NOMCS. , Each'race and people admire its own 'style of nose. The.Semitic nose has never been associated in our minds with beauty , f yetwe arespoken'of contemptuously by the Arabs and Syrans as "Plat-nosed Pranks. " Shakespeare , on the other hand , must have thought a Turk's nose most -abominable , for he takes care to have it thrown into the witches' hell-broth in "Macbeth. " The'Africans are proud of "their broad , flat nose , and some tribes even insert artificial objects to increase their pet deformity. The powers of oratory of U..S. Senator Voorhees , of Indiana , are universally acknowledged. Where even in Demosthenes could there be words more eloquent than these ? "I consider St. Jacobs Oil a splen- did remedy. J Buffered from rheumatism of the back. J , used St. Jacobs OH , which .gave mo instanteous relief , and then cured me. " i A woman without a laugh in her is the greatest bore in existence. Advertisement of a church Singers want ed. In choir of the organist. Thomas Hardy is writing a novel for Macmillians. You get the truth habitually from equals only. Prof. Grothe , of the Brooklyn Board of Health , analyzed lied Stur Cough Cure and' found it absolutely free from poisons and opiates , and safe and sure. Price , 25 cents. Sliak pcaro' JTIIxtnUc. j "There ! " said Mrs. Gummidge , putting -aside her paper. "Good for Lillie Dever- eux Blake : " . "What has she done , my dea ? " ' "She says that Shakspeare was a brute , -and that the play "The Taming of the Shrew" does woman gross injustice. " "Well , \ think myself it would have been truer to nature if he hadn't a-tamed her. " [ Chicago News. I Travelers should bo prepared for the changes of weather and against the effects of exposure by providing themselves with 3)r. Hull's Cough Syrup the best made. ' An incorrigible punster says she is a kind of a shoe-fly. CLOVCR SEED. Ited , White. Alsike , Alfal fa , Bokhara , at EVANS' SEED STOKE , Omaha , 3Xcb. 3Xcb.Out Out on the fly The escaped convict. | Halford Sauco makes cold meats a luxury , 'Kept ' by A l grocers. Ask for It. John Morlcy. the neiv chief secretary for .Ireland , visited America in 18S1. BECAUSE A Goon CONSTITUTIONbears abuse "wonderfully do not assume that a reckon ing day will never come. Be sensible in .your habits , and use neither rum nor tobacco. At the first symptoms of dys pepsia , disorders of the skin , kidneys , liver or blood , use promptly Dn. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA. BiTTEits , the unrivaled purifier of the blood and renovator of the sytem , which Is a certain cure. i Whether ten mills make a cent , depends largely on the tariff hws. PATEIVTSobtaincilliy IonisJMgscr&Oo. . At torneys , AVujhinsto D.C.Eat'J 1854. Advice free. The Abbe Glaire has prepared a new translation of the bible in French. Tlie most desirable hair dressing ever offered to the publicislfall's Hair Itenewer. \J \ Physicians prescribe Aycr's Cherry Pec- toral , on account of its great curative powers. It seems strange that we never meet the man who lifts drawn a lottery prize. The best cough medicine s PIso's Cure for Con- Sold everywhere. 35c. Queen Victoria's favorite preacher is Canon Ducksworth. STRICTLY PURE. IT COWTAEVS WO OPIUM IK AWT FOBM IN THREE SIZE BOTTLES. FRIGE 25 CENTS , GO CENTS , AND $1 PER BOTTLf gara CKXT 1IOTTTFS : iro pup up for tho Jr * siccommoilwtion o _ all who ilesiro a < r O flrtrwl * iTfl I.rt\i * l'iinr > fl COUGH , GOLD and CROUP REMEDY THOSE.DESIRING- REMEDT FOH OK AX should Secure tho Iiirgo Sl.OO Bottles. Dirertioiis actompa y Bnch llotHe. SOLO BV ACL MKDICiXJK UEAI.KKS. r /rVURE Biliousness. Sick Headacho In Four Hours. \G ) Om dose rciicvcs Neuralgia. They euro and prevent Chills * * Fever , Sour Stomach end Bad Brjath. Clear the Skin. Tons the Nerves , and glva Ufe and Vigor to the system. Dose : OKKBEAH. Try them once and you will never be without them. Price. 