, C fie F. M. & E. M. KIMMELL , Editors and Publishers. Official City and County Paper. THEY have introduced a new phase into Hitchcock count'journalism The Torpedo vice The Central. " " THE Christmas issue of the Hastings Gazette-Journal is a most creditable pa per , and shows that the Journal has -fallen into' enterprising and energetic hands. THE New Tecuinseh , published at Gand } ' , Sherman county , Kansasis , one of the late additions to our exchange list. It is a fair exponent of the little burg it represents. TiiE Railway News , under the nian- agement of D. W. Young , is a late journalistic effort. The News is what its name implies and favors "fair wages and honest work. " It is issued from Omaha. THE only bill which had passed both houses of congress , at the time of the holiday adjournment was that granting Mrs. Grant a'pension of $5,000 per an num. Congress again assembles Jan uary 5th. COMMISSIONER SPARKS has been t charging around , reccntty , in the gen eral'land department , like a veritable "bull in a china shop. " And , shall his construction of the United States stat ute , to the"effect that "transfers and assignments of lands previous to the is sue of patents arc invalid , " be sustain ed , it will be a frigid season for local banks in the west and noithwest. SAM KANDALL , the cool and cautions Pennsylvania statesman , has received a "black eye" at the hands of "Hori zontal" Morrison of Illinois in the adop tion of the new house rules. It does seem as though the republican comple ment of the present congress will have occasion todo nought else but sit supine ly by and see the wild and wooly hour- ' bons demolish one and another and be consumed by "internal dissensions. SENATOR BECK and many other prom- inent democrats seem to entertain views on the silver question in strange con trast with those expressed by President Cleveland in his late verbose message. There is evidently an ominous lack of harmony in democratic ranks on the coinage question , which now comes be fore congress in its present session , with unusual prominence , promising to be one of the great issues of the session. THE New York Herald contains the following account of a would-be Gui- teaus's performance : "A man believed from papers found on his person to be L. S. Kcmpell \vas arrested Saturday night on the out skirts of Council Bluffs , Iowa. He says he is en route to Washington to kill Cleveland in order to rid the country of democrats. He was heavily armed and had considerable money. Kcmpell is be- lieved to be from Sydney , Neb. " CANADA is having her crisis also in order to keep peace with the mother country. Sir John McDonald , the pre mier , has concluded to dissolve the pres ent parliament. He finds that it is full of dynamite. There are a great many friends of Kiel , whom Sir John lately hung by the neck as a traitor , in the house , and there are a great many others who have blood in their eyes in the mat- t3r of corruption charged upon his ad ministration in connection with the building of the Canada Pacific railroad. He think ? a new election will not make , _ matters any worse , and of course hopes it will make them a little better. The campaign will doubtless be an exhilerat- ing one , as there is a very large quanti ty of dissatisfaction lying about in the dominion. The debt of Canada is two or three times as large per capita now as the debt of the United States , and Canada has had no wars of her own , nor has she been asked to contribute any thing to defray the expenses of the home government. But it costs her a mint of money to defray the cost of her pro vincial "court" ' and to make the neces sary public improvements to tie her widely sundered communities together. State Journal. LAST CALL. ° All persons owing us are respectfully asked to call and settle their accounts 31st either with on or before December , cash or bankable paper. On January 1stour , line of lumber yards will be sold to an incorporated company , who will carry on the business. Persons having accounts against us will please present them at once for payment. FREES & HOCKNELL. VAILTON NQTES. The hick are all improving rapidly. Mr. Barnes spent Christmas at this place. Glad to see Lcn Hilton's smiling face in our midst. Mr. Boltman , from the easthas , taken up his abode on Capt. Holmes' place , and will remain for a season. The Speer Bros , have returned from their extended visit east , looking well and