The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 21, 1886, Image 7

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. riic KoiiEli Way In WMcli Our Minis
ter to Persia Was Handled.
nrT c followin ? oiGcial report by S. G.
" .Benjamin , late minister to Persia ,
lytoch has recently been communicated
oy the president to congress , describes
an international episode of even more
Jhnllinpr interest than that brought on
oy the Pittsburg chief of police , who or-
Jered the Austro-Hungarian consul.
j C amberg , to take iu his flag.
( ' -t have the honor to report , " says
Mr. Benjamin , . "tbaUon the 12th of
June , I was riding out to the country
from Teheran in a carriage on the way
to the summer quarters of the legation.
\ "H i * , accompanied by my daughter.
According to the custom of the country ,
the carriage was preceded by two out-
nders a matter of necessity as well as
Df display in Persia. As we approached
i half-way coffee-house , I observed a
line of carriages waiting by the roadside
in the shade. As it is very common for
several vehicles to be seen standing
there , while the occupants are taking a
smoke , I had no idea that any precau
tion need to be taken. I was greatly
surprised , therefore , to see a troop of
mounted cavalry rush out and make a
riolent attack on my outriders , who im
mediately cried out several times that
the United States minister was in the
sarriage and had the right of way. I
pow recognized tho soldiers as belong
ing to the Royal guard , and immedi
ately after perceived that the wives of
the shah were in tho carnages. ' Al
though having officially tho absolute
right to pass , allowed to none except
ministers and their families , at the risk
of immediate death to all others , I or
dered my driver to stop , in order to give
an officer an opportunity to come to the
carnage to apologize for tho attack and
escort us safely through the guards sta
tioned in front and rear of the royal ha
rem. But as no attention seemed to be
paid to this , I ordered my men to keep
on , thus throwing the responsibility of
any results upon the. guards , who , not
satisfied with beating the outriders with
the flat of their swords , swarmed
around the carriage itself , with loud
cries , and flourishing their 'weapons.
The lieutenant of the troops seized the
carriage horses , others struck and thrust
at the horses , and two even struck the
driver himself. Fortunately , the man
was alike skillful and intrepid , and suc
ceeded in both controlling the horses
and driving us safely out of a disagreea
ble melee , , that at one moment threat
ened serious results. The number of
men Attacking us was about twenty. It
] isp"roper to add that when the .chief
I. sAaAy of the harem saw what was going
on , she dispatched a eunuch to escort us
through the lines , but he did not arrive
uatil the attack was nearly ended. All
my men and horses were more or less
bruised , and one of the men had his arm
nearly broken. They all behaved well.
"On the same evening I sent a note
to the minister of foreign affairs , de
manding the prompt chastisement of
the offenders , leaving it to the Persian
government to suggest , out of its friend
ship , such further redress as the occa
sion required. There being some delay
in replying to my note , 1 sent our drago
man , Mr. Keun , to the minister of
foreign affairs. After quite an extend
ed interview , the minister replied :
" 'Tell your minister he shall hear
from me to-morrow. I am anxious that
he should be convinced of our good will ,
and I will give you my word you shall
be entirely satisfied by sunset to-morrow
that I am sincere in these expressions. '
"At 11 A. M. the following day'ac
cordingly , the sanieh-ed-dowleli , a
prominent member of the cabinet , was
announced. Coming at once to the
point , iio stated that he had been per
sonally deputed by the shah to express
"the royal regret and to say au
thoritatively that onr demands
should receive immediate at
tention. In the afternoon of
the same day I received an apologetic
note from the minister of foreign
"In accordance with a request at the
end of the note our moonchoe went to
the foreign office next morning , and was
there directed to take my driver and
outriders and proceed at once to Sultan-
alabad , the place where the shah was
staving. On arriving there the moon
choe was confronted with the Koyal
guards , and the men who had been
most forward in the attack upon my
carriage , including their lieutenant ,
were recognized by. my men. A grand
chamberlain of the palace then ordered
the punishment of the men , and they
were accordingly punished. I think we
could ask no further proof of the friend
liness of the shah toward the United
States than the important fact that he
ordered a number of the Royal guards
to be punished at the instance of a
foreign , legation. In the afternoon of
the same day the captain , of the com
pany came to the legation and apolo-
"ized in a graceful and thoroughly
satisfactory manner for the hast } ' and
unwarranted action of the guards.
