Thursday , February u , 1886. Indicates that your subscription to this pupcr HAS KXi'iitKi ) , and that u cordial invitation is extended to call and lenew the same. Subscription , § 2 per year. Local Intelligence. * . - _ - _ - - _ r - _ _ 18 LOAVES OF BREAD FOR $1.00 AT THE CITY BAKERY. Yalentines at McCracken's. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing. o to W. W. Palmer for your harness. . 32-tf. Scale books for sale and in stock at this office. E. M. Brickey & Co. are sacrificing overcoats. If you want a superior letter file , call at this office. Xcw curtain scrim and new goods at Wilcox & Fowler's. The Metropolitan drug store keeps a full line of fancy box papers. 23FoMoody& Winter , City Dairy , Im pure and wholesome milk. Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed steers. N.o cows or lange cattle. EElF'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. Ryan Bros , have some choice farms , claims and town property for sale. It takes the genial rays of a Nebraska sun to make Old Boreas retire hastil- . Stationeryblank books , toilet articles , etc. , at Chenery & Stiles' drug store. White Russian or White Prussian soap only oe.abar at Wilcox & Fowler's. A nice line of hanging and stand lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store. The best coal oil in town , 150 ° wa ter white , 30 cents a gallon , at Chenery & Stiles. Real estate business is looking up. Already the festive land hunter is on the move. The latest and most important inven tion for machinists and railroad men at McCracken's. Foil SALE Large broncho marc , set new heavy harness , and good saddle. In quire at this office. Tin horns arc becoming scarcer. The lambs have been pretty well fleeced , hence the growing scarcity. G. W. Bede has some special bar gains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. Lytle Bros , and Squire Colviu have extended their sidewalks , much to the comfort of the travelling public. Stock boarded by the day or week at Olcott's barn , opposite Colviu House. Also buys and sells stock on commission. Fine note paper , legal and congress cap , linen and news paper in tablets , calling and regret cards , etc. , at this office. ' FOR SALE Lindner & Erman have work oxen , steers , cows and heifers for for sale at their barn , one block west of the Commercial House , McCook , Neb. The Congregational sociable , which was to have occurred at the residence of E. M. Brickey , Monday evening , was postponed on account of the illness of Mrs. Brickey. The denizens of Culbertson are feel ing the glow of genial Joe Critchfield's temperance lectures. Long ma } ' he live , and the principles and cause he espouses flourish ! In order to secure passable commu nication-with the outside world , Messrs. Hallaek & Howard have built a side walk from their office to the corner of Main and Railroad streets. "We have just received something new in the line of calling cards. We have the only G. A. 11. , K. of P. . B. of L. E. , B. of L. F. , B. of B. Pv. B. , B. of F. C. , in the city. Call and sec them. More recent developments seem to substantiate our position on the scan dal question , i. c. that the entire trio were false in the preniises3 and wore the ear-marks of a black-mailer. No more trouble with watches. A medium priced movement as good as the finest for correct time if protected with one of those Anti-Magnetic Shields. - Drop in and see them at McCracken's. A force of carpenters are hard at work repairing the Starbuck building- which was damaged by the collapse of the McNeely brick. When repaired it will again be occupied by C. S. Me- Cammon. K. A. Cole , fashionable merchant toil- or , has constantly on hand as fine a class i of "oods as can be procured. Suits made upln the latest style , and perfect fits I'uaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc- 1 Cook , Nebraska , L E. M. Brickey & Co. the clothiers. r _ . _ Fresh and salt meats of the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. They have nothing but the finest and purest drugs at Chenery & Stiles. ' Fresh oyster. * , fresh fish and chick ens at Brewer Bros. ' meat market. Fine assortment of Valentines , Eas ter and Birthday Cards at McCracken's. Lnnsdnlc or Fruit of the Loom mus lin 10 cents a yard \Vilcox & "Fowler's. rf G5F" W. W. Palmer is closing out horse blankets and robes. .Now is the time to buy. 3G-4ts. Sidewalk petitions arc fashionable , those muddy time.Everybody calls aloud for walks. llyan Bros , sold the northwest quar ter of section 5-3-25 to James S. Smith of Indiana for $1,700. The railroad company has had a force of men putting water pipes into the de pot building , this week. . Land and legal blanks in stock at this office. A full line at State Journal prices , constantly on hand. