The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 10, 1885, Image 7

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. ,
Outcast London ,
excitement has been made by
reports recently published on the vile
condition of the slums of London. In
one cellar was found" family consist
ing of a man sick with small.pex , his
dying wife , three half-naked and dirty
children and one pig. In some parts
there is one gin mill to every hundred
persons. What defilement ! Tet corre
r * _ sponding impurities often defile the
human blood. Thcv can be cast out by
Brown's Iron Bittersthe great strength-
ener.and purifier. Mr. B. J. Strange ,
of Stark Lake , Florida , says , "Brown's
Iron Bitters is the best blood purifier I
ever tried. It gives all the satisfaction
a man can want. "
The mind-cure has taken a wart ott a
Nan tucket woman's nose.
Many imitators , but no equal , baa Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Among the dead of this terrible summer
is the fattest man in Ohio. _ _ ,
One of the strongest proofs of the value
' > of Kidney-Wprfc as a remedy for all dis
eases of the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , is
r thefactthatiWs used and prescribed by
"reRular" physicians. Philip C. Ballou.
M.D. , of Monkton , Vt. , Bays : "Take it all
in all , it is the most successful remedy I
have ever used"
The district school system disappears in
New Hampshire March 11886. .
Free from Opiates , JEmctics and Poisons.
Far Couch * , Sore Throat , Hoarseness , Influenza ,
Colds. Bronchitis , Croup , Wioojlne Conch , ,
Aat&mo , QnlnijPoint In Cttst , and othtr
sfTectloaj of the Throat and laing * .
Price 30 cents a bottle. Sold by Druggists and Deal
ers , furtief unable to induce their dealer to promptly
\ get It far them will receive ftco bottleiExprtis charge *
paid , by sending one dollar to
Solo Owner * and Uinulictarers ,
Baltimore , JUrjUnd , V. 8. JU
At this season nearly every one needs to nee some
Bart of tonic. IRON enters into almott every phy
sician's prescription for those who need building up.
For Weakness , ,
- - -
KnersTj , &c. , it HAS NOEQUAL , and
5 tha oril v Iron medicine that ii not Injurious- .
Ft Enriclies the Blood , IrTriKorates the
System , Restores Appetite , Aids Digestion
It does not blacken or injure the teeth , cause head. _
acha or produce constipation other Jronmcdieinct do
DR. G. H. BnrciXY , a leading physician of
Springfield. O. , Bays :
"Brown's Iron Bitters is a thoroughlyfood medi
cine. I use It in my practice , and tad ite action
excels all other forms of iron. In weakness , or a low
condition of tho system. Brown'Iron Bitters u
usually a poetiTe necessity. It is til that ifl claimed
Genuine has trademark and crossed red lines on
wrapper. Take BO other. Made only by
LADIES' HAND BOOK useful and attractive , con
taining list of prizes for recipes , information about
coma , etc. . rrren away by all dealers In medicine , or
mailed to any address en receipt of 2c. stamp.
| It-win cure any case ot Hver and Kidney
troubles when properly taken. It Is a perfect
.renovator and invigorator. It cleanses tho sys-
'tem of the poisonous humors that develop la
'I ' lver , Kidney and Urinary diseases , car
rying avvay all poisonous matter and re *
mtorlns the Blood to a healthy condition ,
enrlchlns ; it , refreshing and invigorating.
XKInd and Body. It prevents the growth to
Serious Illness ot a .Dangerous Class ot
'Diseases that begin in mere trivial ail
ments , and arc too apt to bo neglected as such *
of the worst forms of these terrible disease *
iare been quickly relieved and in a short
time Turfectly cured by the use of Hops &
mcaltf Bitters.
Do cot get Hops and ItTalt Bitten con
founded witE Inferior preparations of similar
name. Take Nothing but Hops4 Malt Bit
ters if you want a sure Cure.
Among medicinal
means of arrrestlnc
disease , Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters
stands pre-eminent.
