The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 23, 1885, Image 7

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    Healthful Yigor for tho Glrfc.
Mrs. Livermoro says in one of her
lectures on Girls , 'I would give to girls
equal intellectual and industrial train
ing with boys. Yes , and give them
equally good health , too. " When your
firls are suffering from paleness anc
ability it is a sign that their blood is poor/ /
w/and thin and that they need Brown's
V ? Iron Bitters. The only preparation of
Iron that can be taken safely. Miss
Barton. Chestnut st , Louisville , Ky. ,
says : "Brown's Iron Bitters eured me
of rheumatism when everything : else
had failed.1
George Alfred Townsend aays he docs not
want to own a newspaper and never will.
Send 15 cents for DOG BOVEIIS' GUIDE : 100
ongravlnps , colored plate. Associated Fan
ciers , 237 South Eighth Street. Philadelphia.
Marion Harland ( Mrs. Terhune , of New
ark , ) is now nearly 50 years old.
. .Children , slow In development , puny , scrawny and
delicate , use Welltf Health KeneVer. "
Marshal McJfalion , ex-president oi
Franco , is writing hia memoirs.
If you are tired taking tho largo old-fash
ioned griping1 pills , and aro satisfied thai purg
ing yourself till j ou aro weak and sick is not
pood common-sense , then try Carter's Little
Liver PJlls and learn how easy It Is to bo free
from Biliousness , Headache , Constipation ,
and all Liver troubles. These little pills aro
smaller , easier to take and givo quicker re
lief than any pill In UFO. forty In a vial. Ono
a dose. Price 25 cent 8.
Ply paper is BO called because flies like it
and get fat-on it.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Kama , Scalds , FroatBf te * ,
Soli by DrncjWi and Dealer * ertrrirhere. Fifty OeuU a bottla.
Direction , fa 11 Lmiztuga.
BalUjn.rf.Hi , T.S. JU
Keedlnc renewed strength , or who suffer front
laOrmltlea peculiar to their sex , should try
This medicine combines Iron with pure vet - . . .
tonics , and is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to
Women , and all who lead sedentary ! ' ? It En
riches and Purifies the Blood , Stiniutaie ;
the Appetite.Strengthens the lUusclcs and
Nerves in fact , thoroughly Invigorates.
Cleus the complexion , and makes the skin imooth ,
It does not blacken the teeth , cause headache , or
produce constipation all ether 1. n mtdianu do.
MBS. FXJZABETH BAlBD.74Farwell Are. . Milwau
kee , Wis. . sojrs. nnder date of Dec. 26th , ISM :
"I have used Brown's Iron Bitters , and it has been
more than a doctor to me. having cured me of the
weakness ladies have in life. Also cured ma of Liv
er Complaint , and now my complexion is clear ana
food. Has been beneficial to my children. "
Genuine has above trade murk and crossed red lines
on wrapper. Take no other. Made only by
LADIE HAND BOOK UBetul and attractive , con-
tainme list of pnzes for recipes , information about
coins , etc. . riven away by til dealers in medicine , or
nailed to s V address on receipt of 2c. stamp.
If you Irish a certain cnre for all Blood
diseases. Nothing was ever invented that will
cleanse the Blood and jnirifr the System equal
to XIop and ItlAI T Bitters. It tones
up the System , puts new Blood In your
Teln , restores your lost appetite and
Bleep , and brings you perfect liealtli. It
never fails to give relief in all cases of Kidney
or Liver Troubles , BlUonanena * , Jndl-
Ceition , Constipation , Sick Headaches , Dys
pepsia , Nervous disorders , and all Female
Complaints ; when properly taken it is a sure ,
cure. Thousands haro been benefited by it
in this and .other Western States. It is the best
Combination of Vegetable remedies an yet
discovered for the restoration to health of the
"Weak : and Debilitated. Do not get EIops
and mAI/T Bitters confounded with inte
rior preparations of similar name. I prescribe
Hops & Malt Bitters regularly in my practice.
Robert Turner , ii. D. , Flat Rock , Mich , Forsala
by all druggists.
HiMisjuteiiitHe BROAD CLAIM oiktiiiu
Ever offered to tke public *
Home Suerffestlons.
