The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 18, 1886, Image 7

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    Essay on Hen Culture.
lam convinced that there is great
economy in keeping liens , if there ia
sufficient room for them and a through
knowledge of how to manage the fowls
properly. But to the professional man
who is not familiar with the habits of
the hen , and whoso mnd ? does not nat
urally and instinctively turn henward ,
I would say : Slum her as'you would
tho deadly upas tree of Piseataquia
County , Maine.
Nature has endowed the hen with but
a limited amount of brain force. Any
one will notice that , if he will compare
the skull of tho average Bclf-made'hen
with Daniel Webster ; taking careful
measurements directly over the top
from one ear to the other , the well-in
formed brain student will at once no
tice a great falling off in the region of
reverence , and an abnormal bulging out
in the location of alimcntiveness.
Now , take your tape-measure , and
beirinning at memory , pass carefully
over the occipital bone to the base of
the brain in the region of love of homo
and offspring , and you will see that ,
while the hen suffers much in compar
ison with the statesman in the relative
size of sublimity , reflection , spirituality ,
time , tune , etc. , when it comes to love
of home and offspring she shines forth
with great splendor.
The hen does not care for the sublime
in nature. Neither does she care for
music. Music hath no charms to soften
her tough old breast. But she loves her
homo and her country. I have sought
to promote the interests of the hen to
some extent , but I have not 'been a
marked success in that line.
. I can write a poem in fifteen minutes.
I always could dash off a poem when
ever I wanted to , and very good poem ,
too , for a dashed poem , "i could write
a speech for a friend in Congress a
speech that would be printed in the
Congressional Record , and all over the
United States , and ba road by no one. I
.could enter the field of letters anywhere
and attract attention , but when it comes
to . sitting hen , I feel that I am not
worthy. 1 never feel my utter unwor-
thinp as I do in tho presencs of a sit
ting hen ,
When IhQ adult lien in my presence
xpresses a desire to sit , I excuse my-
'self and go away. This is the supreme
moment when a hen desires to be alone.
That is no time for mo to intrude with
my shallow levity. I never do it.
It is after death that I mo t fully ap
preciate the hen. When she has been
cut down early in life and fried , I re
spect her. No one can look upon the
still features of a young hen overtaken
by death in life's young morning , snuffed
out as if it were an old tin lantern in a
\ gale of wind , without being visibly af
But it is not the hen who desires to
sit for the purpose of getting out an
early addition of spring chickens that I
am averse to. Jt is the aged hen , who
is in her dotage , and whose eggs are
also in their second childhood. Upon
this hen I shower my anathemas. Over
looked by the pruning hook of time ,
shallow in her remarks , and a wall
flower in society , she deposits her quota
of eggs in the catnip conservatory , far
from the haunts of men , and then in Au
gust , when eggs are very low and her
collection of no value to any one but the
antiquarian , she proudly calls attention
to her summer's work.
This ben ddes not win general confi
dence. Shunned by good society during
life , her death is regretted only by those
who are called upon to assist at her obse
quies. Selfish through life , her death is
regarded as a calamity by those alone
who are expected to cat her.
And what has such a hento look back
upon in her closing hours ? Alonglife ,
perhaps , for longevity is one of the char
acteristics cf this class of hens ; but of
what has that life been productive ?
How many golden hours has she frit
tered away hovering over a porcelain
door-knob trying to hatch out a litter of
Queen Anne cottages ? How many
nights has she passed in solitude on her
lonely nest with a heart filled with bit
terness toward all mankind , hoping on
against fate that in the fall she would
come off the nest with a cunning little
brick block , perhaps ?
Such is the history of the aimless hen.
While others were at work she stood
around with her hands in her pockets
.and criticised the policy of those who
labored , and when the summer waned
she came forth with nothing but regret ,
to wander listlessly about and freeze off
some more of her feet during the win
ter. For such a hen death can have no
terrors. Bill Nyc , in Chicago News.
Tlie Merman's Song :
Come away , away , children ;
Come cliildren , come down ,
The hoarse wind blows colder ; '
Lights shine in the town.
She will start from her slumber
When Rusts shake the door ;
She will hear the winds howling ,
Will hear the waves roar.
