The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 21, 1886, Image 5

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    Thursday , j : H
. , ,
, " ffht at GLM : TAlso , every alter-
! bu"dllv raorninp : tt 11. M. T. Exceptions
rhe above will l > o noticed In locals.
Gr.oKOE DixaAN , Paster.
BnM.E' ODIIrSprv'i.spvpry.nn.Ia . > at Ifi :
' J1'1 ' VM" Ino"nta'n ' tinip.
; \J , , , ! , - : - " Sunday
" > 0' ' " !
% T" "J..WV The services and Sunday
/ , - / > oo ] will he held for rie ! future in the no\V
-rturcli. .All : iro cordially imitcO. J prttp f rop
' \5. WHHBf.KH. Plistor.
EPlsrop U-Pci-viros Jntlii-Opem Hall tlio
Jirht and third Smulnyr. iiiorninjrntid rvenlujr.
ol each month. .7. A. Fin.roiiTii , Hector.
. . - . * . . i-0 will he held in tho
church once every four weeks.
WV ' ' " * - " TheV. . C. T. IT. will nif > cl inlhe
' 'fading 1oonevery Wednesday-afternoon tit
J o clock. M. T. The Hand , of Hope will meet
in the Heading Koom every Sat unlay after-
nooi at .3 o'elock , rnonntani time.
. . A-a0.1T- . McCook 1 Milne No. Cl. will meet
the first and third Mondays of twit month in
the Masonic Hall. Visiting liretliren cordially
W. H. DAVIS , Recorder. '
" ' '
" '
- -
- - - " -i--
JI - - - -
McCOOK LODRK A. i" . & A. M.
Regular meetings. Tuesday night on '
or before full moon of everv month , i
S. L. OKBKN. ' W. M.
F. L. MfCiiACKKN. Secretary.
D. Moots the first and thir l V.Vdnes-
lay evening oC e.Kh month.
.1.v. . CAJUT.ELL. n. C.
A. M. Si' , 1C. K. S.
.r. HUSK COMMASv Rear-
iilar nieetlnvrsonllicflrM Wednesday :
'evening ' of each month. i
. B. AnciiinAf.u. Chief , i
It. or I. . K. Brotherhood of Locomotive Enj j
ginccrs. Meet first and fourth Saturdays of
each month. S. R. HOCK , Chief.
.1. C. ANDERSON , F. A. E.
.1. K. BARNES POST fi. A. U. Regular meet- i
ings second and fourth Monday evenings of
each month at Opera Knll.
.1. A. WILCOX , Commander.
J. H.TAIICEU , Adjutant.
Open from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. , M. T. Olficc
will be closed thirty minutes before arrival and
departure ol mails. SrxuAY. oHice will bo open
from 7 to 8 A. .M. and from 4 to. P. M. . M. T.
A. P. SHARP. P.M. |
No.2 CM. : A. M. I No. 40 5:2.P.M. .
No. 3 ! ) 12:50. P. M. | No.l 8t"i. P. M. '
52 Eastliound trains nn on Centnil Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight tcAins do not carry passengers
yf U. U. WOODS , Agent.
sLocal Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the Cit } ' Bakery.
E. M. "Brickey & Co. for clothing.
2 " " Go to W. W. Palmer for your
harness. 32-tf.
E. M. Brickey & Co. are sacrificing
F. S. Work of Jriftwood is in the j
city , to-day. j
If you want a superior letter file , call ,
at this office. }
Fred Snow went out to Akron , yes
terday , on business.
For Tansill's Punch Cigar go to the '
Commercial House.
F. B. Harcourt of Trenton had busi
ness in tbwn. Saturday.
The 31etropolitan drug store keeps a
full line of fancy box papers.
02TiMoody & Winter * City Dairy , for
mire and wholesome milk.
Biewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. Xo cows or lange cattle.
Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery. j
Stationcry.blnnk books , toilet aiticles. '
etc. , at Chenery & Stiles' drug store.
The past two weeks have been dis
astrous to stock , settler ? and railroads.
White Russian or White Prussian
soap only f > c.a bar at Wilcox & Fowler's.
