The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 17, 1885, Image 7

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    Dcm't Eat la a Hurry.
A .health journal says that people
ought to take three-quarters of an hour
for dinner. This is well if.there is
enough dinner to hold out so long.
The penalty for hurrying meals , as
niost people do , is a grievous attack of
dyspepsia. In such a "case you will
have to resort to Brown's Iron Bitters
for cure , as did Mr. J. R. Pinkston ,
Shorter's Depot , Ala. , who writes , "I
ound relief in Brown's Iron Bitters
after years of suffering from dyspepsia. "
It * ia not the cream that ought to be
whipped , but tho mflk man.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
, ,
Burni , Scalds , Front Itltes ,
Bold Vy DrngjUU anil Dealers everywhere. FUly Cenu wottta.
Direction , loll LancoiKe * .
f Snoceiiori to JL TOdELZE ft CO. ) Baltimore. 31 .L , U. 8. A.
5 = -o
-THE §
This medicine , combining Iron with pura
Vegetable tonics , quickly and completely
Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Weakness ,
Impure BloodMalarIaCUllUandFevers ,
and Neuralgia. ,
It is an unlaillncr remedy for Diseases of tha
Kidneys and Ilvcr.
It Is invaluable for Discuses peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary lives.
It does not injure the teeth , cause headache.or
produce constipation other Jr m medicines do.
It enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates
the appetite , aids the assimilation of food , r -
lleves Heartburn and Belching , and strength
ens the muscles and nerves.
For Intermittent Fevers , Laasitude , Lack of
Energy , &c. , it has no equal.
w SThe genuine has above trade mark and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
inJUiflspitel la tig BROAD GLAlMoIbsiigtm
Zhrer offered to the public.
'Kidney-'Wort i * the moet successful remedy
I ever used. " Dr.P.C.EallouMonctoaVt.
"Kidney-Wort ia olirayB reliable. "
Dr. E. N. Clark. So. Hero , Vt.
"Kidney-Wort has cured ay-wife after tm years
suf&nn * . " Dr. C. 1L Summerlin , Sun Hill. Go
It tai cured where all else had failed. Itismild ,
tutemdont , CEKTADT Ef ITS ACTIOW , but
harmless in all a ico.
t3 It cleanse * tie BI d and Strengthen * Ed
gire N v LIT * to ell the important orcac * cf
the body. The natural action of tho Kidneys ia
restored. Tho Xlrer is cleansed ef * Udi e se.
-na the Barrels more freely sad healthfully.
In this tray the worst < 11s a fs are eradicated
from tha system. a
Dry can. be tent by mail.
, KICUAJtDSON < t CO.BarllBtem Vt.
Among medicinal
means of arrrcstlnc
disease. Hosteller's
Stomach Bitten
stands pre-eminent.
It checksthefurther
progress of all dis
orders of the stora-
ach.llverand bowels ,
revives the vital
E turn Inn , prevents
and remedies cliils
and fever. Increases
the activity of the
kidney * , counteracts
a tendency to rheu-
matlstn. and Is a
genuine stay 004
solace to aged. In
firm and nervous
persons. The article
is , moreover.derlved
fromtr-s purest and
For sale by all Drug
gists end Dealer *
- . . and complete
ff9 KV& P AU * - * * * " * - M
ffo Casttlio Heads of Thirteen Mooralnto
a Tub of Pork Old John Honboir.
From the London Telegraph.