The seed rod of plantain , boilfld in
inilk will check the most violent at
tack of cholera morbus.
Corduroy as a covering for furni
ture is desirable for two reasons , it is
very durable and offers no chance for
It is said that ice will melt less rap
idly if wrapped in newspapers and
placed in a covered box than when
kept in a refrigator.
A better plan for removing grease
spots than by applying a not iron
is to rub in some spirits of wine with
the hand until the grease is brought to
powder , and there will be no trace of
If , after careful skimming , tiny par
ticles of grease rise to the top of broth
that is intended for the sick , try this
method of removing it : Lay clean ,
white writing paper over it. If the
iirst.time trying does not remove it ,
repeat the operation.
'JLTie elasticity of cane chair bot
toms can be restored by washing tho
cane with soap and water untilitis
well soaked , and then drying thor
oughly in the air , after w'hich they
will become as tight and firm as new ,
if none of the canes are broken.
Javelle water , often met within
works or articles on cleaning and dye
ing , is made of one gallon of water
and four pounds of ordinary washing
soda. Boil for five minutes , then add
one pound of chloride lime. Let it
cool , and keep corked in a jug or
tight vessel.
Mouse holes In walls and closets
should bo filled with lime , afterward
plastered over with plaster of Paris ,
mixed with water. It is a good plan
to keep a paper of the latter in every
house , as it is useful in filling cracks ,
and , in fact , comes in in many other
ways into household economy.
Flannel which has become yellow by
age may be restored to whiteness by
thfe use"of a solution of 24 ounces of
Marseilles soap in 50 pounds ot soft
water , to which is added two-thirds of
an ounce of spirit of aqua ammonia ,
and the whole thoroughly mixed. Im
merse the flannel , stir around well ,
then rinse in pure water.
A pretty cover for the piano stool is
made of a square of felt. .It should
have fringe around tho edge , either
sewed on or made by slashing the
edge of tho felt. The ornamentation
is of velvet ribbon , put .on in lines to
form squares : the ends should be
painted , and the edges of the velvet
may. be fastened down with fancy
stitches in bright embroidery silk. Or
a border of satin ribbon rnay be put
on ; put a square of ribbon in each
corner , and then a plain strip of the
ribbon with the ends pointed where
they join the squares. This , too , may
be made very ornamental by the addi-
tion'of embroidery.
Mix thoroughly four tablespoons of
liquid ammonia , one pound of whiting
and one pint of water that potatoes
have been boiled in. Shake well and
apply to the silver with a cloth. Rub
the silver with it ; then with a soft ,
clean piece ; then wash. This is a val
uable recipe. It is equally good for
cleaning windows , applying it in the
same manner as to the silver. This
amount will last quite a while. In
cleaning : windows , just wet a cloth in
the mixture , after shading it well , and
wipe tho glass over. Go over the
window , before you take the scft ,
clean cloth , which leaves the glass
ilear as crystal. No washing needed
for windows. The cost is trilling.
This is also excellent for tin ware.
Forest , forge and Farm.
Cheap Money.
She pushed her way through the lit
tle crowd ot ex-capitalists that was
congregated about the "ticker" and
set her shopping bag down upon the
counter with a slam.
"I see by the papers that 'm ney is
cheap , " she began.
"Never so cheap as at present , " ro-
ilied the broker affably.
"How are you selling tens ? " she
"Tens , madam ? " said the broker in
"Yes , ten-dollar bills. Where do
you keep them ? This doesn't look at
ill like a bankrupt sale. I expected
o find them in little baskets ticketed :
Anything in this basket § 5 , ' and so
on. Have you any remnants quar
ters , halves , and all that at a great
sacrifice ? What is the cause of"this !
earful reduction , anyhow ? Must you
close out your entire stock of money
vithin the next thirty days , regardless
of cost , to make room for fresh goods ?
Or is your stock damaged by lira ? "
"We have some stocks that are
damaged by water that wo can let you
lave at a very low figure , " said the
> roker.
' Yes ? By the way , you didn't tell
me what you get for the ten dollar
bills. "
"Oh , wine and cigars and theater
ickets , " said the broker absent mind-
"I mean , how much do you sell them
or ? "
"Ten dollars. "
"Do you call that cheap P"
"Yes , I do , " growled the financier.
