WANTED. "Decline * to Engage la Te-Ujt. - ' CHICAGO , January 4. The Chicago , 4Burliagton Qulncy declines to enter the n'BYT wchtern railway alliance on the terms accepted by the lour other Iowa roads. This \ & the rt'Hult of two dayo' conference he- t'vvecn all the roads In the Interest , which clotted thin afternoon. The esblon to-day ' continued from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. , all the roads 'being ' represented by their general manager * . The proposition advanced to Burlington was that It should Join the new pool on the paine tcrnia aH tbcNorthwoHtern , but this General Manager Potter , of the Burlington , said he WHS prepared to abso lutely decline. Thla emergency had appar ently been guarded agalnHt , and the Bur lington wa8'r nie ted toptiitcon what terms ' it would negotiate. A counter proposition -was then BUtrpcgted that , In order to main tain rates and prevent war , two dMinct pools be formi-d , covering the competitive business on the line df tht Union Pacific road as far webt as Denver , the "Union Pacific - " * cific "and it * four present ulties , the jSbrthwustcTi , Bock1 Island , Milwaukee & St. P.ml and"Wiibash , lorming one pool and the Burlington and its . branches forming the tecond pool. To UiJa the Burlington.was > not prepared to return - turn an answer , and an adjournment wag taken on the 17th hist. , to receive the Bur- llngton'R ultimatum. In case the Burling ton Bhould decide to negotiate on the terras , outlined , it Is tntejl that its negotiations with the Union Pacific will necessarily be ' prolonged , In > lew of the numerous points touted by the two linen as direct competi- tors. As a result of the conference , It is now positively shown that the fixed policy of the Burlington management Is against forming n part of the new alliance and signing the twenty-five yearn' compact. In this view theposblbillty of the board of directors of the Northwest ern and Wabash failing to function their re spective roads bus been raised , but so far as it has been jpo ible to ascertain , the facts are not deemed possible that any of the four roads In the allltmoe will withdraw. The likelihood of the Burlington entering Into any compact with the new alliance , even on the proposal for a hepnrato pool > is deemed very uncertain. Aa far as official expres sion is willing to po , the Burlington , in the event of a new alliance beiug maintained , will pnr-ue a policy independent of any .compfitB or pooling urrauge'oicute what- evor. Testimonial to a Heroic Iowa Girl. YvrASUiNGTON , January. 3. The Iowa legislature i to undent Kate Shelly on Jan uary 10th , the day on which ' it will takepoa- Mjssion of ihe rupitol at'Des 3ioir.es , with a handsome mf dil of the value of 'JISO ' aud $200 in money , in recognition fit her heroic act In preventing , on the nignt ofJuly6 , 1831 , at ri k of her life , a 'disaster on the f/\- ChSeugo & Northwestern railroad , near aioingona , la. , which Would have resulted , but lor her , in an .appalling loss of human life. The inednl has been , prepared by Tif fany & Co. . of New York , and represents Jvatc in the act of crossing the railway bridge over the DCS Molcea river. Above are the words : "Heroism , Youth , Humanitx/Ju on the reverse of the medal Is the followra l inscription : ' 'Presented by the State Iowa to Kate Shelly , with the thanks of ve J general assembly. In recognition of re i courage und di-votionof a child of fill years , whom neither the terror of the ien inents iior fear of death could appal in RV j ' efforts to save human life duringthe t n'-7 ' storm and flood in the Des iloiiies vallejrth the night of July C.jSSI. _ . i The Navy. J0ro WASHINGTON , January 1. The port of the committee on navy yards < Con attention to the depreciation In the mill J r > marine of the country as a consequence of tie dt adence in the merchant marine , and save : In 18oO the ' tonnage of the United States cnpaged in foreign trade amounted to 2,5463237 tons , placing 119 second in the list of aoritimc countries , and our fiJiflg ships commanded universal admiration. " In the twenty yotrs justpa < sed , w.bile the tonnage of onr great commercial' has increased 50 per cent. , our tonnage has dropped to 1,352,810 , placing us third on the libt of maritime countries. Our cam-ing trade hrs been wrested from us , .and wo have not , a single figl\ting nhlp to boar our fLig upon the sea. The