A new war-ship was rccenf 'y launcli-
5tLn * England which was named after
John Benboow , a famous admiral of
two centuries ago. He was descended
from an ancient Shropshire family ,
which was reduced in fortune by its
staunch and loyal adhesion to the
cause of Charles I. His father , Colonel
John Benhow , died when tho future
admiral was very young , leaving no
other provision for tho boy than that
indicated by tho words he was "bred
to the sea. " Before 30 hebecamemas-
ter and part owner of the Benbow
frigate , employed in the Mediterranean
trade , in which he would doubtless
have acquired a comfortable fortune
had not accident brought him into
the royal navy. In 1086 he was at
tacked upon his passage to Cadiz by a
Sallee rover , against whom , though
fearfully overmatched , ho defended his
ship with heroic bravery. Although
the Moors boarded him , they were
quickly beaten out of the ship with
the loss of 13 men , whose heads Cap
tain Benbow ordered to be cut off and
thrown into a tub of pork pickle.
When he arrived at Cadiz he went
ashore and directed his negro servants
to follow him with the heads of the
Moors in a sack. Scarcely had he
landed before the revenue officers in
quired what he had got in that sack.
"Salt'provisions for my own use , "
curtly replied the gallant tar. The
custom-house officials demanded to
see them , but Capt. Benbow refused.
He was then informed that tho magis
trates were sitting , and that he would
have to go before them He was treat
ed with great civility and told that as
the salt provisions were of no conse
quence , he could not object to show
"Caesar , " exclaimed the stern old
sailor , turning to his servant , "throw
them on the table ; they are very much
at the service of these gentlemen , if
they like to partake of them ! " The
Spaniards were so struck at the sight
of the Moors' heads , and by the nar
rative of the action in which their
former owners fell , that a report of
the circumstances was despatched to
the court at Madrid , where Charles
II. , then King of Spain , invited Cap
tain Benbow to pay him a visit. His
Catholic majesty sent the gallant
Englishman on his way with a
letter addressed to King James
II. of England in its bearer's
favor. On arriving in London
Benbow was appointed to a commis
sion in the royal navy and the story
of his action in the Mediterranean be
came so popular in the rough time
prevailing in this and every other
country two centuries since , that the
"Moor's Head" ' - '
and theSaracen's
Head" soon became a favorite sign for
public houses scattered throughout
the length and breadth of the islands.
Such is the first of the inspiring mem
ories recalled by "Old Benbow's"
name , which typifies the intimate and
cordial connection which has always
subsisted , and never more than at
this moment , between the royal and
the mercantile navies of "the mistress
of the seas. "
Tliey Died in their Boots.
From the Two Republics.
A wild story .comes in from Periban ,
Michoacan. Three well-mounted and
well-armed men stopped at an-inn to
pass the night. The woman who kept
the place advised the authorities that
three suspicious men had called at her
house. ThePresident of the City
Council and the Judge , with a few citi
zens , went to the house to see the sus
picious characters. But the three men
locked themselves in their room and
refused to be interviewed. A crowd of
citizens was collected , but when they
appeared they were greeted with a vol
ley from the three men. An assault
was then made on the room , and the
prisoners , breaking out of the door ,
fought their way through tho crowd ,
using their revolvers and daggers.
The crowd followed closely after tho
fugitives , and many shots were ex
Finally one of the fellows dropped ;
even while dying he turned over and
fired on his pursuers. A second fell a
few steps further on , fighting hard.
The third , sheltering himself behind a
rock , made it warm for his pursuers ,
and , though often wounded , fought on
with scarcely enough strength to draw
his rifle to his shoulder. Called on to
surrender , he only replied with a bul-
et , which relieved the President of his
hat. The crowd closed in around him
as the death mist was passing over
his eyes. Still he tried to pull the trig
ger oi his rifle for a parting shot , but
life and strength failed him. The
corpses were buried in Periban. They
.ere supposed to be a part of Marcial
Brave's bandit troop. During the
fight the citizens had fired 200 shots ,
and of these nearly twenty had taken
effect on the bandits , who were torn
to pieces by the storm of lead. Sever
al of the citizens were wounded. The
bandits died like legendary heroes.
YoungMiss Boston to Harvard oara-
man : "I suppose you have read George
Eliot's 'Mill on the Floss' ? " H. O.