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of Main and Dennison streets. Evening services at the Congregation al church will hereafter commence at 7 o'clock , mountain time. The finest line of cigars in the city at Chenery & Stiles' new drug store. Their "Extras" 5 ct. cigar has no equal. If you want a good , large land loan , and your title and security is good , try the lied Willow Bank at Indianola , Nebraska. 34-4t. ' Truth crushed to earth , " the poet sings , 'will rise again. " ( Thishowever , is not supposed to apply to his incom- petency. ) Usual services at the M. E. church next Sunday morning at 10:30 , and in the evening at 7 o'clock , mountain time , by the pastor. A gentleman by the name of Hock- wood , hailing from Blue Hill , this state , has opened up a candy and fruit stand in the old B. & M. Pharmacy building. Remember you can never have a re liable time keeper , unless it is.protect ed with one of those Anti-Magnetic Shields. For sale by F. L. McCracken. The Ladies Union of the Congrega tional church will meet at the residence of Mrs. G. A. Noren , Thursday after noon , February 18that the usual hour. A young lumberman made his initial appearance at S. W. 11 uddletson's. Sun day morning. Our reporter consumed a fragrant "" in honor of the young "Badger. " If this fine weather continues we hope soon to see the McNecly building under way again. We are anxious , alike with every citizen in McCook , to see that handsome structure up again. We take pleasure in noting that J. E. Castberg , County Serveyor , has ap pointed G. W. Minkler of our city his deputy. Mr. Minkler who now holds a position on theB. & M.'s corps , will en ter upon the duties of his appointment , later in the spring. The B. & M. , the first of the week , added a new and handsome circular ta ble to their telegraph office fixtures at these division headquarters. The com pany's business here is increasing rap idly and an additional wire will , 'ere long , be imperative. A. the Democrat is the original pro- of the ; ' barn " mulgator 'livery episode , and is near the throne from whence emenato such episodes , on. paper , can't the editor of that religious journal il luminate the public , which assmes that he knows whereof he speaks. The Board of Trustees held a special session , Monday evening , at which a number of sidewalk petitions were fa vorably considered and ordered built. ( See resolutions elsewhere in this issue. ) A large batch of claim bills against'the city wcie audited , allowed and warrants ordered issued. The school. authorities have had a substantial plank walk built around the public school building , and from the southeast corner of the block to the school house. Also to the outbuildings. Some apparatus for the lower grades has been ordered. i It is not too early to move in the di- ! rcction of incorporating McCook as a city of the second class. C ty govern ment brings additional privileges and powers. Makes the offices elective and increases their number. It will .work important and marked changes in affairs , with which the people should make themselves conversant. CLOAKS , CARPETS AND MEN'S CLOTHING AT COST ! EXAMINETHEM WHATMORE DO YOU WANT ? THE EARTH ? HAY. , EN & CO. We find this "little gem'1 in a late issue of the Hastings Gazette-Journal. It may contain a surprise tj many : "Col. J. 11. Phelan of McCook , train master of the B. & M. , was in the city , yesterday. Col. has many friends and acquaintances who are pleased to see him here. Friday evening of this week , at the residence of F. L Brown , a sociable will be held under the auspices and for the benefit .of the Congregational Sun day School. Those having the affair in charge will use their endeavors to en tertain all