The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1886, Image 4

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    F.1M. & E. M. KIMMELL
Editors and Publishers.
THE President's long and elaborate
message to the senate in answer to the
Edmunds resolution , appeared in yes
terday's Journal and is the most respec
table document issued by Mr. Cleveland
since his candidacy for President began.
The Journal , as it has heretofore indica
ted , i-s of the opinion that the President
rightly apprehends his discretionary
powers'and that while the senate may
with propriety request such papers and
documents as may throw light upon his
reasons for making a change in federal
officers during vacation , or at other
times , the President has the right to re
fuse to transmit them if lie sees' fit to
do so.
Under the constitution and the tenure
ofoffice law as it was modified under
Grant , the executive has discretion to
remove any federal officer whose appoint
ment is in his hands , and an executive
( ir judicial officer cannot be brought to
1-ook for the exercise of his lawful dis
rretion except rjy way of impeachment
and a trial before the senate. It is true
that the removal of officials for political
reasons is not in accord with the Presi
dent's early utterances on civilservice
reform , but there is no law against the
exercises of the American right , enjoy
ed by presidents , senators , judges and
all citizens , of changing one's mind
about a little thing like that. For that
offense the President is arraignable at
the bar of public opinion , but not at the
bar of the senate. Journal.
In the "Hornets' Nest"at Shiloh.
From Colonel Lockett's article .ac
companying General Bnell's account of
Shiloh in the March Century we take
the following : "I witnessed the various
bloody and unsuccessful attacks on the
'hornets' nest. ' During one of the
dreadful repulses of our forces. General
Bragg directed me to ride forward to the
central regiment of a brigade of troop ?
that was recoiling across an open field ,
to take its colors and carry them for
ward. 'The flag must not go back
againhe said. Obeying the order , I
dashed through the line of battle , seized
the colors from the color-bearerand , said
to him , 'General Braggs says these col
ors must not go to the rear' . While
talking to him the color-sergeant wa
shot down. A moment or two after
wards I'was almost alone on horseback
in the open field between the two line
of battle. An officer came up to m
with a bullet-hole in each cheek , th
blood streaming from his mouth , am
asked , 'What are you doing with m
colors , sir ? ' 'I am obeying Genera
Braggs's orders , sir , to hold them wher
they are , ' was my reply. 'Let me have
them , ' he said. 'If any man but
color-bearer carries these colors , I an
the man. Tell General Bragg I wil
see that these colors are in the righ
place. But he must attack this position
in flank ; we can never carry it alone
from the front. ' It was Colonel Allen
afterwards Governor Allen of Louisiana
I returned , miraculously preserved , to
General Bragg , and reported Colone
Allen's words I then carried an order
to the same troops , giving the order I
think to General Gibson , to fall back
to the fence in the rear and reorganize.
This was done , and then General Brag
dispatched me to the right , and Colonel
Gardner ( aftenrards Major-General ) to
the left , to.inform . the brigade and di
vision commanders on either side that a
combined movement would" be made on
the front and flanks of that position.
The movements were made , and Prcntiss
was captured.1'
* 3T . , Forest Trees ! Forest Trees !
One hundred car-loads of. Nebraska
grown Forest Trees , ranging in height
from six inches to sixteen feet , suited
to timber-claim planting , or ornamental
shade trees. Varieties : Yellow Cotton-
wood , Sugar and Soft Maple , Hardy
Catalpa , Blade and White Walnut ,
American Sweet Chestnut , Black and
Homey Locust , Ash , " Elm , Box Elder ,
Linden , Sycamore , Native , .Russian and
French Mulberry , Poplar , Pecan , Birch ,
Ued Bud , Coffee Tree , Persimmon , Yel-
lowWhiteDiamond , ; and Basket Willow.
By the single tree , hundred , thousand ,
or car load. In car lots special rates
will be given. Also , a general Nursery
Stock. Write for prices.
30 Brownville.Neb.
' I have put in scales at my ranch on
Brash.creek and I will buy all the corn
that comes , at the market price. Also
have 50 good ponies for sale , broke or
unbroke. 27. J. B.MESERVE.
