INDIAN FIGHTING. Uncle Snm'a Difficulty In Pl htlng a Small Band of Savages Tlio Hod Men Aroused Only by the Per secutions or tho Whites A Pluclcy Ten. JirWasninton correspondent , writinf So The New York Herald , says : "There ire probably iifty thousand Indians cap- "U1 of going on the warpath , " said a prominent army officer on duty at the var ; department to your correspondent : o-day. "Of that number , " he contin- aed , "only ten are known to be engaged in depredations and murder. They are A.paches , with an area of forty thousand aiiles to roam in , and are the remainder Df the forty-two who escaped from the aan Carlos reservation last May. At least eleven of the latter number have been killed by the pursuing troops. Twenty-one are known to be in Mexico , 50 that the murders and outrages of which we hear from time to time as hav ing occurred in southwestern New Mex ico and southeastern Arizona are the 3ccds of these ten Apaches. One would suppose , on reading the accounts tele- p-aphqd from those tcaritories , that : he army Avas supine and indifferent to the horrible tales that daily harrow the minds of the frontiersmen. "Gen. Crook , who commands the de partment of Arizona , will in .1 short time have fully one-sixth of the entire irmy under his command. In addition to the two companies of cavalry ordered , from San Francisco to Arizona which fact was printed in yesterday's Herald 2ight companies of the 8th infantry are to be sent without delay to such points 01 his department as Gen. Crook may recommend. He is authorized to in crease his Indian scouts 100 men , and ; he pack-train of 120 mules now at Cheyenne has been ordered to his de partment. Ho will have between 4,000 ind 5,000 cavalry and infantry subject : o his orders , and all on account of ten murderous Apaches. These Indians aave committed so many 'crimes that : hey know that no mercy would be shown lliem if they were to surrender ' to-morrow. It is 'the Indian's nature when outlawed to do all the harm he possibly can. For twenty years these Apaches have been a terror to the frontier , and. until the last one is dear ! ; here is no hope of security for the set- : lers within their reach. They were Jriven to these deeds by a thirst for re- renge. Near the close of the rebellion , tvhen Cochise was their chief , they were Dccupying a reservation in the south eastern part of Arizona. A white boy tvas stolen by the Indians , and the Apaches were accused of the act. Co- chise denied the accusation , but the vol unteer officer then in command of the I reservation executed a half-dozen of the band by hanging them. Since that day the Apaches have been the enemies of the whiles in the territories. It subse quently became known that the boy lyas stolen by another tribe , and is now living among them and is known as 'Mickey Free.1 "The story of the pursuit and capture of the Apaches by Gen. Crook , " said this official , "is already familiar to readers. The cause of the outbreak at San Carlos last September and the pur suit of Geronimo and his followers by Lieut. Brijton Davis was succinctly told in that officer's report. Seldom has an V officer more graphically described the \ difficulties which the army has to con tend with in pursuing a small band of Indians. They do not care for horses except for food , and seldom use them save to escape from the locality where they steal them. They are foot Indians , and travel sixty miles a dav without fatigue. When apprehensive of close pursuit they climb mountains where an animal could not get a foothold. They are bushwhackers , highwaymen , and murderers. They do not fight or care to oppose a hodv _ of troops except in ambuscade. The recent venture of Lieut. Fountain is a fair sample of their warfare. One volley , which killed poor Dr. Maddox and crippled others , was all they fired. Then they iled where the fleetest horse could not overtake them. Here is a map recently com pleted by an army officer , giving the topography of southeastern Arizona. The other part , similarly illustrating that part of New Mexico over which the troops have chased these murderous renegades , shows that nearly every square mile of the country is moun tainous. Colored dashes mark the loca tion of troops