MARK TV/AIM AS A PRINTER. His llccollcctions orUnrly Days In tlic Oillco of n. Weekly Paper. ResDonsc to aToast at a Ben Franklin Banquet "All tilings change in the procession of years , and it nmv * be that I am among strangers. It rnaybe that the printer of to-day is not the printer of thirty-live years ago. I was no stranger to him. I knew him well. I built his fire for him in the winter mornings ; E brought his rj water from the village pump ; I swept out his office ; VI picked up his type from under his stand ; and , if he was-there'to- see , I put the good type in his case , and the broken ones among the 'hell matter ; ' and , if he wasn't there to see , I dumped it all with the 'pi' on the imposing stone for that was the furtive fashion of tho cub , and I was a cub. I wetted down the paper Saturdjvj-s , I turned it Sun days for this was : i country weekly ; I rolled , I washed the rollers , I washed the forms , I folded the papers , I carried them around at dawn Thursday morn- ings , I enveloped the papers that were for thc mail we had 100 town sub scribers and 850 country ones ; the town subscribers paid in groceries and tho country ones in cabbage and cordwood when they paid at aH , which was only sometimes , and then we always stated the fact in the paper and gave them a pun" ; and if we forgot- they stopped the 1 paper. Every man on the town list helped edit the thing ; that is , he gave , orders as to how it was to be edited ; dictated its opinions , marked out its " course for it , and every time the boss i failed to connect , he stopped his paper. We were just infested with critics , and we tried to satisfy-them all over. We had one subscriber who paid cash , and he was more trouble to us than all the rest. He bought us , once a year , body and soul , for $2. He usedto modify our polities every which way , and he made us change our religion four times in five years. If We 6 or tried to reason ( 1 with him , he would threaten to stop his ' { paper , and , of course , that meant bank ruptcy and destruction. That man used to write articles a column and a half long , leaded long primer , and sign them 'Junius' 'Vcritas' 'Vox ' or or Populi , . or some other I high-sounding j rot ; and then , after it was set up , he would come in and say he had changed his mind which was a gilded ligure of speech , bscause i j he hadn't any and ordered it to be loft out : We couldn't stand such a waste as that ; we couldn't afford 'bogus' in that office ; so we always took the leads out , altered the signature , credited the articles to the rival paper in the next village , and put it in. Whenever their was a barbacue. or a circus , or a baptiz ing , , we knocked off for half a day , and then to make up for short matter we would 'turn over adds turn over the wholp page and duplicate it. The other 'bogus , was deep philosophical stuff which we judged nobody ever read ; so we kept a galley of it standing and kept on slapping the same old batches of it in , every now and then , till it got dan gerous. Also , in the early days of the telegraph we used to economize on the the news. We picked out the items that were pointless and barren of infor mation and stood them on a galley , and changed the dates and localities , and used them over and over again till the public interest in them was worn to the bone. We marked the adds , but we seldom paid any attention to the marks afterward ; so the life of a * td' add and a t ? add was equally eternal. I have seen a 'td' notice of a sheriff's sale still booming serenely along two years after the sale"was over , the sheriff dead and the whole circumstancebecome ancient history. Most of the yearly adds were patent medicine stereolypes.aud we used to fence with them. Life was easy with us ; if we pied a form we suspend ed till next week , and we always sus pended every now and then when the lishing was good , and explained it by the illness of the editor , a paltry excuse , because that kind of a paper was just as well off with a sick editor as a well one , and better off with a dead one than with either of them. lie was full of blessed egotism and placid self-importance , but he didn't know as much as a three em quad. lie never set any type except in the rush of the last day , and then ho " would smouch all the po"etry and leave the rest to 'Jeff5 for the solid takes. lie wrote with impressive flatulence and soaring confidence upon