The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 14, 1886, Image 4

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    * * wv
F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL ,
Editors and Publishers.
Official City and County Paper.
THK Ohcrlin branch will not be open
until Sutida } * .
i :
FuiKND POWKKS did himself proud
in his recent resume of Frontier county ,
past , present and prospective.
' FAITH.Hope and Charity. You will
recognize Charity as the one with all the
covers. Faith and Hope will be silting
on the cdjp. of the bed. "
BOTH the ncighhorini ; towns of Ohcr
lin and Norton have recently received a
"baptism by fire. " Losses considerable ,
light fcbtirniicp. Luck still attends our
THK Burlingtonystem' has discon
tinued the issue of rebate I.COO-milc
tickets , and have placed at the disposal
of shippers i-tmight 1COO mile tickets
of the old style at $20.
THE governor has issued a proclama
tion declaring and establishing a ijuar-
antine fgaintt the .states of Pennsyl
vania , Connecticut , New York , New
.Jersey , Delaware , Maryland , Virginia.
West Virginia , Kentucky , Tennessee ,
and tinDistrict of Columbia , lleako
in the same proclamation revokes his
quarantine of July IS , iSSo , against
the states of Ohio , Illinois and Mis-
ed the issue of patents in some fiO.OOO
or GO , 000 homestead nnd pre-emption
claims because hrynys he suspects that ,
soinc of them are fraudulent. This is
ns if the { imrrmnrnt .should refuse to
permit thociiculntion of its legal tender
note's because it has reason to believe
that there are some counterfeit bills in
use. Why should the innocent be pun
ished for the guilty ? Why should the.
vast majority of honest claimants under
the homestead and pre-emption acts be
defrauded j-f thiir rights by the agents
of the government on the suspicion that
some few persons have btolen a porticn
of the public domain ? We do not think
that Cununi.O'ioncr Sparks should be
a'lowrd to phiy th' dog in the manger
any longer. The registrars and receivers
of the various land offices arc supposed
to be honest nnd faithful servants of the
government. Tlmy arc clothed with
ample power to decide whether a land
claimant is acting in good faith , and
theshould be oidercd to proceed with
the business of their offices with all pos
sible dispatch. If they are not fit to be
trusted with the work assigned them by
law they should bo replaced by fitter
men. Denver News. Dem.
Hayes Centre Tcws : Will V. Ship
man met with fjuite a serious accident ,
having his leg broken at two places be
low the kiicn. Will starrs'd on horse
back from the ranch if Sheriff Small ,
live iuilerf south , unending to come t <
town after the mail and also leading nn-
nther horse for Treasurer Cooper to re
turn with him. lie bad proceeded-about
iwo milus on tin ; road when the horse
he was riding partially fell into a wash
out with it.rider'h log under. The
horse recovered his footing without
throwing Shipman , but tinweight , of
the animal had .broken his leg as above
ttated. He rodo to town , however.and
> vi ? taken to thf residence of 31 r. Sure ,
where lie is having the host of care.
* * Walter Dyer and Miss CiaraStrant
were married at Culbertson , I > t c. 'Ilsfr.
The state premium on be > t six varie
ties of pears was won by fruit grown by
.Mr. G. L. Fisher from trees furnished by
Crete Nurseries. The orchard of Fisher ,
Johnson. Wcilage and others , are yield
ing choice pears in abundance. The
dangers to avoid , arc rich land , rank , late
growth and unsuitable varieties. Crete
Nurseries have selected the poorest
piece of land the } ' have for a large pear
orchard to be set next spring. They
will give careful cultivation , but will not
manure until the fives commence bear
ing. The frost being all out the Nurseries
nre running a G-horse snb-sniler prepar
ing the field for early > pring planting.
