The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 27, 1885, Image 5

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Thursday , August 3th , 1885.
CONGRKGATIONAL , Sunday School at K
A. M. every week. Preaching services nvory
Sunday night at 7.30 , M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning1 at 11. M. T. Exceptions
to the above will be noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School nt 3 P. M. The services and Sunday
school will be held for the future in the new
church. All are cordially invited. Seats free.
W. 8. WHEELER , Pastor.
CATHOLia-Scrvices will be bold in the
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
LODGE A. F. & A. W.-
llegular meetings , Tuesday night on
or before full moon of every month.
S. L. GREEN , W. M.
F. L. McCiiACKEN , Secretary.
. .D. Meets the flrst and third Wednes-
itlday evening of each mouth.
1 J. W. CAMPBELL , C. C.
A. M. SPALDING , 1C. R. S.
ular meetings on the first Wednesday
'evening of each month.
K. B. AitcniBALD , Chief.
KNIGHTS OF LABOU. Electric Light Assem
bly No. 3753 meets the flrstand third Friday of
each month. 8. N. STAYSA , M. W.
J. K. BAHNES POST G. A. R. Regular meet
ings second and fourth Monday evenings of
each month at Opera Hall.
J. A. WILCOX , Commander.
J. H. YAHGEH , Adjutant.
No. 2 0:30 , A. M. No. 40 5:25 , P.M.
No.39 12:50. P.M. No.l 8:55 , P.M.
E& Eastbound trains run on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
r R. R. WOODS , Agent. .
I Local Intelligence.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
See E. M. Brickey & Co. for custom
made clothing.
A room to rent. Inquire at Mrs.
Nellie Johnson's.
One Domestic Sewing Machine for
sale at Menard's.
For Tansill's Punch Cigar go to the
Commercial House.
-MACHINE OIL at the Metro
politan Drug Store.
Wall paper for 12 cents per bolt at
Metropolitan drug store.
Great Reduction in Watches am
Jewelry at McCrackcn's.
y & Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
The City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
Brown Bread at the City
Bakery constantly on hand.
Abstract of title and all other lega
blanks forsale at this office.
If you want first-class Harness and
Saddles go to W. W. Palmer.
Remember ChurchWhittaker for
choice fresh meats of all kinds.
§ 3F"Hallack & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
Money to loan on real estate and pat
ented land by the McCook Banking Co.
To THE LADIES We have a nice as
sortment of calling cards of latest style
and best quality.
W. W. Palmer is headquarters for
Saddles and Harness. A large stock
constantly on hand.
Seventy-five head of cows and calves
consigned to E. D. Jones , Denver , went
west , Tuesday afternoon.
LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
quite easily at 10 per cent.
All kinds of Forest Trees for timber
claims , street and ornamental planting
at lowest prices of F. H. Preston.
They are having a perfect rush at the
Commercial House , these days , and are
feeding over 100 guests for dinner.
Stock boarded by the day or week ac
1 ? Olcott1 s barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
FOR SALE CHEAP Two second-hand
sewing machines , American and Domes
tic. Inquire at Metropolitan Drug Store.
The Central Meat Market of Church
& Whittaker has at all times the choic
est cuts of steak and other meats for
their patrons.
Remember the City Livery and Feed
Stable when you want anything in the
livery line. Good horses and buggies ,
reasonable charges.
Come all ye who want anything in the
i dental line to E. S. Carl. McCook Bank
ing Co.'s building. Reasonable charges
and work guaranteed.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
BLANK DEEDS , ETC. We keep on
hand all kinds of blanks. We have the
best facilities for printing blanks , and
special orders will receive our prompt
The New York Millinery store is sell
ing evcryching in stock at almost cost
in order to make room for fall goods.
Will give all persons wanting anything
in mylinebargains for the nest 60 days.
Mrs. T. JSelis , opposite postoffice.
Go to Cooley & Colvin For insurance
on your buildings or stock.
The First National Bank commenced
business , Monday morning.
ESfAbstract linen legal cap with
numbered lines at tins office.
JSF'Hallack & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
W. W. Palmer is selling piles of Har
ness and Saddles and don't you forget it.
An interpreter and a pair of scales
would ease things up a little at the post-
jJSPSweet Michigan Cider of excel
lent quality at the City Bakery.
started , Saturday evening , for Iowa after
another car-load of marcs.