United States would , in an- tlclp tlon of war , require five naval rende- VOUR , viz : one atNarragansettBay , at Key San Frai cicco antj on the lakes. Mourning aTJeadDog. Pfclladelp U Times. ' the b-b-best that 'Ho was , - - doggie ov-cr lived ! " sobbed Mrs. Clark , last evening as she pressed her handker chief to her eyes. "E-f-for eighteen long years he has been my companion and ch-cheered the goo-goo-gloom of my rapidly waning existence. Ko one ever had a 'bad word against Carlohe ch- charmed every one with his innocent ga-ga-gambols , " and the bereaved lady cast a desolate glance around the par lor and then out the window , which looked out upon Rittenhouse square. ' And such wise " she a dog , con- " tinned with pride , as she dried" her tears.Vhen he went out with tke nurse for his constitutional on bright days he would never notice a dog that did not wear collar dr a blanket ah he had a true aristocratic feeling. It nearly broke my heart when he died of an indigestion two weeks ago but we shall not be parted. I at once had his 151 poor dear remains taken * to an en- balmer's establishment in .New York , and they have just finished their mel ancholy task. You can see him in his coffin in the window of little a dog-fan cier store on Eighth streetbelow Locust , looking jndt a natural as ever. I shall I * ' /I , have bjm placed in my vault in t Wood land tfera'etery. ' " The Times reporter went down to look at him , and there in a small glass-top ped coffin in the window , with his feet tucked up and his tail curled in , lay all that remains of the lamented black-and- tau Carlo Leander Clark. Public Debt Statement. WASHINGTOV , January 2. Decrease of the'public debt in December , $ ll,743j- 337 ; decrease since June 30 , $53,040,463 ; cash in treasury , $075,374,200 ; gold certifi cates , $109,898,611 ; certificates of deposit , $17,5(50,0000 refunding certificates , $315,150 ; legal tenders , $34CCS1,01G ; fractional cur rency $0,789,428 ; cash balance available Jan. 1 , 1884i42,478,445. Total interest-bearing debt January 1 , 1884 , $1,276,885,150 ; matured debt , $15- 138,705 ; legal tcndern , $34(5,739,096 ; certifi cates of deposit , $14,000,000 ; gold and sil ver certificate * , $200,930,531 ; fractional cur rency , $0,089,428 ; total IntereFt-bearinfc debt , $ r G9,219G5 : ; total debt , $1,861,243- tiOO ; total interest , $12,172,323 ; cash in treas ury , $375374,200 ; debt , less cash In treas ury , $1,498,041,723. Utah's Prosperity. SALT LAKE , December 31. The Tribune's annual report on Utah und ad joining territories shows Increased prosper ity and growth. The total bullion product I of tb Pacific coast is placed at $ C5"UOO,000. ! Utah produced $8,000,000 the past year. i There has been produced In the territory since the opening of the mines by the Gen tiles , , $70,000,000. Utah's population is 170,000. Salt Lake's population IB 28,000. l It has increased 7,000 since 1880. The new buildings erected in the city the past year' number 900 , costing$1,500,000. The mites of.railroad constructed number l'43. The j Mormon emigrants for the year were 3,000. I Assessed valuatlon of the territory , $30 , - 000,000. Washington's Betirement. , Dea Moines Register. The centennial anniversary of Wash ington's resignation of his command as general of the continental armies , oc curred on Sunday last. The resigna tion took place at Annapolis- , which was the temporary capital of the young re public , but the room in which the scene was enacted , was improved out of ex- ; ence only six years ago. The great ness of the man was- never exhibited to such advantage as in this voluntary surrender of his commission just as complete success crowned the long struggle in which he had been the most conspicuous figure. His address j tti he appeared before congress for < lhe 'purpose ' of resigning was brief and j modest. Ho spoke as follows : i Sir. President The great events on I which my resignation depended having a't last taken place I present myself before congress to surrender into their hands the trust committed to me , and | to cl'iim the indulgence of retiring from the service of my country. Happy in the confirmation of onr independence ! and sovereignty , 1 resign the appoint- i ment I accepted with diffidence , which , I however , was superseded by a confidence - ! dence in the rectitude of our cause , the 1 support of the tupreme power of the I nation and the