Columbus Democrat : It is a
for. Dick Thompson , of the McCook
Dcinocrat , and O'Stilliv.-m , of the Wet
J'oinir Progress , to be . noisy and dis ]
satisfied with the administration. ( ten-
tliMnon of the press , you must cense
this unseeml } * scramble for office. Sec
how nice and quirt Morgan , of tha
Kearney Courier. Watkins nF the Lin
coln Democrat and oursclf are.
Mr.V. ) . Aiken , of tLe firm uf D.M. SteeL'
of Omaha , spent Sunday witli our Jolly mer
chant Mr. Orumbaugh and wife.
The Powell boys have bct n selling venison
to the hungry natives of our city. The result
of their extended hunt wns a couple of line
' .Moody" Starbuck , our genial jioueh sling-
or , was snowed in "at home" forsc.oral days
iho latter part of last week. He is now away
trying to finish Ins run.
Miss Cora Russell who , for some days past
IKLS been confined to the house on account of
a serious sore throat , is recovering rapidly
and is now out of harm's way.
Tiie new hall which is occupied by the
Mubons and Odd Fellows jointly in a model
of comfort and neatness and the "boys" are
salcly housed for a time at lea-t.
I Ed. Wotlake , our jovial H. It. operator ,
1 was out "homesteading" over Saturday and
Sunday. He returned Sunday 1' . M. and re
ports things nourishing out his way.
! Powell Hros. are putting up ice. They gel
it just south of the mill and it is splendid ice
fully a foot thick and clear as crystal. The
work is undcrthesupervision of Mr.Tlionias.
Dr. ( iiven of the metropolis was in ourcity
the latter part of last week acting with the
board of county commissioners and had to
return on a work train on account of the big
Mr. Eli Allington from over on the Beaver
was in our city during the last of last week
acting as county commUsioner. Mr. Ailing-
ton is the ret'ning member this year. He is
. succeeded by Mr. Duckworth.
! Frank Morris , who has been 0:1 the Courier
I staff for some time past , but was compelled
'to retire on account of ill-health , is staying
1 with his sister up on the Willow. "Oscar" '
has taken his place , but not in the printing
Mr. Baxter , our new county judge , is get
ting "head over heels" in work. He has is
sued several marriage licences and on Mon
day married a young couple from Cambridge.
They looked "pleasant" and immediately
started back for home.
Bonx To Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Goodrich , a
bouncing boy to the extent of 10 pounds.
j Mother and child doing finely. "Al" wear *
a 7x9 smile while on duty around the stora
1 , and there is a special box of "Pappooses" in
the case to smoke to the health of the "latest. "
Several of our respected citizens , all of
whom were members of the temperance so
ciety , were on quite an extended tear , Friday.
It was a pitiful thing , but the boys have again
signed the pledge and we hope they will take
warning. It is.not laid up against the boys
and everyone joins in wishing them >
] i as long as they stay on the right side.
Yerytiuly jours ,
Jndianola , Jan. ijtli : , ' .S ( > .
Cold , colder , coldest.
Mrs. Clements has been quite unwell
of late.
31 rs. Spcer returned from the east ,
last week , and reports all well at the
Saline count } ' hom : : .
31 r. Wick wire is teaching : n the dis
trict south.V. . is a steiling good fVl-
low and we wish him success.
Items appear to he si'inetvliat scarce
in this section at present writing , prob
ably owing to the late cold wave.
We met Mr. Isaiah Pate the first of
the week , ho seemed unusually happy
and we opine all's scrrno in the Lead-
ville region.
Mrs. Robert Brown \erylitlle bet
ter at this date. The trouble stfems to
be some form of paraly.-is. Hope we
may he able to report greater improve
ment in our next. ll.U.Pll.
lliMBg in pecuniary need , and suffer
ing from it , 1 will be very thankful for
any situation either in a banking offiue.
or any other office or store , even will
gladly accept light manual labor until 1
can iiO better. I have been employed
when in Europe , in the tirm of I'rost
Co. , and newspaper offices , also 10 years
in the services of the Western Railway
of France. Address , box 317 , McCook ,
Xeb. Ji. J. IALL.