1. J. Starbuck was seen on our streets , last
S < iuiro S. H. Colvin of McCook was in tlic
burjr , Tuesday.
Tims. Colfer of McCook was in the county-
seat , Monday.
Rev. Allen Uartlcy of York , Neb. , was in
our place , the latter part of last week.
Ex.-Jtulge II.M.Ashinorc of our city graced
the streets of McCook , for a short time Tues
R. M. Suavely , Esq. , of our city , paid a liv
ing visit to Lincoln , last week. He returned
on Sunday.
Ed. Beauvais , for some time "best man' ' in
the Indiauola Times oflicehas taken a change ,
and is now employed in the Courier oflice.
( ! . S. Bishop returned from Curtis , Satur
day , where he has been superintend ing the
founding of the "I Jecord. ' ' lie report * tilings
The delegation from McCook , Saturday ,
was a perfect success as far as McCook is-
concerned. They got the fair , by paying for
it , and we can expect a good lay-out whenve
go to the McCook fair.
C. S. Quick , our genial banker , paid his
father of Council Bluffs a visit , last week.
He i etumed , Friday. During his absence his
business was very successfully carried on by
his neighbor , II. W. Keyes.
A building association has been incorpora
ted in our town. Capital stock , ? 100,000 , and
is composed of all our reliable business men.
At last reports they were trying to find some
one who would act as treasurer.
"Chris. ' ' Halvorson , now a resident of Ak
ron , Colo. , returned to look after his business
interests here , Tuesday. He drove through ,
making the trip in four days , and leaves his
family on the "government domain. ' '
Mr. Linderholm is here closing out iiis
business , as it is to be moved to Ogalalla im
mediately : The room has been rentedwe
understand , to a gentleman from Illinois , who
intends putting in a large stock of goods.
Mrs. E. C. Ballcw and Mrs. C. C. Tyler de
parted for Akron , Tuesday , where they will
reside the necessary six months. C. C. Tyler
is there and probably had tilings in readiness
when they "arriv. " He returns , this week.
The Garrick Dramatic Co. will present
"The Flowing Bowl" to the hungry citi/.ens
of McCook , Thursday evening. Prof. C. II.
B. Appleton ( advance agent ) was up billing
the town and completing the necessary pre
liminaries , Tuesday.
W. D. Blackmail of Ida Grove , la. , a neph
ew of C. T. Blackmail of Lebanon , arrived in
our city , several days ago. He is a first-class
printer , and was immediately engaged by the
Times to help them finish the directory ,
which , by the way , speaks for itself.
Any cruutl of young bloods that will mite
an anonymous note , in a feminine hand , to a
young married man , whose wife is away on
a visit , ought to have the hose turned oniliem
for the time being. We did not learn their
names , but giu > s they did not get it on to
Mac very badly.
March ! > , 1SSO. .Xoxju > ciii'T.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Indianola , Neb. , Feb.llth. 156. f
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment of January Iii , 1836.
Present'chairman S. L. Green , Henry Crab-
tree and It. B. Duckworth , commissioners ,
and C. D. Cramer , county clerk. Minutes of
the last meeting were read and approved. On
motion , precinct officers were appointed as
follows , to-wit :
James A. Carter , road district No. 22.
Robert Moore road district No. in.
C. T. Blackmail , road district No. 18.
Chas. Nichols road district No. 23.
H. H.Mitchell road districtNo.S.
Wm. H. Smith , road district No. 13.
Richard Johnston , road district No. 21.
5. C. Smith , , road district No. 10.
James Hill , road district No. So.
Nathaniel Fough , Tyrone precinct.
A. C. Bartholomew Lebanon precinct.
Wm. H. Harmon Valley Grange precinct.
On motion Commissioner Crabtrec was au
thorized to cause a sidewalk 6 feet vide of 2
inch plank to be laid along the south hide of
the court house block.
Bids tor publishing commissioners' proceed
ings and legal notices for the year 1SS6 , were
opened and read. The bids were as follows :
F. M. & E. M. Kimmell , Tribune , one cent.
Bowman & Israel , Trumpet , Legal notices
15c.pcr square of 7 lines for first insertion , and
10 cents per square of seven lines for each in
sertion thereafter. Commissioners' proceed
ings free.