"I've seen the time when I had to
> ay S15 for the use of ten on my per
sonal note at thirty days and it was
dirt cheap , too , considering tho secur-
ty. What did you expect to pay ? "
"Oh , not more thao five. I'm look-
ng for bargains. Good morning. "
Detroit Free Press.
The Wounded Bird Platters.
A Chicago minister preached last
Sunday on "How is Your Credit ? "
and when he announced his text seven-
; een men in the church stock and
grain operators g'ot up and left the
> lace , remarking to themselves that
, hey didn't come there to be insulted ,
not if they knew themselves , which
, hey flattered themselves they did.
Che other man sat and listened through
the whole sermon. He was the pro-
> rietor of a roller skating rink.
Philadelphia Press.
In the Albert hall , London , may now be
Been ( he finest collection of old violins ever
got together. One of the most interesting ot
, he instruments on exhibition If a Stradlvaiiao
of 16S9 , lent by Sig. Ardlti.
The Prejudice * Met By a Canvasser for
the PcdcHtal Fuiid.
The Bartholdi pedestal fund is nearly
complete. The statue has arrived and
soon New York harbor will be graced
by the most magnificent colossal statue
the world has ever seen.
"Liberty Enlightening the World ! "
What a priceless blessing personal lib
erty is. It is the shrine at which peo
ple , ground under the heel of tyranny
m the older worlds , worship with a fer
vency that Americans can scarcely real
ize ; it is a principle for which Nihilists
willingly die the death of dogs ; and fit
and proper it is that at the very en
trance of the Bay of New York this em
blematic statue should flash a welcome
to the world.
The press is entitled to the credit of
this achievement. Mr. Phillip Beers ,
who has been making a circuit of the
country on behalf of the Pedestal fund ,
says that the fund will certainly be
raised , as the World does not know the
word fail.
Mr. Beers says that he found the
mosl pronounced generosity among
those of foreign birth. They seem more
appreciative of liberty than do our na
tive born. Moreover , among some a
strange prejudice seems to exist.
"Prejudice ? In what particular ? "
"I have ever found that however
meritorious a thing may be , thousands
of people will inevitably be prejudiced
against it. I have spent most of
my life on . the road and I know the
American people 'like a book. ' In 1879
a personal misfortune illustrated this
prevailing prejudice. I was very ill ,
and had suffered for several years with
headache , fickle appetite , dreadful
backache , cramps , hot head , cold hands
and feet and a general break down of
the system. I dragged myself back to
New York , seeking the best professional
treatment. It so happens that among
my relatives is a distinguished physi
cian who upbraided me roundly for
preaching much about my own case ,
'inally , with some spirit , I remarked
to him :
"Sir , you know that much of your
professional wisdom is pretense. You
are controlled by prejudice. You can
not reach a case like mine and you
know it , can you ? "
"I had him ; and he finally conceded
the point , for it was Bright's disease of
the kidneys which had prostrated me ,
and the school-men admit they cannot
cure it. Having cured myself , however ,
in 1879 , and not having seen a sick day
since , my relative finally admitted that
Warner's safe cure , which accom
plished tlfis result , was really a won
derful preparation. Had President
Rutter , of the Central-Hudson used it ,
I am certain he would be alive to-day ,
for he could not have been in a worse
condition than I was.
"I have found similar prejudices
among all classes concerning even so
laudable a scfieme as this pedestal
fund. "
Mr. Bpers's experience and-the recent
death of President Rutter , of' the Cen
tral Hudson railroad , of an extreme
kidney disorder , proves that the physi
cians have no real power over such dis
eases , and indicates the only course
one should pursue if , as the late Dr.
Willard Parker says , headache , sick
ness of the stomach , dropsical swell
ings , back ache , dark and offensive
fluids , prematurely impaired eyesight ,
loss of strength and energy occur , for
they unmistakably indicate a fatal re
sult , if not promptly arrested.
"Yes , sir-ee , every cent needed for
the pedestal will be raised. Of course
it will be a great triumph for the World ,
but would it not have been an eternal
disgrace had our people failed to pro
vide for this pedestal ? "
A Doll's Rich Troussean.
