The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 17, 1885, Image 9

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    Thursday. December 17,1885.
CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School at 10
A. 31. every week. Preaching services every
Sunday night nt Gr 0 M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11. M. T. Exceptions
to the above will be noticed in locals.
GKonoE DUNCJAAPastor. .
METHOlftgT. Services ovcrv Sunday at ID :
, JO A. 3f. and T P. 31. . mountain time. Sunday
School at . ' 5 P. M. The services and Sunday
school will be held for the future in the now
church. AH are cordially invited. Seate free.
W. S. WHEELER , Pastor.
CATHOLIC. Sen-ices will be held iu the
cuurch once every four weeks.
McCOOK. LODGE A. K. i ; A. 11.
Itegular nicotines , Tuesday night oti
or boforc full moon of every month.
S. L. GREEN. W. M.
F. It. McfHACKBX. Secretary.
&p. Meets the flrst and third Wcdncs-
eveulng of each month.
.1. Vv' . CAMIT.EM , , C. C.
j/A. 31. SPALDIXO. K. U. S.
nlar meetings on the first Wednesday
each month.
R.B. A item BALD , Chief.
U. OF L. E. Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers. Meet flret and fourth Saturdays of
ouch month. S. E. HOOK , Chief.
J. C. AxDEiiaox , "F. A. E.
J. K. IIAKNKS POST O. A. U. Regular meet
ings second and loiirth Monday evenings of
each month at Opera Hall.
.1. \Vir.cox , Commander.
J. H. YAitnnit , Adjutant.
Open from 7 A. M. to S P. 31. . M. T. Office
will be closed thirty minutes before urrivnl and
departure of mails. SUNDAY. oDice will bo open
from 7 to S A. il. and from 4 to 5 P. M. , 31. T.
Xo.2 . 0:150 , A.M. No. 40 . 5:23. P.M.
No.3S . 12:50. P.M. N'o.l . 8:33. : P. M.
&ir Eafitbnund trains run on Central Time
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
U. It. Vooi > s , Agent.
Local Intelligence.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
Fred. Lytle was down from Benkel
man , Tuesday.
For Tan-sill's Punch Cigar go to the
Commercial House.
Page Francis and C. E. McPhers.Mi .
went up to Yuma , this noon.
Special sale of cloaks , at actual cost.
Lowman & Son , Pate Block.
Brewer Bros , butcher only corn-fed
steers. No'cows or lanjre cattle. .
Novelties in Napkin llings at C. W.
Ballard's , Met. Drug Store Block.
A fine lot of bric-a-bracs and wall
rockets at Ludwick & Trowbridge's.
The celebrated Cumberland smithing
coal atHallack & Howard's lumberyard.
Money to loan on real estate and pat
ented land by the McCook Loan and
Trust Co.
The Isemingcr Automatic Bill and
Letter File , the very best in the market ,
at this office.
A line of men's calf boots , especially
adapted for the railroad trade , at J. F.
Ganschow's. 27-tf.
Services will be held at the Congre
gational church next Sunday evening at
6:150 , mountain time.
Received this weekan , elegant line of
silks , and trimmings to match , at Low-
man & Son's , Pate Block.
The choicest meats at the Central
Meat Market of Brewer Bros , corner of
Main and Dennison stieets.
It looks like war ! ! ! Wilcox & Fow
ler have made still greater reductions in
prices. Now is the time to buy.
G. W. Bede , has some special bar
gains in real estate. Office 4th door
south of U. S. Land office. , 27-tf.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any jour
nal in the United States at reduced rates.
Select your paper and call for figures.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buvs and sells stock on commission.
The Band of Hope will meet as usual ,
next Saturday afternoon at the Congre
gational church at 2 o'clock , mountain
LOST An ear ring , with a cameo
stone setting. Finder will be suitably
rewarded by returning the same to this
The Democrat makes its usual appeal
for the gamblers , in its last issue. We
presume the apology is appreciated
by the gamblers.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Baker } ' ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
purchase. .
j lt Sunday morning at 10 o'clock ,
mountain time , Bcv. Fulforth of lied
Cloj d will preach a christmas sermon at
thct'Opera Hall. Communion services
will also be held. _
Moody & Winter , the dairymen , re
port their supply of milk a little short
at present , owing to the cold weather ,
but expect to have their usual supply
by the first of the year.
