Thursday , November 5th , 1885. COIfGIlEGATIONAL.-Sunday School at 10 A. M. every week. Prcachinjr services every Sunday night at 7.30. W . T. Also , every iiltcr- nate Sundny mornimr nt II , M. T. Exception * to the above will be noticed in locals. OEOHOK UUNOAN , Pastor. METHODIST. Services every Sunday ut 10 : 30 A. M. and 7 1' . M. . mountain time. Sunday School nt 3 P. M. The services and Sunday school will bo held for the future in the now church. Allnrecordialiyinvitcd. Seats free. iv. S. WHEELEH , Pnstor. CATHOLIC. Services will be held in tho church once every four weeks. THOMAS CULLEN , Pastor. WcCOOIC LODGE A. F. & A. M. Regular meetings , Tuesday night on or before full moon of every month. S. L. GKEEN , W. M. F. L. McC.nACKEX , GKOVE LODOK K. HP P. . ( J. D. Meets the first and third Wedned- iay evening of each mouth. J. v > r. CAMPBELL , C. C. A. M. SPALDINO , K. K. S. HOCKNELL HOSE COMPANY. ular meetings on the first Wednesday evoiiin of each month. 11. B. AIICKIUALD , Chief. KNIOIITS or LABOR. Electric Light Assem bly No. 3752 meets the firstand third Fridayof each month. 8. N. STAYdA , M. W. WILL- . CLCTE. B. S. B. OFL. E. Brotherhood of LocomotivoEn- Sincere. Meet flrat aud fourth Saturdays o each month. S. E. HOCK , Chief. J. C. ANDERSON , F. A. E. J. K. BAUNKS POST G. A. K. Kcffnlnr meet ingB second and fourth Monday evenings o each month at Opera Hall. J. A. WILCOX , Commander. J. H. YAnaEit , Adjutant. POST-OFFICE HOURS. Oppn from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. , M. T. Office will be closed thirty minutes before arrival and departure of mails. SUNDAY , office will bo open from 7 to 8 A. AI. and from 4 to fi P. M. . M. T A. P. SHAHP , P. M. B. & M. TIME TABLE. EAST LEAVES : EAST LEAVES : No. 2 0:30 , A. JI. No. 40 5:25 , P. M , WEST LEAVES : WEST LEAVES : No.3 ! ) 12:50. P.M. No.l bKi : , P. M. 5 Eastbound trains run on Central Time , and westbound trains on Mountain Time. Freight trains do not carry passengers. R. It. WOODS , Agent. i' * ' Local Intelligence. We are to have a directory. Fresh candy at the City Bakery. For Tansill's Punch Cigar go to the Commercial House. * " * „ Moody & Winter , City Dairy , for pure and wholesome milk. ( 25,000 white and colored envelopes * ' just received at this office. a Remember Church & Whittaker for choice fresh meats of all kinds. Michigan Cider of excel lent quality at the City Bakery. New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowman & Son , Pate Block , Main Street. W. W. Palmer has a fine line of wolf and goat robes. They are dandies. A nice line of hanging and stand lamps at the Metropolitan Drug Store. It will paT to advertise in the McCook city and land district business directory. Foil SALE CHEAP A good pony , saddle and bridle , inquire at this office. Money to loan on real estate and pat ented larjd by the McCook Loan and Trust Co. The finest line of perfumes and ex tracts in the city at the B. & M. Pharmacy. The Iseminger Automatic Bill and Letter File , the very best in the market , at this office. For the most elegant and perfect Base Burners , the square Gold Coin at Lytle Bros.downs the world. They are having a perfect rush at the Commercial House , these days , and are feeding over 100 guests for dinner. THE TRIBUNE will club with any jour nal in the United States at reduced rates. Select your paper and call for figures. Stock boarded by the day or week at Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House. Also buys and sells stock on commission. Messrs. Rran & Turner have had ex- npriencfi in the business and will pub lish a directory accurate and complete. The Central Meat Market of Church & Whittaker has at all times the choic I est cuts of steak and other meats for their patrons. Mr. D. Schoolherr has taken a trip to McCook , with a view to locating a branch ? store somewhere in that vicinity. Bea trice Democrat. To insure peace and contentment in ? vour family , go to Lytle Bros , and get one of the latest style Base Burners. They are ' 'daisies. " to Come all ye who want anything in the dental line to E. S. Carl. McCook Bank- in lo.'s building. Reasonable charges and work guaranteed. to Of course the biids and