The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 28, 1886, Image 4

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    F. M..E. M. KIMMELL ,
+ * Editors and Publishers.
--T--i- T.--r. T-.L---r- * r i-j - . -I. . . . - - - _ . .
Official City and County Paper.
' YANU Kill JILT'S wealth , it appears , ex
ceeds tho most enthusiastic suppositions.
1-t-is-no set down as being over $300-
AYE see it stated that the . < aiprenie
court has decided that counties must
pay for the support of insane persons
( hey send to the asylum.
Tin ; cold snap has been nioPi prolific
nt' fires and disasters ol'every nature.
Xo print of the country has boon exempt.
The list is appalling in extent.
TillFranklin : Echo is again in the
hands of II. M. Crane. Tiic Echo will
hiY another resurrection day , or we
miss our guess on Herb's trct-up.
SKN.\TOII .MANOKUSON is receiving
ii.orc attention than any of the yoiingoi
wemJjcrs of the present senate. Thi- >
: < a hiirh compliment to our Ptato as
well as to the senator.
I'KKHAPH the Hnglish language con
tains no word so frequently misused noi
mie used to express such a multitude ol
ideasriloly different in import , as the
iittle word "get" in' its forms.
s administration is more
rntten than Grant's. " said one of the
democratic applicants for land office
tumors. xvho resides in this city , when
he heard tho nc-.vs ( ? ) of the appoint
ment ( ? ) of Jake and Dick. Heresy.
N men in Low.-i are liegiuning
lo imagine , in a vague way lo lie sure ,
tutt prohibition does sort o"prohibir. .
A number nf them arc now langiiishinir
in prison for vinlaiiiig the l iwa law ,
while many others were mulcted in
lieaw linos.
linsroi : C'oxKi.ixu recently said :
"Thy .sniaili. > < t country nuw. paper is
worlli more to -nhseriber in one
month than its price for a year , and
does more for its neighborhood for noth
ing than a high official does for his mm-
nilicont salar.v. "
I'urviors publications might do well
in wait until Messr.s.Laws and Hahcock's
V successors have been apointcd. ] This
event has not as yet transpired. Neither
have Jake Hteiiimetand Dick Thonip-
son been appointed , as some are ener
getically" circulating.
Al.i. the Democratic hig guns , little
gnns. rifled guns , smooth bores , mor
tars. Mtindurbuses , nincompoops and
profound and Miblime ignoramuses in
general arc down at Washington giving
our heavy-weight preside nt pointers on
the. distribution of i'etieial patr sna ; o in
ihi-stut .
A KKKI.IXC is yrowsnjr throughout
* * \
this shite , especially through the .South
1'latte country , favorable to James
Laird , the present r.wigressmnri from
the second district , to succeed Van
Wyek to the United .StalerSemite. .
LaSni stock in this pare of the stale has
come up wonderfully since rhe begin
ning of the present session of congress.
The congressman's speech arraigning
Sparks perforce of his fool decisions ,
which so disastrously affect Western
Nebraska , meets with the heartiest ap
proval from the worthy settler of this
part of Nebraska.
BKOTHKR THOMPSON , with his double-
barrel newspaper , has the advantage in
a di.-cussiun of tho merit ! ; of Mr. Sparks'
administration of the general land office ,
of being able to blow hot with his .Mc
Cook organ a'nd cold with the one in
this city. With his name at the mast
head as editor and publisher , the M -
t.'ooi ; Democrat comes out in an edito
rial condemning 3Ir. .Sparks and declar
ing that enough has come under the ob-
M-rvation of the writer to condemn him ,
while the same v.vek the Adams Conntv
Democrat comes nut in bold defense of
rhat official. We suppoju ; that when a
homesteader hailing from the district of
I he Mc'ook ( land office inquires of Mr.
