The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 23, 1885, Image 5

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    Thursday. July 23d. 1885.
CONGIlEGATIONAL.-Sunday School nt 10
A. M. every week. Preaching Cervices every
Sunday-night at 7.30. M. T. Also , every alter
nate Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exceptions
to the above will bo noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7:80 P. M. . mountain time. Sunday
School at 3 P. M. The servlcca and Sunday
school will be held for the future In the new
church. AH are cordially Invited. Seats free.
W. B. WnEELEn , Pastor.
CATHOMC.-Services will bo held In tbo
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
A. F. & A. M. McCook Lodge , TJ.
A D. , meets on the first and third Tues-
> f f daysof cachjinonth.
/V/\ G. L. LAWSV. . M.
' Tr \ T. G. HEES. Secretary.
. ileots the first and third Wednes-
ay evening of each month.
J. W. CAMPJinLi , , C. C.
A. M. SPALDINO , K. It. S.
ular meetings on the first Wednesday
'evening of each month.
K. B. AUCHIBALD , Chief.
KNIGHTS of LABOR. Electric Light Assem
bly No. 3753 meets the flrstand third Friday of
each mouth. S. N. STAYS A , M. W.
No.2 0:1)0 , A.M. No. 40 5:25 , P.M.
No.39 1:00. P.M. | No.l 8:55 , P. M.
t5f Eastbound trains run on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
K. It WOODS , Agent
Local Intelligence.
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Preston can't be beat on prices for
nursery stock.
A room to rent. Inquire at Mrs.
Nellie Johnson's.
Summer goods at reduced prices at
E. M. Brickey & Go's.
Great Keduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCrackcn's.
The B. & M. Pharmacy is in receipt
of a fine line of notions.
e5F"Moody& Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
The City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
All kinds of machine oils kept for sale
at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
tsgT'Boston Brown Bread at the City
Bakery constantly on hand.
Anybody can get bargains at E. M.
Brickey & Co.'s Clothing-House.
JSfHallack & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
Kidder's Pastiles relieve asthma im
mediately. At B. & M. Pharmacy.
Ho.w about the county convention ?
Is it not approaching the time for1action ?
Money to loan on real estate and pat
ented land by the McCook Banking Co.
To THE LADIES We have a nice as
sortment of calling cards of latest style
and best quality.
Parties having weaving to do , should
call at Thomas McQuay's residence , 3
miles east of town.
FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
quite easily at 10 per cent.
Services will be held in the new Meth
odist church next Sunday morning and
evening by Bev. "W. S. Wheeler.
That part of town situated north and
west of the school building is being built
up rapidly with pleasant homes.
You can buy Summer Clothing CHEAP
at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s , as the line is
being closed out at reduced prices.
Stock boarded by the day or week at
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys'and sells stock on commission.
FOR SALE CHEAP Two second-hand
sewing machines , American and Domes
tic. Inquire at Metropolitan Drug Store.
If you want a suit of cloths cut'and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
llemember the City Livery and Fee d
Stable when you want anything in the
livery line. Good horses and buggies ,
reasonable charges.
Come all ye who want anything in the
dental E. S. Carl. McCook Bank
ing Co.'s building. Beasonable charges
and work guaranteed.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates' .
The restaurant property on Main Ave
nue , adjoining the postofHe building ,
-owned by J. K. Neill of Crete , has been
p'urchi by E. Kuester for $1,750.
f Eve erything in the line of Summer
Goods will be sold at greatly reduced
prices at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s in or-
der to close out summer goods in season.
They have just received a choice con
signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovnrs of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
The New York Millinery store is sell-
in"1 everything in stock at almost cost
in order to make room for fall goods.
Will give all persona wanting anything
in my line bargains for the next 60 days.
Hereafter I may be found at
Thos. Golfer's Law Office on Main
Street. H W. PIKE.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
53F Hallack & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
Pants ! Pants ! Pants 1 Linen pants
away down in price at E. M. Brickey
& Co.'s.
Linen pants and white vests are be
ing sold at very low prices at E. M.
Brickey Co.'a.
