The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 11, 1886, Image 4

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    F..M. &E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Official City and County Paper.
THE editors and publishers of the
state will meet in convention at Lin
coln , Tuesday , February 23.
THE Curtis Record will be launched
upon the troublous sea of journalism ,
this month , at Curtis , Frontier county ,
by Q. S. Bishop of thelndianola Courier.
GRANDMA TIPTON has been confirm
ed receiver of the Bloomingtoti land of
fice , and John G. Hurginsof the Colum
bus Democrat , register at Grand Island
land office.
THE city court of Atlanta the other
day fined a confidence man a thousand
dollars for. obtaining § 10 onfalse pre
tense ? . They have other isms down
there besides prohibition.
THE unemployed mechanics of Lon
don engaged in a bread riotlast , Monday ,
and during the few hours of its contin
uance earned everything before them.
The police were powerless. Both pub
lic and private buildings Were sacked.
TT is to be hoped that the Akron Pi
oneer Press has potent , non-personal
reasons for the fusilade of abuse it
is directing at a young attorney of this
eity. At ail events , Bro. Editorthere ,
is nothing argumentative in such ap
pellations as dude , etc.
THE B. & M. freight depot at Red
Cloud was destroyed by fire , Sunday
morning , entailing a heavy loss upon
the company , a large amount of freight
being consumed. The yard master-las. ,
Potter , occupied rooms in the second
story of the structure , and suffers ai
entire loss of his household effects , his
wife and children barely having time to
get out of the building in their night
THE Democrat occupied coiiMdcrablc
space , last week , in vindicating Post
master Morgan of Kearney. Can'tour
youthful , but potential , political econo
mist do the "vindication act ' a little
nearer home. It would more seemly
be , and the possibilities are well nigh
infinite , the necessity most urgent , and
the case of worthy of the bet effort of
a graceful , facile and pungent para-
grapher. Ah !
THE death of General Winfield Scott
Hancock , the senior major general of
the arm } ' , and the late candidate for
President on the democratic ticket of
1SSO , is announced in Wednesday's dis
patches. The public services of Gen
eral Hancock extend over a long period
of years , and yet his death is untimely
and unexpected , for he seemed likely to
be with us for many years , with his
stalwart frame and rugged health. II
was at the head of the HsUof pall bearers
at the funeral of Gen. Grant. Journal
Joseph Cook says that "he has seer
hog skin boot ? ; " wc never have , bui
when in McCook , the other day , we saw
alligator hide shoes.
A. certain young man , though he is
not iame , thinks that he would like verj
much to possess a Kane. "We do not
blame him an } ' for we realize how hard
it is to cripple along alone.
And now the Lyceum has jumped
from theology to temperance , and have
decided that liquor causes more misory
than all other i-vils combined. "Be
temperate in all things. " We are glad ,
however , for that sentiment that pre
vails in regard to public school bever
age , and that too with "satan" ' in our
It may be that "our olfactory nerves
are not in good condition , but those ap
ples do not smell of brimstone in thh
Powell , the short , and Jladdox , the long.
When standing together , sin ? n very good
But , though Matldox is long. [ song.
And Powell is short.
The latter doth make the better escort.
So ezy the girls.
We have this Tiinch tn pay to our
friends in the cast who are coming here
in the spring to buy land cheap. That
all who have located in these parts
are so well pleased with their homes
that it will take a small fortune to buy
them" out. So bring along a well-filled
pocket book or else join in the chorus
"a little further westSELONN. .
j The following is the report for the
| month of January. Higher department ,
j taught by principal and assistant :
! No. o grades , four.
No. of boys enrolled , 20.
No. of girls enrolled , 25.
I Total enrollment , 45.
: Average attendance , 40.
j ' No. of visits from parents and patrons , 14.