"Two days later I called on the
minister of foreign affairs and thanked
him for the satisfactory manner in
which the affair had terminated , and
later I acknowledged his note in a note
intended to reach the eye of the shah ,
who , I have reason to know , as soon as
he fully appreciated the gravity of the
occasion , was willing , if possible , to an
ticipate our demands. "
Niceties of Discrimination.
"These quick changes in a woman's
temper are funny , Bromley. The.other
day I heard a crash in the yard next
door , then heard Mrs. Bines say : 'You
didn't want - to break the pitcher , did
vou , Tommy ! Never mind it , little
dear ! ' "
"I would call her an-amiable woman ,
' " '
' - "Well , may be. Ten minutes later
she struck a different key. 'Tom , you
good-for-nothing little rascal , why did
you leave that gate open ? I've a mind
to box yoifr ears. ' ' |
"That wasn't quite so amiable , 1 ad
mit , Mr. Darringer. Increased provo
cation " .
"No , Bromley , it was less of a provo
cation. " . .
"Howdo you explain the inconsis
tency , then ? "
"Easily enough. The Tom who
broke her pitcher was my Tom. The
Tom who left the gate open was hers. "
Philadelphia Call.
A Miner "Wliose Christian Burial Came
Twenty Years After Death.
The horror of. the Nanticoke mine
disaster is fresh in the public mind , and
the world , confident of the terrible dis
closures , awaits the completion of the
work of weeks yet to come necessary to
reach the subterranean spot where the
twenty-eight miners are imprisoned.
The situation is horrible to contemplate ,
yet it is but one of the numberless aw
ful incidents of mining life and has a
legion of parallels. The recollections of
any miner who has survived years of
perilous experiences in his craft are al
ways interesting , sayjs The Omaha Bee ,
and that such a one is found here in the
person of a prominent and respected
citizen must be locally of double inter
Mr. Richard O'Keeffe , .senior commis
sioner of Douglas county , passed the
early years of his life and met the first
experiences of bread-winning in tho
mines of Cornwall. Everyone has read [
of those great labyrinths which under
mine the southwest shores of-England
and penetrate miles outward beneath
the sea , half way toward the coast of
France. Cornwall is given up to the
traffic of the mines , and a Cornishman
lives not but to be a miner.
"I can tell you , " said Mr. O'Keeffe ,
in the course of a conversation with a
reporter , "one of the most remarkable
mining stories , to be an absolute fact ,
that I ever learned in my experience or
read of in fiction or the chronicles of
facts. Although the first chapter oc
curred before I was born I remember
very well the second. "
Pressed for a recital of the narrative ,
Mr. O'Keeffe yielded , and took up the of the talevith the cleverness of
an experienced story-teller.
"This is strictly a one-man story , and
does not deal with wholesale sacrifices ,
although the facts are painful enough.
Not far from Land's End , which is the
southerrnost extremity of England , and
the last seen df the British shores on the
transatlantic passage outward , there is
a big mine which runs in part out under
the sea. It is called the Dolcoth , and is
the largest mine in nil England and ,
perhaps , then in the world. It yields
tin now at a depth of some three thou
sand feet , but in 1838 , when my story
begins , it was a copper mine , on a level
of twenty-four hundred feet. In that
year the copper played out and the mine
ceasing to pay , it was 'knocked , ' as the
miners call it closed up and the com
pany dissolved. On the very day of the
close a man whose name I have forgot
ten was shut up in his chamber. You
see that > in mining copper a man in
striking a vein of mineral follows it to
the end. In the course of time a miner
moves away from the main passageway ,
and digs an independent tuuncl , in
which he works alone. This man had
made a room about twenty feet deep
when a neighboring miner fired a blast.
The shot blew down the mouth of the
chamber in which the subject of my tale
was working , and closed him in. Al
though the man was missed , his exact
location was unknown. , and the dissolu
tion of the company left no one in
authority to search for him. It was
known that he was left in the mine , and
as the days limiting human indurance
under total privation passed it was
conceded that he was dead , and lie
was left to his tomb in the depths
of the mine. Years passed , his widow
mourned for him , and then ended her
widowhood days by marrying again.
Children were born to her second union
and grew up to advancing youth.