at places where there is < vater. Supposing the whole army of twenty-five thousand men , well equipped and mounted , were distributed over this area of fort'thousand square miles , [ t would be about six hundred men to a thousand square miles , 7"ell , a re port reaches the commander of one of these little posts that the Apaches have been , murdering the settlers. He hastens to the place and finds it is true. But where are the murderers ? They leave no trail , but hide in some place where everv approach is known and watched , and when they arc sure of safe retreat they go to another place and renew their bloody work. Indians who ride and fight could be pursued. But ten devilish highwaymen , fleet of foot , whose power of endurance seems to know no limit , who can live on raw mnle flesh , slake their thirst in its blood and find nourishment in their ears , can easily defy the best soldiers the country has ever had. Gen. Crook has always been most successful in the pursuit of renegades with Indian scouts. \Vere the Apaches now a numerous band there would be some hope of speedily overtaking them , but the few engaged in crime can easily elude a pursuing partespecially as they do not depend upon horses in their flights. Now if vou will ask yourself how Jong the James brothers , "the Buzzard broth ers , and other notorious outlaws have defied the civil authorities in the very heart of our country , you can form some idea of the naturrf of the task which de volves upon the troops in the depart ment of Arizona in trying to catch these few defiant Apaches. It is not a ques tion of fighting these Indians , but sim ply one of catching them. Even our Indian scouts , who can match them in their system of warfare , must be fed , and the pack , train must follow them. No such incumbrance delays the Apach es Anyone who will read the report of'Lieut. Davis will find what a task the jinny has ia trying to overtake these y Indians. An extract from that report will serve to more definitely describs J Vbe difficulty. Lieut. Davis sa : s : " 'At one time during the campaign a band of Indians whom I was follow ing caught sight of the scouts , and with their women and children in twcntv- four hours marched more than ninety miles without rest. Had it been neces sary I bslievo they could have gone a hundred further with equal ease. It is little trouble for them to obtain all the fresh stock they need , the bucks goino eight or ten miles to either side to raid while the women and children travel rapidly toward whatever point they de sire to reach , the bucks joining them on the road with fresh 'horses. While be ing pursued the } ' have guards to the front , to the rear , and on cither flank , who keep the main body advised of any force in the vicinity. When they camp they choose the most inaccessible points they can find , preferably the rocky ex tremity of some mountain spur , along which they can retreat into the moun tains proper in case they are attacked : These camps are often several miles from wood and water , which will b > carried up to the camp by the squaws * Guards arc put in such position that they can watch the country for milel around , and upon the first indication oi the approach of danger the camp i. < alarmed and the race begins again. Even when not being pursued they sel dom stop for more than three or foui days in any one place. When necessa ry they abandon all their property , and getting into the mountains afoot they catter in every direction , making it extremely difficult , and at times im possible , to trail them. Some of the Indians when they left the reservation , had excellent liold glasses , and with these their lookouts can watch a large tract of country. Lookouts are kept posted day and night , and any suspi cious-looking object , such as dust or smoke , is sufficient to set them running again for two or three hundred miles. ' ' "Do you fear any attack on the Don Carlos reservation by the citizens of Arizona ? " inquired your correspond ent. ent."No "No , sir ; we have no fear of any such attack. That there should be a report to that effect illustrates , however , the sentiment of the people of that country. If Indians , murder white people then the cowboys think it would