' " ' - " r F. M.&E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers Official City and County Paper. . - , . ' f'A stifjtJKSTivt : . engraved heading is tho latcstimprovcmcnt made by the Red ' Cloud Chief. - . EDITOR EISLEV of the Culbertson Koveilloison tliQroad for Wolfs I'-itent , Stub Statement. { 'KCRETA15V J/A.MAli lias issued an or- dcvallmvim : stockmen until May to rc- UKIVO tlit'ir feijees offonsivc t'rnin tlir public domain. TUB Presidential Succession I Jill passed tie ) house , .Monday , precisely as it came from the Senate. Tho final ly vote was 183-to 77. . JrncK MOXTCIOMEIIV. late uf the Ijluoniiiifitoi : land office , is propariuir tn Ioca ! ' : it K"-Mirlh. KHM H . Hiwill MI- w- . - - i 11 niSTl' :1I ' 'If ! I'H | ' | | ' ( ) IKI.I ; : : : . M-CMVC-I ! IHT ! ir.-r. train in two wrek.Olnnday night. The U. &M. were at an expense of $500 per day on that branch alone dmim ; the blockade. A SLTKmi debating society recently wrestled with the sublime and rid'cu- * Icus probVin , "which goes the Faster. alter bei.ig broke , a colt or a ten-dollar bill- HOIU/OX.TAL MORRISON is said to be deep ! } * engaged in the preparation of a biil.to reduce the tariff duties. Even the late cold - . < i > .ip was not Frigid enough to chill Bill"horizontal reduction ebul litions. THE holiday number of Vick's Floral Guide , _ a complimentary number i which iies be lore us , is the handsomest of its kind ( hat . .has.ever reached this sanctum. It is finely illustrated and very complete throughout. SKCRKTAKV OK STATI : and Mrs. Bay- ard motirn the death of their eldest daughter , Kate , which occurred last Saturday afternoon , from heart disease The continued strain of social life in the gay capital was too great for her. BISMARCK , wanting sonic more money airain i he.'ahvay.s want.moie nuuiev has concluded to let the wholesale liquor dealers pay him $4 00(1.000 ( a year. lie could not perhaps have apilicd ] the. thumbscrew where it will give less dissatisfaction. IT is difficult , even in this land of magnificent di.-taucv.s. ti > long elude de tection. Weee it authoritativelytated that llono Montgomery , the absconding young wretch , who erstwhile editeii the Cambridge : Kaleidoscope.n \ \ < finally been apprehended , ami tint he will bo brought to > pccdy justice , S , " > TliKV ha\ rha-l'd the "viljiiin" who hehl up the ( "nircii Sraif-s mail and express siini lelievcil I "tide t am of , $7.HI ( ( ) in cash nut in Oaxvcs county into Ciiadron. ; iii' ! } ia\ealiiidonei : ! ( he chase. The theory is llial the thief is ; i local amateur and will be caught when he cullies to invest the nnuieyit the bars oT the magic city. TllK fashionable cra/.o for bird's pin tniige : is an : irtco ! t > \ ' feminine decora tion appears to have reai-hed that point. K" ill lOnglniid whi'ndisirust brings its in- i evitahle reactionary movement. A IV- j male recently appeared at : i hall in a cj dress , whose biirFac-o was comjiosod vu- tirelyof stuffed canaries. Tiu * hello who inhabited thispetticoat charnnl-house" -J was very properly " snubbed. " and : i Plumage Society ha.s been formed to combat the cra/.e. THE New Ouleans exposition is a fail ure , and an effort is now being made to have the city buy the. property for $125.- 000. It cost originally $1.350.000. It is feared that the project will have to be abandoned. The trouble is that the whole thing from the first to the last Iras 'been conductedwithout order or system. They started- with a great flourish of trumpets , but beyond the usual trumpeting no one seemed wil- Ihigstii'do'aiiy work. The consequence y is tlmt lastvear the buildinirs were not " * - sf * MT rcadv , in time.'and the whole thine was delayed. The effort this year to rai- vaH3 o > H cMnio a-corpsc was ju.st as fu tile , and there i. no doubt that ulti mately the whole thing will collapse and . goja. riii.Dl , lxpos5.tioua.nre rcUing to ; * bc-nTgoird deal like lairs. . " ' The public is