The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 31, 1885, Image 9

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How StrlctNotlons ofEtlrjuctto Inter
ferewith Uuslncss In a Dry
Goods Store.
A lady with heightened color and
angry eyes swept into the privato office
of the proprietor of a big retail store on
Fourteenth street the other day , with th < j
complaint that one of the saleswomen
had treated her rudely. The merchant
smiled wearily , and , promising to inquire
into the matter , bowed the .lady out.
"lbfr , there's a case in point , ' said
the merchant to an inquiring visitor.
"It may throw some light upon the
subject of your errand the insolence of
clerics. Here , John * ' to a porter
"ask Miss Black to come up. "
presently a well-appearing but tired
looking .salesgirl came into the private
ofliec. The merchant's face was like a ,
"Well , Miss Black1" ' and life voice
was like the cold gray day out of doors
"what is this complaint I hear about
you ? "
"Mrs. Brown ? A lady in sealskin ;
auburn hair ? " asked the girl in a slow ,
even voice.
The merchant nodded.
"She was insolent to me , " continued
girl. "Insulting , I should say. She
lias an idea that shop girls are slaves.
She and I arc old friends. We worked
at the same counter for two years before
she married Brown , the builder. "
"That will do , Miss Black , I am satis-
ficcl. Thus , you sec , " he continued
when the girl had gone , "the fault is on
both sides. The saleswoman can not
bring herself to believe that she is a
machine incapable of feeling affront ,
nor can the customer leave her thoughts
of social distinction in her carriage out
side. 'America is a free country , and
labor is honorable , ' says tho clerk , and
'I expect obedience and subservience , ' /
says the customer. ' Both aro right ,
and both are wrong. We never shall
come to that point wherein customers
are kind and reasonable and clerks in
variably polite and attentive. Human
nature must change before it can bo
done. I have tried all sorts of ways for
Improving 1113' counter service , with very
little effect. Discipline won't do ; fines
were a failure , and dismissals defeated
the very object in view. "
"Did you ever try increasing salaries ? "
was asked.
. "Once. Of course , I got a better
grade of clerks and better service , but it
cut into my profits so materially that I
had to give it up. I had to increase the
price ot my goods to keep even ; and my
customers lelt me and went to cheaper
places Competition in prices keeps
prices low. I do the best lean. I'm
not here to harmonize the discordant clc-
-rnents of mankind , but to make money. "
The young woman whose attendance
had been complained of by the lady in
sealskin took a very sensible view of the
matter when questioned about rude
manners in clerks. "If lady customers
would treat clerks as human beings , ' '
said she , "there would be no touble at
all. Why a lady should act in an over
bearing and domineering manner to
ward employes in stores is more than I
can explain. She doesn't treat her own
servants in that manner. Mrs. Loftus
has a social position. I have none. Is
that any reason why she should look
upon me with contempt across the coun
ter. There is a great gulf between us ,
I know , but I don't care for that. I
have other things to think of. Mrs.
Loftus and her carriage are nothing to
me.T She is simply a customer to wiora
I will sell certain goods. It's a plain
business transaction , with no social sen
timent about it. Why can't we conduct
the transaction from a p.urely business
standpoint , as. men do ? Mrs. Loftus is
not satisfied to bring her carriage up to
the door ; she must needs bring it inside
and set it up , footman , pug dog and all ,
on my counter. More than that , she
gives this social chasm material form ,
and spreads it out between us. She
brings society into the store with her ,
and treats me : is though I wero an un
worthy applicant for an invitation to her
5 o'clock tea. I treat her from a busi
ness standpoint , neither cringing nor
\ bending , and she , short-sighted creature ,
thinks I mean to be impertinent. That's
all there is to it. Women are so unreas
onable. A man will go into a store ,
make his pin-chases from a male clerk
and go out , without once thinking of
the social difi'erence between him and
the clerk. Such a thing never enters
his head. He treats the clerk politely ,
and the clerk does his best to get what is
wanted in the shortest possible time.
The clerk tries to keep the man's custom ,
so that his value to the store may be en
hanced. If women were more like men
in their business dealings , there would
bs small cause for complaint on the part
of either clerks or customers. " New
York Mail and Express.
Lndwig's Latest Prcak.