be justice for them to kill the Indians , not those who commit the atrocities , but some peaceful , well-behaved Indians who would not give them any trouble , but whose death by violence would enable them to say that they had got even or had their revenge. " China's Great Event. About the middle of next month the Chinese national competition for the military degree of Chung Yuen , tho highest degree of the empire , is to take place in Pekin. This is held in the im perial presence once in every five years. The successful competitor is crowned by the emperor , and worshiped as a hero by the military fraternity of the entire nation. To attain to such honors wealthy families are more than willing to give up their entire fortune. Triump hal arches arc built for the winner by the government , and the people of his own province often devote seven days in festivities in his honor. His wife receives the rank of the first lady of the ' empire , and tho empress allows'her the sum of 3,000 taels per annum as "paint and powder" money. Those who par ticipate in these contests must have already attended the military degree oi Kin Yin , and in order to reach this lat ter height they must have passed suc cessfully three examinations. The ex penses in these varioti8 competitions' much heavier than those of the literary competitions. People in humble cir cumstances can not afford a military education. The military teachers change more than do the teachers of literature : The students have to pro vide their own weapons , must live bet ter in order to be able to wield the heavy instruments of exercise , must dress expensively , and keep one or more good horses. Consequently the competition at Pekin will be a very fash ionable affair. As the Kin Yins of the entire empire will be congregated there , even those who have no hope of gain ing the coveted degree will be glad ol the chance to show themselves. There is at present only one China man in America who is entitled to enter the contest. He is a Kin Yin. and is the chairman of the Chinese Municipal society at No , 202 Chatham street. His name is Li Hong Gwing. He is 38 years old , about six feet in height , pro bably weighs about 200 pounds , and is considered the best-looking Chinaman in New York. "I am afraid I shall not enter the Pekin contest , " he said Satur day night , "although 'it was iny inten tion to do so about a year ago. I came here simply to see the sights of New York , but "things so pleased me here that I have tarried long enough to get into a political office. Besides , it is now too late for preparation. I should have to exercise in drawing the bow , lifting great weights , and shooting on horseback at marks at two hundred feat. We employ the bow simply as a text book of our military education , for we believe that if a man shoots an arrow straight he can also shoot a gun straight I should have to be able to show a graceful and easy use of the great swords , which weigh from 150 to 200 pounds. According to the degrees we contend for atPekiu , we will have to toy with a two hundred pounder , first with two hands and then only one hand , and handle them almost as a common sword. Istill have some strength. " and Mr. Li jokingly picked up the report er with one hand and danced him in the air until cut short by an incoherent and pleading protest. New York Times. Watcli-iViffht. "Ugh , " grunted old man Jenkins , about midnight of December 81st , to his wife , as he turned uneasily in the bed. "what's that noise down in the parlor1 "Oh , nothing , " replied Mrs. J. , "on ly Martha and her young man holding watch-night services. " "Wha what ? " he grunted sleepily. "Watch-night ssrvices watching the old year go out , " she explained. "Ugh , is that it ? Well , it seems tc me that the old year hcs been going oul every night for the last six months,1' and he turned his face to the wall and didn't say anything more in 1885. Merchant Traveler. The labor market at Lew Angeles , Cal. , L larsoli oreratooIiL * . Soldiers' Sleeping : Places. Speaking of queer Bleeping places when we were quartered in Little Washington one company was quartered in a brick warehouse , and the whole upper part was divided into immensely bi' bins containing corn , all