Neither absent nor tardy :
! Willie Farlev * , ( icrtie Laws ,
Ida Hurd , ( leorgeMuntz ,
i Lee lluddleston , Blanche Seaman ,
! Anna Hunt , May Seaman ,
i Elmer Helm , Loujs Suess ,
j Fred Etnier , Loui > a Suess ,
! Edith Crane , Lev ! Sanderson ,
; John Cordeal , Edna Meserve ,
) Charles Blanding , Florence Yaniell.
j No. of boys enrolled , 'M.
j No. of girls enrolled , 25.
Total enrollment , 51.
Average atten'dance , 43.
Xo. of visits from parents and patrons , 5.
Neither absent nor tardy :
Archie Matlies , Bennie Olcott ,
Holly , Leslie Sparks ,
Clayton .lone * , Mary Suess ,
Annie Starbuck , Mattie Calmes ,
John McMnnignl , llattii ; Yarger ,
i Charles Chambers , Carl Deny ,
] Arthur Church , Maud Cordeal ,
1 Morris llafly , Nellie Iluddleston.
j TKACHKi : .
j No. of boys enrolled , U7.
No. of girls enrolled , 21.
Total enrollment , J8.
Average attendance , 'M.
No. of visits fiom parents and patrons , 5.
Neither absent nor tardy :
Maude Dnnbar , i Willie Minkler ,
( Jracellobson , . Willie Snyder ,
Nellie Mcdann , Millie McManigal ,
JolmMcCami Entitled half-hol
, to a -
Clarence Ferguson , iday :
" - - -
Charles 3" ( Jrace Hobson ,
Frank Lackey , | Frank Lackey.
No. of boys enrolled. 30.
No. of girls enrolled , SI.
Whole number enrolled , (51. (
Average attendance , 40.
No. of visits from parents , 1(5. (
Neither absent nor tardy :
Earl Ludwick. Maud Woods ,
Eliza Olcott. Annie Str.js.ser ,
Clara MclJaim , Frank Smith.
The twentieth annual meeting of the
State Teacher's Association will be held
at Lincoln , March 30th and ; > lst. April j
1st and 2d , 1SSG. Following is the
programme :
Tuesday evening , March 30th , S o'clock.
Address of Welcome , JIcv. E. II. Chapin ,
Lincoln. - MUSIC.
Response by Miss Kate 1) . McChesuey ,
Fullerton. SOCIAL none.
Wednesday morning , March 'ilst , 9 o'clock.
1. OpeningExercises. .
2. A pica for the English Language.
W. II. Skinner , David City.
Discussion opened by
(1. ( II. Woodward , North Bend.
: ! . Some detects in our School System.
C. F. Chamberlain , Hmnboldt.
Pisciii-sion opened by
M. U. Snodgrass Osccola. j
4. Primary Work.
Miss 31. J. Burrows , Norfolk.
Discussion opened by
Miss C. C. Covey , St. Paul.
Wednesday afternoon , 1:80 o'clock.
1. The Antagonism of Religion and
Uev. W. F. Uinghuid , Pres. Hasting
College , lias-tings.
Discussion opened by
J. A. Smith , Tekamah
2. The Nebraska Reading Circle.
Prof. G. E. Howard. State University
I ) . The Practical in Education.
W. C. Picking , Red Cloud
Discussion opened by
Miss M. J. Stewart , Kearney
4. Appointment of Committees. An
Wednesday Evening , 8 o'clock .
ADDKESS Punishment ; its relation h
the development of individual re
Supt. F. A. Fitzpatrick. Lcavcuworth
Ivans. MUMC.
Thursday morning , April 1st , 0 o'clock.
1. The Successful Teacher.
Dr. D. E. Perry , Pres. Doaue College.
Discussion opened by
W. W. Drununond , Plattsuioutb ,
2. Reading for School Children.
Miss F. J. Ilosford , North Platte.
Discussion opened by
C. C. llcltmau , Geneva.
: ; . The Effect of Association.
