The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 20, 1885, Image 7

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    . Very Poor Economy.
' Some people make a business of
cheating themselves , either by eating
rery mean and cheap food , or else eat
ing too small a quantity of good food.
Either way is as bad policy as it would
be to buy a coffin instead of a suit of
* r f od clothes , just because the coffin
* t > yld cost less. Poor diet means im-
'dished blood ; and that means mis-
§ . Brown's Iron Bitters enriches the
3d , gives it the iron it needs , and
tones up the whole system. Cures dys
pepsia , indigestion , weakness , malaria ,
Sarah Bernhardt's greatest ambition , it
B said , is to bo a fleshy poetess.
Hal ford Sauco U capital for dyspeptics. In-
raluable to all good cooks.
Queen Victoria never counts tho words
rrhen she writes a telegram.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
fiioroTlirontSnrcllIii r .Sprnlni , Brnl8C ,
Burtin , NcaldB , Front BUCK ,
BoldlyDnijjliU n < tDc ler verj" rh r . Fifty C QU a bottle.
Direrllon. In 11 Luncatr" .
i to A. YOSELEIi & CO ) Elltlmorr. Hi , C. 8. 1.
Every strain or cold attacks that weak back
and nearly prostrates TOU. _
Strengthens the Muscles ,
Steadies the Nerves ,
Enriches the Blood , Gives New Vigor.
DR. J. L. MTEHS Fairfield. Iowa , says :
"Brown's Iron Bitters la the best Iron medicine I
heavily on the systemTUse itfreely m my own family. "
Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on
wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
LADIES' HAND BOOK useful and attractive , con
taining list of prizes for rocipes , information about
coins , etc. , given away by all dealers in medicine , or
mailed to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp.
If youwish a certain cnre for all Blood
diseases. Nothing was ever invented that will
cleanse tho Blood and jmrify the System equal
to Bops and ITXAI/r Bitter * . It tone *
tip the System , puts new Blood in your
veins , restores your lost appetite and
Icep. and brings TOU perfect health. It
never fails to give relief in all cases of Kidney
or Liver Troubles , Biliousness. Indi
gestion , Constipation , Side Headaches , X > y .
pepsin , Nervous disorders , and &U female
Complaints ; rrhen properly taken it is & sure
cure. Thousands-have been benefited oy it
In this and other Western States. It is the best
Combination of Vegetable remedies an yet
discovered for the restoration to health of the
"Wealc and Debilitated. Do not get EIops
and KAXiT Bitten confounded irith infe
rior preparations of similar name. I preKcribo
Hops & Malt Bitters regularly in my practice.
Robert Turner , SI. D. , Flat Kock , Mfrh. Tor sal *
by all druggists.
Ever offered to the public.
Man and Beast.
Mustang Liniment is older than
most men , and used more and
more every year. ,
In painting on Bilk , satin or crape
for dress adornment tho material
must first bo sized with gum arable
or isinglass.
A bufi'ut scarf of momio linen is
worked in German embroidery , and
has a design of conventionalized or
ange blossoms , fruit and foliage.
A pretty rug for the lounge is made
of cream-colored basket-cloth , with
Eansies of all tho rich purple and yel-
> w shades embroidered upon it.
There is no set pattern , the ilowers
looking as if they had been dropped
upon it by some lavish hand.
Try this way of cooking a fowl :
Cut the raw fowl in pieces and put
them into a pan with very hot butter ;
cook for ten minutes , shaking the pan
constantly ; then add a glass of good
white wine and let it "bo reduced.
Moisten with stock and tomato sauce ,
to which add a little sugar and some
mushrooms. When cooked serve
with croutons.
Croquignolles , made by this recipe ,
are very nice : Put in a bowl four
ounces of butter , one teaspoonful of
sugar , a pinch of salt , half.a . pound
of Hour , the whites of four eggs , and
any sort ot flavoring ; mix all well so
as to form a very stiff paste. Put tho
mixture on the pasteboard and roll
it in a rope-like form half an inch in
diameter ; then cut in pieces about
half an inch long , glaze "with yolk of
an egg , dust with sugar and bake in a
moderate oven.