patronage of Heaven. I1 close this last act of mv ofllcial life by u luuuiy DC realized ttiat tlie teni- , re was even * down to zero. We VI- eason to congratulate ourselves 'Jhe , i the Upper Republican valley , cro ; irk ve read of the terrible weather ave been experiencing east and rec ind west. We have been having weather in comparison with the welnd is winter they are having. ce siderable loss of stock is reported liir ' , Ifrom .LUC. * A famous-general and archieologist was one day walking in Central park , when he encouatered a little girl who seemed in great distress Upon asking the cause of her trouble he found she had been hunting all the morning for a four-leaved clover , bqt had hunted in vain. "And why do you wish BO much to find one ? " asked the great man. " .Because I have been promised 50 cents-for it. " "Little girl , " said the great man , as he seated himself in the grass by her side , "I will give you what you seek. " Plucking a three-leaved clover , he cunningly attached to it a four leaf by means of an almost invisible wire which he drew from his pocket. Smil ing sweetly upon the child , he said : "Now , run with this and get your 50 cents ; then come back and we will di vide " "But , sir , this is not a real four- leaved clover , and " "Tut ! my oliild. Is your friend an American ? " "Yes , sir. " "Then run and get your money , for ! Americans enjoy being humbugged. I They prefer quantity to quality. But I should they discover the fraud that is , the restoration you must stick to it through thick and thin , and black and white , that the leaf belonged there . ' . ' originally now go. The little girl went , but she soon re turned with 50 cents , of which the great man retained 49. Placing the remain ing penny in her chubby hand , he said , with a friendly smile , "Be virtuous and you will be happy , " and , turning away , he strode proudly across the lawn and disappeared within the recesses of the Metropolitan museum. You can rent'sealskin eacque in Chicago for $50 a , .season. This is cheaper than house rent , for a woman can live in a sealskin sacque on the street all winter. [ Norristown Herald. A now ben's-nest has been patented. " ' At yonder turn Jn tangled woods ' The mountain 'brook ' is lost to me ; And yet1 ! know it still hews on And downward to the e'ea. From out the nest the robin aweeps , TViith.fjong , into the waste of air ; And yet J. know he will return , For still nlB nest ia there. The thougbtB I have of one I love Go hence , and BO are lout to me ; And vet -know thevpaHa to Him iVhodwella beyond the ea. How wend the waters to the. sea , r How : finds the bird again its nest ? Or thought o'er leaps the continents Upon love's high behest ? * * i I cannot see , I cannot tell , 'Tia past my finding out ; Yet if I know , it I believe , , Ob , wherefore can I doubt ? [ A. D. F. Kundoiph in the Congregatlon- alist. THE ART OP DRESSING. A Clint With tha B jHt Attired I.ndy on the htngc. "The art of dressing , " said Mrs. Florence , the-actress , ' to a St. Louis Globe-Democrat reporter , "may be con tained iu a nutshell corsets and I want to tell yeu one thing about them. Finn fitting corsets will make the poor est ngure'good , and "without them the most elegant drees is as nothing and loses its effect ; They should be meed loosely iro'mi > thc top ' to- the bottom , evenly perhaps a little tight at the waist what the French call cambre. Then the underwear should be or silk , and if tint'ladies should dress us I wish , they would'only wear one skirt and as little ijnderclothing'as possible. I have seen women -wear five or ? ix skirts. Above all , no .bustle the draperies 'o - the drees can be arranged as a tournure , and do , away with that obnoxious arti cle of the dress , so stiff and so ugly. " Combinations of colors for the street"I don't believe in black is-the most dis tingue dress for that purpose , or else some rich dark color , with gloves and half toi match , and , ' for car riage wear , shoes also. But let every woman ba a law unto herself , and decide after studying her complexion and figure without regard to others , what srill best suit her pecu liar style. Muscovitch is the artist who makes all my dresses. He brings mft a number 'of pieces of material , and I choose tho'color which best suits me , leaving the ganture to him , with the proviso that there shall be no hip trim- fining. Ladies inclined to embonpoint