No. 2 was delayed an hour and a half
Tuesday morning , by a slight wash-out
west of Benkelman.
Two or three residences are being fig
ured on by our contractors. The march
of improvement goes on without a halt.
The only change made in the time ta
ble which went into effect Sunday , July
19th , is in No. 39 , which now arrives
earlier 12:50. :
Don't forget E. M. Brickey & Co.'s is
the place to buy your Clothing and
Gents' Furnishing Goods. Ever3Tbody
gets bargains there.
The ladies of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union cleared about fifteen ;
dollars at their ice cream festival helc
in the Palace rink , Tuesday evening.
FOR SALE 80 acres of deeded land ,
11 acres under cultivation , with good
frame house , 4 miles from town. For
further particulars inquire at this office.
A building which , we are intormed ,
will be used as a cigar manufactory , is
going up on Manchester street , north
west of Hallack & Howard's lumber
The rain of Tuesday morning was
thorough , enlivening nature and suffus
ing a smile over the average farmer's
countenance , which was a benediction to
BLANK DEEDS , ETC. We keep on
hand all kinds of blanks. We have the
best facilities for printing blanks , and
special orders will receive our prompt
If there is more 4th of July money
left in the treasury than can be easily
disposed of , we suggest that the Hock
nell Hose Co. can use some to good ad
The daily stage line which leaves
Stratton for Atwood , Kansas , after the
arrival of passenger train No. 39 , is be
coming popular with the traveling pub
lic moving that way.
THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
Wearying of being tbluffed for the
fun of it , " the County Treasurer will
gather delinquent taxes of 1884 and pre
vious years , after Sept. * 1st , 1885 , by
forced collection. N. B. and save costs.
FOR SALE Nearly 180 acres of
choice deeded land , river front , mostly
hay land , within a mile of railroad sta
tion , G miles west of McCook. For
further particulars inquire at this office.
Culbertson's energetic old bourbon ,
Judge Hunter , was in town , last week ,
circulating a petition in favor of.his .
friend A. P. Leech of . our city for Be-
ceiver of the U. S. Land Office at this
The cheapest horse is not always the
best horse , neither is the cheapest wind
mill. G. B. Nettleton. McCook , Neb. ,
is agent for the Challenge , which gives
universal satisfaction , , and is the best
mill in the market.
We are informed that the attendance
at the "slugging match , " on Friday
evening , was very limited. Our people
are fortunate in not being like those who
cannot profit by experience. One "horse-
chestnut" sufficeth.
That last shipment of parlor sets just
received at the Great Western Furni
ture Emporium take the entire bakery
at wholesale rates. Don't fail to drop
n and see them , if you want something
landsome and substantial in that line.
Both passenger and freight brakemen
are pestered with tramps. One of the
3oys unluckily gave one of these nui
sances a thumping on the train , the
other day , upon which Supt. Campbell
was riding , for which the "brakie" got
ten days.
Frees & Hocknell's fine bay team got
away from their driver , Morris Seven-
cer , Monday morning , and took a ter
rific dash down East Kailroad street , col
liding with a wagon at W. 0. Russell's
Darn , but luckily doing small damage to
lorses or wagons.
Ifwe may be allowed to make the
suggestion , the convenience of the pub
ic will be better subserved if the mail
s delivered at the Post Office reasona-
) ly soon after the arrival of trains.
Promptness and dispatch is the motto
of the department.
Nebraska flour for Nebraskans. The
City Baker } ' received a car-load of that
celebrated Grand Island FJour , this
week. . The shipment contains the new
> rand of flour. "White Frost , " ' which is
without a peer , and is guaranteed to be
the very finest brand in the city.
The Sunday Schools at Palisade am
Beverly , Hitchcock county , held a pic
nic at the former place lant Saturdaya
which a large crowd was present , and an
enjoyable time is reported.
The firm of Hallack & Howard , o
Denver , have purchased grounds on
which to locate a lumber yard and wil
soon be on hand with a complete stock
of lumber and building material. El
wood Citizen.