Thomt-.u } } , his views on the sti5 > jecfhe
jiroudly poiiits to the columns of his
k organ : i containin a full rev
elation of the deep recesses of his heart
upon the subject , while to 3Ir. Sparks
at Washington , he quietlv sands mark-
y * * *
cd copies o ! his Hastings organ as a
mild suggesfSon that he would be pleas
ed to survu h.s highne.-s in the capacity
of an in furiur officer of abonff the dig
nify . .ill'the icui'ivershiji of that land of.
lice , out near the Stinking Water. Nicu
thing , this double "barrel business.7 - <
ilastings Ncbraskan. -
The icy hand of winter has been loos
ened a little , and the balmy air of to
day almost makes us think of spring.
Uut the good people of Driftwood have
not been frozen by any nieam * , as the
following events will show.
The fair daughters of J. S. Newcomb
sce.m to be in demand by our young men.
TIIK Till BUNK of larft week published
the marriage notice of one of them and
now a younger sister has joined her des
tinies with another of our best young
men. William Sprague is the lucky man ,
and the happy coupla arc enjoying the
honey-moon at the residence of his
Last Sunday , a .large congregation
listened to an eloquent discourse by Rev.
Dtingan , whose earnest presentation of
the truth , had a strong effect on the
minds of his hearers. To say that he is
always welcome , but faintly expresses
the feelings of this people : may he come
The. Vailton Sunday School under th'e
efficient management of 0. B. Nettleton ,
has attained a success equaled by few.
Last quarterly report shows an average
attendance of forty , which i * very good
for cold weather.
There will hen oyster supper at the
Vailton School House , Wednesday even
ing , February 3d. for the benefit of the
Sunday School. MAX.
January 27th , 1SSG.
On last Thursday evening.Mr. Piper's
folks were sadly shocked , upon receiv
ing a telegram announcing the death of
a daughter , who resided at Franklin.
Mrs. Piper not being able to attend the
'funeral , Mr. J. B. Viper and Miss Ella ,
father and sister of the deceased , took
the tram on Friday , for the sad s.ene.
Tho first surprise party of the season
occurred at the residence of 1) . E. Moore
on Wednesday evening of Jast week.
About forty of his friends and neigh
bors rushedr \ > on him without a word
of warning ; but ho and his excellent !
wife were not long in taking in the .sit
uation , and everybody was made wel-1
come. A sapper was prepared , and
time passed so rapidly and pleasantly
that it was long after tho hour for re
tiring before the company bid each other ]
good night.
The Lyceum at the Loo mis school
house is becoming noted for its discus- j
sion of theological questions , in fact ,
they have started a new theory. Some
of their leading debaters have declared
that God has no part in the conversion
of a sinner. It is possible that 1T ; has
not had much to do with tiie so-called
conversion of some who have recently
made a profession of religion. ( od
works in a more thorough manner.
TJox Elder , Jan. 25. SEI.OXX.
We notice that titc pleasant < pell of
warm weather brings relief ty our nu
merous stockmen.
We are sorry to report considerable
sickness in the community at present ,
but we believe nothing serious at this
Tt was Mrs. G. J . Nettleton who as
sisted at the late entertainment , instead
of Mrs. A. N. Nettle.ton , as reported in
the notes.
? Ir. Will Sprague and Miss Lusetta
Newcomb were united in the holy bods : :
of matrimony on the 20th. It was a
liappy affair , and Will may well be
Hurrah for the oyster supper and en
tertainment at the School House ,
Wednesday evening , February 'id. Pro
ceeds for the benefit of the Sunday
School. Speaking , music , games and a
joncral good timo appears on the pro
gram. Now let us"go prepared to make-
this eflort.of our ladies one of profit as
well as pleasure. IiAi.i'H.
lloldrege .Republican : A conductor
on one of the freight trains saw fit to
pjnct a woman from the caboose , last
Friday , although she had a permit from
the Superintendent to ride on that train.
When the smart aleck reached the next
station he. got orders in go hack and get
the woman , which he did. delaying the
irrival of the train at this plaee about
two hours and a half.