Lathrop & Watkins , Indianola Times Twen
ty-five per cent , less than legal rates.
G. S. Bishop , Courier At the legal rate as
established by law , publication to be made
weekly in the Courier , published at Indianola ,
and the Democrat , published at McCook.
On motion G. S. Bishop's bid was accepted ,
On consideration of bids for books , blanks
and stationery , on motion , BE IT RESOLVED ,
That this board reject any and all bids filed for
furnishing books , blanks and stationery for
county officers for the year866and it is here
by authorized to provide such supplies as the
necessities of his oflice requires at as low a
rate as he can get on such supplies , and au
thorize the same to be charged to Red Willow
On motion Robert Welborn was employed
for three months , at 81.50 per week , as janitor
for the court house.
On motion , road district No. 16 was divided ,
and all the the territory embraced in town. 1 ,
range 2i ! , to be road district No. 16 ; and all the
territory embraced in town. 1 , range 30 , to b'c
road district No. 25.
A petition of A. P. Bodwell and others was
considered , and on motion granted , establish
ing all of town , l , range twenty-seven , as
Beaver precinct.
A petition of A. P. Bodwell and others was
jranted , establishing all of town. 1 , range 27 ,
is road district No. 21.
On motion , the following official bonds were
ipproved , to-wit :
3. T. Blackman district No. 38.
: haij. Nichols district No. 23.
I. H. Mitchell district No. 8.
ilchard Johnston district No.21.
> . H. Colvin Willow Grove precinct.
[ .P. Squires , , . .Driftwood precinct ,
. Huggins Gerverprecinct ,
JenryStannard Danbury precinc. "V
fcthanlcl Fough.Tyrone precinct. C
On motion road petition presented by Steph-
' en Bolles , David E. Moore and others , forcon-
eent of road , was granted , establishing a road
- commencing at the N. E. corner of section 22 ,
"twp. 4 , range 29 , thence west on the line be
tween sec. 22 and IS to the N. W. corner of N.
E. quarter of said section 22 , thenco south on
the line between the N. E. i and tho N. "W.i
of said section 22 to the S. W. corner of the N.
E. U of said section 22 , thence west on tho line
between t'ae N. W. U and the S. "W. H of said
section 22 to the S.W. corner of the N.W.ij
of said section 22 , thence south on the line be
tween tho S. W. * i of said section 22 and the
S. E. ; * of sections 21 , 27 , 28 , 33 and 3t , same
j township and range , to the township line
between townships 3 and 4 , thence west ,
between towns 3 and 4 , on section line to the
S. W. corner of section 33 , twp. 4 , range 27 , in
Kcd Willow county , Nebraska.
On motion the road petition presented by
Henry licit. James E. Morgan and others for
consent of road commencing at the S. W. cor-
iier ofscction 18 , twp. 2 , range 20 , thence east
on the line between sections 18 and 1 ! ) to the
S. E. corner of said section 18.
On motion claims were audited and warrants
drawn on 18S county general fund , as follows ,
to-wjt :
Itichard Johnston , judge of election . 2.00
Boyer tc Shaw , jail supplies and blank
cases . , . 2020
G.S.Bifchop.claim , ? 39.04 ; at request of claim
ant , two warrants were drawn as follows :
G. S. Bishop , for one-half of said claim. . $10.52
F. M. Kimmell , for Vof said claim . 19.52
James H. Everist , judge of election . 2.00
Leonard J. Shippee , clerk of election . . . 2.00
Omaha Republican , marriage licenses. . . . . " > 0
W.O.Fitch , judge of election and returns , " > .M )
Wm. O. Bond , clerk of election . : . 2.CO
L. B. March , clerk of election . 2.00
John Gerboth , clerk of election . 2.00
John Farley , clerk of election , claim $ ( ,
allowed at . l.OO
State Journal Co. , deed and mortgage
record and blanks . - . 2 S.r > 0
M. B. Noel , dray , jail material . 2..VJ
Omaha Republican , treasurer's stamp. . . . 2.00
J.S.Phillips , wall paper for sheriff's rooms
iujail . Ki.2.1
Forbes&McKinney.painting.papcr hang
ing , etc. , county jail . 315.03
( Demotion , claim of C. H. Husscll for servi
ces as appraiser Sawyer land , audited and al-
low'ed and warrant drawn on road fund
levy , for $2.40.
