W. H. HAYDEN & CO. , , # I . OFFER [ HE MA BftAIBS I f * We cordially invite the attention of the general public to the following1 price list of our Complete Stock of Groceries and Provisions : 12 pounds of Granulated Sugar for. . . ' . $1 00 13 pounds of Extra " 0" Sugar for 1 00 9 pounds of Best Green Coffee for 1 00 7 pounds of Arbuckles Coffee for ; 1 00 7 pounds of Dilworths Coffee for ' . 1 00 Griswolds Coffee , in tin buckets 00 Michigan Fine Salt , in barrels . " . . _ . . ' . ' . . . . - . 2 50 11 pounds "Best Summer-Cured Cod Fish. . . ' . " 1 00 .20 sacks , 3-pound Dairy Salt ' . . . . . . . . . 1 00 6 3-pound cans best Table Peaches . . . ' 1 00 8 2-pound cans best Raspberries . ; . 'i- 1 00 10 2-pound cans best Strawberries . . . ' : . . . ; " . . . 1 00 10 2-gound cans best Corn 100 10 2-pound cans best Blackberries 1 00 10 2-pound cans best Gooseberries 1 00 13 pounds good Ring Cut Apples 1 M 1C pounds good Michigan Dried Apples 1 00 4 cans best Corn Beef 1 00 25 pounds best White Beans 1 00 13 pounds best Carolina Rice ' 1 00 13 boxes Sardines 1 ° ° J. T. Tobacco per pound 40 cents Horse Shoe Tobacco per pound 45 cents Spear Head Tobacco per pound 45 cents Climax Tobacco per pound 45 cents Meerschaum Tobacco per pound 30'cents Old Style Tobacco per pound * 22 cents Dan Tucker Tobacco per pound 18 cents 11 pounds of Kingsford's Gloss Starch for SI 00 11 pounds of Kingsford's Corn Starch for 1 00 We carry a full line of the Best Groceries money can buy and will give yon Lowest Possible Prices. rices n. : o 1 z. i _ JL vx > x ry J. J FINRST ASSORTMENT OF IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY. f CL . In Immense Quantities and at All Prices , BUY OUR BOOTS AND SHOES ! AS THEY ARE THE BEST ON EARTH. THR McCOOK LOAN OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , . OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREE'S , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. . . . . QEO. HOCRNELL , SECRETARY. R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT. F. L. BROWN , TREASURER. C E MePHERSON & CO. U , S , LAND ATTORNEYS , * And Real Estate Brokers. OFFICE : West Dennison Street , -MsOOOK , NEBRASKA , u AT PRICES TO SUIT YOU. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE .STOCK OF Dress Goods , Silks , Satins , Ribbons , And in fact an assortment to select from larger and more varied than any house in this section. HALLASK & HOWARD , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN i , p C 0 , a'w'v ) &J'M4'tcj' , DOORS , BLINDS. MO'ULDIrJGS , ( Eeba Scab , Si-iue , 3-falt , tzia aiib CBoaf. . MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. B. & M. PHARMACY , HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE T FT 1C 5 COMBS , SHUSHES , PEEFUHEEY , EXTEACTS , ETC. PAINTS , OILS , DYE STUFFS , PAINT BRUSHES , Katsbmirie , Turpentine , Lead , Putty , Window Glass , Etc. Fine Line of Cigars Always on Hand. Prescriptions ' Cartefully Compounded. Day or Night. MeCOOK , * - - NEBRASKA. AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF BLANKETS $ COMFORTS. Hats , Caps , Gloves , f Mittens , An Unusually Large Assortment at -r You "Smile , " want you to Distinctly Understand that our Goods are the 'J ' jst That Money Can Buy , ] a And that we sell at a less margin of profit than Any House in This Country. Wind Mill. Supcilor to any on the ir.nrkct. belnjr Heavier , Stronger Dalit , nuil therefore a more Durable 51111. It la the only absolutely snfc Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years part , not one has ever blown away and left the Tower rtanilin ? . A record no other Mill can show. TVe offer to put up any of our PUMP1XG MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And If they don't give satisfaction , will remove Mill at our own cspcntr. Also Manufacturers of the Cerebrated Challenge Feed Mill * . Corn Shelters. Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For cotlmacs , catalogues and prices , apply to G. IJ. NETTLETON , HcCooIf , Neb. , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity , Durability ; Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete apo'n application. Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. THE WOODMANSH market. Will vrorte In wells from Ju to 200 feet la depth , and hag back atuchrnent * to force water Into elevated tanks. Can be u'ed br hand or windmill. Panic * contemplating the erection of a Windmill tm consult their best Interests by calling at my Homestead. ' l a' mil VV of McCook ornt H. Johnston's. 5 miles S. E. . and at Hewitt's Market Garden , S. E. of Mcf'ooK. ud examine the working of the W. M. IRWIN , Agent , Woodmanse Windmill Co. , Freeport , HI.