Work on the foundation for Chie
Dispatcher T. G. Bees' new resident
on 3iarshall street , north of J. A. Wil
cox , was commenced to-day. The build
ing is to be one and a half stories high ,
.37x28 feet in dimensions , and will rank
among the best residences in the city.
The Driving Association expect to
hold a horse fair sometime in Septem
her , and a determined effort will be made
to have the finest fair of the kind ever
held in this part of the state , and sucl
it will surely be , if proposed plans are
carried out. It is expected to offer large
enough premiums to draw fast horses to
As will be seen by notice elsewhere
in this issue , the firm of Church & Boh-
anan was on the 14th of July dissolved
by mutual consent , Mr. Bohanan retir
ing. Mr. Church has associated with
him Mr. Whittaker , an experiencec
butcher from Wisconsin , and the busi
ness will be continued at the old stand
They will also handle the ice business.
We wish the new firm all success.
Passenger train No. 1 was between
four and five hours late upon its arrival
in Denver , last Friday morning , caused
by a hot-box on one of the coaches and
the breaking down of the engine , a few
miles this side of a city , necessitating
waiting until the yard engine arrived
from Denver to pull the train into the
city. No. 2 was also a couple hours
late upon its arrival at this station. .
ris , who has been running an exclusive
grocery store on West Dennison street ,
in additio'n to running for Receiver of
the U. S. Land Office at this place , got
into a little misunderstanding with one
of his creditors , Messrs. Hargreaves
Bros , of Lincoln , last week , which was
settled before Justice Colvin , Jeems
appearing and confessing judgment.
On the morning of the 16th , Jos. A.
Snyder went down to Republican City
to take charge of the boarding train
again. Mr. Snyder is an old veteran in
this line , having had charge of the board
ing train for a number of years until
this spring , when he retired on a well-
earned competency , building him a com
fortable residence in our city , prepara
tory to the enjoyment of the some.
If the report we hear concerning a
certain man in this town is true , there
is great necessity for a vigilance com
mittee to do some quiet , but effective
work. The matter ought to be investi
gated in justice to all parties concerned.
If the statements made are true , the
public ought to be aware of the man's
character , if on the other hand , the
statements are false , this fact ought to
be made known , in justice to the man.
Allow us to reiterate our advice of a
few months since. When you want any
thing in the way of real estate , go to le
gitimate dealers. Never fail to avoid
the irresponsible and frequently disrep
utable characters , who button-hole
everyone at the depot and street corners.
There are a number of these parties
operating in this vicinity at presentand
we caution all to avoid them. Yon can
mark many by the blossom that doth
adorn their nasal appendages.
Drunkenness , profanity and vulgarity
were fittingly rebuked , last Friday after
noon , by W. 0. Saylor , the West End
grocer , though at the expense of a meta-
barpal bone of the right hand. Bill En-
yeartwhile under the sublime influence
of limpid school-fund liquid , became
profane and obscene of speech in front
of Baylor's place of business , and upon
his refusal to desist at the above gentle
man's request , was promptly slugged in
the neck. Enyeart was taken home by
his father , and no arrest was made.
Kirchuer , a young man from Bawlins
county , Kansas , who has been working
in town for a number of months past ,
was detected by J. W. Campbell of the
Agent's office , in the act of breaking '
open a box of jumbles and appropriating
the same , while in a box car in the com
pany's yard at this place , last Saturday.
The indiscreet fellow was duly arrested
and upon pleading guilty , was fined $10
and costs. * * Jerry Desmond , a plain
drunk , was arrested , the same day , and
fined $1 and costs.
k & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
The brick buildings of Messrs. Pate
and Kendall now in course o erection
on Main Avenue were somewhat injured
by the heavy rain of Tuesday morning.