On motion board adjourned to meet same
day assessors meet , viz : March 10th , 188C.
Attest : S. L. GHEEN , Chairman.
C. D. CUAMEK , County Clerk.
To provide for the organization and incorpor
ation of a city of the second class.
BE IT OKDAIXED. By the Chairman and Boaid
of Trustees of the village of McCook , Neb. :
SECTION 1. The Village of McCook , lied
Willow County , Nebraska , organized on the
27th day of November. A. D. , 1SR3 , under the
statutes of the State of Nebraska , hereby in
corporates itself under the provisions of Chap
ter 14 of the Compiled Statutes of the State of
Nebraska , as amended March 3th , 1885 , entitled
"Cities of the second class and Villages , " to be
called tho city of McCook , and said village is
hereby declared to be a city of the second class.
SECTION 2. The city of McCook shall be di
vided into two wards , to be bounded , limited
and numbered us follows , to-wit : All of the
territory lying cast of the centre of Main Ave
nue , within the incorporated limits of McCook ,
shall constitute and comprise the first ward ;
and nil of the territory lying west of the cen
tre of said Main Avenue within the limits of
McCook , to compribu tlur&eoond ward.
SECTION 3. There shall be held on Tuesdns * ,
fith day of April , 18S5 , mi election , at which
election the followingofliccrs shall be elected ,
to-wit : One Mayor , one Police Judge , one
Marshal , one City Clerk , one City Engineer ,
one City Treasurer.two Councilmcn in the first
ward , and two Councilmcn in the second.
SECTION 4. The poll or voting place iu the
first ward shall be at the office of Cooley if. Col-
viu. in said ward , and W. W. Fisher , A. J. Pate
and H.M.Ilccd shall act as Judges of Election ,
and F. S Wilcox and J. P. Israel shall act as
clerks of ttiid election , in said ward. The poll
or voting place in the second ward shall be at
the Hocknell Ho " Cart building on Dennison
street in said ward , and It. F. Olcott , R. S.
Cooley ami W. II. Itca shall act sis Judges of
said election and Pat Walsh and A.H.Steudmun
shall act as Clerks of the election in said ward.
All votes shall be cast between the hours of
8 o'clock. A. M. andfi o'clock , P.M. . in said
wards , mountain time. PROVIDED , Thatif th
Judges nnd ( lerks do not appear atthctim
and place harcin mentioned and enter upo.
the duties ot said offices , their places shall b
filed by consent of those residents of said war
present at said ward poll , as soon as may b
after said hour of 8 A. M.
SECTION 3. The said Judges and Clerks pro
vidcd for in section 4 , shall make tally lists o
all votes cast as near as may be in the inanne
provided by law for such offices at state clcc
tions , and shall return the same certified to b
correct and true , to the city clerk within twi
days utteV said election day.
SECTION (5. ( The clerk shall file and preserve
such tally lists , from which the council shal
ascertain the mime of officers elected , at thei
next meeting after said election , which meet
ing shall be held on the evening of the sccon
day utter said election.
SECTION ? . Thisordinanccshallbepublishcc
consecutive weeks , commencing March 4,18S < 5
Passed and approved this first day of March
1S8G. W. C. LATOUIIETTE , Chairman.
Attest : F. M. Ki.MMEir , , Village Clerk.
Pursuant to an Ordinance passed bv the
Board of Trustees of the Village of McCook
Neb. , on the 1st day of March , ISSfi , incorpora
ting the said Village as a city of tho secoiu"
class , notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday , April 6th , A. D. , 1886 ,
the first annual election of said city will be
held for the election of the following officers
One city mayor.
One city clerk.
One police judge ,
Ono city treasurer ,
One city engineer ,
Ono city marshal.
Two couucilmen in the first ward.