It checks the further
progress of all dis
orders of the stom-
ach.llverand bowels ,
revives the vital
stamina , prevents
and remedies chills
and fever. Increases
the activity of the
kidneys , counteracts
a tendency to rheu *
matlsm. and Is a
genuine stay and
solace to aped. In
firm and nervous
persons. The article
Is. moreover.derlved
from the purest and
m ost reliable sources
For sale by allDruff-
glsts ami Dealers
I My brother Myron CAMB
and Myself were both
cured , to all appearance , of
Catarrh and Hay-FcTer last
joly al Ausust. Up to
this date. Dee. 2S , neither
return of
B TC had any
these troubles. Ely's Cream
Balmwas tne niedldne
Spencer ,
Cream Balm
nw gained an en viable rep-
ntatleo. wiiereyer toiown,1
- all other pre
, Druggists , Owego. N.T.
To brighten and clean old alpaca
wash in coffee.
To remove ink stains eoak in sour
milk over night.
To brishten carpets sprinkle with
salt before sweeping.
Mix stove polish with vinegar and a
tcaspoonful of sugar.
When cooking beans add one-hall
teaspoonful of saleratus.
To remove tea stains from cups and
saucers scour with ashes.
If tho oven is too hot when baking
place a dish of cold water in it.
For burns apply flour wet with cold
water as it quickfy gives relief.
When spongo cakotbecomes dry it is
nice to cutm thin slices and toast.
Chintz pattern or all-over decorated
ware is quite popular for toilet sets.
.An ebony table has a branch of the
tru rupee creeper painted on the top.
To remove mildew , soak m butter
milk and spread on grass in the sun.
If nutmegs are good , when pricked
with a pin , oil will instantly ooze out.
To prevent mustard plasters from
blistering , mix with white of an egg.
To clean furniture that is not var
nished rub with a cloth wet with kero
sene. ,
To brighten or clean silver or nickel
plated ware , rub with a woolen clotb
and flour.
When there is a crack in the stove it
can be mended by mixing ashes and
salt with water.
Steel baskets , suspended by chains ,
add much to the attraction of richly
appointed fireplaces.
To make paper stick to a wall that
has been whitewashed , wash in vino-
gar or saleratus water.
Water in which borax is dissolved is
good for the hair , and also to whiten
tho face and hands.
When clothes are scorched re
move the stain by placing the
garment where the sun can shine
on it.
Always hang up ' your broom ,
ana you will perceive that a less
number will be requrert during the
Pretty house aprons are Eoman in
effect , and embroidered with an edge
in ilah Oriental colors in Roman de
The wings of turkeys , geese and
chickens are good to wash and clean
windows , as they leave no dust or lint ,
as cloth.
Long , narrow , upper colored
lights of stained glass constitute a
charming addition to rich patterned
Starched shirts will iron easier ii
you let them dry after starching , so
you will have to sprinkle them be
fore ironing.
Vases capped with monsters' heads ,
snch as dragons in variegated colors ,
are among the importations of Jap
anese ware.
Richly carved oak chests , * witb
massive wrought metal hinges , are
included among the necessary hall
To brighten the inside of a coffee or
teapot , fill with water , 'add a small
piece of soap , and let it boil about
lorty-fivo minutes.
To remove grease from wall paper ,
lay several folds of blotting paper on ,
the spot and hold a hot iron near it
until the grease is absorbed.
To exterminate bedbugs , dissolve
alum in water and apply to the bed
stead with a feather. Be careful rot ,
to touch the paint or varnish.
The richer table scarfs . employ all
sorts of beautiful silken fabrics , gold
couching ; and appliques seem to be the
leading favorites in decoration.
An old picture frame may be brought
into service by covering with velveteen
of any rich shade , with a mat of
Madras drawn full over pasteboard.
Imitation tapestries are now so ad
mirably executed that they may be
made to serve tho purpose of interior
decoration for many parts of the
A fine sconce mirror is oval in shape
and hung by brazen chains issuing
from brazen lion heads ; its thick bev
eled glass is framed in heavy open
work brass.
Window drapery should be of light ,
soft material , something that , will
hang in graceful folds ; the rod should
be of polished brass or handsome sur
faced light wood.
Beautiful covers for silk satchels are
made of the finest silk muslin , with
Wattcau figures painted on them.
The color of the satchel miwt , of
course , be in harmony with the de
sign on the silk muslin.
Dainty sandwiches are prepared as
follows : Cat some bread in triangu
lar or round pieces very thin ; butter
evenly and cover with layers of cu
cumbers , chicken and ham , seasoning
to taste. Anchovies or sardines may
be used instead of the ham and
Veal loaf made in this way is a nice
relish for lunch : Mince half pound
of cold veal very fine and mix if with
two ounces of bread crumbs that have
been soaked in milk. Season with
pepper , salt and nutmeg and add
beaten eggs. Put in a buttered mold
and boil for one hour. Serve cold.