hearty , and report a good time. About two hundred people , old and young , were represented at the Chribt- mus entertainment , 198 more than were at the prayer meeting the previous even ing. Supt. Nettleton conducted the ex ercises in his happy and humorous man ner , making it throughout , a grand suc cess. Mrs. Lincoln's speaking was ex cellent , also the singing was the best we have had the pleasure of hearing for .many years. The tree was loaded with presents for all , and the committee on decoration , which 'was represented by Mrs. R. M. Williams and Mrs. A. X. Nettleton , succeeded admirably in their tedious task , and wrought as fine work as we have ever sfien on like occasions. We arc sorry to learn that the work of cleaning up after tho entertainmentwa left to one old gentleman of three score and ten. Now boys'and girls don't al low this to occur again. This is "Peace on earth , 'good will to men" on a grand scale. RALPH. BOX ELDER BLOSSOMS. A literary society has been organized at the Loomis"school house. Considerable excitement prevails on account of the formation of the new school district. Mrs. Bollcs has returned from Supe rior , where she has been visiting friends for a short time. On Wednesday eve of last week a number of young people gathered at the residence of James Kinghorn. A few hours were spent in a very pleasant manner , with music and refreshments. The Christmas entertainment came off as per announcement , and was a de cided success. Your correspondent en tered the church some time before the exercises were to begin , and found a dense crowd both inside and outside of the building. A perfect hum of merri ment greeted our ears as we entered , and we were both surprised and pleased when we beheld the work of the decor ating committee. In front of the pulpit and spanning nearly the whole width of the church was a magnificent arch , handsomely trimmed with evergreen Two beautiful cedar trees , one on each side of the arch , were loaded down with presents for the large number of peo ple who thronged in and around the church , the whole being trimmed in a most artistic manner. The exercises consisted of two Christmas anthems , several beautiful carols , with a variety of speaking , all performing their parts well , and everything seemed only to in crease the good feeling that prevailed throughout the entire evening. The program was brought to a clo. e by appropriate remarks by SuptD.E.Moore , who has the happy faculty of saying much with few words. The distribution of presents then took place , and so far as we were able to find out , none went away without receiving a present , and many went home feeling that they pos sessed the great gift that God gave to the world. SELONX. TERMS OF COURT. In the Eighth Judicial Districtof Nebraska , for the Year 1886. UY fix the time of holding the reg ular terms of District Court , in and for the counties comprising the Eighth Judicial DSst. of Nebraska for the year 1886 , as follows : KEARNEY COUNTY , January llth , and November 17th. IIAKLAN COUNTY , January ISth , and November22d. PI1ELPS COUNTY , Maich 2d and No vember 1/Hh. / FU11NAS COUNTYr March IGth and No vember 3d. j DUNDY COUNTY , May 17th and Oc tober 19th. * HAYES COUNTY , May 19th and Oct.lSth. " HITCHCOCK COUNTY , May 20th and October 20th. FRONTIER COUNTY , May 24th and September 28th. RED WILLOW COUNTY , May 2Gth and September 30th. GOSPER COUNTY , May Sl.st and Octo- jer 7th. WEBSTER COUNTY , June 2d and De cember 7th. FRANKLIN COUNTY , June 9th and Decrnber 27th. WM. GASUX , Jit. , Alma , January 1 , 1880. Judge. N OTE TO CREDITORS. Having disposed of our meat market to Brower Bros. , we desire all parties who are indebted to us to call and make immediate payment , either to W. B. Whittaker at the old stand or to S. H. Colvin at his office. 28 2t. Cnur.cn & WUITTAKER. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy is fully equal in intrinsic value to a dollar bottle of any other preparation in use. Sold by M. A. Spaldingand Willey & Walker. j TO STOCKMAN. Sorghum seed , § 1.25 per bag , in new two-bushel bags , delivered on cars at Blue Hill , Neb. Address , 27-tf. M. WILSON , Blue Hill , Neb. j Commissioners' Proceedings. , OFFICK OK COUNT * CLKRK , J I Indlanola , Nob. , December 2d , 1885. f j Board of county commissioners met pur- | suant to adjournment of Dec. 1st. Present , E. j J. Alliugrtou and Henry Crabtrec , commission ers , and C. D. Cramer , county clerk. Minutes of last meeting : read and approved. On motion claims as follows were audited ' and allowed-and clerk directed to draw war rants on 1884 levy general fund : Hallack & Howard , coal for poor $ 220 Hnllack & Howard , coal for court house. . 