shelled. We found it quite a soft bed , only when once laid down in any posi tion you made quite a mold of your body in the yielding mass of corn , and frequently on waking up in the morning I would find myself at an angle of forty-five degrees , my head down , nearly buried in the corn , and my left or right arm buried to the shoul der. I have tried a bed of mud , with ray head against the trunk of a tree and the water trickling down my neck ( it rained at that time ) and two or three inches of water around me. J never recollect getting cold or suffering any serious discomfort result ing from exposure to dampness , or rain , or mud beds , or anything of that Icind. A fellow can get used to almost anything of that Icind. A fellow can get used to almost "anything. If our clothes were wet , build a fire , if we could ; if not , stir about and dry them that way. [ Recollections of a Pri vate in Boston Bulletin. A Sample Prince Edward Island Girl. One of the fair maids of Hose Valley drove in a single wagon and pulled up in front of a store occupied by a well-known oat speculator. She gracefully alighted from the vehicle and inquired the price of Hour. The proprietor was standing in front of the store in conversation with a number of friends. He pointed to'a barrel of flour on the platform and said : "Miss , if you put that barrel of flour on your wagon you may have it for nothing. " It is known that the gentleman who made this reply is nob given to charity or liberal with his fair share of the world's goods , and his astonishment and disgust may be more readily imagined than described when the fair maid of Rose Valley gripped the barrel and landed it clean over the front wheel into the body of the wagon , took her seat upon it , and , thanking the merchant for ib , drove off amid cheers. [ Halifax Herald. A dose of Red Star Cough Cure will pre vent you disturbing tun congregation , and put you in a right frame of mind to enjoy the services. Twenty , five cents a bottle. "Why Jews Live so Long. The New England Medical Monthly com ments very favorably on the proverbial long and healthful lives of the Jews. Dr. Pi card holds that this superiority is due to their stringent health laws. The Mosaic , like the older Egyptian code , is very strin gent regarding the eating of flesh and other articles of food. Of the animals examined , a large proportion are always condemned as unfit for food. People who eat meat in discriminately are very prone to disorders of the blood and of the kidneys , for meatis composed of nitrogen , t\hich the kidneys have to remove from the blood , and of course they cannob do this successfully ex cept by the aid of Warner's safe cure , the best kidney strengthener , unless it is tem perately partaken of and only the very best meat is used. Jews also use alcoholic liquors very sparingly and thus keep up good digestion , and then again they are a holiday-loving and Sabbath-observ ing class. [ Housekeeper. Henry Ward BcecIier'S Voice. The power of Mr. lieecher's voice shows no diminution. A well-known artist , who is a member of his congregation , called on the Plymouth pastor one evening and found him amid a circle of friends in a happy mood and relating anecdote's with fluency andwith apt expression. Among other stories he told that of the poor young man with one lung , which has been paraphrased by negro minstrel companies for many years pasb. The consumptive lays his hand on his left side and says in a hoarse whisper. "This lung is all gone. " Then smiting the right side of his chesb with his clenched fiat he adds in a stentorian roar , "Hut here Pm all right. " The arbist , de scribing Mr. Beecher's energy of ubteranee in pronouncing on the soundness of his right lung , says that he gave him such a start as almost to cause him to fall from his seat. "My time is up , " said the doctor to the patient , whom he found using Dr. Bull'n Cough Syrup , and he was correct , for thab cough was soon a thing of the pasb. Price 25 cents. Mme. Durand-Greville confesses to forty novels. PATCWTSobt.iinclhyIonisLMrger&Co. . At torneys , "Wasliiiigton.D.C. Est'd 186i. Advice free. Prince Bismarck wants to make bhe sell ing of brandy a government monopoly. ' ROUGH ON PILES. " Cures