A little girl now at Long Branch , the
child'of Mr. and Mrs. Ruf us Randell , of
Sew York , glories in the possession of
probably the most magnificent doll ever
iiade , whose self and trousseau were
the wonder of all Paris and took a prize
at industrial exposition there. The
doll is the size of a child 3 years old.
The trousseau includes a sealskin
eacque , lined with quilted satin , large
enough for a child 3 years old , point-
ace fans with pearl sticks , lace-covered
jarasols with pearl and other fine
landles , gloves , lace handkerchiefs and
other laces , fine silk stockings , lingerie
dresses , hats , wraps , satin slippers and
every imaginable article a bride could
lave in her trousseau , and all large
enough for a child of the age named-
and even a wedding-dress and fine lace
veil. The smaller ; articles were all in
sets , not only one or two of each , but
the underwear , handkerchiefs , etc. , by
the dozens. It took a very large Sara
toga trunk to hold the * doll and her
Absurd Names for the Baby.
The ordinary father runs wild when
his first child makes its appearance ,
giving it some ridiculous name that
either cripples it for life or ever after
remains incapable of euphonious pro
nunciation. And lie doesn'tlearn much
cither when the babies are duplicated.
There is no sense or piety in bestowing
upon a child that can't rebel some ot
the fearful names found in the bible.
Give the little ones a chance. The
short , clear-cut rihmes are the best. "
The one rule that should be borne in
mind is to give some name that will ex
press dignity in the child or adult and
sound well without transporting the
hearer to either Hellas or Assyria.
Philadelphia Times.
More Thau a Million.
NEW ORLEANS , La. A reporter of
the Times-Democrat , who recently com
pleted a tour of this and neighboring
states , visiting every city , town and
hamlet , states that he interviewed all
the wholesale and retail druggists and
storekeepers , as well as transportation
companies , with a view of learning the
volume of trade in certain articles.
The statistics thus gathered show that
during the past two years over
one million two hundred thousand bot
tles of St. Jacob's Oil were sold in this
section alone , and that this quantity
largely exceeds the total combined sales
of all other similar remedies during that
period. He adds that dealers , as well
as the public , continue unanimous in
their of the wonderful
praise pain-cur
ing powers of this unapproachedreme-
dial agent
Dust as a Weapon in War.
The Yaquis , that tribe of Indians
that is giving the Mexican government
so much trouble , are not lighting for
their original right of domain , but place
their claim upon a title from the king
of Spain. They do not recognize the
republic of Mexico. No taxes are levied
on them , or if levied they have not
been collected. They aro a hardy ag
ricultural race , living on small patches
of fertile soil on th ? jTaqui river. They
steal stock when &a opportunity offers ,
but have rarely in the last few years
committed any murders. Cajemo , their
chief , is of fair education for Mexico ,
and is a stern ruler. He has absolute
control over them. The nations com
bined number over 15,000 , of which at
least 5,000 are adult males. Their
principal arms are bows , arrows , spears
and a three-cornered bludgeon made of
ironwood. Some of the arrows are
poisonous. They also carry a pow
dered stone in small sacks , used by
them to throw in the eyes of their ad
Twenty-nvo Per Cent. Stronger than
Any Other Butter Color.
BURLINGTON , Vt. , May 3d , 1882.
I hereby certify that I have examined tho
Butter Color prepared by Wells , Iliclmrd-
Bon & Co. , and that the same ia free from
alkali or any other substance injurious to
health ; that I have compared it with some
olthe-best of the other Butter Colors in
tho market and find it to be more than
twenty-five per cent , stronger in color than
the best of tho others.
I am satisfied that it is not liable to bo-
come rancid , or in any way to injure tho
butter. I have examined it after two
months' free exposure to the air in a place
liable to largo changes of temperature , and
found no trace of rancidity , while other
kinds similarly exposed became rancid.
Prof. Chemistry , University of Vermont.
Gen. Crook writes encouraging letters to
the boys in the Indian schools.
Halford Sancc is Invaluable for soaps , hashes ,
Ac. Blends admirably with all gravies.
By n. census combination with George
town Washington's population is 204,000.