who may lend encourage ment by their preseuce. A general and cordial invitation is extended. The Hoover Implement Co. of Coun cil Bluffs , Iowa , have leased a portion of the old Babcock Bros. ' lumber yard on Main Avenue and have commenced the erection of an office and warehouse , 24x48 feet in dimensions , as a starter , to which they will make such necessary additions as the business may warrant. Frank Cooley is the manager in charge of the work. On the first proximo , W. C. Furst re tires from the management of the B. & M. Eating House of this place , and returns to Denver , where he has bought an interest in the famous Windsor Ho tel , and into the active management of which he will again enter. Mr. Furst has conducted the house here creditably and satisfactorily and we are sorry to see him leave. The new bread wagon recently receiv ed by Mess. Probst Bros , is a perfect jewel of its kind , and is without ques tion one of the handsomest in the state , a credit to our town , as well as an ad vertisement for that enterprising and thrifty firm. The wagon comes from the shops of Camp Bros. , Lincoln , the landscape paintings being the work of James Camp of the firm , and adding greatly to the beautj * of the same. But a few weeks intervene before the spring election of cit/officcrs. Our peo ple would do well to give this important matter due consideration. The coming two years will be momentous ones in the history of our city , and her best inter ests can alone be subserved by the elec tion of her best citizens to guide the municipal ship. Men of principle , in tegrity and business parts will not come amiss. Think on these things ! Invitations are out for the first annu al ball and banquet of the Republican Valley Division , No. 271 , B. of L. E. } of this city , which occurs at the Opera Hall , February 22d,18S6. The brother hood is making arrangements of such extent and character as will warrant the assertion that the affair will outriv al anything of the kind that has ever taken place in the Republican Valley. The banquet will be served at the Mc- Entee , which is being hurried , forward to completion for that purpose. Notwithstanding the mud , which was everywhere present in depth and abund ance , Friday evening , the commodi ous residence of Justin A. Wilcox was taxed to its utmost capacity by the large company that turned out to participate in the sociable held there on that occa sion by the ladies' mite society of the M. E. church. Under the excellent management of the ladies of the society , these social gatherings have become de servedly popular and enjo'able , and the one in point was no exception to the rule. The social atmosphere of our city is at present prolific of surprise parties an inexhaustible source of entertain ment. A gay party of our young folks dropped in upon Miss Clara Gooding at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Spalding , last Thursday evening , in the above capacity , and passed the hours in their usual pleasant manner. The ladies fair present were : Misses May Fames- worth of Benkelman , Jennie Shaw of Wilber , Dell , Eda and Josie Menard , Matic Smith , Mabel Meserve , Nellie Fisher and Maggie Vaughn. While the lords of creation were represented as followeth : Messrs. A. E wing of Benkel man , J. F. Forbes , C. M. Ashmore , C. W. Ballard , A. L. Long , A. P. Bonnot , G. A. Fisher , F. S. Harris , R. B. Wahl- quist and S. A. Ashuiore. CORN ! CORN ! 1,1 - - , I have put in scales at my ranch on Brush creek and I will buy all the corn that comes , at the market price. Also have 50 good ponies for sale , broke or unbroke. 27. J. B.MESEBVE. PERSONALS. f * * S SSS SS S- * + * * * \ * - * S * * S/ * S * * S > + S\ J. W. Dyer of ( Julbertson , was on our streets , Tuesday. * Mrs. IX J. Smith went east , Saturday even ing on 40 , on a visit to a sister. Miss Itita Papin of the county-scat niade-a flyinj ? trip to the metropolis , Friday. T. J. Floyd of the Trenton Torpedo was among the visitors in the city , Saturday. / Receiver Babcock is absent attending a family reunion at 1'rattsburg , New York. HughV. . Cole , of Cole & Moss , went to Denver , Saturday afternoon , on business. II. C. Blount and Hiram Powell , two Pali sade citizens , spent part of Saturday