tired .of them. They have had their day , havedonetheirworkaird-must.be succeeded by-something else. ' Peoria Journal. ' ' COUNTY-SEAT ITEMS. The attractive ' 'Starbuck family ' re turned from McCdok , Sunday P. M. on passenger No. 40. Mr.V i. Boyle , the new Democratic CouritY Treasurer , was in the capital , Thursday and .Friday. Mr. S. W. Stilgebouer from over on the Beaver , was in our citv. Friday and ? * * * \ "Saturday , on business. I t Grubb & McCollister , our enterpris ing young lawyers , have' moved their office from over Davids & " White's store , to the ground floor just south of TJax- ter's store. Mr. William Kendall of Datibtirv was * an arrival in our city. Tuesday. Mr. Kendall in a pleasant gentleman to meet as well as an old settler. It is thouht , he came on government busi ( Jeorge Papiiijof the firm of McCart ney & Papin , ha.s been confined to the ' house for severaleeks on account of a sore eye ; but. at lastreports , was im proving. and we soon hope to see him it cc'inore on the streets. IXv. . % .V S.Vinvk , . She Mclho.i-t minister o'f .McL'oowho is the no\\ly electod School Superintendent , was iii j our city , Friday and Saturday on official business. lie returned Saturday. i I Some of the furniture for the new bank t : s already in the building formerly used as a barber shop by Messrs. Kirkman ( & Co. , and we hope soon to see it in full , blast. " as it will prove a valuable business addition to our city. Messrs. Suavely & Starr have added quite a number of new books to their already large law'library , and they now ' possess the most complete set of stat- I iites in the county. 31 r. Suavely has i ' . * . . , a new type writer , ami is becoming very efficient in its use. r | J. H. Goodrich , Jr. , our County j Treasurer of three year's past , went down to Lincoln tu complete his official , settlement with the State of Nebraska. He returned on oft , Tuesday , and re ports a slcndid | visit with relations there. as well as a pleasant business trip. Last Wednesday , the. new curtain and scenery for McCartney's Mall arrived. The curtain is a "dandy"and must be seen to be fully appreciated. With plenty of good scenery , a remodeled stage and its fine curtain , the hall cat rank with any in the valley. ' A very successful meeting of the In dianola Reform Club was held in the M E. church , last Friday evening : The house was full. A'ery pleasant speeches were made by Messrs. IIctheringtonLa- throp and Ilev. Wheeler of MeCook The. .speech of Mr. . Teas was a marvel of manly frankness , which should have been heard to appreciate it. They ad journed to meet next Friday evening , which is tluir regular time for business 'meeting. Uev..Johnson , the Presiding Wider of ibis circuit , occupied the. pulpit of I IKM. . K. church. Sunday A. M. and erising .M JiihiiMiji is a learned man as well as : in eh iient | ; orator , and his sermons were interesting to say the lea-'t. The . . - cun reg.iti'in .Sunday even ing was i he large-t ever assembled in the church , ami. although necessarily packed. " no one left until the serv- ici : > were finished. ' Truly yours , Indianola. Jan. 20. * XoxDKSCRlI'T. BOX ELDER , BLOSSOMS. liiitiH * . plants haveifcc'umbcd to the icy embrace of Mr. Frost , and are now iiiietly | waiting in the wood shed for the hungry cow. Blossoms are about all frozen up. Brother Hayseed informed us thi morn ing , that we would have no warm weather as long as this cold spell lasts. The people of Box Elder , believing that 'cleanliness is akin to godliness , " met at the church , one da } ' last week , mid proceeded to cleanse that edifice of all visible dirt. "Satan"'was therewith his "apples. " " and proved to be a very ivclenmc guest. The M. K. Sunday School , last Sutl- ilay , branched out into a sort of a.young [ onvontion. Quite a spirited discussion ivas taken pait in by the older members if the school , which resulted in the faction of six additional teachers : and