Mutton chops prepared in this way
make a nice dish for lunch : Beat
some chops first ; mash the yolk of a
hard boiled egg and mix with it some
sweet herbs , grated bread , nutmeg ,
salt and pepper ; cover the chops with
this and put each chop into a piece of
well buttered white paper and broil
them over a clear fire , "turning : them
often. Remove the paper and cover
the chops with smoothly mashed po
tatoes bound together with yolk of
egg. Fry in hot oil until a delicate
This way of stewing carp is said to
be very good : Draw and skin the
fish ; brown some butter with a little
flour , add some smalf onions , parsley ,
thymo and mushrooms , and moisten
with a large wine glass full of water
and two ot red wine. When tho mix
ture is at boiling point pour it into
the pan in which you place the carp
and stew it on a brisk fire.Vhen
cooked put the fish on a dish and
garnish it with crawfish and croutons ;
add the _ sauce thickened with a
good piece of butter.
Gilt frames may bo revived by a
mixture of two ounces of white of egg
and one ounce of chloride of potash or
soda. The frames must bo free from
dust and then tho mixture is applied
with a soft brush. Such frames may
be cleaned with a solution of a smafl
quaintity of salts of tartar dissolved in
a wine bottle of water. Soak a piece
of cotton batting in the liquid and
dab the frames very gently with it ;
do not rub them , for the guilt would
come off if you did. Place the frames
so the water may drain from , them
and syringe with clean water. The
mixture must not be too strong.
The old time occupation of paper
flower making seems to have revived
with an energy unknown to its former
days. Whole show windows are
filled with the wonderful products of
tissue paper and scissors manipulated
by deft fingers. For lamp shades and
for a few other purposes"these paper
objects are effective , but lor general
decoration they are scarely to be
commended. Eealistic placqucs of
gs in paper , grass studded with
paper , daisies and paper buttercups
mounted on elaborate stands may be
very interesting to those who make
them , but aro hardly the sort of thing
one would like to behold constantly.
An effectual recipe for rendering
cloth or tweed waterproof at homo is
the following : Take 1 oz. of alum and
dissolve it in a quart of water ; in an
other vessel dissolve 1 oz. of acetate
or sugar of lead , also in a quart of
water.V hen the alum and lead are
entirely dissolved , empty one vessel
into that which contains the other ,
mix them well together by stirring
them with a stick , then leave it for a
time to settle , and when a deposit is
formed at tho bottom pour the liquid
; ently"into another vessel , leaving tho
.eposit behind. The liquid part now
being ready , immerse the material to
be rendered waterproof , leaving it a
little time to soak ; then press it with
the hands to get some of the water
out , and hang it on a line to dry. To
prove the efficacy of the recipe , try-
first on a small piece of cloth or al
paca ; you will find that you may
carry water about in it without a sin
gle drop passing through. Do not
put your hand to your mouth while
doing this.
A Bad Break.
Twelve or thirteen years ago a lad
of 17 embezzled $15,000 from his em
ployer's store in New York. He was
afflicted with so-called "friends" who
spent his money or made him spend it
so lavishly that he , like so many oth
ers , had to resort to his employer's
bank account until discovery put him
to flight He went to Memphis ,
"turned over a new leaf , " and was so
honest and faithful , so courageous in
staying and keeping the store open
during the whole of the yellow fever
plague in 1878 , that his employer took
him to Minneapolis with h'im where
his conduct was without blemish. He
had the full confidence of the firm and
plentiful opportunity of repeating the
crime. But he never did and was on
the most friendly relations with the
finest people in that city. Two years
ago he was made a member of the
firm. But the blow , though long in
suspense fell upon him at last. His
identity was discovered. He was ar
rested and taken to New York to an
swer for his youthful crime. ! write
you calmly , " he says in a note to his
fartner , "but my heart is broken , and
have no hope for the future. I made
a bad break and must suffer the pen
alty. " The story is its own lesson.
Detroit Free Press.
Afternoon journalism deals inwhat hap
pens and morning journalism in bow it hap
pened. Pittsburgh Chrontck TtlegrapTi.
Rejoicings Down South.
LEXINGTON , KY. Mr. John T. Bruce ,
of the United States Revenue Collec
tor's OHice , informed an editor of the
Daily Press , of this city , that for seven
years ho suffered terribly from rheuma
tism in his ankle , which most of the
time was swollen to two or three times
its natural size , and was so painful that
he could not put his foot to the ground.