Twenty-one years brought the time up
to 1859. Nine years before another
company had re-opened the mine , and
sinking lower struck a tin bonanza.
One day in ' 59 a speculative miner wan
dering on the deserted copper level
struck a thin streak of mineral , and
with a pick started to follow it. A few
strokes sent the pick through loose
mold and disclosed a cavity in the earth.
The miner soon cleared away the ob
structing debris , and made an aperature ,
through whioh he entered. Lifting his
lamp its light fell directly upon the
body of a man lying as in repose near
the mouth of the chamber. The discov
erer summoned other miners , and one
of the old hands recognized the features
of the dead as those of the man impris
oned twenty-one years before. By some
strange preservative power of the close
atmosphere of the chamber the body
remained intact and bore the aspect o'f
a man but a few hours dead. The body
was borne to the surface and the free
air and the sunlight quickly reduced it
to dust. It was a remarkable phenom
enon , and one which I witnessed with
my own eyes. The remains were care
fully transferred to a coffin and buried
in the cemetery with all the ceremonial
offices of the church. At the grave
stood the widow and five of the children
of her second marriage , the eldest al
most grown. "
Fun Vs. Character.
What a young man , working on a
good salary , respected and esteemed
by his employer and friends , can be
thinking of when he so far forgets
character , friends and future , as to com
mit acts which will for .all time blacken
hie reputation , surpasses the under
standing of the ordinary , steady-going
young man haying horse sense. These
young men with brilliant talents for
polka , betting on races and judging of
tho varied attractions of wine and
women , appear too dull and stupid to
realize that reputations are won and
lost but once in this world. Any man
can make and lose a fortune half a doz
en times during his life , but there is nc
such thing as making or losing one's
reputation half a dozen times. Of
course , a person may in a measure re
trieve reputation , but like the blood en
Lady Macbeth's hands , the "damne
spots" will not out. Young men should
alwaj's bear in mind that a certain class
of so-called amusements and diversions
are located along the road that leads
to the prison cell. This is not a plea
for kid-gloved propriety or high church
sanctimoniousness , but simple business
honesty and integrity. If a young man
hasn't nobility of character enough tc ;
do right for right's sake , let him al
least DO honest because it is the best
Fools invent fashions and wise men follow
A. Tear Decks a Rose.
A steady stream of business
ing men passed through the parlor on the
second floor of No. 11 West Twenty-fifth
street yesterday morning. The men gazed
sorrowiully at the remains of Charles B.
Ransom , the dead sporting man. The mild
features looked as natural as when in his
palmy days he raked in the thousands of
dollars to the click of the ivory chips. On
either side of 'the bier staid business men
and.flashy gamblers faced each other. Con
versation was carried on in subdued tones ,
but many kinds words were spoken of the
dead. A man of perhaps 30 years was
among the first of the callers of the day.
He was unknown to the attendants , but
was visibly affected by the sad scenebe
fore him. No one ever remembered having
seen him before. As he turned to leave he
plucked a pure white rose irom his coat
and laid it upon the casket. Upon the
flower something glistened in the s'ombre
light. It was a tear-drop.
A Bcll-Punch and Tootlmclie.
E t was on a Lehigh Valley train bound
south the other day. Approaching the
seat occupied by a lady , the conductor
pleasantly ext nded his * right hand , with
the punch handily adjusted to its fingers.
Thereupon the lady quietly pushed farther
into her seat , and with a very quizzical ex
pression on her countenance , remarked in
a tone of surprise : "Ah ! but my dear sir ,
I do not want my tooth extracted. It
hasn't been a source of annoyance to me in
several days. " The conductor stepped
nearer to the end of the seat and was
about to make ft facetious reply , as he con
sidered that the lady was not in earnest ,
when she met him with : "Didn't I tell you
in sufficiently plain terms that I would not
submit to the operation ? Are you deaf ?
Go on about your business with that in
strument ! " She was really in earnest , and
when she learned what the puncH was , lor
blushes suffused her face. [ Wilkesbarre'
( Pa. ) Leader.
' "What things women are ? " exclaimed
Brown. "My wife and another woman sat
a whole-half-hour talking about how to
narrow off a stocking , and from the inter-
cab they took in the discussion , one would
think that the salvation of the human race
depended on it. " "I know it , " replied
White. "I've heard a couple of women
discuss for half a day over the best way to
pin a tidy on a chair back. " Then Brown
and White spent the rest of the evening in
a very intellectual conversation over the
respective merits of curve and straight
pitching as applied to the national game.