No precautions having beenttaken , the
rain poured into the cellar to such a
depth as to cause the foundation to sink
in places , thereby cracking the walls ,
which had already reached the first sto
ry. Upon closer investigation , however ,
it was found that the wallsvere not as
seriously damaged as at first supposed ,
and the same , luckily for all parties
concerned , were repaired at a nominal
White Bolted Corn Meal at'the 'City
It is with more than ordinary pleas
uro and satisfaction that we note th
success of the county institute , whicl
opened at Indianola , Monday , July Oth
and continued in session two weeks
During the session , lectures were dcliv
ered by the following gentlemen : On
the Oth by Prof. Valentine of Nebraska
City , subject , "books. " The prof esso
handled the subject in an entirely origi
nal and satisfactory manner. Drl Thornp
son of the M. E. school * at York ad
dressed the institute on the5thsubject
"higher education , " in a manner which
demands its "meed of praise. " On the
evening of the 16th , Chancellor Manat
of the University addressed the meet
ing on , "the aims , conditions , etc. , o !
the State University. " The Chancellor's
remarks were limited , but pointed am
practical , and raised the University
very materially in the estimation o :
those present. Regret was freely ex
pressed that the Chancellor's stay was
of necessity so short. Dr. Hicks also
of the University supplemented the
Chancellor's remarks with an excellen
and interesting address , subject , "a day
at Oxford. " Prof. Hicks needs no in
troduction or encomiums at our hands ,
as he is recognized as being pre-eminenl
in his specialty in this country. Prof
Clarendon of the Fremont entertainec
and instructed all by a lecture on the
subject of education , Friday. On last
Thursday evening , the citizens of the
county-seat tendered the members anc
instructors a reception , and we desire to
add our congratulations to the promo
ters of the same , in common with those
who enjoyed it , upon the success at
tending. ' Speeches were made by Sen
ator Dolan and Mr. Peterman , with re
sponses by Prof. Valentine and Co. Supt
Nettleton. The occasion will be re
membered with pleasure. On the 17th
the regular examinations were held , by
the Co. Supt. In addition to the above
lectures , the pleasure and profitableness
of the institute was largely augmented
by the labors of Prof. Webster of our
city , and Mrs. 0. L. Nettleton. In con-
elusion and in summing up the matter ,
the institute was a marked success , and
a credit to our Co. Supt. and all con
cerned therein. The following conven
tional resolutions were adopted by the
institute :
"WHEREAS , We , the teachers of Red Wil
low countyiS ebraskaassembled atlndianola.
AXD WHEREAS , we have received marked
attention and courtesies from the citizens of
said town , and great benefit from our very
efficient instructors ,
BE IT RESOLVED , That we heartily en
dorse the work of our most worthy County
Superintendent , which has resulted in the
successful institute just held , and for his ef
forts to bring the schools of the county to a
high level.
RESOLVED , That we fully appreciate the
importance of the subjects presented by our
instructors , Profs. Win. valentine , W. S.
Webster , and Mrs. C. L. ! Xettleton2 and ad
mire the vim and originality manifested in
their presentations.
RESOLVED , "We tender our thanks to the
Indianola School Board also to the Trustees
of the M. E. and Congregational churches for
the free use of their buildings.
RESOLVED , That we acknowledge the hos
pitality extended to us by the Sargent and in-
diauola hotels.
RESOLVED , That the citizens 9f Indianola
are to be congratulated upon their success in
providing a reception for the members of the
institute. The spirit which gave rise to the
occasion was a significant expression of their
interest in educational progress , and demon
strates the fact that patriotism and sterling
citizenship are the results of the education
of the masses. We hereby express our a ] > -
preciation of their courtesy and wish them
to realize that the occasion will not be for
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED , That a copy of
these resolutions be sent to the Red "Wmow
county papers for publication.
k & Howard for Lumber
ind all kinds of Building Material.
A meeting of the old soldiers was
icld , last week , and we hope soon to
chronicle the establishment of GA. . K.
post. Assistant Adjutant General S.
J. Shirley of Juniata writes that he has
detailed Past Department Commander
J. C. Bonnell of Lincoln as mustering
officer for the occasion. It is expected
that P. D. C. Bonnell , D. C. Cole , A.
A. Or. Shirley and others will be present.
We will give notice of the date and oth
er particulars as they become known.