After trying everything he could think
of without obtaining relief , he at ten
o'clock one morning applied St. Jacobs
Oil , and shortly afterwards made two
further applications. At three o'clock
that afternoon the pain was gone ; the
swelling also disappeared , and the cure
was as permanent as it was quick.
Bags Instead of Closets.
In closets which are not provided
with drawers and wardrobes where
dresses may be hung or laid away from
all danger from dust or crowding , bags
which will completely envelop the
dress and protect delicate fabrics are a
necessity. Such bags must be long
hold dress-skirt without
enough to a - _
folding , and wide enough to give room
to all kinds of frills and flounces. Any
kind of material will answer , but mus
lin or print is most often used. Cut
one side of the bag three inches longer
than the other ; seam together , bind
around the top , work four button-holes
across the longest side , which buttons
down on the other like a flap. The bot
tom of the bag now becomes the top ,
Bcem it across again , and in the casing
so made run a flat , narrow stick ; at
each upper corner sew tape loops by
which to hang the bag on two hooks in
the closet. To wide tapes , sewed near
the casing , pin the dress-skirt by the
band and also by the waist , by which
even part of it will least muss the trim
ming. After the dress is carefully pin
ned m place , pull down the bag over it
and button the tape across the bottom.
Bags for the various small articles in
kitchen and wash room , which need
keeping together , should be made of
some dark , strong material , and of a
plain , square shape , and furnished with
curtain rings sewed around the top to
run the draw string in. Such bags are
useful receptacles for clothes-pins ,
small clothes-lines , strings and the
hundred and one things which must be
kept in some place where they can be
found in a hurry.
Bags for the store-rooms and for hold
ing bundles and scraps must be of
sttong stuff" The former firm , closely-
woven linen , sewed in a turn seam ,
and provided with tapes for tying up ,
several inches below the top , so they
may be turned over and tied closely ,
effectually preventing the entrance of
any undersirable object , animate or
A Saloon-Keeper's Imclu
Mr. J. D. Jinks , of Brookland , Ark. ,
a town distant some ninety miles from
this cit7 , on the Texas & St. Louis nar
row guage railroad , has been in the
city fdr two or three days , buying a
stock of liquors , cigars , etc. A Ledger
reporter learned that Mr. Jinks was
the holder of one-fifth of ticket No.
48,954 , Avhich drew the second capital
prize of 825,000 ia the last drawing of
the Louisiana State Lottery , and ques
tioned him concerning his streak of
good luck and what he intended doing
with it. "Yes , I bought the ticket
in this city , and was somewhat sur
prised at the result. I have
bought tickets before , but the invest
ment has always met with poor re
turns. " When asked if he intended
giving up his present business and em
barking in someotheron a larger scale ,
the gentleman smiled and answered
that he would only add the amount to
his sinking fund , and continue business
at tho old stand. The $5,000 was col
lected through the German National
Bank of this city. Mr. Jinks is a pleas
ant and agreeable gentleman , and does
not snub any of his former friends on
account of his good fortune. Memphis
( Tenn. ) Ledger , July 29.
Educate Your Daughters.
The Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M.
have recently established an Academy
for the special instruction of young la
dies. Beautifully and healthfully loca
ted one-fourth of a mile west of DCS
Moines upon Greenwood Avenue in the
delightful suburb of Greenwood Park.
Are now ready for the reception of
young ladies. Parents and guardians
may rest assured that every effort will
be directed to the Physical , Mental and
Moral improvement of those confided
to their care. All the branches of a
thorough English and classical educa
tion , French and German , Plain and
Fancy needle-work , Painting and Mu
sic , are taught by a Faculty of compe
tent teachers. Pupils may pursue a
special course. Minim Department for
the care and training of girls under
eleven years of age. The most scrupu
lous attention will be given ; and it will
be the object of the Faculty to give
them a proper Elementary instruction
on preparatory for entering the Junior
department. Fall term opens Monday ,
September 7th , 1885.
For full particulars and terms , ad
ACADEMY , 517 West Sixth St. .
A Brooklyn lady now calls her pet cat
"Sheolen" instead of Helen.
"WTion4IJ bjwas sick , tro gare her Castorla ,
"When sho was a Child , she cried for Caatoria ,
When she became Hiss , she clang to Caatoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Caatoria ,
John Kelly rides horseback with the
jrace of a well-trained cavalry officer.