A London 'Life correspondent writes
from Munich : "King Ludwig has
again given an exhibition of eccentricity
of a very peculiar kind. Hehad an
nounced three or four times recently
his intention to pay a Hying visit to the
capital of Bavaria , and all preparations
had baen made at the Court theater for
playing the piece he had ordered to be
, given. His carriages were actually
waiting at the station at 2 o'clock in the
morning , an unearthly hour , chosen ,
according to his majesty's custom in
order to avoid. the curious gaze of his
devoted subjects. However , a good
many of the latter attended to catch a
glimpse of him , but their surprise can
be imagined when it was * announced
that the king , at the last moment , had
decided to go to the Bavarian highlands
to his beautiful castle of Linderhof ,
whither his court chaplain had previous
ly been ordered to celebrate midnight
mass a curious substitute for the theat
rical entertainment wljich was awaiting
him at Munich. Linderhof might al
most be described as a fairy palace.
Among its many sights is a grotto of a
peculiar blue color , which has a very re
markable effect. The king lately noticed
that the blue had lost its intensity of
line , and consulted a distinguished pro
fessor on the subject When the scient-
. ist had explained to his majesty that the
reason was that the color was becoming
familiar , his majesty replied sharply ,
That might be the case with ordinary
eyes , but not with those of a king. '
While all these puerilities arc taking
place , Bavarja is gettirigmore and more
perplexed as to the best way cf paying
off tlxe royal debts. " j
How n Ilaivk Attacked , a Man.
Last week nnimmense lowl hawk flew
into the yard of Robert Brodie , ol Taber
nacle township , and while struggling on the
ground with a fowl was seized b the w ings
by Mr. Brodie , when the hawk let go the
prey and fastened its talons into his legs so
that he could not move. Tho hawk had
Mr. Brodie by the legs , but neither could do
any more. Assistance came in answer to
his cries in the person of his wife , who then
chopped off the hawk's head with a'hatchet
and released her husband from an embrace
that was anything but tender and loving.
[ Columbia , ( S. C. ) Hegister.
A PoetCMft ) View of Journalism.
Nowhere else , in no other class.or profes
sion , can be found so mncli talent and so
much wit as among our American journal
ists , however they bury the former and
misdirect the latter gift. With a better un
derstanding of "noblesse oblige , " with a lit
tle more delicacy refining their wit , with a
great deal more reverence for the sacred ness
of homes and personalities , to what heights
might not these peerless minds elevate
American journalism ? [ Ellen Wheeler
Wilcox's Novel "Mai Moutee. "
He Objected to the BtiNtlc.
Many an incident , trivial and amusing in
itself , has come in tho nick of time to pre-
vgnt subsequent serious trouble. Eumor
has it that a young man not many thou
sand miles from Lewiston was about to be
married , when he objected to the bride
wearing a bustle at the wedding , declaring
that that part of her attire was inartistic
and must bo dismissed. This did not pbase
the young girl , who was obdurate , and in
sisted on wearing the offensive article. Tho
result was that the match was broken off
and the invitations cancelled. It was a
narrow escape for both. Lewiston ( Me. )
Rough on the Hon. J. Wilbur.
The Hon. J. Wilbur Graham was waiting
on a negro woman in his store the other
day , and picked up on the floor where she
stood a crumpled bill , which a glance
showed him to be of the denomination of
§ 100. He knew on tho instant it did not
belong to his easterner he did not know
whom it belonged to and if the owner was
not forthcoming , of course , it was his.
Imagine his elation ! A little apprehensive
that the nejro might claim it , he went be
hind tho counter and put it under a con
venient cheese-box for a closer inspection.
It was a Confederate. [ Fairburn ( Ga. )
"IVliat It Resembles.
"I see by the papers that small-pox is on
the wane in Canada , " remarked Mrs. Snaggs.
"Then it resembles a coal dealer a great
deal , " replied her husband.
"How is that ? "
"You said it was on the wane , did you
not ? "
"Yes. "
"Well , if a .coal dealer was not on the
weighin' , bo , how would he know how to
give 1,800 pounds of coal for a ton ? "
Mrs. Sagjs retired to consider the ques
tion. [ Exchange.
Laconic patient to physician : Caught
cold. Physician : Take lied Star Cough Cure ;
no morphia , no poison. Only twenty-five
cents. St. Jacobs Oil cures pain.
