„ - . * * ' OOK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. - - - - - . . . . ' . . - . - - - - - - - - - . _ _ . . _ t _ _ L - _ _ . _ _ - - . _ - _ , _ - _ _ . _ . in- . . . - rir-i T .1- - _ -m-n - , - . T-TT .ni im 1 | - . VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DEC. 13 , 1833. NUMBER 28. I. J. STARBUCK , ' ) , ' Attorney at Law , McCocK - NEBRASKA. Will Rlvc slvi1. npcclnl attention to the practice of Ituv. nml milking colIfctloiiM. f3y OHIct' ( SecondMoclcnorttiof depot , 2 deere nortli n'M dm ; ? hiurc. JOHN A. LEE , Merchant Tailor. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. McCooK : : NEBRASKA. PAGE T. FBANCIS , 'County Surveyor. Red Willow ; County. Keeps certified plats' -of all lamls li the Hitchcock liuicl iliitrlct. Special attention Driven tci all such busiuusid. Correspondence solicit ed. . 13-tf. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Craiuita Hciiil Ecpirtseit Olllcc In rear of Citizen's Hank , where lie can be fonml when not professionally JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , . - NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully given on nil kinds of work. Mest of references. Address for the present by mull. 10-lyr. COJSTGrDOlS1 & CLIFF , Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. C. L. XBTTLETON , Supt , Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations nt Indiunohi on the third Saturday of every month , commencing sit 9 o'clock , A.M. SVtf. AV. 31. SANDERSON , House & Sign Painter. McCooK : , - NEBRASLA. . ( 0' All work guaranteed. Give me a call. WM. McINTYRE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. AH work warranted. All material furnished If desired. Work done on short notice. J. E. COCH11AN , Attorney at Law , 11:0002 , BED WILLOW COUiTTT , N3B. Practice in any Courts of the state and Kan sas , and the government Land Olticc of this District , and before the Land Department at Washington. Satisfaction guaranteed , and terms reasonable. Olflce 1st door south of the U. S. Land Oflice. 28-lyr. STANDARD LAUNDRY WAX ! ( Preserves Linen , gives a \ beautiful finish , prevents the \ iron from sticking , saves labor. 5 Cents a Cake. Ask your Storekeeper for it. Standard Oil Co. , CLEVELAND , - - - OHIO. SADDLES & HARNESS. Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , \ HARNESS , BRIDLES , B COLLARS , \ - . . BRUSHES/ : - COMBS , T > WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. PATENTS F. A. Lrhmann , Solicitor of American and Foreign patents , Washington , D. C. Alt business connected ArtfJi Patents , -whether before the Patent Office or flic Courts , promptly attended to. No charge made , - unless a patent Is secured. Send for circular. 25-C. . C. LATOURETTE , II DEALER IN | HARDWARE , 8TOYESQUEENSWAEE ? * Agricultural Implements t yf J2U The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. Sign of the BIG AX. Three Doors South of P. 0. McCook , - Red Willow County , - Nebraska , A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THE AND 9 Estey Cabinet Organs ! * - - * " -tnjr-- Sold low for cash , or on easy payments , or rented until tlie rent pays for the organ. Catalogue With Price-List and Full Description Free. M. A. SPALDING , Agent. McCOOK , - - - . NEBRASKA. LOAN AGENCY a. L. LAWS , \V1LL SECURE LOANS ON TOWN PROPERTY in McCool' , and on- DEEDED CLAIMS In Red Willow and adjacent counties. Office : Land Office , McCook.XebrasUa. D. KENDALL'S AND Favorite Resort Is the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Nuts , Etc. Billiard &Ppol Table CALL andENJOYYOURSELYES RHEUMATISM ! Immediate Relief in all Cases by Dr. Rush's Cured of Rheumatism in 2 Hours. BUFFALO , X , Y. , May 2. 1882. Dr. Hush's Medical Association : GENTLEMEN" . I havu liecn troubled with rhpiima- tNni for two yours. I trli'd all tin ; licst advertNt'il oils nnd llnlniuiitH. r.nd ninny llrst-class pliysluljnt without rcllL'f. Tliclast Dr. \ijltrilrecoinnicmlccl lii. HfMi'.s "KLOOD HOOT OIL , " I purclin .ctla large bottle for ilfty cents , und applied It. In two hours I wns relieved and now I am entirely wll. Its 1'lTw.ts are wonderful , niul I believe It tlie only tiling in tlie world which will curu'rhuuinntUm. Truly yours. JOHN' 1I17TCHIXSOX. S'J Krle St. , UnJTalo , N. Y. DR. RUSH'S BLOOD ROOT OIL Ills no equal In the world as a Liniment or Oil. It Is a cheap , safe , simple and Ki-.re external remedy for man and I > ca t. It never falls to cure RHEUMATISM ! Xeuraljrla , Sciatica. Lumliitfro , Itnrknchc. Sorcnes ol the Chest , Gout , Qutimy , Sole Thro.it , Swellings and Sprains. Hums and Hi-alds , General Itodlly 1'a'ns , Tooth.Kar and Headache , Fronted Keet nnd Ean. . nnd nil other Pains and Aciies. It Is put up In two sizes. 