The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 03, 1885, Image 7

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    Ca t that Shadow from
Brow ! " - I
) You can't do it if you have liver com
plaint or dyspepsia. The darkened !
( countenance tells tho story of inward )
'commotion ' and woe. Clear yourstom-
jach , strengthen your digestion , regu-
{ late your liver , tone your nerves , andj
] then away goes the shadow from your
* brow , and you are happy because you.
jare well. Mrs. M. J. Alston , of Little- !
jton , N. C. , says : "I recommend !
{ Brown's Iron Bitters to the nervous and ,
jdebilitated. It greatly benefited me."j
P Spah Uernbartlt is not strong , but she IB
fitm able to cast a shadow.
i "For Sale at a Sacrifice. "
A well-established paving Dry Goods Stor I
in Omaha , Neb. About "SIO.OOO required. Ad
dress _ W. M. BpsnMA.y.Omaha _ , Neb. |
Halfora Banco enriches hot Joints , stewi'
Chops , flea , &c. Excelled by none. Try it. j
' Minister Phelps thinks tho English people ,
Rro exceedingly hospitable.
f For cuts from barbed wfre fence , sore shoulders ,
( ticks and open sores on animals , use Stewart's
( Healing PowderJ5and BOcts. a box.
< Tho secretary of "war has been in tho Tvild )
" west , but not on tho warpath.
* " " " " " "
' "Y \f "l TV < TTYVO7ITT''V
r Ladles who would retain freshness and vivaclty.i
* J * don't fall to try Wells' "Health Kcnewer' " |
s s f
I B Absolutely 8a
1 Free from Opiates , JSmettcs and Poisons.
FOP Coughs , Sore Throat , Hoarsencw , Infiucnzo ,
Cold * . Bronchitis , CroapVhooplnOoucu ,
Aithmn , Qulnry , Pains In Chest , tad other
ttTectloni ofthe Throat nd I > unc * .
Price 5O cents a bottle. Sold by Druggists and Deal
ers. Parties vnath to induce their dealer to promptly
get it for them will receire two bottlesExpress charges
paid , by tending one dollar to
Solo Owner * anil Manufacturers ,
llalltmorr. Jlirjllnd , r. 8. A.
Enter * tlio system , from. xiixkiiovTO
causes , at all seasons.
Shatters tho Nerves , Impairs Digestion , and
Enfeebles tho Hustles.
Quickly and completely cures Malaria , and Chills
andcvcrs. Jrorlnterinlttent Fevers , T os-
Bitndc , Lnclc of Energy , it has no equal. It
enriches and purifies the blood , stimulates tho ap
petite. and strengthens the muscles and nerves.
It does not injure the teeth , canso headache , or
produce constipation all other Iron medicine * do.
ATEnEE.T.J. RTILLT. the patriotic and scholarly
Catholic Divino , of Arkansas , says :
"I have used Brown's Iron Bitters with the great
est satisfaction for Malaria , and as a preventive of
Chills and like diseases , and will always keep it on
hand as a ready friend. "
Genuine has above trade mark and crossed red linos
on wragoer. Take no other. Made only by
IiADlES1 HAND BOOK useful and attractive , con
taining list of prizes for recipes , information about
coins , etc _ given away by all dealers in medicine , or
muled to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp.
Has your physician failed to arrest the dia-
ejise from which you aro sufferinpr ? Are
you losing : faith In medicines , and growing
alarmed at your condition ? If so , taio
The Great Blood Purifier ,
Compounded from the Troll-known curatives
Hops , Halt , Buchu , Mandrake , Dandelion ;
EarSaparilla , CUE car a Sag-radii , etc. They aro
never known to fail in all oases of
! Troubles. They cure Dyspepsia , Indigestion ,
Hheumatism and all urinary troubles. TEey
.nri oratc , nourish , strengthen and quictt
the nervous system.
As. a tonic they have no equal. They are a
rational cathartic and a impart ) anti-bilious
specific. " ' . -
Should be exorcised by persqhs whn pur-
cEajlfiff Hops and'IWlAJLT Bitters.
Do jfot get them comfounded with other in
ferior articles of a similar name. For sala
by all druggists and dealers. See that every
label bears the name HOPS & MALT.BIOV
Ttotrott , Mich.