piles or hemorrhoids. Itching , protruding bleeding. Internal or other. Intern il and extern.i remedy In each package. Sure cure , OOc. Druggists The king's palace in Corea is now lighted with electricity. I suffered with rheumatism so that ibwas with greab pain that I could move around at all or do any work. Two botbles of Abhlophoros cured me. L. A. Rogers , bag gage master of Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul Railroad , at Madison , Wis. The Cologne Gazette spells ib nob British "Parliament" bub "Parncllmenb. " S C RATC H ESJ. . H. Shaffer , Madison. wls. . says : "I cured n horse of the worst saseof scratches that I ever saw , with Vet- erluary Carbollsalvc. Of all the reme- ales I ever saw this Is the "bats. " 25 and 50c. at Drugs-lets. The Missouri Cremation society has 400 members , twenty-five of whom are women. JInlford Sauco expressly for family use. Caly wld In bottles. Best and cheapest. The average age of the British peer is fifby-eight. TIIE GRAND SECKET of female beauty is health the secret of health is the power to eatjdigesbandafasimilatea proper quantity of wholesome food. Take VIXEGAKBITTERS. Ib will cleanse the stomach , tone the vita1 organs , give a perfect digestion , purify the blood , clear up the complexion , and pro- 3uce a state of genuine female loveliness , with which no cosmetic can compare. An improvement in railroading is the lieated freight car for carrying sensitive fruits. W. H. Worthington , editor of the "Pa- brons of Husbandry , " published at Colum bus , Mass. . writes under date of Feb. 25 , 1882 : "Your great remedy , Allen's Lung Balsam , I have used in my family for fif teen years for coughs and colds , and know it to be the best. " 2uc. , 50c. , and § 1.00 a bobtle. Miss Kate Field is buying Wasningbon real estate. "ROUGH ON ITCH. " "Rough on Itch" cures skin liuinors. eruptions , ringworm , tetter , salt rheum , fruited feet efctt- Wans , itch , Iry poison , barber * ! Itch. sue. Jars. "In all distresses of our friends , we first consult our private ends" was the old style ; now we don't consult anybody , but invest twenty-five" cents in a bottle of Salvation Oil. Ib kills pain ! Jumbo's skeleton is said to attract more attention than a dozen live elephants. "VTfcon Baby irao sickwo , j ve her Castoria , When oho was a Child , she cried for Coatorift , When she became Miss , aha clang to Castoria , ITton she had Children , she gave them Caatotia , The man who takes a hint is not neces sarily a thief. Those persons who do nob need Iron , but who arc troubled with Nervousness and Dyspepsia , will find in Carter's Little NERVE Pills a most desirable article. They are mostly used in combination with Car ter's Little Liver Pills , and in bhis way often exert a most magical effecb. Take jusb one pill of each kind immediately after eating and you will be free from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. In vials at 23 cents. Sold by all Druggists. Raw oysters before breakfast now have medical endorsements as aiding digestion. Invalid ' Hotel and Surgical Institute. This widely celebrated institution , located at Buffalo , N. Y. , is organized with a _ full staff of eighteen experienced and skillful Physicians and Surgeons , constituting the most complete organization of medical and surgical skill in America , for the treatment of all chronic diseases , whether requiring medical or surgical means for their cure. Marvelous success has been achieved in the cure of all nasal , throat and lung disease. ? , liver and kidney dissabcs , diseases of tho digestive organs , bladder diseases , diseases peculiar to women , blood taints and skin diseases , rheumatism , neuralgia , nervous debility , paralysis , opilcpsy ( fits ) , spcrma- torrhea , impotency and kindred affections. Thousands are crtrsd at bheir homes through correspondence. The cure of the worst ruptures , pile tumors , varirocele , hydrocele and strictures is guaranteed , with only a short residence at. bhe insbibu- j tion. Send 10 cents in stamps for the Invalids' Gujde-Book (108 ( pnges ) , which Sivcs all particulars. Address , World's Dispensary Medical Association , Buffalo , X. Y. The census of 1880 places the number of Mormons at 110,377. Use