CONGlFEaATIOXAL.-Sundny School nt 10 A. M. every week. I'ronchlnjr sci-viecs everv Sumljir nljrht nt ( i:5M M. T. Al.-.n , ovcrv nltof- smte bunrtuy inornirur nt II. M. T. Exceptions -to the ulmvo will l o notice.1 hi locate. Gnoaci : DU.NOAN , Pastor. , ver > ' Sunday at l - . ' V ; * ! . . mountain time. Sunday "f,3,1 VM. ' , The " ' ' - ' f nml Sunday will he bcd for the future in tho now \church. . All : irc cordially invited. Peats free. W.s. WHBEI.KR. Pastor. iPl. COP.AI-Sorviees u llrst find third Sumnyn. mnrtiiiur and evening , of euch month. J. A. Fui.roiiTii , Hector. CATHOLIC. Sorvlccs will be held in tbo qnurcli once ev < jry four weeks. THOMAS CITLMW. Pastor. W. O. T. F. The W. O. T. U. will meet in I ho KondiiijrHoom every U'ediiesilnviifternoou lit o'clock , jr. T. The IJund of Hope will moot in theKeuiliny Itoom every Saturday after noon at - o'clock , mountain time. JlcCOOK LODGT3 A. K & A. M.- A Rc-arular meeting. Tuesday night on orborore full moon of nverv month. S. L. ( JHKKX. W. M. T. L. MCCKAC-KEX , .Secretary. WILLOW GKCIVC LOUGH K. or P. , U. . Sleets the first and third Wcdnes- Iny cvenln-r of ouch month. .1. W. C'AMPjir.r.i. , C. C. A. 31. SPAMJIXCJ , 1C. H. S. HnCltKELL IIOSK COMPANY. uhir meetings on the first Wednesday " i month. H 15. AKriiiBALn , Chief. It. OF L. K. lirotlfMbnod of LnuomotivcEn- ttinoprs. Sleet first und lourth Saturdays of each month. ? . K. HOOK. Chief. J. C. ASDKKSOX , F. A. E. .1. K. JlAR.VKS TOST ( } . A. K. Hcffular meet ings second and fourth Monday evenings of nch month at Opera Hull. J. A. Wn.cox , Commander. J. II. YAIUJKU , Adjutant. POST-OFFICE HOURS. Opon from 7 A. 31. to P. M. , M. T. Offleo will he closed thirty minutes before arrival and dopmturoof mails. SUNDAV , cilice will bo open from 7 to 8 A. M. and from 4 to f > P. M. , M. T. A. 1' . SHAKP , P. M. B. & M. TIME TABLE. KAST LEAVER : EAST LEAVES : t No. : . ' 0:30. A. M. 1 No. 40 . . . . .r : ii , P.M. WKKT LEAVKS : WEST LEAVES : . No.OT 12:50. P. M. | Xo.l 8:35. P. M. 3 ? Eastbound trains nn on Central Time , and westhound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers It. it. WOODS , Aj.'cnt. Local Intelligence. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. E. M. Erickcy & Co. for clothing. . 2 * Go to W.V. . Palmer for your harness. 32-tf. F _ The best flour in town at Anderson &Boehl's. _ E. M. Urickey & Co. arc sacrificing overcoats. , _ If yon want a superior letter file. call at this office. For TansiH's Punch Cigar go to the Commercial House. The Metropolitan drug store keeps a full line of fancy bos papers. SSP Moody & Winter , City Dairy , for pure and wholesome milk. Fred. S. "Work of the Driftwood was in town , Tuesday , on business. Special sale of cloaks , at actual cost. Lowman & Son , Pate Block. Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed steers. Xo cows or tango cattle. ' Some men , like pictures , are better for the corner , than a full light.1 E3"Sweet Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. Stationer } ' , blank books , toilet articles , ' T' etc. . nt Chenery & Stiles' drug store. Call and see our stock of society cards. ( ? . A. IS. , K. of R. B. L. E. . etc. A nice line of hanging and stand lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store. W. C. T. U. Social at the Congre gational church , to-morrow ( Friday ) evening. _ The best coal oil in town. 150 c wa ter white.J50 cents a gallon , at Chenery & Stiles. Money to loan on real estate and pat ented land by the McCook Loan and Trust Co. The Iseminger Automatic Bill and Letter File , the very best in the market , at this office. FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs us that he is now procuring farm loans quite easily at 10 per cent. Keceivcd this weekan , elegant line of silks , and trimmings to match , at Low man & Son's , Pate Block. Jt looks like war ! ! ! Wilcox & Fow ler have made still greater reductions in prices. Xow is the time to buy. Gr. \\T. Bcde has some special bar- * ains in real estate. Office 4th door south of U. S. Land office. 