We shall see , while above us
The waves roar and whirl ,
A ceilinpj of amber ,
A pavement of pearl ,
Singing "Here cnrne a mortal ,
But laithlcss was she ;
And alone dwell for ever
The king of the sea. "
But , children , at midnight ,
"When soft the winds mow ,
"When clear falls the moonlight ,
"When spring tides are low ,
When sweet airs come seaward
h- *
hS ' From heaths starred with broom ,
S 1 And high rocks throw mildly
> On the blanched sands a gloom ,
TJpthe still glistening beaches ,
Up the creeks we will hie ,
Over banks of bright seaweed
The ebb tide lea'ves dry.
We will gaze , from the sandhills ,
At the white , sleeping town ,
i At tie church on the hillside ,
And then conic back down ,
Singing "There dwells a loved one ,
But cruel is she ;
She left lonelv for ever
The king or the sea. "
JTatthev ) Arnold :
Cliinese Notions.
Jliey do some queer things in China.
They don't use an } ' soap to shave with ,
but simply rub the part to be shaved
with warm water , put on with a brush
'like a toothbrush. The part to be
shaved is never the face , but the top of
the head. The front of a Chinese book
is the last page , and the reader begins
at tho right hand corner of the page and
reads down. The foot notes are always
. at the top. The title of tho book is
printed on the outside margin of the
New To tor a Dos ; . i
A young lady whose father is one of tho
wealthy men of the city went abroad last
summer in company with two relatives.
They sailed from this port and returned
hither. They allowed their general baggage
to bo inspected without protest. The young
lady carried a diminutive pug dog in her
arms. The animal was particularly 511-na-
I tured-and vicious , but the young lady ap
peared to be very fond of the brute and
carried him in her arms all the time. He
wore a blanket and had a collar around
his neck. I got close enouglf to see that
the blanket was a mass of expensive lare ,
tacked on to the blanket to enable her to
evade duty on it , and that the collar was
literally studded with diamonds. What
could we do ? If we had held the dog there
would have been a great howl over tho in
dignity , and the girl's father had influence
enough to have us all discharged. We con
sequently allowed the § 10 pug , with his
? 2,000 blanket and his § 10,000 collar , to
pass free of duty. [ Philadelphia Times.
* _ _ _ M '
Cremation Gaining Favor In Germany.
It has taken the Germans rather long to
make up their minds as to cremation ; but
at present they are beginning to think seri
ously about it , and if they adhere to their
favorite motto of "Slow and sure , " we may
in some future day see the high cremator
ium chimney rise in every churchyard of
the empire. That the number of those who
have decided in favor of the movement is
greatly incrcabing was recently shown when
a petition for the introduction of crema
tion , containing 23,305 signatures , was laid
before the Reichstag. The following inter
esting details about the professions of the.
subscribers show in what quarters crema
tion finds most favor. The Hot was signed
by 1,942 physicians , 1,0-18 Lawyers and
professors , 849 schoolmasters , 1,015 gov
ernment officials , 10 Protestant clergymen , ,
3 rabbis , 3G1 women , and 0,000 working-
men , the remaining number being made tp
by merchants , manufacturers , tradesmen
and others.
Has M. Pasteur discovered a cure for hj'-
drophobia ? Why should he not ? Greater
discoveries have been made. For instance ,
Red Star Cough Cure contains no narcot
ics , is purely vegetable and yet quickly
euros the worst throat or lung trouble.
Only 23 cents.
Edmund Yatcs. writes in the London
World that Patti will visit America again
.next autumn.
General Rnfus Ingalls , Quartemaslcr-
Gcneral U. S. Army , says : "tit. Jacobs Oil
is the best pain-cure we ever used. "
A Sweet and Stringier Thing In Seal.
I saw the most delicious thing the other
day that I ever beheld. The sweet thing
was in sealskin , and is called the "Mavon. "
There were no strings , and the trimming
consisted of a lovely spray of moss rose
buds and a knob of pale pink and apple-
green ribbons , matching the tints of the
rosebuds. These nbbons were placed up
right in the front of the bonnet with the
flowers coining out from behind them , and
their lovely tones of pink and green con
trasted beautifully w 5th the warm brown
of the sealskin. A small paste buckle ,
through which a morsel of pink ribbon had
been run , was the sole ornament at the
hack , and a similar buckle nestled among
the ribbons In front. [ N. Y. Express.