The building recently erected on South
Manchester street is to be occupied by
S. Plunkett as a restaurant.
McCracken , The Jeweler , has order
ed a large line of books. He expects
to keep a pretty complete stock.
Rev. C. L. Fulforth has charge of
the Episcopal church in the Republican
Valley , with headquarters at Red Cloud.
The Indianola scandal fails to mate
rialize to date. That enterprising vil
lage can't afford to let Culbertson out
do her.
The courteous treatment and first-
class accommodations at the Commer
cial House are making that hostlerie
FOR SALE Lindner & Erman have
10 pair .of work oxen , also steers , cows
and heifers for sale at Olcott's barn
McCook , Neb.
West Denuison street comes to the
front , this week , with some new side
walks , another furniture store , a pros
pective drug store , etc.
It seems to be the general opinion
that the rush of people and capital into
this country will be greater , this fall
and next spring , than ever before.
The latest New York and London
fashions just received.also new design
of goods by R. A. Cole , Merchant Tail
or , first door west of B. & M. Pharmacy ,
The north side of the front part of
the postoffice has been shelved and a
counter put in , preparatory to opening
up a news depot and stationery stand.
The first fresh oysters of the season
at Ed. Kuester's , first door above the
P. 0. Oysters by the can or served in
every style. Fresh consignments every
Last Friday , Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ha-
zen laid the mortal remains of their little
two-months-old baby away in the Mc
Cook Cemetery. Rev. Dungan offici
Rt. Rev. George Worthington , Bish
op of the Episcopal Diocese of Nebras
ka , will preach in McCook on Thursday
evening , Sept. 10th. All are invited to
Go and investigate the merits of the
New American Sewing Machine at J.
P. Mathes' furniture store. It is easy-
running , noiseless , and does every grade
jf sewing beautifully.
THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar-
intee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution.
FOR SALE Nearly 180 acres of
choice deeded land , river front , mostly
lay land , within a mile of railroad sta-
ion , G miles west of McCook. For
: urther particulars inquire at this office.
From Omaha papers of recent date
ve learn that Dr. A. J. Willey of this
: ity is officially announced as one of the
nedical officers on the staff of General
Morrow in command of the reunion at
W. W. Palmer is receiving orders
Torn Oberlin , Culbertsun and other
> oints , and the reason for this is , a full
md complete stock of Harness Goods
ire kept constantly on hand and sold at
bottom Prices.
Nebraska flour for Nebraskans. The
jity Bakery received a car-load of that
; elebrated Grand Island Flour , this
? eek. The shipment contains the new
irand of flour , "White Frost , " ' which is
vithout a peer , and is guaranteed to be
he very finest brand in the city.
LOST His PONY W. M. twin's little
ioy , who runs the "town herd" was un-
ortunate enough to lose his valuable
> ony by strangulation , recently. The
tony in some way became tangled up in"
he rope , and hanged itself. The boy
eels - the loss of his pony , and
he rnoio jecause of the manner of its
Having just added a bath am prepared
o clean silverware of any kind , and
lake it look bright and fresh as when
ew. Especially tea sets , water sets ,
ake and berry dishes that are chased I
nd engraveds and which it is impossible
Dr anyone to clean without the use of a
ath. F. L. McCRAOKEN.
City property , < which has gradually in-
reased in value since the first lot was i 3
old , has been given another boost by ' ]
lie LincolnLaud Co. , 35 per cent , hav- ]
ig recently been added to all lots in (
be original town and the first addition , i
hile the prices on lots in the two ad-
itions recently laid out range pretty i
rell up in figures , with an active demand , i
Trains were delayed many hours , * tin
first of the weekby heavy wash-outs ir
Iowa , where they have bnen having t
veritable deluge of waters.
We inadvertently failed to note the
arrival of a bouncing boy at Frank Reid'j
home , week before last. Frank says ht
has come and to stay just the same ,
The appearance and comfort of F. D
Hess' residence have been improved bj
the addition of a neat porch , which has
just been completed along the east front
All persons desiring to associate
themselves with the Episcopal church
will take notice that an organization will
be perfected at the time of the Bishop's
We are informed that it hailed se
verely , ten or fifteen miles north of
here , during Monday night's rain. The
extent and amount of damage we have
not learned.
