Pp/2lflzsw ? ' . w ' = _ * . ' * * * ' , " ' ' ' ' . " ? * " " * 'ft , ff / * " > - * . i. y * " * / t-1. * - " * , T'i- 1 i nnr iMigMaMMnnMaBimannM ( H9B r FFER - I H essa We. cordially invite the attention of theVgenei price , list of our Complete Stock of Groceries and Provisions : 11 pounds of Granulated Sugar for - . $1 00 12 pounds of Extra "C" Sugar for 1 00 9 pounds of Best Green Coffee for 1 00 7 pounds of Arbuckles Coffee for 1 00 7 pounds of Dilworths Coffee for 1 00 Griswolds Coffee , in tin buckets no Michigan Fine Salt , in barrels i : 2 50 11 pounds Best Summer-Cured Cod Fish. 00 20 sacks , 3-pound Dairy Salt 00 6 3-pound cans best Table Peaches 00 8 2-pound cans best Raspberries 00 10 2-pound cans best Strawberries. 00 10 2-pound cans best Corn > 1 00 10 2-pound cans best Blackberries 1 00 10 2-pound cans best Gooseberries 1 00 We carry a j jsest u-rocenes money can you Lowest Possible Prices. rr\ THES i t \J JL Hi JL-/ FINB.ST ASSORTMRNT OP IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY. CL In Immense Quantities and at AH Prices , BUY OUR : BOOT AS THEY ARE THE BEST. ON EARTH. or "vff J 9flrt QWJQiro Mil > ! % J1 § UU AT PRICES TO SUIT YOU. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Dress Goods , Silks , Satins , Ribbons , And in fact an assortment to select from larger and more varied than any house in this section. I ) EAI Iji" Hi Ei 1 MoCOOK LOAN OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First.Mortgage Loans on Farm Property , . OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. CAMPBELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , 1ST VICE PRESIDENT. . . . . GEO. HOCKNELL , SECRETARY. - R. O. PHILLIPS , 2ND VICE PRESIDENT. F. L. BROWN , TREASURER. C. K MePHERSON & CO. 11 , S , L And Real Estate Brokers. OFFICE : West Dennison Street , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 10 2-pound cans best Lima Ucans § 1 00 10 2-pound cans best String Beans 1 00 5 3-pound cans best California Plums 1 00 5 3-pound cans best California Apricots. . . " 1 00 5 3-pound cans best California Grapes 1 00 4 3-pound cans best California Pears 1 00 4 3-pouud cans best California Peaches 1 00 4 3-pound cans best California White Cherries 1 00 4 l-gallon cans best Apples 1 00 10 3-pound caiis best Pumpkins . ' 1 00 . 5 gallons best Coal Oil * 1 00 9 3-pound cans Tomatoes . ' 1 00 1C pounds Currants 1 00 16 pounds Turkish Prunes 1 00 10 pounds best King Cut Apples - . - . 1 00 HALLASK & HOWARD , WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN c , DOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS , , ( Bcbcn > oal'o , Qiinz , crCal' SfaotcZ' Satl * a i-b Soaf. MeCOOK , ' NEBRASKA. M. PHARMACY , HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE T COMBS , SEUSEES , PEEFTMEEY , EXTRACTS , ETC. PAINTS , OILS , DYE STUFFS , PAINT BRUSHES , Kalsomine , Turpentine. Lead. Putty , Window Glass. Etc. Fine Line of Cigars Always on Hand. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. MeCOOK , - - NRBRASKA. 13 pounds good Ring Cut Apples ' 1 00 1C pounds good Michigan Dried Apples : . . . . : " 1-00 t cans best Corn Beef 1 00 25 pounds bestVhite Beans 1 00 13 pounds best Carolina Tvice ' . . 1 00 13 boxes Sardines " . 1 00 J. T. Tobacco per pound ; . . . - . 40 cents Horse Shoe Tobacco per pound . " 45 cents Spear Head Tobacco per pound : 45 cents .Climax Tobacco per pound ' 45 cents Meerschaum Tobacco per pound 30 cents Old Style Tobacco per pound 22 cents ( Dan Tucker Tobacco per pound 18 cents 11 pounds of Kingsford's Gloss Starch for $1 00 11 pounds of Kingsford's Corn Starch for . ' . 1 00 AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF LANKETS ® COMFORTS. Hats , Caps , Gloves g Mittens , * An Unusually Large Assortment at 'il ' ake lei We v ant you to Distinctly Understand that our Goods are the And that we sell at a less margin of profit than Any House in This Country. Superior to any on tlic market , betas Heavier , Stronser Built , an < ! therefore more Durable Mill. It Is the only absolutely safe .Mill built ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 Years past , not one has ever blown away ana left the Tower st.-.ndlnp. A record no other Mill can shoxr. TVe offer to put up any of our PUilPlXG MILLS THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And if they don't tfvc satisfaction , will remove Mill at our own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mill ? , Corn 55151101 ? . Iron Pumps with brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimates , catalogues and prices , apply to UETTLETOK fflcCook Neb. , , . , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas- , CHEAPEST AND BEST UNEQUALLED FOR Power , Simplicity Durability. Estimates made of Mill and Pump complete Upos application. W Every Mill Warranted. Send for Catalogue. < THE WOODMANSE This mill Is a " .o'.itl wheel" ami tlic best si-If-rcsulator - ni-de Thr- Vood.iiinsB Xo. C. I'ump Is tinbest silicic acting force pump "in ii , market. Will ivurfc In Tcfclls from 10 to 2W feet Iu Ocj > sii , ar.il ) ms bac'- attacbmcnts to force vratcr into clcrntitltanVs. Can I > e UM-J by Juiiil or wluiUiilll. i'arllcs couteiapIatliiK the crectfi.u vl a WJcdrnm will contult thr IH-F' IntcrcMSty \ calli ! > at ny Hoaiotcad. 1 } , : mllps r u- of JIcT Jo ! . orit 13. .Johnson' . . 5 uilles S. K. . and at Hewitt jfarkct Canlcn , ' . 1' . i > I .Mct'coK , anil cxninlno tin'irlla or the AVoodni'anse W. M. IRWIN , Agent , "Woodmansc "Windmill Co. , Preeport , 111