LAND-OFFICE BLANKS ! - > In ordering , give ollice number and title of- Jilnnk , with quantity ul-each blank wanted. " "Put only one blank on a UUP to avoid mis takes. J2gr"3foney must Invariably arcom- ' pany the order. .Address TEDES 3lcCOOK , XEKUASKA.i i - Office Ho. Title cf SUsi. Per Per APPLICATIONS TO EXTKIt. 4-007 Homestead Law 15Cls. , 51.2.1 4-009 Timber-Culture Law 35 " 1.23 AFFIDAVITS. 4/062 Non-Mineral 15 Cts. , Sl.OO 4 )73 ) Timber Culture Entry. . . 35 " 1.00 4-003 Homestead Entry 15 " 1.00 4-00l ! Commutation , Hd li " 1.00 4-070 Final , Homestead 15 " 1.00 4-072 Contest , Homestead "i " ti.OO 4-090 Contest , Timber Culture. 25 " 2.00 NOTICES. 4-347 For Publication 35 Cts. , ? I.OO 4-348 Hd Int. to Prove Up. . . . 15 " 1.00 4-349 Pre-E. 15 " 1.00 PROOFS. 4-369 Homestead Final CO Cts. , S3.00 4-374a .Pre-Emptlon Final flO " 3.00 MISCELLANEOUS. 4-533 Declaratory Statement. . 15Cts. , Sl.OO Township Plats. Other blanks will be iireparcd as called for. LEQSL SLEEKS IN STOCK , Denver to Denver to Kansas Gity , Denver to Gynsfoa , Omaha to Chicago , Kansas City to Chicago , Omaha to St Louis , BESFROM FROM SURSLOW LOW RATES BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Through tickets over the Burling ton Route are for salo by iho Union Pacific , Denver & R'io Crcnde and all other principal railways , and by all agents of ttte "Burlington Route. " For further information , apply to any agent , cr to P. S , EUSTSS. cn'IT'k'tAs't , OMAHA , XEB SIXTEENTH YEAR. BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Our 14th premium list.conii > risiiij. 000 worth of presents , is nn - rcaily. Every subscriber to the Weekly Times ut. J2.G ( ) a your , when order is received before April : ! 0. I G , will receive a premium worth , nt retail , from $1.00 tp 81,000. Full particulars and specimen copies free to any address. PRICES FOR SUBSCRIPTION : Wceily , with prenisa. per year S 2.00 Weeily , ritisat prcaisa. per year 1.00 Staday Tines , per year ' . 2.00 Sally Tiscs , per year 10.00 Address all orders to THE TIMES , Kansas City. Mo. JSHSpecial terms to Agents. ES T A B .Ll.S M Eto" , IB 4,6- "The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted t o science , mechanics , engineering , discoveries , in ventions and patents ever published. E\ery num ber illustrated with splendid engraving. * . This publication furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia nf information which no person should be without. The popularity of tho SCIENTIFIC AMKBICAJC ii such that its circulation near ) ; equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price. S3.O ) a vear. Discount to Cftibs. Soldby.ill newsdealers. MUNN i CO. , Publishers. No. 36lBroadway , X. Y. Jlunn & Co. have also had Thirty- ° Eight years' practice before the Patent Office and have prepared more than One Hundred Thou- applications for patents in too &and { States and foreign countries. rCaveats , Trade-Harks , Copy-rights. . Assignments , and all other papers for I securing to inventors their rights in the I United States , Canada , England , trance. ' I Germany and other foreign countries. ' pre- I pared at short notice andon reasonable terms. I Information as to obtaining patents clieer- I fully given without charge. Hand-books of information sent free. Patents obtain * ! through Munn Jfc Co. are noticed in the Scicntine American free. Tho advantage of such notice i- well understood by all persons who wish todis- PAddre6SCIAiU > "N i CO. . Office SciESTinc , 361 Broadway , New York. PHIUOELPKifl SINGER lucluding Tucker , Bndlfr. boxor-llleniincrs.and nuni- r.and usual outfit ofuv 'l\ < - pieces. WarrantFd 3 Yearc. k ir % nflvc * TitiA i IP 10 UAlO your own house before yon pn ; otic cent. Ko other . / ; „ , , machine manufacture ) ' I'M / . ' / United States dares to n-n// tJils offer. They are hitint- Lsome. durable , and lisht- irunning. Sane at other COB. . , MBluekarsejrom 540lo S50 Purchase from BH and wive S-'IO. SPIK ) u circular andr C. A. WOOD & CO. , testimonials. / IT N. Tenth Su , Phllod'n , Pa. MIIE I whistle made. a Is s be heard from one to ; -jqn'l Isi i txvo miles. Exa ' en the C , BlzoofaSO-cali- farr tr brecentrefire or on cartndge. the watei. J rivalu- sble : a and ever ; aa