Bob Burdette says : "Nothing goes into
print the way a man writes it. "
A Bargain In Corner I < oUr
is what most men desire , but to keep from
filling a grave in a cemetery lot ere half
your days aro numbered , always keep a
supply of Dr. Pierce'e "Golden Medical Dis
covery" by you. When the first symptoms
of consumption appear lose no time input
ting yourself under the treatment of this
invaluable medicine. It cures when noth
ing else will. Possessing , as it does , ten
times the virtue of the best cod liver oil , it
is not only the cheapest but far the pleas-
antest to take. It purifies and enriches
the blood , strengthens the system , cures
blotches , pimples , eruptions and other
humors. TJy druggists.
Avoid shame , but do not beek gjory
nothing so expensive as glory.
Young and middle aged men suffering
from nervous debility , premature * old age ,
loss of memory , and kindred symptoms ,
should ' send 10'Ceiit * : stamps for large
illtist'rated tre.vtisc suggesting sure means
of cure. World's" Dispensary Medical As
sociation , Buffalo , N. Y.
A 'ramp when arrested gave his residence
as "all over. "
' Worlc , Work , AVork ! "
How maii3' w omen there are working to
day in various branches" industry to
say nothing of the thousands of patient
housewives whose lives are an unceasing
round of toil--who are martyrs to those
complaints to which the weaker sex is
liable. Their tasks are rendered doubly
hard and irksome andtheirlivessl jrtened ,
yet hard necessity compels them to keep
on. To such Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Pre
scription" offers a sure means of relief.
For all female w eaknesses it is a certain
cure. All druggists.
There are 948,000 more women than
men in Great Britain.
A HUNDRED YEARS might be spent in
search of a remedy for Catarrh , Cold in the
Head and Hay Fever , without finding tho
equal of Ely's Cream Balm. It is applied
w ith the finger. Being pleasant and bate , it
supersedes the nse of all liquids and snuffs.
Its effect is magical. It relieves at once and
cures many cases which baffle physicians.
Price 50 cents at drug.jists. GO cents by
mail. Ely Bros. , Owego , N. Y.
I think Fly's Cream Balm is the best rem
edy for catarrh I ever saw. I never took
anything that relieved me so quickly , and
I have not felt as well for a long time. I
used to be troubled with severe headaches
tw o or three times a week , but since using
the Balm have only had one and that was
very light compared with former ones. J.
A. Alcorn , Agent , U. P. E. R. Co. , Eaton ,
No Ccr HATES ABOUT THIS. Only to an
swer the constant call for a good and low
priced congh and croup remedy do we now
introduce our Allen's Lung Balsam in three
sizes , 25c. , 50c. , and § 1.00 a bottle at all
druggists. _
An agricultural school for girls has been
established in France.
Halford Saneo Is capital for dyspeptics. In-
TaluaLle to all good CJOks. _
Eepentance is not a mere feeling bad ; it is
a doing better. Theodore L. Cuyler.
PATE WTS obtained by i .mi is 1-Mpger & Co. , At
torneys , Waahington.D.C.Eat'd 1864. Adnce free.
The best CDusli medicine Is Piso's Cure for Con
sumption. Sold every where. 23c.
Silence is the severest criticism.
M. Pasteur is 60 j-ears of age.
The oppressed subjects of European gov
ernments turn to this country for free
homes , free laws , and for the free use of
Salvation Oil lor their pains and bruises ,
tt costs only 25 cents.
A "JTInd man's" Legacy.
"Sire ! " exclaimed a man-in the homely
garb of a mechanic to Richelieu , Prime Min
ister of France , as ho was entering his pal
ace. "Sire , I have made a discovery which
"shall make r'ch and great the nation
"which shall develop it. Sire , will you give
"mo an audience ? "
Richelieu , constantly importuned , finally
ordered the ' 'madman" imprisoned. Even
in jail he did not desist from declaring his
"delusion , " which one day attracted the
attention of aBritisli nobleman , who heard
Do Cause's story , and developed his discov
ery of steam power !
All great discoveries are at first derided.
Seven years ago a man yet under middle
age , enriched by a business wtiich covered
the continent , found himself suddenly
stricken down. When his physicians said
recovery was impossible , ho used a new
discovery , which , like all advances in sci
ence , had been opposed bitterly by tho
schoolmej ) . Nevertheless , it cured him ,
and out of gratitude therefor ho consecra
ted a part of his wealth to the spreading of
its merits before the world. Such in brief
is the history of Warner's safe cure , which
has won , according to tho testimony of
eminent persons , the mostdeservcd reputa
tion ever accorded to any known compound ,
and which is finally winning on its merits
alone the approval of the most conserva
tive practitioners. Its fame now belts the
globe. [ Tho Herald.