( suddenly interested ) "Well , now , it's
funny I never heard of it , and I read
all the sporting papers too. Was
George knocked out ? "
Facts furnish practical evidence of
the agricultural adversity in England.
Land in Norfolk which eight years
ago let for 58 shillings an acre is now
to be had at 16 shillings , the average
gross rental at lettmcs by auction being
no more than one-third what it was
eisht years ago. Word to the same
effect comes from Somerset and Hamp
shire , and it wouW. appear that the
value of land hi the past four or five
years has fallen in England even in a
exeater degree than in Ireland.
Helpless Upon a Friendless Sea.
Who , in taking passage in a great
trans-Atlantic steamer , does not feel a
thrill of exultation over her magnificent
power. Against her the Storm King
may hurl his elemental forces , noi
pierce her armor , nor stop her onward
But let me describe a scene when ,
one morning in mid-ocean , there camt
an alarm from the pilot house followed
by a cry : "The ship's rudder ia lost ! "
From the confident expression , conster
nation came to every face. The wheel
man being helpless todirect her course ,
the vessel was at the mercy of wind
and wave.
The captain had been negligent the
hangings of tho rudder were allowed to
wear weak , and suddenly it had dropped
deep into the sea !
Strong in intellect , in physical vigor ,
in energy and ambition , man confronts ,
undaunted , gigantic tasks and com
mands applause for his magnificent
achievements. But , all unexpectedly ,
an alarm comes the rudder of his con
stitution is gone. He has been careless
of its preservation ; mental strain , ner
vous excitement , irregular habits , over
work , have destroyed the action of his
kidneys and liver. This would not oc
cur were Warner's safe cure used to
maintain vigor. And even now it may
restore vitality to those organs and give
back to tho man that which will lead
him to tho haven of his ambition. The
Bill Uyo Gets Sat Upon.
I aimed my panic-price cane at the
driver of a cream-colored car with a
blue stomach , and remarked , "Hi ,
there ! " I went inside , clear to the fur
ther end , and sat down by the side of a
young woman who filled the whole car
with sunshine. I was so happy that I
gave the conductor half a dollar and
told "him to keep the change. If by
chance she sees this I hope she will re
member me. Pretty soon a very fat
woman came into the car and aimed for
our quarter. She evidently intended to
squat between this fair girl and my
self. But ah , thought I to my
self in a low tone of voice , I will fool
thee. So I shoved my person along
in the seat toward the sweet girl of the
Bay State. The corpulent party , whoso
name I did not learn , had in the mean
time backed up to where she had de
tected a slight vacancy , and where I had
seen fit to place myself. At that mo
ment she heaved a sigh of relief , and
assisted by the motion of the car , which
just then turned a corner , she sat down
in my lap and nestled in my bosom like
a tired baby elephant.
Dear reader , if I were to tell you that
the crystal of my-watch was picked out
from under my shoulder blades the next
day , you would not believe it , would
you ?
I will not strain your faith in me by
making that statement , but that was
the heaviest woman I ever held. Bos
ton Olobe.
MakingUp for Lost Time.
Two colored friends , meeting on
Austin avenue , held tho following joint
discussion :
"So you has luff Kurnel Terger , has
jrer ? " '
"I has luff Mm. and ef I goes back
to him I hope sumpfin may bust me
wide open. "
"I s'pose ho wasn't pleased wid
yer ? "
"No , sah ; he wur satisfied wid me in
eb'ry respec' , and so was I pleased wid
de kurnel in eb'ry respec' , 'ceptin'
one. "
"What was dat ? "
"He tole trie nebber to 'tossicate my
self 'ceptin' when .he wus sober , bekase
one ob us oughter be sober 'bought de
place. I agreed to dat ar , an' kep'
waitin' an' waitin' for my turn to quit
bein' sober , an' it hain't come yit.