Dr. Picrce's "Pellets" for constipa tion. Ib cost Mr. Pratt $1.083,33:5 : to found the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore. If all so-called remedies have failed , Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures. Guards are to be kept ab Mr. Garfield's tomb bill June Isb. Ton get more comfort for 25cts. In Lyon's Heel Stiffcners than In any ether article. Only twenty-six of the United States sen ators keep house in Washington. IT is DANGEROUS to tamperwith irritating liquids and excitingsnuffs. Use Ely's Cream Balm , which is safe and pleasant and is easily applied with the finger. It cures the worst cases of Catarrh , Cold in tho Head and Hay Fever , giving relief from the first application. All druggists liavo it. Price 50 cents. By mail GO cents. Elv Bros. , Owego , X. Y. I HAVE been bothered with catarrh for about twenty years. I could not tell how many different remedies I have tried , and none seemefl to reach my case like Ely's Cream Balm. I had lost my smell entirely for the last fifteen years , and I had almost lost my hearing. My eyes were getting so dim I had to geb some one to thread my needle. Now I have my hearing as well as 1 ever had , and I can see to thread as fine a needle as ever I did , and my smell is partly restored , and it seems to be improv ing all the time. I think there is nothing like Ely's Cream Balm for Catarrh. Mrs. E. E. ( Jrimco , 07 Valley St.Rendrill , Perry Co. , Ohio. "Mamma , why is papa bald ? " "I am his fourth wife , darling. " PI o"s K'incilv for CUarrh is agreeable to use. It Is not a liquid or a nuif. Me. The agent of the Passamaquoddy In dians of Maine reports theirnumberatoSl. For removing dandruff and promoting the grouth of tho hair , use Hall's Hair lleneuer. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , in thousands of cases , has cured a cough in a few days. Jeff Davis denies that he ever was a Mason. "Hough on Kats clcare out Hats , Mice. ne. Tough on Corns" hard or soft corns , bunions. 13c "Rough en Toothache. " Instant relief. 13c. The estimated insurance in force in St. Louis is § 1,070,000,000. BUY GALZER'S ( t Cro. , m ) SEEDS. Cat .Fr . There are only two clergymen in congress. Three U\\k \ \ iafds Bright , fresh and charnilnc , say they owe their Rood health and clear complexions to Hood's Sa-saparllla I crjone may hn\c good health by taking Hood'5 Earsaparllla , which cures scrofula , salt rheum , dys pepsia , biliousness , rheumatism , catarrh , kljncyand H\er comp'atnts. and all diseises canted or pro moted by Impure blood or low tta'c of the system. Ifyoufi-el tired and all worn out. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla will renew joirstrength , and\italize and en rich your b ood. The little daughter of Mrs. Charles BrcwterBuf alo. X. V. , suffered srcatly with st'es on hcrejei Hood's Sarsajarllla comi lately cured her. Jliss Carrie AVnre , Mllod. X. II. , had a sore come In herctr. which spread over her neck and 1 oh sides of leface. . In two days aftT sli3 began tak ns Hood's Sarsaparilla the sere commenced to heal , a id In a week If waj all healed up. Jessie F. Dalbearc , Pascoap , R. I. , had no appct't3 or strength , and felt tired all the time. Hood's Sar- eaparllla restored 1 c" appetite and strength. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bid by all drngglsts. II : six for i Prepared I I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. I ; * n rPDADUV team here and earn good ] ] CLCUilArIII pay. Situations Jurnlsued , Valentine Bros , Jauesvillc , Wls. Absolutely Freo from Opiates , Emetics and folsoit , SAFE. SURE. PROMPT AT DKUOUUT * AXD THE ClUnUES A. 10UELEK CO BALTiaOUE , DD. Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia , " llielatbc , lltaditbr , Tootliachr , Spralaf , nrnKw , eir. . Hf. PKICE , FIFTY CE > TS. A > D DKALKU9. TIIE C1UHLES A. VOQELE& CO.BALTiaOUEUU rVURE Biliousness , Sick Headache In Four Hours. k ) One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills Fever , Sour Stomach and Bad 3reath. Clear the Skin , Tone the Nerves , and give Jfe and Vigor to the system. Cose : ON'KKEAN. Try them onco and you will never be without them , Price , 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt Of pries In stamps , postpaid , to any address , - J. F. SMITH & CO. , Manufacturers and Sole Progs. , ST. LOUIS. HO. UK. U. P. SCHKOCK. 