Never defend an error because you once
thought it truth. Franklin
For cuts from barbed wire fence , tore shoulders ,
Melts and open sores on animals , use Stewart's
Heating Powder , IS and SO cts. a box.
The sale of Bibles is forbidden in Rio
"IJough on Hats" clears out Rats , Slice. 15c.
Hough en Corns" hard or soft corns , bunions. ISc
"Hough en Toothache. " Instant relief. 15c.
"Christmas , " said Dickens , "is a kind ,
forgiving time. "
Something that will quiet the nerves , , give
strength to the body , induce refreshing
sleep , improve the quality of the blood ,
and purify and brighten the complexion , is
what many persons would be very glad to
obtain. Carter's Iron Pills arc made for
exactly this class of troubles , and are re
markably successful in-accomplishing the
ends desired , as named above. They are
useful for both men and women. Sold by
druggists. Price , 50 cents a box. See ad
The Missouri Cremation society has 400
members , twenty-five of whom are women.
"Rough on Itch" cures skin humors , eruptions ,
ring worm , tetter , salt rheum , frosted feet , cull-
bluns. Itch , l\y poison , barber" * Hcu. sue. Jur * .
The name Vanderbilt was originally
spelled Van Der Bilt.
"WTion Bby TTOS elclt , we R TO her Castoria ,
When she tras a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Caatoria ,
TTiaa she had Children , ahe gare thorn Castoria ,
Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an
aged bosom. William Pitt.
Every one is perfectly satisfied who uses
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers.
The bowels may be regulated , and the
stomach strengthened , with Ayer's Pills.
There are 3,000,000 skeletons or over in
the catacombs of Paris.
Three bottles of Athlophoros have en
tirely relived my brpther-in law , Louis
Zimmering , of rheumatism , which fornjeily
troubled himand he can work without the
least inconvenience. William Sommers ,
foreman for B. F. McMillan & Bio. , Mc
Millan , Wisconsin.
Very few Mormon ladies appear to be
opposed to the one-man power.
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns ,
scalds and rheumatism are relieved by
Uncle Sam's Nerve and .Bone liniment.
Sold by t'ruggists.
Wort " t "ishness , fevers , convul
sions ! - " DI death. A pleasant ,
safe.anu cortaiu i.vmedy is Dr. JAQUE'S
Headaches , constipation , liver complaint ,
billioiifaness arc cured by that mild , cleaiibing
remedv which never produces pain , EL-
Only 25 cents. Sold by druggists.
An economical man w ill keep t' " leather
of his harness soft and pliable , which pre
serves it from crackfng or ripping. He al-
Sold by all Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die in active middle
life arc carried off by consumption. The
most frequent cause is a neglected cold ,
rough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or
asthma , all of which may be permanentlv-
AND WILD CHERRY. Sold by druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condi
tion of his stock. When scraggy and feeble
they aie especially liable to distempers ,
fevers , cods and all diseases which destroy
animals. Thousands of dollars are saved ,
annually by that valuable old stand by ,
Restless.f retful , crying children are suffer
ing and need for their relief DR. WIN-
useful not only for all the disorders of
teething infants , but cures coughs , croups ,
sore throat , colic and cramps of older chil
dren , and should always be kept in every
house for emergencies. Only 25 cents.
Sold by all druggists. *
Back and Shoulders
Are the parts usually attacked by rheumatism ; and
the joints at the knees , anklee , hips , and wrists , arc
Blso sometimes affected. The cause of rheumatism
Is lac tic acid circulating with the blood , which at
tacks the Joints and causes the pa'ns and aches of
the disease. Hood's Sarsaparllla purifies and en
riches the blood , and has proen a wonderful remedy
for rheumatism.
Could Hardly Walk
"I was troub cdv cry much with rheumatism in my
hips , ankles , and wrists ; In fact , I could hardly walk ,
and was confined to my bed a good deal of ir.y time.
I was also very bilious and suffered severely. I was
recommended to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. which I
did. I have taken four bottles and am well. I gladly
recommend Hood's Sarsaparllla. " TV. F.VOOD ,
Bloomtngton , 111.