For cuts , bruises , sprains or strains ,
burns , scalds , frost-bites , chilblains , and
bites of poisonous insects , nothing equals
Salvation Oil. It annihilates pain. Price
25 cents.
A woman without a laugh in her is the
greatest bore in existence.
Her Rapid Growth and Prospcrlt
From a Chicago special : Iowa "boasts " of
its rich soil ; its fortunate .situation ; its
healthful and invigorating climate ; its vast
coal fields ; its educational facilities and its
highly intelligent people ; its political and
financial history and standing.
Des Moines , the geographical , numerical ,
political and financial center and metropo
lis of Iowa , is proud of the capitol building ,
reputed the finest in America , except that
at Albany ; of the biggest distillery in the
world ; and especially of its immense finan
cial interests , represented chiefly in insur
ance and banking. Of these , the most im
portant place , both in monetary transac
tions and in the estimation of our people ,
is that occupied by the State Insurance
Company. This institution , standing at
the head of all sinfilar organizations in DCS
Moines and in Iowa , occupies its own four
story stone front building , 219 , 221 and
223 4th St. ; here , in capacious and hand
somely decorated office , the President , Mr.
Geo. H. Maish , and the Secretary , Mr. J. C.
CumminB , were found and induced to im
part some information concerning the busi
ness of the company during the year 1885.
It is well known that insurance compan
ies have found it difficult for the'last two
or three years , to keep even ; the frequency
of fires and magnitude of losses have been
alarming ; but this company , in spite of
such adverse circumstances , has , by the ex
ercise of the greatest care in the selection of
risks and prudence and economy in man
agement , been enabled toshow a gain each
year ; .and last year was its banner year.
It now shrws assets of nearly one million
dollars , with a paid-up capital of two hun
dred thousand dollUrs. Its reserve fund ,
by the Iowa standard , is over three hun
dred and seventy-five thousand dollars ;
and it has nearly one hundred thousand
dollars cash in banks. Its surplus as to
policy holders is only a few dollars less
than half a million !
It has just passed its twenty-first birth
day ; in the full vigor of manhood it stands
proudly forth , the ideal of western corpor
ate existence ; its record is one of honor and
prosperity ; and having passed safely over
all the vicissitudes and troubles of youth ,
it glories in its present strength , and points
with pride to its standingascompared with
eastern or western competitors. It has
long been the favorite of Iowa farmers ; it
is now sought after by her merchants as
well ; and during thelastthrceorfouryears ,
in which time it has extended its operations
to Missouri , Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado ,
Minnesotaand has becomemost
favorably known in all those localities.
It is a distinctively western company ,
and western people appreciate its charac
ter and patronize it accordingly.
President Cleveland is said to prefer a
minstrel show to other theatrical perform
MANGE. Galls , Scratches , Cracked Heel ,
Thrush , and all diseases of the feet and irrita
tions of the fkin of horses and cattle qnlckly
nnd permanently cured by the use of Veterinary
Carbolisalve. 50c. and 51 at Druggists.
The wife of Governor Foraker is said to
be a particularly able political exchange-
If afflicted with Eoro Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell il. 25c
A smile is the golden coin from theheart's
A hero , whether he wins or loses , is a hero.
Proof that that Physician' * Terrible
I ' Coufcsalbn is True.
Cleveland (0. ) Herald. *
I Yesterday and the day before we copied
' into our columns from the Rochester , N.
Y. , Democrat and Chronicle , a remarkable
statement made by J. B. Henion , M. D. , n
gentleman who is well known in this city.
In that article Dr. Henion recounted n
wonderful experience which befell him , and
the next day wo published from the same
paper a second article , giving an account ol
the excitement in Rochester , and elsewhere ,
caused by Dr. Henion's statement. It h
doubtful if any two articles were ever pub'
lished which caused greater commotion
both among professionals and laymen.
Since the publication o ? these two arti
cles , having been besieged with letters of in
quiry , we sent a communication to Dr.
Henion and also to H. II. Warner & Co. ,
atking if any additional proof could be
be given , and here it is :
GCXTLUMUX I owe my life and.present
health wholly to the power of Warner's
Safe cure , which snatched me from the very
brink of the grave. It is not surprising
that people should question the statement
I made ( which is true in every respect ) for
my recovery was as great a marvel to rny-
Bclf , as to my physicians , and friends.