Try this recipe : Half a pound of
butter , six well-beaten egcs ; , six des
sertspoonfuls of cream cheese , two
tablespoonfuls of good cream and
some "bread crumbs ; mix well to
gether until a thin paste is formed.
Divide into balls and cook in salted
water ; then drain the balls thoroughly
and brown thorn in butter. Serve
She Reformed Him.
"Does your husband go to the lodge ,
Mrs. Gibberick ! "
"Well he just don't I broke
np that little game quite a while
ago. "
"Whv " , how in the world did you dc
it ! "
"Whenever he started for the lodgt
? I went , with him as far as the shatino
.rink , and told him to call for nu
Jon hia wayhome. . It only took
a few doses to cure him. " Chicagi
i .v
ir'ri"t , '
t * ± ±
A Daily Defalcation.
The Hon. John Kelly , the head and
front of Tammany Hall , a man of strict
integrity , an indefatigable worker ,
early at his office , late to leave , so bur
dened with business that regular meals
were seldom known by him , with , mind
in constant tension and energies stead
ily trained , finally broke down !
The wonder is that he did not sooner
give way. An honest man in all things
else , he acted unfairly with his physical
resources. He was ever drawing upon
this bank without ever despositing a
collateral. The account overdrawn ,
the bank suspends and both are now in
the hands of medical receivers.
It is not work that kills men. It is
Irregularity of habits and mental
worry. No man in good health frets
at his work. Bye and bye when the
bank of vigor suspends , these men will
wonder how it all. happened , and they
will keep wondering until their dying
day unless , perchance ; some candid
physician or interested friend will point
out to them how by irregularity , by ex
cessive mental effort , by constant
worry and frett by plunging in deeper
than they had a right to go , they have
produced that loss of nervous energy
which almost invariably expresses it
self in a deranged condition of the kid
neys and liver , for it is a well-known
fact that the poison which the kidney
and liver should remove from the
blood , if left therein , soon knocks the
life out of the strongest and most vig
orous man or woman. Daily building
up of these vital organs by so wonder
ful and highly reputed a specific
as Warner's safe cure , is the only
guarantee that our business men can
have that their strength will be equal
to the labors daily put upon them.
Mr. Kelly has nervous dyspepsia , wo
learn , indicating , . as we have said , a
breakdown of nerve force. His case
should be a warning to others who , pur
suing a like course , will certainly reach
a like result. The Sunday Herald.
Grant's Adyice to His Son.
In a conversation. to-day , Colonel
Fred Grant related many incidents con
nected with the life of his father which
have a peculiar and touching interest
at the present time. "Father's inter
est in his children was always one of
wonder and curiosity , never of direc
tions , " said he. "When I was sent to
West Point he sat down and told me
what he had done , and , with an appre
ciation of my capacity , told me not to
try to distinguish myself in any partic
ular line of studies. 'If you do , ' said
he , 'let it be mathematics. ' After I
had been there a year , I wrote him that
I certainly could not do anything in
mathematics as compared with some of
my class. He did not reply to that ,
but when I saw him he said : 'Fred ,
the mathematicians are too much for
you ? ' 'Yes , sir , ' I replied. 'Then get
a fair average in everything , and you
will come through all right. There is
no necessity for you to distinguish
yourself , in everything ; the man who is
reasonably up in every branch of the
course here is better off than an engi
neer who cannot ride , or an artillery
man who cannot lay a line of fortifica
tion. Do that and you are all right. '
He came to see me graduate , but he
took more personal interest in my
brothers than in me. " From a Mt.
Me Gregor Letter.
Balmy Sleep.
The Infirmarian of Mount St.
Clements College , Hchester , Maryland ,
writes that Red Star Cough Cure has
given much satisfaction in that institu
tion. In a severe1 case of consumption
it gave great relief , and after its use
restless nights and night sweats disap
It Wouldn't Count.
Mrs. Loveworid "Did you hear how
Mr. Jones spoke of marriage to Miss
Smith ? " Mrs. Smith "No ; do tell me
abogt it. " Mrs. L. "He said to her ,
'I have a letter here , Miss Smith , from
my sister. She advises me to tell you
of my affectionate interest in you , and
ask you to be my wife. ' " "Mrs. N.
