B , M , BRI0KEY & GO'S ' QLQTHING HOUSE THE 0ENTER OF ATTRACTION ! Everybody is greatly excited over the Prices E. M. BRICKEY & CO. are making on Clothing , and are rushing in to capture some of their . - ! never equaled Bargains before the assortment is broken. The cause of this agitation is thatwe bought an immense quantity of / . Clothing of an eastern manufacturer was closing out his winter stock , and by taking the entire remaining stock in thre several lines , got them at a reduction of nearly § O per cent , and are giving our customers the benefit of our big strike. We arc selling a good heavy durable suit for § 4.50 Sold everywhere for § G to § 7 * A fancy plaid suit for § 16.00 \Vorth $20 A nice suit for § G.OO Worth $ S In finer goods we have a large variety of fancy A heavy nil-wool suit for $8.50 That would be cheap at § 10 worsteds and cassimeres at $1G to § 18 Worth ! § 25 made. For $10 we sell a fine all-wool , fancy check suit. Worth § 13 In Overcoats we sell a good heavy serviceable coat at § 3.50 Worth $5- A fine dark cassimere suit , all-wool , heavy weight for. . $12.00 Worth - . . § 1(5 ( ( This is our great seller. We have have the same goods in plain colors and in fancy checks and A fine heavy coat , beautiful pattern , at § 6.00 Worth § S plaids. See it and you will buy it. ) Finer Overcoats at § S , $10 , $12 , § 15 and § 18 Worth much more. WE MEAN BUSINESS. THIS IS NOT MERELY A BLOW , BUT ACTUAL.FACTS , AND WE WILL PROVE EVERY WORD OF IT. COME IN AND BE CONVINCED WHETHER YOU WANT TO BUY OR NOT. C 'OUR GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES , AND ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY. E RICKEY & COMPANY , KJ ; ILES8 CLOTHIERS ! 3 DOORS NORTH OF POSTOFFICE , McCOOK NEBRASKA. IBTJ2IS WILCOX FOWLER'S. ( Successors to WILCOX BROS. ) Thanking the customers who have so stead ily patronized the old firm , will assure them that the new firm will CONTINUE"to meet all competition for all Standard Goods. BELOW YOU WILL FIND A PARTIAL LIST OF OUR MANY BARGAINS : 12 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for . . . $1.00 ' 13 Ibs. White Ex. "C. " Sugar for. . . . 1.00 14 Ibs. Yellow "C. " Sugar for . 1.00 - New York Buckwheat Flour . Gc. a 11 > . Finest Maple Syrup. . § 1.20 per gal. Xew Sorghum. .50c. a gal. All California Table Fruit : . / . 25c. a can. Wheeler's 3 lb. Table Peaches . 2c. ( ) a can. G cans for $1.00 All other canned goods as low as any house in town for same grade of goods. CAN SAVE IENT , F Men's Arctics $1.75 Mens' and Boys' Boots from $1.00 to $5.00 35F ° A11 grades of Womcns' . Misses' 'and Childrcns' Shoes3 from French Kid to the Coarsest. Cotton Flannels from Gs. to ISc. per yard. Heavy Medicated Twilled Flannel 40c. worth 50e. NEW HOODS , SHAWLS , DRESS GOODS , PRINTS , GINGHAMS , HATS AND CAPS , GLOVES , MITTENS , Etc. , Etc. , AS LOW AS THE LOWEST ! fl WILCOX & FOWLER. The First National Bank OF McGOOK , NRBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL , . - , - $50,000.00. DOES A GENERAL - : - - : - BUSINESS , Deposites. Buys and Sells Exchange on New York , | Chicago and Omaha , and all ihe principal cities of Europe. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN RELIABLE CO.'S. ( " " ' . ' O FICE-RS AND DIRECTORS : SMSHSU. , Preddest. A. CAUF32LL , P. L. S20VT1I , CuMer. S. Jf. F2ZZS , Vies-PtsdiKt , ( Of Frew & Uocknoll. ) ( Assistant Supt. B. & M. ) ( Of Klrliy Carpenter Co. , Chicago. ) EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. BY THE PRINCIPAL. OUR SCHOOLS. LECTURES. As stated in last issue , we have now arranged 1'or Prof. French for Wednes day , December loth. Chancellor Manatt's date is not yet fully determined. B. F. Taylor is to be here Dec. 28th. It is possible , however , that his date may be changed. STATK ASSOCIATIONS. The Kansas State Teachers' Associa tion meets at Topeka in the holiday vacation. Extensive preparations are making for the occasion. The executive committee of the Ne braska State Teachers' Association have 1 fixed upon the last of March as the time for holding the annual meeting. The program will be announced in the near future. OBSERVANCE OF LAW. Concerning teaching physiology and hygiene