r stoold hive a - nc. Sent free , by In i mall , for 25 cents lu InMI stamps. Order now. or iu > d get oar catuiogut * ot Cut. RovtlllM. cle.9Adlres3 dtbr " " ilE. AbtSUN Jfc CO. , br DELFU1A , 1'ENN'A. sa IWfoult- SOCIETY DIRECTORY. CONGIIEGAT1ONAL. Sunday SchooTat 10 A. M. every week. Preaching services qvorv Sunday night nt 0:30 M. T. Also , every alter nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions to ( he above will bo noticed in locals. GKOHOE DUXQAN , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 10 : : tO A. M. and 7 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday School at a P. M. The services and Sunday school will be held for the future In the new church. All are cordially invited. Scats free. W. S. WHEELEK , Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Services in the Opera Hall the first and third Sundays , morning and evening- , of eacb month. J. A. FULFOUTII , Hector. CATHOLIC. Services will be held in the church once every four weeks. THOMAS CCLLBX , Pastor. W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. will meet in the Reading Itootn every Wedncsdav afternoon at 2 o'clock. M. T. The Bund of Hope will meet in the Heading Koom every Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock , mountain time. A. O. U. W. McCook Lodge No. 61 , will meet the first and third Mondays of each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting brethren cordially invited. Du. Ii. II. DAVIS , M. W. W. H. DAVIS , Recorder. McCOOK LODGE A. F. A : A. M. Regular meetings , Tuesday night on or before full moon of uvery month. S. L. GREEN , W. M. F. L. McCiiACKEN , Secretary. n LODGK K. OKP. , U. D. Meets the first and third Wednes- ! uy evening of eacb month. J. W. CAMl'UtfT.L , C. C. A. M. SPALDIXO , K. U. S. IIosu COMPANV. Reg- Hlar iiicetinjrson the first Wednesday Evening of each month. H. B. AIICHIIJALD , Chief. H. OF L. E. Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of each month. ' S. E. Honr , Chief. J. C. ANDERSON , F. A. E. .T.1C BAUNES POST G. A. R. Regular meet ings second and lourth Monday evenings of each month at Opera Hall. J.-A. Wir-cox , Commander. J. H. YAIIOEU , Adjutant. POST-OFFICE HOURS. Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. , M. T. Oilice will be closed thirty minutes before arrival and departure of mails. SUNDAY , oflice will be open from 1to - P. M. mountain time. A. P. SIIAIIP , P. M. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : EAST LEAVES : No. 2 0:30 , A.M. No. 40 5:2.- . , P. 31. WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : Xo.39 12:50. P.M. No.l. . . . . . . . 8"iP. M. CST'Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. . 1U It. WOODS , Agent. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Gun. E. JOHNSTON. PKOP. .McCOOK , : : XEISHASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. 4-3(5 SPOTTS & STIMSOX. FASTITOXAr.r.F. BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite Chicago Lumber Yard , : .I.\1X STI5EKT. - JfcCOOK. NKDKASKA. ROBERT DRYSDALE , MERCHANT TAILOR MAIN STKEET , ' McCOOK . NK1WASKA. W. AI. SANDERSON , HOUSE AM ) SIGN PAINTER * McCooic , - NEBRASKA. work guaranteed. Give me a call. F/D. HJESS , Contractor ind Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3S * " > latcriul furnished if desired. THE RED WILLOW MILL Is now in operation and will do General Custom Work , The Mill is complete and we * Guarantee Good Work , J. W. PICKLE & CO. Louisiana CATTLE ! tein .Does Not Affect ii. . FOR SALE BY : REES & HOCKNELL , SOLE AGENTS. BEGGS' CHEREY COUGH SYEUP a jiprfect succrss. " is what we hear on all idos by those who have used it and It ml it a -rtain euro for ciiuyhs. colds and all bronchial oubles. For ale by M. A. Spaidinjr and S. L. AHY OWE need of a ; rood liniment , please call at our oroanil jretu l.ottle of nERn'sTiKii'iuAj.Oir , . ic of the most perfect medicines over pro- iced , ami warranted to cure scalds , burns , uises , etc..and relieve pain of all kinds. For ! e by M. A. SpuMing nnd S. L. Greon. W. O. T. U. - * + * > * * * * * * * S * * * * S S * - I To THE EDITOR : Last week , an ap peal was published to the friends of re form. This week T wish to address the reformers , those who have assumed this exalted