If there ever was a speciflcforany one com
plaint then Carter's Littlo Liver Pjlls are a
specific for Sick Headache , and every woman
should know this. They are not only a pos
itive cure , but a sure preventive if taken
when the approach is felt. Carter's Little
Liver Pills act directly on the liver and bile ,
and in this way remove the cause of disease
withoutflrst makingyou sick by a weakening :
purge. If you try them you will not be dis
Chief Justice Waite is eating oatmeal on
its native heath.
Send for Catalogue of Callanan College ,
"O , Lor'IIIt'Im Again. "
In the early days of Methodism in
Scotland , a certain congregation , where
there was but one rich man , desired to
build a new chapel. A church meeting
was held. The old rich Scotchman rose
and said : "Brethren we dinna need a
new chapel ; I'll give 5 for repairs "
Just then a bit of plaster falling from
the ceiling hit him on the head.
Looking up and seeing how bad it
was , he said : "Brethren , its worse
thon I thoucht I'll ' . "
: make i fifty pun'
"Oh , Lord , " exclaimed a devoted
brother on a back seat , "hit 'im again. "
There are many human tabernacles
which are in sore need of radical build
ing over , but we putter and fuss and
repair in spots without satisfactory re
sults. It is only when we are person
ally alarmed at the real danger that we
act independently , and do the right
thing. Then it is that we most keenly
regret because we did not sooner use
our judgment , follow the advice born of
the experience of others and jump away
from our perils.
Thousands of persons who will read
this paragraph are in abject misery to
day when they might be in a satisfac
tory condition. They are weak , life
less , full of odd aches and pains , and
every year they know they are getting
worse , even though the best doctors are
patching : them in spots. The origin of
these aches and pains is in the kidneys
and liver , and if they would build these
all over new with Warner's safe cure
as millions have done , and cease invest
ing their money in miserably unsuccess
ful patchwork , they would be well and
happy and would bless the day when
the Lord "hit 'im" and indicated the
common sense course for them to pur
sue. London Press.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids , Itching. Protruding.
Bleeding. Internal or other. Internal and External
Itemedy In each package. Siirccure.50e. Druggists.
Graduates of Elliott's Business Col
lege , Burlington , la. , are in demand all
over this western country , because they
are thoroughly qualified.
Rowell , the pedestrian , is coming to this
country again in September.
Prominent Kutter ittakers.
There is no dissent from the decision of
candid and capable dairymen , that the Im
proved Butter Color of Wells , Richardson
& Co. , Burlington , Vt. , is the best in the
world. Such men ns A. W. Cheever of Mas
sachusetts , E. D. Mason , Vermont , Francis
A. Hoffman , Wisconsin , iibc it , and recom
mend it as superior to all others.
Ladles who would retain freshness and vivacity ,
don't fall to try Wells' -Health Kenewer. " *
Mr. Daniel Ketcham , one of the promi
nent and successful farmers of Civil Bend ,
Daviess county , has had his child under
the tieatment of Drs.Dickerson & Stark , of
the Kansas City Surgical Institute for con
genital club-foot. We met Mr. Ketcham ,
the other day , andhesays his child is doing
The purest , sweetest nnd be t Cod Liver OH In the
world , manufactured from fresh , healthy livers , upon
the sea shore. It Is absolutely pure and sweet. Pa
tients who have once taken It prefer It to all others.
Physicians haie decided It supcrloi to any of tho
oilier oils In market. Made by CASirxiiC , HJLZZASD
dCohew York.
Chapped Hands , Face. Pimples , and Rough Skin , (
cured by us < ng Juniper Tar Soap , mad by CAS WILL ,
II AZAIUJ & Co , New York. ,
FredGcbhardt is still seen in London oc
casionally in Mrs. Langtry's society.
"KOUGiif ox "ITCH. "
IOWA."O Itch" cures humorn , eruptions. Tins
worm , tetter , salt rheum , frosted feet , chilblains.
Senator Stanford's California vineyard
will yield 300,000 gallons of vine this j'ear.
Save time and money by using Stewart's Heal"
fng Powder for cuts and sores on animals. Sold
everywhere , 15 and BO cts. a box. Tru It ,
The Largest and Best Equipped Institutions of the
kind In the West.