He's got the fus sober bref to draw yit ,
so I tole de kurnel I couldn't stan' dat
game no moah. Dat's de same as
heads 1 win , tails you lose , so Huff him ,
an' now I'se gwinter make up foa lost
time. "
When last seen , Gabe had been so
successful in making up for lost time
that he was showing a policeman the
way to the lockup. Texas Sif tings.
A Tax on Bachelors.
A bill has been introduced in the
Georgia legislature providing that , from
and after the passage of the act , all
male inhabitants of that state who have
arrived at the age of thirty years and
who have never married shall be taxed
§ 2.50 per annum for the enjoyment of
this unmarried state , and each year so
long as they shall enjov the enviable
position hi life of single blessedness.
The measure further provides that any
bachelor who marries shall at oflfce be
exempted from the tax , while , to quote
the language of the bill , "the good
ladies of our good and grand old com
monwealth are hereby earnestly re
quested to join the reformers and mor
alists of the country in order to correct
this most monstrous and ruinous evil
which now stalks abroad in our sunnv
south and would-be virtuous land. ' '
A Hen Convention.
Mr. J.M. McCann , of Bridgeport , W.
Ya. , a contributor to poultry journals
of the United Mates and Canada , and
a large chicken raiser , says from expe
rience that if St. Jacobs Oil is mixed
with dough and fed to poultry suffering
from chicken cholera , all that are able
to swallow will be restored to health ,
and if saturated pills are forced down
the throats of those that cannot swal
low they will flap thair wings and crow
hi your face.
Why the Bash Was Out.
"Here , waiter , bring me a plate "of
corned-fref hash. "
"No co'n-beef hash to-night , sah. "
"But it's on the bill of fare. "
"Yaas , sah , we mos' allus has con'd-
beef hash , but , je see , sah , all our din-
nah customahs was 'specially hungry
to-day , sah. "
"What's that got to do with it ? "
"Wall , ye see , sah , dey done ate up
allde co'n-beef on der plates. " Chi
cago News. _
George W. Childs has named his superb
country residence "Woofcton. "
* J lfprd Sauce expressly for family mse. Omly
iold In bottles. .
Beat and chea > est.
Miss Cleveland has consented to haveher
portrait put in the next edition of herboob.
Bis Iiuclc
Wichita F I1 § ( Tex. ) Herald. Aug. 8.
It is gratifying to us to note the fact
that Messrs. John Cameron and J. Q.
Morrison were the lucky owners of one-
fifth of ticket 48,954 in The Louisiana
State Lottery which drew the $25,000
prize in the Drawing of July 14. This
forever does away with the reasoning
of those crying fraud , becauso these
gentlemen are too well knownto , admit
of a thought for a moment that they
would lend themselves as parties to de
ceive the public. _ The fact is , they held
the ticket and it has been promptly
cashed , and our good friends wear
broad smiles'because of their good luck.
In the face of undisputable facts some
will still doubt that which has been
demonstrated beyond a doubt to any
reasonable mind. Talk with these gen
tlemen and you will then know that
The Louisiana State Lottery cashes its
drawings and that persons do not have
to stand in with them to be lucky. We
rejoice with our good friends and hope
that they may again hold tho winning
Sober thoughts the kind that coine next
morning , you know.
"I do not like thee , Dr. Fell.
The reason why. I cannot tell. "
It has often been wondered at , the bad
odor this oft-quoted doctor was in. 'Twas
probably because he , being one of the old-
school doctors , made up pills as large as
bullets , which nothing but an ostrich could
bolt without nausea. Hence the dislike.
Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pel
lets" are sugar-coated and no larger than
bird-shot , and arc quick to do their work.
For all derangements of the liver , bowels
and stomach they are specific.
"The Miss 'Joneses Sundayed in our vil
lage" is the way a Jersey paper puts it.
* * * * Rupture , pile tumors , fistulas
and all diseases of the lower bowel ( except
cancer ) , radically cured. Send 10 cents in
stamps for book. Address , World's Dis
pensary Medical Association , 663 Main
Street , Buffalo , N. R.