p9sition before God and men. What manner of men and women'ought we to be in all holy conversation and" godliness , that we may be an example to those who believe not , and that they may be won by our kindness and chaste conversation , coupled with fear and hu mility. It is a sublime position to strive for right and justice in behalf of our fellow man against cruel wrong and oppression , often fortified with ancient usage and the socialand religious opin ions and laws of man. The exalted po sition of a true reformer should be borne with wisdom and purity of heart , and nowhere is the virtue of patience more necessaiy. The evil that is to be rooted up and revealed in its deformity is al most always deep.-rooted and imbedded in the habits and opinions of men. The reform cannot be thorough until the convictions and conscience and will of men can be won to its support and this must be u labor of love and patience and of hope. It needs the 'entire con secration of heart and life , and above all , .a sublime faith in Him who has promis ed to lead us on to victory. A faith that is born of the conviction that God reigns , and that where God reigns peace and right will prevail. And here let me say to the Keform Club and WVC. T. U. , "Be not weary in well doing. " If your work does not seem to be appre ciated , be assured that you are engaged in the grandest work that can engage men or angels. You are doing what you can to forward the work which brought the Son of God from heaven to inaugurate : that of binding up the brok en hearted ; preaching the glad tidings of peace to the meek , and proclaiming liberty to the captives. This work ITe has left for his followers to carry for ward until he comes again : and blessed is that servant whom his master shall find watching and waiting. God has the power to do this work himself and in a tnr.niont to cut-off all evil-doers and in augurate a reign of righteousness ; but he has condescended to make us his co- workers in this grandest of all reforms and has assured us if we labor and suf fer with him , we shall also reignwith him in glory. Is not tins-incentive suf ficient to keep us faithful unto death ? Then let us take courage and renew our labor day 1) } ' day and remember that the husbandman after he has sown his seed hath need to wait for the early and latter rain. So we must remember that after we have performed our work in faithfulness that God will in his own time and way give the increase. I can not close this article without saying a warning word against the sin of intoler ance , that sin which so easily besets moral reformers. It is the weakness of strong , positive , but undisciplined na tures. They have strong instincts for reformatory measures. They Inve pow erful instincts to assail the sins of men and a high regard for the supreme obli gations of truth and right and thus if not softened and sanctified by grace is apt to lead to the opposite sin of self- righteousness and bigotry. Every great moral reform of our day has been dark ened by this spirit. Even in some of our Prohibition conventions some of the leaders have shown an intemperance of intolerance that is humilitating to the friends of this great movement. It is a noble virtue that leads us to respect the conscientious convictions of others. To urge men to fidelity to truth and righteousness is a gp.'at and noble work. But let us be careful to not retard the work by showing an intolerance towards the honest convictions of those who dif fer from us. W. C. T. V. Ax attempt is being made to have a convention of newspaper paragraphers meet somewhere on the seashore next summer. The convention will proba- ) ly pass a law prohibiting the use of "chestnuts"more than ten years of nge. Topics. IT is currently reported that Morse of the Register has not changed his inen tince his entree into the field of journalistic possibilities at Trenton. Hence the constant waving of the dirty shirt by his contemps. Some one lias lijjured out that life is like larness because it contains "traces" of care , lines"of. trouble , ' 'bits' ' of good fortune , breeches" of ijooil manners and "bridled" ongues , and every one has a "tug" to pull lirniigcli a severe cold milesstliey takel'Iiaiu- Mjrlahf s Cough