i new set of supplies were ordered , file people of this part of the country spent determined to not let Christianity ctrograHe in the least. SKI.OXX. Box lOlder. January 10. NOTE TO CREDITORS. Having disposed of our meat market u Browcr Bros. , we-desire "all parties vho are indebted to"us to call and make mmediate payment , either to W. B. iVhittaker at the old stand or to S. H. ] ! olvin at his office- 28 2t. < CntiHcn & WHITTAKER. SITUATION WANTED. Beinir pecuniary need , nnd suffer ing from it , I will be very thankful for any situation cither in a banking office , or nuy otbor office or store , even , will gladly accept light tunuual labor xtntil I can do better. I have been employed when in 'Europe , in the firm of Prost & Co. , and W'wspapor officos , also 10 years in tli < services nf the Western Railway of France. Address , box 317. MeCook , Neb : K. J. HALL. ATTENTION , TEACHERS ! I will be at the High School building , in McCi'ok. Saturday. January 80thfor , the purpose of examining applicants for teachers'certificates. . \V. \VlIKKLKR , County Snpi'.rinteiident. TO STOCKMEN. Sorghum seed , $1.25 per bag , in new two-bushel bags , delivered on cars at Blue Hill. Neb. Address , ' 27-tf. iM. WH.SO.V , Blue Hill , Neb. FOR SALE. 7fl head of ITdf-Brcrd ( Calv ' < . Hulls : ind II.-iN-rs. Apply to 5 : j-tl' . DAVIH HA/.I-LS.JU. : . To. I'-iwnec ( it.X -h FOR SALE. 100 acres good hind , 8 miles from MeCook , or will trade for house and lot. :54-f : > t. F. S. WIMJOX. Waller Shcppard , who teaches the school up on West Coon creek , was ar rested , Tuesday , charged with assault and battery. It appears that a pupil by the name of Miles Anderson had be come unruly and had attracted the at tention of the board on previous occa sions. This time , we are told , he seiz ed the stove poker and attempted to re sist chastisement which had been sanc tioned by the board , when the teacher found it necessary to use force to pro tect himself as well as to accomplish the punishment , and the boy's parents being dissatisfied , take this means of getting satisfaction. Courier. Literary Note from The Century Co. ' 'HOW HK.YNT MAKriIii > AOAIXsT MAItK TWAIX. ' ' The Xew York Sun calls attention to the curious fact that Mark Twain's article , in the Century , entitled "The Private History of a Campaign that Failed. " is , by an odd coinci dence , a'contemporaneous supplement of chapter is in the first volume , ju -printed , of General Grant's memoirs. It appear * that the only time that General Grant was reullj scared was when he had to meet tho little ar- ni } ' in which his future publisher was a pri vate. At Palmyra , Grant , then a colonel , was ordered to move against Col. Thomas Hams , who was said to be iHicamped at the little town of Florida , some twenty-live miles away. In his memoirs General Grant tells how liis heart kept getting higher and higher as he upproaohed the enemy , until he felt it in his throat , but when lie reached a point whore lie expected to see them and found they had fled , liis heart resumed its plane , Mark Twain was : me of the "enemy , " and that he and his fel low-soldiers were equally frightened appears in his frank confessions in the December L'entttry. The difference between the two soldiers was that Mark Twain was thrown into such trepidation that lie then and there ibaudoned forever the profession of arms , whereas General Grant made on that occasion : he di-eovery that the enemy were as much j if raid of him as hehud b.wn of them. "This. " says General Grant , "was a viuwof theques- ion that 1 hud nc\er taken before , hut it ivas ono that 1 never forgot afterward. From ; hat event to the close ol tic. ) war. 1 never cx- trepidation upon confronting an y , though 1 always felt more or l < h s inxiety. " _ Mr. X. G. Moulder , .superintendent for the iJradstreet Mercantile Agency , Des Moines. Io\\a , ! ays lie is highly pleased with the effect ) f Chamberlain's Cough Uemcdy , that his amily have used it with marked benefit. Similar expressions are heard in every com- mmitwhere it is sold. Aiy | one using it vill not long suffer with thecold. It ispleas- mt to take and harmless to give to children > f any age. Sold by M. A. Spalding and Wil ey & Walker. SIXTEENTH YEAR. THE Kansas City Times , BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Our 14th premium list.comiirisiujr over $33.