Ifavimr disposed of our moat market
to IJrowtT Bros. , we desire all parties
who are indebted to us to call and make
immediate payment , either to W. B.
Whitraker at the'old stand or t < > R. H.
Colvin at his office.
Sorghum seed , $1.25 per bag , in new
two-bushel hags , delivered on curs at
Blue Hill , Neb. Address.
27-tf. M. WILSON , Blue Hill. Neb.
A litty rent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is fully equal in intrinsic valuo to a
dollar bottle of any other , preparation in use.
Sold by M. A. Spaldingand Willey& Walker. 1
( Corrected every Thur&day morning- . *
No. 2 Wheat , per bushel
So. 2 llye , per bushel
Barley , per bushel
Oats , per bushel
Corn New. per bushel
Corn Old , per bushel
Hay wild , per ton. . . ' . f4.0Q3 : 5.50
Bailed Hay. . . . J7.WSjf9M ( )
ive jl25@i ! L')0
> otatoeslrlJili ( > per bushel 3035e
Sutler , per pound. . . . . . ,
ZxKit per down.
I'ounir Chickens , per do/en
Jld Chickens , per dozen. . . . . .
s a perfect success. " is what wo hear on nil :
ides by those who have used it nnd find it a
certain euro for coughs , colds And all bronchial
roubles. For sale by M. A. Spal&lny and S. L.
j GommlGqionora' Pracccdins.
Indlmnola , Neb. , Jnn. 5. 1&S5. I
Hoard of county commissioners met pursu-
ttnttondjourntncnt of Dec. 2. Present , E. J.
Alllngton. Henry Crnbtree und S. L. Green ,
commissionersund C. D. Crutner.county cleric.
Minutes of lust meeting read and approved.
On motion ofllciul bonds of precinct olliccrs
were examined und approved as follows :
.1. E. Herjfcr Willow Grove.
G. H. Starbuck Driftwood.
H. M. Eaton Itcd Willow.
j Franklin Weaver. Dondvlllc.
Isaac M. Smith Missouri Hinge.
Willimn McCool / Indianoln.
N. J.-Chryslcr Ked Willow
J. W. Thomas Indianola
L.L.Hulburd Willow Grovo
Alfred T. Wilcox Tyrone
William Cook Ueavcr
, H. U. Hrndbury . ' "
: W. H. licnjamin ' . Grant
Howe Smith "
j Walter A. Murphy Missouri Uidjre
. Hoyal Buck Ked Willow
Sidney Dodge Gorrer
Fred M. Snow Willow Grove
T..I. Ituinrles Hod Willow
iFrank Albrccht Grunt
Samuel I'remor District 2
1 K. F. Qulgley - 4
T. J. Huggles " *
Charles Turner. " 7
I Wm. Kilsroro " 10
J Isaac Vtindcrvoort < " -0
j On motion claims wore audited und allowed
and citric directed to draw warrants on 1S85
levy frenunil fund as follows :
Isaac M. Smith , clerk election 2 00
j Jno.T. Gillespie. " " 200
J. W. Gull , " " 200
'J. P. Squire. " " 200
1 Nicholas Whitsel " " 200
W.H. Smith , " - 200
W. H. Houjamin " " and roturn 7 CO
T. W. Henjumin " C 30
Daniel B. Unrnes. judge " 200
GeorgoHay , " " 200
J. A.Curter , " " 200
II. H. I'ickonp. " " and return 5 GO
James A. Kobiusou , " " " " 5 00
J. F. Helm. * ' " " " 4 50
Frank Albrccht , clerk election a 00
W. W.McCollistercanvassing-returns. . 2 00
Isaac Beeson , hoarding pauper 22 72
Hallack&Howard , coal 3 18
Frees itHocknoll , lumber for jitil 71 81
j .1. H. TW. work on jitil 00 25
j On .notion claims wore audited nnd allowed
and ek'rti directed to dnivt warrants on 1S35
levy bridge fund r.s follows :
Frees & Hocknoll. lumber 45 so
Haliuck A Howard. " 250
Geo. Hurt , grading Iun" > io creek 5 00
Accounts of Irving' Mott , overseer of road
district No. 3 , examined. The board ilndatimt
he received of County Treasurer ami hands in
the district 134.22. Disbursed , timber and
work on roads , 5134.22 , nnd that there is duo
him for services as overseer. § 15.75.
