The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 16, 1885, Image 5

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"V' * S--'N ' ' - -
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Thursday , July i6th , 1885.
CONGREGATIONAL. Sunday School at 1
A.M. every week. Preaching services ever ;
Sunday nlghf at 7.30. M. T. Also , every alter
natc Sunday morning at 11 , M. T. Exception
to tho above will be noticed in locals.
METHODIST. Services every Sunday at 1
\ . M. and 7:30 P. M. . mountain time. Sundni
fa-honl at 3 P. M. Tho services and Sunda :
A pool will be hold for the future in tho Open
t pall. All arc cordially invited. Seats free
a- . W. S. WIIEELEH , Pastor.
( THOLIC.-Scrvices will be held in tb\ \
Opera Hall once every four weeks.
A. F. & A. M. McCook Lodge , U
D. , meets on the first and third Tues
days of each month.
G. L. LAWS , W. M.
T. G. HEES. Secretary.
, D. Meets tho first and third Wcdnes
ay evening of each month.
ular meetings on the first Wednesdaj
'evening ' of each month.
R. B. ARCHIBALD , Chief.
KNIGHTS OP LABOK. Electric Light Assem
\ bly No. 3752 meets tho first and third Friday oi
each month. S. N. STAYSA , M. W.
B. & M. R. R. Time Table.
No.2 6:30 , A. M. I No. 40 5:23 , P.M. .
No. 39 1:00. P. M. | No.l 8:55 , P. M ,
I3ff Eastbound trains run on Central Time ,
and westbound trains on Mountain Time.
Freight trains do not carry passengers.
R. H. WOODS , Agent.
Local Intelligence. '
E. M. Brickey & Co. for clothing.
Preston can't be beat on prices ioi
nursery stock.
Tramps and appeals for something to
cat are numerous.
Summer goods at reduced prices at
E. M. Brickey & Go's.
Great Reduction in Watches and
Jewelry at McCrackcn's.
The B. & M. Pharmacy is in receipt
V of a fine line of notions.
B5F"Moody & Winter , City Dairy , for
pure and wholesome milk.
The. City Livery Stable , B. F. Olcott ,
proprietor , for fine teams.
All kinds of machine oils kept for sale
at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
jJil Boston Brown Bread at the City
Bakery constantly on hand.
Anybody can get bargains at E. M.
Brickey & Co.'s Clothing House.
53 "Hallack & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
0 ! Those watermelons ! The first of
the season at the Eating House. Sunday.
Monoy to loan on real estate and pat
ented land by the McCook Banking Co.
To THE LADIES We have a nice as
sortment of calling cards of latest style
and best quality.
Parties having weaving to do , should
call at Thomas McQuay's residence , 3-
miles east of town.
FARM LOANS Col. Snavely informs
us that he is now procuring farm loans
quite easily at 10 per cent.
Thermometers , with barometer at
I tachment , at the B. & M. Pharmacy.
These are reliable instruments.
You can buy Summer Clothing CHEAP
at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s , as the line is
being closed out at reduced prices.
Stock boarded by the day or week ac
Olcott's barn , opposite Colvin House.
Also buys and sells stock on commission.
FOR SALE CHEAP Two second-hand
sewing machines , American and Domes
\ ' *
' tic. Inquire at Metropolitan Drug Store.
Bachelor's buttons at the B. & M.
Pharmacy. Just the thing for railroad
men and bachelors. No sewing on of
If you want a suit of cloths cut and
made in first-class style , call on R. A.
Cole , first door west of B. & M. Pharm
acy , McCook , Neb.
Remember the City Livery and Feed
Stable when you want anything in the
livery line. Good horses and buggies ,
reasonable charges.
Come all ye who want anything in the
dental line to E. S. Carl. McCook Bank
ing Co.'s quilding. Reasonable charges
and work guaranteed.
First-class legal cap for sale at this
office. Also the celebrated Omaha
Mills Note Paper , with envelopes to
match. All at reasonable rates.