the flowers gone , but do not the festive gamblers ijid verdant grcenies recompense us ? iVnture seeks an equilibrium always. i : They hove just received a choice con L signment of candies at the City Bakery , t and lovers of that toothsome article are tl requested to call and sample them by tlei purchase. eibl eic All persons knowing themselves in bl debted to me on account are requested blm m to call and settle , as soon as possible , either by cash or bankable paper. D C. H. ROGERS , i * i Gold pens at MeCrackcn's. Every live business man will advcrtisi in the new directory. Inquire for the Royal , it is bette than gold , at McCracken's. A full line of genuine Pebble specta clcs just rcccivqil at McCracken's. E. M. Farnsworlh , war claim attor ney , has just returned from Iowa. The lirgc. : t and best assortment o horse blankets at W. W. Palmer's. New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowuiar & Son , Pate Block , Main Street. Go to W. W. Palmer , two doors north of post-office , for harness. He is tht boss good goods and low prices. Remember this office when you wan : a well-disr.laycd dodger. We have the only large wood type in the city. As the occasion was in no manner ob served in this city , it may not be gen orally known that Saturday evening , October 31st , was Halloween. We are sorry to announce that , the Schubert Quartette Concert , though a grand artistic success , was a failure fi nancially , quite a dismal one. * A representative of the Kansas City Star was in town , the first of the week canvassing for that daily , which has quite a number of subscribers here. There arc now some twenty residences in course of erection in this cityand the probabilities are that the improvement will continue well into the winter season. All sorts of rumors are afloat , these days , to the effect that a number of long- felt wants , such as another banka , news paper , diug store , etc. , will shortly be added to our business interests. Episcopal services will be held by Bev. Fulforth next Sunday morning and evening at the Opnra Hall. Morning services at 11 o'clock and evening ser vices at 8 o'clock , central time. Our readers will note the new adver tisement of L. Lowman & Son , which appears on our first page. Call around and see them at their headquarters in the Pate Block on Main street. The Crete Nursery representative who has been here for a week past , has suc ceeded in disposing of a large number of trees , a fact indicative of prosperity and improvement , which wo take great de light in noting. Last week , Mess. Pade & Son , the West Dennison street furniture men , purchased the brick store room now occupied by them from H. C. Rider for § 1,800 cash. It is one of the finest quarters in the city. Better order slfould be maintained in the Opera Hall , during performances. Our theatre-going people should be bet ter protected from the annoyance and insults of a few yahoos who do congre gate in certain localities of the hall. Don't forget theMum Sociable" by the Episcopal Guild at the residence of A. J. Pate , nextThursday evening , November 12th. Neither let the talk ative ones fail of providing a well-filled purse of 10 centrieces. The ladies es pecially will N. B. Still later developments in the rascal ities of one Blanchard , who worked a short lime in the telegraph office at this place , show tlut he forged his letter of recommendation , besides defrauding the people of Fitchburg , Mass. , where he worked before coming west , out of $400. The oyster supper given by the ladies of the 5l. E. church , yesterday evening , was a grand success in a social way as well as financially. The new church edifice was filled with people and socia bility. It was quite late before the pleasant party broke up. The ladies lid society realized quite handsomely rom the supper. We take genuine pleasure in announc ing the partial recovery of Dr. Davis rom his severe tussel with typhoid fever. The doctor was sufficiently strong , Mon day morning , to undertake , the journey his homejn SalemRichardson , county , where he will remain until he has en tirely recuperated. The doctorin a card , be found elsewhere on this page , thanks tho e who