the vastest sub jects , but puffing alms gifts of wedding cake , salty ice cream , abnormal water melons and sweet potatoes the size of your leg , wasjiis best hold. lie was al ways a poet a kind of poet of the 'Car rier's Address' breed and whenever his intellect suppurated and he read the result to the printers and asked for their opinion , they were very frank and straightforward about it. They gener ally scraped their rules on the boxes all the time he was reading , and called it hog'wash' when he got through. All ( thisNvas when the ; < thirty-live years ago , man who could set 700 an hour could j put on just as manyairs as he wanted i to ; and if these Iscw York men , who I recently , on a wager , set 2,000 an hour , ; solid minion , for four hours on a stretch , , had appeared in that office , they would i have been received as accomplishes of i the supremely impossible , and drenched with hospitable beer until the brewery was bankrupt. "I can see that printing office of pre historic times vet , with its horse bills I on the walls , itrs 'd' box clogged with tallow , because we always stood the candle in the 'k' box nights ; its towel , which was not considered soiled until it could stand alone , and other signs and symbols that marked the establishment ' of that kind in the Mississippi valley ; and I can see also the tramping 'jour , ' who flitted by in the summer and tar ried a day , with his wallet stuffed with one shirt and a hatful of handbills , for if he couldn't get any type to set he would do a temperance lecture. His way of life was simple , his needs not complex ; all he wanted was plate and bed and money enough to get drunk on , and he was satisfied. But it may be , as I have said , that I am among strangers , and sing the glories of a forgotten age to unfamiliar cars , so I will 'make even' and stop. " In New York some of the young women of means and leisure are taking lessons In fencing all artwhlch Molle're said consisted In ' touching and not being touched. " One knows not for whom lie gather * . JUST AS BAD. AS PAINTED. Widespread Commotion Cauxcc ! by tlto Terrible Confession of a. PJiyIcIaii. Tho story published in these columns re cently , from the Rochester ( X. Y. ) Demo crat and Chronicle , created a deal of com ment here as it has elsewhere. Apparently it caused even more commotion in Roches ter , as the following from the same paper shows : j I Dr. J. B. Ilenion , who is well-known nofc only in Rochester , but in nearly every part - of America , sent mi extended article to this- pnper a few days ago which was duly pub lished , detailing his remarkable experience and rescue from what seemed to be certain death. It wouldbe impossible to enumer ate the personal inquiries which have been made at our office as to the validity of tho ' article , but they have been so numerous that further investigation of the subject was deemed necessary. | ' i With this end in view a representative ol this paper called on Dr. Ilenion at his resi dence on Andrews street , when the follow ing interview occurred : "That article of yours , Doctor , has created quite a Avhirl- wind. Are the statements about the terri ble condition you were in , and the way you were rescued , such as yon can sustain ? " j ' t " .Every one of them and many additional ones. I was brought BO low by neglecting the first and most simple symptoms. I did not think I was sick. It is true I had fre quent headaches ; felt tired most of tho time ; could eat nothing one day and was ravenous the next ; felt dull pains and my stomach was out of order , but I did not think it meant anything serious. The med ical profession has been treating symptoms instead of diseases for years , and it is high time it ceased. The symptoms I have just mentioned or any unusual action or irrita tion of the water channels indicate the ap proach of kidnoy disease more than a cough announces the coining of consumn. . tion. We do not treat the-cough. but try j to help the lungs. We should uufc wasto our time trying to relievo the headache , pains about the body or other symptoms , but go directly" to the kidneys , the source of most of these ailments. " "This , then , is what you meant when you said that more than one-half the deaths which occur arise from IJright's disease , is it , Doctor ? " "Precisely. Thousands of diseases arc torturing people to-day , which in reality are Bright's disease in some of