10 18 G.S. . Bishop , stationery 15 00 Omaha. .Republican , stationery 21 ! iO Frees &Hocknell. coal for court house. . . 8 00 Frees & Hockncll , coal and lumber SO 00 Henry Crabtrce. per diem as Com'r 12 00 E.J. Allington , per diem as Com'r 12 20 j On motion claim of Hallack & Howard for j bridge material , audited and allowed and clerk , directed to draw warrant on bridge fund 1885 levy for $154 78. ' On motion following claims audited and al lowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on road fund 1885 levy : Noah Sawyer , damages to road $25 00 B.F.Olcott , appraiser , road 250 J. E. Rergor , appraiser , road 250 W. H. Dolan , appraiser , road 250 Jas. Hetherington , road commissioner. . . a 00 On motion the petition of P. B. Garrett , L. J. Shippie and others , asking the establishment of a voting precinct read , considered , and on motion petition granted and precinct estab lished , comprising all the territory embraced in town. 1 , range 26 west 6th P. M. , in Rod Wil low county , in accordance with the request of said petitioners , said territory is named Leb anon precinct and voting place fixed at Leba non postoftlcc. In compliance with the application of Steph en Lyon to have certain school lands embraced in his loose , appraised for the purpose o { sale , E. J. Allington and Henry Crabtrce , the com missioners designated to appraise said lands , reported that they had on the 1st day of De cember , 1885 , carefully examined the land mentioned and filed their report under oath that they find the following to bo its true and correct value : E.'t N. W. & ; E. ii S. W. y ; E. Vi N. E. > i ; N. 54 S. E. } i , and Lotsl. 3 and 4 , all in section 1C , town. 3 , north of range2S west , at seven and one-half dollars per acre. Petition for public road by D. S.MorrisPer ry Jones , J. E. Furr and others , read , consider ed and on motion , petition granted and road established , provided the county shall bo at no expense for right of way or damages , com mencing at the S. E. corner of section 5 , town. 2 , range 2S Most , running thence west on sec tion line between sections 5 and 8 ; 6 and 7 ; in town. 2 , range 28 , and sections 1 and 12 ; 2 and 11 ; 3 and 10 , to the S. E. corner of the S. W. Ji of sections , in town. 3 , range 9and terminat ing thereat. ° On motion board adjourned to Jan. 5th , 1SS6. Attest : C. D. CIIAMER , County Clerk. 1 ' .LEGAL NOTICE. o In the matter of the estate of William H. Dolan , deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims and demands against William II. Dolan , deceased , that tho time fixed for tilingclaims against said estate is six months from the first Monday in February , Ib86. All person are required to present their claims with the voucher to the county judge of the said tied Willow county , Nebraska , at his office there in , on or belore the first Monday in July , I'ttO , mid tlmt all claims so filed will be heard before said Judge , the first Monday of each month at 9 o'clock , A. M. , in tho order said claims are filed , and that the administrator ( James W. Dolun ) is allowed twelve months from tho 1st day ot February , ixbO , in which to settle the business of said estate , and I direct that said administrator give notice heroot by publication for foil. conbecutive wt-eks ot tho time and place of hearing such claims in ac cordance herewith in'JL'HK StcCooKTuiuuNK , a newspaper of general circulation in said county. H. M. AsHMouK , County Judge. December 27th. l.viNr > . ; jl-lt. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between J. W. Dolan and V. Franklin , under tho firm names of "The Kert AVillow County Bank. " of Indiunola , Neb. , and "The Citizens Bank of McCook , " of McCook , Neb. , is hereby dissolved "by limitation and inntmil consent. All notes and accounts duo Tho Kcd Willow County Bank will be collected by J. W. Dolan. who assumes all liabilities of the said Kcd Willow County Bank. And all notes and accounts due The Citizens Bank of McCook will l-o col lected by V. Franklin , who assumes all liabili ties of the said Citizens Hank of McCook. Witness our hands and seals on this first day of January , A. D. , 18SG. , J. W. DOIAN. [ L. S. ] V. FKANKUN. [ L. s.j McCOOK GRAIN MARKET. ( Corrected every Thursday morning. ) No. 2 Wheat , per bushel 40 < g.45c No. 2 U3-C , per bushel 27 < 230c Barley , per bushel 20@35c Oats , per bushel 2025c Corn New , per bushel 18@20c Corn Old , per bushel 25@30c Hay wild , per ton S4.00O.