Call and see our stock of society ,
cards. G. A. II. , K. of P. . B. L. E. . etc. |
A nice line of hanging and stand
lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store.
The snow fall on the Upper Willow
was much lighter than in this vicinity.
The best coal oil in town , lf > 0 = wa
ter white , 30 cents a gallon , at Chenery
& Stiles. _ _ _
J. Korb started for Red Willow
. Shel
county on Wednesday morning.
by Advocate. _
Money to loan on ical estate and pat
ented land by the McCook Loan and
Trust Co.
The Iscminger Automatic Bill and
Letter File , the very best in the market ,
at this office. _
It looks like war ! ! ! Wilcox & Fow
ler have made still greater reductions in
prices. is the time to buy.
G. W. Bedc has some special bar-
Tains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf.
TlIE TRIBCXK will club with any jour-
Mlln the United States at reduced rates.
Select your paper and call for figures.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
bu\s and sells stock on commission.
If you want a good , large land loan ,
and your title and security is good , try
the Red Willow Bank at Tndianola.
Nebraska. -
FOR SALK Lindner & Erman have
and heifers for
work oxen , steers , cows
for sale at their block west of
the "Commercial House , McCook , N <
E. M. Brickev & Co thc-clotbiers.
Miss Ida Van i'iet-1 ha : > tjeen visiting
herjiciit'j sit D.uibur. "
F' e-h and all uuatuf the choice-
quality at Brewer Bros.
Wc'havu had the famine , in hiutoal
fluid. tln > feast is assured.
ilfjf Abstract linen legal cap with
.numbered lines at this office.
They have nothing but the finest and
purest drugs : : t Chenery & Stiles. '
Lonsdale or Fruit of the Loom miiK-
lin 1 0 cents a yard at Wilcox & Fowler's.
\V. W. P.ilnpr s cosing out
horse blankets and robos. Now is the
time to buy. 32-4ts.
By Saturday J. F. ( Janschow expects
to have his stock in the old P. O. build
ing ieadto open up.
Blood tells , and that's the reason the
Commercial House continues to be the
popular hotel of the city.
Jt looks like war ! ! ! Wilcox & Fow
ler have'madc still grcatvr reductions in
prices Now is the time to buy.
The finest line of cigars in the city
at Ciieiu-ry & Stiles' new ding store.
Their "Extras" f > et. cigar has no equal.
Real cute people sometimes over
reach themselves. We heard of a man ,
recently , who put an amount of coal
in with his shelled corn , to boat the
purchaser thereby.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found
Co. Snpt. Wheeler's notice of a teach
examination to be held in this city
on Saturday , January 30th. Applicants
for certificates , N. B.
Thny have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakciy ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
The "open winter" theory secerns to
have received a "black eye. " At all
events it is not so popular as it was erst
while , and we hear less about it than
we did durin ; December.
There is no better evidence of the
popularity of a public house than the
fact that the accommodations of the
same are taxed to the utmost. 'Such is
the case with the Commercial Hotel.
The officers of J. K. Barnes Post G.
A. R. will be installed next Monday
evening , January 25th , by Adjutant
General S. J. Shirley of Juniata. The
installation , however , will not be a pub
lic one.
There will be a social at the residence
of Mrs. Carl ClarK , next Monday even
ing , under the auspices of and for the
benefit of the Congregational Sunday
School , to which everybody is most cor
dially invited.
The Tyler den which has been in op
eration above Farley & Donahue's meat
market for some time has been closed ,
weaic informed , and the operators are
preparing to leave town. We hope the
report is true.
Xuw ENTEUPUISK S. J. Shafferlate
of the West Side hardware store , has
rented the building now occupied by L.
W. Marble's photograph gallery and will
open up a second-hand store in'ihe near
Inture. He will also deal in agricul
tural implements.
The socials held Friday evening , by
the Reform Club at the Congregational
church and by the Mite Society of the
M. K. church at the residence of Mrs.
C. X. Batchelor were fairly attended ,
and were enjoyable and profitable as
_ _
Invitations are out for a grand
nu-squerade ball to be given at Mcnard's
Hall , Friday evening , January 29th.