Everything in the line of Summer
Goods will be sold at greatly reduced
prices at E. M. Brickey & Co.'s in or-
der to. close out summer goods in season.
They have just received a choice con-
' signment of candies at the City Bakery ,
and lovers of that toothsome article are
requested to call and sample them by
y'jurchase. _
' The agency for the sale of General
tyrant's Memoirs has been secured by
M. Moody , who is now taking subscrip
tions for the same , and meeting with
reasonable success.
The New York lillinery store is sell
ing everything in stock at almost cost
in order to make room for fall goods"
Will give all persons wanting anything
in my line bargains for the nest GO days.
Hereafter I may be found ai
Thos. Golfer's Law Office on Main
Street. H. W. PIKE.
Pants ! Pants ! Pants ! Linen pants
away down in price at E. M. Brickey
& Co.'s.
Hotels would do well to look to the
character of their female boarders. This
is advice without a fee , and may be val
Gentlemen wishing to have the gloss
taken off their Diagonal Clothing can
do so by leaving it at Robert Drysdale's
Tailor Shop.
Don't forget E. M. Brickey & Co.'s is
the place to buy your Clothing and
Gents' Furnishing Goods. Everybody
gets bargains there.
A gentleman by the name of Johnson
has just about completed a residence in
West McCook , and sold the same to
parties unknown to us.
Quite a delegation of the sporting fra
ternity indulged in some practice with
clay pigeons and glass balls , last Sun
day , at a point east of town.
FOR SALE 80 acres of deeded land ,
11 acres under cultivation , with good
frame house , 4 miles from town. For
further particulars inquire at this office.
The average railroad man could get
along with a "cold bite , " Monday , with
good grace. The advent of the rag-car
serving to make even wash day enjoy
The Chicago Lumber Yard at Akron ,
Colo. , is the latest yard established by
Frees & Hocknell. Mr. Pettigrew , a
nephew of Capt. Phillips , is manager in
BLANK DEEDS , ETC. We keep on
hand all kinds of blanks. We have the
best facilities for printing blanks , and
special orders will receive our prompt
If the number of ponies sold is any
criterion , this is the best market in the
Republican Valley. The query often
propounded is , "Where do all the po
nies go to ? "
Our citizens are about as delighted
with the new postoffice as the average
American youth is "tickled" with his
first pair of boots with the red tops so
dear to his heart.
THE TRIBUNE has the very best facil
ities and workmen for doing Job'Work
in Southwestern Nebraska. We guar
antee neat and tasty work , and entire
satisfaction in execution and prices.
The honor of having the first brick
residence belongs to Philip Katzenmyer ,
who last week completed the work of
veneering his residence on Macfarland
street , south of J. A. Snyder's home.
FOR SALE Nearly 180 acres of
choice deeded land , river front , mostly
hay landj within a mile of railroad sta
tion , 64miles west of McCook. For
further particulars inquire at this office.
The cheapest horse is not always the
best horse , neither is the cheapest wind
mill. G. B. Netlleton , McCook , Neb. ,
is agent for the Challenge , which gives
universal satisfaction , and is the best
mill in the market.
The Democrat says that our villain
ous lies ( ? ) regarding those suppositious
( ? ) bums and gamblers "must be stop
ped. " As the Democrat evidently would
fain cover itself with glory , we suggest
that it undertake the job.
A number of new freight engines ,
of larger design than any now in use on
the B. & M.j are expected some time in
the near future , for use on the west end ,
and speculation is rife among the boys
as to who will be the lucky ones.
That last shipment of parlor sets just
received at the Great Western Furni
ture Emporium take the entire bakery
at wholesale rates. Don't fail to drop
in and see them , if you want something
handsome and substantial in that line.
It is proposed shortly to advertise for
bids for the erection of a building for
the primary department of our public
school. The rapid growth of our town
and the large increase in school child
ren makes the erection of another build
ing imperative.