Mr. N. G. Moulder , superintendent for the
Bradsrrcet Mercantile Agency , DOR Moines ,
owa , says hu is highly pleased with the effect
) f CjiamberJain's Cough Iteuictly , that his
'ainiiy have used it with marked benefit.
Similar expressions are heard in every com-
nimity huTcit is sold. Aiiy one using it
, vill not long stifl'or with the cold. It is pleas-
mt to take and harmless to give to children
> f any age. Sold by M. A. .Spaldin ; and Wil
ey & Walker.
( Corrected every Thursday morning- . )
fo. : ! Wheat , per biihol 4SgrXc )
Co. illyo , per bushel
Siirlpy , pfr Iiushol
) ats , per bushel
torn Nov. per bushel
lay will , per ton I.OOJjSTi.oO
tailed Hay ST-OOfi.00 ! '
lo.trc Uvc
'otatocs , ( IrishI per bushel
tnttcr , per pound
'jfgs , per dozen l.T17o
"oimjr Chickens , per dozen Sl.50 < 3$2.00
Ud Chickens , per dozen 52.253.00
JRoyal Buck of Reel Willow was in our
city , Tuesday , on business.
Mr. E. Kendall of the metropolis was seen
on our streets , Tuesday A. M.
Mr. C. T. Blackinan of Lebanon was up on
a Hying visit , Friday , and returned the same
JtailroatHnen report Indianolaasbeingthe'
best town along the line to turn out/on masse ,
to greet the trains.
Among the departures for the metropolis ,
Monday , were Kev. Jas. Leonard , 3Iajor Cris-
well and G' J. . Catkins.
More business There is to he a first-class
drug store.inthcnorthofMaiken's new block.
It will be ready for "biz" about February 15.
Thomas W. Mcrtoe on Monday declared
his intention of renouncing "Queen Vic. "
and hereafter sailing under the glorious ban
ner of "Our Uncle Sam. "
Quite a number of our young people went
down to try the glassy surface of the IJepub-
lican river , Sunday afternoon , and reported
the ice in first-class condition.
M. B. Xoel and wife who have for several
weeks been visiting in southeastern Nebraska
and Kansas returned , Friday. Matt , is our
indispensable city drayman and the streets
look natural once more , lie reports a good
time everywhere and regarding his health ,
which was the object of his trip , his looks
speak for themselves.
Why are the curtains of Crumbuugh &
Goodrich's store drawn down , and what caus
es the. tired look on the respective counte
nances of C. & G.V Jast peep inside and yon
will sec three men in shirt sleeves 'rustling"
for dear lifeThe old , old story , ' 'We are
invoicing. "
The revival meetings at the M. K. church
still continue in spite of the bad weather.
There has been two meetings a day for a
week past and the interest in them does not
diminish. Un the. contrary it i.s on the in
crease , and the success that is in store for
them should be something great.
A certain young couple , much against the
laws of health , still love the fresh , pure air.
For they occupy a certain front porch three
or four nights a week regardless of weather.
We would add right lien' that the Nebraska
cyclones have not yet dctatched the porch
from Geo. Pmdiiiu's residence. We give this
notice hoping that George will open his heart
and ask them in.
The trial of Walter M. Sheppard. a teacher
on tho northwest Coou Creek , was the
"Klite' ' event of the week , in our city. Lie
was accused of beating one. Miles Anderson ,
with clubs and maulers , and of producing
great bodily injury. Judge Baxter made
his "debut" with the usual democratic grace.
The counsel for the plaintiff were Mes > rs.
-MfCoIHster and Ex-Judge A > hmore. while
Mr. A. J. Johnson looked after the welfare
of the defendant. The CLUII , in mention ,
was a wool eraser , beside which , a pillow
boxing glove is a murderous weapon ; and
the KIAT BoiiihY IX.IUISY proved to be a
scratch upon plaintiff's leg about an inch in
length. The jury consisted of Messrs. Xoel ,
Nichols , Starbuck , Black , Scherer and Bish
op. The court room was packed like a sar
dine box. It took the jury about five min
utes to bring in a verdict of "not guilty. " and
the said Sheppard will still continue to in-
stnictthe youthful "Coon Crcukers. " P. S.