its many forms. It is a hydra-headed monster , and the slightest symptomsshotild strike terror to every one who has them. I ca'n look back and recall hundreds of deaths which physicians declared at the time were caused . by paralysis , apoplexy , heart disease , pneumonia , malarial fever and other com mon complaints , which I sec now were , caused by Bright's disease. " "And did all these cases have simple symptoms at first ? " I I "Every one of them , and might have been cured as I was by tho timely use of the the same remedy. I am getting my eyes thoroughly opened in this matter and think I am helping others to see the facts and their possible danger also. " I I I ! Mr. Warner.jvlio was visited at his estab lishment on North St. Paul street , spoke very earnestly : | "It is true that Bright's disease had in creased wonderfully , and we find , by re- liable statistics that from ' 70 to 'SO. its growth was over 250 per cent. Look at | the prominent men it has curried off , and is taking off every year , for while many are | I dying apparently of paralysis and apo plexy , they are really victims of kidney disorder , which causes heart disease , par alysis , apoplexy , etc.Nearly every week the papers record the death of some promi nent man from this scourge. Recently , however , the increase has been checked and I attribute this to the general use of my remedy. " "Do you think many people are afflicted with it to-day who'do not realize it ? " "A prominent professor in a New Or leans medical college was lecturing before his class on the subject of Bright's disease. He had various fluids under microscopic analysis and was showing the students wliat the indications of this terrible mal ady were. 'And now , gentlemen , " he said , 'as we have seen the unhealthy indications I will show you how itappears in a state of perfect health , ' nnd he submitted his own fluid to the usual test. As he watched tho results his countenance suddenly changed his color and command bo'tli left him and in a trembling voice IIP said : 'Gentle men , I have made a painful discovery ; I have Bright's disease of the kidneys. ' And in less than a year he was dead. Tho slightest indications of any kidney difficulty should be enough to strike terror to anv one. " "You know of Dr. Henion's case ? " "Yes , I have both read and heard of it. " "It is very wonderful , is it not ? " "No more so than a great many others that have come to my notice as having been cured by the same means. " "You believe then that Bright's disease can be cured ? " "I know it can. I know it from my own and the experience of thousands of promi nent persons who were given up to die by both their physicians and friends. " "You speak of your own experience ; what was it ? " "A fearful one. I had felt languid and unfitted for business for years. But I did not know what ailed me. When , however , found it was kidney difficulty I thought there wns little hope and so did the doc tors. I have since learned that one of the physicians of this city pointed me out to a gentleman on the street one day , saying : 'There goes a man who will be dead within a year. ' I believe his words would have proved true if I had not providentially used the remedy now known as Warner's Safe Cure. " "Did you make a chemical analysis of the case of Sir. H. H. Warner some three years ago. Doctor ? " wns asked Dr. S. A. Lattimore , one of the analysts of the state board of health. "Yes , sir. " . "What did this analysis show you- "A serious disease 9f the kidneys. " "Did you think ilr. Warner could re cover ? " "No , sir. I did not think it possible. " "Do you know anything about the reme dywhich cured him ? " "Ihave-chemically analyzed itand findit pure and harmless. " Jr. Ilenion was cured five years ago and is well and attending to his professional I duties to-day , in this city. The standing oi Dr. ITtnion , 3fr. Warner and Dr. Lp.tti- laoro in the community is beyond question ! and the statements they make cannot for a moment bo doubted. 