Ferdinand Ward's complexion has grown
chalky , but his cheek is as hard as ever.
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription1' is
not extolled as a "cure-all"but admirably
fulfills a singleness of purpose , being a most
potent specific in those chronic weaknesses
peculiar to women. Particulars in Dr.
Pierce's large treatise on Diseases Peculiar
to Women , 160 pages , sent for 10 cents in
stamps. Address WORLD'S DISPENSARY
Buffalo , N. Y.
Oscar Wilde has named his son and heir
" " .
ELY'S CREAM BALM was recommended to
me by my druggist as a preventive to Hay
Fever. Have been using it as directed since
the 9th of August and have found it a spe
cific for that much-dreaded and loathsome
disease. For ten years or more I have
been a great sufferer each year , from August
9tji till frost , and have tried many alleged
remedies for its cure , but Ely's Cream Balm
is the only preventive I have ever found.
Hay-Fever sufferers ought to know of its
efficacy. FRANK B. AINSWORTH ,
Ol F. B.AIXS WORTH & CO. , Publishers ,
Indianapolis , Ind.
I have been afflicted with Hay Fever for
seven years Ely's Cream Balm cured me
entirely. H. D. CALLIHAN ,
Bagggage Master , I. & St. L. R. R. ,
Terre Haute , Ind.
The "Penelope" is a newwhite dahlia
with purple-tipped petals.
HiSh-OPrlced Butter.
Dairymen oftenwonder how their more
favored competitors get such high prices
for their butter the year round. It is by
always having a uniform gilt-edged article.
To put the "gilt edge" on , when the pas
tures do not do it , they use Wells , Richard
son & Co.'s Improved Butter Color. Every
butter maker can do thesamo. Sold every
where and warrante'd as harmless as salt ,
and perfect in operation.
It gives us pleasure to note the suc
cess of our young friend , F. W. Peter
son , who , after taking a course at Elli
ott's Business College , Burlington , la. ,
was given the position of book-keeper by
the Mendota Coal Co. , Mendota , Mo.
Central Park , New York , is two and a
, half miles long and a half mile wide.
If you are losing your grin on life , try "Wolla"
Health Kenewer. " Goes direct to weak spot * .
"WtonBaby sicV , ire pare her Castoria ,
"VThon aho was a ChUd , she cried for Castoria ,
When she becamo Hias , aho clang to Caatoria ,
TTlan she had Children , aho gave thorn Castoria ,
It is hard to tell at what age man loses
his faith in circus bills.
If yon have barbed wire fences , keep Veter
inary Carbolisalve in your Btablcs. It cures
without a scar and renews the hair its original
color. 50 cents and Sl.OO. ntDruggistsor by mail.
Cole & Co. , BUck Rher Falls , Wis.
John Sherman is said to be growing as
icy as Charles Francis Adams.
< ure cholera , colic , cramps , diarrhoea , aches ,
pains , sprains , headache , neuralgia , rheumatiim.
5)c. Bough on Fain Piaster * . ISc.
Sana time andinonty by using Stewart's Heal
ing Powder for cuts * nd sorts on tntmals. Sold
easrywhero , IS and SO ets. box. Tru It.
Vanderbilt's annual income , if paid in
gold , wouldweigh ten tony.
If yon are falling ; broken , worn ont and natrons ,
usa "Well * * Health Renewer. " tl. Draggliti
The simplest and best regulator o tho Dis
order of Liver in the world , are Carter's Little
Liver Pills. They give prompt relief in Sick
Headache. Dizziness , Nausea , &c. , prevent and
cure Constipation and Piles ; remore Sallo r-
nes3 and Pimples from the Complexion , and
a e mild and f en tie in their operation on the
bowels Carter's Litttle Liver Pills are small
and as easy to take as sugar. One pill a dose.