There is no better evidence of the
popularity of a public house than the
fact that the accommodations of the
same are taxed to the utmost. Such is
the case with the Commercial Hotel.
Gold pens at McCracken's.
Register Laws returned from Omaha
on 30 , yesterday.
The Metropolitan drug store keeps a
full line of fancy box papers.
The B. & M. Pharmacy keeps a full
line of Masonic books in stock.
A full line of genuine Pebble specta
cles just received at MuCraukon's.
Special prices on Holiday Jewelry
and Silverware at C. W. Mallard's.
Don't fail to see tlu sc elegant plush
albums at the Metropolitan drug store.
The celebrated Cumberland smithing
coal at llallack & Howard's lumber yard.
Men's , boys' and children's hats at
eastern prises. & Son , Pate
Call and examine the nice display of
toilet set * at the Metropolitan drug store
before buying elsewhere.
Tt looks like war ! ! ! Wilcox & Fow
ler have made still greater reductions in
prices. Now is the time to buy.
Child's Sets in silver at C. W. Bal-
lard's. Met. Drug Store Block. Make
the litile one a lasting present.
After pouring four loads of buckshot
into its carcass , James Brinlcy of sec
tion ; M , town. 4 , range 34 , succeeded in
killing a large wild cat , last Tuesday.
NOTICE K. S. Carl went up to Ak
ron , Tuesday , and will be absent some
days. His business in this city will be
in the hands of Dr. Uoyle during his
Two handsome and appropriate ban
ners , the handiwork of Miss Llllie Ilow-
ell. now ornament the Methodist pulpit.
They are very neat and tasty , and com
plimentary to the designer and at tifieer.
Last Sunday , the Methodist brethren
of our city commenced a series of reviv
al meetings , which bid fair to he suc
cessful , if not in many convoy-ions , iu
increase of interest and zeal among the
present membership.
Ludwick & Trowbridge have a large
stock of articles suitable for Christmas ,
comprising ladics'and gents'rattan rock
er ? , rattan sewing basket. ? , etc. . all of
which are of the latest and mosc elegant
designGive them a call.
About twenty brakemcn in all have
been discharged from this division , dur
ing the past ten days , on account of hold
ing membership in the brotherhood of
brakemen , an organization which the
company considers inimical to their best
11. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail
or , has constantly on hand as fine a class
of goods as can be procored. Suits made
up in the latest style , and perfect fits
guaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop
two doors west of Citizens Bank. Mc
Cook. Nebraska.
A handsomely printed invitation from
Mr. and Mrs. William Flinton of Stock-
bridge , Mass. , announces the marriage of
their daughter to Alfred C. NeWlcton ,
Jr. , of our city , Thursday evening. Dec.
17th. THE TRIBUNE extends hearty
An Illinois subscriber writes us to
change his postofiice address from
Spring Bluff to Waukcgan. as railroads
leading to the former are blockad
ed with snow. This sounds strange in
contrast with the weather we arc enjoy
ing in " 81111113' Nebraska. "
We are pleased to announce that the
social held by the ladies of the M. E.
mite society b the residence of W. W.
Palmer , last Friday evening , was a most
pleasant and _ successful affair , despite
the extremely inclement weather , which
prevailed on that evening.
A great hue and cry is being raised
in some cities and towns , in effect that ,
the "progressive euchre craze" is as
great a nuisance as the baneful skating
rink , etc. The most innocent social
amusementsin the hands of such peo
ple , become first water nuisances.
As will be seen by their announce
ment , which appears elsewhere in this
issue , Lytle Bros , have made arrange
ments with a New York firm and will
hereafter do a wholesale jobbing busi
ness in pure havana and domestic cigars.
They invite the inspection of the trade.