27-tf. Social at the residence of Mrs. C. N. "Batchelor , to-morrow evening , bj the Ladies' Aid Society of the THE TKIBCXE will club with any jour nal in the United States at reduced rates. Select your paper and call for figures. Stock boarded by the day or weelcat Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House. Also buys and sells stock on commission. FOR SALE Lindner & Erman have work oxen , steers , cows and heifers for for sale at their barn , one block west of the Commercial House , McCook , Neb. We have just received undoubtedly tho finest lot of new job types , in hand some script faces , ever brought to this city. We invite inspection of our job work. < , ' ' . f E. M. Brickev & Cn. the clothiers. Fre.h and sail meats o the choicest quality at Brewer Bros. STAb.-trtct linen legal cup with numbered lines at this office. ' When thieves and gamblers fall out , honest men get their dues. " They have nothing but the finest and purest drugs at Chenery & Stiles. ' Bon.x To Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Allen. Thursday. Janury 7th , 1880 , a son. The best winter wheat flour oversold in Mc\ok at Anderson & Uoehl's. Novel tins of the season in all depart ments , at Lowman & Son's , Pate Block. T. W. Palmer is closing out har ness. blankets and robes. Xow is the time to bnv. 32-4ts. ) A breast pin. Owner can have the same by calling at this office and proving property. Blood tells , and that's the reason the Commercial House continues to. be the popular hotel of the city. 01.1 Mr. 'ard , fathcr-in-Faw of K. S. Cooloy.died at the residence of the lat ter , Tuesday nightafter a short illness. Q'he finest line of cigars in the city at Choncry & Stiles' new drug store. Their "Extras" 5 ct. cigar has no equal. Services will be held at the Congre gation ; : ! church next Sunday evening at the u nal hour. No services in the morning. A. C ) . U. W. will organize a lodge in this city , next Saturday evening. B. F. Hawaii of Hastings will be the institut ing oiflecr. Tuesday morning our citizens receiv ed the first mail from the cast in over a week. It is needless to say that it was extensive. The sound of mourning is heard in the laud. Ilachaels weeping for their ' 'posies"which are not since the cold snap of last week. Oilman (111. ( ) Star says : : 'There is some pio.'pcct of the Missouri Pacific R. 11. extending its lines in Nebraska through Blue Hill to McCook. " They have just received a choice con signment of candies at the City Bakery , and lovers of that toothsome article are requested to call and sample them by purchase. Some of our ice harvesters were so solicitous lest the crop would take unto itself wings and hie away to a more congenial clime , Sunday , that they gleaned all day. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth odist Episcopal church will give a socia ble at the residence of Mrs. C. N. Batch- elor , on East Dennison street , Friday evening next , January 15th. 1880. There is no better evidence of the popularity of a public house than the fact that the accommodations of the same aru taxed to the utmost. Such is the cast ; with the Commercial Hotel. The storm has been a severe one on stock. The number killed on the rail road we > t of this city , during its preva lence , was unusually large , and will be one of the heaviest items of the road's loss. \ VOOHKNVKDDINO Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Spaluing will celebrate the fifth anniversary of their marriage next Sat urday evening , January IGth. Invita tions ( from Tun TRIBUNE press ) to that effect are out. The annual meeting of4the Congrega tional church will be held next Monday afternoon , January 18th , at 2 o'clock , mountain time , at the church edifice. A full attendance of the