fc J TO-w * 1 , $ . , „ . "T l - ' -L FHEYALWAYS - : - LEAD ! With a Yiew of Making some Slight Changes in our Business , we Offer our > : i LADIES' CLOAKS AND NEW MARKETS ! AT Sis."T TT Au A T F I J fj m sis no Catch ! We Me We carry the Stock for the people ! We make Prices to please the people ! And we want . the people's trade ! 13 POUNDS . GUANPLATKI ) SroAii . $1 00 Everything in the Grocery Line at S Pni\DS ; JIMVIRTII COFFEE KOO 14 Pm\i > s WHITE EXTRA "C" Sna.ut 1 00 1 fi POUNDS DRIED APPLES 1 00 ' ' 20 Porxns NEW YORK BUCKWHEATFroiu 1 00 LOWER PRICES ! 1. ) POL-NDS Nn\v PRUNES 1 00 . . . - . S POUNDS ARKUCKLE'S COFFEK. * 1 00 14 Por.vDs XE\V DRIED PEACHES 1 00 . . . . \ S POUNDS McLAroiiu.N'.s COFFEK > POO THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY. 11Por.vns NEW CURRENTS 1 00 W. H. HAYDEN rOVTPANV . . V-xVyiVll 7\1M I . are Agents f for Buttorick's Pa terns , and carry a Full-and Complete Assortment. Be sure and see us liefore buying elsewhere. Corner Main and Dennison Sis. 11 * * * MRTROP.OLITAN LIa < DRUG STORE ! ? sF * TJ S McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 3 n , A , SPALDING , PROPRIETOR , $ j Pianos and Organs , i- j ' 1 S SEWING "MACHINES. 2 | § J. , A. TAYLOR , Druggist. C. E. MePHERSON & CO. I Si ? i > U , S , LAND ATTORNEYS , 11 a- And Real Estate Brokers. : * ' ' C * : ' OFFICE : West Dennison Street , f i it McCOOK , NEBRASKA. rf i CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR % Simplicity , Durability. inio. nimlc of Milt iintl 1'iiinp ruinplctp upon appllcnllun. Every Mill Warranted. .Sml for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSE i 1 liN nidi U a "MiHiI whirl" . < ! Hitlic > t cir-n > nntiir ! mude. Tiu- I W"oiHtnni-c N . fi. 1'iiinp is I lie l'it Miiirli * iicrini ; furiijmnip in the ' miiiKvi Willvork in ML-1U f i , Jiu in m 2nd frut In ili-inli. iul tins liact . an. iliin'Milfi tn fiirrt * wniprfnro elflaltMl innki. Can 'itf iifcil liy hand ' or Iiidnll ] . t'.iuic , iimtiMiiitlntin llif Hi'i-iinn i > 1 \VIniImlH will , < ; immlt liii'ir lirrt tnterc- ! > . . cnlliiv r nt HUIIII-KKMI ! . 1H mil'1" X. U * . nt MrCi * * . oral J ! . .luMi-tonV , T inllcf > S , 11 . and at Ilcwiri Market ( Jnhli-n , . K. irf ML' < > t. ami iimlinthe wurlcinpuf Jlic AVoodnianse. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co. , Freeport , HI. THE earnings of the UnionPacific railway for the eleven months ending November 30 , 1885 , were $8,837.238 : n decrease of § 8(50,609 ( from the earn ings of the same months of 1885. AGNOSTICISM don't seem to pan out entirely satisfactorily in Michigan. W. G. Bryant , a proclaimed devotee of that doctrine of uncertainty , has been ex pelled from a iMasonic Lodge by reason thereof. THK latest drive in the way of socials is called a ' 'letter social. ' * The young ladies all write letters , which-arc placed in a box and the gentlemen buy them at auction. When opened the gentlemen finds the lady who wrote the letter and pays hi * attention to her during the evening. WHAT impulsive creatures girls are , to be sure. We saw two come out of a store together last night ; both spoke at once saying : "JJe sure and come to see me. " Then they kissed each other loud enough to make a horse shy. They then started in opposite directions looking back and talking until one ran into a show case and the other fell over a dog. EECKNT dispatches from the east an nounce that "an ' 'understanding' ' has been arrived at between Turkey and Bulgaria , Prince Alexander yielding a nominal submission , and the Sultan claiming a nominal sovereignty over the province , The arrangement , like those which have preceded it , is to be ' 'per petual , " that is to say , till it becomes convenient for one side or the other to change