"Grace , Grit and Greenbacks , " Sam
Jones thinks , are the alliterative trio
requisite for successful country journal
ism. If Samuel were to sojourn in this
part of the moral vineyard a short time
he would be able to epitomize his trini
ty into a solitary G , which by interpre
tation signifieth gall.
Two intoxicated individuals. "Dutch
John" and James Rhataganparticipat
ed as principals in a "chawing"match ,
last Saturday evening , at Walsh &
Boyd's saloon , in the which both parties
were considerably mutilated , one of
them so badly , that the services of a
physician were required to sew up the
gashes caused by the bites of the other.
The W. C. T. U. and Reform Club
have rented the building until recently
occupied by Drs. Stutzman and Boyle
on Dennison street , adjoining TriK
TRIBUNE office , and will open a reading
room therein. This looks like business.
A nice line of hanging and stand
lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store.
THE law at
pre-emption is receiving
tention at the hands of our legislators ,
this early in the session. A bill for its
repeal has already been introduced in
the Senate. Whether for buncombe or
business remains to be seen. The meas
ure is more popular than during the last
session of Congressand will conscquent-
y have many more supporters.
The best boot in America. The Wal
ker boot. Sold only by C. H. Rogers.
As an indication of the alarming ex
tent to which gaming is carried on in
this city , we are credibly informed that
one person lost $ i,000 ) , last week , in
three days : another was short $1,100 ;
and still another crime out of the fascin
ating game of "draw" ' $500 poorer than
when he entered. While many others
are losers and winners in various smaller
sums. The board of insanity might in
vestigate * in to this matter with good
Great deduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCracken's.
Our highly respected contemporane
ous publication across the way , as a
jright and burning exemplification of
consistency , excites wide-spread admira
tion. Mr. Wahlquist , a life-long repub-
ican , for instance , attempts to excuse
nnd support his robustuous incompe-
: ency of the postoffice , while Mr. Thomp
son , a dyed-in-the-wool bourbon , inter
ests himself in the same behalf , by
making inquiries at Joliet concerning
Alonzo's past record. There is a trifle
too much of the "good Lord , good dev-
1 , " in such proceedings for intelligent
jcople to stomach. There must be a
naho any-hued gentleman of mastodon-
c proportions somewhere in the Demo
crat's wood pile.
BriPSweet Michigan Cider of excel-
ent quality at the City Bakery.
It is given out with great publicity
and flourishing of trumpets , as well as
mvately and with bated breath , by John
Jones of the McCook Hotel , that he
mrposes doing the editor of this paper
up in a neat little bundle of brown pa-
icr , as it were , or die in the attempt ,
f we do not discontinue our flattering
attentions to him. We don't speak as
the oracles exactly , but we imagine that ,
rom the sentiments we hear expressed
on every hand , the next important at
tention Jones will receive will be at the
lands of our citizens. And the next
ime they do have occasion to remember
lim , they will do it in a manner never to
) e forgotten. Bulldozinghoweverdon't
go at this shop.
5FMoody& Winter , City Dairy , for
nire-and wholesome milk.
The art lecture , "The Wit and Wis
dom of the Crayon , ' ' delivered by Prof.
French of the Chicago School of Art at
< hc Opera Hall , Tuesday evening was a
rare treat and heartily enjoyedby the
small audience which turned out to
greet him. The Professor as a lecturer
s engaging and pleasing , andhandled
lis subject admirably and gracefully :
while his sketching was executed with
the utmost ease and dexterity , and at
the same time with remarkable accura
cy. We regret it deeply indeed that so
very few were present at an entertain
ment of such great merit , considered
) oth from a literary as well as an artis
tic point of view. On accounc of the
nfluence small audiences naturally ex
ercise on lecturers , and more particu-
arly on Prof. Webster's account , who
'eels somewhat discouraged and who is
a heavy financial loser thereby.
To be given away ! Inquire at Mc-
Jracken's Jewelry Store.