MeCollister's closing declamation was the
"gem" of the occasion.
Indianola .Ian. 27 , 'SO. XOXIJESCMSIIT.
IIi.vnjL'AiTins : DKPT. or Xr.n. , G. A. 1' . )
ASS'TA11.fTAXTGKXKUAI/SOrpici ) : , ' -
Juniata , Xeb. , Jan. 4,1SS. > . )
General Orders Xo. 17.
For tiie piirpoM ; of securing the location of
the Eighth Annual Kcunion of-Nebraska Sol
diers and Sailors to be held in the year JSSO ,
at such time as may be designated bv the
Ninth Annual Kncainpinent , Department of
Nebraska , G. A. I' . . 1 will receive Sealed
Proposals at my Headquarters in Juniata ,
Nebraska , until February 15 , issi ; . from cities ,
towns and ullages of the state. Propositions
must be accompanied by a written guarantee
endorsed by five or more responsible persons
said doi-umciit guaranteeing that said lo
calityill furnish gratis to the G. A. I ! , the
following :
FIKST At least two hundred and forty
aeresof land for such Reunion , suitable for
camping , locate , plat and lay out the ramp ,
ami prepare same for occupancy.
SKro.Mi Se\enty-live. tons jf hay , lil'tv
tons of straw , one hundred cords of wood-
all delivered to Quartermaster of ( Mmp on
the Reunion Gioiinds , by or before the first
Ftiday prior to the Heimion.
TniKD Furnish suitable guard for such
property fora period of nine days said iruard
to be under order and direction of the Com
mander of Camp.
Forr.Tit A L'ood quality and sufficient
quantity ofatcr to be delivered in barrels
under the direction of the Commander of tho
Camp for the needs of . iO,000 people one week
for drinking , cooking and washing purposes.
Also , enough stock water for :5 : , < > ° 0 teams of
horses , mules , ttc , one week.
FIFTH Forty tons of ice to be delivered
iluring the week of the Reunion on the order
of the. Commander of Camp.
SIXTH To transport free from any point
in the United States and return same , any
rents , camp or garrison equipage , munitions
if war hired by or loaned to tho G. A. If. for
< nch Reunion , receive all material from the
railroad company , haul same to Camp , pitch
the tents , strike same , repack anil reload all
material at close of Kcunion.
8ivixTH To turnish a good and sufli-
'ient amount of advertising and distribute
the same , the expense of which in total shall
iggregate at lea t three hundred and tiftv
lollars ( § p."iO.OO ) . Said advertising to be out
it least six weeks before the Reunion , and
lone under the direction of the Reunion Com
mittee for 1885. *
EIOHTII To insure all such property as
nay have to be insured in some reliable in-
lurance company or companies for the full
K-riod of time tnu property may be in transit
o , iu use at , or in transit while being return-
Mi from the Reunion.
NIXTII To furnish , under theappointinent
) f the Commander of Cam ] ) , and pay for
iuch services , a snllicient number of guards
o protect property and aid the Commander
if Camp , to carefully police the ramp , and
naintain a proper degree of order during the
, veek of the Reunion.
TKXTII To furnish fifty saddles for use
if the Cavalry Division , lo he turned over to
he Colonel commanding said division , who
ihall be responsible for the safe return of
he same.
ELKVKXTK All expenses incident to the
ieunion in the way of ammunition and ma-
erial needed and'used in carrying out of pro
gram of parades , sham battles , amusements ,
unrise and .sunset guns , caring for the pavil-
un , lighting same for camp-tires , hiring of
addles and saddle-horses for the Commander
if Camp and his staff , to be borne by the city ,
own or village that shall secure the location
if said Reunion ; and all the rights to niaiii-
iiin and rents accruing from"tiie gutters'
fores , booths , dining halls , and all business
inns , places of amusement , shows , &c. , to
received bv said city , town or village :
'ROYIDED. that no gambling , or place to T
end spin tons liquors , wines , or malt beer , s
hall be allowed on the grounds of the ' c
teunion. t
TWELFTH lu addition to the above the c
locality nmstglve a certain stun of money na
a cash donatian for securing the Reunion ;
said sum to bepaid to tiie Department Com
mander by or before August first , 18S6 , for
use of the Department of Nebraska , G. A. R.