The committee on invitation are E. L.
Laycock and C M. Ashuiore ; floor
managers , C. A. Fisher and E. A. Eaton.
Music will be discoursed by the Musical
Union Orchestra. A grand affair is as-
cured by the boys having-the ball in
Last night , B. F. Rawalt went down
to McCook to establish an A. 0. U. W.
lodge at that place , which starts in with
a membership of forty. He was accom
panied by F. C. Mastin , Jacob Wooster
and L. M. Campbell , members of the
lodge at this place. The order is grow
ing rapidly , having now 2000 members
in the state , and next month Nebraska
will be a jurisdiction by itself. Gazette-
The following parties arrived in'the
city on 89 , this noon , and will assist in
the institution of an I. 0. 0. F. lodge
to-night : Thos.-C. teas , D. G. D. M. ,
J. Scherer , Geo.W. Purdum and F. W.
Wood of Indianola ; C. L. Case , F. M.
Rathbun , D. W. Groves , E. V. Moore ,
James John , H. W. Overstake , C. P.
Wctzd , J. E. Manlove and George E-
Mayo of Cambridge ; and W. P. Thomp
son of Arapahoe.
A BROKEN Lea W. M. Lewis , while
returning from his home to his place of
business. Tuesday evening , slipped and
fell on the sidewalk , on hc corner north
of E. M. Brickey & Co.'s clothing store ,
sustaining the fracture of one of the
small bones of his right leg , just above
the ankle. He was" carried into the
Commercial House , where the fracture
was temporarily attended to , afterwards
to his residence , where he is now doing
very well.
' ] uecday marked the14th mile po'st
in the life of A. McG. Robb , and on
the evening of that day Mr. and Mrs.
Robb celebrated the occasion by giving
a party to a few neighbors and friends ,
which was a pleasant and enjoyable af
fair , such as the } arc wont to give.
The participants were : Register and
Mrs. G. It. Laws , Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Pate. Mr. and Mrs. V. FranklinMr. .
and Mrs. R : H. Wood ? , Mr. and Mrs. M.
A. Spalding and Mrs. A. E. Hollistcr.
The presents were : A silver butter dish ,
a pickle caster , a moustache cup and
two silk handkerchiefs.
-At the depot Saturday afternoon the
reporter met the deputy sheriff of Red
Willow countwho had been in the
ity since Saturday , lie came here in
search of a fellow who had been em
ployed as brakeman in the yard at Mc
Cook , who recently skipped ! out with
considerable convertible property which
did not belong to him. His name was
Frank Spellman and he had been traced
to Hastings but had skipped just be
fore the arrival of Mr. Bennett. He
was a slick rascal and it is supposed he
left here for St. Joseph. He skipped
from McCook Tuesday , and the clay af
ter he was to have been married to one
of the young ladies of that place , but
by his singular departure the match is
off. Gazette Journal.
At a meeting of the McCook High
School Literary Society held Friday ,
January 15th , the following names were
proposed for officers and were duly elect
ed : Gertie Laws , President ; Edna
MeserveYicc , President ; John Cordeal ,
Secretary , and Theo. Laws , Treasurer.
A committee on music was appointed ,
consisting of Nellie Fisher , Xellie Lee
and Gertie Laws ; these to continue in
office until March 15 , 1886.
The following program will occur
January 22d :
Song. Recitation by Blanche Seaman.
Recitation by Ida Hurd Declamation by
Lee Huddlcston Declamation by Levi
Sanderson Recitation by Leonia Mishler.
Recitation by Anna Hunt A Dialogue by
May Seaman , Florence Yarnell and Lydia
CluTori ! Song. Recitation by Louise
Suess Song by Ida llurdand May Seaman.
Declamation by George Mnntz Declama
tion by Louise Sucss Song by Florence
Yainell Declamation by Fred. Etnier
Recitation by Florence Yarnell Recitation"
by Edie Minkler Song by Peter Farley.
Recitation by May Seaman.
These exercises and those that follow
are in charge of this society. All are
cordially invited to be present.