Price 25 cents.
issued Sept. and. Murch ,
each year. 4335ft > agei ,
(3,5OO ( Illustration. a
Whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Wholesale Price *
direct to consumers on all goods tot
personal or family use. Tells how
order , and gives exact cost of every *
thing you use , eat , drink , vrcar , or
have JTiinrlth. . These rtTVAXtJABI < K
BOOKS contain information gleaned
from the markets of 'the vrorld. "We
vrlll mail a copy FREE to any ad
dress upon receipt of 1O etc. to defray
expense of mailing. Let ns har fram
yon. Kespectftally ,
227 < fc 239 Wabuh Areaae. Chicago , HI.
Morphine Habit Cared into
K ° 2P days. No par till Cured.
DE. J. Lebanon
STIMESS , , Ohio.
Omaha. Je-lU { i
V , . .
Sick Headache
That oppressive , dull pain in the head-Kith which
10 many people suffer periodically , often so severe as
to cause loss of all rest or sleep. Is entirely relieved
and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Some who write to us say that words are Incapable
of expressing their happiness at tho relief Hood's
Sarsaparllla has given them.
"I have used Hood's Earsaparllla for sick head
ache and Indigestion and It has relieved me of days
and weeks of sickness and pain. " MAST O. SMITH ,
Cambrldgeport , Mass.
"In four weeks Hood's Sarsaparillamade mo a new-
man. My head ceased to ache and my whole system
la built up amew , enjojtns perfect health. It is the
best medicine I ever used , and. after having tried
others , I find it has no equal. " I. BAREINQTOX , 130
JJank street. New York City.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Eold by sll druggists , tl ; six for ft Prepared by
C.I.HOOD & CO * Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
If you wish a certain cnre for nil 131 ood
diseases. Nothing was ever invented that vrill
cleanse the Blood nnd purify the System equal
to Hops and MAI/Jr Bitters. It tones
up the System , puts new Blood In your
veins , restores your lost appetite and
sleep , and brings you perfect health. It
never fails to give relief In all cases of Kidney
or Liver Troubles , Blllonsne s , Indi
gestion , Constipation , Sick Headaches , Dys
pepsin , Nervous disorders , and all Female
Complaints ; when properly taken it is a sure
cure. Thousands have been benefited by it
in this and other Western States. It is the beat
Combination of Vegetable remedies ait yet
discovered for the restoration to health of the
IVealc and Debilitated. Do not get HIops
and MAIjT Bitters confounded with infe
rior preparations of similar name. I prescribe
Hops & Malt Bitters regularly In my practice.
Robert Turner. M. D. , Flat Rock , Mich. For sola
by all druggists.
Twenty Years' Experience In
diseases treated successfully
FEMALE andCURKI ) , men as Prolep-
sus.Orarian tronbles. Inflam
AND mation and Ulceratlons , Fall-
Ins and D ( placement of tlie
NERVOUS Aomb. . Spinal Weakness , and
Change of Life , and all forms
_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ of KIDNEY troubles. Can
relieve In all and positively cnre moat of thoio com
plaints and weaknesses so common to womankind.
Luns diseases. Liver complaints and all diseases of a
private natnre successfully treated. CAfiOJbKS
treated and cured.
Letters of Inaulry confidentially ansTrered.
Address DR. A. C. SA.BIN ,
Ueutrleo , Neb.
_ _ s9DeIiglitful employment
Easy and profitable. J o Hooking , Knitting ,
Braid 111 if , or Weaving. Use any land of cloth
( new or old ) , ran or jam. A handsome TitrkisU
a mada with 25 cts. worth of carpet waste.
Dl KUK HIAKEK. can be used
EDCA on nilsewinginnchincs.or
by hind. A wonderful invention. It MelUnt si Ut.
Price Sl.OO , poatpnid. ARcnts Wanted.
fSf Send stamp for circulars , terms , and temtory.
gXQ. C. IIOITT Jt CO. . 818 SUto St. . CMcago.