6727est Lale Street , Chlcajo. * from Rhenmitlnm. nis physician fcore-1 amputation or Its leg would be necfvtrr. He tried ATHLOPHOBOS. and la two days was cared. Athlophoros is pronounced alt. tolutclg cafe bj one of the leading phjiiclatu of the country. A < k your druggist for Athlophoros- joa cannot get it of Mm do not try something elte.but order t once from nFo Kill send it express paid on receipt of price , $1.00 per bottle. ATHIOPHQROS CO. . 112 Wall St. . New.York. Thousands tf Infants arc slowly stanlng. because nuthen cannot provide the proper nourishment. Al ternate nursing and KldgeN Food will often sup ill the lack , and quiet nights and hup > y. joyous davs ivill le HIP result. Try iMnohcr- your child Is lot In perfect health , a ds-rlf you cannot join In cstlmony 1th the thousands who hare been blessed jy Its use. THE Gold & Jewelled Was awarded by tho National HcUical Association TO THE AUTHOR OP [ who is the chief Consulting Pliynlclan of tliol'eabotlyMeiliCctl Institute ) . ft belnpr the beat Medical Treatise on Mnnhool. Ex- inustcd Vitality. Xcrious and I'hysinl r hllltv. I'rcmature Decline In Man. the Krrors of You h. : n J : he untold mlsero resultli g from indiscretions or excess In rarly life , whl'-li the niith'ir has proved nav be a'luUted and p isltlvcly cured. It Is a standard Medical V/ork on tin1 above , and Is a treas ure to everv joun and nvdU.iscd man. War- anted as represented or the money refunded In svery Instance : .TX ) pa-rc ! > : embossed mii'lin , full r'lt ' ; Ui perscrlptions for all dlsci > esPrice only St , by mill , scaled , pnst-pitd. Illii trat\i' sample * : rec to all. Send niw. ThU work Is unnersall- ecom ncndcd by the pnss. cleretv. p.ircnts a' d eachers. and every one of its more than a million eiders. Every mir. . jounz or old. sh > uld read this eiery MiTcrer ohiuld consjlt the author. Then' Is a balm In CUe.ul ; there Is a pny-tlclaa here. " Address IJr.1V. H. I'AKKKR. 4 Itiilllnch st.r.ostop. Mas . Grate Bar. : OR STEAM 30ILERS Tlic 3Ia tt Economical and Durable JSar Made , Engineering C3. , St. Louis. Mo i An active Man or Woman mmery 'county to tell uurKooris Salar ; if JO. 1 p r Month and Expemc * Kxpcnsei in ad vance. CamaMin ; ; outfit FKKK : I'arlirularj free. Standard Silver-ware Co. Boston. Haas. iCharJcstOTrn. illiia. 4 Caske of Silver Ware Free 'oaaypenon ' who will shotritto their neighbor ! , act ai our fl * nt rd send onlers. Gire vonr ne&mt ezprea arrf Post Oce iu3 < ir * * . . -I s COXX. MAXrC. CO..JIARTFOK1 > .COXX. l'f > R ALT . 30a week nnd e\pcns s paid. Outllt worth nn I nnrticiiIarH tree. P. O. VICKEIIY" . Augusta. Maine Morphine Jliiblt Ciireclln 1(1 toIiOcliiyn. JS'o pay till Cured. Du J. hTKPUKNS. I.ciiaiiun. Ohio. F ° r 5 Xew fhromo. Scrap & Gold Edge cards. uiu WOKKS , horyton. Conn. inn Xcw Scrap FlrtiirtM and Agt's Album of 49 Card .UU Samples for lOc. bteam CardVKs. . Hartford , Ct 'AUPI F RflflK contalnlngM samples of forCct . to pay po-itage. CEXTEtt FKEE ! HKOOK CAKU CO. CenterbrooK.Coim for Bnfants and "Castoria is so well adapted to children that B Castoria cnrco Colic , Constipation , [ recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach , Diarrhcsa , Eructation , knowntome. " H. A. AacnsmlLD. , I fo131 & " * P' Proiaotes < " ' IU go. Oxford St , Brooklyn , K. T. | Without injurious medication. Tns CETTACB CO PJUTT , 182 Fulton Street. N. Y. Produce thr finest Flowers , } DIIV Vegetables and Crops. Enor-l DU I moos stock. New Vcgetablei and Farm S = ds. DOUBLES ALL yields. SEEDS WARRANTED. 7 CENT Plantsnnrt Kotby the 190,000. Don't buy Ull jouwe catalog. J01iaA.