1'rlcc 23 and 50 rents. Sold by druggist everywhere , or M-nt direct upon receipt of price l > y DIE. ISfsti's MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Nuiula , N. Y. , U. S. A , A. PROBST , Prop. , KEEPS OX HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. C&kes M&de on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can set hot coffee , etc. CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT CURES CRACKED HOOFS , SPRAINS , SCRATCHES and SORES IX HORSES , CATTLE and SHEEP. Ask your storekeeper for it. or write direct to the manufacturers. AMERICAN LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY , Cleveland , - - Ohio. GLEANINGS from EXCHANGES IIoiDREDJK is wrestling with" the water supply question. MINNIE HAUCK sang that everlasting ' Suwanee lliver" here. Ten thousand ilollais reward will be paid by this jour nal to any singer who has never hcaid that song. Kepublican. THE largest locomotive ever built is now under construction in Sacramento by the Central Pacific railroad. Tlie engine and tender will weigh 105 tons , and will be sixty feet , five inches long. THE Philadelphia , idea as interpreted by the Bulletin is that New York is English in its finance and commerce , Irish in its politics and French in its morals. It should have added Ameri can in its progressiveness. AT last it is explained why Anna Dickinson finally determined to aban don the stage. A German statistician has discovered that a leading actress has one.chance in 84G of becoming the consort of a prince belonging to a reign ing family. Anna docs not want to become a consort. " \ViiKN they want something down at Cincinnati they want it badly. The Commercial-Gazette says : ' 'When : i stout spring wagon , driven by : t bold looking man , aiid drawn by a foaming horse , is seen careering down the street , it is uofe always- safe to bet that it is a police patrol wagon rushing to a fire. It may be the brewery relief , responding to a telephone call of distress from a dis tant saloon that has run out of beer. " THE Albion Xcws says : Tlie mar- riageable young ladies of a. western town recently held a convention and among the resolutions passed is the fol lowing sensible one : "That we will not marry any one who is not a patron of his home newspaper , for it is not only a strong evidence of a want of in telligence , but that he will prove too stingy to provide for his family , educate his children , or encourage institutions of learning in his community. ' ' CHARACTERISTIC prayer offered by Elder Littlejohn in 1S5UOh , Lord , there is great wickedness and rising towns. Therefore , 0 Lord , we crave Thy blessiu. XowTMilwaukee , just- sprung up , is bad ; Chicago , ' another mushroom , is worse. Yet do Thou , Lord , bless and improve them. Then there is Michigan City , a place of sand and whisky , and Cuporte , of mud and wickedness ; and indeed , they need Thy blessing. And there is Soutli Bend , and also } Ciles7 which think' themselves righteous. Lord , they need Thy bless ing. And here is Mishawaka. which boasts itself something , but has nothing but self-righteousness. Good Lord , open its eyes , that it may receive Thy blessing. Then we have Elkhart , and Bristol , and Mottville little things , but wiikedDo , Lord , bless them. " ' Then , pausing for breath , and raising his voiceto its highest pitch : ' : And lastly , then , dear , good Lord , even bless Constantine , where Governor Barry sells whisky at three cents a glasi ! Amen. " Detroit Post. The BLTEIIS * 34 , Fall and Winter , 1SS3 , k gives wholesale prices direct I ( o consumers on evarythin-r you use , eat , drink , wear , or _ have fun. with. Tells how to order with exact cost , 21G pages larsc once 3,3OO illustrations a vliolt picturegallery. . Contains information gleaned from the markets of the -world. 2so other price-book in existence contains as much information. Sentircctoanyad- dressuponreceiptofpostage(7cts ( ) . Let us hear from vow , orTisit us when in our city. . Near Exposition Buildings. Ket-pectfully MONTGOMERY WARD & GO. 237 & 229 Wobaab Avenue , CiUcnso , IIS I