TinnTEKXTH All bids must be endorsed
on coyer as follows : "Proposals for securing
the Eighth Annual Reunion of Nebraska Sol
diers and Sailors , " and addressed to A. V.
Cole , Department Commander , Juniata ,
" 'FouitTEnxTH All posts of the G. A. R.
will , upon the receipt of this order , bring it
at once to the attention of the public inlhYir
localities by securing tiie gratis publication
of the same in the papers and in otiier ways
promulgate it.
FIFTKKXTH The Department of Nebras
ka , G. A. R. , reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. -
SIXTEENTH AH bids will be opened and
read by the Assistant Adjutant General at
themeetingof the Council of Administration ,
at Red Cloud. Wednesday. February 17,1880 ,
when the selection of location will 'be made.
By command of
S. J. Simti.HY. A. V. COM : ,
Asst. Adjt. ( icucral. Dept. Commander.
January 25th , ISSti. f
Notice is hereby pivnn that tho followlnj-
namcd .settler lias tiled notice or his intention
to make tlnal proof in support of his claim.
and that stiid proof will bo made before Ke -
ister or Receiver lit MeCoo'rC , Nel ) . . cm Tuesday ,
March S > . JKSii , viz : Frederick Vollbrccht , II. ft.
1510 , for the west Ji northwest ; f , west ! J
southwest J-i of section 13. township : ? . north
of rau eln ) west , U P. M. Ho names tins fol-
Jowhitf witnesses lo prove his continuous res
idence upon , and cultivation of , f-aul hind , viz :
Ailolpli Uheii-chick , Herman Thole , Charles
Hcchtcl ami Jacob Evans all o * McCook , Neb.
a- . G. J , . LAWS , Jlejfister.
.January :20ti ! , l&io. f
Notice is hereby Riven thnt tiie. followinjj-
nuuieit settler lias filed notice of lu'.s intention
toinake liiuil proof in support of bis claim , and
that. said proof will beiimile before He isteror
Iteceiverat McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , March
fltb , ISfii , \ iz : Jacob II. Kvans , Homestead
Entry 151K ) , for the east * southwest fj , west 'i !
southeast J.i of section : . township ; ! north ,
range 3'J west Oth P. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove bis continuous resi
dence upon , und cultivation of , said land , viz :
\ iehacl 1 . Weiek , Adolph Ulicisckick , Charles
A'olbreeht and Herman Thole , all of McCook ,
Neb. : J4 G. L. hAWS. Register.
Jnnuury loth , IbflJ. f
Notice is liorcliy given that the followiiiff-
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
to make linal proof In support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before UPJJ-
Istcr or llecelvur at McCook , Xeu. . on Friday ,
February : W , 1S8S , viWilliam V. Johnson ,
II. E. 105 , for the south ' ; northwest 'i. north
Ji southwest h of section 4 , township 4 , north
of range 'M woMt. He names the followinwit -
nes e.s to prove his continuous rcsirhjnce upon ,
and cultivation of , said land , viJohn S.
Moilrcll , Charles Povser , Eilwiml F. Couseand
Thos. .1. KujfKle. < , all of McCook. Xebraska.
81 G. L. LAWS , Kejristur.
January iith , 18S5. f
Notice is hereby irivcn that the followin--
nainert settler has tiled notice of his intcntiu'n
to make linal proof in support of his claim.and
that said proof will be uuide before Resistor
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , Feb
ruary 15th , IKSr. , viHorace H. Easferday.
homestead entry 1GT , for the N.W 4 of section
Ji-J , township 4 north , ranjrelM west. He names
the following witnesses to prove bis contin
uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viJames H. PattersonCharles Angel
William Coleman und Milton H Cole , all of
McCook , Neb. : (5. L. LAWS. Register.