membership is urgently requested. The West Dennison street hotel is moving along uicely considering the weather. It will be highly creditable to our city , and the proprietor , Mr. Mc- Entee , expects to have the house ready for the opening in March sometime. The officers of the G. A. Pi. Post of Culbertson will be publicly installed , to-night , the 14th instant. The Post extends a hearty and general invitation to our citizens to be present and partici pate in the supper and ball which follows. Last Sunday afternoon , Bert Potter informs us. a fine large girl baby put in an appearance at his residence in West McCook.and that she bore such a strong resemblance to the rest of the family that they unanimously decided to adopt ' the dear little thing. ' ' Joe Critchfieid of Indiana who has been laboring manfully in our cit } * , the past week , "for God , and Home and Xative Land , " left yesterday morning ! for another field of labor. Our citizens j i will remember him for the work accom- j plished in our midst , and wish him every success wherever he may cast anchor in the tonipcrance cause. GLQAKS , CARPETS AHD CLOTHING AT COST ! THEM. WHAT MORE BO YOU V/AHT ? THE EARTH ? HAYDEH & CO. Episcopal services will be held at tlie Opera Hall , next Sunday morning and evening at 10 o'clock , A. M. , and GoO , P. M. , mountain time , by Rev. C. L. Fulforth of Red Cloud. ANOTHER DAIRV C. A. Clark , ( brother-in-law of J. H. Ludwickwho recently purchased the S. B. Brown place , a few miles northwest of town , has commenced the operation of an other dairv. This will doubtless assure * the city a full miik supply. We are pleased to announce that Chancellor Manatt of the State Univer sity , Lincoln , will in the near future , deliver a lecture in the Opera Hall. It' is proposed by Prof. Webster to have the address free. We will advise our readers as to the date , hereafter. An unusually large number of cattle were killed on the railroad west of here , during the storm. Stock congregated in the cuts to protect themselves from the fierce wind , and the thundering ex press coming along would scatter them hither and thither , killing and maiming at a terrible rate. Notwithstanding the tendency of the mercury to drop out of sight , Saturday , a shipment of four car-loads of steers and two of hogs fiom Cambridge , passed through this station for the Denver mar ket. Few casualties occurred , although the run was made in severe weather. The Courier is our authority for the statement that the First National Bank of this city will shortly establish a branch bankinginstitutiouatthecounry- seat. We understand further that Mr. F. M. Smith , now in the First National here , will have charge of the new bank. The book social by the ladies of the W. C. T. V. has been postponed until Friday evening. Remember the change of date , and turn out to the Congrega tional church with your books , maga zines , etc. The ladies will provide re freshments and a short program for the occasion. A PROPIGOUS PORKER Wallace W. Dunham of the south-side marketed the largest hog in this city , last Saturday , of which wo have ever had a report. The animal , which was of the Poland- China breed , represented 780 pounds of good , fat pork. Mr. I ) , also sold 10 jack rabbits the result of one day's hunt. JOE'S ENTERTAINMENT A very com plimentary audience indeed greeted our worth } ' temperance lecturer , Tuesday evening , at the M. E. church , on the occasion of Joe's benefit entertainment. The program embraced old and familiar pieces , which were fairly treated by Mr. Critchfieid to the average enjoyment of the audience. Last Sunday the Congregational Sun day School was reorganized with the fol lowing officers : Superintendent , Prof. W. S. Webster ; Assistant Superintend ent , J. E. Cochran , Esq. ; Secretary , Miss Lou Clark ; Treasurer Miss Edna Meservc ; Chorister , Mr. F. M. Smith : Organist , Miss Nellie Lee. It'is