"How very strange" , and how very in
teresting ! What did Miss Smith say ? "
Mrs. L. "She said. 'Mr. Jones , take
my advice and don't do it. ' " Mrs. N" .
"Did she , indeed ? I wonder , now ,
if she could call that a proposal from
Mr. Jones ? " Mrs. L. "Only a sort of
sealed proposal , I should think. "
Harper's Bazar.
Educate Tour Daughters.
The Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M.
have recently established an Academy
for the special instruction of young la
dies. Beautifully and healthfully loca
ted one-fourth of a mile west of DCS
Moines upon Greenwood Avenue in the
delightful suburb of Greenwood Park.
Are now ready for the reception of
young ladies. Parents and guardians
may rest assured , that every effort will
be directed to the Physical , Mental and
Moral improvement of those confided
to their care. All the branches of a
thorough English and classical educa
tion , French and German , Plain and
needle-work and Mu
Fancy - , Painting
sic , are taught by a Faculty of compe
tent teachers. Pupils may pursue a
special course. Minim Department for
the care and training- girls under
eleven years of age. The most scrupu
lous attention will be given ; and it will
be the object of the Faqulty to give
them a proper Elementary instruction
on preparatory for entering the Junior
department. Fall term opens Monday ,
September 7th , 1885.
For full particulars and terms , ad
ACADEMY , 517 West Sixth St. .
DES Monres , IOWA.
Sarah Bernhardt's once matchless voice
is said to be turning to a squeak.
Business men say that Elliott's Busi
ness College , Burlington , la. , is the
leading training school' this western
Only about 150 pounds ol each bee ! ani
mal is fit for canning.
Many a victim to Bright's Disease has
been restored to sound health by Hunt's
Hunt * s Remedy is not a new compound ;
it has been before the public thirty years.
Hunt's Remedy purifies the blood "by as
sisting the kidneys to carry off all impuri
How to Sare Money ,
and we might also say time and pain as
well , in our advice to good housekeepers
and ladies generally. The great necessity
existing always to have a perfectly safe
remedy convenient for the relief and prompt
cure of the-ailments peculiar to woman
functional irregularity , constant pains ,
and all the symptoms attendant upon
uterine disorders induces us to recom
mend strongly and unqualifiedly Dr.
Pierce's "Favorite " '
Prescription" woman's
best friend. It will save money.
The house inwhich General Grant first
saw the light had only two windows.
Loss of Flesh and Strength ,
with poor appetite , and perhaps slight
cough in morning , or on first lying down at
night , should be looked to in time. Per
sons afflicted with consumption are pro
verbially unconscious of their real state.
Most cases commence with disordered liver ,
leading to bad digestion and imperfect as
similation of food hence the emaciation ,
or wasting of the flesh. It is a form of
scrofulous disease , and is curable by tho
use of that greatest of all blood-cleansing ,
anti-bilious and invigorating compounds ,
known as Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical
Discovery. "
William D. Howells says that no woman
can live in the same house with a genius.
IT YOURSELF. With Diamond
Dyes any lady can get as good results as
thebesb practical dyer. Every dye war
ranted true to name and sample. lOc. at
druggists. Wells , Richardson & Co. , Bur
lington , Vt.
"Charlotte Corday" is to be the next
character enacted by Bernhardt.
Caution to Dairymen.
PROVED BUTTER COLOR , and take no other.
BEWARE of all imitations , and of all other
oil colors , for every other one is Jiable to
become rancid and spoil the butter into
which it is put. If you cannot get it write
to us at Burlington , Vt. , to know where
and how to get ifc without extra expense.
Thousands of tests have been made , and
they always prove it the best. '
Sarah Bernhardt will be a centenarian in
fifty years more. ,
ITCHING and irritations of the skin and
scalp , burns , scalds , piles , ulcers , poisons , bites
of insects and all skin diseases , quickly cured by
Cole's CarbollsalTe. 25&CO cents , at Druggists.