'Dr. Henion's ex perience shows that Bright's disease of the kidneys is one of tho most deceptive and dangerous of all diseases , that it is exceed- 1 ingly common , but that it can be cured if taken in time. A New Frcnrli Collar. The French government has coined a new dollar for circulation in Tonquin in - east" . Specimens of the coin are to be seen in London , and it appears to be exactly the same as the Mexican dollar in weight , size and fineness. The superscription , how ever , is different , and this it is which in spires the criticism , by those who know Chinese , that tho later will reject itand will say : "No wan tee China sid . " It will be remembered that the United States formerly coined a trade dollar for circula tion in the east ; but its deficiency in fine ness (371)4 ( ) grains instead ,0 377 grains ) soon became apparent to the astute natives , and they , the Mexican dollar , large quantities of which are still sent to China. It remains to be seen whether the dollar provided by the French government will be more successful. Mr. J. D. L. Harvey , proprietor of the Palace Market , Chicago writes that he spent 52,000 in trying to cure his wife of rheumatism , nnd that St. Jacobs Oil ac complished what all else failed to bring nboufc. He says it is a greater discovery than electricity. Five-sixths of the Irish people , according to Herbert Gladstone , are followers of Par- nell. When a man's notes are readily endorsed his credit is good. When public men en dorse Red Star Cough Cure as being safe , sure and free from poisons , you may he certaui it is a great discovery. Price , 2g cents. Possibly an Oversight. . Tompkins "I see by the paper that a j man has been robbed of 52,000 on one of ( the Long Branch trains. " Smith "That so ? Wonder how it was done ? " Tompkins "Don't know unless the por ter brushed him off and forgot to give him back the change. [ New York Mail and Ex press. Nothing but superlative intrinsic merit can account for the phenomenal reputation achieved , in so short a time , by Salvation Oil. It kills pain. Price 25 cents a bottle. Hot Springs Climbing up stairs in Au gust after a delinquent subscriber. "ROUGH OX ITCH. " 1 "noiiKh on Itch" cores skin humors , eruptions , rinp wonn , tetter , tail rliuuin. frosted feet , cull- Mans. Itch , Ivy poison , barber's itch. aw. jars. A hickory club is very good lumber to floor a man with. THE BI-OOD MAKES THE I\TIRE CIRCUIT OP THE BODY EVERY SEVEN' MINUTES , and wheil- cver this circulation is impeded , or any of its channels are clogged by impurities , dis ease follows fever , or a disorder of liver , or kidneys , or scrofula , or dyspepsia. To pet at the source of the difficulty , use the blood purifier , Dn. WALKER'S VIXEGAU BITTERS. "My stars ! " is a favorite expression with theatrical managers. Bronrhltis is cured by frequent tmau. dcscs of ttso's Cure for Consumption. It cost Mr. Irving $00,000 to put Faust on the sta"c. LTOX'S Patent Metallic Ptlffcners prevents boots and shoes from running ovci. Of the playgoers of Paris 100,000 are on the stage. "Hough on Rats" clears out Hats , Mice. 13c. "UtiiEli on Corns" hard or toft corns , bunions , lie "Rough en Toothache. " Instant relief , ijc. The full skirt of last season is again the favorite of young girls. fifi A Little Girl in Albany , N. Y. , Terri- . bly Afflicted , Wonderfully Oared. One of the most wonderful cures of scrofula on record U that of the little daughter oC Jlr. J. Qulnn , No. 233 First street , Albany. X. Y. She was afflicted with scrofula from hlrth , and physicians said U would be better for her if she wai dead. Uer father 6ys : "She ha-1 thirteen runnlrg sores on her body , besides being absolutely blind for months. She lost the us ; of her limbs and could not walk ; In fact , was a mere skeleton wasting away. The smell from the sores was terrible. Sfp'nsr ' In a newspaper some rases of scrofula cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. I said to myself. * I will try a bottle as n last resort. " TVhen she had taken the first half bnttlp I could see a change In her , and when the whole I ot.le was taken the abscesses almost entirely healed with the aid of Hood s Olive Ointment , which I must say 1 ? the finest J ever used. I kept on giving her Hoou's Sarsapa- Jira , till now she Is \ ell ami healthy , running around. She has a splendid appeItc. The neighbors don t know what to make of It. " MICHAEL j. QCIXKJTo. . 2S5 First St. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists , el ; six for 3. Prepared by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. too Doses One Dollar i crow them myself and test them before selling. They are - _ _ . . - _ * resh and-reliable , don't buy ytaaaomi 9 any * eed from second hand dealers , w rue tor my splendid Illustrated Cutu- locue , FJKJEE. H. W. BUCKBKJS , Kockford. Ill FOK ATT.SOa week and expense : paid. Outfit worth * . > and particulars tree. I' . O. VICKEItY. Augusta. .Maine Morphine Habit Cured ia 10 to 20 < liyg. No pay till Cured. Ur. J. STEPHENS. Lenanon. Ohio. f CPDkQUV I-earn here aud earn good kLCunArnl pay. Situations furnlsucd i Valentine Bros , Janesville. Wis. 1 ICC Jsew Scrap Pictures and CO Fancy Cards ( new ) luU mailed for lOc. ESSEX CARD WOBKS , Ivoryton.Ct. C nChromo.Gold Scrap , loop Fringeic.Cards sent post uUpaldfortic , Coun.Stcam Card rt'ks , Hartford , Conn Ncw Scrap Pictures and 48 XewChromo and Gold Scrap Cards sent postpaid for 1O cts. CEXTEIIBOOK CAED Co. . Ccnterboofc , Conn. STUDY. Secure a Buslnsss Education by mail , from BUTANT'S COLLEGE Buflfalo.NVx Iliavc used .Athloplioros for rheumatism und cnn most cheerfully say , with the most satisfactory results in every way. Geo. W. lluntlp.v. dealer in groceries , GO Pinckney street , Madison , AVis. , 11 leading merchant und old resident. In London now a favorite in perfumed is a heliotropc blanc. IT is so EvEuywiiniii : . E. B. Rail , isfc at Hiattsville , Kan. , has this towrite about Allen's Lung Balsam : "It is tho hesb selling throat and lung remedy , and gives general Batisfacton. I cheerfully recom mend it. " Buy the large § 1.00 bottle for Lung Diseases. Powdered rice , sprinkled upon lint and applied to fresh wounds , will stop bleeding. When the follicles arc not destroyed. Hull's Hair Renewer restores hair to bald heads. For all ailments originating in disorders of the stomach and liver , take Ayer's Pills. "There's many a slip 'twixt the sidewalk and the hip these days. _ - WITH Ely's Cream Balm a child can be treated without pain or dread , and with perfect safety. Try the remedy. It cures Catarrh , Hay Feverand Colds in the Head. It is ensily applied with the finger and gives relief from the first application. Price HO cents. At druggists. GO cents by mail. Ely Bros. , Owcgo , N. Y. THE UOTTIB of EH's Cream Balm that I obtained of you last Summer has entirely cured my little boy of a seveie attack of catarrh. Mrs. Sallic Davis , Green Post- office , Ala. OXE of my children , a girl about nine years old , had a very bad discharge from her head and nose of a thick , yellowish matter , and wts growing worse. We had two different physicians prescribe for her , but without benefit. We tried Ely's Cream Balm , and much to our surprise in ihree days there was a marked improvement. We continued usingtheUalm and in a short time the discharge was apparently cured. 0. A. Cary , Corning , N. Y. The Rtissian bath is the best cold luxury , and is said to be very invigorating. ITalford Snuce used at all flrst-c'aas hotels. ilnkcs your food mote nutritious. _ Bhiclc alpaca Ihed with red flannel 13 much used for underskirts. BUY SALZER'S ( L Croj eTTIi. ) SEEDS. C la.Fiw. Just n ow straight feathers lead the ostrich plumes in popularity. itouGH ox ntrs.- Cures piles or hemorrhoids. Itching , protn-lin ? Weeding , internal or other. Intern il and extc.r.n lemedy m each package. Sure cure , . " > . ) . : . ttruz uu Wanted. A farm that will raise some thing more than a mortgage. PATENTS obtained by ijouis I-argrr&Co. . At torneys- , "WashingtonD.C.UatM 1864. Adicufrce. . The hen is the lay-dy of the barn-yard. Biliousness , Sick Headache In Four Hours. @URE dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure anc prevent Chills < * Fever , Sour Stomach and Bad Breath. Clear the Skin. Tone the Nerves , and giva Ufa and Vigor to the system. Dose : ONK BEAN. Try them once and you will never be without them. Price , 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt Of prlcj In stamps , postpaid , to any address , J. F. saiixn & co. , Manufacturers and Sole Props. , ST. LOUIS. KO. could express the agony I enJurcd roni nhiumatifm. and It was nil I could do to endure it. Cripi > l l , not aMe to walk or il p. I took two-thinls of a lx > tc of ATHi.0- PHOROS "net in a few .lays was well. " T E. Cliuncld , K511Ui Avenue. Milwaukee , Wi . Atnlophoroa is the only real cure for Uheum ti in ci er discovered. Atk your < lru < - ciat for Athlopboros. ITyuu cannot getltof him do not try eomcihing else , but order at onpe from us. We will send It exnrcvipaldonreceiptorprlce.Sl.OOpcrbottle. AELOPHOKOS CO. , 112 Wall St , New York. Is theie one of the 11 t c H < ck that lacks the power nnd consequent desire to romp and plnv like the ? If si try fora time a diet of IMlses Fool for thclltllc e , and see if the vigor wantlnjr will not . ' - cooke J In its iimnnfac- come. It .1 fo t'lorousrlilcooke ture that very II t'e po.vt-rof the digestive 01 Ems it nccest-ary. and its sirens.hcnlnB properties are marvelous. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW 1.001 ImportantthiufTByoanovprknnwortlionKht of about the Unman body nnd its curious prcans. Jfoiclifcix } > crpetuatedh.calthiavedillseateiiithtccil JTow to avoid pitfalls of ignoranceand indiscretion , Jfoio to appltl Jlotne-Cure to all forms of diiea > .c , Jfow to cure Crovp.Olil Eyes , Rupture. Ph imnxis , etc. , jrowloinae.beitii > ptiinmarriagis.hnrcpriebabiej Hurray Hill Tub. Co. , 120 E. 28th St. , Row Tork. The oldest medicine li the vrorld Is probably E Dr. Isaac Thompson's ThN article Is a carefully prepared Physician's pre scription , and has liecn InconstanJu e neatly a centit- rv , and notnitliMandltiKthc inanv other preparations that have hccn introduced Into the market , the rale of this rt' < le Is constantly increasing. If the direc tion * are fillowcd It will nc % er fall. We particularly imltetheaitrntlonof phy. lrians to Its merits. JOHN L. i no.MPs6x. soxs & co. . Tior. x. Y. A FREE SAMPLE. To Introduce the si-eat household remedy. GOIJ- DON'S KING OF PAIN into every family. I will send sample free to any one eenditiK address. Mention this paper and adilrcbs . U. U1CIIAUUS. ToleJo. O. A Casket of Silver Ware Free To any person whowlll show ! , to their neighbor * , act as ocr agent nd i end crders. Gire yonr nearest express and Pot OSce ddrr f. Address COXN. SLiJfFG.CO..JIAJITFOi > .COXX. "W. N. U. . OMAHA. 5J97-7. for infants and Children , "Ca tort fsBoirenad ptcdtocliaapenthat I Outer ! * cans Colic. Constipation , [ recommenditassapeiiortoanyprcsciiptioa I Boar Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation , bwrru to me. " H. A. AUCHEU , H. D. , I wrnisi C ? 3 < H < xp > * 1 promotes dl- 111 So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. TV | Witloutiajuiioua medication. TES CETTACB COUPAXT , 163 Fulton Street. K. Y. 1 "When a man is seriously ill lio should call on llis doctor at once ; but when his trouble ia only a con h or a wore throat he need onlv invest U. cents in a bottle of Dr. Lull's Coti h Syrup. A steel steamer for Shun is being built at Wilmington , Del. Those persons who do not need In n.but who are troubled with Nervousness and Dyspepsia , will find in Carter's Little NEUViiPilla a most desirablearticle. They are mostly used in combination with Car ter's Little Liver Tills , and in this way often exert a most magical effect. Take just , one pill of each.kind immediately 'after euting and yon will be free from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. In vials at 25 cents. Sold by all Druggists. Cistern water inny be purified by char coal put in a bag and hung in water. TTTicn Baby was slcltwo RVTO her Castoria , "WTien she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became MUs , sli clung to Castoria , TTion glie had Children , she gave thorn Castoria , Whiting or ammonia in water is prefera ble to soap for cleansing windrtws or paint. ITCHING nnd Irritations of the skin and icalp , burns , scalds , piles , ulcer ? , poisons , sites of insects and all skin diseases , quickly : ured by Cole' * Carbollxalve , the in-eat ikin'remedy. 25 and 50c cents , at Druggists. Beaded tulle is very popular for ball dresses for young people. people.OUT ! At this eeuon nearly every one Deeds to use soma sort of tonic. IRON enters into almost every phy sician's prescription for those who need building up. pm THE OESTTOMiC For AVcnkncNH , l nKxUndis Tnck of Enerpry , etc. , it HAS NO JiQUAI , , and is tho only Iron medicine that is not injurious. It Enriches the Ulood , Invlsorntew tho .System , Restores Appetite , Aids Digestion It does cot blacken or injure tho tooth , cause head ache orprodnce constipation other Jron midieincs < la MtiB. E. JI. WHITE. Quindaro. Kan. , siys : "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for general debilitr. Its effect was toning up the system , renewing l'and vigor of the blood , increuing tho appetite and strengthening tho digestive organs. I cheerfully ro- commend it. " MIIS. MAHY A. R. POWERS. 