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt Of prlcfl In stamps , postpaid , to any address , J. IT. S3IITH & CO. , Haanfaclnrcrs and Sola Props. , . ST. LOUIS. MO. [ M IS HUKSRY within an hour , more or ! > less , after a meal , he is a dyspep tic. It shows his stomach is not able to dispose of what he has eaten. But to eat and thus im w pose more work is an absurdity. I- .Take DR. JONES' RED CLOVER. TONIC , which cures Dyspepsia and all Stomach , Liver , Kidney , and Bladder troubles. It is a per fect tonic appetizer , blood puri fier , a sure cure for ague and ma laria diseases. Price , Fifty Cents. LAFAYETTE IN AMERICA. Reminiscences or His Imst VJslt to tne Country forVTilcli Ho Did So Muck. A Washington correspondent of TJiQ Louisville Coiirier-Journalvrcitcsi Con gress , learning that Gen. Lafayette ftad expressed an anxious desire to visit this country , the independence of which his valor , blood , and treasure were so in strumental in achieving , requested the president of the United.States to ascer tain the time when it would be most agreeable for him to perform this visit , and that he offer to the general a con veyance to this country in one of our na tional ships. Gen. Lafayette declined this offer of a public ship. He sailed from Havre in the packet ship Cadmus , accompanied by his son , George Washington La fayette , and arrived at New York on the 15th of August , 1824. His reception in the city was all that .his heart could de sire. He soon proceeded on a tour through the United StatesEverywhere he was received and honored as "The na tional guest. " For more than a year his journey was a complete ovation. 'As he passed .through the country , every city , village , and hamlet poured out its inhab itants en masse to meet him. He visited all the states then composing the union. When the time of his departure drew near , a new frigate , the Brandywine , named in honor of the gallant exploits of Gen. Lafayette at the battle of Bran dywine , was provided by congress to convey him to France. It was deemed appropriate that he should take final leave of the nation at the seat of govern ment in Washington. President Adams invited him to pass a few weeks in the presidential mansion. During his so journ at the capital he visited ex-Presi dents Jefferson , Madison and Monroe at their several places of residence. Having paid his respects to these ven erated sages , the "nation's guest" pre pared to take his final departure from the midst of a grateful people. The 7th of September , 1825 , was the day ap pointed for taking leave. At 12 o'clock the officers of the general government , civil , military and naval , together with the authorities of Washington , George town and Alexandria , with multitudes of citizens and strangers , assembled in the president's house. Mr. Adams then addressed him in an appropriate speech. I copy a single paragraph : ' You have traversed the twenty-four states of the great confederacy ; yoi have been received with rapture by the survivors of your earliest companions in arms ; you have been hailed , as a long absent parent , by their children the men and women of the present age ; anc a rising generation , the hope of futun time , in numbers surpassing the whole population of that day when you fought at the head and by the side of then forefathers , have vied with the scanty remnants of that hour of trial in accla mations of joy at beholding the face ol him whom they feel to be the common benefactor of all. You have heard the mingled voices of the past , the present , and the future age joining in one uni versal chorus of delight at your ap proach ; and the shouts of unbidden thousands , which greeted your landing on the soil of freedom , hav6 followed every step of your way , and still re- ' sound like the rushing of many waters from every corner of our land. " Gen. Lafayette's happy reply closed with these words : "God bless you , sir , and all who sur round us. God bless the America * , people , each of their states , and the fed eral government. Accept this patriotic farewell of an overflowing heart. Sucl will be its last throb when it ceases tc beat. " ' The moment of departure at