- X ) worth of presents , it > now ready. Every uliscriber to the Weekly Timesnt ? 2.00n year , hen order is rcrcived before April < W.lt ) , ill receive a premium worth , at retail , from 1.00 to Sl.OOO. Full particulars and specimen spies fret1 to any address. PRICES FOR SUBSCRIPTION : 'sally , Tith preshn. porycar . S 2.00 'CDily , trltkcst prealun. per yea : . 1.03 : = i5y Tisss , ? : r yeir . 2.00 lUyXisK.jsrysn . 10.00 Address al ! orders to THE TIMES , Kansas City , Mo. terms to .Agents. LEGAL NOTICE. The accounts of the late W. H. Dolnn are in 10 hands of .Messrs. Colfer Sc Cnrdcul for col- ction , all personB indebted will please settle ith the above minted tlrm.or the undersigned. Persons having : accounts agrainttt W. H. Do- iti , decensed , Avill file them with H. M. Ash- lore , county jtidsre. for approval , and they ill be settled in due time. J.V. . DOC.A.K. Administrator. idlanoln , Neb . , Dec. 23 , 1835. SO McCOOK GRAIN MARKET , ! ( Corrected ctcry Thursday mornlns. ) Xo.2\Vhent. per bushel . 4 , " > 0 0c No. Kvc , per bushel . 27 < s30c Barley , per bushel Onts. per bushel Corn New. perbushel . , Hay wild , person Uttflcd Hay . ! LIVE STOCK , PllODCCC. ETC. Hoys Live Potatoes , ( Irish ) per bushel. . . . xjo Butter , per pound . lflbc Kgjfs , per dozen l.Vit Young Chickens , per do/on ' Old Chickens , per dozen . FINAL PROOF NOTICES. & LAND Omci : AT McCooK. JiinuiiryL'Oth. UWi. f Notice is hereby { fiven that the followlii- named settler hus tiled notice of his intention tomaketinal proof in. support of hiselnim.iuid that said proof will bonmdp bcfori1 Ilrgistor or lli'coivor at MeCook. Neb. , on Tuesday , March Hth , IKHtf , viJacob If. Er.ui-i. Ilomcstfud Kntry ISiKt. I'or the wist ' - snutliwest ' 4. wc t 'i southeast ' .of section ' ! , township : ! north. rauxu 3 > l wot Ctli I' . M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prqvo his continuous nisi- deuce upon , and cultivation of , said land , vi/ : > ielwfl P. Woick , Adolph Ifheischick. ciinrles Volbrecht and Herman Thole , all of MeCook , Neb. 34 C. I , . LAWS. UeprSster. LAND OFKICK AT JlcCooi ; , NEIJ. , i January l. > th , IbMi. f NoticeIs hereby jjlven that the following1- nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Ifi-jf- isteror Iteceivur lit MeCook. Neb. , on Friday , February L'C , 1KM , viz : William V. Johnson , 11. B. IBS , torthe south 'J northwest 't. north ' - soiitlr.vost ' 4 of section 34. township 4 , north of rnnjru M west. He names the following wit- iii'Bto prove voiinnoii < 4 re Mcnee upon , : iud uiil > ivitioi ; > it'"Mill Iniiii , viJohn S. Mod roll. Charles t'ovscr. Kduurd F. Couscand Thn > . J. iriiwrlcs. till of MeCook. Nclirnskti. : ! t C. \ . . LAWS , tfejrister. , liASI ) IK CK ATMtCoOK. NK . , I i Jiinuary Sth , U'S.'i. f I Notice is hereby ivon that the following- named settler Ims tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claimand \ that said proof will be made before Ile istoi I or Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Monday , Feb ruary 15th. 18 i. viz : Horace H. Easterduy. homestead entry 1U7 , for the N.W J4 of section SI , township I north , range30 west. He names ! the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , vi/s : James H. Patterson.Clnirles Angel William Colenmn and Milton H role , all of MeCook , Neb. 33 ( J. L. LAWS , Hegi = ter. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NF.U. . i December 2ith ( , 1885. t" Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Keg- isteror Receiver at MeCook , Neb. , on Satur day. February Oth , 188T ) . viz : Itobcrt J. Squire , I ) . 8.2240 , for the southeast quarter of section 4. township - , north of range 30 west , li P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : .7. L. ( jrav. LewisStarbuck , C. H. Pate and Alpheiis Starbuck. all of Me Cook , Neb. 31 G.L. LAWS. Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Red Willow county. State of Nebraska , on thed day of December , 1885. and to me directed , I will at 10 o'clock , A.M. , on the 23d Day of February , 1886 , nt the f rant door of the Court House in Indi- anola.said Court House being the place where the last term of said District Court was held , within and for said Hcd Willow county , and State of Nebraska , offer for sale at public auc tion , to highest bidder for cash , the following- real estate , lands and tenements , to-wit : Lot No. (14) ( ) fourteen , in Block No. (27) ( ) twenty- seven , in the Town of MeCook. Red Willow county. Nebraska , taken on order of sale to foreclose a real estate mortgage , as. the prop erty of William C. LnTomette and Irene H. LaTourette and ordered sold by the Court to satisfy a judgment against them and in favor of The Citi/ens Hank of MeCook , Nebraska , for the sum of ( ยง : , fi73.(52) ( two thousand five hundred and scvcnty-livcdollunsand sixty-two cents , and $9 OS costs and accruing costs , de creed a.iirst lien. And a judgment against said defendants in furor of Isaac It. Rllwood & Co. for the sum of ( S1.170.HO ) eleven hundred and seventy dollars and ninety cents and de creed a second lien upon said premises. And a judgment against said defendant. W. C. La Tourette in favor of The Croat Western Stove Company for ( $1,11800) eleven hundred and eighteen dollars and decreed a third lien upon said premises. And a judgment against said defendant , W. C. LaTourette , in fnvor of The Iowa narb Steel Win ; Co. tor ( ? : ? ,131.00) two thousand one hundred and thirty-one dollars , and decreed a fourth lien upon said premises. And a judgment again t said W. C. LaTour ette in lavor of The Uridgoaud Bench Manu- fnctory Co. for the sum of ( i-'JS.O'i ) thirtv-clght dollars , and decreed a filth lien upon the said premises. And a judgment against said W C. LnTourcfte in favor of The Nobiii..ia Manu factory Co. forthcsum of ( ? 114 00) one hundred and fourteen dollar ? , and decreed a sixth lien iion | said premises. And a judgment against said W. ( J. LaTourette in favor of Simmons Hardware Company for the sum of C51.H6U.3 ! ) ) eighteen hundred and si.\ty-six dollars and thlrty-n no fonts , and deep-ed a seventh lien upon said premi e : . and tax I ei there-Hi In the aggregate * i-.ih 50. ( tendered by William Uiblin. : Juilae < > t s-aid Distriet Cotfrt at tne November , lfct-5 , term thereof , to-wit : On the 4th day of November , 1S 5. Atthetinicand plaeeof said saledueaitend- ance will ho had by the undersigned. .1. W. WKI.IIOIIN. Hit-riff. 2fi Rod Willow county. Net. . J. E. CpciiUAX , Attorney. ' LEGAL NOTICE. Ill thu matter of the estate of V.'illiani II. loan. ) ! ilt ceased Notice K horetiy iriven to all person * having L'luims and demands againstVilliiun ; I Dolan , ileeeased , that the time llxeil for lilinjr claim- , ii allisl said estate K siv mouths Irom the lirst Monday in February , 18MJ. All person * ure required to piosent their claims with the voucher to the county jiidjie of the said I eil Willow county. Xebr.tska. : it his oilice then- ill , on or before the llrsit Momliiy in .lulv. ISSfi. and thsir all claims M > lilcrt will heheaid liclorc Mild jiidare. the tii > t .Monday of each month at ! i o'clock. A. M. . in the order snid liiims are tiled , and that the administrator . .hiiiiffV. . Iiolimi i > allowed twelve months Tom the Itt day ol Kubruury , IHfcii , in which to settle the hnsiness of said estate , and I direct .hat snid adinini > trator xivu notice hcioof by nibllcation for four consecutive weeks ol' the line and place of hearing such claims in ae- . ordancc herewith inTiiKMcCooK . i ncwspiiper of general circulation in said j tounty. 