In another column will be found the
adv. of the new furniture store of Pade
& Son on west Dennison street , who
make a bid for a share of the public
Two new residences are in course of
erection on the hill. One for Conductor
Coy by J. F. Collins and the other for
Mr. Huddleston of the Badger State
Lumber Co. , by S. N. Staysa.
Heaven's dews were most bountifully
shed abroad over our land , Sunday and
Monday nights. Our need was urgent ,
and the supply came unstinted in quan
tity , insuring a full crop of sod and late
The genial editor of that "great relig
ious journal" The Democrat grace
fully as may be "takes water" : does
the amende honorable on the Culbert
son scandal suppositions. Too great
care cannot be exercised when the good
name of anybody is in question.
The two lots on West Dennison street ,
adjoining the brick row on the west ,
owned by Chas. L. Schell of Beatrice ,
have been purchased by fl. C. Rider.
Consideration , $1,500. These same lots
were purchased by Mr. Schell from Ri
der , a few months since , for $900.
Fourteen car-loads of steers shipped
from Brush Colo. , for the Chicago
market , constituted a part of 84's train ,
Monday evening. The stock were taken
from this station as a stock special ,
drawn by 132 , one of the new engines ,
Ed. Hawksworch , throttle-operator.
The firm of Spanogle & Rinker , hav
ing depots at Red Cloud , MoCook and
Oberlin , are making arrangements to
incorporate and to.branch out still fur
ther. The company , which is already up
an a sound financial basis , will be
strengthened by the addition of other
members of means.
The fire company now has a building
for their cart , and in which to hold their
meetings , thanks to the generosity of
) ur citizens. A few hooks and ladders ,
i couple hundred feet of hose , and
lumber of fire plugs would put the city
n good shape to combat fire. Fire plugs
ire urgently needed on West Dennison
street , as they are practically at the
nercy of the element.
Our lumber yards seem to be the fa
vorite rendezvous of the genus tramp.
Jne with a "bad eye" the deponent
iayeth not whether the g. t. was suffer-
ng from obliquity of vision , or had a
; lass eye paralyzed Manager Fisher's
ictivities , the other night , and reduced
lis courage to away below zero , and in-
sreased his ' 'discretion-is-the-better-
) art-of-valor" bump most abnormally.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found
he advertisement of The McCook Loan
md Trust Co. , which has just lately
ieen incorporated with A. Campbell ,
President ; B. M. Frees , 1st Vice-Pres-
dent ; R. 0. Phillips , 2d Vice-President ;
5reo. Hocknell , Secretary , and F. L.
3rown , Treasurer. The company will
uake first mortgage loans on farm prop-
rty. Office in First National Bank
Two pugnacious canines of the bull
! og species engaged in a fierce fight on
SastDennison street , Monday afternoon ,
ttracting quite a crowd from the streets.
) ne of the brutes finally succeeded in
astening his fangs in the other's jaw ,
o which he clung with the proverbial
anacity of his kind , only loosening his
eath grip after much force and water
ad been used and he was completely
The officers of the Citizens Bank of
IcCook , the pioneer banking institu-
ion of our city , inform us that they
ill , as soon as necessary arrangements
an be made , reorganize as a national
ank , under the name of The McCook
National Bank , with a paid up capital
f $50,000. Also that a fine brick build-
ig will in due course of time ornament
tie present site of the Citizens Bank.
Pith two national banks , a loan and
rust company , etc. , our city is rapidly
oming to the fore.
The Hocknell Hose Co. held a spec-
il meeting at the hose cart house , just
ampleted , Tuesday evening , with but
small attendance. A unanimous vote
f thanks was tendered Mr. Hocknell
) r his splendid gift of a handsome hose
irt 5 also to Hallack & Howard , The
ladger State Lumber Bo. , Lytle Bros. ,
ratt & Lawson , J. F. Collins and S.
" . Staysa for material and work donated
a the cart house ; also to J. P. Mathes
> r his very liberal donation of. chairs
id table. The boys transacted a little
mtine business and adjourned to have a
iceting for practiceWednesday evening.
The Kansas outfit , which was arrested
last Friday evening for robbing L. T.
Slcover , a poor fool in a helpless state
of beastly intoxication , had a hearing
before Squire Fisher , Saturday. Jen
nings and Starbuck were attorneys for
the accused , while Lucas & LeHew ap
peared in behalf of Sleover. Upon mo
tion of the Judge , a change of venue
was taken to Squire Eaton of Driftwood.