The Catalogue giving course of study , rates of tui
tion , hoard , etc. will be mailed free upon application.
Addrc s E. L. MclLEAVY , President , Lawrence or
Atclitson , Kansas.
Send for Journal giving full Information. Address
HAYI.S & IIUTCHihb , Lawrence , Kas.
Mrs. Gladstone , in personal appearance ,
is said to be simplicity itself.
CI DPI DA Description of Pleasant Valley Country
rLUnlUA frce. E. RUML.EY , Keuka.Fia.
A positive cnre. No Knife.
GANGER No Plaster. No Pain. IV. C.
, Uarsha.lltown.Iowk.
LIFE II c Fastest ,
fpw " ° fRAMT
OF i .r ' . . ' " y-1 Selling
book now published , fcend for circular , or sa > e time
by sending 80 cts. for outfit , quick. Address
17 West 5th bt. . Kansas Cltr. Mo.
DR. A. C. SAB1N.
Tiventy Years' Experience In
diseases treated succesffnllr
FEMALE andCUKKD.fuchtuProlep-
sus.CHarlan tronbles. Inflaai-
AND matlon and Ulccratlons , Fall
ing and displacement of tho
MERVOUS "Womb , SpinalVeskness.snd
Change of Life , and all f nns
_ of KIBNSV troubles. Can
relieve In all and positively cure most of those nm-
plaints and uenLnessesso common to sroma.atind.
Lung diseases. Liver complaints and all diseases of a
prhnte. natnre successfully treated. CANCERS
treated and cured.
Letters of inquiry confidentially answered.
Address DR. A. . C. SAlilN ,
Beatrice. Jfeb.
We Want 5,000 More BooK Agents to Sell
The Personal History of *
o ao o o
Tl b t ratneutlx Craml'i nlir. mmttrj , dn , _
yritlta CUMT , mol U ti Bolt e.mpl u n < ralUkl. hlsuij .r kn cz.
. ' * *
for full p rtlc . I r. an * bPECIAL . . I'SltS . . TO AOC7I . ? r tranH > T
t one * br iiartteu. for .utflr. rH.ntI n tht. ntwr 1 Addrt.L
Boston , Chicaso , Cincinnnti , or ist.
Magnolia Balm
is a secret aid to beauty.
Many a lady owes her fresh
ness to it , who would rather
not tell , and jw ; carit tell.
"W. 2f. U. , Omaha. 872 34.
a criminal nee-
' led of preventive
medication may bo
ascribed n majority
of the ailments which
affect Immunity. It
U a n ell ascertained
fact , tint n course of
Hostettcr's Stomach
Bitters will put e\en
a naturally fccblo
- system In such a stato
of defense that It wilt
be competent to re
sist tbe most preva
lent causes ot dis
ease , such as the ma
ll mi Influence of ml-
asnin , unwholesome
water , excessive
heat , damp , colJ.sud-
den changes temp
erature. S-c.
Forsale by all Drug
gists and Dealers
University of Noire Dame ,
The Eighty-Third Session will open Tuesday , Sept.
Sth. Full courses In
Classics , ! Law , Sciences , Mathematics ,
A thorough COMMERCIAL COURSH s one of the
distinguishing features of the Institution.
Special a > h autages arc offered to students of the
aw Course
for boys under 13 , Is unique In design and In the com
pleteness of Its equipments. Catalogues , glIng full
particulars , will be sent free , by addressing
This is the Easiest Bunnlnz
CTcrmado. It brink's tho cutting
to tho surface at lach stroke of the
drill. Sendforourclrcularandneo
why tho horse Is taken an ay and a
man pushing
tho lever.
Thrown in and oat of wind by m
revolving the pump rod , iloin jr
rmny with all levers pulleys , chalsH , and
wire * peculiar to all other mills. H&i a. DEAD
JK.U ' '
For AQJ machine hullinz aud
firming fit for market a. mcch
Clortr Seed In ONK DAT
u the
Illastrit'd circu
lar raiil a free.
MACIII.NF ; ro. . < vi mi.i. . . QM. . .
, * > edor. . ; Sabla Ilrushes. 7c. up ;
Bristles , 6 - . ap. Plaques. Tc up. Pallet ! . Be. ;
Arii ts' Easeli. Me. ; Artists' Boies , 8LSO ; Panels ,
Mo. Olbi. 1Ie.Convu5. . 7Sc. lioltl Paint. 25c.