* * * * *
Ver y maeMnt hullmj nd
eliicUc fit for mirkit ai cmah
Clover Se d In ONK DAT ,
m J
_ . . , . . .
u U. - .i. ; 'i ' + SIr'r' *
IllaitriUd clroa-
lar millfi ftrct.
XR CO. , Colnmbu * , Ohio.
Awarded GOLD MEDAL , LONDON , 1883. Used
by Mason i Ilamlin Organ and Piano CoPullman
Palace Car Co. &c. Mfd only by the RUSSIA
EVERYWHERE. OS-Sample Tin Can by Hail. He.
Institute of Telegraphy
EendforCIrculars. GEO.K.BATHBTJRJT. rrinelyal
/ fOo. dotirsable Brufhes. To. upj
Bristles. Be. up ; Plaques. 7c np ; Pallets. DC.I
AriUU' Easels. We. ; Artl'ts' Boxes. SLSO ; Pa
. . 7oc VoM 1 ilnt.
tie. Olb ) 12e. : Canvas. ;
Ifoveltie and Trenton Ware for Decorating. "
A. HOSPE , Omaha.
! Lorillard's Olimas Ping
bearing a rfd tin tag ; that Lorlllartfa
Rave Leaf fine cut ; that Lortllaril'a
Nary Cllpplnzii.and that Lorillard's Snnff , ar
Uw best And cheapest , quality considered ?
Iped sch8of IntnVrVest. "Elesrant rooms heated by
Jlgg steam. Able teachers. Cheap board. Address
for circulars : LIIXIBRIDOE & ROOSE , Lincoln , Neb
p " "Wholesale anrt Retail IF
DEWEY & STONE , Omaha , Nib.
"Wall Iiipcrantl" VIntlo-w Shades
10 to 20 par cent cheaper than pool prices.
Samples Sent on Application.
1. J" . Beard & liro , . Omaha.
A positive cnre. No Knife.
GANGER. No Plaster. No Pain. W. C.
. Payuc.Marsballtoirn.Iowk. i
A Michigan Concern Enjoined , '
[ From the Rochester Mornlns Herald. ]
Tho following injunction has been ob
tained by the Hop Bitters Company , ol
Rochester , N. Y. , against Collatinus D.
Warner , ol Reading , Michigan , prohibiting
him frommanuracturingorselling"QjnMA.v
The President of the United Slates of America
to Collatinus D. Warner , of Jteadlnff , Mich. ,
his tenants , workmen , salesmen anil agents ,
and each and every of them :
Whereas. It has been represented unto the
Justices of our Circuit Court , the Hon. Stan
ley Matthews , and the Hon. Henry H. Brown ,
at Detroit , within and for Bald district , ait-
ting as a Court of Chancery , that you. Collati-
nua D. Warner , are manutacturinpr and Bell-
Ing a medicine named German Hop Bitters ,
made and sold by complainant ; your said
TENDED TO MISLEAD tho public into purchas
ing such COUNTEUFEIT Mich goods as the man
ufacture of the complainant ;
Wo , therefore. In consideration of tho
premises , do strictly ENJOIH you. tho said
Collatinus D. Warner and all and every tho
persons before named , FIIOM USING TUB
WOIIDS "Hop BITTEHS" on any fluids con
tained in bottles so as to induce ihe belief
thateuch fluids are mado by complainant ;
and further , from manufacturing , selling or
offering for sale , any bitters or other llulds in.
tho bottles and with tho labels , and In tho
general form in which you were manufactur
ing and selling tho bitters called by you Ger
man Hop Bitters , on tho filing of tho bill : or
in any other bottles , or with any other labels
contrived or designed to represent or induce
the belief that the bitters or fluids sold by you
are the goods of tho complainant , until tho
further order of the court. * * *
Chief Justice of tho United States.