Hosteller's Stom- '
ach Bitters conquers
nnd prevents ma
larial fevers. dys-i
pepsla , chronic con
stipation , a tendency
to kidney and blad-
dcr ailments and
rheumatism , and is )
of the greatest value-
in cases of bodily
trouble arising from
weakness. Old peo-
= pie are greatly aided
= by it , and it Is highly
5 serviceable to con-
valescentsand ladles'
iu delicate health. It
Is , moreover , a use
ful medicine to take
with one on long
journeys , and coun
teracts the effects of
mental exhaustion.
For sale by all Drug
gists and Dealers
1 4-
.Not only to the sunerer sted by disease cues
Tlldjre's Food supplement the proper medicine and
brine bacfc strength and comfort , but the delicate
mother will find In Its daily use lust what is needed
to check and suppl ment the drain made upon mi-
Try it , mothers , and be convinced. Recipes to
suit dtJcrent-tastcs accompany each can.
t juJLxaxjja.i-LJu.--U i
Tub * Colors , We. dot ; Sable Brushes Tc. upj
Bristles , sc. up ; Plaques , 7c. up ; VaUete. Sc.j
i Artists' Easels , 90c. ; Artists' Boxes , $ LSO : Panels ,
lOo. Oils lZc.5 canvas , TSc ; Uoid Paint , 25c.
NoveltW and Trenton Ware for Decorating. Fr me
for Pictures In Gold , Plash. Oat and Bronze. Sampies
if znoldlnc. 60c dozen. Ee-dS cent Stamp for Cataloeu * .
A. HOSPE , Omaha.
The Features of a Segue
A practical detective can frequently
discern at a glance that a man is a roguo.
The stamp of dishonesty on his features ,
or his anxiety on being observed , tells
the story. A remarkable illustration of
this fact was narrated by the Boston
correspondent of the Hingham Journal
a year or two ago. The detective was
Constable Derastus Clapp , the succes
sor of "Old Reed , " a famous rogue-
catcher of Boston half a century ago ,
who was for forty years the terror of
evil-doers in and about the New Eng
land metropolis.
Clapp was a shrewd man and a most
excellent judge of human nature. He
could tell a rogue as far off as he could
a black man. and he never made mis
takes. His "come along with me" was
imperative and admitted of no argu
An instance of his readiness in read
ing character occurred one morning in
the upper criminal court. A case of.
considerable interest was being tried ,
and the gallery was crowded with spec
Two or three reporters were sitting
near the door , when Clapp , stooping
over , whispered ,
"Don't all look at once , but please
observe that nice-looking man with the
white cravat , in the front middle seat
of the gallery. "
We looked. "Now , " says Clapp , "I'll
bet thatl can set that man traveling out
of the court-house the
- on double-quick
in less than five minutes , nor will I leave
the room or send him any message. "
While we were wondering how the
feat was to be acaomplished , the vet
eran quietly beckoned to officer Tallaat ,
and taking a pair of handcuffs from his
pocket , directed that officer's attention
to the party in the gallery , and appar
ently gave him same directions.
Tallant opened the door and steppec1
into the entry , and at the same instan
the man with the white cravat boltet
like lightning through the crowd to tht
door and disappeared.
"Gentleman , " remarked Clapp , i
never saw that man before in my life.
It illustrates the scriptural saying , 'The
wicked flee when no man pursueth. ' "
Worti. Carolina Minerals.
A North Carolina farmer of Cabarrus
county suddenly found himself rich the
other day , when he was offered $50 a
bushel.for 2,000 bushels of a sand and
gravel mound on his farm. The dirt
was more profitable at that price than
any farm product he could raise on his
land , but he was as sharp as old Farm
er Rogers , the North Carolina farmer of
"Esmeralda ; " and didn't take it. The
gravel mound is as'full of wealth as the
dirt pile of Dickens' golden dustman ,
and the latest improved machinery is
to be put in to work a gold mine. The
discovery came about in this way : The
farmer knew the mound , and knew of
an old hole near it which had been fill
ed up by the-drift of years. He wished
to make a dry , gravelly front yard for
his house , and hauled some cart-loads
of the mound and spread it before his
door. The rains washed it , and he found
among the gravel a nugget of gold that
weighed an ounce. Th'is opened his
eyes. Then he scraped up the gravel
and it "panned out" § 325 in rough pick
ings. Then he took a bushel of the
mound , ground it to powder in a mortar
and it yielded $125 , which showed his-
good sense in not taking $50 a bushel
for it. Then the oldest inhabitant of
Carbarrus , nigh on to a hundred , sud
denly recolected a story told him , when
he was abtJy , by his grandfather , about
an Englishman who lived in Raleigh be
fore the Revolutionary times , digging a
pit , finding a pile of goldand going
home to coin it. The pit was on this
very Cabarrus farm and the mound was
made from the diggings. The lucky
Englishman worked the mine in the
rough , took out the biggest yellow
chunks and left the smaller nuggets and
rich dirt for the farmer , and the name of
this sudden millionnaire is Bob Paul.