The working men of this city should
not forget that one of their number a
sober , honest mechanic was refused
work on an ice house recently built by
one of our saloon men , because he was
a temperance man. The man in ques
tion was employed by a contractor to as
sist in building the ice house ; but , at
the dictation of the parties having the
ce house built , the contractor found it
necessary to inform the mechanic that
ic could not work on that building ,
[ his is indeed canning the matter as
'ar as has ever come under our observa-
ion. Our advice to working men isbe
sober , and although you may lose a job
hereby occasionally , at the end of the
year you will be allthe better off. Be
ober , and your family as well as your-
elf , will be happier , better housed , bet-
er fed. healthier and improved in body
and store ,
Supt. A. Campbell and other officials
of the B. & M. have issued a circular to
the employes of their road calling atten
tion to the "Protective Association of
the C. B. & Q. railroad company. " The
document states : The policies paid run
from $870 to $072 , and for the year
1S85 there have been nine assessments
of one dollar each on account of deaths ,
and fifty cents for expenses , making
a good reliable insurance of nearly
$1,000 for between nine and ten dol
lars per annum. This is an insurance
on life whether death result from acci
dent or from natural causes. The rail
road profession being a hazardous one
causes insurance companies to either
refuse to insure men in certain branch
es of it , or place the taxes so high that
the average railroad man cannot afford
to insure his life for the protection of
his family in case that death does over
take him , but this association places it
within the reach of all. It costs but $2
to join , one of which goes to the ex
pense fund of the association , and the
other'towards paying the first death
policy after joining.
China , rubber and indestructible dolls
at the Metropolitan drug store.
Last Sunday , as the beautiful orb of
day was fast retiring behind the western
horizon , denoting the peaceful approach
of eventide , the soul of Will Dolan went
forth from its earthly tenement to meet
its Creator , amidst scenes and circum
stances peculiarly sorrowful and dis
tressing. A young man was he of ex
cellent business qualifications , of gen
erous impulses and great , kind hearted.
One who naturally attracted friends un
to him and as easily retained-them. But
unfortunately , the deceased was period
ically addicted to drink , which he was
unable to resist by his own greatest ef
forts and the assistance of willing
Friends. And at last , with great and
unexpected suddenness , the grim mon
ster stepped in and with mortal instru
ments exacted the last tribute his life.
But few knew of his illness , which was
of short duration , and the announcement
of his death created universal surprise
and sorrow. Ilis remains were remov
ed to Indianola , Monday , and interred
in the Catholic cemetery there.
Call and see our stock of society
cards. G. A. B. , K. of P. , B. L. E. , etc.
A TRIBUNE representative dropped
into the Metropolitan Drug Store , this
morning , to see the handsome and ex
tensive line of Holiday Goods on which
he had heard so much comment. He
found a regular emporium of toys for
everybody , dolls in wax. china , and rub
ber , destructible and indestructible , big
and little. An endless variety of tin
and china ware , suitable presents for
old and young. The finest lot of toilet
cases , albums , picture frames , hanging
lamps , etc. , in the city are here display
ed in great profusion and at such reas
onable figures that an elegant present
is within the reach of all. If 3-011 wish
to remember the children , parents ,
don't fail to see the display at the Met
ropolitan Drug Store , for there you will
be able to find just what you want , from
a five cent toy to an elegant and costly
toilet case or album.
A notorious character by the name of
"Doc. " Way , occasioned great excite
ment in South MeCook , last night , by
shooting at Karney's dog. The neigh-
borhoDd turned out en masse after the
shootist , and after a lengthy chase and
some blows the offender was finally cor-
alled in the rear of Dr. Davis' officcheld ,
in durance vile until this morning , when ,
no one appearing against him , he was
discharged from custody. The ' 'doctor' '
took a trip west , on 39 this noon , for
his health. We observe that the South
McCookitcs have adopted the shot gun
policy with good effect.
Yesterday , the old postofiice building ,
and lot upon which it is situated , passed
into the hands of J. F. Ganschow by
purchase. Upon inquiring as to the
consideration , Tom informed us that he
received enough for the property to pay
his debts any how. Mr. G. will repair
and repaint the building , and shortly
stock the same with a full line of boots
and shoes , and run it in connection
with his West Dennison street store.