AtDetrolt , this fliteenth day of July. A.D.
1SS5. Walter S. Haraha , CJerlr.
[ L.S. ]
Froseeute the Swlnitlersl It
If when you call for Hop Bitters the drug
gist hands out anything but "Hop BITTEICS"
with a green cluster of Hops on white label ,
shun that druggist as you would a viper ; and
If he has taken your money for it bogus stuff ,
indict him lor the fraud and sue him for dam
ages for tho swindle , and \\lllreward you
liberally for the conviction.
See U. S. Court injunction asa'nst C. D.
Warner , Reading , Mich. , and all his salesmen ,
agents , druggists , and other Imitators.
Doctor. "Tea ; yon are billons. Just get a bor of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ; they will cure you.1
Bilious Complaints are caused by torpidity , con- '
geetion , or the ulceration of the lirer. . - * " '
The symptoms are dark , greasy , yellow skin , a
brown or whitish coat to the tongue , appetite Irreg
ular , often a dry cough at nteht.
The skin sometimes breaks ont into pimples and
aoresjttnd the whole system la ont of order. Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills are one of the very beet
remedies known for any form of these troubles , and
will certainly relieve the sufferer. ' They are purely
vegetable , made from the best drugs by competent
hands , and give satisfaction. They are very gentle )
ia their action , causingnogripingorniipleagantfeel-
mg to the most delicate. A trial will convince any
one troubled with bilionsne that Wright's In.
Ulan Vegetable Pills lithe medicine he needs.
l * . ) only Mill that meets thsnonular demand ,
as Its immense sale Rhonstff Thousands ill nsa
features for 1885-S6 add to ita utility , iurnished
with or without Cob Crusher : also with -without
horse-power. Every machine is coin plctchtronjr
dnrable A fulllineo
and fniiv nvreep and
belt-power l-'eed iHill.-j , also Winil
Corn SucllcrM , c. Catalogue FREE ! Addre&j
DR. H , H. GREEN ,
A Specialist for Eleven Year * Fast ,
Has treated Dropsy n-id Its complications with tha
moat wonderful success ; useegetable remedies ,
entirely hannle = ltemo\ all symptoms of dropsy
In eight to twenty c'ay- ' . .
Cures patients pronounced hopelen by the best or
physKIans. . _ . ,
From ihe first dose the symptoms rapidly disap
pear , and In ten days at least two-third * of all symp
tom * are re noted.
Some may cry humbujr without knowing anything
about It. Kemembcr. It does not co c joa anything
to realize the merits of mr treatment for yourself.
. I am constantly cunnjcases of lone s'andlnff. casea
that hvre been taprel a number of tl-nes.and tha
patient declared unable to 11 * e a week. Give full
ilstory of ca e. Xa-ne sex. how lonjr. aifllcted. now
badly swollen and where. Is bowels costive , have legs
In si ed and dripped water. Send for ties pamphlet ,
containing teitfmonlals , questions , etc.
10 days treatment furnished free bymalL
Epilepsy fits po > lth ely cured.
U order trial , send 7 cents In stamps to pay rost
H. H. GKEE . 31. ! / . .
K Jones Avenue. Atlanta. Ga.
Diseases of Women.
Paxton ITotcl , Onralra , IVeb.
Be Best
Coat ,
The FISH BRAND SLICKER I * srarranted waterproof andwm keep yon dry
in the hardest Horn. The new POMA1 EL , SLICKER > i a perfect nding coat ,
and corers the entire saddle. Bcvm of imitations. None centime without the
'FSih Brand" trade-mark. Illustrated Catalogue free. A J.Tower , BostonMiw
Did you Sup-
pose Mustang Liniment only good
for horses ? It is for inflamma
tion of all flesh.
A Clear Skin
is only a part of beauty ;
but it is a part Every lady
may have it ; at least , what
looks likeit. . Magnolia
Balm both freshens and