Each eventually got as mad as a March
hare and have not spoken to each other
since. There can be no doubt that women
as conversationalists are far behind men
in choice of subjects. [ Boston Transcript.
Wliy He Got 'Weary.
"Bagstock , I pifcy you I do , indeed. " .
" sir ! "
"Pity me ,
"I do. You live such a useless existence.
You are languid and weary , and have no
occupation in life. "
"You are mistaken , Mr. Budge. My busi
ness is with my fellow-man. I go aboub
doing good. "
"Ahl That accounts for you getting
tired so easily. "
A Perfect Gentleman.
' . 'Well , my dear , I have concluded to
swear off smoking on the 1st. "
"Have you , hubby ? Then I will have to
exchange my present. I was goin-j to give
you a nice box of cigars on New Year's. "
"Were you ? ' Oh , well rather than disap
point you I'll postpone swearing off till the
4th of July. " [ Chicago News.
In tlic Hospital * .
Baltimore and Philadelphia hospital
physicians are prescribing the new proprie
tary medicine , Kcd Star Cough Cure. Ifc
contains neither"morphia , opium , nor any
other injurious ingredients. The price ia >
only 25 cents.
Carl Spreckles has sent § 2.000 as a
Christmas gift to an Hawaiian home for
leper children. *
"If ! "
' 'Stand back , gentlemen ! Clear _ the
track ! " shouted the police , and as the
quickly-gathering crowd surged back , steam
er No. 4 came up the street , the magnificent
black horses striking " lire from the pave
But hold ! A wheel comes off ! thesteamer
is overturned , and the brave firemen are
picked up bleeding and senseless !
An investigation revealed the fact thatin
oiling the steamer that morning the steward
had neglected to put in the linch-pin. A
little neglect on his part hud caused a loss
of a half nflllion dollars. The busy marts
of trade are full of men who are making the
same fatal mistake. They neglect their
kidneys , thinking they need no attention ,
whereas if they made occasional nse of
Warner's safe cure they would NEVER say
that they don't feel quite well ; that a tired
feeling bothers them ; that they are plagued
with indigestion ; that their brain refuses to
respond at call ; that their nerves are all
unstrung [ Fire Journal.
It cost more than § 59,000 to examine
the flesh of swine offered for sale in Berlin
last year.
In chronic and stubborn cases of neural
gia , gout , and rheumatism use Salvation
Oil. It is the greatest pain-destroyer of the
age. All druggists sell it for only twenty-
five cents.
corrects offensive odors at once. Complete care of
worst chronic cases ; also unequalled as gargle for
diphtheria , gore throat , foul breath. SOc.
Tennyson's for tune is estimated at400- ,
Hood's SarsapariUa
Is prepared from Sarsaparllla , Dandelion , Mandrake ,
Dock , Plpslssewa , Juniper Berries , and other well-
known and valuable vegetable remedies. The com
bination , pr oportion , and preparation are peculiar to
flood's Sarsaparllla , giving It curative power not
possessed by other medicines ,
Hood's SarsapariUa
[ s the best blood purifier before the public. It eradl
sates every Impurity , and cures Scrofula , Salt-
Rheum , Bells , Pimples , all Humors , Dyspepsia ,
Biliousness , Sick Headache , Indigestion , General
Debility , Catarrh , Rheumatism , Kidney and Liver
Complaints. It overcomes that extreme tired leel-
ng , and builds up the sy.tcm.
Hood's SarsapariUa
las met unparalleled success at home. Such has
> ecome Its popularity In Lowell , Maiswhere It Is
nade , that whole neighborhoods are taking it qt the
amc time. The same wonderful success Is extend
ng all over the country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. 1 ; six for * 5. Prepared by
; . I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , .Lowell. Moss.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Those persons who do not need Ironbut
who are troubledwith * Nervousness and
Dyspepsia , will find in Carter's Little
NEKVE Pills a most desirable article. They
are mostlj * used in combination-with Car
ter's Little Liver Pills , and in this way
often exert a most magical effect. Take
just one pill of each kind immediately after
eating and you will be free from Indigestion
and Dyspepsia. In vials at 25 cents. Sold
by all Druggists.