One of the prisoners , Armstrong , was
placed under $100 bonds , Kendall go
ing his security. The case was to have
come up before Squire Eaton , Tuesday
morningbut some time during the niglit
of Monday , the gang quietly folded their
tent and silently stole away into bleed
ing Kansas. The bondsman promptly
came forward and paid the forfeited
bail , although the team and wagon upon
which he held a bill of sale had unfor
tunately ( ? ) gone , hours beforethe , same
direction , at about the identical time the
fugitives from justice vamosed. Thus
through carelessness or connivance , the
scoundrels succeeded in escaping their
just deserts.
The manner in which the accused got away ,
shows something akin to complicity , an of
fense , which in the eyes of the law , merits
severe condemnation and punishment.
Sunday morning , Sleover himself was ar
rested and brought before Squire Colvin on
the charge of drunkenness. He was fined $3
and costs , in all , § 7.35 , which he payed and
was discharged.
The next morning , after the birds had flown ,
legal proceedings , to replevin the team and
wagon of the gang , were instituted. The
bondsman , ' it appears , lost nothing and was
cognizant of the departure of the thieves at
the time they went.
The set-to between attorneys Lucas am
Starbuck , during the progress of the trial , oc
casioned considerable uproar , interfered with
the appearance and utility of the frosted glass
hi the door leading into Squire Fisher's office
was discreditable to the participants , and ad
ded no dignity to either. Proper decorum
should be exacted from attorneys , or they
ought to be debarred from practice.
ESF Hallack & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
Quite an exciting little episode oc
curred on West Dennison street , some
months since , which has just come to the
ears of our reporter. It appears that
the trusting wife of an individual resid
ing in that locality had become aware of
the moral turpitude of her liege lord ,
through information confidentially
vouchsafed her by a neighbor's wife
and that the trusting wife subsequently
raised the thermometer of her liege
lord's feelings to agehena-sheol heat by
upbraiding him for his infidelity. In
the course of events , it so happened
that the husband of the woman who
was the confidential adviser , and the
liege lord in questionwere peacefully ,
wending their way home together , where
upon the irate 1.1. took occasion to refer
to the matter in terms in consonance
with a vulgar nature hardened by years
of transgression , denouncing the whole
female portion of the neighborhood with
unmeasured virulence. This was prompt
ly and emphatically resented by the
other by a blow in the mouth. The
I. 1. dives into his capacious pocket for
his jack knife ; the insulted neighbor
follows suit ; the 1.1. flies , the indignant
and manly neighbor pursues ; the 1. 1.
begs for quarters and pardon , flic fabu-
la docet the 1. 1. greater caution when
referring to the virtue of his neighbor
§ 3r"flallack & Howard for Lumber
ind all kinds of Building Material , i
Last Saturday morningTndianola was
risited by fire , of an incendiary origin ,
n which the "old court house" was en-
; irely consumed and the Sargent House
larnaged to the amount of $1,000 , cov-
; red by insurance in the Underwriters.
Mr. Lynch saved nearly all his furniture ,
jut sustained a loss of perhaps $600.
Fhe fire bug's health would not be ma-
; erially improved if the indignant peo
ple of the county-seat succeed in locat-
ng the guilty party. In this connec-
; ion Mr. Lynch desires us to return his
iincere thanks to the people of Indian-
ila for the almost super-human efforts
n his behalf.
5 "Hallack & Howard for Lumber
md all kinds of Building Material.
This morning , M. T. Horrell who runs
he stationary engine at the round house ,
slosed the sale of his deeded quarter and
imber claim relinquishinent to Hugh
L Jennett. Consideration , . $1,500
iash. On Wednesday A. J. Pate sold
lis land 3imiles northeast of town ,
insisting of 240 acres of deeded land
.nd a timber claim relinquishmenfc to
3. J.Ryan of Filmore county for $2,200.
ik & Howard for Lumber
nd all kinds of Building Material.
The liberal patronage the Courier receives
utside of Indianola has a strong tendency
oward bothering our esteemed contemporar-
es. Indianola Courier.
"To move a horror skillfully , to touch
, soul to the quick , to lay upon fear as
Quch as it can bear , and then step in
rith mortal instruments to take its last
orfeit ; this only a Bishop can do. "
o dear George , please forbear.
