OK WEEKLY TRIBUNE VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JUNE 12 , 1884. NUMBER 2. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAXD OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LAWS , Beglrtcr. C. P. BAECOCn , Sceolvcr. OKPICU HOURS : From ! ) A. M. to'i \ M. , ami 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain tinio. * J. JO. CO CII11 AN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , UCC002 , 2ED V7ILLOW COU1TT7 , 1IE3. Pracllcu in imy Courts ol' the htnto ninl ICiui- siis , mid tlio Kovcriunciit I.uml Olllco of this District , and bel'oro tlio Land Department at. WiuOiltiKtoii. .Sutlsl'aetion fruuninlped , and turuiK rciujomUle. Oflico Jhtdoor swuth of the U. S. Lund Ollic . --8. JENNINGS & STAKBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK - - . , NEBRASKA. Will Klvc hpcclnl attention to tliu practice of law , _ and making collections. 1 C5 ? 0111ee Second blwcknorlli of depot , 2 doorn nortli Green's drug store. 2vK. .JOHN A. LEE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MCCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. JSTTit and Workinanship guaranteed. AIs0 agent fur the Wheeler & Wilson ! * evrin Machine. PACK T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of nil lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence bOllcitcd. : KS. , L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Gridait : licikal Dcpartscat TJsIvcrsitj Wccctcr. Ot'Kicn : Two doors cast of the Tribune Oflice , where he can be found when not pro fessionally cnjnurcd. Hesidcnce , corner of Jell'ersou and Mwlison streets bit. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - - XE15KASKA. I will he found at S. L. Green's Driijj Store < for the present. All orders left there will ret - t > 1 eeive prompt attention. I T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , " - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Ofiico one door cast of THK Tiunuxi : uflicv , I ] where all calls will receive prompt attention , ' day or night. DR. A. J. W1LLEY , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT 15. & M. I'JIAltMACV , ] McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] k2r"l'rescrvation of the teeth a specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , } / < * McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. ( iI i I Jobbing will recelxu promjit attention at my s-hoy ; on DennNon St. , opposite McCook Ilou e. 1'Ians and tpccitlcation' furiiWitd if desired. CQNGDON & GLUT , BRICKLAYERS& PLASTERERS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. ll jobs promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Toachej's' Examinations at Indiaiiohiuii the third Satxrday of. every month , cominoncinjr at t ) o'clock. A. 31. : H-tf. W. M. SAXDEKSOX , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooic , - NEBRASKA. JT"A11 work guaranteed. G ivc me a call. WILLIAM McINTYUE. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished it' dcz-ired. Work done on short notice. Painters , Grainers , Paper Hangers McCOOK. 2-30. NEBRASKA. furnlslicd for Ceiling Decorations , cither in paper or Fresco Tainting. JSTEW EARBEE SHOP. JACKSON TUBES JIis opened up a Barber Shop on AVest Pcnnison Street , McCoolc , Xcli.vlicrc lie ! s able to do Shaving , nnlr Dressing , etc. , at all times Ladles aud eliiM- ren's liair ilrc > sns ! : l specialty. I'all anil become acquainted. JACKSON' TUliliS. A. C. TOWNE , REAL ESTATE AGENT. JlcCOOK , - XE1JKASKA. lint -for * flle Deeded Lands Timber Claims and Homesteads. Also , will locale parties on Govern ment Laud. W. 0. LaTOUBETTE , IIDKALEll IN II- ' AGRIGUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Sign of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCO'OK NEBRASKA. -GENERAL DEALERS IX- Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen'Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will "be sold only in cases of sickness , and then only on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night , Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , THE CITIZEN'S ' BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GEXERAL- Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Farming Land ? , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance : i specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- First Xalioiiiil Itanlc. Lincoln. Neb. Chase National Hank , Nu\r York. J.