lengtl arrived , and having once more pressec the hand of Mr. Adams , he entered the i barouche , accompanied by the secretar ies of state , of the treasury , and of tin navy , and passed from the capital. At immense procession accompanied hin to the banks of the Potomac , where tin steamboat Mount Vernon awaited tr carry him down the river to the frigati. Brandywine. The next morning tin boat anchored in safety near the Bran dywinc. Here Lafayette took leave o ' the secretaries of 'state , the treasury and navy , and the guests who had ac companfed him from Washington , to gether with many military and nava officers and eminent citizens , who ha assembled in various crafts near th frigate to bid him farewell. Beer Glasses. "Good morning , Jack , I hear tha you are now in business for yourself , i it so ? " * "Yes , Jim , I have worked myself in to the glass manufactory , whore I hav- been so long employed. I am now i . " partner. t "Jack , I am glad to hear it ; I hop you will do well. " "I think we will. I have alread ; taken a large order , since I have be come a member of the firm an orde for ten gross of beer glasses with han dies on them. " | ' Handles ? That's something new isn't it ? " "Oh , no. They are nearly all nianu factured that way now. " "Schooners , too ? " "Yes. It is a great improvement 01 the old style ; people can now carry- glass of beer to their mouths withou spilling the contents , by the use o these handles. " "Ah , I see. Drinkers handle th beer for awhile , but by and by the bee handles them. " Pacific Jester. No Third Party. Maud and her George were hi the pai lor , and Maud's father who , by th way , is clown on the Mugwumps wa laying down his political tenets t Maudes George : "I tell you , " he exclaimed , "th Democratic and Eepublican parties en body all there is of wisdom in part management. We don't want any thir party here. " "That is it precisely , papa , " replic Maud . : . "a third party is a nuisance ani * * - * * where. Maud's father counted noses , coi eluded he was the Mugwump , and witl drew from the Held. New York Sut WHAT WARNER'S SAFE CURE CURES AND WHY. CONGESTION OF THE KIDNEYS , BACKACHE , OF THE BLADDER OR VBUfAJtY OltOAA'S. Catarrh of the Bladder , Gravel , Stone , Dropsy , Enlarged Prostate Gland , Impoteno or General Debility , Bright'- Disease. 1VHT ? Because it is the only rem edy known that Jias power to expel I lie uric acid and urea , of which there are some 500 grains secreted each day as the result of muscular action , and sufficient if retained in the blood , to kill six men. It is the direct cause of all the above diseases , as well as of Heart Disease , Rheumatism , Apoplexy , Paralysis , Insanity and Death. This great specilic relieves the kidneys of too much hlood , frees them from all irri tants , restores them to healthy action by its certain and soothing power. "IT CURES ALSO Jaundice , En largement of the Liver , Abcess and Catarrh of the Bile Ducts , Biliousness , Headache , Furred Tongue , Sleeplessness , Languor , De bility. Constipation , Gall Stones , and every unpleasant symptom which results from liver complaint. Will7 ? Because it has a specific and positive action on the liver as well as on the kidneys , increasing the secre tion and'flow of bile , regulates its elaborat ing function , removes unhealthy forma tions , and , in a word , restores it to natural activity , without which health is an Impos- sibilitv. IT CURES AJLSO .Female Com plaints , Leucorrhoea , Displacements , En largements , Ulcerations , Painful Menstrua- ' tion , makes Pregnancy safe , prevents Con vulsions and Child-Bed Fever and aids na ture by restoring functional activity. WHY ? All these troubles , as is well known by every physician of education , arise from congestion and impaired kidney action , causing stagnation of the blood vessels and breaking down , and this is the beginning and the direct cause of all the ailments from which women suffer , and must as surely follow as night does the day. "WBIY Warner's Safe Cure is