He will work the mine for all it is
worth , and would not take for the Eng
lishman's leavings as many ten-dollar
gold pieces as would pave every inch
of his farm.
Maiden Effort of a Texas Orator.
"In my deestrict , Mr. President and
eller members , where a few moons ago
the Indian lover wooed his dusky mate ,
and the wild fox dug Lis hole unskear-
ed , peace and smiling plenty reign su
preme , and.the . honest sweat of the toil
er , wrung from the brow of labor by
the horny hand of thrift , irrigates the
soil , about all the iirigbtion we get in
the course of the Almighty's twelve
months. In that deestrict , Mr. Presi
dent , the champing iron horse of mo
nopoly rushes red-eyed through the
fairest fields and daily climbs fences
and piles of last years' mesquite roots
to kill the only long horn the farmer
has left , the "kindly beast , Mr. Presi
dent , which has been the daily com
panion of his wife and daughters , the
mighty bed-fellow of the blue sow in
the front yard , and which he gathered
by his thrift and diligence from the
passing herd of the Kansas drover. And
when he sues the company for $500 and
gets $1 and cests , who is to blame him
if at the next election he votes frequent
ly for the man who , in these halls have
resounded to the eloquence of the Sev
enteenth legislature , will protect him'-
in his rights and secure him a large'
slice of other people's. Forty years
ago would the pampered minion of a
northern tyrant thus have spurred the
just rights of our citizens ? Not much.
The ready rifle would have rung out
and he would have felt the absurdity of
fooling with the soldiers of the blood
stained field of San Jacinto and the he
roes of the Alamo. " [ Rapturous ap
plause. ] Texas Siftings.
' A couple who had been "keeping
company" continuously for twenty-eight
years were married at Trenton , N. J.
Senator Camden of West Virginia 13
worth $2,000,000.
* < Mothers Should Note This. "
Under this caption an old. physician
writes to a Cincinnati JVIedioal Journal ,
that in view of the fact that people liv
ing at a distance from cities are fre
quently obliged to resort to cough , mix
tures already put up for use , they
should provide themselves with only
such remedies as aro known to be free
from opiates , poisons and narcotics ;
thus avoiding not only danger , but even
fatal results. He recommends the re
cently discovered Red Star Cough Cure
which analyses and tests by various
Boards of Health proved to be purely
vegetable as well as prompt , effective
and entirely harmless. ,
Rare Coins.
King Frederick William IV , of Prus
sia , died on the 2d of January , 1861 ; but
before his death a number of thaler
pieces , bearing his effigy and the date
1861 , had been issued from the Berlin
mint. On the accession of King Wil
liam new thalers were coined and put
into circulation , and the others were
gradually called in. By the end of last
year all the Frederick William thalers
of 1861 , save about fifty , had been re
turned and defaced , and the remaining
specimens are now consequently very
scarce. Making due allowance for
losses and deliberate destruction , it is
considered probable that not more than
a score of these curiosities are at the
present moment in existence. No other
coins of Frederick William IV. bear the
date 1861. There are not many paral
lel instances , for of course it does not
often happen that a sovereign dies so
early in the year. New York Evening
Post ,
The Poor little Ones.
We often see children with red erup
tions on face and hands , rough , scaly
skin , and often sores on the head.
These things indicate a depraved condi
tion of the blood. In the growing
period , children have need of pure
blood by which to build up strong and
healthy bodies. If Dr. Pierce's "Gol
den Medical Discovery" is given , the
blood is purged of its bad elements , and
the child's development will be healthy ,
and as it should be. Scrofulous affec
tions rickets fever-sores dis
, , - , hip-joint
ease or other grave maladies and suffer
ing are sure to result from neglect and
lack of proper attention to such cases.
Florida Saurians.