On motion board adjourned to meet January
Oth. 1SSC. E. .1. AbLi.NOTO.v , Chairman.
Attest : C. D. CKA.IER , County Clerk.
OFFICA op Cor.vrv CI.SUK , ( .
Indianola , Nob. . Jan. H , 18.S.i. |
Tho board of couuty comtuiisionorrt met i > ur-
sunnt to jidjournmcnt. Present , E. J. Ailing-
ton. Henry Crabtrec and S. L. Green , commis
sioners , nnd C. D. Cramer , county clerk.
Minutes of hist meetingread and approved.
On motion tho official bonds of the rollowinfc--
nnmed county officers were oxurnined anil
approved :
Henry Baxter , county Jiultfo.
C. D. Cramer , county clerk.
William Doyle , county treasury ! * .
John W. Wclborn , sheriff.
W. S. Wheeler , supt. public instruction.
.1. E. Castbcrgr , county surveyor.
On motion claims wcru audited and allowed
and clerk directed to draw warrant : * on 1885
levy general fund as folou ! > :
Gazette-Journal Co. , books : ; i 20
Hullnck A : Howard , coil for poor 5 Id
Crumbnugh & Goodrich , supplies for
courthouse 475
I ) . H. McMurrin , judge election , 2 Oil
Frank Moore , " " 2 ( ti
Dechant Hros. , plastering jail 108(50 (
On motion the clsini of Uichanl Gavitr lor
bridge timbers , audited and allowed and clerk
directed to draw warrant on 1885 levy bridgo
fund'or ti in ;
Accounts 01 J. K. Furr , oVorseor dit-
trietNo. 15. c.xamined. The board llnds that
he received from the county treasurer during
thoyenr - 1145
Disbursed for repairs on bridge and over
seer's wages II 45
And that balance due him is 5 (15 (
Aec iitntsof U.I.t hnovcr9LM'rot rou'tdistiicl
No. IS , examined. The boitid Jinds that hi ; re
ceived from tho county treasurer during the
year 51 Cl
Disbursed for bridge tnatcriul , tools , und
overseer's wages 54 ( ?
And that there i u balance duu him on
account of waxes 2 > C9
Accounts of Thomas iiunuett , overseer mad
district No. 27 , examined. Tho board finds that
he received from the county Ireaouivr durinjr
theyear 'J (55 (
Disbursed for scraper , etc : > ' 7t >
Cluiin for services as ovoi-st-or 'M 74
The board llnds there is due said Thomas Hcn-
nctt for services as overseer .TO 00
Accounts of John W. Wolf , overseer road
district No. 2. examined. Tho board llnds that
ho has received from couuty treasurer during
jtnr 170i (
Disbursed , hcraper and material 35 til
Italanceou hand 1 M
Claim for services o'i 00
The board tinds there is due said John
W. Wolf for services us overseer5.ii4
le-ss cash in hi ? hands Sl.uti ; bill. due. . Si 2S
Win. Kih/ore. overseer road district No. 10
reports no roueipts and no disbursements.
The board Undo there is due sivid Win. Kiljrore
for services as overseer 3 05
Chos. Nichols , overseer road district No. 2U ,
reports no receipts and no disbursements.