I have taken Hood's Sareaparllla for rheumatism ,
and have received great benefit. I cheerfully rec
ommend It. " W. BCBDSAL. Lebanon , O.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I by all druggists. ; six for . Prepared
.HOOD& CO. , Apothecailes. LowellMass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
could errrets tba agony I endured ftosn Bhenmatlim. tad
ItwuaUIccnld da to endure It. Crippled , notjihle to
rtai cure for RheamaUra nr djteorered. Aik your dra -
ciit for Athiopbonx. If joa cuuwt gttllof him da not try
omethlng tlM , bat order at once Irons n * . We wOl atod It
exprcupud on receipt of price , 91,00 P bottle.
AtHlOPHOBOS CO..112 Wdl St , ew York.
When otheirfind good remedies fail to r
Hove Coughs anU Cold * . Dr. Bull's CotiRh
Syrup will give instant , relief. . , Obviously
because it is the best remedy. Price23
cents a bottle.
Mine. Nevada made $9.000 during her
fortnight's warbling in San Francisco.
If yon hove barbed wire fences , keep Veter
inary CarbolUnUe in your stables. It cures
without u scnr and renews the hair its original
color. 50 cents and Sl.OO , atDrusgistsor by luuiL
Cole & Co. , Black KUer Falls , Wls.
Senator Fair , is worth § 8,000,000. yet
is said to lead a lonely and unhappy Hie.
Cures piles or hemorrhoids , Itchlii , protruding
bleeding , internal or other. Intern tl und extern
remedy in each package. Sure cure. 50 Druggists
A Georgia lady has a suit of clothes
which has been in her possession 108 years.
BITTERS , in Chronin Dyspepsia , Fevers ,
Nervous disorders , Constipation , deficiency
of vital power , and all maladies affecting
the stomach , liver , bowels , pulmonary or
gans , or muscular system , has been experi
enced by thousands. TheBittors strikes at
the root of these diseases by toning the
stomach and cleansing the blood.
FIVE dollars Etucd yearly In boots and shoes by
using Lj oil's Heel StltTncrs ; 23e.
. Patti was the only woman in the
audience at Figaro's recent annual soiree.
CENT JiOTTLFSarepupup for tho
25 accommodation ot all who desire a
Good und Low 1'rlccd
li ould Secure tlio Large ttl.OO Bottles.
Directions accompany Knell Bottlo.
If j-ou wish to be relieved of those terrible Sick
Headaches and that miserable Sour Stom
ach. It will , when taken according to direc
tions , cure any case of Sick Hendaclio
or Sour Stomach. It cleans the lining of
ototuacli and boivcls , promotes healthy-
action and sweet secretions. It makes pure
blood and gives it free How , thus sending
nutriment to every part. It is the safest ,
speediest and surest Vegetable Remedy
ever invented for all diseases of the stomach
and liver.
J. Jf. Moore , of Fnrmineton. Mich. , says : My
suffering from Side Headache and Sour
Stomjicli was terrible. Ouo bottle of Hops
and Malt Bitters cured me.
Do not eet Hops and ITInlt Bitters con
founded with inferior preparations of similar
name. For sale by all druggists.
GOODMAN DRUB GO , , WMesah Agents ,
' Tor
Full-Size Dress Patterns.
TERMS , Always in Advance , $2,00 A YEAR ,
Unparalleled Offer to CIiibs. Ss >
The principal prPinlmns for getting up Clubs for
1SS6 Is n superb Album. Kilt , and Illustrated wltli
ste lengraAlngs called "Hie "
Forget-Mu-Xot , a
book or unrhalcd beauty Other premiums , how-
eer , are offered , a ? thus :
2Pnnicc fnr SQ fl wt u "The Forpct-Mc-Xot , "
UUplCJ ) IUI < JOnJU or steel-ensra lag (2l\i7In-
9 " A J.n cliesAnKel of Paradise , "
U tJU for fretting up Club.