M. D. Ilorham. Beatrice.
Discussion opened by
C. E. Holmes , Ainsworth.
Afternoon Session , 1:00 o'clock.
1. Miscellaneous Business. Election of
Officers , Etc.
2. Can composition work be made practi
cal and popular in the Common School.
Mi.- Francis E. Sheldon , Omaha.
Discussion opened by
Miss Marion Kingsley , Lincoln.
Thursday evening S o'clock.
ADUI : ! : ' The Common School.
Supt. Aaron Gove , Denver. Colorado.
Friday morning , April 2d,5 o'clock.
1. Thought , in our Educational Problem.
R. J. Porter , Clarks.
Discussion opened by
C. D. Rakcstraw , Nebraska City.
2. Meteorology. J. S. Hake , Wayne.
Discussion opened by
W. J. Wise , Seward.
" > . Natural Sciences in the Public Schools.
II. L. Grant. Normal School , Peru.
Discussion opened byDJCBoud , Blair.
4. Motions , Resolutions , Adjournment
jlaying a great deal of reform energy.
; Ie has just ordered the change of the
name of a country postofficc in Colorado
from "Elaine" ' to "Cleveland. "
W. C. T. U.
r - ! . . _ _ fl _ | | _
To THE EDITOR : In behalf of the
W. C. T. U. of this place , we wish to
make an appeal to the friends of tem
perance and reform. The reading room
is now an assured fact in our town ; it is
being well patronized , and is surely ex
erting an influence for good. It says to
the stranger and to young men without
homes , the good people of McCook are
so much interested in their welfare as to
provide comfortable rooms , where they
can feel themselves at home , and have
plenty of reading to help them spend
their leisure hours profitably , without
being necessitated to go to the saloon ,
the only other public place in town
where they are warmly welcomed , and
even then I think their welcome must
be paid tor by partaking of the cup that
will surely draw them on to ruin if con
tinued. Might not this be the starting
point which has destroyed many ? We
would like to hear from someone who
has had experience on this point ; it
might he of service to others to know
how far or IIOAV long they would be wel
come in thesefree schools of satau , "
if they did not pay for the drinks or pat
ronize the bar in any way. We venture
the assertion that such customers would
soon find that they were not wanted.
] f we are mistaken will some one cor
rect us.
-'Sow whiskey , reap drunkards. Fill
a town with bar rooms , make a genera
tion of drunkards who become lathers
of drunkard.jmd , thus the world is
swept on and down to hell. " Sam
In the reading room all are welcome ,
without money and without price. Not
only may the } ' feel welcome , but they
will feel that by their presence they are
lending their influence to the cause of
humanity , and the moral effort of doing
right will be two fold. It will not only
be a blessing to the right-doers , but it
will in a greater or less degree , effect
all who may be under their influence ;
and when we'feel this sense of blessing
and benefit , it will beget in us a desire
to benefit others , and so the good work
goes on. Now we call on all good peo
ple in this community to patronize and
support the reading room. . Give it the
influence of your presence , that it may
prosper and grow and become a power
in the town.
"Prohibition 5 < in the air. " The con
sciences of the people are sitting in
judgment upon the enormous and un
bearable evils of the drunkard-making
business. The verdict is being silently
prepared , and 'ere long its proclamation
will startle the most skeptical.1' Ris
ing Wave.
' The kingdom of heaven is like unto
a man travelling in a far country , who
called his servants and delivered unto
them his goods , and unto one he gave
five talents and to another two , and to
another ono. to every one according to
his ability. " Do you notice that ALL
had something none less than one tal
ent ? And that all are required to give
an account of the right use of their
abilit } ' .
There are said to be GOO , 000 drunk
ards in this country. They have all
been made of sober boys ; not one of
them was born drunk. The factories
where those drunkards are made arc
authorized by law , and the business is
called a legitimate industry.
And now , dear reader , we ask you to
reflect that which ever way you will
lead others ; for none are without their
influence. Will you take the responsi
bility of leading some soul in the way
of temptation.
