permanently. MANY CITI/.KXS. On motion of J. W. Dolan , the prop osition of the town of McCook was ac cepted and the 1880 meeting of the society was located at McCook by a unanimous vote. On motion. V. Franklin was elected Treasurer of the Society for the ensuing year. Carried. On motion , F. 31. Kim mell was elected Secretary of the Society for the ensuing year. Carried. On motion , the meeting adjourned without day. II. M. ASIDIOKK , Chairman pro tern. F. M. KI.M.MELL , Secretary. " FOR SALE. Hay , loose or baled. AUo , some White Star. Beauty Hebron and Clark No. 1 Seed Potatoes. Also , a few fresh milch cows. Call oi nr addros.s me at Bed Willow , Xeb. J. F. II HUM. MILK ! MILK ! ! Having the best range for the pur pose in the county , we will start a milk dairy in the spring , prepasx-d to furnish milk in anv " quantity. 3-1-Sts. EATON Buos. & Co. WANTED. A good , young , well-broken horse for cither carriage or farm work. W. S. WKISSTKK. r co. ,