J. B. HEKION , M. D.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Jan. 21.
Sins The best proof we can give you
that the statements made by Dr. Henion
are entirely true , and would not have been
published unless strictly so , is the following
testimonial from the best citizens of
Rochester , and a card published bx Rev.
Dr. Footc. H. H. WAityun & Co.
To Whom it May Concern :
We are personally or by reputation ac
quainted with Dr. Henion , and we believe
he would publish no statement not literally
true. We are also personally or by repu
tation well acquainted with H.U. Warner
& Co. , proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure ,
( by which Dr. Henion says he was cured )
whose commercial and personal standing
in this community are of the highest or
der , and we believe that they would not
publish any statements which were nofc lit
erally and strictly true in every particular.
C. II. PAKSOXS , ( Mayor of Rochester. )
W.Ht PyncnLL , ( Editor Union and Ad
vertiser. )
W. JSHUART , ( ex-Surrogate Monroe
EEWAKD A. Fito&T , ( ex-Clerk , Monroe
county. )
E. B. FnxxnK , ( ex-District Attorney
Monroe county. )
J. M. DAW , ( ex-Member Congress , Roch
ester. )
JOHX S. MORGAN , ( County Judge , Monroe
county. )
HiitAit SIBLEV , ( Capitalist and Seeds
man. )
JOHX VAX Yooiuiis , ( ex-Member of Con
gress. )
To the Editor of the Living Church Chi
cago , 111. :
There was published in the Rochester ( N.
Y. ) Democrat , and Chronicfe of the 31st of
December a statement made by J. B. Hen-
ion , M. D. , narrating how he had been cured
of Bright's disease of the kidneys , almost
in its last stages , by tho use of Warner's
Safe Cure. I was referred to in that state
ment , as having recommended and urged
Dr. Henion to try the remedy , which he
did , and was cured. The statement of Dr. '
Henion is true , so far as it concerns myself ,
and I believe it to be true in all other re
spects. He was a parishioner of mine nnd
L visited him in his nickness. I urged him
to take the medicine and would do the
same again to any onelio was troubled
with a disea&e of the kidneys and liver.
ISUAKL , FOOTK , ( D. D. } ,
( Late ) Rector of Sfc. Paul's Episcopal
Church , Rochester. X. Y.
It seems impossible to doubt further in
the face ofsuch conclusive proof.
When yon take your walks abroad , it is
'well to put on your rovercoat.
" 1 lovo Her Better Than Life. "
Well , then , why don't you do something
'bo ' bring back the roses to her cheeks and
the light to her eyes ? Don't you see
she is suffering from'nervous debility , the
result of female weakness ? A _ bottle of Dr.
Pierce's ' 'Favorite Prescription" will
brighten those pale cheeks and sand new
life through that wasting form. If you love
her , take heed.
Governor Houser , of Montana , is said to
have a daily income of $500.
How Palp You Arc !
is frequently the exclamation of one lady
to another. The fact is not a pleasant one
to have mentioned , but still the act may
be a kindly one , for it sets the one ad
dressed to thinking , apprises her of the
'act thatshe is nofc in good health , and
leads her'to seek a reason therefor. Pallor
is almost always attendant upon the first
stages of consumption. The system is en
feebled , and the blood is impoverished. Dr.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" will
act as a tonic upon the system , will enrich
the impoverished blood , and restore roses
to the cheek.
A new silk mill is to be erected near Pat-
2rson , N. J. , to employ 200 hands.
If you have catarrh , use the surest rem-
jdy Dr. Sage's.
The brushmakers are organizing all over
the country.
corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure of
worst chronic cases ; also unequalled as garglo for
diphtheria , fore , foul breach. OOc.
SenorMuruago has been appointed Span
ish minister at Washington.
Ask for "Kougli on Coughs , " for cough ? , colds
tore throat , hoarseness. Troches , 15c. Liquid. 23c.
* CEXT BOTTT.FS are pup up for tho
2B accommodation ofallxvlio desire a
V Good uud Low I'riced
ihoulil Secure tlin tarpe Sl.OO Bottles.
Directions iiccompauy K cli Jtottio.