JOHN COKDE.\L , Secretary.
It is perhaps understood by all that
McCook has a Reading Room open every
afternoon and evening : that it is quite
well supplied with reading matter , and
is receiving a reasonable amount of pat
ronage. Some say it will be a failure.
That it is too great an undertaking and
must necessarily fail for want of means
to carry it on. It may be that those
who have so earnestly tried to make a
success of this effort will be obliged to
abandon it at the end of six months or
less than that , but even then we will
not considor it a failure. "In the morn
ing sow thy seed and in the evening
withhold not thy hand : for thou know-
cst not whether shall prosper either
this or that , or whether they both shall
be alike good. " We could not do other
wise than make the effort ; but we be
lieve the people of McCook will not
permit it to be abandoned ; that at the
end of that time such a place will be
considered a necessity in this commu-
| nity and all , where now there are but
few , will feel such an interest as will
cause them to put their hands down
deep in their pockets and contribute
toward its success. In almost every
case where we have conversed with
persons , they have expressed themselves
favorable , and although the methods
used may not in every case be the best ,
any suggestions offered or interest shown
will be very thankfully received. It is
, always true that members in their efforts
to succeed in any undertaking are of
great , importance , so friends the call is
for workers. W. C. T. U.
- rf. r < Kt&jBe iaf * * aKPii&fvspaiJZPyf &
/ „ King.AlcoiiQlis v ictims.
* Again it becomes - our' sad duty to
ehioncle the deah f another of uui
ojtfzi i , Adolph FuS'gral'CTUM ' died in
South MeC u > k , last night , victim oi
that.-merciless destroyer of life and
fiendish adversary of souls , King Alco
hol , whose altar wo have fet up in our
" midst , and whom we worship and obey.
His illness was of comparatively short
duration , pneumonia took hold of him.
and hi0 body , from which the sap and
vitality had been sucked by public school
; liquid , fell an easy prey to the destroyer.
He was , in his rough way , a kind-heart
ed husband and father , and but for his
unfortunate weakness for drink , would
yet be supporting and comforting a
family now in deep sonow. Let us
throw the mantle of chanty over his
\ycakriess , and remember only our duty
to fellow man.
Another terrible warning comes to us
from our neighboring town of Culbeit- .
son , where a harness maker by the name
of J. II. League was frozen to death ,
last Thiusday night , while in a drunken
stupor. League formerly a resi
dent of Lincoln , and a member of Far-
agut Post G. A. R. , and had but recent
ly moved to Culbertson. where he was
gradually building up a profitable busi
ness ; but in a moment of weakness he
drank too deeply of the "cup which
doth intoxicateand starting home , he
miserably perished in sight of home and
dear ones. The deceased leaves a wife
and four children , the youngest one but
two weeks old , and it is understood
that the bereaved and heart-broken wid
ow will prosecute the individual who
sold the liquor to the deceased , and en
deavor to obtain damages. "Am I my
brother's keeper T'
A. O. U. W.
An A. 0. U. W. lodge of twenty-
eight members was duly installed in.
this city , last Saturday night , by B. F.
Rawalt of Hastings , assisted by F. C.
Mastin. Jacob Woosteran'd L. M. Camp
bell , all of the Hastings lodge. The
* *
ceremony took place in the Masonic
Hall. The following officers-elect were
duly installed :
lr. B. B. Davis , Master Workman.
J. A. Mathers , Past Master Workman.
S. D. Hunt , Foreman.
C. II. IJpyle , Overseer.
R. & .Qooley , Guide.
'W.,3L Anderson , Receiver.
L. B. Stiles , Financier.
\V. II. Davis , Recorder.
CW. . Paine , Inside Guard.
C. S. McCamnion , Outside Guard.
G. L. Laws , Trustee.
A. McG. Kobb , Trustee.
II. S. Cooley , Trustee.
This excellent order starts out with a
membership of twent3r-eight , which will
be rapidly augmented by new members ,
there being a number of applicants al
ready knocking for admission into the
lodge. The regular meetings of the or
der will be held in the Masonic Hall , on
the first and third Monday evenings of
each month.