The board tinds there is duo yaid Charles
Nichols for services ns overseer . " 00
Account of A. W. Nevrlnnd , overseer road
district No. 4 , examined. Tho board finds that
ho received from county treasurer dur-
ingyem * 23 d
Disbursed for labor 1450
Uushonhand s. 88
The board flnds duo tho said A. W. Newland
for services as overseer ? 24.49 less cash In
his , leaving- balance due him
Of 1561
On motion otficittl bonds of precinct officer ?
ivero examined and approved as follows :
; . Lafferty , Justice , paubury.
John Whittaker , " mValley Gransc.
Frank iioore , " Tyrone.
Frank J. LlnslioiiK. assessor , Gcrver. ?
John Tupper , constable. Tyrone.
Isaac M. liceson , overseer district 12.
On motion the couuty treasurer was in-
itntctcd to transfer from thecounty poor fund
o the county general fund S24S.27 and from :
the pencnil fund to the county road fund :
M32.G6. [
ExRmination of accounts and settlement
with county tmnaanjr ccmnjpn al nnd 9021-
tlnuod dtirlnjj tho day
On motion the board adjourned to meet Jnn.
7 , 1860. E J. ARLINGTON , Chairman.
Attest : C. D. CR.vur.n , Couuty Clerk.
Indianola , Neb. , Jan. 7 , ISbU. f
The lionnl of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment. Present , E. J. Al-
lln ton. Henry Cmbtree and S. L. Greencom
missioners , J. II. ( Joodrieh , county treasurer ,
iindC. D. Crampr , county dork.
Kxamiiutioii of accounts and settlement
with county treasurer continued during tho
On motion board adjourned to Jan. ? , 1SSO.
Attest : IS. J. AI.T.INCTOK ,
J C. 1 > . CnAiEtt , Chairman
' County Clerk.
In the matter of tho estate of William II.
Dolan , deceased
i Notico is hereby givon to all persons havinjr
claims and demands against William H. Dolan.
deceased , that the time fixed for filing claims
against said estate is six months'trom tho
flrftt Monday in February , l.SfC. All persons
aro required to prosont thoir claims with tho
voucher to the county judge of tho paid Ked
Willow county , Nebraska , at his ollice there
in , on or before tho Krst Monday in July ,
IKSO. and that all claims so filed "ill bo hoard
before said Judge , the first Monday of each
month at a o'clock , A. M. , in tho order said
claims : iro tiled , and that the administrator
( James W. Dolun ) is allowed twelve months
from the 1st day of February , I8SO. in which to
-ettlo the business of said estate , and I direct
that said administrator give notice hereof by
publication for four consecutive WCCKS of tho
timo and place of hearing such claims in ac
cordance herewith in THE McCooKl'RiuuNK.
a newspaper of general circulation in said
county. H. M. AsltitOHK , Countv Judjro.
, December 27th. 18H5. : il-4r.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
! Thepartnershipheretoforeexistingbctween
. J. W. Dolun und V. Franklin , under the firm
! names of "The Red Willow County Bank , " of
: Indianola. Nrli. . and "The Citizens Hank of
i McCooi"ot' Mc'ook , Neb. , is hereby dissolved
! by limitation and mutual consent. All notes
1 and accounts due Tho Ked Willow County
j Bank will be collected bv J. W. Donin , who
; assumes all liabilities of the said Ked Willow
I County Bank. And all notes and accounts
due The Citiions Bank of McCook will l.e col-
I Jocted by V. Franklin , who assumes all liabili
ties of the said Citi/ens Bank of McCook.
Witness our hands and seals on this first
day of January , A. D. , 1SH3.
J. W. Dor.vx. [ L. S. ]
OKnci : AT McCooi : . NKH. , I
January 5th. 1885. (
Notice is hereby given that the following-
namc.'l pettier has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claimand
that .said proof will be made before Register
or IiCCeivcr at McCook , Neb. , on Monday. Feb
ruary 15th , 188li , viHorace H. Kasterday.
homcstvnd curry 1U7 , for the N.W H of section
22 , township 4 north , rangew : west. He names
the following witnesses to prove his contin
uous rcsidcpcc upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : . .TameH. . PattersonCharles Angel
William and Milton II Cole , all of
McCook , Neb. 32 G. L. LAWS. Kcgistor.