In spite ol all the new remedies which an
constantly introduced to the public , Dr
Bull's Cough's Syrup still takes the lead foi
tho cure ol Coughs , Colds , etc. Price 2E
Life without laughing is a dreary blank ,
Don't Jtcad This
Unless you wanb a free sample of Smith'
Uile Beans , the great liver remedy , and a
beautiful card taken from real life.sentyou
free of charge. Send us your name and P. 0.
address. J. F. Sunn & Co. , 3t. Louis Mo.
( Name this paper. )
Ex-Governor St. John is lecturing on pro
hibition in New Hampshire.
A vigorous and hc-ilthy growth of hair is
maintained by using Uall's Hair Kenevrer.
The value of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , in
colds and coughs , cannot be overestimated.
Governor Houser , of Montana , is said to
have a daily income of $ i)00.
We think we can cure a bad case of head
ache quicker with one of Carter's Smart
Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters ,
than by any other application , and after
the Backache is cured , you can still wear
the plaster without discomfort for two or
three weeks or longer. This combination
of Smart Weed and Belladonna is a great
hit , and it is hard to find any pain or ache
that will not yield to it. Price lio cents.
Sold by Druggists everywhere.
An incorrigible punster says she is a kind
of a shoe-fly.
Ilalford Sauce enriches hot joints , atcws.
chops , fish , Ac. Excelled uyjione. Try it.
You get the truth habitually from equals
TTion Baby xraa sicltwe jjaro her Castoria ,
"Wlen sheiras a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When sho became Miss , she clnng to Castoria ,
T7tea she had Children , sho gaTo them Castoria ,
Mine. Nilsson has refused a $30,000 offer
in Russia on account of the coldness of the
Faithfulness is necessary in all kinds of
work. Especially is it necessary , in treat
ing a cold , to"procure the best remedy ,
which is Allen's Lung Balsam , and take it
faithfully according to directions , and it
will cure a cold every time and prevent
fatal results. Sold by all druggists at 2oc. , '
50c. , ami § 1.00 a bottle.
Allle. Aimes , the ceiling-walking , is kept
up by pads fastened to her shoes.
IT is USELESS TO ATTEMPT to cleanse a
stream while the fountain is impure. Dys
pepsia , complaints of the liver or kidneys ,
scrofula , headaches , and all diseases aris
ing from impure blood , are at once removed
TERS , the infallible purifier of the blood
and renovator of the system. It has never
been known to fail.
Minister S. S. Cox is said to be satisfied
with his life at Constantinople.
EX loolc slovenly with run-over heels. Lyon's
Heel Stlfleiiers prevent it ; 25ca pair.
Chief Justice Waite is said to have in
mind a pleasure trip to Alaska.
"Please send to me by express sixbottles
of Athlophoros. The bottle I got did me
more good than all the other remedies for
rheumatism that I have ever tried , " is the
message of encouragement C. Burt sends
from Hansom , Mich.
Mr. Elaine is fond of riding down hill on
a bobsled.
BUY SALZER'S ( UCrane.Trii. ) SEEDS. Cats-Frw.
' Evangelist Sam Jones denies that Cincin
nati is the worst city in the world.
Relief is immediate , and a cure suro. P.'aa's Rem
edy forC.itarrii. Sc.
Last year 15,937 new buildings wcrccrcct-
ed in Brooklyn , costing § 20,000,000.
"ROUGH ON I'AIX. " Liquid.
"RotiKli on Pain" Liquid. 20o. Quick cure.
pin , iliL'uni.ulsiu. aches. lulus , spnilns , he : "
camps , colic. ' "Uough on Kiln" I'laster. Kc.
to Yess
All tired out , almost prostrated , without appetite ,
nervous , depressed , and despondent ? Hood's Sarso-
parllla will give you stroa th nnd vigor , restore and
sharpen your appetite , hulld up your nervous system
anl clear your mind.
Do 3011 have p'mples and uolls ureatln out on
your body , scfoiulous sores or bunches , or other
indications of impure blood ? Hood's Sirsaparllla
will remove every vestige of Impurity and vitalize
and enrich the blood.
lo you have headache. Indigestion , heartburn ,
distress after eating ; falnticss , or other symptoms
of dyspepsia ? Hood's Sa-saparllla will tone up the
digestive organs , remove every disagreeable symp
tom , and completely cnre you.