Some interesting discoveries have
been made in Florida by Prof. Lawrence
Johnson , of the United States geologi
cal survey. Just south of the Alachua
county line he found several specimens
and skeletons of animals which relative
ly belongto a not far distant period. In
piles , and somewhat mixed , there were
the remains of a mastodon , two or three
specimens of the rhinoceros , a large
stag , a camel , fully as large as the Ara
bian camel , but in structure more allied
to the llama ; also a tapir , very much
like the South American tapir , which
lives in swampy places ; two teeth of a
cardivorous animal allied to the tiger
and panther ; one set of teeth and bones
of a hippopotamus ; several crocodiles
or alligators , and innumerable other
bones not identified. Apparently the
territory south of Alachua was at some
time a large fresh-water lake.
A Lovely Complexion.
"What a lovely complexion , " we of ten
hear persons say. "I wonder what she
does for it ? " In every case the purity
and real loveliness of the complexion
depends upon the blood. Those who
have sallow , ' blotchy faces may make
their skin smooth and healthy by taking
enough of Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medi
cal Discovery" to drive oufc the humors
lurking in the system.
General Lew Wallace will cat his turkey at
home this year.
Mild , soothing , and healing is Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Rebel Bell has found out that ho Is not such
a big man as ho imnginedhin.self. _
"Hough on Itch" cures humors , eruptions ring
worm , tetter , salt rheum , frosted feet , chilblains.
R. B. Hayes thinks ho is in luck when eight
out of fifteen of his eggs hatch.
"When Baby waa dot , wo gave her Castorla ,
"When atewas a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
"WTiou sho had Children , sho gave them Castoria ,
When you visit New York City , via Central
depot , save Baggage Eiprcssage and $3 Car
riage Hire , and stop at the Grand Union Hotel ,
opposite said depot. Six hundred elegant
rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars ;
Slandupwardsperday. European plan. Ele
vator. Restaurant supplied with the best.
Horse-cars , stages and elevated railroad to all
dej > ots. Families can live better for less
money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any
other first-classhotel _ inthecity.
Buffalo Bill IB a bigger man in Chicago than
Carter Harrison.
Sprains , bruises , stiff joints , burns , scalds ,
and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's
Nerve and Bone liniment. Sold by druggists.
Worms cause peevishness , fevers , convul
sions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe
and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN.
WORM CAKES. Sold by all druggists.
-Headaches , constipation , liver complaint , ,
billionsness are cured by that mild , cleansing
remedy which never produces pain. ELLERT'S
Sold by druggists.
An economical man will keep the leather of ,
his harness soft and pliable , which preserves it
from cracking or ripping. He , always uses
Harness Makers.
One-third of all who die In active middle Hfo
-are by consumption. The most fre
quent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarse
ness , bronchial trouble or asthma , all of which
may be permanently cured by EILERT EX
Sold by druggists.
A farmer's wealth depends on the condition
of his stock. When scraggy and feeble they
are especially liable to distempers , fevers , '
colds , and all diseases which destroy animals.
Thousands of dollars are saved annually by
that valuable old stand by , UNCLE SAM'S
Restless , fretful , crying children are Buffer-
Ing and' need for their relief DR. WIN-
ful not only for all the disorders of teething
Infants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat ,
colic and cramps of older children , and should
always be kept in every house for emergencies.
Only 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.
"Hoiv my back does ache I" AD diseases of
the kidneys , retention of urine and female
weaknesses , are cured by Hunt's Remedy.
A standard specific and absolute cure Is
found In the great liver and kidney medicine ,
Hunt's Remedy. Beware of Imitation * .
Loss by Fire A "Word to the "Wisein
I , the undersigned , insured my "house
and contents in the Nebraska and Iowa
Insurance Company , of Omaha , Ne
braska , with J. R. Johnson , who repre
sented himself to be a special for said
company , also represented that said
company gave a policy agreeing to pay
all loss up to the amountlnsured. Also
represented that said company had an
actual deposit at Lincoln , with the
State , which I afterward learned was
not true , and I learned it to my sorrow.
The total amount of insurance on my
-house and contents was twenty-five
hundred dollars. On the 25th day of
February , 1885 , I had a total loss by
tire on my house and contents. I noti
fied said company. About the 12th day
of March , 1885 , Matt Goodwin came to
see about settling my loss , and brought
a man from Plattsmouth , who claimed
to be a carpenter and builder , to figure
up my loss ( but Goodwin doing most
of the figuring ) ; after they had figured
together awhile Goodwin said that he
would only give me about § 600 , for
the house and about $400 on contents.