Courier : Mrs. Wood , mother of the
notorious rogue , Frank Wood , who is
now under bonds to appear at the next
term of district court , died broken-heart
ed at the residence of W. E.Windhurst ,
last Saturday. The frequent manouv-
erings of her unnatural offspring were
too much for her'ro bear , and she has
gone to her home which mortals can
never take from her.
On Thursday evening , December 31st ,
the McCook Lodge of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen purpose holding
their first annual ball at the Opera Hall.
The boys are making extensive arrange
ments and we prophecy that the ball will
be one of the events of the season.
S VrfSSai V S-"V- W < W1WW" * /S * >
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Pike went west , Tues
day evening.
Fred Harris went out to Denver on a short
trip , last Saturday.
C. C. Cobb of thed'renton bank was in the
3 city on business , Tuesday.
Mrs. II. C. Fisher left on 2t Tuesday morn
ing , on an extended visit in the east.
T. J. Floyd and F. B. Ilnrcourt of the Tren
ton Land Co. were in Ihe city , Tuesday.
Major Criswell of Elm Corner came up to
the city on 30 , Tuesday , on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sti'phensonof Indiano-
la were in the city , between train4 ; , Tuesday.
Mrs. A. E. Leech and two children arrived ,
Monday on Xo. 40 , from San Marchial , X. M.
Mrs.V. . II. Davenport and Mrs. W. C. Cor-
mittof Culbcrtson were in the city , yesterday.
J. II. Perkins and family have returned to
1 the city , and have reiitedjone of Mrs. Lee's
Mrs. and Mrs. W. O. Moody came down
from Stratton , on a Hying visit Tuesday
J. A. Celtzer , cashier of the Dundy County
Bank , Benkelman , was in town on business ,
James C. Kane started , Friday morning
last , for Cullom , 111. , where he will spend the
winter months.
Miss Spcickclmier arrived from Blue Hill ,
Monday evening on Xo. 1 , and will make her
future home here.
Y. Franklin , J.E. Bergcr , Charlie Aslnnorc
and others attended the funeral of Will Dolan
at Indianola , Monday.
Benj. Bird of Benkelman , manager of the
Northwestern Cattle Co. , took dinner at the
Eating House , Monday.
W. P. Saunders of Omaha , special agent of
the Phenix Insurance Co. , was in town , a
couple days , the first of the week
E. W. Lewis of Cambridge was in the city ,
Saturday , making final proof on his pre-emp
tion. He made this office his usual visit.
Mrs. A. C. Hoot , mother of Mrs. Xcllie
Johnson , arrived in the city , hu > t evening , and
will spend tin ; winter with her daughter.
William Yore left on Xo. 2 , this morning ,
for Ccdarville , Illinois , where he will make
quite an extended visit , during the winter.
D. llawksworth of Plattsmouth. general
master mechanic of the B. & M.'s Nebraska
lines , was in the city. Saturday , on railroad
II. B. Corycll of Omaha , general agent of
the Plienix Insurance Co. , was in the city a
few days , the fore part of the week , on com
pany business.
Jii'.l. L. Brush of Greeley , Colo. , one of the
best known cow-men of this section , was in
the city , last Saturday , a guest at theB. &M.
Eating House.
W. Y. Bissell , one of Columbus * prominent
insurance men , was iu the city , Tuesday and
Wednesday , on business connected with the
companies he represents.
Miss Warwick of Blue Hill came up to the
city , Monday evening , on land business. She
has a claim near Stratton , upon which she is
arranging to make proof.
Ed. Marquis , manager for C. Kr Lawnon ,
injured his foot quite severely , last week , by
letting an ax fall on it. He has since employ
ed a cane to assist him in moving around.
II. W. Pike locates at Akron , Colo. , iu the
real estate business. Mrs. Pike will spend a
couple of months , this winter , with Mrs. W.