' If thou forbear to deliver them that
are drawn unto death and those that
are ready to be slain. If thou saycst ,
Behold , we knew it not , doth not he
who poudereth the heart consider it ;
and he who keepeth thy souldoth , he
not know it ; and shall he not render
every man according to his own works. "
Prov. 24-11-12. ' W. C. T. U. c
. , , _ f
Drderingthe erection of a sdewalk nlou ? the
west side of Marshall street , from Dodgo to e
Dakota street , in the original town of Mc
Cook , Nebraska.
By the Chairman and Board of Trustees of
: lie Village of McCook , Nebraska :
UKSOI.VED , That the petition of W. W. Pnl-
ncr and others , a majority of the resident c
iwners , for n sidewalk along the west side of
Inre 1ml 1 street , from Dodge street to Dakota
treet , in the original town of McCook , Neb. ,
if the following description :
Said walk to be of pino material , C feet long , -
ind two inches thick , to be laid on S stringers ,
z6 inches , with not less than 6 spikes , No. 20 ,
o each plank , the same to be laid with ends
o the street , be granted , and the same is here-
iy ordered built.
RESOLVED , That this resolution be piiblish-
er of general circulation in .said village , for c :
ne week , and the same to be gooJ andsnfli- [ '
lent notification to said property owners. tl
Attest : W. C. LvTouKETTE , Chairman. tlN
I' . M. KiMMEr.1. , Village Clerk. 4t N
THIS is TO CKIITIFV , That the above rcso-
jtionwas published in the regular issue , of ai
'HE McCooK TIIIUUNE of February II , 18SC.
[ L. S. ] F , M. KIMMELL , Village Clerk , J ,
Ordering1 the erection of a sidewalk nlonjr the
south side of Doilgo street , from Main to
Madison street , ulso ulonf , ' the west side of
Madison streetfrom Dodge to Dakotastrect ,
in the original town of McCook , Nebraska.
By the Chairman and Uoanl of Trustees of
the Village of McOook , Nebraska :
UESOLVED. That the petition of S. L. Green
and others , n majority of the resident owners ,
fora sidewalk along the south side of Dodge
street , from Main to Madison street , anil
along the west side of Madison street , from
Dodge to Dakota street , in the original town
of McCook , Neb. , of the following description :
Said walk to be of pine material , 0 feet long-
and 2 inches thick , to be laid on 3 stringers.
JJxfl inches , and to be spiked thereto witli not
less than G spikes , No. " 0 , to each plank , said
plank to be laid with ends to the street , be
granted , and the same is hereby ordered built.
RESOLVED , That this resolution be publish
ed in THE McCoox WEEKLY TuiuuxE.aptiper
of general circulation in said village , for one
week , and the same to be good and sulltcient
notification to said property owners.
Attest : * W. U. LATOUUKTTE , Chairman.
F. M. KIMJIELL , Village Clerk.
THIS is TO CERTIFY , That the above resolu
tion was published in the regular issue of THE
McCooK TinuKE of February llth , 1SSO.
[ L. S. ] F. M. KIMJIELL. Villnge Clerk.
February Oth , ISSIi. ) "
Notice is hereby given that the following-
namcd settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Hegis-
ter or Ueceivor at McUook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 23d , 18SO , viz : Ervin A. Whitesel , D. S.
11351 , for the southwest ; .j southwest ; .j section
33 , township 3 , north of range 2rf west , ti P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
liis continuous residence upon.aiid cultivation
of , said land , viz : William Kiljrorc and Win.
O. Bond of Uondville , Neb.and ( ! . Lloyd Clark
and Alfred li. Fuller of Indianola , Neb.
37 G. L. LAWS. Hcgistcr.
February 9th , 18SO. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filrd notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Keg-
ister or f Jeeeivcr atMcCook , Neb. , on Tuesday ,
March 23. 18SB. viz : Frank A. Grillin , 1) . S.