acknowl edged by thousands of our best medical men to be the only true blood purifier , is because it acts upon scientific principles , striking af the very root of the disorder by its action on the kidneys and liver. For , if tliexe organs AVCE-C Iccptf in laealtla. all Hie morbid Avisle matter . * o deadly poisonous ifretained in tlie l > ody , is passed out. On the contrary , if they are deranged , the acids are taken up by the blood , decomposing it and carrying death to the most remote part of the body. WHY 93 per cent , of all diseases which afflict humanity , arise from impaired kid neys , is shown by medical authorities. Warner's Safe Cure , by its direct action , posi tively restores them to health and full work ing capacity , nature curingall tlie aliove diseases Iierseli"wJien the cause is removed , and we guarantee that. Warner's Safe Cure is a positive preventive- if taken in time. As you value health take it to avoid sickness , as it will at all times and un der all circumstances keep all the vital func tions up to par. We also Guarantee a Cure and beneficial effect for each of the foregoing diseases , also that every case of Liver and Kidney trouble can be cured where degen eration has Xot taken place , and even then Benefit will Surely be.Derived. . . In every instance it has established its claim. AS A 1HOO1 > PURBFIER , par ticularly in the Spring , it is unequalled , for you cannot Jtavcpurc blood when the kidneys or liver are out of order. I oolc to your condition at once. Do not postpone treatment for a day nor an hour. Tlie doctors cannot com pare recordsvit2i us. Give your self thorough constitutional treatment with Warner's Safe Cure , and there are yet many years of life and health assured you ! ' ROUGH OX PII.ES. " Cures piles or hemorrlioItU. Itchlm * . protrndtn ; foleedine , Jntenial or other. Internal uuil extern i remedy In eich package. Sure cure. 30i. Dr The average life of a locomotive is thirty years. Foun SCOKE YEARSAND TEX have not seen theeqiifil of Ely's Cream Balm as a remedy for Catarrh , Colds in the Head , and Hay Fever. It works like magic , giving relief at once , and permanent benefit. A thorough treatment cures the worse cases. Apply with the finger into the nostrils. Price 50 cents at druggists , GO cents by mail. Ely Bros. , Owego , X. Y. Foit ALL FORMS of nasal catarrh where there is a dryness of the air passage with what is commonly called "stuffing up , " es pecially when going to b'ed , Ely's Cream Balm gives perfect and immediate relief. Its benefit to me has been priceless. A. G. Chase , M. D. , Millwood , Kansas. I HAVE rsED one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and it is the best remedy I have found for catarrh in fifteen years. Y. G. Babbage , Attorney , Hardinsburg , Ky. Bees.near a distillery stay drunk all the time and make no honey. "ROUGH ON ITCH. " "KousH on Itch" cures skin humor ? , eruptions ring Vorm , tetter , salt rheum , frosted feet , cnll- Hans. Itch , Ivy poison , barber's itch. 50c , jars. The czar is getting so fat that he has Eentr for BismarcK's doctor. | \l \ ERVOUS DKBII.IT Y , premature decay , kid ney. bladder and private dHcasescitrcd secretly cy the remedies Riyen in our old specialist physician's treatise ; mailed free by the ASAIIKL MEDICAL r , 2)1 ) Broadway , New York. Is It Really Consumption ? Many a case supposed to be radical disease is really one of liver complaint and" " .indjgestion , but , unless that diseased liver can ho restored to healthy action , it will so clog the lunss with corrupting matter as to bring on their speedy decay , and then in deed wo have consumption , which w scrof ula of the lungs , in its worst form. Noth ing can be more happily calculated to nip this danger in the bud than is Dr. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discovery. " By druggists. A German count Eins , Zwei , Drei , etc. Five Hundred JDoIIarw is the sum Dr. PJerce offers for the detec tion of any calomel , or other mineral poison or injurious drug , in his justly celebrated "Pleasant Purgative Pellets. " They are about tho size of a mustard seed , therefore easily taken , while their operation is unat tended by any griping pain. Biliousness , sick headache , bad taste in the mouth , and jaundice , yield at once before these "little giants. " Of your druggist. Brine put in the churn causes butter to rise and not run out with buttermilk. The "Favorite Prescription" of Dr. Pierce cures "female weakness" and kin dred affections. By druggists. Old rounders The hands of the clock. fiDAOO OCCn Bluo Grass , Timothy , Red UnHOO OCCUi Top. Orchard , Jlunirauan. Millets , at lowest market prices , at EVANS * SEED STORE , Omaha , Neb. Poetical justice Killing the bad poets. During the war , Dr. Lloj'd , of Ohio , from exposure , contracted consumption. IJe says : "I have no hesitation in saying that it was by the use. of Allen's Lung Balsam that I am now alive and eiljoying perfect health. " Don't experiment with new and untried medicines. If you have a cough or cold , take at once Allen's Lung Balsam. Parsnips should not be allowed to re main in the ground all winter. I had a very severe attack of rheuma tism and neuralgia nnd was very weak through the pain. Athlophoros acted like a charm upon the trouble and I take it as a providential medicine'for me. Win. Ray mond , Peach Grove , Kan. Winter dairying is more profitable than summer. ONE pair of lioots can be saved yearly by using Lyou'a Patent Metallic Heel StllTc-ncrs. A student of human nature says any thing can be sharpened. ONION SETS AND SEEDS , Wholesale and Retail , at EVANS' SEED STORE , Omaha , Neb. Fowls during the winter thrive best with some green food , such as cabbage heads. "Rough on Hats" clears out Rats , Mice. 13c. "Ecugh en Coins" hard or soft corns , bunions. 1'c "Rouph on Toothache. " Instant relief. 13c. A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "In the winter of 1S7U I was attacko J with Scrofula In one of the most asgravatlns form' . At one time I had no less than 13 larxe abscesses ever and arjut d my neck and throat , continually exuding an offen sive mass of bloody matter disgusting to lishold. and almost Intolerable to endure. It is Impo&ljlc tofully describa my sufferings , as the case was complicated. with chronic catarrh. After tin c years of misery , laving been treated by three phyoii i ins , I was w r so than ever. Finally , on the recommendation of W. J. Iluntley , druggist , of Lockport , 1 was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now. after haI ig taken 12 bottles within the last twelve months , the sr .fulous eruptlocs luve entirely ceascJ , and the abscesses have all disappeared , except the unsightly scars , which are dally becoming "STialicr by degrees. and beautifully Ic ; s. " I do not know what it may have done for others , but I do know that 'n my ca e Hoods Sarsapaiilla has i'ro\ed an cflVc It e specific Indeed. " CiiiULES A. KonEKrs , Wlisou. X. Y. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sod ! by all druggists. Si : six for3. Prepared by C1. . HOOD & CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. 4' ' BITTERS. It-will euro any case of Iiivcr and Kidney troubles when properly taken. It is a perfect renovator and invjjrorator. It cleanses the sys tem of the poisonous humors that develop in Iiivor , Kidney and Urinary diseases , car rying away all poisonous matter and re storing the Blood to a Iiealthy condition , ciiriclilnjj it , refreshing and invigorating ITU ml and Body. It prevents the growth to Serious Hlitesa of a Dangerous Class 9 ! Diseases that begin in mere trivial ail ments , and we too apt to be neglected as sucli. THOUSANDS OF CASES of tho tvorst forms of these terrible diseases have been quickly relieved and in a short time perfectly cured by tho use of. Mops fc Malt Bitters. Do not pet Hops and ITInlt Bitters con founded with Inferior preparations of similar name. Take Nothing but Hops & Malt Bit * ters if you want a sure Cure. GOODMAN DRUG GO , , VVholesals Agenis , OMAIIA.TVEB. or pain In the RbenmaU : line bare I bad since us'.n- ATHLOPHOEOS two years agoIt made a thorough cure in my case. " Mrs. Ella. Smith , el X. Foster Street , Springfield , O. Athlopboros Is absolutely .safe , containing no opium , morpblnc or other injurious Ingredient , and Is a sure cure for Rheumatism. Ask jour druggist for Athlo phoros. 