ministered to him dur- ng his illness. AT HOME Will F. Lawaon and bride irrived in the city. Sunday night on No. , and are now temporarily quartered at he'residenca of W. M. Andersonuntil. their pleasant home , now in course of o erection on North Monroe street , is ready for occupancy , which will proba- „ ly require a week or ten days. Will's to many friends join THE TRIBUNE in wish- ng him and his lovely bride a bon voy over life's ocean. We arc sorry to note the departure of J. C. Arbuckle and family from our midst , to again take up their residence at Atwood , Rawlins county , Kansas , near which place Mr. Arbuckle has recently purchased a section of land. Mr. A. is also interested in Atwood town property in addition to his fine ranch property in that vicinity. Our city loses a citizen of the most sterling and exemplary qual ities in J. C. Arbuckle. J6S"Hard and soft coal , best quality , at Hallack : & Howard's lumber yaid. The sporting fraternity are making all necessary arrangements for the winter's games. Apartments are being fitted up , tables and other gambling paraphernalia are being provided , with a lavishness which indicates that the games which will be carried on , the coming winter , will be unusually ' 'stiff. " We hear it ntated , upon good authority , that there are now in running order s"ome four or five gambling establishments , and we give the statement for what it is worth . New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowman & Son , Pate Block , Main Street. Our young friends , Geo. M. Chener } and L. B. Stiles , have purchased one o ; H. C. Rider's lots on Main street , that adjoining the feed store of Fry & Snow , and they will proceed at once to put up a building , which when completed , wil be stocked with a line of drugs. The building1 now on the lot and occupied by Lucas & LcHew , will be moved to the rear , while the shell formerly serving as a restaurant stand , and owned by E. Kuester , has been torn down and re moved , and the new structure , a frame one , will be commenced immediately. and soft coal , best quality , at Hallack & Howard's lumber yard. A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Mrs. T. Nelis of the New York Millinery Store has returned from her visit east , bring " ing with her the largest , and finest and liandsomcst display of millinery goods , notions of all kinds , hats and bonnets , perfect beauties , ever brought to thi city. The ladies of McCook will find at the New York Millinery Store , opposite the postoffice , jusc what they want in any of the above lines. Mrs. Nelis has an unusually large stock , and the very latest and most tasty articles in her line in the trade. Don't neglect to call early and select before it is too late. Lytle Bros , have stoves at $3.50 and upwards. See them before buying. The Arions Swiss Bell Ringers and Elite Specialty Co. played to one of the most enthusiastic and largest audiences ever assembled in our Ope.-a Hall , Mon day night. The company is composed in the main of young peoplcfresh and fair to look upon , well and handsomely cos tumed , piquant and pert. They are withal the best company in their line which has visited this city. Their re markably low prices alone insure them crowded houses. On Tuesday evening , the Arions again delighted an uproar- ously demonstrative audiencewhich , fill ed the Opera Hal ? to its utmost capacity. The Arions have created a most favora- } le impression , and should they again ) ass this way , a crowded house is a certainty. a and soft coal , best quality , at Hallack & Howard's lumber yard. n Passenger train No. 1 , Saturday night , met with an accident , just as she was n lulling into the east switch at Oxfo'rd station , whereby the entire train , ( save rear day coach and sleeper , ) was de railed. The accident was occasioned by the breaking of the pin in the connect- ng rod of the switch , allowing the rails o spread. The train was probably run ning at the rate of 30 miles an hour at the time , and it is wonderful that no ) articular damage or loss of life occurvv red. After some delay , the engine of a 'reight train , then lying at that station , was drafted into tiie service , and No. 1 continued her journey , arriving at this station about three hours late. Supt. Campbell went down to the scene of the accident on a freight train , and the de- ailed engine was put to rights in short metre. For real genuine good luck the d J. & M. is justly entitled to the'cookies. . " Ii [ New Store ! New Goods ! L. Lowman t Son , Pate Block , Main Street. 