HIM , for the southeast h of section 24 , town
ship 2 , north of range 2st west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : William A. Vincent , William H. Smith
and John F. Gillespie of McCook , Neb. , and
Krvin A. Whitesel of lied Willow , Neb.
37 G. L. LAWS , Register.
January Kltli , ISSli. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Ifcgis-
tcr or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
March 12.1SS6 , viz : Edward F. Dullcy. D. .S.
2U"i ! , for the southwest ' .i southeast Ji of sec-
tson 2.1 , township 2. north of range 30 west , G
1' . M. lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon , and cul
tivation of , said land. viz. Frank Smith , W. O.
Wickwire , K. L. lienjaman and Fred IJcnja-
inan , all of McCook , Nebraska.
3 < ; G. L. LAWS , Register.
January jth. 1S8G. (
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler lias fiied notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Heg-
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , onTtiesday ,
March 0,1SS6 , viFrederick Vollbrccht , II. H.
15JO , for the west ' 2 northwest U , west ' - i
southwest ; . .t"of section 1.1. township 3. north i
of range30 west , ( i P.M. He names the fol- |
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous res-
idcnce upon , and cultivation of. saiil land , viz : I
Adolph Rhciscliick , Herman Thole , Charles
Beuhtel and Jacob Evans , all of McCook , Neb.
3.1 G. L. LAWS , Register.
January 20th , 1SSO. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has lifed notice of his intention |
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , March
Uth , ISfefi. viz : J.icob H. Evans , Homestead
Entry l.)03 , tor the east * ' southwest * i , west ' j
southeast J.i of section 22 , township 3 north , j
range 30 west tith P. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resij j
denes upon , and cultivation of , said laud , viz : '
VichaelP. Weick , Adolph Rheischick , Charles I
Volbreclit and Herman Thole , all of McCook , I
Neb. 34 G. L. LAWS. Register. !
January 13th , 1880. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Friday ,
February 20 , ISSU , viz : William Y. Johnson ,
H. E. 105 , for the south \ - northwest h. north
1 southwest h of section ; W , township 4 , north
of range 2'J west. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous resilience upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viz : John S.
Modrell , Charles Povser. Edward F. Couseand
Thos. J. Ruggles , all of McCook. Nebraska.
34 G. L. LAWS , Register.
January 5th , 18S5. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support oihis claimand
that said proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCooic , Neb. , on Monday , Feb
ruary 15th , li8C , viz : Horace H. Easterday ,
homestead entry 107 , for the N.W.1 ! of section
22 , township 4 north , range 30 west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : James II. PattersonCharles Angel
William Coleman and Milton H Cole , all of
McCook , Neb. 32 G. L. LAWS , Register.
NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of
in order of sale issued by the Clerk of the
District Court of Uetl Willow county. State of
JCcbrasUa , on the 2rt day of December. ISM. and
: ome directed. I will at 10 o'clock , A.M.on the
23d Day of February , 1886 ,
it the front door of the Court House in Indi-
molasaid Court House being the place where
lie last term of said District Court was held ,
iVithin and for said lied Willow county , and
state of Nebraska , offer for sale at public auc
tion , to highest bidder for cash , the following
eal estate , lands and tenements , to-wit :
Lot No. (14) ( ) fourteen , in Block No. (27) ( ) twcuty-
icven , in the Town of McCook , lied Willow
: ounty , Nebraska , taken on order of pale to
'oreclosc a real estate mortgage , as the prop
erty of William C. LaTourette and Irene li.
> aTourntte and ordered sold by the Court to
satisfy a judgment against them and in favor
f The Citizens Bank of McCook , Nebraska ,
'or the sum of ( S2,575.C2) ) two thousand live
uindred and seventy-ftvedollarsandsixty-two
: cnts , and $9.0S costs and accruing costs , dc-
ireed a Hrst lien. And a judgment against
aid defendants in fayor of Isaac L. EH wood & ' .