2320 S. 10th St. . St. Louis , Mo. , aaya : * * I was broken down in health , had 110 appetite , and was always tired and drowsy. I have taken three bottles of Brown's Iro'n Bitten" , and have been restored to health. I con recom mend it highly. " Genuine has above Trade Stark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Toite no other. JIadeonly by BllOWJi CHEMICAL CO. , B AXTIHOliK , MD. Important fo Farmers. The experience of hundreds of re- Hab c farmer ! " uur.nK the past sea son moic than sustains every clal.u heretofore made In tavor of the 1M- , 1'ERIAL M'UlXU WHKAT. It has ' ( been thoroughly tested In ill parts ( of the rou.itry. ani nuny fanners declare it cvrn better thiin we rep- / resented or c'a'med f jr it last year , i Ite.ul tiie opinions of wheat proers. J TESTIMONIALSSamuel JfO'.lne. propr'etor Knt Hill stock J'larm , Iowa CItv , Iowa. BIVS : "I rulfed lobn.of tin Imperial Wn at .on } acre of land. The yield I twleens much aj tnat of other va- /rlctles. it Is the best wheat lever ra'gedand jou have my thanks f. > r 11 : trodurlnp nn Improvement of Mich 'cri-at value t > the farmciK. " Vf.1t. Dvkc , of Mori-Ill. Kan. , sav.sJly Imperil 1 Whe.t yielded four times as much is othespring wli at in I'm same Hold" . Kioui K. II. IVtUcn. Cainer. Xeb.My In Wheat yielded i mi. per acre : other wh < v-t " 18 to 2) lii. " Mr .Ia V. Dawsui. Carrliiston. C ur. . Ci n. tavs in a hworn btcteinciit : " 1 sowt'd ont-bu. of the Imperial Wheat the lot of Jlav. and I harvested 40 bu. aad3. > ll > sofXo. 1 wheat. It wa entirely free from iu > t and I cheerfully rec- ommen.litio tin' fa-m n ; commu nity. " Kvery farn c Mio-ild send forourcircu"ir contain'n ? trs Jmo- nlals from all parts of this roiintry. Send stamp for simple. Ad Iress W. E.SMU & Co. , 155 Washing ton St. . Chlcsgj. W1ENDS EVERYTHING Wood , Leather. Paper ,'a ' % China , Furniture. IJric-a-lirae , Ac. Strong as Iron , Solid as a EocV. The total qnantitv < ld during tte past five years amounted to over 32 MILLION _ bottles. KVEKYBUDV WANTS It All dealers can sell it. Awarded TWO GOLD MEDALS. , Jjmuion. 1SS3. Sta Orlutn , IbSS 1'ronounccd Strongest Glue known Scd dealer's card nrd > iso Contains no Acid. for Famrll can FUKK by mail. or the Liquor Habit positively cured by administer ing lr. Raines' Uolden Specific. Itcan begiven In a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of tho person taking it , is absolutely harmless , and will effect : i permanent and speedy cure , whether tho patient is a moderate drinkt-r or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases , and In every histance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system OIICP impregnated with the Specific , it become * an impossibility for tho liquor npprtlte to exist. For Circulars and tcsti- mouIalauddress'WOI.nEX SPECIFIC CO. , 1S7 St. , Cincinnati ! Ohio. Bold by ALL DEALERS thronghont the Vorld. Gold DIedal Paris Exposition , 1S78 , I.IST OP DISEASES ALWAYS CURABLE BY TJSET O MEXICAH' MUSTANG LIKTMEHT. OP HUMAX FLESH. OP AXIMA1S. Rheumatism , Scratches , \ Barns and Scalds , Sores and Galls , Stinzs nnd Bitctc , Spavin , Crack * , Cuts and Bruiser * , Screw Worm , Gmb , Sprains < fc Stitches , Foot Rot , Hoof All , Contracted Itluccles , Lameness , : StlfTJoints , Swinny , Founders , Backache , Sprains , Strains , Eruption * , Sore Feet , Frost Biici , StiOneBs , For seneral uae in family , stable and stock-yard , It la THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS TRADED/M AH K. ' n * * Absolute/ Free from Opiates , Emetics and Poison. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT . Bcra ira AMD DULXKS. TUK CHARLES A , YOUKLXR COJUZ.TXXOREKn T JW JS Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia , llarkaihr , llridirhr , Toothache , Sprafat , Br I f.rlr.f * . PKICn. FIFTY CENTF. AT DRL'OOISTS AND DKALCB5 , THE CHARLES A. VOGELEC. tO.lULTiaoUEaU. TEEATED FREE. DR. H. H. GREEN , A Specialist for IMovcn Y nr I'ast , Has treated Dropsy and Its cotnpllcitloni with thn mcxt wonderful success ; uti-n A esetalile remedies , entirely harmless. Kemovcs all symptoms of dropsy In eight to twenty dayx. Cures patients pronounced hopeless by th2 best of pliyslclans. From the first dose the symptom * rapidly disap pear , and In ten days at least two-third * of the symp toms are removed. oni < * HIV cry humbug without knowing anything about It. i-incinl ) r It docs n t cue rim anything to realize Uie merits of my treatment f r yourself I am constantly curing c.nesof lonijitaniJnir.casei tlmt havi * been tappc I a number of Ilnic. " . aid thi patient declare ! unabU : to live a wrer. ! Olvc full history of case Name sex. hw Ions minted , hoar badly swulcn nn I when ; , is boweli. .omlve. have lnr biirsti-d and dripped water. Si-nd f'tr free pa nphlut. < oitn'n'n ; ? testimonials , quest i ins. etc. ] O > > treatment furnished free by mall. Epilepsy ( Us positively cured. II order trial. aciU 7 centa In fct.itnn ? fopiy oisUjj. H. H. OUKKN' . M. I ) . 