LAND Oi'fifK AT Mf'ooK. Ni : t. . i
December 2jth ( , JSS.'j. . \
Notice hereby jrix'en that the followinjr-
namod settler hasilled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of bis claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Reg
ister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Satur
day. February iith. ISS. > . viItobnrt J. Piiiire | ,
J ) . S. 40. for the southeast quarter of section
4 , townshipL' , north of nm e : fc ) west. t ; } ' . M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : J. L. limy. Lewis Sturbuck.
C. H. Pate and Alpheiis Sturbuck. all of Mc
Cook , Neb31 C' . L. LAWP , JJ
NOTICE is hereby irlvon that by virtue of
an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the
District Court ot Red Willow county. State of
Nebraska , on thed dav of December , IS".and
to me directed , I will at 10 o'clock , A. M..OSI the
23cl Day of February , 18S6 ,
at the frontdoor of the Court House in Indi
anola , said Court Hou-i > beinjr the plact-where
the last term of said District Court wa held ,
within and for said Red Willow county , and
State of Nebraska , olfer for sale sit public auc
tion , to lushest bidder for cash , tho following
real estate , lands and tenements , to-wit :
Lot. NO.(14) ( fourteenin Illock No. CiTtwenty- )
seven , in thf Town of McCook. Rod Willow
countyebnihka. . lidicu on order ol .iilu to
foreclose a real estate mort i-pre , as the prop
erty of William r. LaTourotte and Irene 15.
LaVourctle and onleied sold by the Court to
suti fy H judgment against them and in favor
of The Cili/ens Bank of McCook. Nebraska ,
for the sum of ( $ ,575.i2) ( ) two thoiioini ! live
hundred ar.d ' -
ticvonty-flvc'dollai-sand sixty-two
cents , and jSii.DS costs and accr'iinsr cost's , 'ie-
creeJ H first lien. And a. jiidffmenf axainst
said defendants in favor of Isaac L. Klhvoixl < ! c
Co. for the sum of ( S1.170.8Q ) elevi-n himdrt-d
and sereKty dollars and ninety cents and de
creed a second lien upon said promise . And
: i judgment against Mini dcfcjidanl , W. C. Lsi-
Toiirette in favor of The Great Western i'tove
Company for ( § ] , ns.K ) ) efv ! < - . hundred and
E'ijrhtceii dollars and dct.-reod a third lica upon
wiid premises. And a judgment against said
rlefendant. W. C. I.aTouretto , in favor of The
Iowa Harb Steel V.'ire Co. for ( $ ' ,1."I.OO ) two
thousand one hundrod and thirty onedollars ,
ind decreed a fourth lien upon < iid jiremise-i.
And : t judgment against < aid V. ' . C. LaTour-
Dtte in favor of The llridge and Kencli Manu
factory ( ; o. for the snm of ( SW.G1) ) thirty-oiglit
lollars , and decreed : i Ufth lieu upon tbc said
[ ireinisos. And a judgment agair t saidV. . C.
LaTourette in favor of Tho Nebraska Maau-
ractory Co. for the * m of ( iH4.00) ) 0110 l-uudrod
mil fourteen d < ) llur. , and decreed a sixth lien
upon said promises. And a judgment against
; aid W. C. LaTourette in favor of Sininon
Hardware Company for the sum of 0l.SW.i ; ; ! )
eighteen hundred and sityix dollars nnci
: hirty-nine cents , and decreed a seventh lien
ipon said jimniscs. and tax lien thereon , in
lie aggregate $8,368.50. Rendered by William
juslin , Judge of suid District Court at tho
STovcmbr-r. 18Sv , term thereof , to-wit : On the
; th day of November. IKSi.
At thetimesind place of suidsiilsdueattend-
mce will be had by the undersigned.
J. W. WKI/IIOI : : ; . Shoritr.
4 Red Willow county. Neb.
r. E. COCHKAX , Attorney.