The Democrat flies to the defense of
those suppositious ( ? ) pets of that relig
ious journal , again in the late issue
thereof. To thus obstinately refuse to
recognize the existence of one's friends
is nothing short of refined cruelty. Ter
rible to contemplate.
VAMOSED Joe Schug , the little Ger
man tailor , who has been working
at his trade , incidentally , for some few
month'-s on Main Avenue , skipped the
country , Thursday night , leaving a
couple month's rental unpaid , and for
getting to repay money borrowed from
two or three different parties conven
iently near the time of his unannounced
Hers we are with a stock of Saddles
and Harness. We have arrived ac last
in McCook and are ready for business.
Have on hand a full and complete stock
of harness , saddles , whips , lashes , curry
combs , brushes , bits , spurs , fly nets ,
and stock saddles and cow-boy outfits.
Give us a call and examine goods and
prices. Shop two doors north of new
bank building. W.W.PALMER , Prop.
& Howard for Lumbei
and all kinds of Building Material.
Linen pants and white vests are be
ing sold at very low "prices at E. M.
Brickey Co.'s.
Another livery barn is going up or
Macfarland street , opposite the old Com
mercial House.
From a population of 3,044 in 1880 ,
Red Willow county has increased to 6- ,
192 , according to the late census report
We understand that there will be a
running race , Saturdaybetween the Sib-
bett horse of Indianola and a horse from
The sad intelligence reached A. M.
Kelly , Monday , by telegram , of the
death of a brother in Colorado , Friday ,
by drowning.
If our correspondents will take the
pains to send us the news of their re
spective neighborhoods we will willingly
give them space in our columns.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
hold a social at the Palace Rink , Tues
day evening. All are cordially invited.
Ice cream and lemonade will be served.
The Hamilton building on Main Ave
nue has been leased by a gentleman by
the name of Foster from Palmyra , Otoe
county , who will shortly stock the same
with groceries.
AN UGLY COT Mr. Bohanan , while
slaughtering a beef , Wednesday of last
week , unfortunately cut himself in the
knee with a butcher knife , inflicting a
painful wound , and partially disabling
The building used by Frees & Hock
nell as an office , during the time the
bank occupied their regular office , is
being moved up on the hill , where it
will be occupied by L. Gustafson as a
Nebraska flour for Nebraskans. The
City Bakery received a car-load of that
celebrated Grand Island Flour , this
week. The shipment contains the new
brand of flour , "White Frost" which is
without a peer , and is guaranteed to be
the very finest brand in the city.
A small racket at the Eating House ,
Monday evening. One of the partici
pants had his cheek slightly fondled ,
but no bones broke. The "knife-board
man , " who has figured in other disturb
ances of a similar nature , was seeing to
it that Charlie had a fair show , etc.
Fire-arms of all descriptions , from the
improved Winchester to the ancient
blunderbuss , as well as ammunition , were
in active demand at Oberlin , last Fri
day. All this in view of the threaten
ing attitude of Indians in the nation.
The same condition of affairs existed
in other towns in northwestern Kansas ,
many of them having had some sorrow
ful experience with marauding redskins
in the past.
Last Saturday morning , Chas. Noble
exhibited at this office a part of a rib
of some antediluvian animal , which was
found by Mr. Davis in a well , which he
is digging on the divide northwest of
town , at a depth of seventy-five feet.
The bone was entirely petrified , and
from the size of the fragment shown us
the rib evidently belonged to an animal
whose race has long since been extinct.
These "finds" open up a long avenue of
In addition to the 400 head of cattle
purchased from Thos. K. Work of the
) ld McCandlish ranch , last week , the
Paxton Cattle Co. also purchased Mr.
doomis * herd of 200 head , which have
been runby the Work outfit , and the
Fuller herd of 250 head. The Paxton
3o.'s outfit has been kept busy most of
; he time , the past two weeks , in putting
; he company's brand on these purchases ,
ivhich comprise some of the best stock
n this section.