At first I refused this , claiming I
had a right for an arbitration under the
policy. This they refused me. Then I
asked them to rebuild the house. This
they refused to do. I finally decided
to take the amount offered rather than
go into a law suit. I received from said
company ( $919.02) nine hundred and
nineteen dollars and two cents , togeth
er with my note given-for insurance.
Hock fluffs , Neb. , March 26,18S5-
We , the undersigned , have made a
true estimate of the dwelling burned by
.fire on the 25th day of February , 1885 ,
and owned by McGinness Clommons ,
a-nd we do find that said dwelling could
not be replaced for less than twelve
hundred and fifty-three dollars and
thirty-five cents , and that would be a
very low estimate.
Sock Bluffs , Neb. , March 26,18S5.
State of Nebraska , )
Cass County. Jss'
I , McGinnis Clemmons , do , upon
oath , say I have read and carefully ex
amined the above circular printed over
my name. The statements therein
contained are not true. I never author
ized any one to use my name in this
connection. At the timp that the Ne
braska and Iowa Insurance Company ,
of Omaha , adjusted my loss I was fully
satisfied that they treated me fairly ,
but after the adjustment myself and
wife thought of a good many things
that were forgotten at the time. Ihave
never made any claim on , or asked the
company to pay for , such articles for
gotten at the time the adjustment was
Mr. Goodwin did not refuse arbitra
tion , but the company did offer to re
place my building. There was at my
house , and in this neighborhood , two
Continental insurance agents , claiming
to live at Ashland , Nebraska. They
seemed to be much interested in my
business , and especially this loss , and
wanted me to make a statement and
sign it. I did so , but the one above re
ferred to , published over my name , is
not the one nor nothing like it. These
Continental insurance agents proved
themselves meddlesome , worthless fel
lows , and I make this statement to cor
rect any false impressions they may
have made by publishing these false
circulars over my name. Besides , I
told them they must not publish any
thing over my name or use my name in
any way.
„ Sworn to and subscribed to in my
presence by McGinnis Clemmons , who
is to me well known to be the person
he represents himself to be.
Witness my hand and seal this May
22,1885. JAS. S. MATTHEWS ,
Notary Public ,
[ i. . s. ] Cass County , Neb.
State of Nebraska , )
Cass County. J ss'
I , D. M. Jones , do solemnly swear
thatl made the estimate on the dwelling
house of McGinnis Clemmons , damaged
by fire on the 21st day of February ,
1885 , and Insured in the Nebraska and
Iowa Insurance Company , and that
said "estimate is a true , conscientious
and impartial exhibit of the actual
damage by fire to said property , and
that the Nebraska and Iowa paying
him the amount of said estimate , I
verily believe they paid him every cent
to which he was entitled.
( Signed ) D. M. JOXES.
Sworn to by the said D. M. Jones
and subscribed in my presence this 22d
day of May , 1885.
[ L.S. ] Notary Public Cass County , Neb.
We , the undersigned , hereby certify
that we personally know the above D.
M. Jones , to be a competent and re
liable builder and contractor.
( Signed ) A. W. MCLAUGHLIN ,
Cashier 1st National Bank , Plattsmouth.
( Signed ) JOHN BLACK ,
Pres't Citizens Bank , Plattsmouth , Neb.
The salary or a lady in waiting to Queen
Victoria is $2,503 per annum.
Minister Phelps hopes that the London bak
ers make good old-fashiont d doughnuts.
Warmer Weather
Often causes extreme weariness and debility , and
scrofula and other affections of the blood are liable
: o manifest themselves In disagreeable and
painful forms. Now is the time to take Hood's Ear-
Eaparllln. At no other season is the system so sus
ceptible to benefit from medicine. Hood's"Sarsa -
parilla parifles and enriches the blood , and gives tb.8
whole body new life nnd vigor.
"Within a week after taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
my appetite began to Improve , my headache left me ,
my strength seemed to be renewed , and I felt belter
In every part of my body. I rejoice when I think of
the good Hood's Sarsaparilla baa done me. " C. i.
BABBITT , Syracuse , ? ? . T.