'Another Soul Made Happy. " This time it is Nelson J. Johnson , 10 miles southwest of McCook , by putting O ( n one of those celebrated 12 ft. Wood- manse Wind Mills , and their No. 6 force pumps in his 160 foot well. This mill ' and pump is bound to take the lead. For prices catalogues etc. , send postal Lock Box 367 , McCook , Nebraska. Great Reduction in Watches and Jewelry at McCrackon's. at SCHOOL REPORT. The following is a report of our school for the month of October : Xumb-jr of boys enrolled 121 Number of girs enrolled 129. Whole number 250 Number belonging. 22L Avei age attendance 190 Time lost by tardiness , 4 } hours. The Main street building was opened Tuesday morning , October 27th , to which all first year pupils , numbering 04 , were transferred. The following pupils Jin the different departments were neither absent nor tardy during the month : May Clark , Lillie Hess , Edith Crane , Roy Patterson , Fred Etner , Archie Mathes , Anna Hunt , Elaine Thompson , 3yrtio Jacobs , John Sevenker , Theo. Laws , Alta Tubbs , Nellie Lee , Delia Bowers , Minnie McConncII , Mattie Cauncs , Edna Meserve , Mary Jacobs , Clam Pun-is , Mary Suess , Nora Schaffer. Stella Lafever , .Belle ThompMJM , Selma Noren , Louisa Suess , Del la Johnston , Clarence Wlnttnker , Jessie Bowman , Minnie Whlttaker , Alice Thompson , Florence ] Yarnell , Hattie Thomas , Eddie ] Miuklcr , Lena Coy , Lena , Florence Thompson. Clarence ( Wilson , Nellie Cooley , Lydia ] Clifford , Lizzie Woerner , May , Seaman , Nellie Gibbs. Ida and Eva limit , Graciti Wan ! , Charlie < McManigal , Nellie Hnddleston , Grade ( Hobson , Albert Miller , Clarence < Lackey , Clay Oswalt , Enghart Sorenbon , Willie McManigal , Henry Everts , Earl Ludwick , Grace Collins , Fred Pate , Faye Cormvell , Willie Minkler , Christie JelFers , Arthur Chancy , Frankie Nicholson , Willie Snvder , Maud Wood , Bertie Palterhon , Belle Plunkctt , Tommy Bales , Emma Plunkett , Willie Meyers. Maggie Suess , Allie McConmck , Lida Suess , Frank Smith , Kuby Sluman , Clarence Tubbs , Ella Snyder , Willie Newton , Lulu Murphy , George Newton , Mabel Hess , Henry Mitchell , Carrie Davis , Chester Walker , Virgie Chinn , Martin Sorenson. Maggie Condon , 25T > Hard and soft coal , best quality , at Hallack & Howard's lumber yard. "MUM'S THE WORD ! " ' Mini's THE WORD ! " The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will give a Mum So ciable at the residence of Mrs. A. J. Pate , on Thursday evening , November 12th. A good time assured to .ill. Come all , come early. PRESIDENT. To be given away ! Inquire at Mc- Cracken's Jewelry Store. IMPORTANT NOTICE. On December 31st , 1885 , the firm of Frees & Hocknell will go out of busi ness. All parties owing us are respect fully requested to call and settle at once , either with cash or bankable paper. All goods sold hereafter for cash. Nov. 4th. FREES & HOCK.NELL. It would require the genius of a Nast a or : i Keppler to fully and faithfully de scribe and delineate the scenes in and h around the democratic headquarters , S d Tuesday night. There was an exu Ii berance ( as well as a consumption ) of Iiol spirits paralyzing to anyone but an old- time bourbon. J Si In a table elsewhere in this issue we si siQ give our readers all the returns we have Q been able to secure up to the time of go in ing to press. The figures as given are in the main correct , and the majorities for county officers are official. Returns from one or two s"mall precincts are lacking. WANTED A boy between 12 and 15 years of age , who wishes to go to school during the winter , to make himself gen erally useful about my house , build fires , milk cow , etc. A good home offered to good boy. GEO. HOCKXELL. We are certainly having a feast of amusements , just now , with a flattering prospect ahead. With a play every night , next week , in addition to our home entertainments , we fear that the drain upon the average pernon's finances cl clP will be rather too heavy. P ; ci District Court was in sessi&n at Indi- cir anola , yesterday , when a number of di d vorce cases and quite a list of other cases were disposed of in quick order. We hope to give full particulars , next week. SELV-ExpLANATOiir. If of an - any our aim m readers fail to receive THE TRIBUNE aiyi yi regularly they may find some of their missing papers in the barber shop across the street. Such things have happened. In addition to most of our attorneys , Messrs. LaTourette , Willey , Scott and J ] others were in attendance upon yester L day's : session of the district court at Lof ndianola. of The Gleasons will appear in the Opera aibt Jail every night , the coming week. P Monday evening , they open -Phenix. . " y < Prices 25c. and 35c. Listen ! Every pair of the Walker )0ots and shoes warranted. Sold by C. 3. Rogers. Business men will encourage the new directory. tcm my Violins and accordeoii3McCracken's. E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing. ad FOR RENT. fir Two dwelling houses to rent. Inquire ind the Citizen's Bank. by PERSONALS. S - Nwsrf X VXN -S 'V V - V > * * > -S Ju O. Phillips is in town , to-day , in the in terests of the Lincoln Land Co. Mary Krehbill and Maggie Dougherty of York , came up to town , Tuesday. L. C. Stephenson , deputy county cleric , was in town , Sunday , between , trains. W. C. Bullard of Culbertsou drove down to the city early Satmday morning. J. W. Dyer , of Straut& Dyer , Culberhon , was in town , Monday on business. A. E. McDowell and W. E. McDowell of Trenton were visitors in town , Monday. W. W. VVesb and A. L. West of .Hayes Centre were Commercial guests , Monday. Editor L. E. Martin of the Orleans Sentinel made Kegister Laws a short visit , Sunday. George Papin and John McCartney came up from Indianola , Satmday , on allying visit. C. D. Cramer came up to the metropolis on 39 , Saturday , and remained here until Sunday morning. Fied Lytle came down from Benkehmui , Sunday evening , on business , returning on Monday. Lewis Pate of Friendillecame up to town , Sunday , on a visit of a few days to his brothel's in this city and vicinity. Cashier Branson of the Uawlins County Bank , Atwood , Kansas , and wife , were visit ors in this city , Monday. Dan Brigham of Holdiege , a prominent real estate man of that place , made this city a business visit , Monday. K. Q. Stewart of lUverton , deputy U. S. Marshal , is in the city , to-day , on business connected with his office. Mrs. C. F. Babcock went down to Cam bridge , Sunday evening , on a few day's visit to Mrs. W. E. Babcock of that burg. T. K Work of the McCaudlish ranch , who has been away visiting iu New England , for a number of weeks , icturned heie , the first of the week. J. W. McCarthy of Lincoln came up to town on No. 1 , yesterday evening. Mr. McC. is in terested considerably in Kcd Willow county real estate. Page Francis came in from Yuma , Colo. , Sunday evening , to be picscnt at the election , Tuesday. Mrs. Francis , and baby , who were visiting him , also icturned. I ) . Guernsey of Council Bluff was in the city , Satmday , en route to his Fienchman ranch to settle his accounts for the.season and perfect arrangements for his winter camp. Mr. and Mrs1. C. 1C. Lawson of Hastings are registered at the Eating House , to-day. Mr. Lawson is proprietor of the hardwaie store formerly owned by W. C. LaTourette. Rev. Chessington left for the east on 40 , Monday evening. The reverend gentleman will be absent a week or more attending a church meeting , the nature of which wehave not learned , in Illinois. James Iteilly of Saline county , this state , came up , Sunday evening , io look after his real estate interests in this vicinity. Mr. Keilly has a deeded qtiaitcr and timber claim few miles noitheati of town. Mr. a"nd Mrs. Ed. Marquis went up to the homestead of a relative of Mrs. M.s , north of Stratton : , Satmday. Ed. returned here , Sun day ! , but his wife will remain , enjoying the fe licity of the homesteader's life , until the last of the present week. J. F. Forbes and our reporter made