in this city. city.E. E. S. Welch was registered at this Com mercial , Lincoln , the latter part of the week past. past.Mr. Mr. Lawler , of Lawler & Magner , returned Monday noon , from a .short trip down the road. Squire Fisher went tip to Culbertson , Sun day on 39 , on his way to his Hayes county ranch. Attorney Starr of Suavely * StanIndian ola , had business before our local land office , Monday. Charlie Meeker returned on Xo. 1 , Monday , from his trip to Lincoln on water works business. Mrs. F. I ) . Pitney returned to Culbertson , Saturday noon , after a short visit to parents in this city. Senator Dolan , Sheriff Welborn and Solic itor Suavely represented the county-seat in this city , Friday. Otis O. Caruahau and J. M. Carnahan of Georgetown , Colo. , were registered at the Eating House , Sunday. Miss May Faruesworth of the capital of Ditiuly visited in town , last week , the guest of the Misses Menard. A. F. Dyer , County Surveyor of Hayes , transacted some business before the local land officers on Monday. I ) . D. McDonald of Bloomington arrived in the city , Saturday noon on S9 , and has taken a position in Hayden & Co.'s store. Messrs. C. S. Howard and J. II. Howard , of the Hallaek & Howard Lumber Co. , Den ver , were looking after their interests in tin's city , Sunday. J. E. Castberg came in from Hyde , Colo. , Tuesday evening. He reports the prospects for a heavy immigration into his locality as most llattering. Mack Campbell of Trenton spent two or three days , the latter part of the week , in the city. Mr. C. is one of the heavy stockmen of Hitchcock county. Deputy Clerk L/C. Stephenson and Depu ty Treasurer E. C. Ballew of the county-seat went out to Akron , Colo. , 011X0.1 , Saturday night , on land business. Itev.W.S. Wheeler of the M. E. church lectured at Arapahoe , Saturday night. He also tilled the M. E. pulpit at Holdrege , Sun day morning and evening. Messrs. Xoah Mishler , J. V. Hunter , M. M. House , Ed. llyan , A. B. Young , 11. B. Straut and W. Z. Taylor represented Cul- berlsou in this city , Monday. Page T. Francis , who has been spending some time with his family in this place , re turned , last Friday evening , to the seat of his land operations at Yiuna , Colo. C. D. Fuller of Culbenson , a member and foreman of the Paxton Cattle Co. , was in the city , Monday evening on businnss. He re ports small loss as yet , but that cattle are thin. W. O. Moody of Strattou came down to the city , Friday morning on business. He re turned home on o9 , the same day , accompan ied by Mrs. Moody , who has been visiting friends here since Monday. Will Leonard of Indianola , who is to have charge of the Curtis llccord , the new paper to be started in Frontier county , by G. S Bishop of the Courier , made this office a short call , during his visit in the city. Saturday. Mrs. Page T. Francis and sister. Miss John son , went down to Indianola , Tuesday even ing , Mrs. Francis returning home on 39 , yes- : erday noon , while Miss Johnson will remain sometime visiting relatives at tiic county-seat. Fred Snow returned on Friday from his trip to Yuma and Akron. He established a flour and feed store at Yuma , which his lather is managing. Also purchased a lot in Akron and is erecting a building for the same purpose. It. C. Fisher , manager of Hallaek & How ard's interests in this city , went down the road a short distance , Saturday evening , to meet Mrs. Fisher , who was a passenger on Xo. 1 , returning home from quite an extend ed trip in the cast. Miss Jennie Shaw came up from Wilber , last Thursday night on Xo. 1 , on her way to join her parents at Hyde , Colo. She remain ed in this city , a short time. viMting young friends , before continuing her journey to ward the setting sun. Elmer Yager of Chit-ago , brother of J. II. Yager of our city , arrived in town , last Thursday noon , on a visit. Mr. Yager is an old railroader , having been with the North western for the past six years , in the eapaci- : y of time-keeper. He may decide to remain icre. Herman Pade returned from his trip to Wisconsin on Xo. 1 , Sunday night. During lis short business ( ? ) visit to the old Badger State , Mr. Pade incidentally took unto him self a life partner in the furniture business , who accompanied him