Wall paper for 124cents per bolt at
Metropolitan drug store. i
The learned ' 'doctor' ' Williams , who
arrived here recently from Stratton , or
namented the cooler , Wednesday night ,
> eing beastly drunk , and unable to pay
lis fine. We would suggest to the
'doctor" the advisability of "moving
DII. " His little game will end disas-
irously. A young man by the name of
Strawn , who works for J. F. Black of
led Willow , was also arrested and fined
'or being intoxicated.
BSPHaliack & Howard for Lumber
ind all kinds of Building Material.
COURIER : Mr. T. P. Adams , for a
lumber of years with Way's hardware
tore at this place and for the last year
svith W. C. LaTourette , McCook , is put-
ing up a store building at this place and
vill carry a general stock of hardware
svith a first-class tin department in con-
aection. Mr. Adams is well and favor-
ibly known here and will undoubtedly
eceive his share of the trade.
Michigan Cider of excel- >
ent quality at the City Bakery.
The Courier contains a few harmless
ittle squibs about the county institute ,
f which these are samples , "ThecLOS-
NG exercises will long be remembered. "
n referring to Dr. Hicks' lecture he
ays that learned professor's "remarks
vere but a repetition of a number of ar-
icles we have read on that subject. "
Another Daniel came to judgment ! >
BSTHallaek & Howard for Lumber
ud all kinds of Building Material.
_ .
i i im i i
N * / * XV > X / X r N XXS XX A %
Jack Birdsall spent Sunday hi town.
Senator Dolan was in the metropolis , yes
terday , on business.
G. W. Daniels , Uulbcrtsoii'boss merchant
was in the city , yesterday.
Mrs. Swan and Mrs. Fuukc came up from
Lincoln , Friday noon , on a short visit.
C. A. Peterson , sister and child of Strattoi
were registered at the B. & M. , Tuesday.
Fred Lytle was down from Benkelman , the
first of the week , on a short business visit.
J. T. Morris , County Surveyor of Frontier
was in the city on land business , last Friday
Miss Nellie Lee is home again , after a visi
of a number of months witli relatives at Ex
D. M. Tomblin of the First National Bank
of Arapahoe , was hi town a few minutes ,
Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Bush and son of Tren
ton have been boarding at the Eating House
this week.
County Clerk J. R. Kingof Benkelman was
in town , Monday. J. H. is also manager for
Hallack & Howard.
Master Mechanic Archibald started for
Freeport , 111. , the first of the week , after those
"blooded Holsteins. "
Mr. anil Mrs. J. II. Goodrich , Jr. , our wor
thy County Treasurer and estimable wife ,
were in the city , Friday last.
Ed. Marquis , manager for Pratt &Lawson ,
spent Sunday nt his home in Hastings , going
down on 40 , Saturday evening.
Attorney' Snell of Fairbury , who has been
down in Kansas investing in land , took 40 al
this station , Saturday evening for home.
C. S. Howard and J.1I. Howard of Denver ,
members of the extensive'lumber firm of
Hallack & Howard , were in the city , Friday ,
on business.
Hon. Geo. Hocknell , of McCook , who is in
terested in the lumber business at this place
was in the city , yesterday , ( Wednesday. )
Elwood Citizen.
J. P. Mathes was down , in Kawlins county ,
last week , looking after his stock interests.
J. P. has one of the finest little ranches and
herds in Ruwlins.
Receiver and Mrs. Tully Scott and Henry
Scott of Oberlin were registered at the B. &
M. , Tuesday. They took stage for Oberlin ,
hi the afternoon.
0. F. Nelson , wife and child of Stratton
were in town , Friday and Saturday of the
past week. O. F. is one of Hitchcock county's
successful stockmen.
Mrs. Furst of Chicago , mother of Manager
Furst of tlieEatingUouse , arrived in the city ,
last Wednesday , on a short visit to her son.
She returned east Saturday evening.
Guy Boyle , who has been visiting his par
ents here for the past three weeks , returned
to his duties in the Western Union Telegraph
Co.'s office , at Kansas City , Monday.
Mrs. A. H. Steele of Hayes Centre took the
cars at this station , Friday , for Tecumseh ,
where she will visit a sister. Mr. Steele ac
companied his wife as far as this place.