S. flnniPQ fnrR hfl "n'IUl an stra copy of the
* r UVJiCa IUI < 9JU maKazine for ltit > .asii pre-
6 ' Q nn mluin , to the ptr/ongetting
3 UU in ttiJ Club.
fnr ? fl flfl With both an extra copy of
IUI ao.UUtiie masazlno for ISSfi. an 1
" 1(1 ( 'vfl tlie large strel encratlng.or
| UflU "The torgt t Me-Xot" to the
person getting up the CIuo
For La'ger [ lobs Still Erea'er Induceman's ' ,
Address , postpaid , CH , J , PETERSON ,
30G Chestnut St. , Philadelphia , Pa.
Specimens sjnt gratis. If written for , to get up Clubs.
3 = 2. US
THE HOUSK'PU > PIJIMEU for a2 cent stamp
THEilOUsElh/i , ! ) HE JEIPT BOOK for a - > c. stamp
THU JlOUSfcHOhOOAME BOOICfor t o 2c. stamps
Send to 1) . LoruKOP S. Co. , Ji Franklin St. , Boston.
for them.
A Casket or Silverware Free
whowUl hmr It to their neighbors , act MOOT agent
Mdsendorders. GivevocrneirestexmssindP tCWSceaddn-fc
Address CO > X. MJ t . FG. C0..7IA JITrOni ) . COXX.
UnilCSTUDY. Book-keeping. Business
IIU 111 I. forms. Penmanship. Arithmetic , Short
hand , etc. thoroughl ) taught bv uintl. Circulars
Learn here and earn
jfcLEunAPnY pa > "SlYaatlonj' lurnlsuej gooj
Valentine Bros- Jauest Hie , AVIs.
Tnmors and Ulcers cnred without
GANGER pain or knife. Write for pamphlet.
Dr. F. B. Golley. Milwaukee. Wit
Morphine Habit Cured la 10
OPIUM toxJOday * . Xo pay tUl Cured.
Ui : J. STKi' Lenauon. Ohio.
learuof money due them by aadresslng 1m.
mediately , SuOUH to C U. , AtfysVashlugton , D. C
6PanteFor 51 New Chrorao , Scrap & GoldEjge
U Sills cards. ESSEX CAP.O WORKS , I > oryton , Coan.
OnfJXew Scrap Picture * and A t's Album of 43 Card
tUU bampiesfor lOc. steam Curd Wks , Hartford , Ct
CillPt P RfirW ctn.talnlnzSI amplCJ of Xrw ards
On rLt UUUIVfor6ct-4. to pay po-tage. CEITTEU.
FRKE ! BROOK CAKU CO. CenterbrooKConn.
W. N. D. .
_ , - Ux <
Free from Opiates , Emetics and foisoti ,
SAFE. tf to n ,
SURE. VF&CtS ! ,
PROMPT fcJ J > - = = -
THE uunus AVUUELZB ! COnjiLxiaoRE , D.
Cures Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
: Bactaehe , Hradarhr , Toothache ,
orPain Sprmlnt , BrnUt * . ttr..rtr.
A Specialist for n vcn Y ar Pa t ,
Has treated Dropsy nnd Its complications with tho
most wonderful success ; uses egetnblc remedies ,
entirely harmless. Removes all sj mptoms of dropsy
In eight to twenty daj s. , , ,
Cures patients pronounced hopeless by the best or
From the flrst dose the symptoms rapidly disappear ,
nnd In ten daj s at least two-thirds of the sjmptom *
Some mav "err humbug without knowing anything
nboiitlt. Kemcmbcr Udoes not cost you anything
to realize the merlu of my treatment for yourself.
1 am constantly curing cases of Ions standing , cases
tint have been tapped a number of times , and the
patient declared unable to live a weekGh e full
history of case. Xnme sex. how long afflicted , how
badly swollen and where. Is bowels co < th e , hat c legs
bursted anddrlnped water. Send for free pamphlet ,
containing testimonials , questions , etc.
1O days treatment furnished free by mail.
Epilepsy fits poslth ely cured.
Uordcrtrlal. send7cents In stamps tonny nostaga.
S5 Jones Aenue , Atlanta , Go.
Few people are aware how ea Ily Ridge's Food can
he prepared. A housekeeper need nerer be at a loss
for descrr. If there Is a can of IJIige's Food nl a > 8
In the house. Recipes for Puddings. CustniiK and
Blanc Mange with each can. Ridge's Food Is tow
kept by many grocers. Drugglxtn alwajs se'l It.
Fourslzes. Xo. 4 size cheapest for regular family
Biliousness , Sick Headache In Four Hours.
One dose relieves Neuralgia. They cure and
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