The representatives of the different
wholesale implement houses who are
creditors in the LaTourette failure , have
jeen playing an amusing hide-and-go-
ieek game. One enterprising fellow
ivould have a drayman haul a lot of mow-
jrs , etc. , away and hide them in a barn ,
: overing them with hay , only to have
mother representative equally as wide-
iwake as he , rustle around , discover
; he plant and have it returned to the
nemises , and attach the same. The
awyers and draymen have had quite a
The City Engineer of Lincoln was in
own , last week , and established a grade
in Main Avenue. The grade commences
it the first crossing north of the track ,
md runs to the top of the hill at the U.
5. Land Office , where a cut of three and
me-half feet will have to be made when
he work is completed. This will take
L considerable sum of money , toward
vhich the Lincoln Land Co. has sub-
icribed $75. The work will have to be
lone by degrees , as the city is not in
inancial condition to complete the work
n one year.
REAL ESTATE Wm. Fruin disposed
if his deeded quarter , three miles north-
rest of town , last week , for $1,100.
ihe Fred Carter claim was sold , last
reek , by H. C. Rider to R. E. Campbell
if York State , the consideration being
! 250 cash , and two mules and'harness
nd a spring wagon , the outfit in which
he Doctor and wife drove from North
'latte to our city. The Doctor alsoin-
ested in some other claims in this vi-
inityin addition to loaning a few thous-
nd dollars , on real estate security , to
arties in town.
Through courtesy of R. H. Hamiltoi
we are enabled to peruse the "Preuiiuu
List of the Red Willow County Agri
cultural Society for the Third Annua
Fair to be held at Indianola , Neb. ,
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday Sep
tember 2d , 3d , and 4th , 1885. " Acas
ual glance reveals the fact that nom
but Indianola merchants arerepresentec
in the ads. to be found on every alter
nate page thereof. This fact needs ex
planation , as we are credibly informed
that the ads. lack $15 of paying for the
list , and this amount will perforce have
to be made good by the society , whicli
fact could have been changed , had the
proper solicitation been made , had the
existence of the small hamlet of McCook
been recognized. If we understand the
matter aright the fair is supposed to be
for Red Willow county , and we take
this occasion to suggest that McCook is
a ' 'wee small" part of the same , which
fact she is fully capable of demonstrat
ing. The list on the face is palpably
unfair in its showing. It is voluminous
to a fault makes an attempt at being
too comprehensive for a fair.
E3r"Hallack & Howard for Lumber
and all kinds of Building Material.
The announcement of the failure of
W. C. LaTourette , our pioneer hard
ware man , fell upon the ears of our as
tonished people , like a stroke of light
ning from a clear sky. Being consid
ered one of the most substantial of our
business men , the idea of failure was re
motest from the minds of all. We do
not know what occasioned the crisis ,
future developments may make the
cause more clear , but from all the data
we are able to gather , the failure is most
disastrous , and none are more profound
ly pained to chronicle the event than we ,
out of personal regard for Mr. LaTour
ette , and in view of the unavoidable ef
fect such occurrences have upon the busi
ness community. The liabilities aggre
gate over $21,000 , while the assets will
not reach more than $10,000 , hence the
haste of creditors to secure themselves
by attachment , garnishee , etc. The
store which has been closed for a num
ber of days was opened up this morning
by Ed. Marquis , manager * for Pratt &
White Bolted Corn Meal at the City
After complimenting the editor here
of , ( for the payment of which well and
truly to be made , we bind ourselves , as
signs , heirs , etc. , ) Bro. Bishop inad
vertently , we take it , gives himself
away , pleads guilty to having wilfully
prevaricated concerning our 4th of July
celebration. It appears that we were
mistaken as to the author. And it
further appears that the Courier's re
porter mentioned the fact that the cel
ebration was "tame , " upon which Bro.