Kansas City Correspondence of the Wal
nut Valley Times , Eldorado , Kan. "Par
ties in Butler county have written to me
concerning the Surgical Institute at the
corner of Fifth and Delaware streets. I
will answer them through tho "Times. " I
am personally acquainted with Drs. Stark
& Dickerson , and most cheerfully recom
mend them to the sick and afflicted crip
ples. Their terms are reasonable. "
A painting is called a rare work some
times because it isn't well done.
Theworst scald or hnrn can be cured without a
scar tf Cole's CarboIUnlvc is promptly used. Sold by
Druggists at 25 and SJ cents.
"Wlien Baby TTM sickire gave her Castorla ,
"When she TT S a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Mias , she clang to Castoria ,
When ahe had Children , she gavo them Castoria ,
Ex-Treasurer "Wyman was a printer
thirty years ago.
Stinging , Irritation. Inflammation , all Kldncjr vid
Crluary Complaints , cured by Huclm-I'allia. " tl.
The wealthiest bootblack in the world
lives at Saratoga.
Corrects offensive odors at once. Complete cure
of worst chronic cases , also unequaled as garglo
for Diphtheria , Sore Throat , Foul Breath. 50c.
Lord Tennyson is at work on a new his
toric drama which is a sequel to "Becket. "
For Dyspepsia , TndigegMon , depression of
spirits and general debility. In their various forms ;
nlso as a preventive against fever and ague and otner
Intermittent fevers , the "Ferro-Phospliorated Elixir
of Callsava" made by Caswell. Hazard & Co , New
York , and sold by all Druggists , Is the best tonic ; and
for patients recovering from fever or other sickness ,
It has no equal.
One's financial goose is often cooked in a
If afflicted with Sore Eyes , use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it
Can it be said that a fish is crazy when
his is inseine.
Save tfmt and money by using Stewart's Heat"
Ing Powder for cuts and sores on animals. Sold
everywhere , 75 and SO cts. a box. Tra It.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla , Mandrake ,
Dock , Pipissewa , Juniper Berries , and otherwell -
known and valuable vegetable remedies. The com
bination , proportion , and preparation are peculiar to
Hood's Sarsaparilla , giving it curative power not pos
sessed by other medicines. It effects remarkable
cures where others fall.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures Scrofula , Salt Rheum , Bolls , Pimples , all Hu
mors , Dyspepsia , Biliousness , Sick Headache , Indi
gestion , General Debility , Catarrh , liheumatism.
Kidney and Liver Complaints. It overcomes that
extreme tired feeling , and builds up the whole sys
tern. Now is the time to take it.
Hood's Sarsapariila
Has met unparalleled success at home. Such has
become its popularity In Lowell , Mass. , where it is
made : hat whole neighborhoods are taking it at the
same time. The same wonderful success is extend"
Ing all over the country. Its positive merit makes
new friends daily. Try it.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. 81 ; sir for to. Made only by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Low .l , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar.
Is ned br thonsands of fint claM fcTacnficrqrer *
and M i nics on their be t work. .Received
COLO MEDAULondon.'SS. Pronounced * nmy *
Send can ! of dealer who does net keep
ia Cemcat Co.Glegcder.Has ! .
Efgs for Raidilng and Fowls for Sie ! ,
Sefld for free Illustrated catalogue and
prlcellst of Plymouth Rocks and White
Leghorns. EgRS , Sl.OO per Set
ting (13) . Western agent for the
EconomyIncubator. .
Franklin. > 'eb.
i nni.On nO
HorsePotrers . cioTtrHnllen
( Suited to all sections. ) WrlteforKliEEIllns.Pamphlei
and Prices to The Aultman < S : Taylor Co. . Uantneld. Ohio
Diseases of Women.
Hotel , Omalia , Neb.
FOB the Champion Ink
Eraacr Send & cta for
sample. CEUMFIOK NOVELTT Co. , Omaha , Neb.
AQBIIU ? I ° rPhlne Habit Cured In 10
Ur I LI Iff J < > 2T 2ayN Fay till Car.d.
V i 1 U ilJ DE. J. Bnrmi.-g , Lebtnom. Ohio.
Omaha Commercial.
A positive cure. Jfi
GANGER.A Plaster. "So Fain. TV.C.
. Payne. Manhaliya-irn.Iowa. i
"W. N. U. , Omaha. 268 30.