want very little trimming of .any kind either on the skirt or corsage. The tigfet fitting sleeve puffed high on the shoulder is very becoming to a thin , S9rawny arm , shortening it and giving ita round appearance. For young girls there is nothing like cjeam and fight blue for ball dresses , and for elderly ladies , garnet , a pretty shade of mauve , etc. I have seen beautiful toil ets ruined by a-poor walk and a want of art in carrying a train gracefully. The hair should be simply arranged , but flowers and feathers 1 think abom inable in the coiffure of young girls. I 'like plumes on , In dies of unoi-rtain age , fastened by a diamond aigrette , but tor young girls , no ; they wear a cr wn of glory dn their own hair an 4 nothing else. Unless shoes and stockings are in , unison with the rest of the dress it is spoiled. I have ' seen elegantly dressed ladies' stick out their feet , showing rough , badly ma'de shoes , and the beauty of their costumes vanishes immediately , like Alladdin's pal ace in the rtjpht. A cream satin slipper'and stockings are the prettiest for evening wear , the hose run through with beads- Black slippers and hose ' should be 'beaded if worn in the even ing. An essential point is where a lady is going to a reception , ball or dinner , to prepare her toilet toe day before and not waituntil , the last moment , when tfiie will make her appearance haggard and harrassed by the haste she made. The fashion of wearing evening dresses sleeveless , and cut in a deep point back and front I think 'very pretty , and at any entertainment for young or old , the throat should be left open in some way , in V or square. If you have a thin arm tie : vknot of ribbon below the shoulder to lill it out and wear long gloves. If.'the elbow is round and dimpled it should be left bare. I should suggest to every onewith , a yellow skin to use oriental cream with velontine powder ; they are both harmless and beautify .the complexion. I put on very little paint as I dislike it , and I gener ally use 'Les fleurs'des Indes , ' a pale tint of rouge and azure for darkening the eyes , which I get from Fay , in Lon don.1' ' J Bin How the Qarrnan Boy is Schooled. German Letter in hlcnao News. From the hour of his birth until he has reached the mature age of 6 years he is under the constant supervision of his parents or his nurse. He plays as children play all the world over , but his fames and pastimes are not rough , rom the moment his sensitive mind is capable of Joeing-trained , he learns obedience - dience and politeness He is not 4 years old ere he will bid a stranger good-day or good- veiling , rafsing his little hat and making his little biw at the same time. ' Between 4 and 6 he is allowed to niingle freely with the chil dren of "the neighborhood , but his play ground is always circumscribed according - ' , ing to the size ' of the garden in the rear cf the block. At 6 the law compels his parents to send him to school. From that time on he is a person of some responsibility , for his leesons must not bo neglected under any. circum stances , unless his health proves him to 'be unequal to his tasks. His school hours for the first year are not long , but noon-remaining 2:80. Then he brings home his lessons for the morrow , which , with the assistance of his parents , he. must prepare to answer for , on the next day. The second yeur of hia school-lite is a little more severe. The schools open at G in summer and 7 in winter , and long before children of his ago are awakened in America , { the street * are full of little ones hurrying to the different schools. This early class is dismissed at 8 and 9 o'clock , and the children are then expected to assist their mothers , or , as is. more frequently the case , from 10 years of ago upward , they go to the great factories or work shops where they are apprenticed and learn a trade. Indeed , the school hours are fixed thus early in order that the children may not only receive an edu cation but also learn how to make a living and help their parents to keep the wolf from the door. THE IN3ST OP THE BRASS BULL A Kitchen Hearth on Which Fire Ens lleen K * pt Ali c si Century. Hartford Courant. The old inn known as the "Brass Bull" , at Thompson was burned last week. It'was the oldest house in Wind- ham county , a large wood-colored edi fice 'of the "lean to" period , which greatly antedaated the Revolution , hav ing been built hi 1710. Over