pro posed to awaken a deeper interest , if possible , in the important work of the church , and to this end the hearty and earnest co-operation of all interested in the children is desired. We copy the following from a recent issue of the Crete. Neb. . Globe : "On his last trip to Illinois , E. F. Stephens , of the Crete nursery , sold four car loads of two and three year-old apple trees to Illinois nurserymen. This is one more proof of the superiority of Nebraska soil and climate. Who would have thought ten years ago , that Nebraska could grow better and cheaper trees than. Illinois. Would it not be well for the farmers to purchase these trees at fiist hands rather than pay eastern men two freights and a good profit on them. ' ' After being practically isolated from the outside world for the period of ten days , trains arc again running with some regularity. Competent railroad author ities pronounce the late storm as the severest , and most wide-spread one with which they have had to contend in the history of railroading in Nebraska. It seems that the storm was not confined to this state alone , but that it raged in unabated fury north , east , south and west. Even the "Sunny South" felt the chilly finger of old Boreas laid upon her with almost unprecedented severity. Considerable loss of stock is reported from the range , especially in the Chief Creek region and about Eckley and Hyde. ' On account of the failure of Gene nil Hotchkiss of Lincoln to put in an ap pearance , the installation of the officers of J. K. Barnes Post of this city.which was advertised to occur on Monday evening , was indefinitely postponed. The fact that the general would not be here was not known until late in the evening and a goodly company had already as sembled in the Opera Hall , including many old soldiers and their families , from adjoining towns and surrounding country. The. best was made of a great disappointment , with a number of ex temporaneous speeches by Commander J. A. Wiicox , Surgeon Willuy. Regi > tcr Laws , and Joe CriteKfield , who made : quite an effort and who entertained and nmu-'cd the audience immcnst-ly. The Juvenile band and glee club also added their mite to the evening's program. While the main object of the meeting was not accomplished , the a Hair was made as pleasant and profitable as may bo under the untoward circumstances. The home of T.J. Richaul , who lives some ten miles northwest of the city , was the seer.n of a heart-rending affair , last Thursday evening , which icsulted in the death , by burning , of a seven- year-old daughter. Mrs. Rickardit , ap pears , was at a neighbor's house at the time on an errand , and the Httic girl and a couple younger children were the only occupants of the house. In some way the other little ones set the little girl's clothing on file , and before the flames were extinguished , ( the little girl at once started to run toward the neigh bor's house. ) she was fatally burned , and on tho following morning , the spirit of the little sufferer bid its charred ten ement farewelland , returned to its giver. On Saturday morning , the remains were tenderly laid away in mother earth on tho homestead. The.distracted and dis tressed parents have'the deepest sympa thy of every tender heart in their sad bereavement. ANOTHER SURPRISE. The you- ; : friends of the Misses Menard tendered them a surprise party , last evening , which was participated in and enjoyed by a large and jolly company. The Opera Hall was cleared , lighted and warmed , music provided , and the "light fantastic" gracefully tripped by the party to their heart's content. The usual refreshments were provided. The Following ladies were present : Misses Lilhe Rowell , Clara Gooding , Cecilia Ryan , Ida J. Hollistcr , Mabel Meservc , Dell and MatSe Smith , Johnson , A very , Maggie Vaughn , Nellie Fisher. The gentlemen were : Messrs. E. E. Low man , E. L. Laycock , Fred. S. Harris , ' E. F. Ryan , A. P. "Bonnet , Chas. and Sam Ashmore , F. L. McCracken , W. E. Fry , Ned. Eaton , C. W. Ballard , J. F. ForbesTom , Glasscott , J. A. Cordcal , A. C. Ebert , David Smith and Charles Fisher. This office is constantly receiving complaints in writing and in person against his rotundity of the postoffice. This , however , is "wasted sweetness on the desert air. " Let these same parties proceed about this matter in a business , maiter-of-fact way and he who ban neither the ability to do the work him self nor sense enough to hire a compe tent deputy to do it , will speedily be relegated from the position lie is utterly unfit to occupy to private life and his Srst love. His appointment has not been confirmed by the Senate , and an effort by our citizens , who arc unani mous as to the present occtipint's in- competency. will defeat his confirma tion. We suggest the remedy. It is simple and effective , and by far the easiest way out of our present troubles , which grow worse , instead of better , with time. There are two scandalous reports cur rent , which , if true , are disgraceful : but , if false , arc villainous. One bears the mark of a inontcbank and a black mailer , while the stamp of improbability rests upon the other. Still , by reason of these reports , a stigma rests upon a number of our citizens. When that pearl of greatest price the good name of a citizen is concerned , too great care cannot be exercised ; and we wager that there is a young black-leg in this com munity who has been skulking around like a cowardly jackal , seeking tocatch onto' ' somebody or something , lately , who will imagine sheol is not more than about six inches off. if he follows his present "lead. " The county commissioners have ap pointed S. ll.Colvin , justice of the peace of this precinct , to succeed himself , C. II. Boyle , justice-elect , not qualifying. L. L. Uulburd has qualified , his bond has been duly approved and has enter- ed upon the duties of-his office. PERSONALS. L'ieu L\UC tijon. a tun Uou lu Uic cu * , Tursday morning en business. Col. Suavely of the county-scat Isad busl- IIC.SH In the metropolis , yesterday. KeiircsenJative Hu'kneilent down the ruail , yustt'ulay evoiiir. , on busini"-- ! . F.l. . Icl'racken leaesthe last of the week , for Iowa , on a short , hut important vNit. Walter Jkibeoek of Cambridge spout Sun day in the city with his brother , 1'weiver Jfr. Wahlu.xu't of the Democrat returned , yehtoniity noon , 1'ioni a few day's at hi.- > home in Hastings. J I F. J. Schtll. an attache of thi-i ottice , and F. D. i'aiMius went out to Akron , Colorado , Sunday , on a land hunt. t i Lew Anuaco t , Henry Lackey and Bud j Finch of PalNufa were in I he city , Tuesday and Vrcdne-day , on biis-ine.-1 * . j j ' L. Lowiuan returned , Sunday morning , j from Boulder , Colo. , where he has been lor ! a week or more closing1 out his IIUMWSS at that plaee. TlioK. Coll'er went down to li Tuesday evem'njr , on a land oiuse in which he is an uttuiney before the U.S. landollicers at that pJace. .John F. Collins left , Tue-day evening , for \Villianiette , Connecticut , to be absent about two weeks. He. v.ill spend some lime at Lin coln and Chicago en route. .1. ( ! . Stokes oame down Irom the ranch , Saturday morning. We sometimes Imagine that our attractive , entertaining young ladies have some influence upon Jim's visitto the metropolis X. Robinson and E. Kilter of Obcrlin , Kansas , drove over to thi < city , Sunday. They report tho dotruetlun of seven build ings in that town by lire , a few night's since. with a lo.s : of > 20,00 ( ) and an insurance of but 50,000. Fred Lytle left lor .Michigoii , yesterday morning , on a visit of three or four weeks. Our reporters curiosity prompted him to in- nuirc into the nature of this visit , but his na tive bashfulnes < wouldn't allow of it. Train Master i'helau camehoiueye.sterday , after an