Bishop based his inconsistent remarks
about drunkenness , etc. Why our ru
ral friend at the county-seat must be so
accustomed to having every day Sunday ,
that the sight ot'one intoxicated indi
vidual both disorders his nerves and
magnifies his imagination. We accept
the Courier's apology , with this admoni
tion , "Go thou and sin no more. "
C5irc'Hallack & Howard for Lumber
md all kinds of Building Material.
One of the imperative needs of our
jity is an association of our business
aen for the purpose of buying and es-
; ablishing a market for grain. We sim
ply state a fact when we say that valua-
) le trade is lost to our town through our
'ailure to provide such a market. The
? armer will most certainly go to the town
vhere he can sell the products of his
? arm , and there do his trading. While
> ur great distance from market and the
imited amount of grain in the country
nakes it impossible to ship grain at any
; reat profit , still the trade thus drawn
.0 . town will largely recompense the busi-
less men for whatever outlay they may
8-iF'Sweet Michigan Cider of excel-
ent quality at the City Bakery.
Material for the brick buildings short-
y to be erected by Messrs. Farley &
) onahue and S. L. Green , adjoining the
HcCook Banking Co.'s building , is be-
delivered. * rush-
ng Brick-layers are -
ng up the walls on Messrs. Pate and
Kendall's buildings at a rapid pace. *
J. L. Scott has a residence well under
fay , just northwest of the school house ,
lesidences are staked off for Marshal
Velch and H. G. Dixon , a little west of
Jr. Scott's residence , which will be bur
ied along to completion as soon as the
icccssary workmen can be procured.
Wall paper for 124cents per bolt at
letropolitan drug store.
We take pleasure in announcing the
peiiing of a Merchant Tailoring shop
n West Dennison Street by Robert
) rysdale. Having had many years' ex-
icrience in the same business in New
fork City , his patrons can rest assured
hat only first-class work will leave his
hop. He will keep constantly on hand
large assortment of the best cloths
or suits. Such an establishment has
nig been needed in McCook and here-
fter there will be no need to go to
fastings or Denver in order to get a
rst-class fit.
ESF'Hallack & Howard for Lumber
nd all kinds of Building Material.
2,700 head of the Texas cattle re-
sntly run through on the trail have
een purchased by Geo. A. Benkelraan.
'he ' drives crossed the river near Hai -
; r. About 50,000 head of Texas cat-
le are being held in the nation by cat-
lemen having herds therein.
' f * ' 1'
J.T. Wray and H. D. Straut of Culbcrtsoi
were in the city , Monday.
Q. W. Frazlcr , an Atwood merchant , was it
the city on business , Monday.
John Dawson of Alma was In town , the flrs !
of the week on legal business.
Mrs. A. J. Shaw started oil avlslt to relatives
In Omaha on No. 2 , Friday morning' .
Alex. Stewart of Wyinore , a general favorite
with railroad men , was in the city , Friday.
Miss Preston of Orleans , has been visiting
friends in the city for a number of days past
Ira S. Hall , J. W. Burnoy and W. C. Ashwill
of Stratton were in town , Monday on business.
Frank Galarneau , who Is now working for
B. & M. at Oxford , made a flying visit to town ,
Messrs. Thompson , Wnhlquist and Israel
wero down the road on business , the latter part
of last week.
Henry Crabtree of Indlanola was In town ,
Saturday of last and three or four days of the
present week.
Jack Birdsall came up from Oxford on 39 ,
Sunday , spending the remainder of the day
with the boys.
E. E. Stoup , agent of the B. & M. , J. L. Wil
son and C. F. Warren of Cambridge wero in the
city , Wednesday.
S. E. Solomon of the Culbertson Sun made
things luminous and pleasant at these head
quarters , Tuesday.
E. W. Hurlbut , of the Democrat , Grand Is
land , was in the city , Friday , andlefthis card
the editor being absent.
Mrs. John Welborn , Miss Wolborn and Miss
Mann of Indianola were In town , on a short
business visit , Saturday.
Sam Ashmore spent Sunday In town. The
county-seat becomes lonesome and Sam must
needs come up. to see the boys.