the door was a miniature bull of old-fashioned hammered brass , which was also swal lowed up in ihe names. In the days of the then great New York , Hartford and Button turnpike it was a changing sta tion forlhe stage horses , and when the stage route vanished at the approach of the railroads it feebly held its own as a summer resort. It had little diamond window-panes , wide fire-places , and outer doors cut in halves , after the orig inal New England style , which buffered , the lower part of the door to be used as a breastwork against the onslaught of t'the Indians From its situation on the ( apex of Washington Heights , a charm ing birdseye view in the different states of Massachusetts , Rhode Island , and even across Connecticut to the blue line made on tlie southern horizon by Long Island , in New York state , wvs to be gaiued. The most famous of local traditions sprung from this od house. It was cut up in all torts and nuiaher of .odd shaped rooms , and the fire on the kitch en hearth had burned for more than one hundred yeurs In fact , this was the source of the old building's ruin , for the continual heating of the stone wqrk in the great chimney charred the oaken Hour timber above , until finally the flames burst out and consumed the structure. Fur one hundred and fifty- two years it was used as a hofetlery , and it was the occasion of General Washington' sojourn at the "Brass Bull" tluiL led its courtly proprietor to dub the hill whereon it stood Washing ton Heights. Thinness Long Drawn Out. Jillwnukoo dycciol 23th. Isaac S. Spntgue , the livingskeleton , who is 40 yenr < old and has been re duced by atrophy to 40 pounds weight , said this afternoon iu regard to a ru mor that he had given his body in the interest of science to the Harvard med- ic.il college : "Yes , the story is true , and all arrangements have just been completed. 1 have agreed that when I die they shall have my bodjr ; they will firot cut it open and make a post mortem examination to find out if possible why I am so thin ; then they will put the body in alcohol and place it iu the museum of the college , where it will remain , but I'm going to need it myself for the present ; they can't have it till I get through with it. My lx dy will be pre served in the museum theie as that of Calvin Edaon in the Albany Museum. Edson died at the age of 45 , weighing only forty-five pounds. The doctors , when they cut him open , found that his thinness was caused by the narrowing of the thoracic duct , a trouble with which other members of his family were aftV.cted. His face and neck were ema ciated like the rest of his body , but mine are not , so my thinness is "prob ably due to something else. The phys icians pronounce itjto bean extreme case of progressive mu&cular atrophy. It has been going on for thirty years , while the longest other case on * record is that of a man who died after having the complaint for ten years. " Spragim is in a feeble condition , and it i ? believed he cannot live much lonsrer. General Fremont in 1356. , - Vorlc TiibiiiO Some time ago Mrs. Fremont reraark- ed'tu a lady that &hp remembered the time , probably in 1856 , when her hus band the general walked on Nantucket beach considering which presidential nomination to accept , overtures coming to him from the democratic party , which had anticipated the strength of Fremont in the pending republican convention. Mrs. Fremont t-aid that the democratic nomination meant success while the re publican uomination undoubtedly meant defeat , but with the principles General Fremont sustained he decided to take tile republican nomination. "No , " said a loud mother , speaking proudly of her 25-year-old daughter , "M.try isn't old enough to marry yet. Sh cric-J whenever anyone scolds her , and uniil she becomes hardened enough to talk back vigorously , she isn't fit for a wife. " RACIWG IN THE ANTIPODES. Scene * Around tUo Melbourne OraaJ Stand. Eon IVaacUco Ctuo&lclo. By noon the hill above the grand stand was thickly covered with a pic turesque forest of humanity ; * it looked still in the distance , but was as unrest- ng as a bee-hive when approached. This was the democratic place admis sion two shillings and it was decidedly the best point from which to see the course. It is an artificial hill built by the committee ( they could afford it on their receipts of 50,000 a year ) , and there was plenty of room on it , even when