December 2lith , 18S5. f
Notice is hereby given that tho fpllowlng-
nstiued settler hu : > filed notice oi' his intention
to make Hint ! proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Keg-
isteror Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur
day. February tith. 1KP5 , viz : Kobcrt J. Squire ,
D. S.ITJU ) , lor the southeast quarter of section
4. township 2 , north of range : b ) west , li P. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of. siiid land , viz : J. L. Uray. Lewis Starbuck ,
C. H. Pate and Alphcus Starbuck. all of Mc
Cook. Neb. SI G. L. LAWS , Keglster.
" " " " "
MCCOOK , NKH. , Dec. ISth , 1S85.
Complaint having been entered at this olhce
by William Bohai against Benjamin A. Ken-
yon for failure to comply witn law as to Tim
ber-Culture Entry No. I'.K ! , dated at McCook.
Neb . Nov. Sid. IN& upon the southeast U of
section 1'ii , township 4 , north of range 2ti west ,
in Ked Willow county , -b..with a view to the
cancellation of t-aidentry : contestnntalleglng-
that tbosnid Boisjawin A.Konj-on has failed to
break or cause to be broken , or cultivated in
any manner , ilvo acres or any number of acros
during the iu > t i ear , of said tract of land : the
said parties , are hereby summoned to appoas-
tit this oBice on the 10th day of February. 1H80 ,
lit 1 o'clock. P. M. , to respond and furnish tcs-
limonv " concerning said alleged failure.
! i G. L. LAWS. Register.
NOTICE is hereby irivoti that by virtue of
mi order of Kile issued by the Clerk of the
District Court ol Kod Willow county. State ol
Krlmiiikn. on t ho 2d dn > of December. 1S' < 5. and
to me directed. I willtii ! U o'clock , A. M.ontht
loth Day of January , JS86 ,
t the from door of the Court HOUM- Indi-
iuiolHsiicl Court House being the place when ,
the last term of . aid District Court wit * hold
within and for said Ked Willow county , aw :
State of Nebraska , oiror for .sale at publii'aiie
tion. tho ioouin ! ! ; < real estate , lands and tone-
mont , to-wit :
l.or No.l4)fourloeii. ( ) in Bloek No. (27 ( ; t wont v-
Sfven , in I ho Town of Mcf'ook. Kod Willow
ooiiuty , NebiMsKa , tnlceii on ordor of s.ile to
loreclosi' a estate rnortg..go. as tinprop -
eity tu'viiiiii ; ! ; C. LaToui'-tte and Iieol5.
LaTourotle and ordered sold by the Toii'-t to
satisfy a judgment against thein and in lavoi
of Tho Citiy.on.4 Bank of McCook. Nobrusk-i ,
for the sum of ( ? 2.575.C ( ) two thnim.ind live
butidrcd and Hovontj--livedoiirsaiid ! ! m.vty-twn
cents , ami fsi.OS costs and nceiuing costs , de
creed u first lion. And a judguicnt agtiin t
said defendants in favor of Isaac L.I-.llwood \
Co. for tho Mini of ( $ I,170.lMj eleven ) iumred !
and seventy dollars and ninety cents and de
creed a second lion upon said premises. And
a judgment against said defendant. W. f1 l.a-
Touretto in favor of The Groat Western Stove
Company for ( SI. 118.1X1) eleven hundred and
eighteen dollars nnd decreed a third lion upon
said premise's. And a judgment against MUI !
defendant , W. C. LnTourotte. in la\or of The
Iowa Barb Stool Wire Co. fir ( $ > .iil.0ij : ( two
tliousandne hundred and thirty-one dollars ,
and dec-rood u fourth lien upon said premises.