L. D. Fowler of Button , P. L. Fowler and E.
W. Bingmau of Osceola , Iowa , wore registered
at the B. i : M. Eating House , Sunday.
Mrs. M. Sturg of Fairmont , who has been
visiting her daughter Mrs. T. S. Boslcy , for the
past week or ten days , returned to her home on
W. T. Brickey of Shonandoah , Iowa , brother
of E. M. , arrived in town , last week , and will
spend bis vacation from college with his
C. S. Lynn , editor of the Sumner , ( lowa.Ga-
zettc , was in the city , Saturday uud made us a
call. Mr. Lynn is in search of a location for a
newspaper. He went to Denver from here.
R. A. McCracken received instructions from
headquarters at Omaha , last week , to take the
run from McCook to Denver. He entered upon
his duties , lastFriday. He is doing "sub" work
for the present.
Harry Ellison , who is now with K. J. Finch
at Arapahoe , came up to town on 39 , Monday.
His father and mother and family , who jubt
arrived from "Merrie England" were on the
same train. They will make the land of the
free their future homo.
Prof. Wm. Valentine , of Nebraska City , who
is assisting at the County Institute still in ses
sion at the county-Beat , caiuo up to the metrop
olis , Saturday , and remained here until Mon
day evening. The Professor made us an enjoy
able call during his short stay.
Miss Carrie Hazcn , sister of Mrs. H. W. Pike ,
arrived in the city , from Portland , Maine.Mou
day noon on 39. She will spend in our city a
two month's vacation from her arduous du
ties as one of the principal instructors in the
art school of design in Portland.
Miss Davis of Hayes County was in town
Monday , buying some tarmlng implements
preparatory to improving her claim in the
above-named county. She's one of many such
"businebs girls" who are holding down claims
in this part of the state , and who have more
grit than the average "lord of creation. "
K. O. Kindig , George Colby and W. A. Hal-
lowell , prominent business men of Obcrliu ,
were In the city , two or three days the first
of the week. These gentlemen are contem
plating the erection of some lino brick build-
Ings in their native town , among which Is a
bank building , and at the suggestion of H. W.
Pike , came up to inspect the McCook Banking
Co.'s building , particularly as to interior finish.
They were so favorably impressed as to decide
to follow the same style ot interior finish and
lecoration as the new bank building in which
jur citizens take great pride.
* -Vrf-v * ' t x > < ' - sVs - - - ' > - v pVX XN
The ladies reception room at the rink is now
Decupled by a family.
Lewis Bros , are having a stone foundation
iut under their faaloon building.
E. M. Brickoy moved into his new residence
) n Mai-shall street , the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Pike havo rooms at C.L.
Bowman's residence , just east of the school
A. E. Lytle moved into his beautiful home
m North Main , to-day. Ait has one of the
nost artistic homos in our city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hazcn moved up from In-
lianola , the first of tho week , and arc occupy-
ng Dr. Kay's residence in West McCook.
Squiro Fisher has moved his office into one
if the small looms in the rink building for the
> rcsent , but will Boon move into Jennings &
itarbuck's office.
F. L. and R. A. McCracken have rented the
/alvin Zeigler property and gone to house-
: eeping. Their mother , Mrs. T. E. McCracken ,
ntely arrived from Washington City , presides
> ver the household.
To the Public.
Having purchased the hardware stock
fW. C. LaTourette , with the intention
if continueing the business at the old
tand , we are desirous of retaining all
he old customers , and of making as
aany new ones as possible , and will en-
leavor to make it an object for you to
rade with us. Call and see us.
'o the Free Masons of McCook and vicinity.
You are cordially and. earnestly in-
ited to be present on the evening of the
! 4th to meet the Most Worshipful
i rand Master , who will constitute our
odge on that evening.
\ G. REES , Secretary.
Directors' Report.
In addition to what we have hereto
fore published we gather from the di
rectors' report the following items :
Contract prico of new school house $4,410 00.