Mrs. Sartoris ( Nellie Grant ) id living at
South Kensington , London.
If afflicted with Soro Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Evo Water. Druggists sell II. 25c.
There are 100 kinds of cheese made in
Physicians indorse Hall's Hair Renewer.
Its use is always attended with good re
For throat and lung troubles , the most
reliable remedy is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
1 MM.
King Theebaw of Siam is handsome and
only 26 years of ago.
IMPAIKED VITALITY. When you feel as if
the vital powers were giving way , strength
gone , spirits depressed , memory failing , ap
petite lost , exhaustion stealing over every
sense and.paralyzing every energy , then is
the time to resort to that powerful ally of
BITTEHS. It soon works a glorious renova-
1 ion in the system.
President Cleveland has never been fur
ther west than Dunkirk , N. Y.
I have found Athlophoros to be a sover
eign remedy nothing like it for relieving
neuralgia or pain of any kind. I have rec
ommended it even to strangers who I knew
suffered with neuralgic pains. II. B. Frere ,
Greenville , Mich.
Ask for ' 'Hough on Coughs , " for coughs , colds
Eoretbrout. hoarseness. Troches , 15c. * Liquid , 23c-
Miss Jennie Flood , the daughter of the
California millionaire , is said to have
$2,000,000 in her own right.
Larson , of Kirkman. la. , in expressing his
gratitude to the proprietors of Allen's Lung
Balsam , writes : "I firmly believe my wife
would have died of consumption , if not for
the timely use of your balsam. " Buy the
§ 1,00 bottle for Lung Diseases.
Bismarck , so says a French publisher ,
charges § 20 for his autograph.
"When Baby was sick , we pare Lor Castorla ,
'When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Mias , she clung to Castoria ,
T7Ii9n the had Children , she gave thorn Castoria ,
A "Suicide Club" is the latest oddity in
ful London.
BUY SALZER'S ( UCreue.Wlf. ) SEEDS. CU.Fne.
WM. HANSCOM , , . Oshko 9h7wis who
was for seven years BO atilicted with piles that he
was unable to attend to business. Is entirely cured
by the use of Cole's Carbolisalve. Price 25
and 50 cents , at Druggists.
Two young women school-teachers at
Kingston , N. Y. , are sharps-hooters , and
can snuff a candle at twenty yards.
Halford Satice the best. Donotouy any Imita
tion In place of it.
Kaw oysters before breakfast now have
medical endorsements as aiding digestion.
3 months * treatment for COc. TIso's Remedy for
Catarrh. Sold by druggists.
Senator Edmunds' wealth is estimated
at half a million.
"Why go limping around TV Ith your boots run over ?
Lyons Heel Stlflcners will keep them .straight.
The oldest person in Indiana is Mrs. Col
ter , ofRuBBiavflle' . SheisllG.
Don't JKead This
Unless you want a free sample of Smith'
Bile Beans , the great liver remedy , and a
beautiful card taken from real life , sentyoti
free of charge. Send us your name and P. O.
address. J. F. SMITH & Co. , St. Louis Mo.
( Name this paper. )
Mrs. Brownlow , the famous Parson's
widow , is still living at Knoxville , Tenn.
"Rough on Pain" Liquid , SOc. Quick cure. Neural"
gin , rheumatism , aches , pains , sprains , headache ,
camps , colic. "Hough on rain" Plaster , 13c-
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonics , quickly and completely
Cures Dyspepsin , indigestion. Weakness ,
Impure Blood ) Rialoria , liills and Fevers ,
and NeuralRin.
Itis an unfailing remedv for Diseases of the
Kidneys and Liver.
It is invaluable for Disw es peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produce constipation oilier Iron medicines do.
It enriches and purifies theblood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , re
lieves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy , &c. , it has no equal.
. .83The genuine has above trnde mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
ef the Louisville and Jeffersonville Ferry Co. , Mr. J. C.
Donev , who llrcs en W ll St. , Jeffer mvllle , Ind. , Buffered
leverelr from Netralria In the face , and wa quickly
cured by ATHIO PHOROS. This ii the onlj run and
ta/c remedy for Neuralgia. Aik Tour drtigxlit for Athlo
phoros. IfyoncaiDot jetlt of him do not try lomethlng
die , but order at otce from us. We will § end it ezpreu
paid on receipt of price , 31.00 P r bottle.