occupied by some 20,000 people. The babies could freely roll down ita turfy sides while their mammas were lost in admiration of the costumes on the lawn below , where they intend those * babies shall promenade with the besc when they grow up. The scene from this hill was woiuhrful. Beyond the high-priced lawn and inclosuro was the great "flat , " on which an ever-moving multitude stretched away into the dis tance until they looked like industrious ants. But when the bell sounded they massed themselves in a twinkling along the course and became an organic whole a long curving anaconda. When a nice was over the momentarily motionless monster broke up again into bits and was soon distributed over the plain. W hat can I say of the grand stand ? Probably U0,000 people were therein or thereabout , mostly iu costliest cos tumes some of these imported for the occasion at a cost of from 100 to 600. Tlie wonder of it ! Credulous travelers sometimes tell us of Hindoo jugglers who conjure from the floor a bush which clothes itself with blossoms while the spectator ia gazing , and it seems as it some magic had evoked this Victoria Ilegia , whose petals were brilliantly arrayed ladies. The dresses were finer in general effect than in detail. But criticism was disarmed when one saw the happy , beaming and generally intel ligent face of those so finely decorated. It was pleasant tojsco so many people , evidently of humble origin , who had grown rich enough to indulge their tastes in a matter of so much moral importance as dress. There is some thing to be said for that remark of a Frenchwoman , that "the conscious ness of being perfectly dressed affords a satisfaction not to be obtained from the consolation of religion. " Thataort oi satisfaction was visible in every fem inine face on the grand stand and its lawn , and what ia anybody else's pref erence compared with theirs ? The whole race course , its environment and arrangements , can only bo described as a work of art. Their completeness is due chiefly to the Secretary of the Victoria Racing Club , who tells mo.hj . knows nothing whatever about horses and racing. If this gentleman could only succeed in reducing or regulating ( if it is incurable ) the betting mania , he ought to go to England and teach them there how to make a race an enjoyable holiday. Epsom knows nothing of these careful preparations of tables for luncheons , or of the regiment of boys that remove all bottles and refuse from the sward in large baskets. I had nearly forgotten to say that there was some racing yesterday , too. Several times I managed to turn from the human attractions and observed small islets of variegated caps and sash es floating around the pear-shaped course , dark streaks of steeds beneath them , foam of dust in their wake. Each horse and rider were fixed in one Centaur form , and it was not without beauty. But even the strained'sinews were less pleasing than the continuous murmur that accompanied the muffled drum-beat of the hoofs , rising through all the scale the single voice of the hundred thousand to break at last in a wild cheer to the victor. In that cheer I joined inwardly , but it was with elation at beholding such a vast con course of human beings , with shining faces and glud voiclj , lorming together a magnificent picture of human health , wealth and happiness framed , in the scenery of a fresh and prosperous land. COMMERCIAL. OMAHA. WHEAT No. 2 77 BARLEY .So. 2 fiO RYE No. 3 45X CORN No. 2 43 OATS No. 2 FLOUR Wheat Graham. . 275 CUOP PEC u Percwt 90 SHORTS rer ton 1400 ORAXGEg Per box 5 25 LEMONS Per box 7 00 ( a 723 APPLES Per barrel 3 75 ( a 450 BUTTKK Creamery 33 & 35 BUTTKR Choice country. 15 ( d 18 EGGS Fresh 21 © 2 HAMS Perfb SHOULDERS Per tb 1 POTATOES Choice 40 © 50 HAY In bulk , per ton. . . 6 00 © 700 LARD Refined per to. . . . 10 SUKEP 3 00 © 350 CATTLK 3 50 © 450 HOGS 400 & 4 23 CAJLVKb 5 00 © COO CHICAGO. WHEAT Per buebel CORN Per bushel , . 42 * OATH Per bushel. . . PORK 14 23 © 14 30 LAUD 8 75 © 8 77K HOGS Mixed 5 10 © 5 60 CATTLE Exports . , 0 00 © 6 60 SHEEP Medium to good. . 4 00 © 4 50 ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel 1 Oli © 1 03 CORN Per bushel 47 © 43X OATS Per bushel 31 CATTLK Exports 6 00 © 630 SHKKP 3 50 © 425 HOGS Mixed 4'5 © 410 The beautiful sn . Beg pardon. The handsome and correct thing in the way of a shower of conge iled r in is at present going on. [ Pittsburg Tele graph.