Bennett Coleman , brother of William , who
lives a few miles northwest of town , arrived
in the city , last week , from Iowa. This is the
first meeting of the brothers-for twenty years.
William Staddelman of Omaha , who owns
the corner lot west of the Commercial House ,
was in town , Tuesday. He is considering
the advisability of erecting a brick building
on his lot.
Tiff. Babcock came up from Cambridge ,
Sunday evening , remaining with his brother
C. F. until Monday noon , when he continued
las journey west , wiiere he is engaged in the
real estate business.
J. W. DeWeese of the firm of Marquette &
DeWeese , B. & M. attorneys at Lincoln and
Captain K. O. Phillips of the Lincoln Laud
Co. , were in McCook , the first of the week.
They also paid Oberlin a visit.
J. D. Kilpatrick , W. II. Kilpatrick , H. C.
Kilpatrick and 11. J. Kilpatrick , the stalwart
railroad contractors of Beatrice , who have
charge of a portion of the Republican City
Branch , were in town , Tuesday.
T. K. Work and F. S. Work came down
[ rom the Driftwood , Tuesday morning. T.
K. left for a visit in the New England States ,
ind intermediate points , Tuesday afternoon ,
b'red returning to Culbertson on 39.
Sheriff Welboni passed through this sta-
ion , Tuesday noon , bound f or Strattonwhere
' 'bad man" from Wellington , Kansas , was
reported to be running things to suit himself.
We have gathered nothing as to the result of
lis mission.
D. P. Rogers , the pony dealer , witli his lo-
uiacious and sombre-hued man Charlie , and
he rest of the out-fit , donned boiled .shirts
Hid light-colored pantaloons , laying aside
heir "chaps" temporarily , and took the train
for Texas , via Kansas City , Friday.
J. 11. Neill o f Crete was in the city , Friday ,
m his way home from a trip to Oberlin , where
IB lias extensive interests. Mr. Neill thinks
hat Oberlin present * bitch a line opening that
le lias determined to ship his heavy stock of
general merchandise from Crete to Oberlin.
C. P. Itu&sell of Atwood came up to town ,
Monday , on business , returning home , Tues-
lay afternoon. C. P. reports at this ollice
lie steady growth and improvement of Itaw-
ins county. New towns are springing up in
hat and adjoining counties , and everything
eems to be on the move.
M. L. Sproat , who has been manager for
lallack & Howard since the establishment
f their yard at this point , has been succeeded
y Mr. Fisher , also an old employe of the
inn. Mr. Sproat continues in the employ of
he company as travelling rustler , in which
ine he is most proficient , having bad many
ears of experience in that business.
Hon. A. II. McGee of Brownville arrived
n the city , Thursday night last , on his way
ip to the ranch in which he is interested near
? rcnton. Mr. McGee inadeTiiR Titmrxi : a
Peasant call and expressed himself : ts being
o favorably impressed with the wonderful
rogress our city is making that he lias about
ecided to remove his business from Brown-
ille to McCook and make this his future
Rev. W. S. Wheeler , pastor of the 3L E.
clmrch , retumetl , Tuesday uoou , from bis vis
it nt his home in Baltimore , 3Td. The rever
end gentleman's health has been materially
improved by his pleasant visit.
Frank lUgfW of Otsego , 111. , 'who has for
some time been managing a store in the
eastern part of this state for his father , an
old-time friend of J. B. Meserve , canm up-to
the citjlast week , and Juts since been rusti
cating on tlie Paxton Cattle Co..s ranch on
the .Frenchman.
Register and Sirs. Laws and daughters ,
Misses Gertie and Theo. , and Mrs. C. P. Bab-
cock boarded No. 1 , Sunday night , for Den
ver and the mountains. They will spend a
number of weeks enjoying the beauties of na
ture in the "Switzerland of America. " They
were accompanied by Mr. Burton and Miss
Carpenter of Orleans. Miss Carpenter will
probably not proceed with the party further
thau Denver.