Water works , bonds , breaking and
other items 3140.
TOTAL $0,109.03.
Apparatus 87 5o
Teachers' wages 2.3U CO
Fuel 13219.
Janitor 20900.
Kepairs 3238 ,
Brooms , chalk , water pails , &c 3805.
Books and records 17 25.
Water. 18 75.
TOTAL PAID OUT $9.511.50.
Received from Village of McCook. . . $3,280 00.
From county treasurer 1,210 07.
From sale of bonds $4,500 4,275 60.
Balance on bonds 78 59.
TOTAL CASH 9,844 26.
Balance in treasury 332 70.
There is now In village treasury sub
ject to order ol' school district
treasurer $3,94800.
Balance SB 70.
McCooK , NEB. , JULY 15th , 18 . J
Taking effect this date , J. tt PHELAN is ap
pointed Train Master of tho Middle and West
ern Republican Valley Divisions of this Road
with Headquarters at McCook.
Approved , A. CAMPBELL ,
T. E. CALVERT , Aes't Superintendent.
Gcn'l Superintendent.
By the above order promulgated on
the 15th iiist. it will be seen that our
fellow townsman , J. R.Phelan , who has
been doing efficient work for the B. &
M. as Headmaster , for some years past ,
ascends the ladder one rung to the posi
tion of Train Master of the divisions of
the B. & M. over which Superintendent
Campbell has jurisdiction. We congrat
ulate J. R. upon his promotion , ( know
ing that he will wear the honors thereof
with commendable meekness and dis-
charge the duties of the same efficiently , )
and the company upon their worthy se-
The duties of Roadmaster will devolve
for the present upon Sam Rogers , fore
man of construction train.
Two or three persons who live in that
part of town have complained at this
office of a number of wells in South
McCook , which have been dug , and no
covering provided. The parties who dug
the wells will of course appreciate the
danger of leaving them in this state ,
and will promptly attend to the same.
And in case of failure , legal redress
should be had , before accidents occur.
The Warble photograph gallery is be
ing moved over onto Main Avenue.
Considerable difficulty was experienced
) n account of the frail way in which the
same was built.
On her own and son's recognizance ,
Mrs. R. A. Cole , by order of Esquire
Colvin , was discharged from the custo-
ly of Sheriff "Welborn , yesterday. '
0. N. Vaugn , late clerk of the Bloom- f
ngton land office was in town on Mon- ;
lay. He went west and will visit Me- \
3ook. Harlan County Times. *
A number of the young ladies and *
jentlemen are indulging in a pic-nic on
he Driftwood , to-day.
S&THallack & Howard for Lumber
md all kinds of Building Material.
A room to rent. Inquire at Mrs. '
Nellie Johnson's. ;
Remember the social at the Rink , on
Tuesday evening.
Fresh candy at the City Bakery.
Having sold my stock of hardware and
inplements to Pratt & Lawson , I desire
o express my thanks to my customers
or past favors , and hope they will con-
inuc the same to my successors.
M. E. Church Services.
During the absence of the pastor , the
allowing clergymen will occupy the pul-
et , on the dates given below :
July 19th Rev. F. F. Thomas.
July 26th Rev. E. S. Hall.
Farm for Sale.
Within two miles of the business part
f the city. Has an inexhaustable sup-
ly of good building stone on same. 50
ores in cultivation. A rare chance to
lake a good investment. Inquire of R.
i. Cooley , opposite McCook Hotel.
Attention , I. O. G. T.
A meeting of all the members of the
. 0. G. T. is called for Saturday even-
ig at S o'clockmountain timeat , Mrs.
Lowell's millinery store. Important
usiness. Full attendance desired.
By order of W. C.T.
All persons knowing themselves in-
ebted to me , and not calling to settle
: ie same by August 1st. will have their
ccounts placed in the hands of an at-
) rney for collection. R. II. HAMILTON.
McCook , Neb. , July 1C , 1885.