-J5.50 Bailed Hay. ? 7.00@gOOO LIVE STOCK , PRODUCE , ETC. Hcgs-Live $3.2G3.50 Potatoes , ( Irish ) per bushel 30 35c Butter , per pound * 185i22c Eggs , per dozen 15 < ai7c Young Chickens , per dozen Sl.SXa2.00 Old Chickens , per dozen ? 2.25 ® U)0 ) "BIGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYETTP [ s a perfect success , " is what we hear on all sides by those who have used it and find it a certain cure for coughs , colds and all bronchial troubles. For sale by M. A. Spaldingr und S. L. 3rcen. f mcvft-MJK LAND-OFFICE BLANKS 4 . Ill ordering , jive office number aiuHitle of blank , with quantity of each blank wanted. Put only one blank on a line to Jivoid mis takes. S3 "iloney must invariably accom pany the order. Address McCOOK , NEBRASKA. OfflceiTo. TitbcfBhsk. Per Par lazes. Hatirod. APPLICATIONS TO ENTER. 4-007 Homestead Law 15 Cts. , $1.25 4-009 Timber-Culture Law 15 " 1.25 AFFIDAVITS. 4-062 Non-Mineral 15 Cts. , $1.00 4-073 Timber Culture Entry. . . 15 " 1.00 4-063 Homestead Entry 15 " 1.00 4-069 Commutation. Hd 15 " 1.00 4-070 Final , Homestead J5 " 1.00 4-072 Contest , Homestead 25 " 2.00 14 000 Contest , Timber Culture. 25 " 2.00 NOTICES. 4-317 For Publication 15 Cts. , Jfl.OO 4-348 Hd Int. to Prove Up. . . . 15 " 1.00 | 4-349 Pre-E. . . . .15 " 1.00 I BROOFS. i 4-360 Homestead Final 50 Cts. , $3.00 J 4-374a.Pre-Emption Final 50 " 3.00 MI6CEUANEOUS. 4-535 Declaratory Statement. . 15 Cts. , $1.00 Township Plats. Other blanks will be prepared as called for. OS1 LEQHL BMNKS IE STOCK FINAL PBOOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEU. , > November 30th , 1885. J Notice is hereby given that the lollowing- namcd settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proot in support of his claim , and that said proof will be madebtforo Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , January Oth , 1885 , viz : C. Howard Moulton , H. E. 911 , for the east'northwest Ji east V. southwest H of section 30 , township 2. north o range 28 west , 6 P. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ot , said land , viz : G Lloyd Clark , Alfred B. Fuller and Ernest Fill er of Indianola , Neb. , and Hari Meyers of Me Cook. Neb. 27 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i November 28th , 1835 , ) " Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his fntentioi to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday January Oth , lbS5 , viz : Lorenzo D. Hovey , H E. 2848 , for thesouthwest of section 3 , town ship 1. north of range 28 west. He names tin following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land viz : C. B. Newberry , J. C. LalTerty. Oregon Washburn and S. S. Graham , all of Danbury Neb. 27 G. L. LAWS , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , i December 2Gth , 1885. f .Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intentioi : to make final pi oof'in support of his claim and that said proof will be made belore Reg ister or Receiver at McGook , Neb. , on Satnr day , February 6th , 1885 , viz : Kobert J. Squire I ) . S.2240 , for the southeast quarter of section 4 , township 2 , north of range 30 west , 6 P. M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : J. L. Gray. Lewis Starbuck , C. H. Pate and Alpheus Sturbuck , all of Me Cook , Neb. 31 G. L. LAWS , Register. COMPLAINT NOTICES. - > w N - ' -xy - > - > rx * * r ' s s\ * > > * s s- * > -sf s * > s r' U. S. LAND OFFICE AT McCOOK , NEB. , Dec. 18th. 1885. Complaint having been entered at this oihce by William Bohan against Benjamin A. Ken- yon for luilurc to comply witn law us to Tim ber-Culture Entry No. 132 , dated at McCook , Neb , Nov. 23d , Ib83 , upon the southeast H of section 26. township 4 , north of range 26 west , in Red Willow county , Neb.with a view to tin. cancellation of said entry ; contestant alleging that thesaid Benjamin A.Kenyon has tailed to break or cause to be broken , or cultivated in any manner , five acrcsor any number of acres during the last 3'ear , of said tract of land ; tht said parties are hereby summoned to appear lit this ollice on the 10th day of February. 