Two councilmen in the second ward.
The office of Copley & Colvin on East Den
nison street in said ward is hereby designated
as the polling place of tho first'ward. . The
voting place of the second ward shall be at
the Hocknell Hose Cart building on West
Deunison street in said ward.
Polls will open at8 o'clock , A. M. , mountain
time , and close at C o'clock , p. M. , mountain
time. In both wards.
W. C. LaTOUItETTE , Chairman.
Attest : F. M. KuiKELt , , Village Clerk.
Dated , March 4th , 188C.
MCCOOK , NEB. . March 2d , 188(5. ( f
Notice is hereby given that Chenery ft Stiles
lid on the 1st day of March , 188(5. ( file their peti
tion and bond at this office , the object and
prayer of said petition being that the Board of
trustees of the Village of McCook , Neb. , issue
: hem a Druggists' Permit to sell malt , spirit
uous and vinous liquors , as druggists , accord
ing to law made and provided in such cases ,
ill protests , objections or remonstrances
should be filed at this office within two weeks
from the date hereof.
40-2 F. 31. KIMMELL. Village Clerk.
( Corrected every Thursday morning. )
f o. 2 Wheat , per bushel 4x5. > 0c
io. 2 Rye , per bushel 2730c
larlcy , per bushel 3X&33C
) ats , per bushel 2.73-Tic
lorn New , per bushel 20S.23C
lay wild , per ton $4.CXXf ? ! 5.50
tailed Hay. ? 7.0Cd5I.f 9 00
logs Live ? 3.233.50
otatoes , ( Irish ) per bushel ravtr c
tutter , per pound ls5Oc
! ggs , per dozen 15 < r&i7c
roung Chickens , per dozen S1.50@2.00
Hd Chickens , per dozen J2.2S3.0Q
KRSOLVED , That the Chairman of the Board
of Trustees of the Village of McCook be au
thorized nnd empowered , and he Is hereby In
structed to enter Into a contract with the Lin
coln Land I'ompnny , a > rrcolH r to pay to the
Lincoln Land Company SCOO per annum , paya
ble quarterly in advance ; quarterly payments
of ? 150 to bo paid by tho Town of McCook to
, the Lincoln Land Company on the first day of
April. 18SU. and S150 on the ilrst of each suc
ceeding quarter thereafter , fora term of five
years , for tho use of ten fire hydrants for the
i fire department of the Villain of McCook.
I Said hydrants to bo used for the purpose of
' supplying water to said villa-re in timu of con-
i narration , or for practice of said tire depart
ment , which practice shall' not exceed one
stream of watei U hour , or two streams of
, -watery hour , tour times during each of the
\ months of November. December , January ,
iFobrtiary , March and April ; and not to exceed
j JiJiour twieednrinK the months of May , June ,
July. August. September and October : each
' occasion to use hydrants in case of cpnllafrra-
tion to take the place of one practice. The
Lincoln Land Company is to have full control
and supervision of said hydrants , except in
time of conflagration , at which time the Vil
lage of McCook shall have full control of the
hydrants and water mains. If hydrants are
I used in excess of specification in contract , the
Village of McCook is to pay to the party of the
I tlrst part twice the barrel or meter rates for
the amount used which shall be determined by
the superintendent of the works.
Attest : W. C. LATOUKKTTK. Chairman.
F. M. KIMMET.I , , Village Clerk.
Dated , McCook , Neb. , March 1.188(5. (
f | _ , _ - „ .
This agreement entered into this First day
of March. IHWi , by and between the Lincoln
Land Company of the first part and tho town
of McCook , party of the second part.