Do you have pains in the back and the dlsagreeabl
evidences of difficulties with the kidneys or liver ?
Hood's Sarsaparilla rouses these organs to their
proper duties and enables them to resist the attacks
of disease. Give it a trial.
Do you suffer with catarrh or rheumatism ? Hood's'
Earsaparllla , by purifying the blood , cures both these
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. 81 ; six for S3. Prepared by
C. I. HOOD &CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
can people is Consumption. Phy
sicians and Druggists have at last
found a remedy which they feel
justified recommending. This
CURE , which cures Consumption
in stages that other remedies are
of no benefit. Jt cures Coughs ,
Colds , and all Throat and Lung
Diseases speedily and safely.
Price , Fifty Cents and One Dol
lar. Sold by Druggists.
Rheumatism , , Scratches , -
Barns and Scalds , Sores and Galls ,
Stinzs and Bites , Spavin , Cracks ,
Cots and Bruises , Screw Worm , Grab ,
Sprains & Stitchc , Foot Rot , Hoof Ail , }
Contracted lUuccIes , Zjamcncss ,
Stiff Joints ,
Backache , Sprains , Strains ,
Eruptions , Soro Feet ,
Frost Bites , Stiffness , ;
andaUexternaldIseasesandeveryhnrtoTaccIden ; .
Free front. Opiates , Emetics and JL'oiaoi ; .
t- int. ununi
Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
Backache , llradarhr , Totlbachr ,
Sprain , , Iirul > r . ftr-flr.
\rhen applied to the nos
trils , will lie absorbed.
ciTcctualiy cleansing the
head of virus ,
enuslns healthy secretions.
It allays Inilammailon. pro
tects tho membrani from
fresh colds , complecly
heals the sores anil restores
i the senses of taste and
Not a Liquid or Snuff.
A few applications re
llcve. A thorough treat'
mentwlll cure. Agreeable -
louse. Send for HAY-FEVER
CO cents at druggists or by mall.
KLY DKOniKIiS. Unigglsts. Ovvego. X. T.
Ma. JAMES BAGLKV. section foreman O. M. K. K. ,
Winkle , Ohia , bad notilept
for over a jear , his suffering from Keuralgla P was so great.
Three doses of ATHLOPHOROS cured him. Neuralgia
can always be qulcWlj cured bjue of Athlophoros. Ask
your druggist tor Athlophoros. If jou cannot get It of bin
do cot try something else , butortler at once from us. We will
send It express paid on receipt of price , Sl00 per bottle.
ATHLOPHOROS CO. . 112 Wall St. . New York.
It never fails to do itswork in cases of Mala
ria. Blllousncfis , Constipation. Head
ache , loss of Appetite and Sleep. Nervous
JDeblltty , Neuralgia , and all Female
Complaints. Hops & Jlnlt Bitters is a Vege
table Compound. It is a Hied icine not n Bar *
room Drink. It diflers as widely as does
clav and night from the thouoaiid-and-oiie
mixtures of vile xvhlslsy llayored with
aromatics. Hops & JIalt Bitters is recom
mended by Physicians , ministers and
Nurses as being ; the Itcst Family Medicine ever
compounded. Any woman or child can take it.
' 'From my knowledge of its ingredients , under
no circumstances can it injure anyone using it.
It contains no mineral or other deleterious sub
stance. Possessing real merits , the remedy ia
deserving success. "
C. E. DEPcv , Ph. O. , Detroit , Mich.
tThe only Genuine are manufactured by the
HOPS & MALT BITTERS CO. , Detroit , Mich ,
GOODMAN DRUG GO , , Wholesale Agents ,
C. E.
S. W. Cor. 15th smil Faruain Sts. ,
General dealer in Western Land and
Oinalia City Property. Has improved and
unimproved lands in every county in Ne
braska. Circulars with lull information
bent on application.
Any one having lands for sale in Ne
braska will do well to send description ,
price , etc. , to Mr. Maync , who will give it
prompt attention.
A Life Experience. Remarkable and
quick cures. Trial Packages. Send
stamp for sealed particulars. Address
Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana , Mo.
You are allowed a free trial of thirty days of tho
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