For fine pants call on E. M. Brickev
5 CO.
A slight mishap occurred ou the little
rick building in course of erection on
Vest Dennison streetopposite the bak-
ry , Saturday noon , by the upper joists
iving way under the heavy weight of
rick piled on them. No one was in-
* *
ired. 11
E. M. Brickey & Co. have just re- j J
cived a large line of boys suits in all'j j
izes and grades of goods. ' .
S V W"'VXV-1 * XVi X rf X 'V tX > XVXJ * X X 1 - * N
Win. Fischer of Carrico was on our streets
Thos. Golfer is expected home from Chica
go , to-night ,
3rr. Torrey , hardware dealer of Trenton
was in the city , Monday.
Frank Harris made Kansas City a Jlyinj
visit , the first of the. week.
Contractor II. C. Kilpatrick wasregistcrci
at the Eating House , Sunday.
L. Morse of Henkelman came down fron
the west , Wednesday morning.
Ed. Marquis and Eugene Johnson of oui
city spent Sunday in Hastings.
M. M. House , one of Culbertson's real es-
tate men , was in town , Tuesday.
J. P. Mathes started for the ranch down in
Eawlins county , Kansas , this morning.
Fred Snow made a business trip to the en
terprising little burg of Stratton , Monday.
L. II. Lawton and J. T. Wray of Culhert-
son drove down to town , Tuesday afternoon.
Joe Odwarker left for Omaha , Saturday
evening , where he will reside in the future.
Win. Fruin went down to Colby , Thomas
county , Kansas , last Saturday , after school
Fred Dungan , nephew of Uev. Dungan of
our city , returned to Hastings , Tuesday
H. W. Pike made a business trip' down to
St. Joe , the first of last week , returning here ,
Thursday noon.
Joe McManigal of McCook , an ex-commis
sioner of this county , was in ( own , Tuesday.
Culbertsou Sun.
Fred Harris went up to his Hayes county
claim , Saturday , returning to his duties here ,
the first of the week.
Mr. Abbott , late of Aurora , Hamilton coun
ty , has been occupying a position in the B. &
M. office for some time.
Messrs. Dambach , druggist , Hayes Centre ,
and Lathrop , real estate agent , Indianola ,
were in town , Tuesday.
J. F. Voris of Plattsmouth entered claims
in Chase county , last week. He left for home
on 40 , Saturday evening.
Miss Ida Hollister , who has been visiting a
brother at Cheyenne , Wyo. , for the past few
weeks , has returned home.
J. W. Dyer of Culbertson and A. II. Steele
of Hayes Centre were among the numerous
visitors in the city , Tuesday.
Conductor J. E. Sanboni was called to Den
ver , Friday , by a telegram announcing the
sickness of his wife. He left on 39.
J. E. Berger returned , Tuesdaynight , from
Louisville , Cass county , where he has been
for the past week or ten days on business.
A. H. Steele of Hayes Centre came down
to town , Tuesday , to meet Mrs. Steele , who
arrived on 39 , from an extended visit in Iowa.
Mrs. S. X. Staysa who has been spending
the past three weoks in the mountains of
Colorado , near Boulder , is expected home
J. E. Neill and wife came up from Oberlin ,
Monday. Mrs. Neill took No. 2 for Crete ,
Tuesday morning. Mr. Xeill returning to
Senator Dolan , County Clerk Cramer , Sher
iff Welborn , Attorney Suavely , W.K Lynch
md others from Indianola were on our streets ,
J. P. Craige , state agent f or Appleton , with
leadquarters at Hastings , was in town last
iveek , soliciting subscriptions to that valua
ble work.
G. G. Burton , Nasby and real estate agent
it Trenton , was in town Tuesday , on business ,
md called and replenished his stock of blanks
it this office.
C. P. Binker took Xo. 40 , Saturday , for
Kansas City , where he goes to lay in a stock
) f wind mills , etc. He will also make short
itops at lied Cloud.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Paine went down to
indianola , Saturday evening , to visit Senator
Dolan , E. Petennan and other old-time Fill-
nore comity friends.
Editor Palmer of the Clay County Sun was
n the city Friday and Saturday. Weac-
cnowledge a pleasant invasion of our lair-
is is the editorial wont.