WiTNESSKTii./riiat the party of the first part
hereby agrees to place in the town of McCook
ten lire hydrants , connected with their water
mains , and supplied with water through thrce-
incli pipe , and to keep the same in good work
ing order to be located as follows : One at tho
corner of Domiipon and Macfarland. one at the
corner of Dennison and Main , one at the cor
ner of Dennipon and Madison , one at the cor
ner of Douglass and Mactarland. one at the
cornerof Douglassand Main , one at tho corner
of Douglass and Madison , olio at the corner of J
Douglass and Monmoiith , one at the corner of i
DaKota and Manchester , one at the corner of
Dakota and Mart-hall , nnd ont > at the corner of
Dakota and Monroe Streets.
the second part agrees to pay to the party of
the first part , ! . " > ( ) April 1st , 18HJ , ami SI 30 the
first of each succeeding quarter , for a terii of
live .years ; beintr an annual rental of $000 for
the use of said hydrants. The said hydrants
to be used by the party of the second part for
fire purposes only : to simply water to the tire
company in time of conflagration or for prac-
tice.which practice shall not exceed one stream
of water } - ' hour , or two streams 'i houreach
four times during each of the months of No
vember , December , January , February , March
and April : not to exceed ' 4 hour twice during
each of the months of May , June. July.August ,
September and October : each occasion to use
hvdrants in case of contlagiation to take the
place of one practice. The party of the first
part shall have full control and supervision of
bald hydrants , except in time of conflagration ,
at which time the party of the second part
shall have full control of the hydrants and
water mains. If hydrants are used in excess
of specifications , the party of the second part
will pay to the party of the first part twice the
barrel or meter rates of said Company for
amounts used , which shall be determined by
the superintendent of works.
AttestV. . C. IvTouisr.TTE , Chairman.
F. M. ICiMMKr.1 , , Village Clerk.
Dated , McCook , Neb. . March 1,188i.
.March 1st , 18W5. | "
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and I hut said p o fill bo made before ftegis-
ter or Iti'ceiver at McC'ook , Iscb. , on Friday ,
April Hth , IcHO. v/ : Zuc'ieiis L. Kay. Home-
htead Entry 772 , for the south } : northwest K
section 17 , township : > north , range 2l west 6th
P.M. He mime * the following witnesses to
prove his continuous roMiIenco upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viJohn Henderson ,
John Smith , Alfred Carter and Hiram K. ItLMer
all of McCook , Neb
40. G. L. LAWS , Register.
OrricK AT McCooK , NEIS. , i
March 2d , ISMi. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of" his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
April ilth. 18S-0 , viz : Edward F. DulTey , D. S.
2i.'i ) , for the southwest 'i southeast 5 * of scc-
tson . township 2. north of range HO west , B
P.M. lie names the fallowing witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land , viz. N. \Vickwire , E.
N. Benjamin and Fred lienjamin. of McCook ,
Neb. , and F. D. Smith , of Cedar Muffs , Kas.
40 G. L. LAWS , Register.
LAND Orriiju AT McCoou ,
February 24th , IStli. f
.Notice is horoby given that the following-
named settler hah filed notice of his intcntioi
to make final proof iii support of his claim
and that s-aid proof will be made before Regis
ter or Heci'ix'rr at McCook. Neb. , on Thur.-day
April Mh , isy ; , viz : Francis M. Kennedy , H
E. 1161 , lor the northeast quartcrof section 2G
township 2 north , range 2 ! ) west 6th P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove hi :
continuous residence upon , and cultivatior
of. said land , viz : John Gillcspie. William P
KennedyVilliam Vincent and William Smith
all of McCook , Neb.
! 50 G. L. LAWS , Register.
February 24th , 1885. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and thut said proof will be made bcfoic Kejrib-
ter or Rcccivcrat McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
April 3d , lfcS . viz : Nettie E. Parks , D. S. 1118 ,
for the west'southeast of section 20 , towns
t.hip2 northrange30west6th P.M. Sheuame-
the following witnesses to prove her continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : John P. Swuiison. D. A. Clements ,
Lewis F. Fauss and E.M. Matson , all of McCook ,
Neb. 3 ! ) G. L. LAWS. Register.
February 6th , 1SSH. j
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 23d , 1886 , viz : Ervin A. Whitescl. D. S.
ll'J'J , for the southwest Ji southwest Js section
SJ , township a , north of rangers west , G P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon.and cultivation
of , said land , viz : William Kilgore and Wm.
0. Bond of Bondville , Neb.andG. Lloyd Clark
and Alfred B. Fuller of Indianola , Neb.
IJ7 G. L. LAWS. Register.