Agent John ( Gordon and amiable bride a short visit , Saturday evening last , at Arapahoe , and as _ sisted them in disposing of a brace of fine quail ; while cards , music and social chat made up au enjoyable evening. A. D. Webb , who has been in the employ of the Badger Co. at this place for some time , left on Saturday to take chaige of a yard re cently established by the Badger at a town in Simmer county , Kansas. Mr. Webb will make his family at Fanner City , 111. , a short visit en route. . THE NEW DIRECTORY. A CARD TO THE PUIJLIC : The attention of the public is invited to the fact that we have taken the ini tial steps toward the issuing of a name and business directory of McCook and vicinity. The name and residence por tion of the book is to be limited to Mc Cook , and the business directory to in clude the McCooK Land District. Xo point of public interest will be neglect ed , and if sufficient encouragement is received.our experience in the making of directories will enable us to issue to the public a volume accurate and complete Finding its way into every hotel and business house in this part of the Repub lican Valley , constantly under tiie public eye as an advertising will be invaluable aid to to the business com munity. We bospeak for this enterprise your generous support.W.M. W.M. A. RYAN. J. D. TURNER. MILLINERY. We have just received our Winter Millinery , latest shapes and colors , in Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Hats and Bonnets , etc. , and kindly ask the ladies McCook and vicinity to call and ex amine the same and get prices before buying elsewhere. Thanking you for past favors , and soliciting a share of your patronage in the future , we remain , Yours respectfully. S. A. & L. C. ROWELL. A CARD. To the many friends who were so at tentive during my recent illness I return sincere thanks. B. B. DAVIS. The work of laying the three miles of idditional water mains is progressing finely , as is also the sinking of the wells , other improvements now underway the Lincoln Land Co. Buy one of those sweet , harmonious Kazoos at McCrackcn's. Th City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott , proprietor , for fine teams. m " ' - ' ' " " * ' j i New Store ! New Goods ! L.Lowinnu * . & Son , PateBlock-Main , Street. The besl boot in America. The Wal ker boot. Sold only by C. II. Rogers. JE2"Hard and soft coal , best quality , at Ifallack & Howard's lumber yard. The West Dennison street restaurant has temporarily suspended , on account of illness of the proprietors and lack of help. help.The The courteous treatment an'd first class accommodations at the Cummer , cial House are making that hostlcrit popular. The first fresh oysters of the season' at Ed. Kuester's , first door above the P. 0. Oysters by the can or served in every style. Fresh consignments every day. FOR SALE 175 acres deeded land , with improvements to amount to $500. Situated 2 miles from McCook. For terms call on or address editor of THE TRIBUNE. R. A. Cole , fashionable merchant tail or , has constantly on hand as fine a class of goods as can be procorcd. Suits made up in the latest style , and perfect fits guaranted. Prices reasonable. Shop two doors west of Citizens Bank , Mc Cook , Nebraska. Nebraska flour for Nebraskans. The City < Bakery received a car-load of that celebrated Grand Island Flour , this week. The shipment contains the new brand of flour. "White Frost' " which is without a peer , and is guaranteed to be the very finest brand in the city. NOTICE TO PAY UP. O Having disposed of a half interest in the B. & M. Pharmacy to Mr. Walker , all persons owing me are .requested to call and make immediate settlement of all accounts owing mo. Oct. 22 , ' 85. A. J. WILLEV. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. oEXCHANGE. A desirable restaurant stand , in a- ; ood location. Ill-health only reason for disposing of same. Inquire at this office for further particulais. Residence for Sale. o _ I am offering my residence property on the corner of Madison and Dodge streets for sale. J. B. MESERVE. SAFE FOR SALE. \l A 1,000 pound Mosler Safe , fire proof , : 'or sale cheap. LUDWICK & TROWBKIDGI : . QO West Dennison St.