absence of ten days on tin ; east eurl of the division bucking snow driftsJ. . H. relates many incidents of the blockade , going to show its severity , which we have not the space to recount , but his frozen laoe. nose and ears keep reminding him of some of the nights he spent in the chilly embrace of snow-bank < . Miss Lillian J. Stockton , perforce of the snow blockade , was unable to return to Iowa , last week , and had to reluctantly drop out of the race for the enrolling clerkship of the Iowa Senate , in which her chances for success were quite flattering. Miss Stockton feels her disappointment keenly. On Monday morning she again assumed the duties of her old posi tion in the U. S. Land Oflice. Mr. and Mrs Fowler Wilcox letumed home on : .9 , yesterday , being eight days in making the journey from Oilman. Illvia St. honis. They were detained a number of days at Kansas City , Atehisou ami at various and .sundrynow banks and were glad to reach here after a tedious and severe trip. Mr. Frank Fowler of Oilman. III. , a member of the firm of Wilcox & Fowler of this city , accompanied them. .1. A. Cordeal , of the laud and law firm of Colfer & Cordeal , left cm Xo. , this monuntr , for New York City , whence he will set sail for Queenstown , Ii eland , his native land , where he will visit a bhort time. The main object of Mr. Coideal'b visit , however , is to .secure the necessary depositions and atlida- vits of identity in the ease of the heirs of one Kerr. whose death in this city , some month's since , will be remembered. This will take him to Olai-gow , Scotland. He will be absent on this busiue.plcaMire trip s-oineMx weeks. Frank Fo\\ler left on Wednesday for Mc- Cook.Xeb. . where he will reside in the future. He will engage in the dry goods business. having sometime ago became a partner of Justin Wilcox there by purchasing the inter est of Fouler Wilcox iu the firm of AVilcox Uros. His famih will follow him early in the spring. At present they are uniting in Fairburx , but will return to Oilman to see to the shipment of their household goods befoie starting for their western home. We under stand that Mrs. C. 13. Fowler and her daugh ter , Miss Addie , will accompany them , with the intention of making McCook thrir home. Oilman (111. ( ) Star. SMITH .oXls-iunMhiy. January 7th. 1W , Mr. H. A. Smith to Mi--s Boll Jones , both of McCook , KeWlneler oiliciatiug. MYEUS-STONK In Harvard , Xcb. , Dec. : ( ! , lbs > , at the residence of Itev. E. South- worth , pati > rof the Congregational chin ch. Mr. William II. Myrs of McCook , Xeb. , and Miss Hattie P. Stone of Harvard , Xeb. Harvard Courier. Xext Thursday cvening.January 21st. a lodge of the order of I. 0. O. F. will be organized in the Masonic Hail , in this city. We are pleased to note that the Odd Fellows have finally succeeded in their endeavors to put a lodge in working order in our midst. FROZEN TO DKATH Cyrus T. Burns of Peoria , 111. , was frozen to death near Haigler , last Saturday. The deceased was out hunting land , and was caught in that terrible bii/.zard and perished. His remains were forwarded to Illinois. It is reported that four persons were frozen to death during the recent storm in the neighborhood of Kingston. Arap- ahoe county. Colo , but it lacks con Urination. FOR SALE. 70 head of Half-Breed Galloway Calves , Bulls and Hcifeis. Apply to 83-tf. DAvi D HAZELSIR. , . , Pawnee Co. Pawnee City , Neb. SCHOOJL REPORT. The following is a report of the Mc I Cook iichouls Tor term commencing Sept. \ 7th , 1685 , and closing Jan. 7th , 1866 : j Number of l-oys enrolled IIS 5 Number of jfirls enrolled UK Whole number enrolled 2CO Avenijrw Attendance 15 j N umber of visits of board 0 i Number of visits of patrons 4'J Number of ca os of truancy * 3 Number stud } iiur Latin 3 Number studyii-ff German 6 Number studying rhetoric - Number ( now ) studying book-keeping. , r. Numl-er studying algebra j