11. M. AsflMoitt : , County Judge. December 27th. 1885. 31-lt. Votice of Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between r. W. Dolan and V. Franklin , under the tlrm lames of "The Red Willow County Hank. " of | ndkinola. Neb. , and "The Citi/ens Hank of IcCook , " of MeCook. Neb. . Is hereby dissolved limitation and mutual consent. All notes ind accounts due Tlie Red Willow County Mill ; will be collected bv J. W. Doian. who issumes all liabilities of the said Red Willow Jounty Hank. And all notes and accounts IneThe Citizens Hunk of MeCook will bo col- ected by V. Franklin , who assumes all liabili- ies of the said Citizens Hank of MeCook. Witness our hands and seals on this first lay of January , A. D. . 18M5. J. W. Doi.vx. fL.S.1 V. FHANKI.IX. [ L. S.I ANY ONE j n need of a good liniment , please call at our toreaud getabottk of Iteno'sTitoriCAkOii. . , ne of the most perfect medicines ever pro- uced. and warranted to cure scalds , burns , i ruises , etc. . and relieve pain of all kinds. For ale by M. A. Spalding and S. L. Green. j I B"B * "d 10 cents postage , and we j 1ft wi" inailyoHKUKKuroyal.vnl- ll I i i uable , sample box ot good . W I i 8 that will put yon in the way of j inking more money at once , than anything , Ise in America. Hoth sexes of all ages can ve at home and work in spare time , or nil the me. Capital not required. We wilt start you. , innienbe pay sure forthose "U ho start atoncc. 4-2/V-lyr. / HTI.SSOX & Co. . Portland. JIaine. J ' BEGGS1 CHEERY COUGH SYETJP j a perfect success. " is what wo hnar on al ! idea by those who have used it and find it a artain cure for coughs , colds and all bronchial oublcs. For sale by M. A. Spalding and S. L. reon. 7 McCOOK , West Dennison St. NEBRASKA. THE GSTi ; ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , 350,000.00 , smess , Collections made on all aecc.vsible points. Prafis drawn direetlv on the priueija cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Monei to loan on fanning land * , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. \ Tickets r or Sale to and from Europe , CORRES PONDENTS. : V. KHAXKU.V , President. First Xntlonul Hunk , Lincoln , Xcbniska. ' .Ion : ; H. CI.AKK. Vicc-I'reshlont. Tlio Chemical Xationul Hank , Nov.York , j A. C. EIIEUT , Cii HALLA0K & HOWARD , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Pt < i''H < qe ; \ Sa-ivfV , 0 ' ' DOORS , BLINDS. MOULDINGS , Sicficb , (2cba ( < & 5oab , Simc , oH'air , Cement" , ( Soa-f. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ! Idii -'il > i rli.r i.i .in ) mi i lie mnrkrt. hcm Hi-nifor. SlroniiT Unlit. .nut tlirn-forr a IIHITDnr.iliic Mill. It i * tjio only i' "olutolxi.ifi > Mil ! liu'lt : . ml n of Thousands Erected During 12 > ; " , ir * ' , : : - ' . . m-t onha - < rr ! > ! . > n .iwiy n < ! loft tlii" Towrr t.irdli ! . A n-t-irrt r.o nitirr Mill i-an slionV.V oITcr t < ipt ii ai > f mir lli"\tMX . Mll.I.b ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , \tnl If tliry ilnr.'t zitl-fnctiiin.-.rll ! rcnoic .Mill nt unr own - . Al-w Mnnuf.u'tiirt'r of < cxpcn i- Ilio > Ii'hrit ' < ! rhaJlJKzc Fi-o l Millirn Sli > Ilors. lr..n I'nmps nitli l.ra > < ; i-ylm | pr . Iron I'ipiTanki. . FIT estiin.itVN ratnln tii" . and priri" . , .ipIy t" ( i. Ii. XE'i'TLETON. Jit-Cook , Nol > . : .THE1 McCOOK AND TRU OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. /lakes / First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDIHC. . CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , IGT vice PRESIDENT. EO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PKILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT. F. L. BROWN , TREASURER. H H H IV 1 L LjLJ 1U C. A. NETTLET.ON , Prop. jetiL i rc inic CORN SHELLED AND GHOUNB , IJOLTEI ) , ET\ 2 BLOCKS EAST OF RUSSELL'S BARM , IcCOOK , NEBRASKA.