February 9th , 1S86. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo maJc before Reg
ister or Ueceiverat McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 23. ! & % . viz : Frank A. Grillin , D. S.
liei , for the southeast h , of section 24 , town
ship 2 , north of range 29 west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : William A. Vincent , William H. Smith
and John F. Gillcspie of McCook , Neb. , ami
Ervin A. Whitescl of Red Willow , Neb.
37 G. L. LAWS , Register.
January 2oth , 1S86. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-
tiamcd settler has Hied notice of his intention
> o make final proof in support of his claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Reg-
ster or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , onTuesday ,
March 9 , ISsii , viFrederick Vollbrccht , H. E.
1540 , for the west ' northwest . west ii
southwest Ji of section 15. township 3. north
) f range 39 west. P. M. He names the fol-
owing'wit nesses to prove his continuous res-
dence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz :
\dolph Hhcischick , Herman Thole , Charles
3echtel and Jacob Evans , all of McCook , Neb.
35 G. L. LAWS , Register.
January 20th. 1886. f
Notice is hereby srlvun that the followinpf-
mincd settler IMS flled notice of his intention
o nmke final proof in supportof his clniin , and
hat said proof will be made before Register or
teceiver at McCook. Neb.on Tuesday , March
th. 1886. viz : Jacob H. Evans , Homestead
ntry ix : , tor the east X southwest Ji , west Jj
outheast U of section , township : { north ,
aryre 30 west Cth P. 31. lie names the follow-
nss witnesses to prove his continuous resi-
ence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
.iehael P.Veick , Adolph Kheischick. Charles
"olbrccht and Herman Thole , all of McCook.
fob. 35 U. L. J.AWS , Register. ;
W *
* J i3
Twenty-Five Imported
Clydes , Normans , English-Shire and Cleveland Bays.
. \l o a choice lot of hltfh Rradc Draft Stallions and ( Tarriajjo Horses , at
, , , . . &
It is n well known fact that horses do not thrive or breed well the first year after Importa
tion , or change of climate. None of my horses have been in the state less than one year. They
are superior animals of their respective breeds , sound , healthy and thoroughly acclimated , ASK
and warranted sure breeders. Terms to suit purchaser with approved security. Send for
catalogues to J.V. . SMALL , Fairtleld , Neb. FRED. M. WOODS ,
O. JI DRUSE , Manager. ; ci Auctioneer. Lincoln , Neb.
Paid up Capital , $5OOOO.OO ,
General Banking Business ,
Collections made on all : uce.ihle : points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-licsidcats. Money to loan on fanning
lands village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. .
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe ,
CORRESPONDENTS : V. FiiANKLis , President.
FirstNational Hank , Lincoln , Nebraska. j / - JOHN It. CI.AIUC , Vice-President.
The Chemical National Itank , Now Vork. ) A. C. EHEKT , Cashier.
Lath , Shingles , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Cedar
Posts , Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Paris.
Also Hard and Soft Coal
And Real Estate Brokers.
OFFICE : West Dennison Street ,
Mill ,
Superior to : my on tin : market , bcinj ; Heavier , Stronger Kullt ,
and therefore a more Durable Mill. It Is the only r
absolutely safe Mill built ; and out of
Thousands Erected During 12
Years past , not one has ever blotvn away and left the Tower
standing. A record no other Mill can show. Ve offer
to pnt up any of our PUMPING MILLS
And If they don't Klve satisfaction , will remove Mill at our
own expense. Also Manufacturers of tlie Celebrated
Challenge Feed Mill" . Corn Shelter ? . Iron Pumps
with brr.f cylinders. Iron Pipe , Tanks.
i- For estimates catalojnieR and prices apply to
/ . . .
/ f- . - „
. -a . ' i " * * * . G. B. NETTLETOX
- ' "l . - , McCook , Neb- ,
' "C J
3-i ? > . " ? .
& 3 O rr-- Y
. \Kent for Southwestrn Xebmrta and Xonliw stcrn Kansa ? .
I5ca : : d Salcr : : = i : the If : Ci ? coi 121 ! , Szfccsi S : .
/lakes / First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,