The simplest and best regulator o the Dis
order of Liver In the world , are Carter's Little
Liver Pills. They give prompt relief in Sick
Headache.Dizziness , Nausea , &c. , prevent and
cure Constipation and Files ; remove Sallow-
ness and Pimples from the Complexion , and
aie mild and gentle in their operation on the
bowels. Carter's Lltttlo Liver Pills are small
and as easy to ta e as sugar. One pill a dose.
Price 25 cents.
Indiana has only 200 Mexican war vet
erans living.
"TTell's Health Renewer" restores health and vieor
cures Dyspepsia , Impotence. Sexual'Debility. IL
Historian Bancroft sent nineteen sorts
of roses to the flower show.
quick , complete cure , all Kidney , Bladder snd
Urinary Diseases , Scalding , Irritation , Stone , Gravel ,
Catarrh of the bladder. II , Druggist * .
For cuts from barbed wire fence , tore shoulders ,
kicks and open sores on animal * , ust Stewart's
Healing Powder , 15 and 50 cts. a box.
Halford Sauce the best. Donot ony aay Imita
tion In place of It. .
Senator Voorhees is a big gun at Hot
Springs , Ark.
The purest , sweetest and best Cod Liver Oil in thej
world , manufactured from fresh , healthy liven , upon ?
the tea shore. It is absolutely pure and iweet. Fa- ' ,
tlents .who have once taken It prefer It to all others. )
Physicians have decided Is superior to any of the
other oils In market. Mads br CASWILC , HAZZABD
& Co. , New York. - I
Chapped Hands , Face. Pimples , and Rough Skin,1
cured by using Juniper Tar Soap , mad * by CASWXLL-
HAZAED & Co , New York. i
Hubertine Auclerc leads the woman's
rights women in France.
Files , roaches , ants , bed hues , rats , mice , gophers ,
chipmunks , cleared out by "Rough on Rats. " 15c.
In the eye of the California law , staring
at a lady is an offense.
"VThen Biby TTSS rfctwo gare her Castoria ,
When she was a Child , shecried , for Castoria ,
When she became Hiss , she clung to Castoria ,
TThon ate had Children , ahe gave them Cautoria ,
The Princess of Wales is said to bo the
unhappiest woman in all England.
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggiita sell It
PATETVTSobtaiuetl by .Louis Badger * Co. , At
torneys , "Washington , 1 > .C. Est'd 1864. Advice free.
Historian Bancroft prefers a black horse
to that of any other.
The taint of scrofula In the blood should be got rid
of or serious consequences may result. Consump
tion Is undoubtedly scrofula of the lungs , and In Its
early stages may be cured by purifying the blood and
building up the system. For this Hood's Sarsapa-
rllla Is unequaled. It also cures scrofula when It ap
pears in the form of running sores , bolls , hunches in
the neck , catarrh , or In any other manner. While It
purifies , Hood's SarsaparUla also vitalizes and en
riches the blood.
"I havcbeen taking Hood's Sarsaparllla for about
three months. Before that time my blood was in a
terrible condition. After using It for about one
monthmy appetite was better and my general health
greatly improved. For a medicine as good as Hood's
Sarsaparllla too much cannot be said. " L. L , Lcf-
SET , Bugbee House , Putnam , Ct.
"I have been troubledwith scrofula for three years ,
having running sores on my leg. After taking one
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla I am getting well rap
idly. " ASA.Er.BELSouthBend , Ind.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. II ; six for $5. Prepared by
C.J.HOOD & CO. . Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
m\ \
803 & 6C3WYAKS3TTE ST. , KANSAS CltV " , M8-S ?
IS in Chicago. Authorized to treat
Ghronle NsrTOus'aod 8b cUl BlMases.
Seminal Weakoau ( filcht Ix Ms.Saz- '
nal Debility [ Ix i of Serial FOYrr.rUo.1
- QusjantjCure or money refunded. CKlazt *
cr 'owAffeand ' experience are Important. No !
mercury "or injurious medicines used. No lira * loitfrani
trasiaeu. PiiieaU from a diiunce treated by niollMeii - '
cines scat tTerjnrhere free from raze or breakage. ' SBtayaor.
ease and send f r terms. Consultation free and etinfldentia ] ,
A. BOOK for both sexes , illusfd , teat ttaledforScia stuopt.1
casctUis treatmeBt falls' to cure or help. OnUertdiieoTery
in fccnils of medicine One dose gires relief : n few doses re *
more * fererand painn joints ; Cure completctiin Sto 7dajf.