Votics of Dissolution of Partnership.
Tiie partnership heretofore existing between
f. AVr. Dolan and V. Franklin , under the 'firm
mines of "The Red Willow County Hank. " of
ndianola. Neb. , and "The Citizens I tank of
ilcOook , " of McCook , Neb. , is hereby dissolved
> y limitation and mutual consent. All notes
ind accounts due The Red Willow County
Jank will be collected by J. V , " . Dolan. who
issumcs all liabilities of the said Red Willow
bounty Bank. And sill notes and accounts
lue The Citizens Bank of McCook will be col-
L'cted by V Franklin , who assumes all liabili-
ies of the said Citizens Rank of McCook.
Witness our bands and seals on this first
lay of Jamtarv. A. I ) . . 1W. .
J. W. JJOI.AX. [ I. . ? . ]
V. I'KAXKI.IX. [ L. S. ]
u need of a good liniment , please c'tll at our
tore and get si bottle of BKOf.'sTii.H'i < .AL.Oif. ,
ne of the most perfect medicines ever pro-
uccd. and warranted to cure scalds , burns ,
ruiFcsetc.and relieve pain of sill kinds. For
ale by M. A. Spalding and S. L. Green. j
1 Send in cents postage , and wo
will mail you KKEH a royal.val-
uablc , sample box of goods
that will pur you in the way ot"
taking more money at once , than anything
Ise in America. Both sexes of all agrs can
ye at home and work in spare tinnor all tin-
ime. Capital notrc'quireil. We will start you.
mmensc pay sure for those who startatonce.
4-iVlyr. STIXSON A : Co. , Portland. Maine. ;
! a perfect success. " is what wo hear on nil (
Ides by those who have used it and find it a
rtaln cure for coughs , colds and all bronchial
oublcs. For sale byM.A.Spaldinjjand S. L. 7 ]
roon. * '
IVIcCOOK , West Dennison St. NEBRASKA.
Paid up Capital , $50,000.00 ,
HTLO1 nness ,
Colleetions made on all aecessible points. Drafts drawn diret'th on the principal
cities of Knrope. Taxes paid for Non-lJe-iidents. Money to loan on rarniinsr
lands , village and ] ) ersonal property. Kirc insurance a specialtv.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , I !
CORRESPONDENTS : V. F.'CAxr.i.i.s , J're.Mdent.
"ii-st National Bank , Lincoln. Nebraska. JOHN It. CLAIM : . Vici--I'residcni.
The Chemical National liank. Nov.York. . A. C. KIIF.RT , Cashier.
ci'l'fi' Sfi < i H-c'l'Gc
Ticficb , vSc ctr Scote , imc , oH'cti : , Gc incut ,
( Wcr 'Scirb anb ( ? oaf.
> iii-rii.r | fo any on ILLnuorket , licing Heavier. Stronger Rullr.
nni ! ilu-refori- isior'DiiraMe Mill. It Is the only
uli > Iiti ! y safe M ! I ! luiili : ami out of
housands Erected During 12
Vcnrs p .Jt. iui : kiu > hi * \ > r l > ! . > wn aaj and luft tlip Tower
hiin : > lln ? . A n-n.nJ no dtlipr jliil can oliow. AVe o.Tcr
up .iiij of ourJ'UMPINes
jWv $ ,
And if tli-'y < l a"t pivo wJisrj.-iloit , will remove Mill at our
/J / own f'n > c. Xl.-.nafaciurrr'.of the Cetelirated
_ " - llinltuiuii 1'eci ! .Mill' . O'.niSli-Hcr .
* : * < * * > -ji ' ' - * Iron Pumps
M'lli s < 'jlinipr ! = . Iron i'ipe. Tank .
For I'Stiinacitaligrs ami pric'1 ? , apply to
. B. NETTLETON. 3IcCoofc , Neb- ,
AK 'II : f'jr > oinliiorn Nrhra'ka anil 7i rtliwpM > Tn Kansas
- -
lakes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property.