TTostftter * * Stom
ach Hitters , as a spe-
clflc.for indigestion ,
stands alone. AYlicn
the resources of the
pharmacoptcla have
been exhausted with
out , at least , dalnz
more than mitigat
ing the complaint , n
course of this whole
s.somo stomachic ef-
" fects a perfect nnd
permanent cure. In
nil cases of dyspepsia
F _ the liver is more or
less disordered , nnd
" upon this Important
eland the Bittern act
with regular distluct-
ness , regulating and
Invigorating every
secretive nnd Bsliul-
bodily and
health depend. For
sale by all Druggists
and Dealers gcrerally.
I can recommend Ely's
Cream Balm to all Hay-
Fever sufferers , it being , in
my opinion , founded on ex
perience and a sure care.
I was afflicted with Hay-
Fever lor twenty-five
years , and never before
found permanent relief.
Mnrshfield. Vt.
Cream Balm
has calncd an enviable rep
utntlon wherever known
displacing all other nrcp-
parntlons. A particle h
applied Into cncli nostril ; HAY-FEVER
no pain ; agreeable to use.
Price 50o. by mall or at druggists. Send for circular.
ELY BKOTHEISS , Druggists , Owcgo , X. Y.
Invnlua1 > lc in Sickness.
In all cases of dysentery or any bowel complaints.
Ridge's food should be adopted as the dietetic. It Is
perfectly safe , being neutral In its action upon the
bowels , and is easily assimilated. Moreover , it will
be retained where everything clue falls.
Twenty Tears * experience In
diseases treated successfully
FEMALE andCUKKIJ.suchasProlep'
sus.Ovarian tronble Inflam
mation fl-nl TJIceratlons , Fall-
Ing and D ijplaeement of tin
Womb , Splrml AVcakncM , and
Chance of Life , and all foims
of KIDNEiT troubles. Can
rrlievcln all and positively cure most of those com
plaints and weaknesses so common to womankind ,
t.tinz diseases. Liver complaints and all diseases of a
private nature successfully treated. CAXCEKS
treated and cured.
Letters of inquiry confldentlallv answered.
Address DR. A. C. SABIN ,
.Beatrice , Neb.
This is the Easiest Bu
OTcrmade. Itbrinijsthecuttlncs
to the surface at each stroke ot the
drill. Sendfurourclrctilarandsce
vrbjr the horse U taken away and a.
man pushing
tho lever.
Circular *
Koston , MaRH. , OLDEST In America : Largest
and BestEquippedliithcWOULD lOOInstruct-
ors , 1971 Students last year. Thorough Instruction in
Vocnland Instrumental .Music , I'iano and Organ Tun
ingFine Arts , Oratory , Literature , French , German ,
and Italian Languages , English branches , CIvmnastlcs ,
etc. Tuition , S5to $20 ; board anil room. $4to $75
per term. Fall Term begins ScpteniberlO , ISK. For
Illustrated Calendar , civiii ; full information , address ,
K. TOUIUUC , Dir. , KMiiMin Sq. , UOSTON' , Slass.
- Nebraska.
The first term begins September .3d. 1S33. The
course of instruction embraces English , French ,
German. Drawing. Painting. Piano. Harp , Violin ,
Guitar , Vocal Music , and all the higher branches of
a FINISHED EDUCATION. Difference of religion is no
obstacle to the admission of young ladies. For par
ticulars apply to KT. KEV. JAS. OX'oxnoK , or to the
II111 ID I U i 111LLJ.UXlllJ.UUi
II Tube Color" , Wo. dor. ; Sable Brushes. Tc ,
M Bristles. 5 . ap ; Plaque * . 7e. up ; Pallet * . Bc.
I Ar-isU * Ea-cls. SOc. ; Artists * Boies , 11.50 ; I'aneb.
lOc. Oils. 12o. : Cam-as. TJc : Uo.J I'1"25c -
Novelties and Trenton Ware for Deooratinff. Frames
for Pictures In Gold. Plush. Oak and Bronze , ha nip S
of moldlntr. Me dozen. Send 2 cent Stamp for Catalogue.
A. HOSPE , Omaha ,
Of Zinc & Leather.
It will potltlyely prevent chafing and'curc sore
"Wither * . Horse can be worked hlle cure Is per
fected. Harness makers will refund money It not
misflei after no days trial.