And : i judcni'-nt against said W. C. LaTour-
ette in tavor of The Bridge nnd Bench Manu
factory Co. tor the sum of ( ijs',8.0' ) ) thirty-eight
dollars , and dcon-jd a fifth lien upon tho said
promise. " . Anil a judgment jiirninst said W. C.
LliTourctte in favor of The Nebraska Manu
factory Co. forthcsiun of (5114.00) ( ) one hundred
and fourteen dollars , and decreed a sixth lien
upon snid premises. And a judgment against
siiid W. C. I.aTouretto in favor of Simmon *
Hardware Company for thesiim of ( ? l.S5C.3ij !
eighteen hundred and sixty-six dollars and
thirty-nine corns , and decreed a seventh lien
upon said premises. Rendered by William
Gafilin , Judge of said District Court at the
November. 1K\5 , term thereof , to-vit : On the
4th day of Novomber , 1KA" .
At the time and place of said sale due attend
ance will be had by-the undersigned.
J. W. WKf.iinitx. Shcriir.
Kcd Willow county. Neb.
J. E. COCIIIIA.N , Attorney.
The accounts of the late W. II. Dolan are in
the hands of Messrs. Colfer A : Cordcal for col
lection , all persons indebted will please settle
with the above named tinn.or the undersigned.
Persons having accounts against W. H. Do
lan. deceased , will file them with H. M. API- !
more. county judge , for approval , and they
will bo settled in due time.
J. W. Don\.v. Administrator.
Indianola , Nob. . Doc.2 : ? . 1SJ5. 30
In need of a good liniment , please call at our
storeand get a bottle of HERO'S Titonc.u. . On. ,
> ne of the mot perfect medicines ever pro-
iluced. and warranted to cure cild8 , burns ,
bruises , etc. . nnd relieve pain of all kinds. For
nlo by M. A. Spalding and S. L. Green.
I liFTP Send 10 cents postage , and wo
Aft I Ka 1 will mail you FHKK a royal.vnl-
I ? i 1 1 uablc. sample box of goods
W 8 B it hat will put you in the way of
unking more money at once , than anything
lse in America. B-ith sexes of all ages can
ive at home nd work in spare time , or all the .
im > . Capital no required. We will start you. I
m nensepayBiirj for those who start stonco. I
i-2. > lyr. STIXSO.V & Co. , Portland , Maine.
, McCOOK. West Dennison St. NEBRASKA.
Paid up Capital , $5OOOO
nsmess. " \
' \
Collections made on ail accessiWe points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Kesidents. Money to loan on farming
lar.cK village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , y
First Xationul Hunk. Lincoln. Neliraska. JOHN It. CLAKK , Vice-Prcsidi-nt.
The Chemical Xntionnl Huiik. Xcw Vo.-k. A. C. EnniiT , Crshlcr.
r-j - ,
Mill ,
Snpcrtfir in any mi the nwrlcrt , bcln ? Heavier , Stronger lluilr ,
nail tlicrufnrc a more Durable Mill. It Is the only
absolutely snfi.Mill built ; and out of
Thoosands Erected During 12
Yi-fir * r.T t. r.nt one lias over Mo-arn away and left the Tower
-ifltyiinp. A record no other JIII can liow. We offer
to put iipnny of our IMJ.MP1XO MILLS
Am ! if ih"'i n'l RUi > satisfaction , vrill rceiove MIH t our
iwn expense. Also Manufactiireroof the Celebrated
i'hallpn n Foed illilg. Corn Sli'-llcrs. Irou rumps <
with hrnst cyllndcrf. Iron IMpc , Tanks.
Kor f-tlm-.tcs. catalosncs awl price ? , apply to
( ! . 15. XETTLETOX , McCook , Neb. ,
Apiifor ? . > u' ; < wostprTi Xrbriki auil Xorthwctern Kacsas
; ir-02s i = i SIc : : : : = is tia yCo > ? esd Kill , EiL.-cii St.
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property.
* t
of Fee