"Shorty" Bartholomew , who has been with
iVilcoxBros. for some time , has been holding
lown a position in the B. & 3L agent's office
nice Monday of last week.
E. W. Lewis , real estate agent , and a Mr.
Duncan of Cambridge were in the city , Mon-
lay , having business as attorney and client
icfore the U. S. Land Officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. LaTourette of St. Louis ,
larents of W. C. LaTourette of our city , ar-
ived in town , the last of the past week , and
pent a few days with their son.
Mrs. " Fisher , wife of Manager Fisher of
Iallack& Howard , arrived in the city , last
Thursday , from Minneapolis , where she has
ieen spending the heated season.
County Clerk Westgtrte of Frontier county
ras in town , Friday on land business. Mr.
Vestgate laid in a supply of laud blanks at
liis office before returning home.
C. G. Crews of Culbertson , who has of late
ome into considerable notoriety through a
md transaction which does nut show on the
ace of it very honorable dealing , was in town ,
Mr. J. D. Piper who has been living on his
on's farm northeast of this place , expects to
jave soon for Red Willow county where he
as taken up a couple claims. We lose a good
itizen when Mr. Piper leaves. Republican
lily Topic.
Geo. Chenery returned last Friday after-
oon , from his visit at the Fisher ranch in
Uiase county. George reports a narrow es-
ape from injury by the explosion , in his hand
f a shell loaded with ] > owder , but an other-
rise highly"enjoyable visit.
If. C. Bcckwilh of Clarinda , Iowa , who
: ient last summer in McCook and vicinity ,
uying lands , was in town the first of the
cck , looking after his interests lu-iv. He
ift Tuesday morning for Atwood and Olior-
n to pay the taxes on his lands m L'awlins
ud Dccatur counties.
Mr. Howard , of Hallack & Howard , was in
town , yesterday and until noon to-day , on his
return to Denver from a trip of inspection of
the linn's various yards down the valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ganschow and family and a
lady friend arrived in the city , Wednesday
night of last week. Mr , ( ! . will become a
permanent resident and will shortly open up
a boot and shoe store on West Dcimison St.
Editnr Stewart of the Pioneer and friend
Stcn. of Arapahoe were in town , Sunday. J
They wore returning from Dmidy county ,
whither they had gone in quest of the much-
sought after timber-claim , now somewhat
scarce I.i this part of the state.
L. F. Fryar , County Clerk of Clay county ,
in company with a number of other Clay Co.
people , came up to McCook , the latter partof
last week , after land. They returned home ,
on Monday evening , after securing the object
of their trip , in Hayes county.
Sutton Register : J. E. Bagley went to Mc
Cook on Tuesday to take a timber chiim.
Mrs. Torrey went to McCook on Tuesday
night on business connected with her home
stead. Miss Lou Wheatou went west to
McCook , Tuesday , to enter a timber claim lo
cated for her by her brother , who is now in
that region. J. W. Shirley went to McCook
the first of the week , to take a look at that
facinating region and take a claim , if he found
what suited him.
"People Who Live in Glass Houses
Should Not Throw Stones. "
Last spring , the Bailey boys on Blackwood
had one of those "old reliable" open wheel
mills and tower demolished by the winds.
Sunday night at Benkelman , one of those
'old ' reliable" open wheel rattle traps , tower
and all , were blown to atoms. Just here let
me say that no wind mills are warranted
against storms that destroy other adjacent
property. But experience has shown that
the chances are three to one in favor of the
loiseless , perfect self-regulating solid wheels ,
with their staunch towers and ami braces ,
standing the storm. PerMjns who will take
the pains to examine the different mills , after
a few month's use , will not hesitate a moment
in deciding which is the most meritorious.
The Woodmanse takes the first premium.
A thoroughly-built , G-room house , and
lot ; with lot adjoining. A very desira
ble residence. Beautifully situated.
For particulars apply to or address ,
W. 0. MOODY ,
11 tf. McCook or Stratton , Neb.
A fine residence in West McCookin ,
cluding two lots 50 feet front , barn and
other out-buildings. Will take pay in
stock. Inquire at Lucas & LeHew' s of
fice on Main Street.
Land and Legal Blanks.
We have now in stock a full line of
land and legal blanks. Orders from a
distance will receive prompt attention.
West Dennison St.