Two Souls Made Happy.
M. 1) ) . Thurston , of Columbus , repre
senting the Union Central Life Insur
ance Co. o.f Cincinnati , has been in the
, this week ' of
city , on business-'part
which being the settlement with Mrs.
Caroline Barraclough of the policy held
by her husband , Jabez Barraclough ,
whose demise , a few month's since ,
in the prime and vigor of manhood.will
be remembered by our citizens. Al
though the time reserved by the com- '
pany in which'to pay their losses had
not nearly expired , their agent , Mr.
Thurston. promptly reported at the Bar
raclough residence and handed the win-
ow a : lraft on" the First National Bank
of Cincinnati for $2,000. The deceas-
cd had only paid one year's premium
on the policy , which now comes as a
god-send to the widow in full. Mr.
Thurston also paid James W. Ridgeway
of Curtis. Frontier county , an endow
ment policy of $1,026.29. The old re
liable Union Central's prompt settle
ment , devoid of the quibbling which us
ually is a prominent feature in these ad
justments , has made her all the more
in popular favor with the people.
The following pupils have neither
been absent nor tardy since the opening
of school. October , 1884. Edith Crane ,
Ida and Eva Hurd. The name of Ed
win Wilcox should have appeared in
the December report , as having been
neither absent Tior tardy during that
month. Ghas. Blanding has been ab
sent only one and one-half days since
January 1st , 1885.
MILK ! . MILK ! !
Having the best range for the pur
pose in the county , we will start a milk
dairy in the spring , prepared to furnish
milk , in any quantity.
34-tf. EATON BROS. & Co.
Attornuj Starr oJ Indiiuiola \ \ as in town ,
on land buiki * " ? " . "
JohnS. ELigcerfof the BiucX-woud % uid a
visitor in town , ilosidar.
Ira S. Ilall of Slifrttcn was registered at
tin ; Eating lions. , Tiu'sllny.
( \ L. Watkins of the Blue llill Times spent
a fehours jn this bur r , Monday.
Fred S. Harris went down to Ilansas Citv ,
Friday night on a short \ isit.
Page T. Francis of YumaColo. . , is in the
city , on a short visit to his family.
Mr. Wahlquist was down at Mindcn , the
fn > t of the week , on legal husincs * .
J. E. Cochran , EVL , went down to Imlinn-
ola , Friday evening on lepal business.
Register G. L. La\vs returned front a shoit
visit to Republican City on : H ) , .Monday.
Capt. A. L. Emerson ofVano , Kansas' ,
came down to the city , Twsdajevening. .
Mrs. Thos. Colfer , we are sorry to learn , is
fynite ill and confined to her bed.
V. Franklin of the Citizens Bank made a
short trip to the county-seat , Friday evening.
Major Ciiswellof Elm corner ( which is law
corner in Indianola ) was in-town on Monday.
Miss Jennie Jamison visited at the county-
spat Friday evening last , noing don on 40.
Rev. C. L. Fulforth of Red Cloud , Episco
pal missionary of the Valleyas in the city ,
Treasurer Cooper of Hayes comity was in
the city , a few days , the liist of the week , on
Mr. and Mrs.V. . C. Furst , of the B. & M.
Eating House , went out to Denver , on ? 9 ,
Monsieur Sproat , with Hallackit Howard.
had business here , a few days the first of
the week.
M. J. Abbott of The Hayes Centre News
lias been in tho city , the past two days , on
Dr. J. S. Shaw of Indianola was a visitor
in the metropolis , last Friday , between trains
W and 40.
M. Ennan of Lindner & Ernian will arrive
in the city , Saturday , with a car-load of hordes
and nudes.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Stewart of Riverton
was up the valley , Friday , on one of his nu
merous pilgrimages.
G. U" . Daniels and W. M. Mclntyre of Cul
bertson were visitors in the city , Friday and
Saturday respectively.
Jas. LaTourette of St. Louis , father of W.
C. of our city , arrived in town , last Thursday
night , on a short visit.
Miss Funke of Red Cloud is a visitor in the
city , the guest of Mrs. T. S. Bosley. She
arrived on S9 , yesterday.