Remedy. Best buy a bottle icforeyougetstrapped. Sold bvM. A. Spalil- Ii ngniunvilley& Walker. WHEN Sparks said that allegations of frauds in surveys in Nebraska threw a cloud over the titles to all homesteads" in Nebraska he exposed the densest ig norance of the art of surveying. In lo cating these homestead and other claims re-surveys were made by competent lo cal surveyors. As a matter ol fact , had the government never run any line ex cept to define townships , there would have arisen little difficulty and less con fusion. County and professional sur veyors could have run out the inside lines and defined the tracts of land just awell as the government surveyors did it. Each particular quarter section would have been specifically located just as it actually existed , the surveys would all have agreed just as they do now and there would have no cloud on any title But when the work of. a dozen different men , some officially done and other unofficially , all agree with the "fraudulent" ' government surveys the circumstances set Sparks down as the most monumental ass of modern Amer ican manufacture. lie knows no more about practical surveying than a pig does about roller skating , while his ef forts to shine as an expert are far more ridiculous flian would be the antics of a porker on the treacherous wheels. Topics. PEERLESS PREMIUNS. The superb niul costly premiums which the I5ee otters to-the patrons of its weekly this year , is unrivalled. Tho aggregate value of premiums is $43,127.00. They comprise two eighty acre farms in Iowa and Knnsas , and one forty acre farm in Nebraska ; funning : ma chinery and implements , atnon which are one J. I. Case thresher with fiMiorse power , com plete ; one new McCormick steel liarvoste : and binder : one six-hole seared inountaii sheller and hoi-he power ; and more than farm millscorn-shellers and plows , varying ii value from S8.00 to $ l"t each. There are nut- sical instruments , in'cludingone Kmcrsou up right grand piano , worth * SOO.O ( ) , live stock household goods , silverware , cutlery , guns knives , books , etc. The award of premium * will be made Satur day , March Kith , IN5 ! ! , by a committee selcctei : by the subscribers , who.may lie present at the distribution. There will positively be no postponement A premium worth at retail , at least one dol lar , is guaranteed to every subscriber who re mits two dollars before the 13th of March. This is neither a new nor expcrimcnta scheme , but will be our sixth successive an mini premium dMribtitioii. the llrtit bavin ; , taken j.'lace s-i the whiterof 'K7 < t-ls 0. While it may seem incredible that we car afford to furnish a metropolitan weekly for two dollars a year , give to every subscriber 11 premium worth at least one dollar , and to in clude premiums several hundred articles valued at from Jive dollars to one thousand dollars each , we arc in condition tc honestly carry out every promise- obliga tion which we assume and still derive lair re turns from the paper. Nearly all the large premiums were secured in exchange for ad vertising. The most costly articles we have- traded torso far as to involve only a compar atively small outlay in cash. For instance our lands were bought of the.J. if Case Thresh ing Machine Company and they takeout ? 1,000 of the purchase price in advertising. The same is true of the Case threshing machine , for which we pay less than one-fourth of the retail price in cash and balance in advertising. Many other machines we have on this list are purchased without paying out any money. The minor premiums , such as books , albums , cutlery , plated spoons , etc. , are bought in very large quantities at wholesale prices and with liberal discounts. The margin between what we pay out for premiums , postage and inci dental expenses is large enough to leave us a fair subscription price for the paper. Our list contains the names of thousands of sub scribers who have patronixed us for many years. They attest that we have kept faith with our patrons and enjoy their full confi deuce. We could not afford to do otherwise. The Bee is now in its fifteenth year , and its founder and editor during all these years ? is also the principal proprietor , lie has a repu tation at stake , and