to this city her f u- : ure home. HORSE FOR SALE. A. McG. Robb offers his bay mare "Kate" for sale. She is of good pedi gree , ( Ilambletonian ) can haul a oil ( ) pound buggy within three minutes. Is ; he best and safest in a re , for either single or double harness in the count } * jarring none. Is sound in every par ticular , 4yea'.s old , and has been bred to L.I. S. , son of the celebrated trotting stallion Tramp. Enquire of Mr. llobb at Supt/s office , B. & M. R. 11. , McCook. E IF YOU WANT AN ELEGANT FITTING SUIT OF CLOTHING , CUT IN THE LATEST STYLE , MADE UP EQUAL TO THE BEST CUSTOM WORK , CALL ON E. M. BRICKEY & GO. THIS APPLIES TO OUR CHEAP AS WELL AS TO OUR BEST SUITS. OUR SPECIALTY BEING : PERFECT FITTING AND WELL MADE GOODSL WE HAVE RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING SUITS AND PANTS AND GUARANTEE OUR PRICES LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE VALLEY. WE ARE NOW CLOSING OUR HEAVY GOODS RE GARDLESS OF FORMER PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR BALANCE OF OUR SPRING STOCK. IF YOU WANT A SUIT TO WEAR ALL THE YEAR AROUND CALL NOW AND TAKE THE GOODS AWAY. We havd all the Latest Styles in Hats , and it viill interest you to see our assortment. The Clothing ! House ! PERSONALS. Cashier E. J. Harden of the Hankof Ktratton was a visitor in ourtown , yesterday. M. M. House , County Judge of Hitchcock , has been in town : i number of days , this week , on land business. Carl Uoehl of Holdrego , of the firm of I'oehl & Auderson of tins c-ity. was registered tit the Commercial , yesterday. Adam Murray of Lelloy , 111. , spent a. feu- days of this week in town , the guest of Host Johnston of the Commercial. County Commissioner Duckworth was in town , yesterday , on his way to .Indianola , where the board convenes , to-day. E. W. Lewis of Cambridge was in town , yes terday , prosecuting- Uohan-Kenyon tim ber claim contest before the local ollicials. Kalph McCracken lias taken a position with J. IVGansehow , and is taking care of his em ployer's interests in the old postollice building. Guy Hoylc arrived from Kansas City , last wetk , and is now looking after the bondsmen's interests in the city postollice until li. r. n.'s successor shall be appointed. Cashier Urown of the First National was at the county-beat , Monday , looking after the new bank , of which he is president , and which will be in running order shortly. COUNTY-SEAT ITEMS. rfv Mr. Crabtree was over to DanburyMomlay. Joe Trissel of Trlsselburfj was seen on our streets , Tuesday. J. II.ootlrich ! reports a ] > lea > ant "last Sun day" ' on his homestead. G. 3L AVatkins was among the departures for McCook , Momlay noon. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ballew went up to Ak ron on No. 1 , Saturday , ami retumetl.Momlay. Sam Ashmore spent Sunday and Monday in our "burg * ' and returned to McCook on o'J , Monday. Cards are out for a grand masquerade ball at McCartney's Hall on February ' - tl. "Good time coming. " W. 1J. Starr was among the county-seat representatives at McCook , Monday. He returned on Xo. 40. Mr. Johnston of McCook , the genial land lord of the Commercial Hotel , was seen on our streets , Wednesday. The revival meetings of the M. E. church here are postponed indefinitely , but it is un derstood that they will resume. B. F. Sibbett went to Akron , ThnrM'ay.and returned Saturday. He did not take up any land but reports things booming up there. L. C. Stephciibon of this city was among the crowd that went up to Akron. Saturday evening. He returned on Xo.40 , Tuesday. Sheriff Welborn started across the country for North Platte , Sundayon oflicial business. Up to present writing he has not returned. W. E. Rollings , manager for Frees & llock- uell , who has been absent from our city for some time , returned , last week , and is now in his usual place. Mrs. C. H. Russell , who has been very sick for the past fortnight , was out buggy-riding , Sundy afternoon , which action causes us to believe she is improving. John McCartney anil " > 'iss Papiu have post poned their departure , for a fortnight or so. and when they do leave for St. Louis. Mrs. \V. II. McCartney will accompany them. The members of 'The Garrick Dramatic Company" ' are very busy rehearsing