Jo. for the sum of ( $1.170.0) } ) eleven hundred
ind seventy dollars and ninety cents and dc-1
ireed a second lien upon said premises. And j
; judgment against Kitd defendant , W. C. La-1
'ourettc in favor of The Great Western Stove j
'ptnpany for ( § 1,118.00) eleven hundred and
lighteen dollars and decreed a third lien upon '
aid premises. And a judgment against said '
efendant , W. C. LaTourette , in favor of The '
owa Barb Steel Wire Co. for ( S2.131.00) two i
housand ene hundred and thirty-one dollars , '
nd decreed a fourth lien upon said premises. '
ind a judgment against said W. C. LaTourj j
tte in tavor of The Bridge and Bench Manu-1
actory Co. for the sum of ( § : JS.OO ) thirty-eight
ollars , and decreed a flfth lien upon the said i
remises. And a judgment against said W. C. '
.aTourettc . in favor of The Nebraika Manui i
jctory Co. forthesum of5114.00) ( one hundred '
nd fourteen dollars , and decreed a sixth lien
pon said premises. And a judgment against j
iid W. C. LaTourette in favor of Simmons I
[ ardware Company for the sum of ( ? l, ! ) ' A
ightcen hundred and si.xty-si.v dollars and ' IV
lirty-nine cents , and decreed a seventh lien
pon said premise ? , and tax lien thereon , in I
ic aggregate 5S , ; > < 3. . " < 0. Hendered by William j
aslin , "Judge of said District Court at the ,
ovcmber. 188. } , term thereof , to-wit : On the
h das * of November , IKS. ! . I
Atthctimeand place of said salodue attend- *
ice will be had by the undersigned. .
.1. W. WEMHWX. Sheriir. Ml
: M Keel Willow county , Neb. G
E. CociUiANi Attorney ,
Of J. H. Goodrich , Jr. , County Treasurer Red Willow County ,
Neb. , of the Receipts and Disbursements of his office from the 1st
day of July , 1885 , to the 6th day of January , 1886 , inclusive.
* Amount transferred to County General Fund.tTransl'erred from County General Fund.
SStatc Apportionment. 1 From Poor Fund. * * From County School. tt$410.1 ! > of this amount
transferred to District School.
J. H. GOODRICH , Jr. , County Treasurer. ,
Paid up Capital , ,
General nsiness ,
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-ltesidc-nts. Money to loan on fanning
lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe ,
First National Hank , Lincoln , Nebraska. JOHN 11. CI.AHK , Vicc-Prcsideiit.
The Chemical National Bank , New York. A. C. KHEIIT , Cashier.
Lath , Shingles , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Pickets , Cedar
Posts , Lime , Hair , Cement , and Plaster Paris.
Also Hard and Soft Coal ,
And Real Estate Brokers.
OFFICE : West Dennison Street ,
t i ,
Superior to any on the market , being Heavier , Stronscr r.uilr.
ami tlicrcfori ! a more Durable MI'l. It Is the only
n' ? outcly ! safe Mill built ; and out of
Thousands Erected During 12
Years past , not one has ever blown a\7ay and left the Tower
"landing. A record no otherMill : can chow. We offer
to put up any of ourl'UMPIXG MILLS
An l If they don't jrUisatisfaction , will remove Mill at our
own expense. A ! o Manufacturers of the Celebrated
Challenge Feed MIIN. Corn Shellers. Iron Pumps
with bra-s cylinders. Iron I'lp < ? , Tanks.
For estimate1" . ( ataloznes and prlce , apply to
G. B. XETTLETOX , McCook , Neb. ,
Agent for Southwestern NYira ! ka and Northwestern Kantas
1ST CSc : si Cc ! : : : : = i : tis ! : : Ci Fcci Mill , 2aSia St.
flakes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property ,
Oir 'JT 'iOIS