could not be a party to a disreputable or fraudulent scheme without being ruined , and destroying his paper which now occupies the front rank in western journalism. The subscription price of the Weekly liee with premium is two dollars peranuutii. Direct your remittance by money order or registered letter to "The Ilec Publishing- . , " Omaha , Nebraska , who will forward a num bered premium receipt which will be register ed in our premium book. Kach subscriber should also give explicit directions a to post- ollice address. CITY = - : BAKERY. A , PROBST & BRO , R OPRTETORS. WE KKEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , ; GRAHAM BREAD. "akes Made on Order , ROOM n connection whore you can sot police , sand wiches , pies , etc.nt all hours. am * * ( * * t ' M RTRO PO LIT AN ? ui DRUG STORTJ TJ ii McCOOK , NEBRASKA. rn ! -J U ) . t 5 „ M. A. SPALDING , PROPRIETOR , j I o I si C m fc n * Pianos and Organs ! U ) ? , r- ! li rE S E < 5 SEWING MACHINES. DL ; . 5 5 J. A. TAYLOR , Druggist. : F CD , DEALERS IN Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARDAND SOFT COAL. -YARDS AT- Bertrand , Elwooa.Oxford , Edison , Arapahoe.Cambridge , Indianola , McCook.Culbert- son. Stratton. Trenton and Benkelman in Neb. Yuma and Akron in Colo. CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability. EMlmntes made of Mill ami I'ltnip complete upon npplicntfnn. liven' Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE Tliitinillis a. "solid uhiMT * and flic best st-lf-rcKUlator made. The WuiNliiiiiiiM > Xn. . I'liiii ] ) i tin1 1 > c t MiiEle acting force pump in tin ; market. Will work invclN from 10 to Ut't ' ) feet In depth , and ha * hack attachment * to fi.rcc water into elevated tMit * . Can be u-ud ) > y hand or windmill. 1'arttes conteinplatin ; ; tinrrrctic.ii nf u Windmill will consult their host Interctts liy calling at my Homestead. lj < j jnlli s X. W. of Mi-Cook , oral H. .Johns-tonX . " . mile < S. K. . and at Ilinvitt - Market Garden. P. K. of McCoolr. anil examine the workinfrof the Woodmanse. W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co. , Freeport , 111. T > FE H C. A. NETTLETON , Prop. of Fee COKX SHELLED AND GROUND , IJOLTED , ETC. 2. BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL-S BARN , McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. STOCK DIRECTORY. KTLPATKICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. 1) . Webster. ) As Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address. Estolle. Hayes county , and Ueat- , rice. Neb. Kanjjc. Stink- Sinjr Water and Krench- pnian creeks. Chase Co. , I Nebraska. , Hraml as cut on side of some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any where on the animal. PAXTOX"CATTLE co. J. 15. MKSKHVK , General Manager. Postoflice addres . Me- Cook , Xeb. Kanch : At k prinCanyon on the I Frenchman Hirer. Chase Iconnty. Nebraska. I Stock branded as above : jalso 717 on left side ; 7 .on thcrixlithipund Txse * * * * * he rijrht shoulder ; Lonlet'tshouldorand X ) n left jaw. Half imdcr-crnp left ear , anrl qtjarc-crop riyrht ear. SPUINGCREEK CATTJ.E CO. .7. D. V.'KMiois.v. Vice President and Supt. P. O. address. Indiano la , Nebraska. It an go : Republican ; \ alley , east of Dry [ Creek , and near head of iSprinjr Creek , in Chase ! county , Nebraska. EATOX J3ROS. & CO. P. O. addres. .McCool : . Xebniska. ISan o.south Tattle branded on left hip. Also. ] fj. 5. A ! ini1 T7 ' ' 11 brands on left hip. i Horses branded the same on left shoulder. STOKKS & TROTH. P.O. address.Currico. Hayes eoitnty.Xeb. ' Uanjre : Hed Willow I creek , above Carrico Stock branded as above AI o run the lazy CM brand. CHURCH. I'ostollice.Osborn. Neb. Kanjye : Hed Willow icreek. in S. W. corner of 'Frontier ' county. Cattle branded OLD I on right side. Also , an [ over crop on rfcrht ear and muter crop on left. A-o. ! run O bratd on rijtht shoulder. Horses branded 8 on rl ht shoulder. FKKJLM31UCK PoslolHce address , Mc- r'ook. Nobniska. It a neb : Four miles MHItllWf-t Of McC 00k , ; in -Driftwood. . Stock branded AJ on the Ictt hip. JOFIX F. BLACK , ttreoder of IJUMIOVED SHEEP Dciatie , Meri no and South down Person al inspection and corres pondence so licited. Addirss him at Ked Willow Nebraska. .1 M'