"I could not sleep , and In the morning had hardly
life enough to , getout of beO. I had no appetite ,
and my face would break out with plm'plea. Ids-
elded to take Hood's Sarsaparilla , and soon began to
sleep soundly ; could get up without that tired and
languid feeling and my appetite improved. " E.A.
S-i'FOKD , Cent , O.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. H ; six for 5. Made only by
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar *
Those complaining ot Sore Throat or
Hoarseness should use BROWN'S BRONCHIAL
THOCHBS. The effect Is extraordinary , partic
ularly when used by singers and speakers for
clearing the voice. _ _ i
Susan B. Anthony nover wore bangs.
Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids , Itching. Protruding.
Bleeding. Internal or other. Internal and External
liemedy lu cachjmckage. .Sujrecure.JOa Druggists.
President Cleveland ibves hls'enemies at a
If there ever was a specific for any ono com
plaint then Carter's Little Liver Pills area
specific for Sick Headache , and every woman
should know this. They aro not only a posi
tive cure , but a sure preventive if taken
when tho approach is felt. Carter's Little
Liver Pills act directly on tho liver and bile ,
and in this way remove tbo caii-o of disease
without flrstmaking-you sick by a weakening
purge. If you try them you will not be dis
General B. F. Butler waddles ifke a duck
Xhen ho walks.
PJSPTOMIZXD JJZZF Tojnc , the only
preparation of beef containing its EXTIRE NUTEITIOBS
PROPERTIES. It contains blood-making force , gener
ating and life-sustaining properties ; invaluable for
Indigestion , dyspepsia , nervous prostration , and all
forms of general debility : also. In all enfeebled con
ditions , whether the result of exhaustion , nervous
prostration , overwork or acute disease , particularly If
resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell , Haz
ard & Co. , Proprietors , NewYork.SoId _ _ by druggists.
There are fifteen industrial schools In New
York < * ity.
uiO [ cOPYRtGHTto ] .
2O H
111X 3z
_ _ _ _ [ COPYHIOHTEO.1
LJ JbUIP Xi : ± i.--r . .
H.H. WABNEB & CO. , Bochester , N. Y.
© l.OOA. . '
H , H. WARNER & Co. , Rochester. H , Y ,
PHILIP VAN TAbht , . .N uwurk. > . \ , suffered for
many year from dyspepsia and mal-asslmllntion at
food , and reports that he derived creator bencnt from
Warner's TIPIVKCAXOE. The Best , tlinn from any
other medicine he e\cr used. His daughter also
used It with success when every other known remedy
Cos stitutional Tonic
$1.OO A EO1-
H , H , WARNER & CO : . Rochester. N , Y.
W.K. SAGE , of St. Johns , Mich. , Tva3 completely
prostrated by the hardships endured during the late
war. He returned home a wreck both In mind and
body. For twcuty years he simply existed , half the
time more dead than alive , until he was restored to
health by Warner's TIPPECAXOE. The Best. He ad-
vines all old vets to try It , Write to htm at St. Johns ,
Sold by ALL DEALERS throughout JhoVorld. .
Gold medal Paris Exposition , 1S78 *
Lorillard's Climax Plug
; that LorUIard * !
It ami Ijo/if fine cut ; tfiat Lorillard'i
Navy Cllpplac * . and. that Lorlllard'g Snalli , or *
tb belt And cheapest , quality considered ?
DB. T. A. BLOCCil , 151 Pe
employment and good salary
BelUnff Quoon City Skirt and
outfit tree. Address Cincinnati
Suspender Co. , Cincinnati. O
Bro , Jonathan's Jokes
BM 80 pages. Illustrated. Sent ;
2981 B im
HorsePoffers nntOriLnO ciorcrHalleri
( Suited to oil sections. ) WriteforKnKcnius.PamphIet
andPrlpestoTheAnlttnan&Taylor Co. . ManifleM.Ohia
I UI fl O Aak Jour dealer for a CAPITAL
Will MX CITY WHIP and be surprised.
III I WB Thcyaresomethlngwonderful. In-
UstoDyourdealerorderlng'the CAPITAL crrr wnir. K
they do not carry them In stock. A. J. G us tin i Co. ,
Lincoln , Neb.
Morphine Habit Cured in 1O
OPIUM to ZO days. Jfopay till cured.
-DE. J. STEpnrsi. Lebanon. Ohio.