Kovclties and Trenton Ware for Decorating. Frame *
lor Pictures in Gold. Plush. Oik anrt Bronze. Samples
of molding , 50c dozen. Bend 2 cent Stamp for Catalogue.
A. HOSPE , Omaha.
Bend for Circulars. GEO. R.It ATUBURK. Principal.
Onialia , Nebraska.
The nrst term begins September 2d , ISSW. The
ourse of Instruction embraces English , French ,
German , Drawing. Painting , Piano. Harp. Violin ,
Guitar , vocal Music , and all the higher branches of
a FINISHED EDUCATION . Difference of religion Is no
obstacle to tho admission of young ladles. For par
ticulars apply to RT. KET. JAS > . O'Co hoc , or to the
Lorillard's Olimas Plug
bearlnj nd tin tag ; that Lerfllardl
O * el < eafnnecut ; that Lorillard1 *
Navy Clipping' , and.that LorllUnPi SnaBs , wo
U belt < tnd chearxat. quality com'derod T
Diseases of "Women.
Iaxton Hotel , Onialia , IVeli.
f * Wholesale and Retail r
DEWEY & STONE , Omaha , Neb.
Listen to Your Wife.
Tho Manchester Guardian , June.S , 1883 , sayc
At one ot thr.
Xookin ? on tlie woodland ways ! Witt
clumps of rhodotlcndroms and greatmanses
of May blossoms ! ! ! "There was an inter
esting group.
It included one who had been a "Cotton ,
spinner , " but was now so
Paralyzed ! ! ! I
That lie could only bear to lie in a reclin
ing position.
This refers to my case.
I was first attacked twelve yeara ago
with "Locomoter Ataxy"
( A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely cvcc
curtd. )
and was for several years barely able to
get about
And for the last five years not able to
nttcii'l to my biinhie&H , although
Many things have been done for mo ,
Tho last experiment being Nervf stretching-
Two years ago 1 was voted Into the
Home for Incurablesl Xour Manchester ,
in May , 1S82.
I am no "Advocate" ; "For any thing ia
the shape of patent" Medicines ?
And made ninny objections to my
dear wife's constant urging to try Hop Bit
ters , but finally to pacify her
Consented ! !
I had not quite finished the first bottle
when I felt a change come over me. This
was Saturclny , November 3d. On Sunday
morning I felt so strong I said to my room
companions , "I was suro I could
"Walk !
So started across the floor and. back.
I hardly know how to contain myself , t
wa * all over tho house. I am gainingstrength
each day , and can walk Quito safely without
"Stick I"
Or Support.
I nm now at my own house , and hope BOOK
to bo able to earn my own living again. I
have been a member of tho Manchester
"Royal Exchange"
For nearly thirty years , and was most
hem fly congratulated on going Into the room
on Thursday last. Very gratetuliy yours ,
JOHN IltACKiiuH.v.
MANCHESTER ( Eng. ) Dee. 24 , 3883.
Two years later jim perfectly well.
2'rovecitte the biclmllcrs ! ! !
If when you call for Hop Hitters ( seo greea
cluster of Hops on tho white label ) tho drug
gist hands you out any stuff called C. I ) . War
ner's German Hop Hitters or with other "Hop *
name , refuse it and shun that druggist as you
would aIper , and If ho has taken your
money for thn stuff Indict him for tho fraud
and sue him for damages for the swindle ,
and we will reward you liberally for the coo-
Doctor. 'Tea ; yon are billons. Just cet a box of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ; they will cnreyoo , *
. BUIons Complaints ore caused by torpidity , con
gestion , or the nlceration of tho Hrer. - * -i
The symptoms arc dark , creasy , yellow skin , 2
brown or whitish coat to the tongue , appetite irreg
ular , of ten a dry cough at nteht.
The skin sometimes breaks ont into pimples sad
oresand tho whole system is ont of order. Wrlshr'
Indian Vegetable Pills ore one of tho very best
remedies known for any form of these troubles , acd
will certainly relieve the sufferer. They are pnreJy
vegetable , mado from the best drags by competent
hands , and giye satisfaction. They are very genUc
in thenaction , cansingnogripingornnpleaBantfcel-
inf ? to the most delicate. A. trial will convince any
one troubled with bilionsncsa that WriKht'a la.
dian Vegetable Pills is the medicine he needs.