L. C. Olmstead of Red Cloud , uncle of M.
A. Spalding , visited in town from Saturday
last until Tuesday of this week.
II. II. Troth of Hayes county camp down
to the city , Saturday , after provisions foi
the ranch. He started for home , Monday.
Dr. M. A. Dpmay of the South Side iclurn-
ed home , Sunday , fiom his trip to Michigan ,
where he has been attendinga family reunion.
F.'L. McCracken left on Sunday morning
for Chicago. He will be absent a week or
ten days , and may visit a short time in Iowa.
T. J. Floyd of The Trenton Torpedo was
a visitor at the.-e headquaiters , yesterday.
Mr. Floyd informs us that he expects shortly
to assume entire contiol of The Torpedo.
Miss Mamie Yolbehr , one of Superior's
fascinating daughters , arrived in the city ,
last Friday , and is the quest of Mrs. Ed.
llawksworth , whom she will visit sometime.
Messrs. C. S. Ilowanl and J. II. Howard ,
of Ilallack & Howard , Demer , were in the
city , Tuesday and Wednesday , settling up
the company's bii-ine > s in this place for 1SS5.
S. W. Ford of Blue Hill arrived in the city.
yesterday noon , and is looking over the pros-
liects for inve.-'tiiient and with a possible view
of locating here. He is a cousin of the Wil
cox brothers.
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Shaw returned to their
loinestead near Hyde. Colo. , yeMerday.
They will remain on the claim the required
:5me : before making pi oof , after which they
will return 19 this cityhere the doctor will
igain locate in the practice of his profession.
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Flees of Chicago ar
rived in the city , Sunday , and remained here.
: he guests of Repicscntathe and MrsCeo. .
llocknell , until Tuesday evening. Mr. Frees
is Secretary and Treasurer of The Frees fc
llocknell Lumber Co. , be > ides being other
wise largely intere.ted in our city.
Sunday evening , the 17th inst. . at
the residence of the bride's father.
Mr. Fred D. Pitney , Superintendent
of Public Instruction of Hitchcock
county , and Miss Lillian M. Boyle ,
Rev. Geo. Dungan officiating.
The wedding was a quiet one. the
immediate family relatives alone wit
nessing the ceremony. The very best
and kindest wishes of this community
follow this estimable couple to their
ionic in our neighboring town. * *
SMITH DAVIS At the residence of
Mr. John Xcwcomb on Diittwood ,
on'the 13th inst. , Rev. Geo. Uungan
officiating , Mr. Charles Smith and
Miss Mollie B. Davis , both of Lin
coln county.
inst. , at the residence of Mr. John
Newcomb on Driftwood , Mr. II. W.
Davis and Miss Arinda .Newcomb ,
Rev. Geo. Dungan officiating.
These young people , formerly all
of this county , propose at once to go to
Lincoln county , their new home , there
to engage unitedly in the stirring activ-
ties and competitions of our growing
western communities. Joy go with
them. Success attend them. * *
Mr and Mrs. M. A Spalding cclc-
* ! d llit fifth uiuiiu * - ar"t'their mar-
riagvlasl Situl laevening , with great"
eclat. Over seventy guests responded
to the invitations scnt ut. and partici
pated in the joyous occasion The af-
fsiir was one of the notable'social events'
of the season. Below we append a H.ct'
of the handsome presents received :
Woods. Mr. and Mrs V.Franklin. Mr.and Mrs.
W. W. Palmer , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pate.
LAIUU : WILLOW KOCKKI : . Mr. and Mrs. A.
Campbell. Miss Muscle Vaughn. Mr.and Mrs.
T. S. Bosloy. Mr. and Mrs' G. A. Noron , Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. llocknell. Mrs. and Miss Hollis-
tor , Mr. nd Mrs. J. It. Jennings , Ilegistcr and
Mrs. C3. L. Laws , Mr. and Mrs J. P. Muthus.