Numbcrof cases corporal punlshmcr.t.nono. i Number rondinjr , entire school. . Number spoiling. " " ? No. studyingarith. . all jrradce except first. \ No. " KCOKraphy" " " " \ No. " lanRuage " " ' * " ' Ni > . who write , all rndes. f The following pupils were neither absent nor tardy during the term : Lovell Clyde. ' Willie Jiinklcr , Nora Schullur , ' Archie Jlathee. Eva Hum. I Mary Sliest. T.die Minkicr. Nellie Huddlcston. l. .uit.ii SIR- : . \ The following pupils were neither t-mly nor abse l during December : * * Charles lilnndinjf. Nellie Huddlcston , Elmer Helm. Alice Cochrun. LetIluddlestoii. . Maud Dmibur , lr.i Ciititf. I'rank Lackey. Fred Klniur. Clarence Lackey. Leomi Mishlcr. Willie Minkicr , .Iii'-iwr Purvis ) , Willie Snydcr , Louisa Suesa , Hrt Oswalt. Chas. McMani nl. HcnnieOlcott , Clarence Kcruuuon , Curl Hurry. Ella Snydor. Oliver Laekey , Mabel Wilcox. Mury Suess. LeimWnldo. Hattie Thomiir" , Frank Smith. Ida Shaffer , Tim following were absent only Jan. 7th , by reason of the severe storm. Tones Knjjlehart Sorenpon , Clayton Joi'ofi , I.uVniiRhn I'helan , Cluis. ( . 'humlivip , Selmn Noren. Arthur Church , Kittle Wetherald. Leslie Sparks , Arum Starbuck. W. S. WEBSTER , Principal. Another car-load of flour at Anderson & Boehl's. W. II. Hr.yden came up to the city , Tuesday niirht. Go to K. M. Brickcy & Co. for hon est goods and lowest prices. W. C. Dullard of ( Julbertson was in town , yesterday. The B. & M. Pharmacy keeps a full line of Masonic books in stock. They have the purest , kettle-rendered lard in the city at Brewer Bros. Chenery N : Stiles keep in stock a nice and comple te line of smokers articles. Men's , boys' and children's hats at eastern prices. Lowman & Son , Pate Block. Prescriptions accurately compounded day or night , at the new drug store of Ghencry & Stiles. Ice men and dealers in black diamonds have been wearing unusually "loud" grins the past week or ten days. The choicest meats at the Central Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of Main and Dennison streets. It looks like war ! ! ! Wilcox & Fow ler have made still greater reductions in prices. Xow is the time to buy. It is rumored that we will have a brick factor- the spring. Agencies are now at work with that in view. llemember this office when you want a well-displayed dodder. We have the only large wood type in the city. 1 { . A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail or , has constantly on hand as fine a class of goods as can be procured. Suits made uji in the latest style , and perfect fits guaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc- Cook , Nebraska. HORSE FOR SALE. A. McG. Kobb offers his bay mare 'Kate'1 for sale. She is of good pedi gree , ( Hanibletonian ) can haul a UGU pound buggy within three minutes. Is the best and safest mare , for either single or double harness in the county barring none. la sound in every par ticular , 4 years old , and has been bred to L.I. S. , son of the celebrated trotting stallion Tramp. Enquire of Mr. Kobb at Supt's office. B. & M. R. E.f McCook. A NEW ENTERPRISE. Having perfected arrangements with a New York manufacturing company , we annow prepared to furnish the trade with Pure Havana and Domestic Cigars at jobber's prices , and we re spectfully ask those who are in want of cigars to call and examine our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Yours respectfully , LYTLE BROS. CORN ! CORN ! o I have put in scales at my ranch on Brush creuk and 1 will buy all the corn that comes , at the market price. Alio have : " > 0 good ponies for sale , broke r unbroke. 27. J.B.ME8KRVE. HOUSE FOR RENT. A four room residence on 31adison Avenue. Enquire at this office for par ticulars. SQUARE UP. Parties owing me arc respectfully re quested to call and settle at once. 29 tf. M. A. SPALDIXU. HOUSE AND LOT o On Macfarlaad street for sale. lu- qitire of F. P. Allen or at this office.