A. M. Kelley returned , this morning , from
Fort Collins , Colo. , whither he was called , last
week , by a a telegram announcing the death
of his brother by drowning while attempting
to save another. After a long , but fruitless
search the attempt to recover the body from
the treacherous waters of the Poudrewas
abandoned. The affair Is sad , and the more
so , as the relatives and friends will have to
forego the consolation of even viewing for
the last time , the familiar features of the
J. P. Forbes returned , last night , from his
visit to his home at Park Hill , Ontario , Can
ada , and reK > rts an indiscribably enjoya
ble time. Ilis old friend John Cordon and
bride also came on the same train to Arapa-
hoe , where John is agent for the B. & M.
THE TJSIHUNK joins John's many friends
hereabouts in hearty congratulations and
well-wishes. J. P. will most likely bring
somebody back with him the next time he
visits Kanuck-land. "We risk this prophecy
on the strength of that smile.
Both Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Smith have been
sick this week , and confined to the house.
Arthur "Winget , of McCook , registered at
the Superior House Monday. Superior
E. M. Brickey & Co. have made theirrooin
more commodious by tearing down the old
Win. Allen went out to McCook tins-week
to look after his homestead near that place.
Fairbury Democrat.
Charlie Dietrich , we are informed , has pur
chased Master Mechanic 11. B. Archibald * *
property on Madison street.
F. F. Thomas addressed who attend
ed the temperance exercises at the Congrega
tional church , Sunday evening.
J. E. Cochran has just completed an addi
tion to his residence and ollice on Main Ave
nue , which adds greatly to its convenience.
Cashier F. L. Brown of the McCook Bank
ing Co. has purchased the southeast quarter
of the lirst block east of the school building.
The purchase embraces three of the most de
sirable residence lots in the city. Mr. Brown
will erect thereon a residence .sometime be
tween now ami fall.
A new store will be opened here soon.
Clothing , boots and shoes.
Three new brick store buildings are to be
built on 4th Avenue-in the near future.
A grateful public is contemplating the pur
chase of elaborate door plates , bearing the
names of our "Town Boardto be placed ,
one on each of the doors of the water works.
As there are only four doors and there being
live members of that august body , it is sug
gested tiiat the four associate members be al
lowed the door plates and that a colossal
statue in bronze ( a la St. Peter ) of the chair
man , blowing a still more colossal fog horn ,
be placed upon the hurricane deck of said
The Arapahoe horse scooped SibbettVDix-
ie" in good style , last Saturday , to tthe grief
of several backers of Indianola's best horse.
The teachers for the coining year anTto , be
Mr. Charles , principal , Mr. liayood , , inter
mediate , and Miss Kein , primary. - ' V ; '
Mr. Webster , Miss Murphy , Miss Jamison
and Miss Buck were among the
ent at the Institute. " " .
Humor was current , last weelc , that'W1. K.
Lynch of the Sargent Hotel had been arrested
i > y the U. S. authorities lor selling Hffuor
without license. ' / ! " *
The puerile drrile that appeared iiriJio Cou
rier in regard toMcCook's celebration , has re
ceived merited condemnation at the hands of
our best citizens. No doubt the cadavenms-
ooking cuss who wrote it thought hevis get
ting right to the centre with his "corn knife , ' '
jut it is rather poor fun when had at others
F. M. 1'ouinson and sister. Katie , brother
uid sister to Mrs. L. C. Stephenson , an : here
on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. S. from DeniiLson ,
Indianola , July 20th , 1S > 5.
To the Public.
Having purchased the hardware stock
of "W. C. LaTourettc , with the intention
of continucing the business at the old
stand , we are desirous of retaining all
the old customers , and of making as
man } ' new ones as possible , and will en
deavor to make it an object for you to
trade with us. Call and see us.
All delinquent taxes of 1SS4 and pre
vious years remaining unpaid after
September 1st , 18S5will , be placed in the
lands of the Deputy Treasurer for col-
ection. J. 11. G > Diiirii , Ju' ,
County Treasurer.
" "
Having sold 1113stock of hardware and
mpleuients to 1'ratt & Lawson , Ides-ire.
o express my thanks to my customers
or past favors , and hope they will eon-
inue the same to my successors.
W. C. LATo
All parties owing uie on account , will
( lease call at old stand and settle.