their ' debut" which will occur in the immediate future. They have a good company and will surely make a "hit. " The hillside north of our city was tlnonged with people , Sunday afternoon , who seemed to go there for the purpose of "tailing in"as much fair weather at once as possible. One couple with a spy gl.ass ' 'took in , " we think , more than their share. We are not. generally , in favor of rehears ing that poor , old , decrepit subject , weather. But the neatness and dispatch with which tin ; "beautiful" < disposed of. last week , forces us to tell the "clerk" that he will have our undivided support in the future. Sidewalks are being built up the west sitle of Fourth Avenue , which are to terminate at the Court House. They will oo completed in the sweet aftcrawhile ; timeunknown. Some property holders along the line are trying tlje "baby act , ' ' hence the unccrtaiiiucFs. Mr. Prelim of Danbury was in our city , Monday. He is the gentleman who traded five of the Estey Organ Co.'s 100 advortNe- nient bogus checks for a 100 team and tlis- pnsitl tif the loam instanter. Jn the absence of Sheriff Welborn , he was escorted hither by Mr. Crabtree. Truly yours , Iiitlianola , Feb. 10 , High School Exercises. The following is the program for Fri- j'day , February 12th : | Music by Choir "Io e of thy Garden. " [ Recitation May Seaman. ! Declamation Levi Sanderson. . Keeitation Kdie Minkl . Hong Florence Varnel I. ' Dialogue Peter Farley , Willie Farley , LoHls j Sues ? , Kred. Ktuicr und Levi Sanderson. Song I.coniit Mishler. Recitation Ulanehe Seaman. Dialogue Lydia Clifford , May Seaman , Ida i Hurd. Louisa Suess and Florence Vtirnull. Hcuitiition Aiina Hunt. Song Nellie Lee. JOH.V , Secretary. Sunday , February 14 , is St. Valen tine day. Go to E. M. Brickey & Co. for hon est goods and lowest prices. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. Chenery & Stiles keep in stock a nice and complete line of smokers articles. Two pounds of Arbuckle's , Dihvorth's or XXXX for 2. ) cents at Wilcox & Fowler's. Prescriptions accurately compounded day or night , at the new druj ; store of Chenery & Stiles. Ilemember this office when you want a well-disnlayed dodger. We have the only large wood type in the city. S15.OO REWARD. o Will be payed for the return of my saddle , which was stolen from Fry & Snow's store at McCook. Friday , Feb. 3th , and for the apprehension of the thief. The saddle is a California tree , and made by II. II. Hyscr of Denver. Weight 45 pounds. The can tie is stamped.stirrups are covered with zinc , and had cow-tail and goat-hair cinches. The saddle formerly belonged to A. E. Lytle. FIIED. S. HAIIUIS , McCook , Neb. MILK ! MILK ! ! o Having the best range for the pur pose in the count } ' , we will start a milk dairy in the spring , prepared to furnish milk in any " quantity. 34-Sts. EATOX Bitos. & Co. MUSIC LESSONS. Mrs. II. L. Donnell. who has had lb' years' experience as a music teacher in Iowahas , located in the citand is * form ing a class. Thorough instruction guar anteed. Price 40c. per lesson. TO STOCKMEN. Sorghum seed. $1.25 per bag , in new two-busliel bags , delivered on cars at Blue Hill , Xeb. Address , 27-tf. M. WILSON , Blue Hill , Xeb. "FOR SALE. 100 acres good land , 8 miles from McCook , or will trade for house and lot. 34-5t. F. S.VlLCOX. . HOUSES FOR RENT. o Parties wishing to rent dwelling houses should enquire at the Citizens Bank of McCook. HOUSE AND LOT o On Macfariand street for sale. In quire of F. I * . Allen or at this office. FOR RENT. - o A 3-ronui house in West 3IcCook for rent , cheap. Inquire atLindimr & Er- man's nfTicf. SQUARE UP. Parties owing me are respectfully re quested to call and settle at once. 211 tf. M. A. : > * 'ALIU.\ ( ; . McCOOK GRAIN MARKET. ( Corrected every Thursday morning. ) No. " Wheat , jier liii ltel . ' " ' ' " "e No. - IJyM > er hu liel . JTfifiaK ; Barley. " i > t > r Im.-hcl . * > ! : ie Outs , per bushel . after * : Corn Nv , p < 'rlii-ln'l . l > ( 'Ca > < - HiwiM. . per tun . # H if..Vi l l-ailcil Hay . ? 7.i vvsiu ) l.IVB STOCK. I'KOtlirCK. KTV. Hojrs Lixi- . ? : ; .ivr ? : : : ® ' Itutt''r. IHT poinnl . . . . . l.V * | S - Kjrirs , iier lozfti . J.V 17 - Young CliicKeiis. per dozen . . . . Old Chickens , JKT dozen