11 you cannot get It of him do not try something else , but order at once fromm. T7e will scad it eipreas paid on receipt of price , SI.CO P r bottle. ATHLOPHOROS CO. . 112 Wall St. , New York. German A thinn C ro never failt to _ immediate relief in the worn cases , insures com- llbrtable sleep ; effects cure * where all others fall. A | lrm2 connnca the moit tltptical. Trice A4 > ct . and > of Drcezi'H orbvtaailSample FKKK forP DI . K. SCHIt'FMAX , t-U i'uul , JUinn.t ? r virr r s s3 > 5 ftgti'e-3W/- . - - to * cll or exchange. If yon want to Sell A3TD or xcliinuc vour o\vn Firm wrlte to Titos. Jj. TAI > LAXT , , Io\va. for infants and "Castoriaissowelladaptcdtoclindrenthat I Castorfa cures Colic , Constipation , _ , I Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Eructation , trecommenditasBuperiortoanyprescriptioa 8 , , known to me. " H. A. ARCHER , JLD. , I " " " " "y u 3 ! Eiye3 wecy ' and promotes dl- Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y. ] Witnoutlnjurious medication. THE CSSTIUU COIIPAST , 1S2 Fultoa Street , N. T. Salvation Oil , tlio jjrcatesfc euro on earth for pain , ns an anodj-no haa no equal in the market. Ib is without doubt the best linimout. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Tho working horse takes his meals at table d'oat-and does his YO k a la cart. Wo think w e can cure a bad case ol head ache quicker with one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters , than by any other application , and after tho Backache is cured , you can still wear the plaster without discomfort for two or three weeks or longer. This combination of Smart Weed and Belladonna is a great hit , and it is hard to find any pain or ache that will not yield to it. Price 25 cents. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Tho oldest and largest tree in the world is a chestnut near the foot o ! Mount JEtna. "When Baby was sick , we gavo her Castorla , "When she was a Child , she cried for Caatoria , When ahe became Miss , she clang to Caatoria , TThon shehad Children , she garo thorn Castoria , It would seem as if "rifle matches" were tho right kind for burglars' use. BUY SALZER'StaCrouf.TTli.SEEDS. Catm-Frrc. Waist of time The middle of the hour glass. , Itching or Bleertlns. relieved ana PILES cured by Colo * * Carboll- galie. Get the Genuine. a5 cents and 50 cents at Druggists or by mail. J. W. COLE & CO. , Prop's , Black River Falls , Wis. OH ! MY BACK Ererjr strain or cold atUeks that weak back _ and nearly prostrates you. D Strengthens the Jllusclcs , Steadies tlio Nervcs Enriches the Blood. Gives New Vigor. Jin. JOHN W. KENT. Starkville. Col. , nays : "For the past twelve years I have suffered with paina in my back. I usod Brown's Iron Bitten ) with great benefit. I feel better now than I have for twelve years. " AIiss LIZZIE BREJTSAN. S548 Cooko Avo. , St. Louis , Mo. , says.1 " I suffered n it Ii spinal weakness , pains in my baclc.nnd sleepless nicuta. I tried every conceiv- nbla remedy without ranch benefit. Four bottles of Bnnvn's Iron Bitters havo relieved me , and I cheer fully recommend it. " Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red linns on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by BKOWX CIICMICAL CO. . UALTIJIOUU. ill- The contiast bciwccu a heuhhy. hiug.itng. romping child and one that ha * all the movements of a grown person are painful to the student of na me It jour child is lacking In these element" of perfect child- liofld. try Kldpe s > Ford. It Is pcifectly xaft' . More children have been successfully reared upon Illdge's Food than upon all the other foods combined. Usedbythebestmanufacturers and mechanics in the world. Pullman Palace CarC9.Ma on , A llamlin Orpan & Piano Co. . Ac. , for till AI'IM/I of fine ie nrk. At the New Orleans Exposi tion , joints made with it en dured a testing strain of over 1600 Pounds TO A SQUABE INCH. TWO GOLD MEDALS , ion-ton. 1833. A'tic Ortmn * . 