3 Jones Avenue. AtlanUt. Go. THE Gold & Jewelled Was awarded by tho Kntloiml Bledical Aoaocintion TO THE AUTHOR OP THn ( who I * the chief Consulting Physician of the IVstboily Institute ) . It being the best Medical Treatise on Manhool. Ex hausted Vitality. ITervous and Physical I Mlltv. 1'rt-maturr-Decline In Man. fie Krrora of You h nd tlciintoldmiseries resulting from indiscretions or excess in rariy life , which the antli-ir hai proved may be a'levlated ant pisltlvely cured. It Is a standard Medical Work on the above , aad Is a treas ure to every yoiin ; and in-ddlj-aged man. War ranted a represented or the money refunded In every InstanceW ) pages : embossed musl n. full p-ilt ; 12T. per.scriptlons for all diseases. Price only 81 , by mall , rali-l. post-pild. Illustrative samples li-ee to all. Send n iw. This work is in.vers.ill - recom nendcd by the prpfs , demy , parents ad teachers , and every one of Us more t'mn a million readers. Kvery m-in , yoiinc or old. sluuld read this book. au-I every MiTcrer sh uU consult the author. There IB a balm in CI lead ; there la a pliystclaa there. " Address I > r.\V. H. I'AKICKR.-tTinlnnclist.riostor.Ma-K. These Discs represent the 'opposite' sides of B. H. DOUGLASS & SONS' ougli Urops for Coughs , Golds and Soro Throats , an. Alleviator of Consumption , and of great benefit in most cases of Dyspepsia. ( BEWARE Or IMITATIOKS. ) xiey are the result of over forty years' perieae in compounding COUGH KEMEDLEd. JRctoll price 1 * cent * per quarter puuzul * I"OS SAX.E BY ALL DEALEItS. me i USTEKS' GUIOK 1 ftsT-cd Sept. and. Dlarch , i eacli year. KS 5G iagc , 11 % iiicheswlth over 3,5C3O iHtmtratlona a. whole Picture Gallery. GIVES AVJ-olesaJe Pricrs Hircct to caiisiiiiiT.i on all goods for personal or fumtly use. Tells liow to order , and glveei exact cost of every thing you use , eat , drink , iveur , or have ft'ii ivith. Tliese INVALUABLE BOOKS contain information gleaned from the umrUcts of tlie ivorld. We ivlll mail a copy FREK to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 ct * . to defray expense of mailing. Let us near from , yon. Respectfully , „ MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 < Sr 22O IVnbosh Avcoue. Chicago , Hi. A5D PECAL A Life Experience. Remarkable and quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. V/ARD & CO. Louisiana , Mo. You are uinmed a free trial of thirty days of tto use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric buspen > ory Appliances , for the speedy relief andpcr- mancnt cure of Xercous Debility , loss of Vitality , and Jfun/wxxf , nnd all kindred troubles. Also for many other > ? . Complete restoration toUealth.VlRor nnd Manhood guaranteed. So riskl * Incurred. Illus trated painphlt-t in sealed envelope mailed free , by addressing Voltaic Belt Co. , Marshall , Mich. * C TAn active Man or Womin in * rtrj I E "county to sell our zoods Salary f 71. Jf perBonlkand I.'iprnsci. KTpcutea m ad vance. Canratsinoutlit FREE ! I'artirular * andard Silver-ware Co. Boston , ilass. CORES WHERE Best Couch Syrup In tlmi * < rtli CONSUMPTION 1 bare & podtiTi remedy lortue abore di ; frlu u taoutands of eatt * of the wont kind an < l of lone aundicc bateben eared. Ind * d. * * stron ; li my filth In 1 < eHracr , that I will end TWO BOTTLES FREE. tOKhr with a VAL UABLE TREATISE OQ thl dim * * , to an j infferer. Oire Ex- preu and P. O. address. DK.T. A. bLOCUM , 111 IVail SL , NERVOl'S DKUILITY. premature decay , . Madder and private diseases cured secretly by he remedies Riven In our old specialist physician's Teatlse : mailed free by the Ashael Medical Bureau. SUUroadway. XewYork. A po Itlre cure. Ko Knire. GANGER.A Plaatrr. > 'f > P In. IV. C. . Fuyue , FREE Prettiect Illustrated SEED-CATALOGUE lever printed. Cheapest I & best SEEDS grown. \Occrdmers trade a , spe- 'ciaUy. Packets only 3e. Cheap as dirt by oz. < t Ib. - _ „ _ FostajreorExp.paid. , B nd Yonra A Neichbora address for BOOK. * JB. H. SHDMWAT. Bockford HU