O. Moody on the homestead near Stratton.
M. J. Abbott of the Have * Centre Xews
came down to the city , Monday evening , re
maining here until Tuesday noon. M. J. . as
usual , invaded this sanctum a few minutes.
Fred A. Web ter of Seward , formerly fore
man of the old Circle-W ranch on the French
man , now the property of the Kilpatrick
Bros , of Beatrice , has been in the city , this
C. H. Meeker went down to Lincoln , Sat
urday evening , returninglicre Tuesday night ,
accompanied by Mrs. Meeker. They are oc
cupying rooms at Uev. Diingan's residence
for the present.
Eegister G. L. Laws we'nt down to Omaha ,
Sunday , on a siibpiena to appear before the
V. S. Grand Jury , at the metropolis on Mon
day , in some land cases , which are now agi
tating that body.
Frank Galarneau. until recently an employe
on this division of theB.&M. . came up to
the city , Saturday. Frank being a member of
the B. of B. , is now a gentleman of leisure ,
for the present.
II. P. Fullington of Warsaw , Xew York ,
father-in-law of our townsman Jacob Thomas
arrived in the city , last Friday , and will so-
jouni here some time. Mr. F. has a claim in
the southeastern part of Hayes county , and
may make this section his future home.
J. A. Walters returned to this city , a few
days since , after an absence of some weeks ,
during which time he has visited in Wyoming ,
Georgia and his native state , Pennsylvania.
Mr. Walters , we are informed , has finally de
cided to locate at Kansas City , and go into
business in the ' 'Chicago of the West. " '
All persons owing us are respectfully
asked to call and settle their accounts
on or before December 31st , cither with
cash or bankable paper. On January
1st , our line of lumber yards will be sold
to an incorporated company , who will
carry on the business. Persons having
accounts against us will please present
them at once for payment.
Sorghum seed , § 1.25 per bag. in new
two-bushel bags , delivered on cars at
Blue Hill , Neb. Address ,
27-tf. M. WILSON , Blue Hill , Neb.
Spot cash will be paid for fresh milch
cows by Chas. E. Hinnian.
v * .
B. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Sheriff Welborn had business in the
city , yesterday.
If you wanta superior letter filecall
at this office.
J. 13. Mcscrvc made a flying visit to
Stratton , this noon.
Wax dolls in profusion , all sizes , at
the Metropolitan drug store.
They have the purest , kettle-rendend
lard in the city at Brewer Bros.
Kev. Clay Uox of Oxford preached in
the M. 1' ] . church , Monday and Tuesday
evcnimrs of this week.
Blood tells , and that's the reason the
Commercial House continues to be the
popular hotel of the city.
Just received , sonic specialties in I
ladies' french kidsof , the best brands , in
B , C , and ] ) lasts at J. F. Oanschow's.
Mr. W. E. Dauchy , of McCook , was
nn out-of-town Nebraska ! ! in the city
yesterday afternoon. Gazette-Journal.
KOO.M Foil KKNT A furnished r.oom
in a pleasant locality. For further'paf- "
ticulars inquire of Mrs. Nellie Johnson.
Spalding of the Metropolitan drug
store will open , next week , the largest
and finest line of holiday goods ever seen
in this city.
Ludwick & Trowbridge have just re
ceived a large invoice of wooden toys
of every description for the holidays.
Call early to got a bargain.
One by one the bangs are going ,
Curls and frizzes leaving town ;
Girls are cutting , some are mowing ,
Short liair now lias gained renown.
All parties who are indebted to me
are hereby respectfully solicited to call
and square their account.either by cash
or bankable paper , before January 1st.
After the above date all accounts re
maining unpaid will positively be placed
in the hands of attorneys for collection.
This is straight goods , all wool and a *
yard wide. CHAS. H. ROGERS. r 4
I have put in scales at my ranch on
Brush creek and I will buy all the corn
that comes , at the market price. Also
liave 50 good ponies for sale , broke or
unbroke. 27. J. B.MESERVE.
A 1,000 pound Mosler Safe , fire proof ,
lor sale cheap.
i S
West Dennison St.