Send statement of case with stamp for Circulars. Call , or ad.
Or.H nderiontC06WyandottaSt..K3n atpityMo.
It"TubeCilorsr t e. do& : 8abU Brushes. T . up ;
M Bristles , Be. up ; Flaqne * . Tc. up ; Pallets , lie.I
I B Artists' EsseU. Me. ; Artists' Boxes , 9L 0 : Panels ,
Me. Oils , 12CCoiivi , T5c ; Gold Taint. ZSc.
Novelties and Trenton Ware for Decoratinff. Frame *
Cor Pictures In Gold. Flushj.OiOt and Bronze. Sample !
of Bldlor. SOc dozen , itfldz'centStamp f r Catalo uo-
A. HOSPE. Omaha
N. U. Omahs.
This is what Interests
you all. The celebrated
tataco Collar , made from
onrLATAGO Oil Xansed
Leather. "Warranted not
to get hard or crack. lou
can irash them when dirty
and taey will keep s ! t and
Ask jour dealers for thim
Use them and jou will have
no other.
CO. ,
4VBola If umfaotureri.
Drills the.wcll aadcumpa out tha
cuttings oC the Drill at each
itrcke. Drives ito casing or drUb
ahelo under it to let it follow.
Tests tha well v Ithout remorinz
tools I Bus * easier than any other
nd drops tha tools
.and tools
MT un mm
Established FAY'S 1866.
Rcsemhleg fine leather ; for ROOFS , OUT
SIDE AVAIXS , and INSIDE In place of
Plaster. Very , strong : and durable. CAIC-
PKTS and RUGS.of same material. Catalogue
with testlmonlala'and simples , Free.
W. H..FAY CO. , Camden , K. J.
lamed bTthonianfljofflMclMjMsmifachtrerj .
land Mechanics oa'thelr but wotk. Receiyed
GOLD MEDALjLonian3. Pronouncedronj
'fftutnmi. Sendcardofdealerwhodoesnotkeep 1600
'tiwiti ' fire 2e stamps for SAMPLE CAN P D P C
iB'old by ALL DEALERS throughout the "World
! ? Gold Medal Paris Exposition , 1878. ,
Lorillard's Climax Flog
araredMnfotf ; that LcrttUrdl
R n Loaf fine cut ; that LorUUrd *
CUnlugm , tnd.thafLorillard's Si
> Mst AB Tbeapo t , quality conlder d ?
L employment and good salary
$ simnr Queen Cltr Skirt ani
. * TgtocltIn"SSupportrn.8iXiiilj
v uuiiib * iw7 * v * * * - ' " ; r f
fi .1 Buepender CoM Cmcinnafa. O
| 0 A QOLLEffE OF ( .Af ,
; Iair Department of Drake University.
[ For Catalogue address J. S. CLARK , Secretary.
Care Cole , JlcVey & Clark , DCS iloincs , Iowa.
Iped school in the West. Elepant rooms"heated by
m steam. Able teachers. Cheap board. Address
lor circulars : LIU.IBBIDGK &KOOSE , Lincoln , Neb
oung People , I8
r _ ness Education. KO to th old reliable Iowa
City Coilece. Est'd-In 1865. Seud fcr Col.
Jn'L Address , Com'l Collece , Iowa City , la
10 to 20 per cent cheaper than pool prices.
Samples Sent on Application.
T. J. Beard Jfc Bro. , . . . Omaha.
ELEGRAPHY here and earn , _
, " paySituations fumlslied.
Valentine Bros. , Janesville , TVls.
Morphine Habit Cured In 1O
OPIUM to 20 days. No pay till Cured.
DK. J/STEFHEMS , Lebanon , Ohio.
ostMonhood. I'rcuiutnro ifccav , WeakueM.
_ JratMiuidaUformsoC.l > cblUtyln Men from early
error , Ignorance , vlco orepccessea Quick ! ; and atUy
Ct r J withoutcontlnemrntbr tk . .
nowflnnly established In AmertcaaoJelr on lUmerlt *
FREE t * earnest Inquirernot to bojs , orcurio-
iltyeelccnXlar o illustrated work on lMsn * * at
tile Gcnlto-llrlnury Organs. Brain and Nerren ,
( Sealed.forSeenUlnctomps. ) Oirestestimonials , busi
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