UKXT B CUKTIS , Madison. "Wl * .
Send for Clrcnlars. GEO. K. R ATHBUIW. Principal.
Protestant Episcopal Seminary for
Young Ladles.
The Bishop of Nebraska , Visitor. The Rer.Robert
Doherty , S. T. D. , Kcctor , haa been ten years at the
head of the school , and Is assisted Lr < .u able and ex
perienced Faculty. The twenty-i'.rst year begins
Wednesday , September 9,18S5.
For Catalogue and particulars , apply to the Rector.
Lorillard's Climax Plug
b arinr ( a rrd n tag ; that Lorillard'i
Rave Ienf fine cut ; that Lorlllard'i
N&T7 ClIppInE .and that Lorlllard'i Hnnffi , an
th belt and cheapest , quality comdilerad ?
IP" " Wholesale and Retail fm
Fu R niT uRE
DEWEY & STONE , Omaha , Neb.
Narrow Escape.
* * * ROCHESTEU , Jnncl , ibSJ. "Ten
Tears ago I was attacked with the most
intense and deathly pains in my back and
Kidney * .
"Extending to the end of my toes and to my
brain !
"Whichmade me delirious !
"From aitmvlH
"It took'thrce men to hold me on my bed at
times !
"The Doctors tried in vain to relieve me ,
but to no purpose.
Morphine and other opiates !
"Had no effect ! ' . . .
"After two months I was given up to die III
"When my wife
heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters had dono
for her , she at once got and pave me some.
The first dose cased mv brain and seemed to go
hunting through my system for the pain.
The second dose eased me so much that I
slept two hours , something I had not done for
two months. Before I had used used five bot
tles , I was well and at work as hard as any
man could , for over three weeks ; but I worked
too hard for my strength , and taking a hard
cold , I was taken with the most acute and
painful rheumatism all through my system
that ever was known.
"I called the doctors again , and after several
weeks they left mo a cripple on crutches for
life , as they said. I met a friend and told him ,
my case , and he said Hop Bitters had cured
him and would cure me. 1 poohed at him , but
he was so earnest I was induced to use them
In loss than four weeks I threw away my
crutches and went to work lightly and kept ou
using the bitters for live weeks , until I became
as well as any man living , and have been so for
sir years since.
It has also cured my wife , who had been sick
forvears ; and kept "her and my children well
and"healthy rith from two to three bottles per
year. There is no need to be , sick at all l
these bitters are used.
J. J. BEJIK , Ex-Supervisor.
"That poorinvaHiTwifc , Sister , Mother ,
"Or daughter ! ! ! !
"Can be made the picture of health !
"with a few bottles of Hop Bitters !
" Will yon let them suffer ! ! ! ! "
I'roseeute'tlie Sirindler * ! ! !
If when you call for Hop Bitters ( seo green
cluster of Hops on tho white label ) the drug
gist hands you out any etulT ciil'ed C. 1) . Wur-
nur's German Hop llttersorwithothor"Hop"
name , refuse itund shun that druitpibt ns you
would a viper , and If ho has taken your
money for th * > stuff Indict him Jor tho fraud
and sue him for tho damages for the swindle
and we wlllreward you liberally forthocon
Doctor. "Yes : yon are bilious. Just ret a bor of
Wright's Indian Vegetable PlDa ; ther will cure jon.
Bilious Complaints are caused by torpidity , con
gestion , or the nlceration of the Irrer. < \
The symptoms are dork , greasy , yellow aHn , &
brown or whitish coat to the tongue , appetite irreg
ular , of ten a dry cough at night.
The skin sometimes breaks ont Into phnplea rndi
0ortsandthe\Thoeeysteiniaontof ! order. Wright' *
Indian Vegetable Pill * are one of Uie Tery best
remedies known for any form ot these troubles , and *
will certainly relieve the sufferer. ' They are purely-
vegetable , made from the beet drugs by competent
one troubled with biliousness that Wricbt' * In
dian Tcsetable Pills Is the medicine he need ; .
. is A rosrrivE CURE FOR .
AH tlinsn painful Complaint *
* an < 5 WcaUnr cs so common *
* * * to our best * * *
* * * * * *
Trice $11 * liquid , pill r lunge fora.