18fe6 , at I o'clock , P. M. , to respond and furnish tes timony concerning said alleged failure. 30 G. L. LAWS , Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Red Willow county. State ol Nc'braska , on the 2d day of December. 1885. anc ! tome directed , I will at 10 o'clock , A. M.on the 15th Day of January , 1886 , at the front door of the Court House in Indi anola , said Court House being the place where the last term of said District Court was held , within and for said Red Willow county , and State ot Nebraska , offer for sale at public auc tion , tho following real estate , lands and tene ments , to-wit : Lot No. (14) ( ) fourteen , in Block No. (27) ( ) t went3'- seven , in the Town of McCook. Red Willow county. Nebraska , taken on order of sale to foreclose a real estate mortgage , as the prop erty of William C. LaTourctte and Irec B. LaTourette and ordered sold by the Court to satisfy a judgment against them and in favor of The Citizens Bank of McCook , Nebraska , for the sum of ( $2,575.62) ) two thousand five hundred and sevcnty-fivedollarsandsixty-two cents , and $9.08 costs and accruing costs , de creed n first lien. And a judgment against said defendants in faror of Isaac L. Elhood Jc Co. for the sum ot ( $1,170.90) ) eleven hundred and seventy dollars and ninety cents and de creed a second lien upon said premises. And a judgment against said defendant. W. C. La Tourctte in favor of The Great Western Stove Company for ( $1,118.00) ) eleven hundred and eighteen dollars and decreed a third lien upon said premises. And a judgment against said defendant , W. C. LnTouiettc , in lavor ot The Iowa Barb Steel Wire Co. lor ( § 2,131.00) ) two thousand one hundred und thirty-one dollars , and decreed a fourth lien upon said premises. And a judgment against said W. C. LaTour ette in tavor ot The Bridge and Bench Manu factory Co. for the sum ot ( 38.00) ) thirty-eight dollars , and decreed a fifth lion upon the said premises. And a judgment against said W. C. LaTourette in lavor of The Nebraska Manu factory Co. for the sum of ( 114.00) one hundred and fourteen dollars , and decreed a sixth lien upon said premises. And a judgment against snid W. C. LaTourette in furor ot SimmuiiE Hardware Company for the sum of ( $1.866.39) ) eighteen hundred and si.\ty-six dollars and thirty-nine cents , and decreed a seventh lien upon said premises. Rendered by Willinm Gnslin , Judge of said District Court at the November , Ib85. term thereof , to-wit : On the 4th day of November , IbNi. A t the time and place of said sale duo attend ance will be had by the undersigned. J. W. WET.IJOKN. Sheriff. 2S Red Willow county , Neb. J. E. COCHHAN , Attorney. LEGALNOTICE. . Tho accounts of the late W. H. Dolan are in the hands of Messrs. Colter iV Coidcal for col lection , all persons indebted will please settle with the above named flrm.or the undersigned. Persons having1 accounts against W. H. Do lan. deceased , w ill file them with H. M. Ash- inorc , county judge , for approval , and they ivill be settled in due time. J. W. DOL\X. Administrator , fndianola , Neb. , Dec. 23,1635. 30 THE- INDIANOLA MILL , ( FULL ROLLER PROCESS , ) IS XOAV READY TO DO A General Milling Business , Tour patronage solicited. " " CLARK WARD. Manager. J. F. CAIMSCHOW , m CD LU 0- 0co co m X 2 2m DO CO COm QC CO QCC COm < I Q- LJJ m I QC .1 McCOOK , West Dennison St. NEBRASKA. i J = AND DOME MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. 1"HE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK \ DOES A GENERAL Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Ucsidents. Money to loan on Fanning Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe , C02SZSPOKEEKT2 : j J. W. DOLAX , President. , , . . First National Hank Lincoln Neb. Tho Chas Xntiontil Slant , Xew York. | > FllAXKLi : , * , \ ice-President. C. E. MePHERSON & CO. And Real Estate Brokers. OFFICE : West Dennison Street , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. The First National Bank OP MeQOOK , NEBRASKA. PAIDUP CAPITAL , - - $ SO,000.0K.\ ; DOES - : - A - : - GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS , Receives and Pays Deposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , Chicago and Omaha , and all the principal cities of Europe. PIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : OS5S E03S8EU , PWiWet. A. CAJS32LL , ? . L. BSOT1T , CHr. 3. 2. F22ZS VI-s- ( Of Frees & Hocknell. ) ( Aaststant Supt. B. & M. ) (0f ( Klrby Carpenter Co. , Chicago. )