Omaha Commercial. Send name for
COLLEGE Catalocueand specimen of
shlp. M. G. KOIIRBOUGH. Principal
TTIttflSHED. Circulars free.
B VALENTINE BKOS. , Junesvllle.Vi8. .
W. N. TTM Omaha , 201 33.
say you saw the advertisementiathis paper
Cost MnnUoidr'l'pciuuluro'WecnT ' , U'cnknrM.
Sraln.anU all forms ot Jlcbllltr ' " .Men from early
error. Ignorance , Tlco or excesses Quickly and totlly
Cured withoutconflnemrntbr the.
FREE to cnrnc t Inquirernottobo ; * . orcuric-
slty-Kekcrs ) , largo Illustrated work on JIIicaMXiC
the Gentto-Crlnury Organ * . Brain nnd .Ncrve * .
( Sealed , ford cents lustonipa. ) GlTcs testiruonlols , busi
ness and medical references , etc. Coniultatlon Fr * .
C1VIA1.K AGENCY. 14 Foltnn St. . New York.
- . . LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S . .
AH thoso painful Complaint *
* anil Weaknesses no common *
* * * to our best * * *
* * * * * *
Trice $1 In Ilinli ! , pill or loitoj * furnu
* Tts purpose fa solely for the legitimate healing of
disease and the relief of pain , and that it doe * alt
it claims to do , thousandsof ladles ear gladly testify.
* It will euro entirely nil Ovarian troubles , Infloninia *
tlon and DIceratlon , Falllnff and Displacements , and.
consequent Spinal "Weakness , and is particulartr
adapted to tho changeof life. . * . * '
* It remores Falntnesa. Flatulency , destroys all cra lnff
for stimulant * , and relieves Weakness of the btoruocn.
It cures llloatlnf , Ilexdaches , Ncrrous Prostration ,
General Debility , Sleeplcssnww , IJcpressIon and Indi-
eestlon. That feeling of bcarlnfr down , causlne pain ,
and backache. Is alwayi permanently cured by its use.
* Send stamp to Lynn , MH.Vfor pimphlet. Letters oC
Inquiry confidentially answered , forealeatdruyyists.
* * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * *
Keprcscntcd at Chicago by the well-known
Live Stock Commission flrm of Keenan & Han
cock , Union Stock Yards.
Omaha. National Bank.
Merchants' Xatlonl Sink. David City.
Kearnev National Bank , Kearney.
Columbus State Bank , Columbus.
McDonald's Bonk , North P atta
Send for circular. DJLVEXPOCT , IOWA.
Drills tho well and pnraps out tho
cutting of tho Drill M each.
stiolve. Drives the caslnscordriilx
OHIO n hole under it to lot it follow
TeiU tho well without remorlntf
WELLDRILL tools ! ituns easier than any other
and drons tho tools
faster 1 We also make
Self-feed STRAW Jt
The best In the world.
The knife U Steel , and tempxrcd.lnd
is fastened to ICTCF with tbiee bolts ,
and can be easily taken off to sharpen.
The length of cut is regulated by th
lerer to which the knife is bolted.
The higher the Ie er is raised , tho
longer it will cut. All are warranted. Seed fat
.Circular which will NmaiM FREE.
tSEU AliK MACU1NK CO.Oglintbai , O.
Awarded GOLD MEDAL , LONDON , IS83. Ifcd
by Muon & Ilunlin Orpm and Pixno Co Pullmin
Palace Car Co-&c. Mfd onlv by the RUSSIA
EVERYWHERE. 03-Saropia Tin Can by Mail , ac.
A. M o i > r i : EL ;
and expcttivi paid nactiro p rMin to elt
oarjo0 < iso capital require * ! . Salary jtM
vionthlr. Expeni * Ir > advance. Fall par
ticulars TKE2. TV * mean what wo * Standard Silver
Ware Co. , Washington St. . 15ostont Mass.
for Infants and Children.
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
mown to me. " H. A. AXCTEB , 1L D. ,
m So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , K. y.
Castorla cures Colic. Constipation.
Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation. I
K'1' " "Worms , gives sleep , and promotes di
Without injurious medication.
THE CEJTAUE COIOMXT , 1S2 Fulton Street. 17. Y. \ (
Conn th * at2n uddle. tad will keep you dry In anjr ttom.
eoMtrtrynhtt * . Illnitrttfd oUkurae tnt. A. J.Tower. Boiua.