Tls purpose is solely for the healing of
disease and the relief of pnln , and that it does all
it claims to do , thousaniUof ladies car jladly testify.
It will euro entirely all Ovarian trouble * , Innajuaa *
tlon and KIceratlon , Fallingtutl replacements , and :
consequent Spinal Weakness , oad U particularly
adapted to the change of life. , .
It rcmoTes Faiatnes * . Flatulency , drstrojsall era-fine'
for stimulant * , and relic-res Weakness of tho Stomach.
It cures BloitinjHeadaches , Nerreus l"roitratlon ,
General Debility , Sleeples-ness , Depression and Indi-
restlon. That reeling of bcariajr down , cmuilnepain ,
and backache. Is olwayt permanently eured by Its ns .
Send stamp to Lynn , Ifass. , for p nphlt. Letter * o
Inquiry conndentially answered. 1'oriaUatdrugyiit *
603 & 603 WWCOT7E ST. , KANSAS CITY , MO. I
JspiUr Grtluit ) is UiiUi. 17yrrjr tfe
12 In Chicago. Authorized to tr at all
Chronic. Ncrroas and 8t < cial Dliaanes ,
Seminal Weakness ( Night LOIMI.B z
\ nal Dobilltr ( Lots eif Soinil
Goarant/Ctvcormonry rtfiuded. Charres
' low. Ace and experience r important. K
mercury erlmurioa * medicines tucd. No tim l itfnn
buiin-is. FauenU from a distance tmttd by mail Medl-
emet nnt ererywhere frta from Kate or breaktf e. Etatt yoor
ease and itnd for tcrmu. Coniultation frre ind ronSdt ntiil ,
A BOOK for boUi iczet , Hluil'd , lent tcalcdforCcia iUmp -
eate thi treatment full t cure or help. Gnaieit di corcry
in knnalt of medicine One dole civ * * relief : few d iK re
morei frier and pam 11 jotctf ; Cure completed in S to 7 claja.
Seed ftateraent of cite with stamp Tor Cireulari. Call , or ad.
Dr.Henderon,606WyindortoSl. , KamasCity.Mo. 1
Thrown in and oat of wind by m
rerolTing the pump rod. ttolnfr
awny - vitli nil levcrnpullry t rhnloK , untl
vrirfM pecnliv to all ether mills. Has & DEAD
LOCK , to prevent wheel rnnninf whan nut of { ear.
Simple , Tirana , and Durable. Fnllr 1aim
ranted. CJ jTfTE AtiK > TS WANTED.
Tie Best
The FISH BRAND SLICKER ! i - vramnfedwaterproof andriU k w yon dry
InthehardMtiSorm. The nePOMMEL , SLICKER i , a ptrfrct ndmc coit ,
and coTtrj the entire ddle. Beware of Imitation. .None genuinewithout the
"flshBrand'trade-raark. Uloitrated Catalojnefree. .A-J.Tower ,
TThonaTetriaedairaytheiryonthfnlvleor and power , who ar
tufferlnr from t.rrlble DRAINS and iTUSSES , who are ir.ak ,
IMPOTENT and unnt for marrlose.
MKX of all ace * , who find their POWKIt
I and vitality , rerre and SEXUAL STRENGTH weakened br early
habits or EXCESSES.can receive a positive and lasting CURE.
I NO matter of how lone Handing the case may he , or who hu fall84 to
cure , by a few weelti or months use of the celebrated
At home without ezposure. Inl-ESS time , and for LESS money th a
any other method in the world. Weat bact. headache , EMISSIONS.
I latitude , loss of spirit * and ambition. gloomythoueht , dre ilful dream * ,
defective memory , IMFOTE.XCK , flt * . Impedimenta to marrlare.
and many other symptoms leading to CONSUMPTION , or INSANl'l r.
[ are promptly removed by thlitreatment.and vigorous manhood res to. ed.
Married men , or those who intend to marry ,
REMEMBER , perfect sexual meant health ,
_ _ offspring ; long life and the l ve and respect of a
wire. eak men should be restored to vigor and m tnhood before marriage. Proof , tea- :
tlmonlalu and valuable treatise 2 stamps. ( Established In 1877. ) '
Address , The Climax Medical Co. . 175St. Louis. Mo.