AIHIOPHOBOS CO. . 112 Wall St. Mew York.
M Bein ? folly aware of th
Jreftt interest the ladies aro
kjuxins in Kensington Work ,
: we hare prepared a Com *
j pletcOutOtcontaininguO
31'crforntcd Stamping
rl'utterns on beat go\ern-
tcent bond parchment Taper ,
ilIditTtrtnt , lncludln Spray
of Golden Kod , Pamirs , Wild
Roers , Forget-me-nots , * "Phis'
tlu , Strawberries , Outlines c J
Boy.Girl , RugsSpidenStorlLl
Scollops for Skirts , Craiy
SUUh Patterns , Crystal Etch
ings , Borders , Pond Lilies ,
Tulips , Ac. , Ac. , CO in all ,
ranging In size froml
i iE ii , i jinches , also 1 ] ! nx Blue
Stnrapinc.I'o'iTilcr , 1 Itox It bite Stamping 1'oivder ,
ll'atcntrtverMblel'oniict , and fallandcompleU direction !
for Kensington Stamping and Embroidery , Kenilcgton Painting ,
Lnstre , Metallic Flitter and Imdescent Painting , Colon used and
mixing of Colors , Ribbon Embroidery , Chenille and Anucne Work ,
Correct Colors of all the different flowera , Description of erery stitch
csed in embroidery , Ac. , making * Complete Outfit that cannot be
bourht at retail for leu than $1.00. To introduce FARM AND
HOUSEHOLD , the large , 3J psge Illustrated Magazine derated U
the Interests of the Country Home and Household , we will send oni
of these Outfits complete l"re and postpaid , to anylady whl
will send 25c. for 3 mos. sntscttplioa to the Magazine. Five for $1.
Money cheerfully refunded if not more than satisfactory. Andrea
Farm and Household , Hartford , Conns
A pnjltiTO care. No Knire.
CANCER.A Planter. No Fain. W. C.
. Payne , Uarshilltowa.Iow * .
Ifc Is tho slight cold frequently con
tracted that finally undermines the , system.
Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in the beginning
stages of any cold and be cured. Price 25
G. W. Spring , Sr. , o ! Worth , Gn. , is now
105 years old. He is no longer able to speak.
"Woman's Face.
"What furniture can give such finish to a
room as a tender woman's face , " asks
George Elliott. Not any , we aro happy to
answer , provided the glow of health tem
pers the tender expression. The pale ,
anxious , bloodless face of the consumptive ,
or the evident sufferings of tho dyspeptic ,
induce feelings of sorrow and grief on our
part and compel us to tell them of Dr.
Pierce's ' 'Golden Medical Discovery , " tho
sovereign remedy for consumption and
other diseases of the respiratory system as
well as dyspepsia and other digestive
troubles. Sold everywhere.
Oliver Ditson , tho publisher , recently cel
ebrated his 74th birthday.
Best Goods Aro Put Up lu Smallest
The old proverb is certainly true in the
case of Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative
Pellets , " which are little , sugar-wrapped
parcels , scarcely larger than mustard seeds ,
containing as much cathartic power as is
done up in the bigsest , most repulsive-look
ing pill. Unlike the big pills , however , they
are mild and pleasant in their operation
do not produce griping pains , nor render
the bowels costive after using.
Why is Africa like a greased pole ? Be
cause it is an unhealthy clime.
Delicate diseases of cither sex , however
induped , radically cured. Address , with 10
cents in stamps for book , World's Dispen
sary Medical Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
Mr. Gladstone is addicted to the use of
postal cards.
Free from. Opiates , Emetics and Poison.
Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
: Backache , Headaehe , Toothacae ,
orPain Sprains. Rrulnro. eteM ete.
t disease of the mucous
membrane. Itgcnerallr
jnplnatcs In the nasal
passages and maintains
its strrmchola In the
head. From this point
t sends forth a poison-
| ms virus along the
ncmbninous linings
mil thruiiKh the dlges-
he organs , corruplinK
he blood and producing
ithcr troublesome and
langcrous symptoms.
Cream linlm Is a
cmedy based upon a
USA. orrect diagnosis of this
Jllsense and can bi de-
Wr ETET\/S"DPen(111 upon. .T C. at
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Any one having lands for sale in Xe-
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