\V. nOLAX , President. V. Fit AN KLIN , Vice Prcsif.nnt. W. F. WALLACE , Cashier. TJIE authorities of Cleveland , 0. do not appear to appreciate the efforts of the Salvation Army to advance the piety of the Clcvelandors , us the saic. authorities last Saturday shut up ii prison some twenty-six of the Army These Salvation soldiers , however do not feel disposed to be shut up in this manner , but like Paul and Silas continue their singing and praying in prison , hoping that by some supernat ural power the walls will be thrown down and they be released. Tnif crazy-quilt is about to give place to the family tree quilt. A vo complete specimen of this late wrinkle - klo is the one now on exhibition in Atlanta , Ga. It Avas gotten up as a family record of the Bowers family , beginning at Polly Bowers , the mother of Job Bowers , and quilted just after the war. It gives a com plete list of the children , grandchildren ren and great-grand-children up to the time it was quilted. The squares arc cut to represent trees. The first tree has thirteen limbs , with allower at the top of each limb , and a child's name in each flower. And so on to the fourth generation. The total number at the time the quilt was finished was 244. THE fashionable Chinese quarter of New York city is at present in a perfect flutter of pigtails over the arrival upon American shores of a real Chinese gentlewoman. , While a very few Chinese females have been seen in the metropolis of America , they have in all cases belonged to the "washee-washee" class. American notions of the real Chinese lady have generally been taken from tea-trays , fancy boxes , or books upon the Flow- ry Land. Mrs. "Wo Kee , vhich is the Jady's lovely and expressive name , ms already expressed her amazement it the she of the most fashionable American boot. Her own lovely and aristocratic little extremities resemble : hose of a baby in dimensions , that is to say , if not in symmetry. and 3enkelman in particular , has been irolific of wondrous things recently. What's the matter with this from the Lincoln Journal of Sunday : "A > tory is told in our dispatches this uorning of the fall of a most wonder ful visitor , apparently from some other ) lanct , on the prairie near Benkelmau 11 Dtindy county , this state. It ap pears incredible , but we have no hesi tancy in vouching for the intelligence of the writer , who is a man that gen- rally knows what he is talking about. The details are rjLven with a fullness O md particularity that almost com- nand belief. Unless the alleged facts are greatly magnified or distorted , this unusual object of wonder must je an air vessel belonging originally to some other planet which sailed too "ar from its orb aad after wandering n space has at last been caught by : he attraction of the earth and drawn : o it. Further investigations will be lastily pursued and awaited with the iveliest interest. TV COlllltS more ill : he scale of womanhood in America lian it does in England , says Mr. jlattou in Irving's book upon his inpressions of the United States. 'It is easier for a clever woman to jxcite the admiration of her sex in America than in England. A woman who adorns and lifts the feminine ntellect into notice in Anu'rica ex- ; ites the adimiration rather than the ealousy of her sisters. American vomen seem to make a higher claim ipon the respect and attention Of men than belong to the ambitious English women , and when one of them rises o distinction they all go up with her. [ "hey " share in her fame. They do not ry to dispossess her of the lofty place ipon which she stands. There is a sort > f trades-unionism among the women of America in this respect. They hold .oorether in a ring against the so-called ords of creation , and the men arc content to accept what appears to be a happy form of petticoat govern- nent. Henry Irving. I ill IN THE FAR WEST And Offer Rare Chances FOR THE ARTISAN , TRADESMAN AI2D SPECULATOR , Tfffi TOWN OF MeSOOK In Red Willow Comity , Nebraska , lias been surveyed , .and lots in the market , for just one year and lias now a population of 1000 people. This point has been designated by the C. , B. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER & DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing § 25,000 is just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots will range in price from $150 to $500 for business lots , and § 50 to § 200 for residence lots. The history of points like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to live years , and this town promises to be an exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. 0. PHILLIPS , Or W. F. WALLACE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. YARD. WHOLESALE & EETAIL DEALER IN Boors , Blinds , Etc. HAKE A SPECIALTY OF H , W. PIKE , McCOOK , Red Willow County , - Nebraska. ARAPAHOE S FLOUR WARRANTED TO BE FINEST FLOU ! ( ID THE MARKET. SALE HAYDEN ff CO , AGENTS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. imporium , o rT O O o . tn yj .P = 2f rt 3 "c m ? /r reV V 31 1 oO o ( J. E. BERGER. Proprietor , McCOOK , NEB ,