1535. Ifvourdealerdoesnotkeepit - _ Send hi * can ! and HVno taep for sample crui. FREE. RUSSIA CEMENT CO. , Glouceetsr , Mass. NEBRASKA SEED HOUSE , ESTABLISHED I8G7. Tho Original and Only Seed House in Omaha. J. VAi\1S WHOLESALE AXI KETAIL DEALEE Agricultural Vegetable Rras < i. Hedge. Dried Ererlasrin Kloircrs mid ( irushes , Lawn 31our > . Scorl DrilN. N.W.Cor. 14th & Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. Jly Annual See.1 Catalogue ft r ISsG fu-p. Semi for It. FEE l rettiest Illustrated SISKD-CATALOGUK icver printed. Cheapest tbcst SEE11S grown. , Gardencr.i trade a spe cialty. Packets only 3c. Cheap as dirt by oz. & Ib , Postage orKxp. paid. < * Neighbors address for BOOK. .11. SHUiT.VAY. Itockford Til. EAKHESS ASD DECAY. A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana , Mo. f JJilBJLLlTATilJJ IHEW. You are .inou ed a free trial of thirty days of the tiseof Dr. Dye's Celebrated VoltalcBelt with Electric Suspensory Appliances , for tlie speedy relief andper- manent cure of XervousDebility , lossof Vitalituan < i Manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also for many otherdlseases. Complete restoration to Health , Vigor and Manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illus trated pamphlet In sealed envelope mailed free , by addressing Voltaic Kelt Co. , Marshall , Jlich. 1 bare a positive renc.Jy lorlns abare < li cn ; byltsuia thousands of CIICB of the wnrst kind and of Ion ; Handing bave been cured. Indeed , pneiron ; Is my faith In Irs edcaey , that I will lend TWO BOTTLES FEEE , tote'her with a VAL UABLE TREATISE on this any Bnflercr. GlreEz- prcn and P. O. addrex. DC. T. A. &LOCCU , Itl Pearl St. , H.TZ. A Casket of Silver Ware Free To aay person vrho will sBoirtt to their rejtlxjr5acta oar * % enl and send orders. Gire vnnr nearest express and Post Office addre * * . Address CONK. MAXFG.CO.HAUTFOi.COXV. ICCXew Scrap Pictures and 3) Fancy Cards ( new ) IdUniaileaforlOc.EssEXCAr.D WORKS , Ivoryton.Ct. C n Chromo.Gold Scrap , loop Frlnfre.&c-Cards sent post OUpaidforGc. Conn.Steam Card U'ks , Hartford. Conn Jfoiv Scrap Picture * and 43 NewChromo and Gold Scrap Cardsfsint postpaid for loots. CexTERnooK GAUD Co. . Centerbook. Conn. here and cam good pay. Situations iuraisned Valentine Bros. . Janesvllle , AVls. HflUP STUDY. Secure a Businsss Education by nU&IL , mail , from BKYAXT'S COLLEGE Buffalo.N'.Y ' W N. U. , OMAHA. 299 S RED STAR TRAD E\/M * * OUGHURE H lbsoliitel ! Free from Opiates , Emetics and Poison , SAFE. SURE. 25Sk PROMPT. AT UeooouTS A I > DULZIU. T11K CHARLES A. YOOELER CO.BALTIMOREMD. TJACOBS * THE GREAT ANR n Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia , lUtkichr , llfadirhf , TMthatht , or Pain Spnlai , Drnt.M. elr. . fir. PKICE. FIFTY CENTS. AT ORL'OOISTS AND DKALKE3. THE C1UELES A. YOUELEC. DROPSY TEEATEP FEEE. DR. H. H. GREEN , A Specialist for Klevcn Year * Past , Has treated Dropsy and Its complications with ths most wonderful success ; utcs vegetable remedies , entirely harmless. Kemoves all symptoms of dropsy In eight to twenty days. " Cures patients pronounced hopeless by the best oi physicians. From the first dose the symptoms rapidly disap pear , and In ten days at least two-llilrds of tho symp toms are removed. Some mnv cry humbug without knowing anything About It. Romemnerlt does not cost vim nnythtm ; to realize the merits of my treatment for yourself I nin constantly curing cn es of long stanaing. cases that have been tapped a number of times , nnd the patient declared unable to live a week" . Oivpfull history of cafe Name sex. Inw long afflicted , how badly swolrn an 1 where. Is bowels costive , hare leg- burstcd and dripped water. Sond for free pamphlet , conta'ning testimonials , questions , etc. 1O < ! 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