A Specialist Tor Eleven Yearn Past ,
Has treated Dropsy and Its complications with the
most wonderful success ; usesrgetable remedies.
< ntlrely harmle < s lle-noves all symptoms of dropj
In fight to m eity days.
Cures pitlcnts prunounced hopeless by the best of
From the Cwt do'e the symptoms rapidly disap
pear , and In ten days at least two thirds of all symp
tom s arc ren ocd. .
Some may cry humbug without knowing anythlnj
about It. Kemcinber , It does not co-t jou anvth.n ;
toacal'ze the merits of mv treatnun for yourself.
I am csrtalnlf Lunnccases of longstanding.caset
that have b-en taprei a number of tl-it and the
pitlent de lar d unahlo to ll\e a week. CHcfuIl
History of ca. e. NaTie ser. how loniratfllcted. hcrar
badly swollen an J w ucre. Is bowels t o .live , have lew
ImisteJ an ! dripped water. Snd for fiei pamphle- .
coniainlrg testimonial".qnpn'Icn' . etc.
Ten * aj * treatment furnished by mall.
Epll p y flti ro > Itl er : cured.
If oruer trial , send 7 cent * In tta-np ? toiny pojtasc.
II.H. UKEEN'.M. U. ,
53 Jones Atenuc , Atlanta. Ga ,
Boston , Mass. , OLDEST In America : I irgesl
and Best Kqulppecl in the VVOKLD 100 Instruct
ors , 1071 Students last year. Thorough Instruction In
Vocal and Instrumental .Music , Piano and Organ Ton-
Ing. Fine Arts , Oratory , Literature , French , German ,
and Italian Languages , English Hranches , Unnnasties.
etc. Tuition , SS to $ 'JO ; board and room. J45 to $7i
pcrterm. Fall Term begins September 10,1883. For
Illustrated Calendar , giving full Information , address ,
E. TOriMEE. Din. Franklin &q , IJOSTON" , Masv.
ADIIIU Morphine Habit Curod In 1Q
IB plljHI toSOiluys. Nopuy till Cured.
* * BWIH DK. J. bTEniEss. Lchanon. Ohio.
Omaha Fair and Exposition Association ,
$6,50O Offered for Speed Trotting' , Pacing ,
$12,000 Offered for Hordes , Cattle ,
Sheep , Hogs , Poultry , Fruits and FloTrers.
$35.00 for 50 ears White Corn ; $35.00 for 50 ears Yellow Corn ; 835.OO for 50 ears
Calico or Mixed Corn. Three Balloon Ascensions during Fair. New and Wonderful Japanese
daylight Fireworks , exhibited during three days of Fair. New Amphitheatre , Speed Stalls.
Fences. For Premium Lists or information , address
E > AIYZEL , IS. WHEELER , Secretary ,
Koom 1 , Creighton Block. Omaha. Neb.
Tlie Best
Coat ,
The FISH BRAND SLICKER -wunEted witerproot and will k p you dij
in the hirdert itorra. The new POMMEL SLICKER 1 a perfect nding coat ,
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TThohare trifled awaj-thelryonthfnlYlfjor and power , who an
nfferlne from terrible DRAINS and LOSSES , who are weak
IMPOTENT and nnnt for marrloge.
MEX of all age * , who find their POWER
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habits or EXCESSES.can receive a positive and lasting : COKE ,
KO matter of how Ions standing the case may be. or who baa { ailed U
care , br a few weeks or months use of the celebrated
At home without expoinre. In LESS time , and for LESS money this
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defectre ! memory , IMPOTENCE , flu. Impediments to man-ta n.
and many other symptoms leading to CONSUMPTION , or INSANITY ,
are promptly removed by this treatmencand vigorous manhood restored.
Married men , or those who intend to marry ,
REMEMBER , perfect sexual strength means health , vigorous
, _ _ offspringlong - life and the love and respect of a faithful
wife. Weak men should be restored to vigor and minbood before marrioze. Proofs , tes
timonial * and valuable treatises stamps. ( Established In 1877. )
Address , The Climax Medical Co. . 175 , St. Louis. Mo.
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