in our public schools , State Supt. Jones gives the following decision in the Westein School Journal : 'I am frequently asked how school of ficers may be compelled to obey the law and carry out its provisions. This ques tion has come with repeated forco in connection with the law requiring phys iology and hygiene to be taught in all public schools. ( See subd. x , page 53 , laws of 1SS5) ) . I know of but one way to compel officers to obey the law , when they refuse or neglect to dosoand , that is to make complaint to a court of com petent jurisdiction , and get an order' ' from the court requiring obedience. Tn general , the district court is the proper tribunal. There is an improvement in punctu ality and regularity of attendance , but our pupils fall far short of our ideal in this respect. We desire to reduce the cases of absence and tardiness to the lowest possible minimum of frequency. Aiming to encourage a spirit of emula tion , we have had a banner framed cou"- taining these words : "This room had the lowest number of , cascs of absence and tardiness last week.The room having the lowest number of cases , is . ' i entitled to the banner for the succeed- ing week. The hih school room suc ceeded in holding it three weeks , but last week the number of cases in the department taught by Misses Murphy and Jamison were less , each room hav ing the same number of cases. Conse quently the two rooms alternate this week , in having the banner. Another means of securing punctuality , is to have interesting morning exercises. The following is a geographical puzzle which was prepared by a pupil of the sixth grade : A OEOfiRAPHICAL One day I went to a party. There were. ' eight persons present : .Mrs. ( hills in Wyo ming ) Black ; 3Ir.a river in Arizona , Utah and Colorado ) Grand ; Mrs. ( a city in Kan sas ) Lawrence ; Mr. ( a city inlltali ) Logan : Mrs. , ( a city in Colorada ) Greeley ; Miss ( a river in Wash. Ter. ) Columbia ; Mrs. ( a riv er iu Montana ) Charles ; Mrs. ( a park in Wyoming ) Yellowstone. We hail a good : time playing on ( a state on the map of terri ! tories and adjacent states ) Oregon ; Mrs. a river in Utah ) Green , two hours later called us to dinner. I must tell you how nice the table was set. They had the knives and forks made out of ( a region in Arizona ) Silver ; the caster made out of ( a region in Colorado ) Gold ; the spoons made of ( a re gion in Arizona ) Silver ; Iput somesprings ( in Idaho ) Soda ; on my potatoes for pepper. On the table we had ( a country north-west of Persia ) Turkey ; a chicken and ( a city in ; X. Y. ) Buffalo ; and that is all. After din ner we all went out to take a walk in the woods , when Mr. ( a river in Utah ) Green , told us that he heard ( a river in Idaho ) drinking ( a river in Montana ) Milk. .Just then Mrs. ( a river in Utah ) Grand , came out of the woods. Her hair was ( si river in Dakota ) lied , and her eyes were ( a mountain in Penna. ) Blue , her face was ( hills in Wyoming ) Black , : uid her dress was ( mountains in Xew Hampshire and Ver mont ) Green. We stopped to talk to her until it was pretty cold , when we turned around , and I noticed a hole in the bottom of my shoe. I stepped upon fa river in Illinois and Wisconsin Hock , which hurt my foot badly , and I had to go home. Our house was near Mr. [ a bay in Wisconsin ) Green. Iliad to walk over [ a region of Michigan ] Copper , to get home. When I went home , I felt bet- ter , but I never went over to Mr. [ a river in Utah ] Green , yet but that I was injured in .some was. Just then I heard a knock , and 1 said , [ a city in the Chinese Empire ] Pekin. Edie M. age 11 years , a We herewith present another repro duction of Miles Standish : A SKETCH OF MILES STANDISII. One of the Plymouth Pilgrimsnoted in Colonial history , ; md the theme of one of Longfellow's poems , who was born in Kng- land in the year Lr > S-l. I Fe was a very bra\ man , short , but .strongly built , and athletic. Broad in the .shoulders , deep chested , with muM'lus ami sintws of iron. One of hi.s fre quent sayingsas. . "If you wish a thingdone well , do \our.self. . do not leave it to otheis to do. " lie had fought a great many battles at different