&U2CBI CrwrTTU. BROWN'S IRON , BITTERS\ WILL CURE HEADACHE ' . INDIGESTION ' - BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS AND l EVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN IN THE BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RPIEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine lias Trade Mark and crossed Red Lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. TREATED FEEE. DR. H. H. GREEN , A Specialist for Flovcn Year * Pamt , lias treated Dropsy and it * complications with tho mo t wonderful success ; uses % csetnble remedies , entirely harmless. Ilrmo\es all symptoms of. dropsy In elKht to twenty days. , . , . . . . Cures patients pronoun ccJ hopeless by tha best of physicians. From the first do e the symptom * rapidly disap pear , and In ten days at least two-thirds of ttte gyrnp- 'toms are removed. Some mnv cry humbug without knowing anything nliont It. Kanicinlier It docs n > t cost vnu anything to realize the merits of my treatment for yourself I am constantly curing cis of long stnnJIns. cases thutliftMbeen tapped a number of times , and fhn patient declared unable to live anreelf. . Give fall history of case Name sex. hiw long ainictcJ. hoar badly owolcn an 1 whenIs bowels rostlvc. have le a burstod nnd dripped water. Send for fres pamphlet , conta'nlng testimonials , questIjns , etc. JO lv treatinonr furnished free by mail. Epilepsy fltB positively cured. Itordcrtrial. ncnaTcentu In stiirns topiy nostssj. H.lI.aiJKKV. M. D. fvi.Ioncs Avenue. Atlanta , Ga. Usedbythelx'stinanufncturers nnd mechanics in theworld. . I'ullman Palace Car Co. ,513 11 A llamlm Orpan & Piano Co- Ac. , for nil kindi affint uork. At the New Orleans Exposi tion , joints made with it en dured a testing strain of over 1600 Pounds TO A SQUARE IXCII. TWO GOLD MEDALS. larulnn. 188X A'eia Orlmnt. 1SS5. „ _ . . _ _ _ „ _ _ „ Ifjourdealerdocsnotkeepit i MS sen : ht < riinl and HV. t > n tnire for sample cm. TREE. BPSSlI CEMENT CO. , Clonceslar , gM. These Discs represent the opposite sides of B. H. DOUGLASS & SONS' Capsicum ( L'ough Urops for Coughs , Colds and Sore Throats , an. Alleviator of Consumption , and of great ; benefit in moat cases of Dyspepsia. ( BEY/ARE OF IMITATIONS. ) They arc thfl result of over forty yean * expcrienco iu compounding COUGH KEMHDLlirf. .Retail price 15 cent * per quarter puunJ. fOIi BALE BY ALL DEALERS. or the Liquor Hinit positively cured by administer ing IJr. IiaincV Uolden Specific. Itcan t < e ivi'ii In a cup of colle > 'or tea without the knowledge of tho person taking It , is absolutely hannleii , and will effect a ponniiiientand speedy cure , whether tho patient Isanioderatedrinkerornn alcoholic wreck. It has been gi\cn in thousands of cases , and in every histincc a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once Impregnated with the bpccitii : . It hocoiucs an impossibility for tho liquor appetite to exist. For Circulars ami testi- monlalsaddress ; ( ) MIKN SPECIFIC CO. . 1S7 at. , Cinciuuati. Ohio. 1,001 ImportanttlilndsroannvrrknowortlioncJit of aliout the linmnn body nnd its curious orean . jrowJifeiperpetitatedheaWt.sateddi3taseindiicetI. How to atoiil pitfalls tif ignorance and indiscretion , Jlow to applet Jlmne-Cvre to all forms of intense , jrow to cure Croiip.nlA Eiies , Rupture. PMmnxu , tle 1 ! W& * in ? &Y3 lS ( FOR [ K "WHITE OUH 1 SlUU BLUE Murray Dili Tub. Co. , TJ9 E. 2Sth St. . Sew York. A5D DECAY. A Life Experience. Remarkable and quiclc cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana , Mo. You are alum r < l a free trial of thirty days of tno nseofDr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Beit with Electric Suspensory Appliances , for the speedyrellef andpoi- manent cureof AVimtia Debility , lossof Vitalitynnd Manhcml , and all kindred troubles. Also for many other diseases. Completn restoration to HealtbVor and Manhood guaranteed. Xortsfcls Incurred. Illus trated pamphlet In sealed envelope mailed free , by addressing Voltaic licit Co. , Marshall , Mich. GILLOTT'S Bold by ALE. DEALERS throughout the World , Gold medal Paris Exposition , 1878. - * A FREE SARffPLE. To Introduce the great household remedy. GOR DON'S K1XU OF PAIX Into evcry Itmlly. 1 will send a sample free to any one .tending address. Mention this paper and address E. G. lUUIIAUDS , Tola Jo. O. S"rUDY- forms. Pcnman hlp. Arithmetic. Short hand , etc. . thoroughly taught by mall. Circulars iree. BRYANT'S COL.1..EGK , Uuir.ilo , > . * FREE Prettiest Illustrated SEED-CATALOGUE lever printed. Cheapest &l > est SEEDS grown. Gardeners trade a spe cialty. Packets onry Sc Cheap on dirt by 02. & Ib. _ Postatre or Exp. paid. umj A Keichbors tdrtrres for HOOK. & . H. SHUM1VAY. Jtockford Hi. W. N. D. , OMAHA. a'J3 3.