it. ' 'Perpetual"arrangements of this kind in a Turkish province last from one to five years. IT is now stated that Mr. Bigelow's declination of the New York sub-treas- uryship was due to his wife's pleading against his assuming so great a respon sibility. He went down to the office af ter he was appointed and confirmed and there learned to his amazement that he would have to take care of § 175,000- 000 in coin and currency. He went home appalled at the huge amount , and consulted his wife , and when she heard of the immensity of the pilo , she begged him to have nothing to do with it , that the care and anxiety would kill- him. He thereupon wrote his letter of declension , telling Mr. Cleveland that his wife was opposed to his acceptance of the office. Journal. * fa. ' CITY : - : BAKERY. A , PROBST & WE KKttP OX HAXD BREAD , PiES & CAKES , HIAIIAM ! BKKAl ) . Cakes Made on Order. LAUNCH ROOM In connection where you can tret coffee , sand wiches , pics , etc. . at all hours. Louisiana Rock CATTLE ! _ _ _ _ _ - j Rain Does Not Affect It. FOR SALE BY FREES & HOCKNELL , SOLE AGENTS. JOHN F. BLACK. Ureeiler < il' rMPiiovun SHKEI- Ucluiic. fcri- ) no and Southj j . ' down. Pci son- al inspection j and corres- pnndence so- licltwl. -\ddrc' = < him at Kc'd Willow Nomi ! ka. i iI iI I I ' SPOTTS & STIMPON , | FASHIOXAIJLK BARBERS & HAIR CUTTERS. Opposite CliicRfro Lumber Yard. MAIN STBEET , - McCOOK. N'KBHASKA. I ' ft' DEALERS IN Sash , Doors , Blinds. Lime , Cement , -YARDS AT- Bertrand. Elwooa.Oxford , Edison. Arapahoe.Cambridge. inciianola. McCook.Culbert- son. Stratton. Trenton and Benkelman in Neb. Yuma and Akron in Colo. STOCK DIRECTORY. KILl'ATJJICK ( Succ 'S or ; : to K. n. Wi'l ; ter. > Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder P. O. address. Kstelle. Hayo * county , and ItCiit- ricc. Ncl . ISan e. Stink- Watcand French- ' . man creeks. Chase Co. , I Nebraska. tinind a cut on side of ' some animals , on hip and sides of ' onie. or any where on the animal. J'AXTON CATTLECa J. It. MESKitvn. General Jlanajrcr. Postoflicc addres. Me- Cook , Xcb. Ranch : At Sprinjr Canyon on the Frcncliinan Kiver , Chase county. Nebraska. Stock bnindcd as above : also 717 on left side ; 7 on the rijrht hip and L on . . . . M i * - * i the shoulder ; L on Ictt shoulder and A on left jaw. Hall"undercrop left car. and square-crop ripht car SPRING CHEEK CATTLE CO. .J. D. WEMIOK.V. Vice President and Supt. P. O. addreg ? . Indiano- ' In , Nebraska. , ttaiijre : Republican ; Vtilloj , east of Dry > Creek , and near head of dpriiur Creek , in Chape ' colnity , Xubraska. J P.ROS. & CO. P. O. addre . JlcCook , Nebniska. Han e.Miuth f McCook. Cattle branded on left hip. Also , lQt 5 ? and Ii brands on left hip. Horses branded the ' on left shoulder , j STORES & TROTH. P.O. : uiiirits . I'jirrico. Hnyc'5 countv. Xch. Kan-re : IJcaVillov creek , above Carrieo Stock branded a.1- abo\ < - A1-.O run the Ia/y CJ Iniitul. HENiiV T. CrlL'KCII. Postollice.Osborn. Xcb. Kantre : Hcd Willow- creek , in S. W. corner of Frontier county. Cattle branded 0 L 0 on ri ht Hide. Also , an over crop on ri ht ear and midst * crop on left. Horses branded 8 on r'tfl > t shoulder. TJOSEHI ALLEN. I'ostoiHcp nddre . , ( K- born. Nebraska. Ranch on Ked U'illow creek. ' / : mile ubove < > s- born po.Moflice. \ ' " _ Cattle branded on risrht side and hip aabove. . FKEDERICIv I'ostolfice address. Mc- Cook. Nebraska. Ia itch : Four mile ? 5otitlw " t of 31 el'oc > k , on the Driftwood. Stock branded AJ On the Ictt hip. 'I WANT A GOOD COUGH SYSUP" k very frequent request inourtnidennd we nvariably in\f the person makmjr it Kccc's : micitv cnrcii sYiirr. awe know it to be the jest and ino < t reliable on the market. For alt * by \.Spaldinjrnnrt ? . I. . Green.