Two WILLOW UOCKKHS. ( and rocker for lit-
tlo Luln ) Messrs. ( Jco. Hocknoll , Chas. Noble ,
C. W. PIUIILW. . I ) . Paine. F. M. Kimmcll. H.
B. Wahlqnist , K. M. Hrickoy. E. L. Laycock.C.
M. Ashmorc. J. L. Tnylor and C. W. Hallnrrt.
and Miss Lillle Unwell
.TOWUL UACK. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Itees.
PAPKII UACK. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wllcox.
ELEKANT Pix CUSHION , Mrs. C. (1. Potter.
Mmiton HKOOM HOI.DEIC , Mr.and Mrs. A.M.
PLUSH FICENCII Minnoit. Mises Menard.
S. H. Colviu
Kenyon and Mrs. A McO. Uobli.
KASKL , Chus. Duvis.
CHECKER STAND , Mr.tuul Mrs.T.B.Carnpbpll.
FLOWER PEDESTAL , Mr.and Mrs. J. P. Israel.
Miititou HAT UACK , Messrs. E.A.Eaton and
Thos. Olascott.
WALL POCKET , Mr. and Mrs W ( ! . .Shoppard.
HANCINO I < II\CKIT. Itev. and Mrs. Georpn
Gn.TCAHiNbT FRA.ME. Mr. and Mrs S. I ) .
COMR CASK. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fisber.
STEP L\DDKI : . Ueceivt-r C. F. Bubeock.
E. Danforth. Omaha , Nebraska.
J. M. Markcll. Uiverton , Neb.
CiiAvriM ! BOWL , Messrs. F. ! < . MeCrncken , J.
F. Forbes ami A. C. Ebert.
PLU II BROOM HOLDER , S. S. Eltlor , Fnlr-
niout. Nebraska.
Uyan and MiFs Cecilia Ujan.
Ed. .Moore , one of the B. & M.'s lrakcmen ,
returned from his Iowa trip , Friday , and took
his run Monday ninining.
Go to E. M. Brickey & Ca. for hon
est goods and lowest prices.
The B & .M. Pharmacy keeps .1 full
line of Matonic books in stock.
They have the purest , kettle-rendcrod
iard in the city at Brewer Bros.
Chenery & Stiles keep in stock a nice
and complete line of smokers articles.
Two pounds of ArhtiukleV , Dilworth's
or XXXX for 25 cents at Wilcox &
Foler s.
\Ve call your especial attention to the
new adv. of L. Lowuian & Son , on our
first page.
Prescriptions accurately compounded
day or night , at the new drug store of
Chenery & Stiles.
A car-load of Missouri Mules and
Iowa mares will he received at Lindner
& Erman's barn , Saturday.
The choicest meats at the Central
Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of
Main anJ Dennison streets.
Remember this office when you want
a well-disi laed dodger. We have the
only large wood type in the city.
II. A Cole , fashionable merchant tail
or , has constantly on hand as fine a class
of goods as can be procured. Suite made
up in the latest style , and perfect fits
guaianted. Prices reasonable. Shop
two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc-
Cook , Nebraska.
A. McG. Robb offers his bay marc
"Kate for sale. She is of good pedi
gree. ( Hambletonian ) can haul a 360
pound buggy within three minutes. Is
the best and safest mare , for either
single or double harness in the county
barring none. I sound in every par
ticular , 4 years old. and has been bred
to L.I. S. . son of the celebrated trotting
> tallion Tramp. Enquire of Mr. Robb
at Supt.'s offit e. B. & M. R. R. . McCook.
I have put in scales at my ranch on
Brush creek and L will buy all the corn
that comes , at the market price. Also
have f)0 good ponies for sale , broke
unbrokc. . J. B.MEKKRVE.
Any person wishing to rent a fine
Mathushek piano can do so by inquiring
at Stern's Liquor Store.
A 3-ioom house in West McCook for
rent , cheap. Inquire at Lindner & Er-
man's office. 5
A four room residence on Madison
Avenue. Enquire at this office for par
ticular ? .
Parties owing me are respectfully re
quested to call and settle at once.
20 tf. M. A. SPALDINR.
On Macfarland street for sale. In
quire of F. P. Allen or at this office.
f\ \