places , and also fought in Fland ers. His anus wore always bright and bur nished , because he had done it himself , and not left it to others * to do. His greatest friend and household companion was.John Alden , who was fair-haired , azure-eyed , with del icate Saxon complexion , and was well edu cated. He had fallen in love with the Ptni- ton maiden , Priscilla. who was alone in the world , as her father and brother had died the previous winter. As he was writing oneday , the captain asked to have a eonvi'rwition with him , when he was tlnoiigh writinir. As John began laying away his writing material , the captain began by sajing. he had been weary and dreary since his wife Hose Standish died , and asked him if he would ao and ask Pris cilla if .she would be his wife. John Alden asked if this was the n a-ou he had been waiting so long , hathiir to ask her himself , for fear of refusal , but made answer by say ing : ' 'If you wish : i thing done well , do it yourself , do not leave it to others to do , " but said he would go. When he reached Prise-il ia's house , he found her siione. IJe told of the captain's bravery and of all the battles he had fought. But when he paused for her an swer , she said , ' "Why don't \ on uk foryotir- self , John ? " John rushed through the night toward homo , as lie knew how angry the cap- tain would he. When .John returned with his message to the captain , and told him about Priscilla , Miles Standish's anger burst foith in a minute. But in the midst of the scene a messenger appealed in the doonay. . saying that there weie minors of war , and that he was wanted immediately. He dropped every thing and wsis off. It wsis but a few days when Priscilla came and asked pardon for what she had said. And. as they were sitting ilone one evening , a messenger was sent , say ing he had brought sad news from the village. 1'liat his friend Miles Standish was dead. They were sorry , but John felt that he had liis release , and that he was free to marr\ Priscilla at any time. So the wedding daj was fixed. So their friends assembled togeth- jr. As the magistrate was about to pro- louncc them man and wife , a fonu appeared it the doorway , all clad in hLs armor of .steel. Lo ! when they turned and saw that it was 'The Great Captain of Plymouth , " Miles itandish , what was their surprise ? The raptain came forth , bowed and asked for- jiveness , then saluted Priscilla , and said : " 1 ihoiild have remembered the old adage : "it on wish a thing done well , do it yourself , lo not leave it to others. " They were nevei letter friends than at that time. And now at have no more to say about this great man. will close byaskingpardonforaH'mistakes. M. M. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough lemetly is fully equal in intrinsicalue to a iollar bottle of any other preparation iu use. iold by M. A. Spalding and Wiliey & Walker. JimniUbJ'UVjt DISPLAY ! - = AT THE - - - _ > - . _ - _ -r- = ---c iver Follow ! " PARLOR SUITES , STUDENTS' CHAIRS , TURKISH--CHAIRS , IADIES' COMFORTS , Walnut , Cherry and Ash BUREAUS , CHIFFONIERS , J ETC. . " _ " _ , _ . . -A = fc 2fcifr i * - ? xST"i-Jfa * - = rrf - - * i /i".iV - > ' ' ' ' - CHAMBER SUITES. . _ . , g g p s-aaS.Jgj g r r &pa-ir tlfcT ra ir F.- ! Bright , New and Desirable Selections for Fall Trade. Com plete Assortment of Holiday Goods. New Lot of Wall Decora- Jon. Elegant Lot of Picture Moulding in all the Modern Designs rust Received. $5OO Worth of Rattan Goods , all Late Designs for 886 , which Must and Will be Sold before the Holidays are Over. Some and Inspect our Stock in all its Branches. Itwill be Well Worth Your Time. We also Sell three Different Kinds of Sewing Machines , which will be Sold Low for Cash. Only the Standard Machines Handled , with 5Year Warranty. BEWARE OF IMI- FATIONS. American Sewing Machines a Specialty. Machine's oRent. Machines to Sell on Installments , and Big Inducements or Cash Purchasers. H1LLA0K & HOWARD , WHOLESALE : & RETAIL DEALERS IN . - " * ' * ' VV.K v / * * vL-'wwxr i' DOORS , BLIPJDS. WOULDINGS , ' icfjeb , Gcbac fTcwfo , 11113 , crCaicGcijtciit" SJfa tcs2ari > anb Goaf. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA.